Science pop channels on YouTube. The best channels on YouTube. Only the most useful and interesting things! Closer to nature

Biologists Mitchell Moffitt and Gregory Brown, known for their articles in Scientific American and The Atlantic, on their channel ASAP Science each week, they answer a compelling question, like how MDMA affects the brain, why we think babies are so cute, and whether video games can make us smarter. All videos are hand-drawn animation that clearly reveals this or that fact.

Nauchpok can be called an analogue of ASAP Science in Russian. A channel made by the odious team of video bloggers Caramba TV (+100500, BadComedian, etc.), also features hand-drawn videos in a similar style. The topic is also very close, as the titles of the video indicate: “why do people hiccup”, “why do we love spicy things”, “what is topographic cretinism”.

A channel that is already considered a legend in the YouTube community. The slogan Vsauce - The world is amazing reflects its essence: blog author Michael Stevens takes on completely different aspects of our existence and clearly explains why everything happens this way and not otherwise. By the way, not so long ago, enthusiasts launched a channel where selected Vsauce videos are translated into Russian.

Authentic Russian-language channel Kreosan publishes videos with unusual experiments with electricity, radio waves, pyrotechnics, and also demonstrates his inventions. Two Ukrainian physicists from Lugansk share ideas on how to make a high-voltage generator in 15 minutes, what needs to be done to turn a linear thunderstorm into ball lightning, etc. In addition to a channel with scientific experiments, the authors of Kreosan launched a video blog about what it’s like to live on South-East Ukraine in the midst of hostilities. They post reports under fire and other “adventures”.

This is a project of Denis Mokhov from Moscow, who is engaged in the popularization of science among children. The channel, which has become the largest educational video project on the Internet in Russia, was launched about 2 years ago. And his videos with experiments in the field of physics and chemistry now collect 500-600 thousand views. Recently, with the help of crowdfunding, Denis released children's books aimed at stimulating curiosity, as well as an author's program on the Karusel TV channel.

The brainchild of Henry Reich, an American physicist, which cleverly uses funny doodles and a funny narrative to explain fairly complex scientific concepts and ideas in just 60 seconds. The channel's description, which reads "...if you can't explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough," says it all. There is no doubt that Reich had a deep grasp of complex concepts.

Russian-language channel about science and entertaining experiments
and facts made by a blogger named Ignat. In the videos, he covers questions about how man will evolve in the future, what the sixth sense is, and what blind people see in their dreams. Some of the hypotheses put forward by the author frankly reek of pseudoscientific research by “British scientists”, so they should be taken with skepticism.

The phenomenal popularity of the YouTube service has given rise to a whole trend on the Internet - video blogging. The most popular channels on YouTube have several million subscribers and tens (or even hundreds) of billions of views. These fabulous figures give rise to even more fabulous rumors about the “rivers of gold” in which top YouTube bloggers bathe. Which, in turn, forces more and more new users to start their own channels on YouTube, post a lot of videos of ambiguous quality and content, and imitate “YouTube stars” in every possible way. This is happening all over the world, in Russia in particular. But the absolute majority of channels on Russian-speaking YouTube do not have even a fraction of the popularity that the top 10 Russian-language YouTube channels have. In terms of the number of subscribers, the total “army” of these channels exceeds 77 million!

Well, now more about each of them.

Leader of the top 10 YouTube channels in Russia – Ivangay

This incredibly popular video blogger owns a channel of the same name (Ivangay, formerly EeOneGuy), which has as many as 11 million 798 thousand subscribers! Just a scary number.

As of the date of preparation of this review, 310 videos posted by Ivangay on his channel have collected a total of more than 2.6 BILLION views (although he is only in 2nd place by this indicator).

How did the channel of the most popular Russian-speaking YouTuber start? No matter how trivial it may be, it’s from Minecraft let’s plays. If the last 2 words are unfamiliar to you, then (this is good) we are ready to “pump up” your erudition by telling you what it is.

So, the term “let’s play” is explained in Wikipedia as follows:

Those. a video blogger films him playing and comments on the gameplay, and then someone watches it. If you ask yourself the question “Why is it needed?”, then it’s better not to ask. The let's play genre is so popular that there are even special TV channels dedicated to this activity, and "streams" on video hosting sites attract millions of viewers around the world, bringing let's play video bloggers millions of dollars.

