Turning off a Windows 10 computer. How to set a timer to turn off the computer? How to set a timer to turn off the computer in the task scheduler

In the question of how to turn off a Windows 10 computer, each user is guided by his own preferences and habits. Nevertheless, it is advisable to carry out the shutdown procedure in a standard way that will be understandable to the Windows 10 system, and therefore will allow it to shut down in a normal, normal mode.

We will dwell on the first point a little, but we will analyze in detail the second point of the above content.

Rice. 1. To turn off your Windows 10 computer, you can use the power button after a little configuration

In Windows 10, you can configure the power button so that when you press it, the Windows 10 system would turn off in a completely normal manner, as if we had clicked on the main menu button (1 in Fig. 2) in the control panel and selected from the menu “Shutdown” (2 in Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Shutdown Windows 10 via main menu

I use the main menu to turn it off, as shown in Fig. 2, and I don’t use the power button for this.

Power settings to turn off Windows 10 using the power button

You can turn off your Windows 10 computer, among other things, using the power button, which is shown as an example in the very first figure above. This in previous Windows versions.

Let's look at how to negotiate with Windows 10 “on shore” to turn off the PC using the power button. Setting up the actions when you press the power button is necessary so that data is not lost when the computer is turned off and all programs can shut down correctly in a normal manner.

This setting is carried out in the general power settings. To do this you need to click right click mouse over the battery image in the taskbar (Fig. 3) and select “Power Options” from the context menu:

Rice. 3. Launch power settings

In the power settings window that opens, you need to select the “Power button actions” option (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Go to setting actions when you press the power button

To do this, you also need to select the “Shut down” option, but in the menu under the image of the electrical plug with the caption “From the network”, as shown in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6. Configuring the “Shutdown” action when the computer is running on electrical network

These power settings must be saved for them to take effect. To do this, click on the “Save changes” button, as shown in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Saving changes to power settings

About simple settings for some laptops

Some “advanced” laptop models also have their own settings for actions when you press the power button. This allows you to make settings on these laptops faster and easier.

If you are the owner of such a laptop, then you do not need to deal with the settings described above, just press and hold the power button for a while so that a window appears on the screen special program settings for this button.

For example, for an Acer laptop this could be a window, as shown in Fig. 8.

Rice. 8. Special settings for actions when you press the power button for Acer laptop. On other laptops there may be a different type of window for this setting.

The settings window (Fig. 8) appears by launching the Acer Power Button program, included in the special software for laptop management of this type.

In this window, you need to check a box that will ensure that the specified actions are automatically performed when you press the power button of the laptop - number 1 in Fig. 8. And then you need to select the “Shutdown” option – number 2 in Fig. 8.

That's it, the laptop settings are completed.


Now, after we have configured the action when pressing the power button, and we have set this action as “Shutdown”, you can turn off the computer or laptop by simply pressing the power button, in other words, the power button on the computer or laptop.

That is, the power button can now be used both to turn on the computer (laptop) and to turn it off.

You can try, but before pressing the power button, try to close all active windows first open source software. Although, after setting the shutdown, we are not afraid, because even if the windows are open, the shutdown program will prompt us to close them or will forcefully close them, but the data should not be lost.

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Windows 10 has undergone certain changes in its interface, although the logic of its use remains similar to previous versions of the OS. Because of this, some users may experience problems even with the most basic operations, such as shutting down the computer correctly. The process is actually not much more complicated than in earlier versions of Windows.

How to turn off your computer in Windows 10

In fact, operating systems of the Windows NT family implement many methods that allow you to shut down your computer correctly. You should not try to turn off your PC using a button or, worse, by unplugging the power cord. This should only be done in the most urgent cases when other options do not work. If you frequently shut down your PC this way, you may experience multiple crashes in the future.

Option 1: Start Menu

This is the most common and easiest way to shut down a computer and is used in almost all versions of Windows. The instructions for it look like this:

Option 2: Keyboard shortcuts

Windows also provides the ability to shut down the operating system using key combinations. Let's look at the most common one as an example:

This key combination has an alternative that is only relevant for Windows 10. Press the Win+X combination. A menu will open where you will need to select the “Shut down or sign out” option. Another small menu will appear there, in which click on the “Shut down” item.

Option 3: "Command Line"

“Command Line” allows you to perform almost all operations in the system using special commands. However, most users may find this method difficult. Its essence is as follows:

  1. Call "Command Prompt" in any way convenient for you. For example, this can be done by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the taskbar and entering the name of the desired object. In the search results, simply click on the appropriate option.
  2. Type the command shutdown /s and press Enter to use it.

