Displays hud. HUD doesn't work or HM2 says Waiting for hands...? Problem II: HUD windows are out of place

In my coaching work, I constantly come across students who use statistical programs (Holdem manager), but do not display the most important stats in their work. Today I will talk about what stats need to be inserted into ANY HUD so that it is as informative as possible and takes up little space

You won’t believe that a well-tuned HUD will allow you to practically not use additional statistics.

Gentleman's set for poker player:

  • VPIP– shows in % how often the player participates in hands
  • PFR– how often does a player raise preflop?
  • Aggression– how aggressive is the player
  • WTSD– income before showdown after seeing the flop
  • 3bet– how often does he rearrange his opponent’s raise?
  • Fold to 3bet– how often does it throw out for rearrangement?
  • Cbet FLOP– continuation bet on the flop
  • Fold to cbet FLOP– fold to a continuation bet on the flop
  • Donk– bet out of turn

The first set of stats is simply necessary for all players. Based on them, you will be able to understand the player’s tendencies and will make very good decisions. I discussed the tendencies of players in one of my videos, I highly recommend it. General stats are gained quite quickly, and a large sample is not needed to understand which opponent is in front of us.

Expanded/clarifying stats

Very often I see that people do not add such important stats as Fold to kbet in POSITION and WITHOUT POSITION, but use a general fold to kbet. In current realities, these 2 stats are very different: in position a person can fold 40% of the time, and out of position - 60%, and the result will show you 50! We can make a mistake based on false statistics. The same applies to kbets.

The second very important clarification concerns statistics on steals (raises from late positions: CO, BTN, SB). Many people use a common stat - fold to steal, but you and I understand that, for example, BB vs SB and BTN and CO folds completely differently! The same applies to 3bet and fold to 3bet, position versus position. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, then look video, about the mathematics of fold equity.

Naturally, it is not very convenient for us to use too many statistics. A HUD that takes up half the screen does not make the game easier, so we need to clarify only those situations that most often occur in the game! And so I would add.

What stats to add to the HUD:

  • Steal
  • SB fold to BTN steal
  • BB fold to BTN steal
  • BB fold to SB steal
  • Resteal
  • BTN Fold vs 3bet Binds
  • Fold to cbet IP
  • Fold to cbet OOP
  • Fold VS Raise IP

And then you say: “Where are the turn stats, opponent’s raises, etc.?” - A reasonable remark, but on the turn, in order to make a decision, I already open POPUP, where I look at several stat combinations at once, which will simply skew the entire had. The same applies to raises - in order to cbet, we essentially only need the fold stat.

This is what my HUD looks like:

Notes on my HUD

The Cbet stat is general, there is no need for clarification here, since in order to play postflop as a caller, I always open a pop-up and there I look at a whole complex of 6-10 stats.

Steal is also common, since in any case you have to go to POPUP to see how a person folds to 3bet, makes 4bet, in a specific position.

Fold vs raise IP - in fact, the stat is a kind of option for playing against BTN when I am out of position after injecting a raise. I don’t see the point in bringing up a situation when I’m already in position, there are much more options to beat my opponent and we just need a POPUP.

In all other respects, the HUD is very compact and takes up minimal space!

Next time I will present a complete HUD + POPUPs called Smart-HUD, and tell you what is included there. It will be available for download, note caddy is not used there.

In this article, we will discuss the most common problems associated with HUD and talk about methods to solve them.

Issue I: HUD not showing at tables

If you encounter any problems with the operation of HM2 in general and with the HUD in particular, you should first make sure that you are using latest version HM2. To do this, use the “Check for Update” function on the main panel of the program.

If there are updates for HM2, the software will offer to download them and perform the installation procedure.

If you are using the latest version of HM2, you will see the following information message.