Well, what is Minecraft? Again, let's ask the all-knowing Wiki:

To make it even clearer, this “indie game” looks something like this:

Again you ask the question “Who needs this”? Then you are either too old for “all this”, or simply not “in trend” :) As you will see below, Minecraft has become the “launching pad” for the lion’s share of our top 10 Russian-language channels on Youtube.

The first video of blogger Ivangay dates back to March 24, 2013, i.e. he posted it 5 days after the launch of the channel on YouTube.

At first, only the gameplay was reproduced in the video with voice accompaniment by Ivangay’s comments, but already from the 9th video, the video blogger decided to “reveal his face to the world,” which was displayed in the corner of the screen. Vivid emotions, comments and cuteness of the “host” definitely contributed to the increase in the popularity of EeOneGuy’s videos on YouTube.

Thanks to whom did Ivangay’s YouTube channel become so popular? Of course, thanks to the main “consumers” of such content - schoolchildren and schoolgirls aged 12-15, who consider it their idol. Guys like to watch a person of the same age as them (or a little older) openly grimace for the camera or play and say whatever he wants, and girls squeal from “how cute Ivangai is.”

It is clear that the fame of Ivan Rudsky (yes, that is the real name of this blogger) is not some kind of spontaneous accident. Still, the number 1 video blogger on Russian YouTube makes quite high-quality content: there is staging, good video mixing, and high-quality sound with pictures. Well, in the end, Vanya himself is never a fool.

An example of his video from a time closer to our days:

High quality, with humor, very interesting for many. The result is more than 9 million views of the 6-minute video!

This is the secret of success.

Let's move on to YouTube mastodon number 2.

No. 2 in the top 10YouTube channels in Russia - Masha and the Bear

No matter how strange it may be, the second by the number of subscribers and the first by the number of views in the ranking of Russian-language YouTube channels is an animated project, initially aimed “at TV”:

Yes, yes, this is everyone’s favorite (especially for children’s audience) cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

As of June 2017, the number of subscribers on the YouTube channel of this project exceeded 10.3 million people, while it has an unreal 12.1 BILLION views!

If the television viewer was first introduced to “Masha and the Bear” in January 2009, then the YouTube audience saw this cartoon in their “home field” much later: the Russian-language channel “Masha and the Bear” was created here on May 31, 2011.

Unlike many filmmakers and cartoons, the promoters of this project in no way prevent viewers from free access to their creation. On the contrary, they contribute to the “viral” spread of the animated series on various resources, including pirated ones. The conquest of the YouTube space was also quite logical and visionary: it is not only popularization of the project, but also a good income from partnership with YouTube (display of advertising). Moreover, the creators of “Masha and the Bear” are waging a very cunning fight for views: for each episode of the cartoon, several “trailers” are pre-posted, which themselves gain from several hundred to millions of views. Well, uploading a full episode is guaranteed to have more than a million viewers.

Thus, the absolute record was set by episode 33 “Sweet Life”: 627 and a half million views!

The reasons for its popularity and second place in the ranking of Russian YouTube channels, we believe, do not need strong explanations: “Masha and the Bear” deservedly enjoys the attention of families with children thanks to its very high-quality execution: in less than 10 minutes, children are told another interesting, exciting and funny story with original and beloved heroes. Mischievous Masha and poor Mishka, looking at whose adventures anyone will begin to smile, are concrete proof that the Russian animation school has not only not lost the heritage of the Soviet past, but is also capable of making a modern product that will be close to every child, no matter what language they speak. said. Proof of this is more than 10 foreign YouTube channels - clones of "Masha and the Bear", the views on which also number in the millions.

And, according to tradition, the first video from the channel:

Third place in the ranking of RussiansYouTube channels: CrazyRussianHacker

To be honest, we cheated a little by including this channel in our Top 10. The fact is that the only Russian here is the video blogger himself, a couple of dozen videos with a title in Russian, and the word “Russian” in the name of this YouTube channel:

All videos on the “CrazyRussianHacker” channel are made in English with an indescribable Russian accent! In fact, the creator of the project, Taras Kulakov, actually comes from Ukraine. But, having moved to the USA to pursue the “American dream” and somehow came to video blogging, he nevertheless began to use the image of the “Russian guy”. This is understandable - stereotypes about Russians in the USA will clearly be better known than anything about Ukrainians (gentlemen, Ukrainians, if you are reading this now, no offense).

