Comodo Firewall is the best free firewall for Windows. How to set up Comodo Firewall - before there were only antiviruses Reset user rules in comodo firewall

Instructions for installing Comodo Firewall on a Windows PC.

1. At the very beginning of the installation, you must select the Russian language from the list of suggested ones in order to understand the complex settings of the program.

2. In the next dialog box, uncheck additional features and DO NOT enter an email address.
In addition, you need to click on the “Configure upgrade” button in this window and perform some manipulations.

3. In the upgrade settings, remove the checkmarks from Geek Buddy and Dragon Web Browser.

geek buddy - another reason to smile if you know English and can translate this expression. This is a small application "for lamers" that will provide you with 60 days free help from the technical support of this firewall.

This means that if you have any questions, you can easily write\call in the USA and consult in English with their team.

Since we are already great, and you can ask questions on our site - we will not use this opportunity :-)

Dragon Web Browser is a browser that provides supposedly safe web surfing.
In fact, we do not need it, because the security of surfing will suit us with Komodo Firewall, so we uncheck this item.

Press “Back” -> “I agree. Install” and start installing the firewall.

4. After a while, the program will ask you to restart your computer. We save everything open documents and click "Yes".

5. As soon as the computer is restarted, the program will automatically introduce you to its products and capabilities.
To avoid this case in the future, check the box next to “Do not show this window again” and close it.

Firewall setup.

1. After installing Commodo, the firewall will start to complain to you that some applications climb into the Internet to be updated. In this regard, you can either allow them to do this or prohibit them.

Your choice will be permanent and the system will remember it, i.e. if you forbid / allow some application to be updated once, after restarting the computer
Komodo will automatically block/allow it to update without notice.

If over time you want to change your anger to mercy and block / allow the connection of a certain program to the Internet, we will later look at how to do this manually.

2. The main thing in setting up any firewall is to make its work invisible to you, but at the same time it reliably protects your PC from external threats.
To do this, run:

    go to the desktop and click on the firewall in the place where the inscription is “safe” (there may be some other inscription).
    A full program menu will open.

    Go to "Tasks".

    Select "Firewall Tasks". At this point, you can allow certain programs to connect to the Internet to update their databases.

    If you are confident in the application and know that it climbs into the world wide web for new databases - then click on the "Allow connection" button, then select the application file that you want to open access to the network and click open.

All other settings can be left as default for now.

The developers of this application have already worked hard to make the protection against attacks and the use of the Firewall convenient for users.

The little son came to his father, and asked the baby:

- Whose defense is good, but whose is not so good?

I have no secrets, listen guys.

I will post my opinion on this below.

In fact, the best firewall does not exist, just as there is no best antivirus or browser - each computer user chooses his own best software product for himself.

It may have disappointed many now, but that's the way it is. Here is a huge number of users believe that Comodo Firewall - the best free firewall for Windows and I do not argue, but before it worked fine for me for several years ESET NOD32 with its protector, and after it avast worked! Internet Security, also with a firewall...

Excellent and powerful free firewall for Windows

I never had any complaints about their protection until I experienced the last complex firewall security software.

He failed the test and the decision was made to change the firewall. The choice fell on Comodo Firewall - it is tested for reliability and, of course, it is completely free.

Some of the nuances of installing it and setting it up, I want to describe to you today.

Our whole life is a search for something. The search for money, fame, love ... the best firewall or browser (folk wisdom).

The first question you may have is about the size of the installer of this firewall, which is downloaded after running the web installer - 202 MB! Why such a wild size?

Because it has a whole bunch of extra add-ons, even the browser was shoved there.

I will now show you how to install one Comodo Firewall and after that you can safely remove this giant installer. But you still need to download the entire file, following the link from the official website of the manufacturers, which is higher ...

I met on the net, some time ago, a lightweight installation file of this protective screen, without add-ons, but firstly, it was not official, and secondly, I lost the link 🙂 .

Installing Comodo Firewall

Over time, software developers change the interface of their creations, improve them in every possible way, add new features and remove unclaimed ones ... They have the right to do so. In any case, their logic, purpose and spirit always remain the same - based on this review, you can understand any form of software.

Here they are - extra additions. Uncheck them and move on...

I already described to you how to find the fastest DNS servers, so - COMODO DNS servers are not only slow, but also frightened to the fullest.

Leaving the top checkbox will give you a headache - half of the sites will be blocked. I recommend leaving the second checkbox.

