Social media button widget. Social media buttons

Hi all! Today we will talk about the five most interesting services where you can easily and quickly choose appearance social buttons for the site and get the corresponding code.

Check the boxes you need and select the appearance of the block. The code is generated automatically.

The operator of the page whose content you share does not need a profile on the relevant social network. Among other things, the following networks support sharing or a similar function. In the following, however, you "love" you as a reader profile of the site's operator.

To do this, you use your own profile, but the site operator must have a corresponding profile or page on the relevant social network. The corollary of the corollary is that you will see future profile posts that follow on your own timeline or be otherwise informed about them.


Google +1 allows users to vote for your portal page and share it with their friends on the Google+ social network. The more votes it gets, the better Google will treat it, so try to choose a size for it in a larger way and place it in a prominent place.

Fans are one of the most obvious indicators in most social networks. To encourage your website visitors to follow you online, you can use the social media buttons. These buttons are just pictures with links to your profile.

This, for example, you can, for example. In addition to classic job portals, social media channels offer an additional recruiting opportunity. The use of social media in human resource management is gaining popularity and is increasingly valued by companies as positive. It shows many advantages over conventional formats. Social media campaigns serve different purposes. A company's reputation can be enhanced by viral attention. Entertaining, added and above all targeted content. Texts, images and videos can be shared and then shared, read and commented on by members, so your information spreads quickly.

Customize the size and appearance of the button, select the Russian language. Advanced settings are unlikely to be useful to you. As you can see, it will receive social buttons from Yandex and Google very easily and quickly. Literally two mouse clicks and you're done! offers an orange Share button (or orange +) containing a huge number of various social networks, bookmarks and services. The most popular social networks can be removed from the general list and placed separately next to Share. In addition, the service offers analytics and statistics on reader activity. You must register on to access it.

The goal of image enhancement can be achieved through social commitment. Social engagement comes through dialogue with your followers and increases your credibility as well as your popularity. Through communication with your target groups, new and existing relationships can be maintained. You can also advertise your own product, services, and job postings. On the networks, your job ad will find the right candidate because it is offered to the right members or can be recommended by clicking on it after it is published.

If you did everything correctly and the folder with the script is really loaded into the root directory, then its address will be Specify it in paragraph 3 of the "Installing the script on the site" section.

In the fourth step you are asked to select your site if you are using it. Depending on the checked item, the code below will change somewhat.

How do I post, share and translate job postings to social media channels?

Most of the communication takes place on the Internet. You can also post paid ads directly in communities. Staging: Take a link to your work and add it to the "News" of your company profile or to your profile. Choose an image for a post that is of interest and make sure the text isn't too long. Body text: On this post, you can add short texts to make it more engaging, as well as hashtags # to make certain content on certain social media topics more easily accessible. This post text appears above your post. Share the post: invite colleagues, partners and other contacts to quickly spread the announcement and expand your reach. Share your job posting with specific groups that match your target audience. In this case, you should first check if you can post ads and share them in the relevant groups. Contact the group administrator.

  • Create a profile: create a profile on the selected networks and be careful.
  • The "News" shows the current updates of your network.
  • Your classified ads will now appear in your network's news feed.
You will find more favorable opportunities to switch jobs.

Now you need to insert the code from step number 5 to your site. For the horizontal block of social buttons, everything is simple - where you insert it, it will be displayed there. With a floating vertical it is somewhat more difficult.

In the last line of code, you should specify the distance in pixels from the beginning of the page (150 in the example) and from the top of the visible area (20 in the example) to the floating panel.

The economical option allows you to target specific parameters for many filter settings. These vacancies also cover members who are not actively looking for a job but are open to new challenges. This gives you a higher range. The analysis and evaluation features can be used to streamline processes and improve your recruiting success. This means you always have the metrics at your fingertips.

Create a social media screen: define the goal and the exact target group for the position display. Start and test several campaigns with different texts, graphics and images at the same time to compare and then optimize them. This means that you pay per click on the ad amount - currently $55. Another suggestion for switching ads to work is to contribute a daily budget. For more product information, follow the link. Choose an eye-catching image and a suitable title and description.

If you don’t know where exactly to insert the code, the “scientific poke” method will always come to the rescue - sooner or later you will succeed, and the panel will appear in the right place.

The last thing to do is copy the styles from step #6 into your site's stylesheet file - with the .css extension. Most often, this file is called style.css.

