Real time of subscribers on the channel.  Real subscribers on YouTube. Grow Youtube Subscribers

Subscribers on Youtube are an analogue of "friends" in other social networks. Why subscribe to the channel? On the one hand, this is a way to immediately learn about updates on an interesting channel. To do this, just go to the "Subscriptions" tab, and you will see updates to your favorite channels both for today and for recent time: scrolling a little lower, you will see the "This week" section, and then the next one - "This month ".

On the other hand, a subscription is a way to show appreciation and respect to the author of the channel, thereby showing that the content he produces is really interesting. But how to see subscribers on YouTube on your own channel and find out how many people considered your page worthy of attention?

Finding our fans. Sequence #1

How to see how many subscribers are on YouTube? It is quite simple, although out of habit, you can first get lost in the functionality of YouTube. First, go to the "My Channel" tab, after which you immediately pay attention to what is written above your profile photo. It shows the number of subscribers. If you hover over and click on the inscription "Subscribers" or Subscribers, you will be taken to a page where you can see subscribers on YouTube as a list of specific users.

Sequence number 2: we go through the creative studio

In addition to the above method, there is a second option, how to view subscribers on YouTube. Click on your profile photo in the upper right corner, and then on the "Creator Studio" button. On the left you will see a menu in which you need to select the "Community" item, after which you select the "Subscribers" item in the drop-down list.

Option number 3: find a page with subscribers through the search bar

It's even easier than in the above cases: you just manually enter "" without quotes in the address bar. If you have already logged into your account before, it will automatically load on the desired page. If not, you will be thrown out to the authorization page, which, after logging in, will be updated to the tab with subscribers. The main thing is not to make mistakes when entering.

What else can you find out besides how to see subscribers? Temporary statistics are also available on YouTube - opposite the username is the date the subscription to your channel began. You can also see the number of followers for each of your fans and immediately follow back. In addition, you can go to your subscriber's profile and explore it: see what else he is subscribed to, what videos he watched, what he likes.

However, the number of people on the list may be less than your actual number of followers: some prefer to remain anonymous and do not allow themselves to appear as a follower.

By the way, you can also dig into the settings and make sure that your subscriptions are not displayed to anyone. To do this, you need to go to "Account Settings" (click on the gear icon) and there, in the "Privacy" section, note that you do not want to show information about your subscriptions. You can also hide your watched and liked videos. Don't forget to save updates in settings. Now, if someone thinks about how to see subscribers on YouTube, and opens the list, he still won't find you there - privacy settings apply.

On the Internet, as in reality, one simple thing takes place: people follow opinion leaders. In order to increase the popularity of the page and interest in it, you need to become an opinion leader in the eyes of others! This will contribute to the number of likes and subscribers.

After the blog goes “to the people” and becomes recognizable, subscribers begin to come by themselves. But this page needs to be pushed. Cheat subscribers on Youtube with the VTope service is aimed precisely at this!

It is never too early and never too late to seek our help. Whether you started your blog last week or a few years ago, the results will be clear. Real people will come to your page to help increase the popularity of the posted videos to the desired scale.

Cheat subscribers on Youtube: vanity or necessity?

The modern world lives by special rules. Often they are similar to the rules of show business: first, a person tries with all his might to draw attention to his person, then others pick up this task. Thus, the popularity is growing.
Cheat free subscribers on YouTube for free will help to cope with the first part of the task. The owner of a Youtube account does not invest anything, but simply sets a task and waits for the result. Our service is powered by friendly users who help others gain popularity, and at the same time solve their own problems. Everything is legal and within the rules of YouTube!

VTope will help increase the user's popularity not only on the network, but also in real life. Agree, the phrase "He has 10,000 subscribers on Youtube!" sounds magical and impresses. Buying subscribers on Youtube for free is definitely worth at least testing. We are sure you will not want to refuse our service!

Active and "live" YouTubers who have already subscribed to your channel - this is important not only when buying subscribers, but also when you want to view statistics for a week, a month, or an earlier period.

  • First - log into your account, knowing the password;
  • Top right - click on the "add video" button;
  • In the expanded window that appears on the screen - find in YouTube settings"control panel" and go by clicking on this key;
  • At the top right - you will see the statistics of your subscribers, the total number of people who watched your videos;
  • To see full information about those who showed interest in your account and subscribed to your channel, in the upper right - click on your initials;
  • After that, go to your data and at the top, under your photo, you need to click on the button with the statistics "subscribers" to go to the selection with active subscribers.