So, what statistics is this channel ready to boast of?

Subscribers - 9,905,572 (as of June 2017).

Number of videos – 1037! Bearing in mind that the channel was created later than the two “competitors” already discussed, Taras’s productivity is clearly higher. Although, given that there are still fewer views, we can conclude that he wins not by quality, but by quantity :)

Although in fact this conclusion would be erroneous - in terms of its usefulness, the CrazyRussianHacker channel will give a head start to both the already reviewed and less popular channels. His videos are full of various experiments, life hacks and reviews in the “Do it yourself” style, so there is simply an insane amount of useful information for the viewer. However, the trouble with YouTube is precisely that the vast majority of users come here to watch something “cool”, funny and not taxing on the brain, which is why such a useful channel loses so much to the same Ivangay.

How did the CrazyRussianHacker YouTube channel start? In May 2012, this video was posted:

Of course, this video didn’t even get 300 thousand views, but the style and presentation of the material are already visible here. And it's really interesting! With the growing popularity of the channel, the videos posted by Taras began to gain much more views. For example, this touching video with a “dog” - 6 million:

We strongly recommend that Russian-speaking users familiarize themselves with this channel; fortunately, the “subtitles” function will allow those whose English is not particularly “pumped up” to understand what our fellow countryman is saying in his videos.

Top 10 Russian speakersYouTube channels:SlivkiShow in 4th place

The SlivkiShow channel is another example of the triumph of a Ukrainian video blogger on YouTube. Since the channel was registered on December 11, 2012, it has accumulated as many as 8.5 million subscribers (as of June 2017). His 189 videos collectively collected 1 billion 214 million 470 thousand views.

And the videos on the SlivkiShow channel definitely have the coolest and most touching screensaver!

What does video blogger Yuri Yaniv talk about on his channel? The videos by this author are both interesting and educational. Some are even funny :)

The first video on the channel, for example, was about how to cope with the heat (relevant for many in the summer):

Here’s an interesting observation: if at the beginning of his “career” Yuri Yaniv actively starred in his own releases, then later his face disappeared from the videos, but his pets appeared - the cat Cookie and the hamster Styopa. This change of main characters had an extremely positive impact on the popularity of the SlivkiShow channel! After all, we all know that cats rule the Internet :)

Now the channel is actively developing, it clearly shows “following trends”, that is, coverage of the topics that are most interesting to everyone. So Y. Yaniv can be considered a very insightful person - after all, he knows how to attract even more subscribers to his “army”.

It remains to wish him good luck, and YouTube more channels like this, which, instead of clogging up the brains of young people, bring real benefits in terms of the general development of viewers.

Middle Top 10 – channel “AdamThomasMoran

At the moment, the AdamThomasMoran channel has 8 million 308 thousand subscribers, who have watched a total of 1 billion 622 million views. What captivated young viewers so much?

Incredibly interesting facts, an entertaining plot? Nope, who needs that! But Max Golopolosov makes good jokes and simply swears masterfully! Well, what else can attract the attention of a 13-15 year old teenager who spends most of his time doing exactly the same thing. Okay, okay, let’s not put clichés on the audience of this channel - we are just emphasizing its main - so to speak, distinctive - features. It’s just that no one else in our Top gives out such a “mix”.

The channel started on July 25, 2010. From the very beginning, the author stated that the idea was borrowed from the mega-popular American blogger of that time - Ray William Johnson. The essence of the idea: take several interesting and funny videos, demonstrate them to YouTube viewers and provide the whole hodgepodge with original author’s comments. And the first video on the channel is proof of this:

Please note that neither the terrible sound nor the equally terrible picture quality prevented the video from gaining more than 8 million views.

However, Max quickly corrected the quality of sound and video, but left the “content” and the leopard wall unchanged throughout all 427 video recordings (as of June 2017).