And now the highlight of the program is the social buttons with counters that I currently use on my blog! Look simply gorgeous! Two sizes are available - small and large. By the way, people click on icons with counters much more willingly. I even noticed this myself.

Above the image you can place a short text. Add a caption and call to action. You can choose a daily or temporary budget, and you can enter the total amount you want to spend. For most advertisements, the smallest amount that can be spent per day is between 1 and 5 euros. More detailed information about the products can be found at. This makes your site popular because your visitors advertise their contacts. Social media buttons and social bookmarks attract new visitors.

But also search engines consider it a recommendation if the site is distributed by users! You will learn how to integrate these buttons and what options are available. We have also compiled a list of the most important social networks for you. You can just copy the code, so you don't have to search the internet for long.

To learn how to install them on your blog, read the "Important Information" section:

The first code is responsible for the functionality of the buttons, we insert it before the closing head tag, which in WordPress themes is located in the header.php template.

There is a lot of swirl around the data protection issues surrounding social media buttons these days - or not. We also consider this problem and its proposed technical solutions. We tested the solution, but no. This is the result of a long-term study of the technical universities in Darmstadt and Dresden, which was published on Friday. For the first time, Sportde's special interest page has become one of the ten most popular online media.

To a favorite story, however, was a thought-provoking video from the Lecture Theater of Bielefeld. Real usage activity, which can be determined, for example, by sharing news articles, is more reliable. Social networks are an integral part of the Internet. More than 30 percent of people around the world use social media. This promises numerous opportunities for companies. There are over 90 various networks social networks with millions of users around the world. So how do you increase a company's visibility in the social media world and reach as many customers as possible?

< script src= "//" >

The second code is responsible for displaying them. We put it in that place source code page where the icons should appear.

< div class = "yashare-auto-init" data- yashareLink= "" data- yashareTitle= "" data- yashareDescription= "" data- yashareImage= "" data- yashareQuickServices= "yaru,vkontakte,facebook,twitter,odnoklassniki,moimir,gplus" data- yashareTheme= "counter" data- yashareType= "small" >

Notice the data-yashareType="small" attribute. The size of the icons is set here: small - small, big - large. Everything ingenious is simple.

Solve Specific Networks

The key to success is distributing content across multiple platforms. Thus, you can join various social networks. However, saving all profiles will save you time and resources. Often, however, you will also be communicating as a person or social media manager - for example, reaching out to someone or finding a solution to a specific problem. Use multi-platform access Your message on these networks can be seen and viewed in different ways.

Example 1: Finding an employee

Do you have to post identical information everywhere? We do not recommend doing this. In two examples, we would like to show you how to effectively use the power of multiplatform messaging. The goal is to read the right person and apply for it.

How to add social button code to the site

We figured out the script from Share42, now let's look at how best to add the code of social buttons from other services to the Internet resource.

The button code consists of two parts:

1. A script enclosed between tags that looks something like this:

And already the code responsible for displaying social buttons should be inserted anywhere on the site.

Example 2: new product or service, new service

The goal is to fuel interest and create a need that eventually leads to sales. Blog: Provide your expertise and experience in this product. For example, if you own a bike shop, list the ten most important criteria for making decisions about buying a bike.

Be creative and relentless

Participate in discussions, for example, at the Tour de France. Let your network know that you are the exclusive supplier of this special bike brand.

  • Keep your company page up to date.
  • Join relevant groups.
The examples above show just two of the many ways social media can be used to engage customers and gain attention through custom messaging. There is no great way to market on social media. Each company and each target group has its own needs that need to be investigated.

That's all, thanks for your attention. Take care of yourself!

If you are afraid that you are being watched on the Internet, turn off your computer.

Every webmaster, sooner or later, thinks about installing social buttons on his site. After all, now some people cannot imagine their life without social networks, why deprive them of their opportunities in sharing your articles? But over time, many social button services lose their minds and do what they want with their codes, stuffing everything they don't need into it. It is for this paranoid idea that in this article you will find the codes for the cleanest social media sharing buttons for your website.

It's no secret that almost all social button services leak information about your users wherever they need it. Oh my God! Can't be! I just found out about it! - Congratulations! They also need to somehow use you, for their work and for their efforts. They did good services, with great functionality, convenience and "quality". You just have to choose what you need and put the code where you need it. And that's it. And what is the benefit to them for free to do such maneuvers on the Internet? Right. No. So, from time to time, each such office fires on the drain of data into some DMP.