Be sure to go to the item "Customize the installation" ...

Here it is, our dear - how could it be without Yandex !!!

Of course we remove all the jackdaws ...

We look around and find out where we are. If you don't have your own home local network- I recommend clicking "I'm in a public ... place."

Congratulations! You have installed Comodo Firewall, the best free firewall for Windows.

Let's tweak it a little now...

Configuring Comodo Firewall

In fact, there are many configurations of the settings of this firewall - the Internet is littered with them (here is one of them). You can set up the defender so that you won’t be able to breathe between his notifications, warnings and questions.

Or you can convince him to work quietly and unobtrusively - it's up to you, I will give just a few tips below ...

Go to program settings...

... and check ALL the checkboxes in the advanced settings (as many advise on the network), but if you have problems connecting to the Internet, uncheck the two bottom ones.

Here you can disable the display of the widget on the desktop if you do not need it ...

I left it, although I categorically do not like any widgets on the desktop. Slightly edited it by clicking the RIGHT mouse button on the firewall icon in the tray ...

And here is the most terrible firewall setting, which will turn it into a real reinforced concrete wall ...

Instead of safe mode, you can install ...

In this mode, get ready for a million questions from the defender for any reason. But reliability check now your Comodo Firewall will pass - 100%.

Firewall issues look like this...

You can check the box at the bottom of this window (remember ...) and simply allow execution. This is if you know a program that is trying to access the network. You can also "Process as" ...

This way we will get rid of repeated questions, for example, about the call of the Nexus program to Clover.

Comodo Personal Firewall designed to protect users of PCs running Windows. It is extremely easy to use, provides all the necessary features and functions. The most important thing is that it "flies" even on the most low-powered computers. Another important plus, especially for beginners, requires minimal user intervention.

Why use our Firewall?

Comodo Firewall Pro introduces new stage development in the field of computer security: the prohibition of blocking of trusted applications (DDP). What is DDP? Most security programs maintain a list of known malware, and use this list to decide which files and applications should not get access to the PC. The problem here is obvious. What if some entries are missing from the malware list, or not up to date? DDP eliminates this issue to ensure complete security. Firewall links list over two million known PC-friendly applications. If a file that is not found in the Safe List "knocks" on the computer's "door", the Firewall immediately warns of the possibility of a malware attack. All this happens before malware infect the computer. It is a prevention based safety, the only way maintain complete security.

Firewall Features:
  • Easy to understand informative alerts
  • No complex configuration issues - ideal for novice users
  • Lots of configuration options, let the techies set it up however they like :)
  • DDP security, user-friendly and PC-reliable
  • Fast adaptation of users to personalized protection
  • Convenient, attractive graphical interface

One of the first steps in securing a computer is booting up and activating a quality firewall to repel intrusions. Only this is free software firewall has access to Comodo, a huge list of PC-friendly applications, a "deny by default" component

Comodo Firewall recognizes more than ten thousand different applications (safe, spyware, adware and others), which is a unique feature that only this firewall has.
Key features of Comodo Firewall Pro
tracking program components;
program behavior analyzer;
against protocols;
smart alerts;
integration into Windows Security Center;
protection against critical termination;
protection during computer boot;
automatic update;
error reporting interface;
detailed log;
connection monitor;
database of programs - more than 13,000 programs with their security risks.

Program description can be found

Installing Comodo Personal Firewall Pro.
Download the program on the official website.

Attention! Be sure to uncheck "install and do not check" "install COMODO LivePC ...".

installation completed successfully! Restart your computer.

First start.
When you restart your computer, Comodo Firewall will automatically replace the standard Windows firewall. If after the first launch you don't see any shortcuts on your desktop, just reboot again one more time. The program needs to be "taught" which programs you allow to run and which not. If you are an inexperienced user, then I recommend “not being smart” but allowing everything (of course, reading the recommendations of the program), for example:

Set the training mode. To do this, click right click click the firewall icon on the panel (lower right of the screen) and select "firewall mode" from the menu, and then "learning".

Now the program will remember all your actions, and after training, your actions will no longer be accompanied by opening windows to confirm permission.
You can familiarize yourself with the functions of the program. To do this, double-click on the program icon. Dealing with it is not difficult, but you can not delve into it. Just leave all settings as they are. Once again, the program requires only minimal user intervention.

