Windows 10 reinstall internet explorer 11. Reinstall internet explorer browser

Internet Explorer is the built-in browser in operating systems from Microsoft. Moreover, each version of the operating system has its own version of the Internet browser by default. Of course, you can install more new version or simply reinstall the browser if there are any problems with its operation.

How to check browser version

By default, Internet Explorer 8 is installed in the Seven. For the eighth version of the OS, the developers have created an updated browser 10 or 11. You can find out which version is on your computer as follows. Before Reinstalling Your Browser internet explorer, it is desirable to do this procedure.

Through the start menu search we find the browser. We click on its name and launch an Internet browser window. Go to Settings and click on the About link. A menu will open with information about the browser version. More detailed instructions you'll find .

How to reinstall internet explorer

If you need to reinstall the Internet browser, then first you need to uninstall the application. Since Internet Explorer is a system component, it is built-in by default in all versions of the OS from Microsoft. In fact, it will not work to completely remove it, however, you can.

In order to do this procedure, go to the Control Panel. Here you need to find the Uninstall programs item. In it, select a link that allows you to view all installed updates. In the list that opens on the right, select Internet Explorer. Delete latest version which for some reason does not suit us. After that, do not forget to restart your computer, as only after this the changes will take effect.

In the next step, we go directly to how to reinstall internet explorer 9 or another version. This will require access to the Internet. We go to the developers' website, where you can find the version of the browser that interests us. Opposite the option we need, click the Download button. We launch the downloaded program and confirm that we want to install it. We wait a certain amount of time until the Setup Wizard completes its work. At the end, a message will appear in front of the user that Internet Explorer is installed.

When choosing the desired version of the browser, see what characteristics it is intended for on a computer. For example, the versions for 32- and 64-bit will differ. Also, pay attention to the recommended versions operating system for one browser or another.

Everything is much simpler if you just want to. There is no need to reinstall Internet Explorer for this. It is enough just to uninstall the updates, as described above. Moreover, if you have version 10, and you need to return to version 8, then you will need to do all the steps twice. When you finish reinstalling or uninstalling new versions, don't forget to restart your computer.

Some users want to reinstall the browser in case there are failures in its operation, for example, it does not open or the web pages you are browsing freeze. Before proceeding with drastic measures, you can try to roll back to a restore point. As it is desirable to choose the moment when everything worked without problems. So, failures can occur due to installed updates or any other reasons. In the seventh and eighth versions of the OS from Microsoft, you can roll back the system using the built-in tools. Since Internet Explorer is an OS component, problems in its operation can be directly related to the system, which must be taken into account when solving them.

Andrey Zimin 2015-05-21 system programs

How to restore internet explorer after shutdown or removal

Good afternoon! Most recently, I wrote an article on how to remove Internet Explorer? In this article, we will continue the topic we have begun and talk about how to restore the explorer now.

I'm not doing this for fun, just last time I had a badly damaged explorer as a result of an accident. So I had to delete it. I could have done without it. AT this browser I don't really need it, but many users write that Internet Explorer 11 is faster than its predecessors, and many want to know how it can be restored or reinstalled.

Yes, version 11 has really become faster and more convenient than its predecessors. Although it clearly falls short of many browsers. Therefore, we continue this topic.

So, in order to restore Internet Explorer, you must first check whether it is enabled for you or not. Remember, in the last article, we turned it off? So, for this we need a control panel. We enter through the launch. Next, in the menu on the left, select "Large icons"

and look for the inscription: "Programs and components." In the top left menu, select "Turn off Windows features".

We will be asked to wait a bit, then we see a new window where we will see the installed system components. In my case, there is no checkmark above the Internet Explorer 11 inscription, therefore, it must be checked.

We will see an inscription where we will be asked to wait a bit. Let's wait until the inscription disappears and open our Internet Explorer. If you do not have its shortcut on your desktop, you will have to go to Program Files through Explorer. To do this, left-click on the "Computer" tab, select the C drive, look for the Program Files folder and click on it.

