Specific prevention of influenza. Nonspecific prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases. We increase immunity and do not get sick

To reduce the incidence of viral infections, there are some rules that help strengthen your body and protect it from ARVI and influenza. One of the important aspects of prevention is food, which should be fresh and healthy. Timely consumption of vitamins and minerals, physical exercise and hygiene will help you not get sick even during epidemics.

Necessary prevention of ARVI

Prevention of ARVI should be carried out both by healthy people and those already sick.

  • In the first days you need to stay in bed;
  • If you have to go to school or work, you should wear a mask so as not to infect others;
  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or handkerchief;
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap or sanitizer;
  • Regularly ventilate the room where the patient is, and the person should leave for a few minutes.

As for the various medications that help strengthen the immune system, they should be selected only after consultation with a specialist, because currently there are a huge number of “placebos” that are positioned as immunostimulants, but in fact turn out to be useless drugs.

Antiviral medications should also be purchased and taken as directed by your doctor.

Do not forget about various vitamin complexes, exercises, and hardening of the body. In this way, you can strengthen your immune system and remain healthy even during an epidemic.

Types of specific prevention

Specific prevention involves vaccination of the body. However, this procedure can only be truly effective if half the population is vaccinated. In total, there are currently over 25 different flu vaccines of different generations. In laboratories, specialists at the beginning of the year identify strains of the virus that can create an epidemic and develop a vaccine.

Types of vaccines:

  1. First generation vaccines are divided into two types - live and non-living. The first ones are used in medicine quite rarely; their job is to spray the nasal cavity to create long-term immunity. The disadvantage of these vaccines is a large number of side effects.
  2. Second generation vaccines are a destroyed virus with proteins present. However, when using vaccines of this generation, various side effects are not uncommon.
  3. Third generation vaccines contain only purified surface proteins of the virus. This modern means, which are much safer and more effective than vaccinations of other generations.
  4. Fourth generation vaccines include purified proteins and Polyoxidonium, which strengthens the immune system. This type The vaccine has minimal side effects and is well tolerated by people of all ages.

As it becomes clear from all of the above, modern third- and fourth-generation vaccines are considered the safest and most effective.

Their use has virtually no side effects, but in some cases they do not allow achieving the maximum result, as with the use of live vaccines.

Often, flu shots do not help; this happens if the strain of the suspected virus does not match. Therefore, in addition to vaccination, you should always strengthen your immune system through various activities.

Timely vaccination helps:

  • Reduce the incidence of influenza;
  • Reduce the number of side effects in case of illness;
  • Allow the person to recover as quickly as possible;
  • Reduce mortality from influenza diseases.

Experts have proven that timely vaccination of the population helps reduce the number of cases of viral diseases and creates a strong immune layer.

Flu: specific prevention

Influenza prevention is especially necessary for such groups of people as: elderly people, children of all ages, employees of educational, medical, commercial and other institutions, people with weakened immune systems, and those with chronic diseases.

Modern vaccines are designed to take into account all possible side effects, but pregnant women should consult a doctor before vaccination.

Young children also need to get the vaccine only after visiting a pediatrician. However, there may be side effects such as: slight fever, headache, redness of the skin at the injection site, allergies, weakness.

Who should not get vaccinated against influenza and ARVI?:

  • Patients with acute influenza or ARVI;
  • People who had the flu less than 3 months ago;
  • Children under one year old;
  • Persons with individual intolerance to any of the components included in the vaccine;
  • Persons with frequent fevers up to 37 degrees and above;
  • People with blood diseases.

In any case, before vaccination, you should find out about your health status from a doctor and undergo some tests. Otherwise, there is a high risk of side effects.

Nonspecific prevention

Nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI allows you to strengthen the body and minimize the risk of infection with viruses.

The following measures should be taken to prevent infection::

  • Refrain from hypothermia, dress appropriately for the weather;
  • Ventilate the apartment regularly;
  • Walk in good weather;
  • Balance your diet, it should include a full range of vitamins and minerals, food should be fresh and nutritious;
  • Drink enough water to improve metabolism and reduce the risk of viruses entering tissues through dry mucous membranes;
  • Exercising or playing sports to keep the body in good shape, some even swim in an ice hole or douse themselves with cold water;
  • Good sleep, which is at least 8 hours;
  • Clean the apartment with wet cleaning in a timely manner; it is very important to wipe the dust on time;
  • Be in the company of disease carriers as little as possible;
  • After coming from the street, wash your hands with soap, before eating, treat your hands with an antiseptic or wash them too;
  • Do not touch your mouth, nose, eyes with dirty hands;
  • The nose should be washed and blown to reduce the amount of bacteria and dirt in the mucous membranes.