As we already said in the article “Setting up the import of poker rooms for correct operation HUD is needed to:

  1. The hand history written by the poker client was saved on HDD on English language.
  2. The Import process and the HUD itself must be activated.
  3. The path in which the distribution history is saved must be specified correctly in HM2 (Auto Import Folders).
  4. The time set on your PC, the poker client time, and the HM2 time have been synchronized.

To configure time synchronization, use the “Site Setup” option.

If for some reason you cannot synchronize the time automatically, you should do it manually. To do this, select a poker client from the list on the left and indicate the number of hours by which the poker room time differs from the time of your PC:

  • Enter "X" if the poker client's time is "X" hours behind yours.
  • Specify “–X” if the poker client’s time is “X” hours longer than yours.

The next thing you need to make sure is that HM2 and the poker client, installed with the choice of English, are launched with “Administrator” rights (for Vista, Win. 7/8 users). For this:

  1. Open the folder C:\Program Files\ Hold'em Manager 2. Or Program Files (x86) if you are using a 64-bit system.
  2. Find the HoldemManager.exe file, right-click on it and select “Properties” from the menu.
  3. Go to the "Compatibility" tab and select the "Run this program with administrator rights" option. If this option is not available because Windows UAC (User Account Control) is disabled, enable it, restart your computer, and repeat this step. Then, if necessary, you can disable UAC.
  4. Follow the above described algorithm with the shortcut to launch the poker client.

If problems with the HUD persist, use the “Table Finder” function on the “Active Session” tab.

In the window that opens, information about all open tables. Select the desired table on which the HUD is not displayed, and drag the selected icon onto the real table, then confirm the action and click “Done”.

You can also fix problems with HUD output by:

  • Video card driver updates.
  • Disable the “Aero” theme and select the standard Windows theme.
  • Disable or reduce hardware acceleration, as it can cause graphics-related problems, which leads to errors in the HUD.
  • Eliminate errors in program configuration files.

Incorrect configuration in the prefs.xml or holdemmanager.config files can cause Holdem Manager 2 to error and close the program. To fix it, you need to return the original prefs.xml and holdemmanager.config files.

To do this, close HM2 and open the folder C:\Program Files\HoldemManager 2. Make copies of the prefs.xml and holdemmanager.config files and delete the original files. We launch HM2: if the problem is solved after this, then one of deleted files was damaged. We set up the auto-import procedure again.

  • Disabling the Live Tracking service. This feature may cause problems with the HM2. To disable “Live Tracking”, open the “HUD Settings” menu, go to the “Site Options” tab and uncheck all the boxes in the “Live Tracking” area.

  • Check your firewall and antivirus settings, as sometimes these programs can deny access to files that are necessary for the program to function correctly.

Some programs may cause Holdem Manager to crash. To find which program is causing the error, reboot the system, close all applications that you can do without (including MSN, Skype, Teamviewer, Mikogo, Firewall, Antivirus, Email, FPHG, PT3, and other programs in the taskbar, about the clock). Launch only Holdem Manager and the room client. If after this the problem is solved, then run one by one closed programs, this way you can identify the application that is causing HM2 to crash.

  • Enable the generation of log files.

In the “HM2 Settings” menu in the “Feature Logging” tab, activate the checkbox next to the required report on the program’s operation.

Then repeat the action that is causing the crash and open the folder C:\Users\Your Account Name\AppData\Roaming\HoldemManager. Send the hudlog.txt file to: [email protected] and describe your situation in a letter. HM2 Support will then begin working to resolve your issue.

Problem II: HUD windows are out of place

To resolve this issue, you should configure your preferred locations. If you do not use the “Preferred Sites” function, then open the “Site Settings” menu and select the desired room. Then make sure that for the selected room the fields “HU”, “4-5 max”, “6-max”, “7-8 max”, “9 max” and “10 max” are set to “None”.

If after this the HUD windows are positioned incorrectly, correct their order using the buttons<< и >> in the Settings window of the HUD panel at the table. Once you've finished moving the HUD windows, click "Set seat" to lock the HUD windows in the specified positions.