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Antivirus with advanced network protection Comodo Internet Security is loved by many advanced users, but has traditionally been considered complicated and inconvenient in the initial setup. And the number of alerts that require immediate resolution is much higher than that of automatic security suites like Norton Security or Bit Defender. But if you spend a little time on the initial fine-tuning Comodo, ordinary users who do not want to delve into the intricacies of work will be able to work with it network protocols or anti-virus protection technologies. This is what we will try to figure out today.

After fine-tuning Comodo, ordinary users will be able to work with it

What to pay attention to when installing

  1. Check the box "I want to use cloud-based application behavior analysis ...". Thus, you will entrust the adoption of routine decisions on the permission / prohibition of many operations to the user community. This will slightly reduce the level of security, but will make the work much more comfortable.
  2. Whether or not to send statistics about the use of the application depends on your desire. But many users prefer to do without it.
  3. On the screen for selecting components to install, check the boxes "Comodo Antivirus" and "Comodo Firewall". The rest can be safely turned off.
  4. Be sure to uncheck the "If possible, do not show alerts that require the user to make a security decision" option.

What to do immediately after installation

  1. Update the anti-virus databases (the "Update" icon at the bottom of the main screen).
  2. Select the “InternetSecurity” configuration (“Basic Settings” - “Configuration”), then click the “Enable” button in the bottom pop-up panel.
  3. In the same place, click the "Export" button and save the settings in a safe place.
  4. After that, click Import, select the settings you just saved, and give a name to your own variation. Then select it in the list and click "Enable". This is necessary so that the original configuration from the manufacturer remains untouched.

Restart your computer after updates

  1. Disable the useless desktop widget (right-click on the tray icon, select "Widget", uncheck "Show").
  2. Reboot your computer.

"Security settings", section "Antivirus"

Leave the heuristic analysis level on "Low"

  • Selecting "Do not show alerts" will help inexperienced users quickly get used to the program settings, but it is better not to use it all the time.
  • Leave the heuristic analysis level on "Low", otherwise you risk drowning in a pile of messages and warnings.
  • Make an exception for the folder that contains files downloaded from the Internet, the working directory of the torrent client, and the section with installation packages. To do this, in the lower pop-up panel, select "Add", "Folders" in sequence, mark the desired directory and click "OK". This will significantly increase the comfort of working with an active network life.

Cancellation of the desired directory will increase the comfort of work

"Security settings", section "Protection +"

  • "HIPS settings". The recommended operating mode is "Safe". The checkbox "Create rules for secure applications" is best left enabled.
  • Sandbox settings. If you are sure about the safety of certain executable files, you can add them to an exception (click the line "Do not virtualize access to the specified files and folders"). The rest of the settings are best left untouched.

Confident in the safety of files, add them to the exclusions

  • Viroscope. Useful and necessary system of dynamic behavior analysis running programs. Sometimes it may not work quite correctly, then it is better to disable it until the reasons for the failure are clarified (untick the “Use Viruscope” checkbox).

Useful dynamic analysis system

"Security settings", "Firewall" section, "Firewall settings" block

This item should be given maximum attention, since one incorrectly set option can lead to serious consequences.

  • A custom set of rules for filtering traffic provides maximum protection, but at the initial stage of configuration, it requires increased attention from the user. " Safe mode” provides a slightly lower level of protection, but displays much fewer warnings.
  • The “Create rules for safe offers” checkbox will turn Comodo into a full automaton, so if you are not ready to carefully read every warning, you can set it. In all other cases, the field should be left blank.
  • Activated advanced settings ("Enable IPv6 traffic filtering", "Block fragmented IP traffic", "Analyze protocol" and "Enable ARP spoofing protection") provide additional security, but sometimes lead to problems. Use at your own risk.

Pay maximum attention to configuring this option

"Security settings", section "File reputation"

  • File reputation settings block. Here it is better to trust the default settings, and if you want to get rid of some of the requests, check the "Do not show alerts" checkbox.

Leave the default settings

Additional settings

They are not necessary, therefore, they should be used with some caution, and in the case unstable work return everything to its original state.

HIPS tab, HIPS settings section:

  • We increase the notification time to the maximum - 999 s.
  • Activating the item “Adapt the mode of operation when system resources are low” improves stability, but negatively affects the speed of the program.
  • The item "Enable enhanced protection mode" makes sense only for 64-bit operating systems.
  • If you are using software emulators (Daemontools, VMware, Alcohol), add the appropriate directories to the exceptions: the "Detect shell code injection" item.