Also, do not forget about taking vitamins, especially during autumn. It is better to always have wet antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizer with you. You can purchase antiseptic throat tablets and dissolve them periodically for prevention.

Combination: specific and nonspecific prevention

Of course, combined prevention gives the greatest effect; in this case, the risk of contracting viral diseases is minimal.

What do we have to do:

  • You should take vitamins, eat right and exercise to provide your body with nonspecific prevention;
  • In addition to the above, you can additionally make a vaccine, if the body is already strengthened, then there will be no side effects;
  • Both methods of prevention provide reliable protection for the body during periods of exacerbation of viral diseases.

Such prevention can be started for children, adults and even the elderly. However, you should not immediately start with dousing yourself with cold water; you can first try a contrast shower to prepare the body. People with a weak cardiovascular system are recommended to undergo an examination and only then begin procedures to harden the body.

More than 500 viruses that cause a variety of diseases have been discovered and studied to date. About 100 viruses lead to diseases of the respiratory system.

To prevent influenza the following are used:

  • Virus-specific drugs;
  • Specific vaccines;
  • Interferons and their inducers that suppress the development of viruses in the body.

Symptomatic therapy and pathogenetic treatment agents are used in treatment and prevention.. However, virus-specific drugs and immunotropic drugs are not widely used.


All viruses that cause respiratory pathology are very common, variable and polymorphic. In Russia, about 35 million people with acute respiratory viral infections are registered annually.

When outbreaks of viral diseases occur, about 10% of the population may be affected simultaneously or in a short period of time. Mortality from influenza during epidemic surges is at the level of 870 cases per 100 thousand population.

The World Health Organization believes that a pandemic could arise due to the formation of a completely new influenza A virus, to which people have no immunity. In previous pandemics, 20 to 40% of the population was infected. About 20 million deaths were recorded during these periods.

History of pandemics

There were 3 pandemics in the 20th century. The first and most dangerous pandemic is still considered to be the “Spanish flu”, which claimed more than 30 million lives. These figures exceed the loss of life during the First World War.

The second pandemic began in Asia 40 years later. The H2N2 virus was then circulating. More than 1 million people have died from this virus.

The H3N2 influenza virus pandemic began in Hong Kong in 1968-1969, resulting in over 800,000 deaths.

The emergence of vaccines

Currently, influenza vaccination is widespread. Inactivated and subunit vaccines are used. All vaccines are similar in their immunogenic properties.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the importance of vaccination of risk groups:

  • children and elderly people;
  • people with chronic diseases and immunodeficiency conditions;
  • patients with an allergic mood.

In such people, the flu is especially severe and the number of complications leading to death is high.

In risk groups, vaccination is carried out with subunit vaccines, following WHO recommendations. Elderly and elderly people are most likely to suffer complications of influenza.

Inactivated vaccines, which are safe, have been used to prevent influenza for more than 50 years. A large number of people are prevented by such vaccines.

The introduction of specific prophylaxis saved a huge number of human lives, prevented the development of complications, reduced their severity and improved the likelihood of a favorable outcome of the infection.
To prevent the development of a pandemic, it is necessary to vaccinate a large part of the population. Since acute respiratory infections are caused by a huge number of other viruses, after vaccination the disease must be confirmed using serological research methods.

Mutations of influenza A virus - avian influenza virus

In Hong Kong in 1997, the influenza A virus with the H5N1 serotype, the so-called avian influenza virus, was first isolated. The virus infected 18 people, of whom 6 died, including 1 child. There in Hong Kong in 1999, two children were infected with the same virus - they recovered. In 2003, again in Hong Kong, two children became infected with the virus, one of them did not survive. In 2003, 86 people who worked with poultry were infected with bird flu in the Netherlands. The symptoms manifested themselves as mild conjunctivitis, a flu-like syndrome, but with such mild symptoms and course, 1 person died.

This virus mutated by 2004 and became more virulent and dangerous in relation to humans. This year it was mostly children who got sick. Those who were infected had some degree of contact with the bird.

Such viruses can infect humans and not cause epidemic outbreaks among birds, while in humans flu disease often asymptomatic.

Preventive measures include the removal of infected birds, because the influenza virus in a bird carcass can remain in a state capable of infection for a year.