If you use the “Preferred Seats” function, then it is necessary that the specified preferred seats in the room settings correspond to the preferred seats specified in the HM2 settings.

Go to “Site Setup” and set the “Preferred Seat Number” values ​​manually or use the “Auto Detect” function.

Problem III: Mucked Cards are in the wrong place

To solve this problem you should:

  • Make sure that your “Preferred Locations” are configured correctly, otherwise the steps below will be useless.
  • Set a value greater than 0 in the “Display time (sec)” field in the “General Settings” tab

  • Open the “Settings” window on any of the tables and select the “Show mucked card position” option.
  • After this, examples of “Mucked cards” will be displayed on the table, and you will need to place them in the appropriate places using the right mouse button.

  • After placement, deactivate the “Show mucked card position” option in the “Settings” window.

Issue IV: HUD windows do not move

HUD windows at the table can be moved by holding right button mice. If this option is not available to you, then:

  • In the “HUD Settings” menu, in the “General Settings” tab, deactivate the “Lock HUD layout” option.
  • If this does not help, then enable the “Force HUD on top of tables” function.

Problem V: HUD windows are not visible in TeamViewer

In order for HUD windows to be displayed in TeamViewer, you should go to “Advanced options” and deactivate the “Ignore alpha blending on this computer” function.

Problem VI: When the number of players at the table changes, the statistics are reset to zero

To solve this problem, you should correctly configure “HUD Filters”.

  • Go to the “HUD Filters” tab in the “HUD Settings” menu.

  • We set up filters regarding the number of players at the table. To prevent statistics from being reset due to a change in the number of players at the table, you should specify a minimum value of 2 and a maximum value of 10 in all filter lines.

How to fix if there is no HUD displayed on your table during the game or HM2 constantly says Waiting for hands..., but nothing happens, you will learn from this article.

Check for updates

The first thing you need to do is update the program. Check to see if there is an update? Also make sure your poker client is installed in English, and hand histories are saved in English.

If you have the latest version of the program, and the poker room is installed as it should, but the HUD still does not work, then follow these steps:

Does the poker client save hand histories to your computer?

Check all relevant settings. Open your saves folder and make sure there is a file in it that is constantly updated. For example, in the case of Microgaming network sites, you need to manually archive the gamehistory.dat file at certain intervals - every 10,000 hands. Copy/paste into the c:\hmarchive folder and then into the folder of the current day - or create a special folder. After this, restart the client to create new file with the history of games.

Is the folder with hand history displayed in the list of Auto Import HM2 files in the Site Settings?

If not, run automatic discovery. Some folders may not be recognized, especially if they are in non-standard locations. Click Add and specify the path to the folder to add it.

Check your time zone settings

If your time is different from the site server's time zone, you need to set the time in Settings. Run automatic discovery. If for some reason there is no result, determine the time difference yourself and enter it in the site time settings. This step must be completed before starting the game.

While playing, open Sessions Ribbon. Look at the columns on the right where the session hands are displayed and make sure that the times listed for those hands match the time on your computer during the game. Otherwise, go to Network Settings and change them.

Use Table Finder

For some sites/tables you will have to use Table Finder. Check to see if the table is listed in Active Tables, under the session information. Then click Table Finder. Select the table name and drag the object to the desired table. Click "OK" to add a HUD to this table.

Remove archive folders from auto import

Delete c:\hmarchive and/or c:\hm2archive, as well as other folders into which your imported folders are archived from auto-import folders. It is necessary to break the vicious cycle of importing and archiving, as this slows down the HUD and, quite possibly, is the reason for its disappearance. Sometimes this effect causes your computer to crash because Windows does not read file names. Do the same with other folders where data is saved. Remove such folders from the list of folders in auto import.


  • Also make sure that in HUD Options > HUD Filters > Last x months the number is set from 1 to 20.
  • If one HUD works and the other doesn't, then export the broken HUD, then import that file and delete the previous HUD.