Option 4: Slidetoshutdown

This method can also be called unusual. According to the logic of its actions, it is somewhat reminiscent of the previous version, but there are still differences. Usage this option turning off the computer involves the following steps:

Option 5: Turn off a locked PC

You can also turn off your computer from the lock screen if, for example, you need to enter a password to log in. To do this, simply click on the power icon at the bottom right of the screen. IN context menu select the Shutdown option.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about shutting down in Windows 10. There are several ways to do this operation, although almost always only the first one discussed is used.

I think all operating system users already know the update distribution policy. Although in latest versions operating room Windows systems 10, it became possible to postpone updates, but sooner or later they will be automatically downloaded and installed.

Many people have encountered a situation where they urgently need to run or simply shut down work, but they cannot turn off the computer completely quickly in the usual way, since in the shutdown or logout menu there are only options to update and shutdown, as well as update and reboot the system.

This article will tell you how to turn off your computer without Windows updates 10 or how to remove update and shutdown Windows 10 from the shutdown menu.

If you find yourself in such a situation, then you can use one of our methods to turn off your computer without updating. Please note that the next time you start and shut down your computer using these methods, you will still have to install the downloaded updates.

Shutdown window

The current method came to us from previous versions of the Windows operating system. Since the update policy in Windows 10 is much more serious, it is unknown how long it will continue to work.

Lock screen

Be careful because if you turn on your computer this way, you and others who use it may lose unsaved data. Therefore, before using this method, be sure to save all data.

Command line

  1. Let's launch command line pressing Win+X and selecting the item Command Line (Administrator).
  2. In the window that opens, run the command: shutdown /s /f /t 0, which will help you turn off your computer without installing updates.

Unlike the first solution to the problem, here we will look at how to completely remove the update message and complete the job, leaving only the shutdown option. Although, as they say, sooner or later the updates will be installed anyway.

Local Group Policy Editor

This option lets you control whether the Install updates and shut down option appears in the Shut Down dialog box. Windows operation».

If this setting is enabled, the Install updates and shut down option does not appear in the Shut Down Windows dialog box when you select Shut Down from the Start menu, even if there are updates available to install.

If this option is disabled or not set, the Install updates and shut down option will be available in the Shut Down Windows dialog box when you select Shut Down from the Start menu when there are updates available to install.

Cleaning Windows 10 updates

You can clear Windows 10 updates different ways. Of course, if you have experience, you can manually stop services and clean out unnecessary folders. But if necessary, we recommend using a script to automatically clear the cache and update files.

  1. Create on desktop text file and change the extension from .txt to .bat.
  2. Right-click on the created file and select the item in the context menu Change.
  3. Paste the current code into the created file and save the contents of the file, for example using a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S.

After creating the current file, run it as an administrator and wait until the system is cleared of updates. After the process is completed, the computer will turn off, and the next time you turn it on, you will be able to select the shutdown option, instead of updating and shutting down.

Please note that updates will be downloaded again after using the computer for a long time. Therefore, we advise you to read the instructions. We also recommend that you read the article, since using key combinations simplifies the use of the computer as a whole.


Problems of how to turn off the computer without updating and how to remove the update and shut down on Windows 10 can be solved in just a few clicks. The question now is whether the average user knows how to solve it.

Automatic shutdown of the computer is an extremely useful option that will help you out more than once. It will come in handy in cases where your PC or laptop is busy with a long process and you need to leave. In this case, you can configure the computer to turn off - when the desired operation is completed, it will turn off on its own. And you can calmly go to bed, go to work or do your other things.

Most often, configuration is required if you:

  • check your PC for viruses;
  • convert video files;
  • install a computer game;
  • download large files;
  • copy important data, etc.

There are many options here, but the point should be clear.

The first is using built-in Windows tools. The second is using additional software. Read about the last method here:. And this article describes everything possible ways configure the computer to turn off at a specified time using built-in Windows tools.

All the methods below are universal and work on Windows 7, 8 and 10. Therefore, it does not matter which one you have operating system, you can schedule your computer to turn off in any convenient way.

Setting your computer to turn off automatically

The first method on how you can enable automatic shutdown of a computer or laptop is to use the “Run” section. For this:

The following window will appear confirming that everything was done correctly.

The number 3600 is the number of seconds. It can be anything. This particular command activates the automatic shutdown of the PC after 1 hour. The procedure is one-time only. If you need to turn it off again, you must do it again.

Instead of the number 3600, you can write any other number:

  • 600 – shutdown after 10 minutes;
  • 1800 – after 30 minutes;
  • 5400 – in an hour and a half.

I think the principle is clear and you can calculate the required value yourself.

If you have already activated the computer to shut down and for some reason changed your mind, then call this window again and write the line shutdown -a . As a result, the scheduled automatic shutdown will be cancelled. If everything is done correctly, the following message will appear.