With his successful experience, Max “infected” many YouTube users, who subsequently also became very successful on YouTube. Thanks to him, a lot of funny content appeared on the expanses of this service, for which we can say “thank you” :)

But enough about all the famous Maxim, let's move on to the next participant.

Sixth place in the top 10 Russian YouTubers – FROST channel

Video blogger FROST and his channel of the same name are another example of how popular the Letsplay genre is on the Internet. The vast majority of the 1,180 videos here are about the author (alone or with friends) playing video games. And yes, the name “Minecraft” appears many, many times here too!

As of June 2017, Frost's channel has more than 6.5 million subscribers, and the number of views has exceeded 2.5 billion. Just imagine how many people were sitting, staring at the monitor and watching the blogger play games! Well, isn't it wonderful?

Who is this Mr. Frost? This is a simple Nizhny Novgorod guy, Yuri Murlin, who in October 2012 decided that he, too, was ready to show the entire Internet how great he was at playing Minecraft and what kind of “head thoughts” he had while doing so. He, of course, poured out these thoughts into the ears of a grateful audience.

It is worth noting that Yuri Frost is not at all shy about showing off his face, loves to communicate with the audience and generally demonstrates in every possible way how cool he is. And, judging by the number of subscribers, many agree that “he’s cool.” Also, obviously, to grow the popularity of the channel, FROST is actively diversifying its content by filming “challenges”, parodies and simply fooling around on camera. Yes, yes, those who are just fooling around can also collect several million views.

The most popular video from the “frozen” YouTuber currently has more than 12.5 million views - this is how much popularity you can “grab” from the mention of another popular blogger.

What can you say about the channel in general? If you like to watch a young, confident jock play various games and have fun in other ways, this is the place for you!

7th place in the ranking of popular RussiansYouTube channels –ThisIsXorosho

It just so happens that often the top bloggers on Russian YouTube are not Russian citizens at all. We have already seen several Ukrainians here, now it’s the Latvians’ turn to make themselves known. And they declared! The Latvian team, known primarily for its presenter Stas Davydov, created a Russian-language channel in October 2010, which over the almost 7 years of its existence has grown to 6 million fans-subscribers! Both subscribers and other viewers watched 712 videos posted on the channel, a total of 1 billion 268 million 620 thousand times! And we are sure that both the army of the “This Is Xorosho” channel and the number of views will only increase.

The fact is that the guys creating this project really put all their talent into it. And, if at first the content looked “damp”, and the presenter did not show himself entirely confidently, then over time the show jumped not just over its own head, but over its head, and several more heads. Peculiar humor, a considerable amount of sarcasm, mentions of trending Internet events, interesting “author’s” inserts, the absence of ear-piercing obscene tirades - this is what makes a successful YouTube channel!

And it all started with this:

Well, after 5 years the show looks like this (feel the difference):

Oh, yes - we didn’t talk about the main thing - the format of the show itself. Remember Max +100500? His channel is also called AdamThomasMoran, and he is in our Top 10 YouTube channels in 5th position. So, This Is Xorosho is almost the same, only without the flow of obscenities and with “tricks”: Nastenka, Channing, Unshaven, “Russian videos from car registrators”, “Random comment” and much more. This channel reviews videos that have either gone viral on the Internet or are the most interesting of the videos that were sent to the channel by viewers. Yes, yes, the cunning creators of this channel simply ask viewers to send interesting “videos”, which will then be shown to them :) Brilliant? Not that word!

The audience of this YouTube channel is also not particularly respectable, but thanks to the more “intelligent” humor, the This Is Xorosho video is watched by people 25, 30, or more years old.

Let's be honest - we like this channel :)

Well, who is on the 8th line of our “Top”?

Top Russian channelsYoutube –TheKateClapp in 8th place

The idol of millions of girls aged 11-15 years, video blogger Katya Klap has 5.6 million subscribers on her channel of the same name. Ekaterina Trofimova (real name) won her audience with her spontaneity (often adjacent to deliberate infantilism), diversity of “characters” (Katya uses “stage images” of various characters invented by herself and performed by herself), abundance of thematic content (videos for girls – makeup, things, etc.). In general, we can say that the Youtube channel of the 24-year-old “vlogger” is an example of the successful implementation of acting, directing, and marketing talents!