How to see subscribers on youtube

If you follow a strictly suggested scheme that helps you view information about your YouTube subscribers, the account owner will be able to see only those users who have chosen to officially show information about their subscriptions.

Not everyone is ready to disclose their statistics about the actions taken on this popular information portal, therefore, often remain out of view.

If you don't know free methods how to get the largest number of subscribers, it is recommended to follow good recommendations.

On a note

Active users of YouTube video hosting, where it is always interesting and exciting to spend free time on the Internet, follow the most interesting channel wanting to stay up to date with all the new updates. This is very attractive and “works” for a relatively long time, when people have an irresistible desire to be the first to know about the new materials of the channel they like. To increase traffic to your profile, it is recommended to use popular services to download unique content.

If you have already walked the indicated path - how to see subscribers on youtube, it will not be superfluous, when 100 live participants in your project have already been recruited, at least 3 thousand views are noted in the statistics, connect your channel to the affiliate program.

In order to significantly and as quickly as possible increase the number of visitors to your channel, we recommend that you initially upload exclusively high-quality video material to YouTube video hosting, publish annotations, constantly taking care of the relevance of the selections provided.

Expand the circle of new and regular subscribers - use social networks

In order to increase the indicators of official statistics, to bring the number of subscribers to the number of 1000, you will first have to:

  • Register in a variety of groups and communities in the social. networks;
  • Leave valid links to the videos published in the system and your channel;
  • Comment on other people's channels on or offer significant bonuses for more activity on your account.

The channel owner's profile reflects real statistics for the last 30 calendar days.

If you don't know how to watch real subscribers on youtube for an earlier period, to analyze the actions of its competitors, it is proposed:

  • Find out id in advance YouTube channel to view statistics data;
  • In the selected page of the channel you are interested in, copy the inscription in the address bar that is located after user;
  • If the page address does not contain this, click on the name of the channel, which is located directly below the banner. As a result of reloading the page, the address bar will contain the mark user. If not, then the owner simply decided not to change the default address to a custom channel status, and the activity statistics will be hidden from you and other prying eyes.

After copying the requested channel id, going to the website, in the upper right corner into the window, paste the saved data by id, click on the Search inscription. Full statistics, designed in a plate on the socialblade affiliate program, will open if you follow the link by clicking on the inscription "See full monthly statistic".

Almost everyone who has created a channel on YouTube thinks about how to quickly gain a lot of views, subscribers and likes. And those who do not yet understand that YouTube, like search engines, have their own filters, resort to subscriber cheat services. And in vain, because. this eventually leads to a channel ban, or to a hard lowering of positions in the issue. Who does not believe, I will prove.

And why is it needed at all? Everything is right! To show everyone how many of them I have, how cool I am, a lot of people are watching me. Yes, no one cares about how many subscribers you have, and no one is watching you, because they are dead.

And who thought about how it will affect your channel? Why yours? To say that I have my own channel on YouTube is just stupid. We don't have anything on YouTube. Not you, not him, not me. This is the property of the Pindos. We have a simple account and that's it!!! If they want to ban the channel, they will. And with a wrap, you won’t have to wait long for a ban at all. If you receive income from YouTube, you will be fired like a boss from a regular job. We are needed there as long as there are enough advertisers. There will be no offers for advertising, there will be no demand for it. Everything is already moving towards it. CPCs have gone down the drain. Wanting to earn more and more. At some point, there won't be enough for everyone. And so already, famous video bloggers are leaving YouTube. Something got me...

How do you get subscribers on YouTube?

Get subscribers on youtube happens with the help of scam services, which have already been divorced like dirt. Some give just bots, some real people. Both of those are bullshit. YouTube has its own service for tracking such tricksters, and it works many times better than cheating services.

You can not talk about services that give bots. If you resort to the help of those, you can put an end to the development of the channel. They burn in two seconds, especially those who are overcome by the thirst for profit, and somehow the channel has more subscribers than the views themselves on the entire channel. Well, that doesn't happen either.

If you use a service that gives real subscribers, you can still live. Where do they get real followers? You pay money, and the service pays part of the money to its employees who perform various tasks. One of them is to subscribe to the channel. That's all. Nothing complicated.

So what if I subscribed to a channel where they show how to cook borscht and other crap? Yes, I have never cooked borscht in my life and, as it were, I am not going to. Will I watch videos on this topic? No! And you? Therefore, all subscribers are dead weight, there are no views. And over time, they all pootpisyvatsya.