"Security Settings", "Protection+", "Auto-Sandbox":

The efficiency of virtualization technologies implemented in Comodo is quite high, but due to the high resource intensity on weak computers, problems are possible. In this case, we do the following:

  • For all objects with the "Unidentified" reputation, select the "change" item in the pop-up panel, and check "Block" in the "Action" line.

Using a torrent client

For its normal operation, it is required not only to give the executable file full access, but also to add a special global rule. We select in sequence “Security Settings”, “Firewall”, “Global Rules”, after which we click “Add” on the pop-up bottom panel and assign a policy:

  • Action: "Allow", the checkbox "Log operation in the log" should remain unselected.
  • Protocol: Check "TCP or UDP".
  • Direction: Outgoing and Incoming.
  • Description: Doesn't matter.
  • Destination port tab. Specify the number specified in the uTorrent settings.
  • When everything is ready, move the newly created rule to the very top of the list.

Attention! If as a result erroneous actions the program has ceased to function normally, select "General settings", "Configuration", check the item "COMODO-InternetSecurity" and click "Enable".

review, we examined in detail and "pictures" the process of installing a freeComodo Firewallon computer. Now, as promised, I will tell you howfirewall optimally, with a minimum of pop-up notifications, quickly and independently configure. The author's version of the advanced settings of the program largely coincides withrecommended in the Russian part InternationalCOMODO Forums(branch " CIS/CFP for beginners in firewalls"). These forums can be visited by clicking on the "Miscellaneous" paragraph " Visit Support Forum ". The only thing is that you will be taken to the main English-language page, therefore, in order not to search, here is a direct link to the forum " In Russian / Russian " (clickable!). There is a lot of useful information on the topic - those who wish, of course, can "dig around." And I, as usual, for convenience the points I will proceed with what I promised.

Advanced settings for Comodo Firewall

1. In the beginning, I propose to change the default (default) gray-gloomy "face" Comodo Firewall to something more interesting. To do this, in the same tab "Miscellaneous" click " Settings" → "Appearance " → in "Theme" change the "gray" theme "COMODO Default Normal" to, for example, "COMODO Blue Norma"l (first screenshot) and, having "dressed up", move on.

2. The first of the advanced settings of the program will be the inclusion of the "invisibility" mode of your computer on the network. To do this, in the tab " firewall"click applet" Hidden Port Wizard " → choose " Block all incoming connections and hide my ports for all incoming connections " (screenshot above) and confirm your choice through " OK ".

3. Further, in the same tab " firewall"let's go in" Firewall settings "and on the tab" General settings "activate" ". Now for all applications from the list of trusted ones, allowing rules will be automatically created, which will save you from unnecessary manual permissions. In addition, check the box next to "Automatically detect new private networks " (which can be removed after detecting your network) and, most importantly, " Firewall mode "leaving unchanged" Safe ".

Confirm all changes in the settings with the button " OK".

4. Let's take care of the mode settings " Proactive Defense". To do this, in the tab " Protection+"click" Proactive Defense Settings " and, by analogy with the previous settings item, activate " Create rules for secure applications ". In case you are sure that the system is clean from viruses and have an effective antivirus scanner (which I wrote about in a note " ") like free, then feel free to put " Clean PC mode " - again, to get rid of "annoying" notifications. Also check the absence of a daw in front of " Enable Enhanced Protection Mode " and presence - opposite the item " AND adapt the operating mode at low system resources " (No comments).

5. In the same settings of the Proactive Firewall Protection in the tab " Application execution control settings " check that unrecognized files are treated as " Partially limited " (default) or " suspicious " - under other settings, some applications will refuse to start.

6. Users of older versions Comodo Firewall< 5.3 рекомендуется отключить в программе режим "Sandbox " ("Песочница"), по отзывам, работающий некорректно. The best way– just switch to the latest stable version of the firewall (currently v. 5.10), which can be downloaded, for example, from the Favorite Software Catalog. In this case, disabling Sandbox mode is not required.

And do not forget to confirm the changes in the settings with the " OK ".

Note : When Proactive Defense is completely disabled, this option ("Sandbox") is automatically disabled.

7. The final tweak from the "optional" category: in the " Miscellaneous " → "Settings" → on tab " Are common"uncheck the checkbox" Automatically check for program updates" (penultimate screenshot), especially since the option " Check for updates "always "at hand" (last screenshot).

One more click on the button OK" and you can close the appropriately configured Comodo Firewall– after restarting Windows, with this configuration, "comfortable" for the user, the program reliably protects the computer from network threats.