Error on page explorer. Internet Explorer Errors and Solutions

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IE6 is the most popular and outdated application on the market called the Internet. This is the most remarkable browser of 2000. He did not just gain his popularity, he had something to love for, and you can try to love him now, when he is too slowly moving towards 50% of the market.

The report talks about layout decisions that bring IE in line with the vision of w3c standards. I'll show you how to make thin css thick javascript

First, I will share the most annoying browser errors that make you not only write separate styles, but also adjust the document markup to match it.

HTML errors

  • Pictures. If the title attribute is missing, a tooltip pops up, the text of which is taken from alt (ie6, ie7);
  • label. The label tag needs a for attribute. Even for such a convenient design (ie6);
  • PNG. Does not support transparency (ie6).

CSS errors

  • guidance(:hover). Works only for the a tag which has the href attribute (ie6);
  • Transparency. Own implementation (ie6, ie7). Incorrectly displays transparent elements without a background;
  • Inheritance. inherit(ie6, ie7);
  • :first-child, :last-child. You have to assign a class (ie6, ie7) to the element.


Semantically correct layout dictates its own conditions. The bundle with Firefox + Firebug + Web Developer Toolbar has become a convenient tool. Internet Explorer increasingly began to run under emulation on Linux and Mac, this leads to the fact that the site is tested for it last. Even windows developers have to install two versions at the same time - 6 and 7.

And designers are submitting increasingly complex page layouts based on new browser advancements. They also have Safari3

And the deeper a professional goes into layout, the more he stumbles over Internet Explorer. Unusual, unexpected, strange solutions appear. Then they look for some script that solves all their problems. As usual, there is no universal solution, and you have to look for other ways.

Connecting Styles

Since styles can be very complex, I prefer not to mix rules for versions 6 and 7 in the same file, much less merge them with the main styles of the document. For the seventh version, 10-20% of the lines of the sixth version are usually written. Common styles for both versions are included via the @import construct. Sometimes it is enough that the file of the sixth version simply additionally includes the file from the seventh.

ie6.css and ie7.css
@import url(ie.css);

DHTML Behaviors

Behaviors were designed to describe the specific functionality and behavior of an element. Inside htc is a full-fledged JScript, tied to some element and document events, such as mouse hover or the end of page loading.

Connected with a very simple CSS construct:

behavior: url(;

Let's look at software solutions.

Whatever: hover


In my opinion, the only popular extension that changes exactly the behavior. Treats :hover and :active properties well.

To set it, you need to register it anywhere in the styles:

>body ( behavior: url( )

It needs a fully loaded page to work, after which it starts parsing the available styles. After finding the :hover and :active keywords for the style, it looks for anchored elements in the document. If found, it fires the onmouseover and onmousedown events, which add the onhover class.

Unfortunately, it has its downsides.

  • The A tag without the href="" attribute still doesn't work;
  • With a large document or style file, the browser can take up a lot of computer resources because it re-parses the document;
  • Works only at the time of loading, for new elements created, for example, by javascript, a new connection is required, or such an entry * ( behavior: url(""); noticeably loads the browser;
  • With nested :hover , it doesn't always behave correctly.



Solves the problem with the alpha channel in png for 5.5 and 6 versions. Connection:

img, div ( behavior: url( )

where div is the background layer. Implemented using the AlphaImageLoader filter. To solve the problem with non-clickable links, sets all children of the applied element to style="position: relative" . Great for small images in small quantities. Congenital disadvantages appear on complex layouts:

  • position: relative doesn't help if the behavior is overlaid on a layer with a position other than static;
  • When the server returns images slowly, or if they are large, the user can see images for some time without applying a filter;
  • Shows in the status line how many images it still has left to process, something like this: “15 left”;
  • To work with pictures, you need a transparent gif.


In order to evaluate the pros and cons of "expressions" (expression), behavior-based solutions have been described above. The special construction expression is considered to be the cure for everything. Thanks to it, full-fledged JavaScript expressions can be written directly in the CSS file.

#id (
property: expression(javascript code);

The property can be existing or fictional. Chinese coders often use the nonexistent star property.
The hardest part about understanding expressions is the non-standard syntax. New commands are not separated by semicolons or line breaks, but by commas. The most logical thing to assume is a function. Those. we pass parameters to the function, and it already executes them.

