Subscribe to news. Which is better: Symbian or Android? Compare OS Wi-Fi router which is better

Benefits of the Android operating system: Large computing power based on modern processors. Android uses newer, more powerful Cortex-A8 processors with better performance than Symbian Arm 11 processors.
Screen resolution.

As noted above, there are much more programs and games for Android and they are more diverse. For every task there is desired program in the Market, while on Symbian there may not be an alternative (fewer interested developers have an effect). Also, when installing on a phone from the market, everything is installed without problems, while on Symbian almost everywhere you need to sign programs and games

In the end, a link to any program can be enclosed in a QR code and scanned by any Android phone, and by automatically entering the market, sd will find out whether the program is available for your model or not. It is very convenient that for each phone model there is a "own market", downloading something from there that will not work on your phone is unrealistic. Device customization. The convenience of the system is its flexibility and open source. Anyone who wants to work a little will be able to independently change the firmware, change the version of the operating system or open ROOT access. In this regard, Android is the most open of all operating systems. Operating system update. On average, a new version of the Android operating system is released every six months. Although manufacturers have different attitudes about keeping phones updated with new versions, you can always do it yourself.

If you want to buy a powerful communicator or phone, then you should think about what operating system will be installed on it. There is no obvious answer to the question of which system is the most successful. The two monsters in the communications technology market are Symbian and Android. Let's see what experienced users of these systems say about their advantages and disadvantages. Which is better, Symbian or Android?

Symbian or Android: Specifications

First of all, it should be noted that many people get confused in terms. Symbian and Androir are not phone models. These are operating systems for communicators and smartphones. So you can absolutely different models phones install identical operating systems.


The main strength of the Symbian platform is its extensive multimedia file handling capabilities. Let's say Symbian phones will take much better photos than phones based on Android based. Various applications for working with images, videos, music are developed in great detail in the Symbian operating system. This helps the user to fully enjoy the capabilities of their smartphone. Thus, Symbian is such a "creative" operating system.


Android smartphones are designed for those people who spend all their free time on the Internet. The most important advantage of Android is its tight integration with numerous Google services. By purchasing an Android phone, a person gets access to services such as mail, Google Talk, maps and documents. The main disadvantage when comparing Symbian and Android is the poor implementation of the functions of the phone itself. In this case, the user may encounter serious problems during the most common calls. And one more important disadvantage of Android is a small supply of energy. The battery of the phone runs out very quickly if you are constantly on the Internet.

Also, there are phones on a closed platform. The user will not be able to install various applications downloaded from the Internet, but for that, he will receive a stable and reliable device. That is a very good phone.

Thus, many, after all, prefer Symbian-based phones, as these phones are more reliable. Which is better, Symbian or Android? How many people, so many opinions. It is better to try all the options, after which, you will definitely determine what is right for you.

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Development mobile technologies constantly continues, thanks to which we are offered more and more devices running various operating systems.

Many are wondering which is better: symbian or android. Disputes about the advantages and disadvantages of certain platforms do not subside.

Which of the two OS is better?

  • Initially, Android and Symbian were among the leaders among operating systems. The Symbian platform was convenient for implementing various multimedia functions, that is, for listening to music, viewing photos, videos, etc.
  • Users recognized that this operating system is designed primarily for creativity.
  • In contrast, the Android OS was designed primarily as a business-friendly platform for surfing the Internet. Its main advantage was cooperation with Google.
  • Unfortunately, initially devices running this system could not boast of sufficient battery capacity. Despite this, it is worth recognizing the versatility of the Android system, as well as the wide design possibilities of such devices for subsequent development.
  • Soon after the release of devices based on Symbian and Android, the first phones running Windows phone. Today, it's safe to say that Android is vastly superior to both of these platforms.

Benefits of Android

  • important the dignity of Android is the significant processing power provided by the fact that such devices are equipped with the most modern processors.
  • They are in many ways superior to the processors used by the Symbian system. The same can be said about the higher clock speed.
  • The Android operating system requires a higher display resolution. Naturally, this makes such devices much more convenient for surfing the net, watching videos, photos and reading.
  • It is not uncommon for Symbian applications to close at the most inopportune moment. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer stubbornly does not want to supply its devices with sufficient RAM.
  • The Android platform is in a winning position in this case as well. The GPU of Symbian devices also lags far behind Android.
Other benefits of the latest operating system include much more convenient settings and interface, the actual computer (desktop) way of using a web browser, a powerful hardware platform (making it convenient to play multimedia files), a huge content store Play market, more games and programs, open source, convenience and the availability of constant updates.

The operating system is the main program on the device. The capabilities of your tablet or phone, as well as your subjective impressions of working with the device, largely depend on it. Therefore, it is important and necessary to know the differences between operating systems. Using the example of this article, we will highlight the difference between the Android and Symbian operating systems.


Android- an operating system that is extremely popular on the modern market, produced by the company of the same name, owned by Google Inc.

Symbian- once the most popular OS in the world. A few years ago, Symbian was the invincible ruler of the HiTech Olympus, but was subsequently removed from the pedestal.


Of course, first of all, it is worth noting that the Symbian operating system project was closed in 2012 and since then it has been developed under the auspices associated with Nokia phones, are not maintained. Android, on the contrary, having successfully occupied three-quarters of the market by the beginning of 2013, puts pressure on stronger competitors.