TheKateClapp channel appeared on Youtube on December 6, 2010, and the first video on it was made in the form of a dialogue with an existing loyal viewer:

You shouldn’t be surprised by this presentation: the fact is that TheKateClapp is the second channel of the popular video blogger. The first one is called FoggyDisaster and it was launched 2.5 years earlier - on August 20, 2008. True, it did not gain such popularity, therefore it does not appear in our Top 10 most popular channels on YouTube.

In terms of the number of videos, Katya Clapp’s channel does not try to be “ahead of the rest” - in total, as of June 2017, there are 364 videos. But almost each of them collected more than 2 million views. Well, this “creation” of Katya Clapp has crossed, for example, the 8 million mark!

So cool :)

If there is a channel for girls aged 11-15, then somewhere there must be a channel for boys of the same age. And he is! Even two. They “rest” in the last places of our Top 10 most popular channels on Youtube in Russia.

9th place –Youtube channelTheBrianMaps

The channel with over 5.3 million subscribers belongs to a guy who will turn 18 on September 25, 2017! And the name of this young genius is Maxim Tarasenko. He took the pseudonym “Brian”, which then became the basis for the name of the channel.

What has this blogger been doing on Youtube since June 2012, when the channel was launched? 13-year-old Brian started “let’s play” in Minecraft – i.e. followed the fashion trends of the then YouTube. And I was right. By the way, M. Tarasenko’s acquaintance with video blogging began not with the illuminated channel, but with the long-abandoned “Maxutko99”, which Brian launched a year earlier.

But let’s not talk about the past, because among all Maxim’s projects, TheBrainMaps made it into our Top 10.

So, as of June 2017, we have 288 videos, the total number of views of which is more than 600 million!

First video on the channel:

It is dated June 30, 2012 and has as many as 604.5 thousand views. For an “ancient” video it’s not bad, even very good.
As stated on the Internet, Brain is watched and loved not only for its trending videos (in addition to Minecraft and reviews of other games, the channel over the past 2 years has been replenished with challenges, sketches in the style of “My cat is trying to kill me” and even rap), but also for its abundance humor in the video.
You can appreciate this humor yourself by watching the video, which as of June 2017 received the maximum number of views on the channel, namely 18 million 187 thousand:

Among the latest creative researches, perhaps, it is worth paying attention to “Rep from a cheeky nanny”:

The blogger has been here for almost 18 years, and therefore he allows himself much more “daring” :) Well, if you pay attention to the comments, you will notice that the age of the viewers does not at all keep up with the age of the author.

However, we note once again that the TheBrainMaps channel has still found its grateful audience of 5 million, which means this is exactly the kind of content that the “mass consumer” of YouTube needs. And, of course, the influence of video bloggers like Maxim Tarasenko in releasing similar “teenage antics” onto the Internet is difficult to underestimate.

And finally, we move on to the “last” in our orderly row of top channels on Russian Youtube.

10th place in the ranking of the most popularYoutube channels in Russia:MrLololoshka

The MrLolololoshka channel can easily be put in first place in terms of the number of videos shot - there are an unimaginable number of them - 1263 pieces! Considering the date of creation of the channel - May 28, 2012, video blogger Roman Filchenkov turned out to be the most “hardworking” of all the candidates presented in our rating. True, this did not help him gain a foothold above the last place in the Top 10 Youtube channels.

There are a lot of reasons for this, but the main one, perhaps, is that the video blogger MrLololoshka has fallen behind the trends: while other top bloggers diversify their content in every possible way (the main thing is to catch the hype), the video genre on this channel has not changed over the years for the last 5 years, not a bit: just as Romka filmed his process of completing computer games in 2012, he continues to film. The only thing that has changed during this time is the voice of the “leader”. It’s not surprising, because 19-year-old “Mr. Lololoshka” (date of birth: 04/17/1998) is becoming older every year than his main audience.

What about the statistics? 5 million 75 thousand 982 subscribers at the time of preparing our review, the total number of views on the channel is more than 1.3 billion - better than Brian, Katya Clapp and SlivkiShow!