Expression has several features:

  • runs continuously unless the CSS property is overridden (see "Optimization");
  • executed instantly;
  • the this keyword is optional, the expression is equivalent to the simple style ;
  • comments work /* */ , despite the fact that we are inside css;
  • you can use external functions or libraries if they are declared or included in html;
  • spaces can cause an error, although this is rare;


The basis of optimization is overriding CSS properties that contain expression. You can access them using:

  • style
  • currentStyle
  • runtimeStyle

style is the style of the particular html element. We can only read properties from currentStyle, but currentStyle contains all CSS properties, even those that the browser itself does not understand. We can both read and redefine properties from runtimeStyle, but only those properties that the browser understands. Note that these properties are specific to the node, not the CSS rule. If we change the runtimeStyle , then the changes apply to a specific node.

I will give an example of optimization. Let's say we have buttons with transparency.

Button1 ( opacity: .1 )

Button2 ( opacity: .2 )

Button3 ( opacity: .3 )

Button4 ( opacity: .4 )

For ie, the entries are usually duplicated:

Button1 ( filter: alpha(opacity=10 ) )

Button2 ( filter: alpha(opacity=20 ) )

Button3 ( filter: alpha(opacity=30 ) )

Button4 ( filter: alpha(opacity=40 ) )

But we can apply an expression:

( filter: expression("alpha(opacity=" +currentStyle.opacity *100 +")" ) )

IE not frozen? On four buttons should not. But for ten or more, it sometimes hangs and crashes. This happens because for each movement of the mouse across the page or the execution of JavaScript code, expression is recalculated. You can avoid recalculation by simply redefining the filter at the beginning of the expression:

Button1, .button2, .button3, .button4

( filter: expression(runtimeStyle.filter = "alpha(opacity=" +currentStyle.opacity *100 +")") )

In the presentation to the report, there is a more detailed example.

Thus, our expression is quickly applied when the page is loaded and then the script creates new nodes.

This optimization method is only suitable for "static" elements that do not need to change their display dynamically. Changing the parent class, adjusting the height of the window, and emulating position: static are all problem areas of optimization. It is better not to optimize them, but to use them less often.

An Internet Explorer error has occurred, the application will close...

Such a message is sometimes issued by Windows when viewing a page containing ActiveX components. There may be several solutions.

  • To solve the problem in a hurry, launch Internet Explorer open the menu Tools>Internet Options. And in the window that appears, go to the tab Security. Choose a zone Internet and press the button Another. In the list of security options, in the ActiveX controls and plug-ins group, for all options, select Disable.
  • Or, as Microsoft advises, you should install update 890923 or SP2 for Windows XP.

Do I pay to visit sites?

There is a legend among users that visiting some sites is "more expensive" than others, supposedly the owners of certain resources set the fee on their own. This is not entirely true. The fact is that if you follow the elementary security rules - when you do not enter true data about yourself on suspicious sites - the site owners will not even be able to find out your phone number or last name. Not to mention billing you for visiting your resource. The only time you can pay to visit a site is when you are required to enter your credit card information. You don't need to do this. The result of such imprudence may be that someone else will pay with your card.

So what do users pay for on the Internet? This is determined by your ISP, but the most common "measure" is incoming traffic. That is, the amount of information downloaded to your computer. Moreover, it should be noted that it is not necessary to download some files from the Internet in order for incoming traffic to grow. It is enough just to surf the sites, because when you load a page, you automatically download all its contents to your computer - pictures, text, advertising banners. Therefore, it turns out that visiting a site is expensive for you, but the reason is not in the rates of the resource itself, but in in large numbers pictures. The more pictures (and the better quality they are), the more incoming traffic.

Some providers, when billing customers, are tied not to traffic, but to the time spent on the network. In this case, visiting a site with a large number of images is also more expensive, because it takes longer to load.

I only read text on websites and don't want to pay for pictures. How to turn them off?

Adherents of the browser from Microsoft should do the following. Launch Internet Explorer and follow the menu Tools>Internet Options, in the window that opens, go to the tab Additionally. In section Multimedia uncheck the boxes: Display pictures, Play sounds on web pages, Play videos on web pages. Click the button Apply and restart Internet Explorer. Keep in mind that after the changes made, the sites will look a little different, in some cases completely different. You can return everything back by checking the boxes you are looking for.