Properties of avian influenza virus

The pathogen cannot withstand pasteurization, that is, temperatures up to +56-60°C for half an hour. Thus, poultry meat is quite suitable for consumption if properly cooked.

Preparing for a pandemic

Preparations for the development of a pandemic are undoubtedly carried out in advance. The following factors are taken into account:

  • increased consumption of medications;
  • increase in hospitalizations;
  • increasing the number of primary medical consultations;
  • the need for treatment of acute conditions and complications.

Typically, pandemics develop more actively in developing and underdeveloped countries, since healthcare is poorly organized there. The pandemic, of course, will lead to a shortage of vaccines, which could lead to disruptions in the health care system and other related areas.

Using the antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir)

In relation to the influenza virus, the neurominidase inhibitor Tamiflu has an effective effect, which, as is known, provided quite serious resistance during the development of the avian flu pandemic several years ago.

This drug is prescribed not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of influenza. In order for the virus to multiply, it requires neuraminidase. If its synthesis is blocked, the virus will not be able to exit the host cells into the external environment and replicate. After some time, the virus dies.

Tamiflu can be prescribed to children from the first year of life. The drug substance is able to penetrate all organs and tissues of the body where the virus multiplies.

The dosage of the drug is 75 mg twice a day for 5 days. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the medicine, it should be used no later than the first two days from the moment of illness. If Tamiflu is taken within the first 12 hours, the duration of the flu is reduced by three days.

As a prophylactic agent, Tamiflu is used once a day at a dose of 75 mg.

Research data

Studies using oseltamivir have shown that the duration of the disease is reduced by an average of 40%, and the number of symptoms is also reduced by 31-37%. The duration of myalgia, fever, and headaches is reduced by 39%. These data are compared to placebo. In addition, patients treated with Tamiflu used fewer medications during their illness.
Secondary complications of influenza are reduced by 67% with the use of oseltamivir, and mortality from complications in the elderly and elderly patients is reduced by 70%.

Prevention with oseltamivir reduces the risk of developing an acute condition by 80-90%. This medicine can be used in sick vaccinated patients.

Use of Tamiflu in children

Children carry human flu much more often than adults. When oseltamivir is used at a dose of 2 mg/kg, the therapeutic dose is safe and effective in young patients from 1 to 12 years of age.

Other virus-specific drugs

Unlike Tamiflu, these drugs:

  • suppress the reproductive ability of viruses - levamisole, oxalin, bonafton;
  • disrupt the adsorption of virions on target cells and their penetration into this cell - rimantadine, recombinant CD 4 molecules;
  • disrupt the synthesis of viral nucleic acids - azidothymidine, ganciclovir, famciclovir;
  • disrupt the synthesis of viral proteins - interferons and protease inhibitors.

Therapy with virus-specific drugs is quite complex and ambiguous, because viruses are constantly mutating. The likelihood of the formation of a new virus capable of causing a pandemic is high, so work on the development of new antiviral drugs does not end.

To minimize the possibility of contracting influenza and ARVI during an epidemic, it is very important to follow a set of preventive measures. There is a specific and nonspecific prophylaxis influenza and ARVI, you will learn about the characteristics of each in this article.

Prevention of influenza can be specific and nonspecific

To understand which preventive measures will be effective and why, it is necessary to understand how influenza and ARVI viruses can enter the human body.

  1. The most common route of infection with the virus is through airborne droplets. With a sneeze or cough, the virus leaves its previous location and is released into the environment. If a healthy person inhales it and the virus settles on the mucous membranes of the mouth, bronchi, nose or throat, then active reproduction and spread of the infection will begin.
  2. There is also a contact mechanism of infection. This method is less likely, because the virus must pass through many barriers, survive and begin reproducing in a new organism. If an infected person covers his mouth with his hand when sneezing or coughing, thus trying to protect those around him, and then, unsuspectingly, shakes the hand of a healthy person, then the latter will only have to touch his nose, mouth or rub his eyes, and the likelihood of infection increases several times.

The virus remains viable outside the human body for up to 3 weeks, so contact of an infected person with toys, dishes and other household items can lead to influenza or ARVI.

Features of specific prevention of influenza and ARVI

Specific prevention of influenza is the creation of artificial immunity in humans against a specific pathogen using vaccines. Vaccination is one of the most effective methods of preventing ARVI and influenza, because reduces the likelihood of infection by almost 2 times and protects the body from severe consequences. But this method has a significant drawback - a specific vaccine is effective against a specific strain of the influenza virus, and because The latter number 3 (2 strains of influenza virus type A and 1 type B); the vaccine cannot protect against others.