We will also present the very first video on the channel - so to speak, “for show”:

How the channel will further develop from the last place in our ranking of the most popular Russian Youtube channels is anyone’s guess: the excitement around let’s plays is gradually subsiding - and this is reflected in the number of views of the videos (their number has decreased significantly over the past couple of years). Perhaps the comedy rapper MC’Lololoshka will soon conquer Youtube, or stand-ups and vlogs will appear on the channel - who knows where the “wind of hype” will take Roman Filchenkov?! In the meantime, the school YouTube audience can have fun watching an older idol play with toys for them.

That's it, the Top 10 is complete. Whether it was useful or interesting is up to you to decide! We will be glad to see your opinion in the comments :) Good content to everyone and safe internet surfing!!

P.S. If you want to find out for yourself the earnings of a certain channel that is not in our Top 10, we recommend that you read the review that was published on our website.

Article Top 10 Russian-language channels on YouTube by number of subscribers - counting the personal armies of bloggers was modified: July 4, 2018 by Netobserver

Good educational videos attract spectators all year round. However, at certain points in the year, interest in certain topics grows particularly rapidly.

How to do it:

  • Use data to predict the future– Analyzing topics that have been popular in previous years can help you identify seasonal trends, prepare and promote films that will address specific issues, such as undergraduate studies or entrance exams.
  • Pay attention to popular questions– Observing current events and discussions that are popular may give you an idea for an educational film that will meet.
  • Fill knowledge gaps– Browsing other channels that are available on YouTube can help you identify topics and audiences that have not yet been covered on your channel.
  • Focus on audience learning speed– find out how viewers move from lesson to lesson. This will allow you to develop a publication strategy using previously acquired knowledge (for example, implementation of a mathematics program usually begins with simple arithmetic, and complex issues are discussed later).

Use Google Trends data

Monitor YouTube trend data to see what topics are trending and when they are trending. This way, it will be easier for you to create a good video download schedule.

As you can see in this example, the query “Newton's laws of dynamics” is especially used during exam period (A). In turn, during the summer holidays (B) and winter holidays (C) its popularity decreases.

Combine movies with similar themes into a playlist

Materials on the channel CrashCourse are structured around topics that appear on Advanced Placement exams and standard questions such as chemistry, United States history, or biology. Thanks to this, they meet the needs of students.

Prepare for the lesson and take care of authenticity

Messages of lack of integrity travel quickly and can undermine your credibility.

The reliability that the best developers enjoy is the result of painstaking and tireless work, including thorough research of the topic and citing sources.

How to do it:

  • Show where you got your knowledge By indicating external sources in the film or in the description, you will add credibility to your materials.
  • Don't hide your qualifications– if you can boast of a higher education, certificate or other distinction that will raise your authority in the eyes of viewers, do not hide it.
  • Don't be afraid to correct information– admit mistakes and make corrections that the audience will report, so you will receive the most precious thing – audience trust.

Vsauce cites sources in movie descriptions

Creators video from Vsauce channel more than half of their time is spent collecting and researching facts. Links to sources, which are marked with a blue arrow and box, not only highlight the credibility of the channel, but also help viewers find additional useful information.

Reliable channel reaches schools

Vsauce has a reputation for delivering reliable content and has a loyal audience. Thanks to this, teachers can show without any problems video from this channel to his students, as can be seen in the picture above.

Prepare a clear lesson plan

Make it easy for students to find and watch many films on topics that interest them. With playlists and end screens, you can organize your videos into coherent and logical lesson packages.

How to do it:

  • Chronological order– You can create linear playlists with lessons. Thus, making it easier for viewers to watch lessons that need to be watched in a specific order.
  • Order in topics– if your channel has a lot of videos from different fields of science, such as history, biology and literature, group them by topic using playlists.
  • Playlist with proven films– many channels supplement their own range of films with playlists containing selected materials from other creators. This is also a great way to show viewers new areas of knowledge.
  • Join established creators on – fill in application form, so that your films will be considered when selecting content for This is a chance for your content to reach over ten million subscribers on YouTube EDU.