And who benefits from it? Right! Scam services. They're the only ones who benefit. You have been scammed for money. This is what they are created for. And everyone who talks about them and advises also profits from you. Links give referral.

No, well, if you have extra money, try it. I don `t care. Personally, I'm in favor of everything being natural. If a person likes the channel, he will subscribe to it. And you don’t need to beg for a subscription, insert a pop-up banner with a call to subscribe ten times. It's annoying.

How to wind up subscribers on YouTube and fall under the filter?

Now the question must arise - from where do I know all this? Yes, from nowhere. I've been watching some channels for a long time. Now there will be evidence that a disastrous thing for the channel.

Let's take the Russian Collectors channel. I'm interested in channels on this topic. There are very funny moments when the guys really scoff at the collectors. But that's not the point. Let's see the scan:

Notice how many subscribers and how many views? What about likes? It's not real. This is only one video, and this is the situation with almost all videos. Who does not believe, go to the channel, see for yourself. And the video is funny, by the way. And if Sanya hadn’t been doing nonsense, he would still be watched. And so YouTube put it to hell, and no one can find it.

And the subscribers wound up very famously. If memory serves, about a month. So what? What's next? He uploads new videos regularly, but there is the same situation, there are no views. And according to my calculations, he has no more than a thousand live subscribers. But if they were all real, then at least half of them would watch his videos. What title does he give to the video? “Sequoia (Issue 26, Issue 27, etc.) Who would ever think to enter such a name into a search engine? The title must be

He has another channel "national collection service". I don't think it's worth saying that the situation is the same there. See for yourself if you wish.

But the channel, as they say, on the contrary, "koma761":

Compare how many subscribers and how many views. I chose the video with the average view rate. There are also 20,000 views. The man didn't do shit. Vidosy spreads rarely, but aptly. He turned on monetization not so long ago. He has really funny videos, I advise you to watch. They are interesting to people, it is impossible not to watch them to the end. Yes, and he makes the names of the videos look like the content. Therefore, YouTube throws it into the recommended, visible part of the screen.

There are several more channels. But there is no point in showing them all here. But if this evidence is not enough for you, and you still do not believe that this is a waste of time and money, then it is for you. Good luck to all.

All hello with you Alexander Bely. In the previous post, we talked with you about the selection, which will help in promoting video clips in the TOP search queries Youtube video hosting. In today's article, I want to talk with you about ways to gain subscribers to your channel.

So, in what cases we may need to cheat subscribers on Youtube for free. Suppose? you just decided to create your own channel and post your unique videos on it. As in the case of blogging, the success of channel development and, as a result, earnings on YouTube will depend on the number of regular visitors, subscribers.

How to increase the popularity of the resource

2. Then join the VSP Youtube affiliate program and monetize your channel. Payouts to your wallets from $1. Channel requirements are minimal.

Suppose you go to a channel and see 2 subscribers on it. And the second option on the channel has several thousand subscribers. Which channel are you most likely to subscribe to? I think about the second one, as it seems that it is interesting to many, so I will subscribe. On the channel with the lack of subscribers, it seems that no one is subscribed, respectively, and I will not.

In addition to young channels, Youtube has certain restrictions associated with the placement of paid content, as well as for participating in affiliate programs YouTube, which allow you to monetize and promote the channel, also needs about 1000 subscribers.

Thus, in order not to bother much with the search for target subscribers at the initial stage, it makes sense to wind them up with the help of third-party services, where you will provide yourself with 1000 subscribers per channel in a relatively short period. Then all that remains is to post useful, interesting videos and interest the target subscribers, who will probably watch your channel every day.

If you want to speed up the process of promoting your resource on YouTube and Vkontakte, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the services of the service for recruiting subscribers vktarget.

On the above service, in addition to YouTube subscribers, you can wind up Likes for videos, as well as fill groups in social network In contact with. For those who are interested in YouTube, watch a video on how the service for attracting subscribers to the channel works.

If you came to YouTube to earn more than one $ 1000 per month and plan to build a recognizable Youtube channel with a regular audience and subscribers, you just need to familiarize yourself with Yotube Master video course. Having mastered all the methods outlined in this course, I simply can’t imagine how not to start earning on YouTube in 3-4 months at least 10,000 rubles a month.

This concludes today's post. See you later. Bye