And the reasons for such a failure of Symbian (part of them, to be more precise) should be sought in other differences - just they are able to slightly open the core of the problem before us. Not the least important is the openness of the operating system code. If the project belongs to the category of Open Source, its "source" is available to both application developers and programmers. To date, open source is the most promising link in most business strategies. To Android asset manager awareness of these requirements modern world came faster. The Symbian coordinators could not boast of such insight and retained the rights to use the OS within the circle of members of the Symbian Foundation, which, incidentally, included such prominent players as Samsung Electronics and LG.

And last but not least, the difference. When developing the Android system, from the very beginning, a focus on universality was taken - it was planned to equip the OS not only with smartphones gaining popularity at that time, but with a wider range of devices. The results of such a flexible policy can now be seen in all their victorious splendor.

Findings site

  1. Android, unlike Symbian, is a live project.
  2. android has open source, and Symbian Council members have restricted access to the source.
  3. Android is universal, which cannot be said about Symbian.

Every third person, with the exception of perhaps the age category of 50 years, begins at some point to complain about the quality of their phone. Ten years ago, those mobile phones that we now hold in our hands would seem to be the height of the perfection of the technical process. And the question of android or symbian, which is better to buy, is not something that was not faced by buyers of past years, they did not even know such concepts.

AT modern phones, and we are not talking about super fancy smartphone models, there are:

  • internet application,
  • video player,
  • audio player.

But for a modern person, accustomed to the fact that a smartphone practically replaces a computer, a phone with an expanded system of applications and programs is needed. Today, there are several types of smartphones that differ in the set of available functions and the type of operating system:

If the Windows operating system is still somehow familiar to computer users, then the android or symbian system is a better question that requires careful consideration.

Operating system Android

To date, the Android operating system for mobile devices is the only one based on Linux systems. Thanks to the Android system, mobile phones have won fans in the face of not only professional computer scientists, but also ordinary people. android turned mobile phone into a device with an incredible amount of features and the ability to install many additional applications.

Despite the rather small functional range of the offline mode, the Internet connection works wonders with it. Buying a smartphone operating system Android is worth buying for those who have unlimited Internet in the phone, or has the possibility of permanent use of the free WI-FI zone.

Among the wide range of use of games and applications, Android categorically occupies a leading position. Due to the fact that almost every manufacturer of mobile gadgets is engaged in the release of Android, smartphones have a wide range of prices, from the lowest to the highest. There are different models of Android:

  • youth smartphones,
  • monoblocks,
  • smartphone - slider.

If you are a regular Internet user and cannot imagine your life without the World Wide Web, a smartphone with the Android operating system is your best choice.

Smartphones with Symbian operating system

The Symbian system began to make its first timid steps in the mobile device market back in 1991. It is the oldest operating system of all. Thanks to so
long history of its existence, the operating system for smartphones Symbian has become almost perfect. Manufacturers have taken into account previous experience and took a confident course towards an innovative future.

If you look at the technical side of the issue, then Symbian is not quite an operating system. This core is the center of the system. The standard interface that is installed on most Symbian mobile devices is called S60.

Any smartphone running the Symbian operating system is manufactured exclusively by Nokia. All Symbian smartphones are divided into:

  1. Phones for listening to music and entertainment XpressMusic.
  2. E-series "business" phones.
  3. Other phones that combine some of the functions of previous series.

Most of the consumer market for smartphones running the Symbian operating system are business people who do not really need games and entertainment applications. Despite the active development of Symbian functionality, this operating system is still distinguished by its conservatism. For the correct operation of most Symbian applications and programs, an Internet connection does not really matter, although it will be a very nice and useful addition.

Summing up the above, the conclusion suggests itself. Smartphones with the Symbian system are designed either for avid music lovers, or for extremely business people.

And the question of android or symbian is better, each consumer decides for himself, based on his preferences in specifications ah smartphone.

Dark Horse - Windows Phone

Operating system for Windows smartphones Phone has a number of distinctive technical characteristics and nuances in its work. It’s worth starting with the fact that two completely different and unrelated operating systems are hidden under the Windows Phone platform:

  1. Windows phone
  2. Windows mobile.

Windows Phone 6.5. presented with more advanced and newer Windows version Mobile. Although if you look, then all the changes, for the most part, affected only the outer shell.

Windows Phone has a touch control start menu. And on this quick control ends. Most of the applications work from a standard keypad, which brings some inconvenience. Buttons mobile device they are very small in size, and you will have to spend a lot of time so that their use ceases to cause inconvenience.

Disadvantages of the Windows Phone platform:

  • small buttons,
  • the inability to play video files that have not been converted,
  • a very small set of standard menu applications.

A notable change in a positive direction, which was introduced by the developers of Windows Phone, an improved version Explorer browser, the use of which has finally become acceptable, and does not eat away the nerves of users with a long, broken loading of Internet pages.

As in previous years, smartphones with operating Windows system Phones are more designed to work offline. The presence of the Internet will not affect their functionality in any way, but can be used for Internet surfing.

Even a careful consideration of all the advantages and disadvantages of the three varieties of operating systems will not help you choose the best among them. Each buyer, before purchasing a mobile gadget, must clearly define how the device will be used. Some are conquered by the wide functional range of Android, others rely on the stability of Symbian. And someone is in pursuit of the not yet so common Windows Phone 7 operating system.