Take the time to customize your posts to suit your platform. Use a multi-threaded approach for your messages and wait for a response. Post your content at a different time and with a different content description.

  • Find out when your offer is most relevant to your customers.
  • Be creative with your customers to stand out from the crowd.
  • Always include a call to action - a call to action.
  • Trying to go to school.
Finally, we have summarized the most important points, statistics and features of the most popular platforms in Germany.

I will not describe each of these services, they all have good functionality, some unique features, but I have no desire to present them separately. Made a short list below.

List of the most popular social button services for the site

If you do not have enough time, or you are too lazy to do more than a couple of movements of the hands and phalanges, then you can safely use these services. They are great for websites as well as visitors. But no one guarantees 100% security of user data, 100% of their DNS and loading of your sites. Those. if there was a failure on the servers of social buttons, then your sites will load slower than usual. Yes, it happens rarely, but it happens. Of course, you can set up asynchronous loading of these scripts, optimize their work, but this is already more than a couple of movements that I wrote about for the lazy.

Always keep it in the back of your head when writing messages for various networks. At least not if you're sharing photos, videos, and other digital content on your profile that isn't yourself - and that can be costly.

So what can you publicly share? Debt is the countless pictures, videos, and other digital content that social media users share with other users on a daily basis. Either you created the image, or the video itself, or you have written permission to post it. And that social media is another great source of traffic for your blog.

Of course, there are social network codes on the Internet that are placed inside your site and do not leak information anywhere, but many of them contain external links to the same social networks. Webmasters do not like external links, and therefore, for the most paranoid webmasters, I have collected ready-made codes based on the script, for which I actually thank them.

That is why it is important not to neglect them and share your articles. The more you share, the more social media traffic you will get. And the more traffic you get, the more your articles will be exposed. And so we repeat the cycle. Do you really think that spending a little time making social media buttons that are bright and work well is not a good idea?

Installing a social media plugin is one of the first things you should do when you already have a blog and are writing on it, as the more you make it easier for your readers to read, the better results you will get in terms of distribution.

The installation example of this code is not for those who do not know the basics of HTML or CSS, but if you have the hands and a little time, you will succeed if you follow the instructions strictly. And so we went:

They look like this:

Six social networks are configured according to the standard: Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, Google Plus, Twitter. There are more than 30 of them in the script settings, but all this is set separately at will. The advantages of these buttons, as the authors state, with which I fully agree:

  • Excellent display on any device (Yes, they are responsive to any screen size)
  • Clean code - fast and secure site (only the script, CSS and Font are loaded, which are only on your server)
  • All share-technologies of mobile messengers in one script (All sorts of Telegrams)
  • SEO friendly - no links
  • Does not contain pictures
  • What does the script itself do, and why was it necessary to do this script at all? The script of these buttons contains all the APIs of all social networks, and the script makes any place on the site an active sharing block.

    For example, you can put it on empty DIV blocks, or Span, or pictures, or empty links, and almost any element of the site can be turned into these buttons. In my example I used a script on empty divs.

    As for the pictures, there aren't any. The icons you see are taken from the font, it's just a symbol and nothing more.

    You can download the buttons archive by .

    Installing these buttons is very easy. There are only four files in the archive: Font, CSS, JS, and TXT.

    1). You need to upload the font to any folder on your server, you can drop it in the same place where your JS or CSS are.

    2). Then upload the JS to your server, and render it on your site with code anywhere, but I recommend at the very bottom of the page:

    This script consists of two parts, the first is Jquery, the second is the button code itself. If you already have Jquery enabled on your site, then you can remove the first part of the code and thereby reduce the file size.

    IMPORTANT: (for those who removed the jquery code part) the button script must be loaded after the jquery script.

    3). After installing JS and font, you should add CSS to your website. Just copy the entire contents of the soc.css file into one of your site's included CSS.

    IMPORTANT: In line 82 of the soc.css file, change the URL to your Font location!

    4). After all this, copy the HTML code from the HTML.TXT file to your site where you want to see these wonderful buttons.

    In the structure of the script, it is possible to install counters for sharing social networks, but you can read more details in their documentation on the site.

    And you can check the work of the script just below these lines, because it is he who is installed on my blog.

    Thank you for your attention, if you have questions about the installation, write comments.

    With you was, lazy Staurus.