We will open a new window where we need to select a file with the explorer logo and the inscription iexplore.exe. Click on this inscription, and our browser will start (you can have something like this, the main thing is to click on the explorer image).

If you can't find Internet Explorer on your computer, just download it from the internet and follow the next steps. If you are unable to launch the explorer, enter in the search box inetcpl.cpl and press enter. The browser should start.

How to restore internet explorer reset

Now, friends, let's do the main work. First, we will reset the Internet Explorer settings. In the “Service” submenu, find the line “Internet Options” (This menu is located under the main one, if you do not see it, you must press the Alt button).

Click on this line and select "Advanced". In the window that opens, click the "Reset" button.

Then, we will be asked again if we really want to reset. Before agreeing, do not forget to check the box "Delete personal settings". Click on reset.

We will reset the Internet Explorer settings.

After the reset procedure, you need to restart your computer. Before it, do not forget to close all running programs and save the necessary data.

Download new version

Now, to restore Internet Explorer, we need download new version browser. We select this version for our system and for the bit depth of our system.

Now we need to remove old version Internet Explorer. About this, I wrote in my article "". Then, restart your computer.

After that, install the downloaded version. You have restored the browser.

How to remove the explorer and is it worth it

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I hope you now know how to restore Internet Explorer?

Anecdote in every article

Another common question I get from users is how to reinstall Internet Explorer and what it is for. In this article, I will go through how to reinstall Internet Explorer and talk about the cases when I would reinstall it. Sometimes after cleaning by a virus or spyware infection, applications can get corrupted and Internet Explorer is usually the first victim. In such a case, Internet Explorer will not display web pages, or it may redirect you somewhere you don't want to go.

Sometimes an error message similar to the screenshot below appears:

If these are your questions and you cannot format HDD maybe it's time to reinstall Internet Explorer. I recommend uninstalling the browser completely, rebooting and reinstalling. In this way, we will be sure that we have torn out all the insides and nothing is left behind obsolete. You can also use these steps to simply uninstall Internet Explorer.

How to reinstall Internet Explorer

When you uninstall Internet Explorer 8, the previous version of Internet Explorer will be restored. For example, if you upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 to IE8, it will load Internet Explorer 6 after uninstalling Internet Explorer 8. You will go through reinstalling the latest and greatest version of IE8. If you're using Windows 7, removing IE8 will leave you without a browser, so be prepared with the setup files on a USB stick. To perform these steps, you must be logged in as an administrator. For this example, we will use Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP SP 3. First, let's open going to m start menu then go to Control Panel, and then choose The installing and deleting of programms.

When The installing and deleting of programms opens, scroll down the list until you see Windows Internet Explorer 8, as you see in the example below:

Click on the word Windows Internet Explorer 8 and you will see the Uninstall button as you can see below:

After you click the Remove button, you will be taken to the screen as shown below. Here, all you have to do is click on “Next”. This will start the removal process.

The process of removing applications from the list that were installed after Internet Explorer 8 was installed. Sometimes applications rely on Internet Explorer for their functionality. This warns us that we may have problems using these applications after the uninstallation is completed. Don't worry, we will reinstall Internet Explorer when we've done the uninstall! Go ahead and click on the Yes button to continue.

When it's done, you'll see a Finish button. By clicking on “Finish” the computer will restart. Clicking on “Do not restart” will delay the inevitable.

After rebooting your machine, you will have the previous version of IE installed. This is what I saw on my machine:

Clicking this button will begin downloading and installing a nice clean copy of IE8. This time, watch where you go and the installation offers protection against those nasty infections.

If errors or problems occur during the operation of internet explorer, it is quite possible that they are related to changing the settings in the browser. You can get rid of problems by returning to the original settings of the Internet browser. Once you start the process, it will not be possible to cancel it. Therefore, keep in mind that the current settings will be lost forever.

Automatic reset

Microsoft offers users a very handy tool called Fix it. It helps in various situations, including in case of problems with the Internet browser. If we talk about how to restore the internet explorer browser, then this utility can be very useful if you do not plan to stop using it completely.