The most popular vaccines are:

  • Flu;
  • Agrippal;
  • Influvac;
  • Vaxigrip;
  • Fluarix.

The principle of action of the drugs is to introduce antigens of pathogens (virus or its particles) into the body, which the immune system recognizes and produces antibodies. When the virus enters again, the body recognizes the familiar type of antigen and eliminates it, thanks to the high content of antibodies. The vaccine does not cause disease, because the virus (or part of it) is artificially weakened or killed.

The composition of the vaccine may change every year due to the fact that the influenza virus easily changes its structure. A person can get the flu several times a year, only because a “new” version of the virus has entered his body.

You need to get a flu vaccine every year

Vaccination is allowed after a medical examination, because vaccines have the following contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute illness;
  • heat;
  • age up to 6 months.

Specific prevention of influenza is especially necessary for people at risk: pregnant women, children, the elderly, health workers, people with weak immunity or chronic diseases, with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, etc.

The drugs are highly purified and meet all the requirements of pharmacological organizations producing vaccines, therefore they are well tolerated. But complications can still arise, they are:

  • systemic (headache, abnormal heart rhythm or breathing, muscle pain, blood pressure surges, etc.);
  • local (response to the vaccine not of the whole body, but of a specific system: sore throat or head, runny nose or redness of the skin, etc.).

If complications occur, you need to notify your doctor about the disturbing symptoms.

Features of nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI

Nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI includes a set of the following measures: taking medications that reduce the likelihood of contracting the virus; compliance with sanitary, hygienic and health measures that will help avoid disease.

Strengthening the immune system

Influenza and ARVI viruses are very aggressive; to neutralize them, the body must have a strong immune system that can protect against the disease. A strong immune system is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, so it is necessary to maintain and strengthen it with the following methods:

Proper nutrition It is very important that the body receives fortified healthy foods every day; it is especially worth including fruits rich in vitamin C in the diet; animal products rich in vitamin D (fish oil, fatty fish, eggs, dairy products); meat that compensates for protein deficiency (beef is better), garlic is a natural antiseptic, etc.
Hardening Hardening strengthens not only the human immune system, but also health in general. The body begins to adapt to unusual conditions, while the person’s performance increases, well-being improves and morbidity decreases.
Sport An active lifestyle improves blood circulation, saturating the body with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the body's resistance to various diseases.
Healthy sleep The physical and psychological state of a person and, as a consequence, immunity depend on the quantity and quality of sleep. Insomnia impairs the production of antibodies by white blood cells that protect against harmful infections, so it is very important to maintain a sleep-wake schedule.
No stress The immune system largely depends on the psychological state, so you must try to avoid stressful situations and maintain peace of mind.

If you regularly adhere to these simple rules for nonspecific prevention of ARVI and influenza, then a person’s resistance to various infections will increase, as well as physical and psychological health will improve.

Sound sleep is important for good health

Taking medications

Nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI should be accompanied by the use of antiviral drugs, because These diseases are of viral origin.

Grippferon is a safe and effective medicine for the prevention of ARVI and influenza. Admission is allowed even for children from 1 year old. The principle of action of the drug is aimed at preventing the reproduction of any viruses that have entered the human body.

Oskolinic ointment is one of the simplest and most accessible antiviral drugs. It is recommended to use it during an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza epidemic. To use, you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa before going outside or when in contact with a patient with influenza or ARVI. The active substance oxolin blocks the penetration of the virus into the body.

Tamiflu is only effective against the influenza virus. The active substance oseltamivir carboxylate suppresses the pathogenicity and replication of the virus.

Arbidol suppresses the activity of viruses and also stimulates the formation of its own interferons. The medicine is low-toxic and is approved for children from 3 years of age.

Also, nonspecific prevention of influenza may include taking vitamins and immunomodulators (Kagocel, Immunal, etc.).

Vitamins help strengthen the immune system

Maintaining hygiene rules

Influenza and ARVI are transmitted by airborne droplets and contact; to reduce the risk of infection, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. After every walk, you should wash your hands with soap. When staying outside for a long time, do not take food with dirty hands and do not touch your face with them, use antibacterial wipes, disinfectants and antiseptic gels.
  2. A gauze bandage will be especially relevant during the period of peak incidence. Such masks are sold in every pharmacy, and you can also make them yourself.
  3. It is necessary to avoid shaking hands as much as possible and crowded places: trading platforms, public transport, offices, etc.
  4. Wet cleaning is necessary to reduce the risk of inhaling contaminated dust particles.
  5. It is necessary to ventilate the room for up to 20 minutes a day, thus the concentration of the virus in a closed room will be significantly reduced.