If you use Firefox, then I suggest you pay attention to the following add-ons: Adblock Plus (I wrote about it earlier) and ImgLikeOpera (I also wrote earlier). You can install the above add-ons at

To work on the Internet, I need to register some kind of "proxy", where can I do it?

"Proxy" is a special proxy server that acts as an intermediary between users and the Internet. As a rule, it performs protective functions and slightly speeds up work on the global network. However, before the browser needs to "explain" that you are going to use a proxy server to access the network. Be sure to check with other users for the proxy server address. In the main window of Internet Explorer, open the menu Tools>Internet Options, in the opened window Internet Options go to tab Connections press the button LAN setting. A window will appear on the screen Setting local network , in section Proxy server check the box Use a proxy server and in the fields that have become active The address and Port specify the required parameters. Perhaps you have recorded information about the "proxy" in this form: What is to the left of the colon is the address, what is after is the port.

How to download from YouTube?

On the notorious often there are interesting videos, but, unfortunately, the developers of the service made the ability to download files very implicit. At least, I solved this problem with the help of a third-party resource -

Enter in a special line of this site, a link to a YouTube video. Click on the button Save video. Save the file to your hard drive. Wait for the download to complete and rename the file you are looking for, adding the FLV extension to it.

After that, the file can be viewed by any player that supports viewing FLV files. For example, MediaPlayerClassic .

Some sites start with www. What does this mean?

The www prefix for writing an Internet address is not a technical necessity. Once upon a time, the prefix www was used to indicate that an address belonged to an Internet space called the World Wide Web (WWW).

The only problem is that some people, and sometimes small providers, consider the prefix www not only an integral part of the address of any site on the Internet, but even create sites that simply do not respond without this Internet atavism.

Reader Letter #1

The enterprise network. The administrator connected everyone and set the password change every 2 weeks. You have no idea how tired it is to invent and change ... I created an account with administrator rights. From this name I boot, but in the list of users there is no name that our administrator assigned to me (I want to make the password permanent). I even boot without a domain, still there is no one account in the list. Is there a way out? And I can’t find my name anywhere (what is shown when you press the Start button), I even searched in the registry. Bypassing the domain policy is almost impossible.

In this case, there is no way out. The domain user (under which you work) is not displayed in the list of local users. All that remains of it is the profile in the C:\Documents and Settings folder.

With all the variety of browsers that allow you to comfortably access the Internet, many people prefer to use the built-in OS Windows software. Like any other program, the use of such elements can sometimes lead to the following information on the PC monitor screen: explorer.exe application error. What to do in such a situation? Let's figure it out.


There can be many reasons for the appearance of "explorer exe error":

  • Infection with malicious elements.
  • Use of limited rights when the BHO add-on is installed.
  • There is a conflict in the OS registry.
  • The absence of an element important for the use of the program.

All this can lead to complications, which means you should understand what to do if a syntax error pops up in root explorer or another problem arises.

troubleshooting process

You need to start with the simplest. That is, if it is not possible to find the server or the dns internet explorer error, then you need to deal with the previously installed Browser Helper Object add-on.

The same setting results in an error internet script explorer - how to remove the trouble that has arisen? For this you need:

  1. Find and uninstall BHO applications or remove them manually.
  2. Run a registry check using the sfc.exe /scannow command.

To restart a computer. If an error on internet page explorer still occurs, or manifests itself even earlier, then other methods should be considered.

Other troubleshooting options

One of possible causes the occurrence of an internet explorer certificate error or the system simply does not want to work, it is not clear why, is a virus infection.

Therefore, the first step is to launch antivirus programs and perform a full scan. operating system. If internet explorer help certificate errors still manifest themselves after this process, then you should consider completely replacing the file itself that is responsible for running this software.

To do this, insert into the drive boot disk with the operating system used. Find with File Explorer or Total Commander the desired file and copy it to the root folder of the installed system.

If none of the proposed methods helped answer the question, you will have to use the "OS Recovery" function. This operation can be carried out using a disk with an operating system or if an AVZ antivirus program is used on the PC.

In the second case, you need to run the program. Then select the "File" menu. In it - "restore the system". Before starting work, you should carefully check the boxes where necessary, and only after that start the procedure.

If none of the proposed methods helps, and this situation occurs only when you try to access the Internet, then you can try installing another browser. Otherwise, only reinstalling the OS will help.

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