Fix it can be used by those who have installed versions of XP, Vista or Seven. In Windows 8, you will need to reset the settings manually. So, to solve the problem, we run the utility, which can be found on the developers website. You can download and install it by clicking on File Upload and agreeing with the Run command. After that, you will need to follow the instructions that the Installation Wizard will recommend.

The next step is the actual troubleshooting. To do this, go to the window that will allow you to reset the browser settings. Click on the Reset button. After the process is completed, close the utility.

Restoring default values ​​in internet explorer

Before restoring internet explorer settings manually, it is recommended to close all active applications on the computer. After that, you need to know. Next, launch the browser and find the Tools menu. Here we find the Browser Properties command. If the toolbar is not displayed in your Internet browser, then you can call it by pressing Alt.

In Properties, we are interested in the Advanced tab. Here you should click the Reset button. Those who use version 6 of internet explorer will need the Default command. It should be noted that reset only disables extensions, it does not remove them. In order to delete cookies, browsing history, passwords, etc., you must check the boxes next to the corresponding inscriptions. After the operation is completed, close the browser window. The changes will take effect the next time you open your web browser.

In the case when restoring the original settings did not help fix the problem, you can try to return the system to the moment when the browser worked correctly. In Vista, you need to go to the control panel and go to System and Security. Then click on Backup and Restore. Option Windows Fix and System Restore will be located on the left sidebar. In the menu that opens, you can select a restore point, in other words, the date when the browser, in your opinion, worked without problems. But in this case, a restore point must be created in advance, read how to do this in Windows 7.

In XP, you can restore the system through standard programs. In them we find the line Service, where this function is located directly. By going to it, you need to select the point when you think the browser worked without any problems. G8 users can also roll back the system to the desired settings using the built-in tools.

If all of the above steps did not help, then maybe you should think about changing your browser. Currently, developers offer many quite decent Internet browsers, for example, Chrome, Firefox, etc. By the way, any bookmarks that were saved directly in internet explorer can be easily transferred to any other browser.

Internet Explorer 8 is one of the best browsers Microsoft company. He even quite can compete with FireFox on equal terms. And since many users have switched to Windows 7, its popularity has been growing and growing.

But that doesn't mean that IE8 will always work flawlessly. So far, users are happy, but what happens if there are problems?

You should always be prepared for such incidents. Good news is that it's easy enough to learn how to restore IE8 features.

Step 1 - Check Antivirus and Firewall

Many users find it very relaxing to think that since IE8 is the standard Windows program 7, then there is nothing more to worry about. In theory, this is all true, but in practice there are failures, since both anti-virus and firewall are comprehensive programs resulting in internal conflicts.

To avoid such "internal conflicts", you just need to turn off these programs when you restart IE8. If the problem still persists, you should look for the cause in other programs.

If the failure still occurs due to antiviruses and firewalls, then you can simply add IE8 to the list of programs that are not blocked. This should solve all your problems, but it can become an additional source of dubious programs and viruses.

If that doesn't work, try simply reinstalling IE8.

Step 2 - Check Your Additional Modules

For Internet Explorer 8, like all modern browsers, there are a huge number of different add-ons that significantly expand its capabilities. Most of them are non-standard and can fail from time to time.

In order to finally make sure that this add-on is your problem, you need to click on Windows key and R at the same time. This will open a window. Enter text iexplore -extoff line and click OK.

If after that IE8 worked without failures, then the problematic add-on needs to be reinstalled. If the problem is not solved, then you need to go through all the additions in this way.

There is one more option. Click on Tools and then Manage Adds-On. Make sure all add-ons are disabled and close IE8. Then run it again in normal mode and connect the add-ons one by one to understand which one is failing.

Step 3 - Return to default settings

If the first two tips did not help you, then you should do a full reboot of Internet Explorer and return it to its primary, one might say, virgin state. That is, return it to its original settings.

You can do this by opening the Control Panel and then opening the Network and Internet menus. Click on Internet options, and then click on advanced tab. At the very bottom of the window, you will see the Reset button. She is what you need.

If this does not help, then all you have to do is a complete reinstallation. Fortunately, MakeUseOf has already prepared detailed guide to action.