Carry out wet cleaning regularly

It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, so it is necessary to take care of prevention, especially in the autumn and winter periods of the year.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children is one of the most important tasks in modern medicine. The fact is that these diseases account for the lion's share of all registered infectious diseases. Children in schools and kindergartens are especially susceptible to these diseases. The peak incidence occurs in autumn and winter. According to statistical data for the autumn-winter period, 80% of schoolchildren get sick with influenza and ARVI.

Of course, parents and the state are interested in ensuring that children are protected from viral infections. For this purpose various preventive actions, a special health bulletin is published. Prevention of influenza in this document is presented simply and clearly.

The topic of today's conversation is the prevention of viral infections.

Exists specific and nonspecific prevention flu This division is explained by the fact that there is no universal protection against viral infections. Therefore, to ensure epidemiological safety, doctors are moving in several directions at once.

Prevention and ARVI in children is a set of measures, the purpose of which is to prevent the virus from entering the child’s body.

Specific prevention of influenza

Specific prevention means annual vaccination population of the country from a specific influenza virus. The need for annual vaccination is explained by the fact that influenza viruses are constantly mutating. Doctors have to adjust the vaccine every year to make it more effective.

Annual vaccination is probably the most effective way of prevention viral infections. According to WHO statistics, after the introduction of mass vaccinations into international practice, the number of epidemics in the world has decreased significantly.

It is worth noting that specific prevention demonstrates its effectiveness only if it affects at least 50% of all citizens of the country.

In Russia there are currently four e generation of influenza vaccines. Each of them is capable of developing specific immunity to a specific strain of the virus. The number of effective vaccines increases every year because epidemiologists create new serums against next year’s viruses in advance.

The division of antiviral vaccines into generations is explained by their following features:

does not provide a guarantee that a vaccinated person will not ultimately get the flu. There is always a possibility of infection with a strain of the virus against which the serum is not effective. However, everyone should get vaccinated because the vaccine allows you to:
  • Significantly reduce the risk of infection.
  • Reduce symptoms and exclude the development of complications if a person does get sick.
  • Speed ​​up recovery.
  • Significantly reduce the likelihood of death.

Specific prevention of influenza is especially needed for the elderly, children, school workers, traders, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases.

Despite the fact that modern anti-influenza serums are considered safe, the following groups of people should still refrain from vaccination:

Nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI

The main task of such preventive measures is increasing sustainability body to various viruses.

Nonspecific prevention is explained in some detail in the annual health bulletins issued by the Ministry of Health. We advise you to pay attention to the following recommendations from doctors:

Nonspecific prevention applies not only to healthy people, but also to those who are already sick. For them, the health bulletin contains the following recommendations:

  • Maintain bed rest and avoid visiting places with large crowds of people. There is no need to take your child to the clinic after the first symptoms appear. Call a doctor at home.
  • It is necessary to place the sick child in a separate room. It should be wet cleaned regularly. Don't forget to ventilate the room.
  • It is advisable to put a disposable mask on a sick child. You need to change it for a new one every two hours.

Nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI also involves taking various immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. If everything is clear with the first, then the second is a topic for a separate discussion, because there are many drugs on sale whose effectiveness is questionable. There is an opinion that such antiviral drugs only line the pockets of pharmacists, but do not bring any benefit. Their research is still ongoing.

When choosing this or that drug, you should in any case consult your doctor.

For now considered the most effective antiviral drugs such as: Cycloferon, Katsogel, Tsitovir, Arbidol, Remantadine, Tamiflu.

Interferons can also be used to prevent ARVI and influenza. These drugs activate cells, causing them to fight the virus.

Some doctors today recommend using synthetic vitamins for prevention purposes. However, the medical community for the most part considers this approach questionable. A person should get everything essential vitamins and minerals from food. But if the diet is poor, then you can try to compensate for the lack of these substances with vitamin complexes.


Prevention of infectious diseases in children is a difficult task, since there are no solutions that are 100% effective. Therefore, to ensure the health of the child, you have to spend more time and patience. However, if you follow the basic rules and take protective measures in a timely manner, then nothing threatens the baby. The main thing to remember is that there are no trifles in preventive measures. It is imperative to follow all recommendations.

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