Shutting down the computer via the command line

Another very similar method– via the command line. To enable this option:

If you suddenly change your mind about performing this operation, then open this window again and enter – shutdown -a.

This command only works when you have already set the time to turn off the computer, but it has not yet arrived.

By the way, if this procedure needs to be performed regularly, then there is an easier way. To avoid opening the Run window or Command Prompt, create a shortcut (for example, on your desktop). And in the “Object Location” field write the following line C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 5400(the number can be any). Click Next, then enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Now, when you need to set your computer to shut down, just click on this shortcut. And this option is immediately activated (you will see a confirmation message).

For convenience, you can create another shortcut to remove turning off the computer (in case you need it). But here you need to write down the following: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -a(no period at the end).

Turn off the computer according to schedule

And the last method is to turn off the computer by time using the “Scheduler”. Suitable if you need to perform this procedure regularly: daily, weekly, etc. In order not to constantly launch the command line, you just need to set the time to turn off your computer or laptop once and that’s it.

To do this:

  1. Go to Start – Control Panel – Administrative Tools.
  2. Select Task Scheduler.
  3. In the right column, click on “Create a simple task”.
  4. Enter a name that you understand - for example, “Automatic shutdown of PC”.
  5. Indicate how often this procedure should be performed (if once, then it is better to choose one of the methods for automatically turning off the computer described above).
  6. Configure the shutdown of your computer or laptop (specify the start time and date).
  7. Select the first item - “Run program”.
  8. In the “Program” field, write shutdown , and in the “Arguments” field - -s -f (the -f switch forces programs to close in case they suddenly freeze).
  9. Click the "Done" button.

This is how you can set the computer shutdown time. Daily or monthly settings are carried out in approximately the same way. Some fields will be different, but there is nothing complicated there - you'll figure it out.

What should I do if I need to edit or delete this task? In this case, go back to the “Scheduler” and open the “Library” tab. Find your task in the list here (by name) and double-click with the left button.

In the window that opens, go to the “Triggers” section and click on the “Edit” button.

If you no longer need to shut down your PC on a schedule, then go to the “Library”, select your task, right-click, and then click “Delete”.

A few words in conclusion

Many modern programs have a checkbox “Turn off the PC after finishing the procedure.” Most often, it is available in those utilities that take a long time to complete their work - for example, disk defragmentation, scanning a laptop or computer for viruses, etc.

Be sure to check that each program has this checkbox. If it is, then you will not need to configure the PC to turn off at a time. It's much easier and more convenient. If it is not there, then you will have to configure it manually.

By the way, how to correctly calculate the time when you need to turn off your PC? Usually programs show an approximate value when a specific procedure (virus scan or defragmentation) will be completed. Look at it and add another 20-30% (or more) on top. In any case, your PC will be turned off before you wake up in the morning or come home from work in the evening.

Many users who upgraded to a new OS or installed Windows 10 encountered the problem that the computer or laptop does not turn off completely through “Shutdown”. In this case, the problem can have various symptoms - the monitor on the PC does not turn off, all the indicators on the laptop turn off except the power, and the cooler continues to work, or the laptop turns on itself immediately after turning off, and other similar things.

This instruction contains possible solutions to the problem if your Windows 10 laptop does not turn off or desktop computer behaves strangely when shutting down. For different equipment, the problem may be caused by different reasons, but if you do not know which option to fix the problem is right for you, you can try them all - there is nothing in the manual that can lead to malfunctions. See also: (not suitable for cases if this happens immediately after shutdown; in such a situation, the methods described below will help fix the problem), .

If the computer does not turn off with symptoms similar to those described in the section about laptops (i.e. continues to make noise with the screen off, immediately turns on again after finishing work), try the methods described above, here we will talk about one type of problem that has been seen only on PC so far.

On some computers after Windows installations 10 when turned off, the monitor stopped turning off, i.e. switch to low power consumption mode, the screen continues to “glow”, although it is black.

To solve this problem, I can currently suggest two methods (perhaps in the future I will discover others):

  1. Reinstall video card drivers from complete removal previous ones. How to do it: (also suitable for AMD and Intel video cards).
  2. Try shutting down with USB devices disabled (at least try disabling everything that can be disabled). In particular, the problem was noticed when there were connected gamepads and printers.

At the moment, these are all the solutions known to me, which usually solve the problem. Most of the situations in which Windows 10 does not turn off are due to the absence or incompatibility of individual chipset drivers (so it’s always worth checking this). Cases with the monitor not turning off when a gamepad is connected are similar to some kind of system bug, but I don’t know the exact reasons.

Note: I forgot one more option - if for some reason you have disabled automatic updates Windows 10, and it is installed in its original form, then perhaps it’s worth updating it: many similar problems disappear for users after the next update.