CrashCourse organizes playlists by topic

CrashCourse hosts videos on thematic playlists. Thanks to this, it is easier for viewers to navigate the content of the channel and they have a comprehensive training program before their eyes. This can be seen in the picture above, which shows materials about US history.

Viewers watch movies in playlists more and more often

The graph shows the dependence of the average viewing time on the source of the visit. Panel (A) indicates playlist and panel (B) indicates other sources.

On the horizontal axis you can see the average viewing time in seconds. Linear playlists (A) for the CrashCourse channel are not only the main source of views, but also generate 30% more watch time.

Maintain contact with viewers

YouTube allows you to listen to viewers and respond to them. By encouraging your audience to discuss and participate in the community, you can enter into a dialogue that, in turn, will bring more views to your channel and attract new viewers.

How to do it:

Channel Veritasium gives viewers real-life scientific puzzles, encouraging them to post solutions in the comments. In subsequent films you can find out the correct answers.

Reaching the widest possible audience

Millions of people around the world face serious barriers to accessing adequate quality education.

How to do it:

  • Check who your viewers are– In YouTube Analytics you will find a report with demographic data about your channel’s viewers. Check which countries have a lot of viewers coming from so you can decide which languages ​​to start with.
  • Post videos on different channels– if you have a large, multinational audience, you can upload films in different languages ​​to separate channels. Customizing channels to suit viewers' needs can lead to increased viewership and engagement.
  • Use subtitles– by turning on subtitles in films, you will make it easier for viewers from other countries and people with hearing problems to watch them. Additionally, subtitles act as additional metadata and can help viewers find your channel.
  • Use a simple format– using animation, voice-over and text in films, you can facilitate its translation.

Films with subtitles will reach a wider audience

The Grand Illusions channel has released several their films in English, and a circle of active subscribers translated them into several popular languages.

Subtitles can have a big impact on a channel's results

After adding subtitles daily attendance (A) Grand Illusions channel increased by 209%, viewing time (B) by 88%, and views per day (C) by 83%.

Invite prestigious guests

Collaborative learning gives viewers access to richer information. The best channels regularly collaborate with other developers to show their viewers a different teaching style and increase viewership.

How to do it:

  • Combine different areas of expertise in one movie– Channels specializing in different fields can collaborate to create films that use their combined knowledge resources.
  • Invite guests from time to time– invite other teachers, authors and specialists in the fields you are interested in so that they confirm the theses contained in your films and/or present their own point of view.
  • Collaborate with other channels– mutual assistance in video production can be a very effective method of attracting viewers of a partner.
  • Combine your resources with those of other developers– some channels prepare a whole series of related videos, which are posted on separate channels and playlists.

Collaboration can attract new subscribers

This graph shows the average number of new subscribers Head Squeeze channel per day – 30 days before the start of cooperation (A), during the work (B) and 30 days after the completion of cooperation (C).

While the channels were collaborating with each other, Vsauce viewers flocked to the Head Squeeze channel to learn about music, breaking the record for the number of subscriptions.

Find a niche for yourself

The You Tube audience is hungry for a lot of knowledge. Searches for videos on various topics. Making films about rare topics can be a very effective way to reach an audience that is looking for very specific information.

How to do it:

  • At the film level– using the selected topic in your broadcast network, you can attract new viewers to the channel. Be sure to expand your metadata accordingly so that YouTube viewers and discovery systems can easily find you.
  • At the channel level– consider creating a separate channel whose topics will relate to the selected niche topic. It should publish films that best satisfy the requirements of the local public.

Niche areas also have their own audience

Video from Handwritten Tutorials channel describe niche topics such as the functioning of nephrons. This is an attractive proposition for people with very specific knowledge needs.

Viewers actively seek information on niche topics

These charts show the main sources of traffic for general (A) and niche (B) films.

In the second case, 41% of viewers come from search (blue), and all other sources are similar films (red), direct transitions (orange) and others (green). This distribution is due to the fact that viewers are often looking for specific answers to specific questions.

Optimize Metadata

From time to time, monitor the effectiveness of your metadata by checking which keywords are bringing in more video views on your channel. If it turns out that the metadata is missing some important key query, you can supplement it.

How to do it:

  • Make sure your content is easy to find– Successful developers put content-appropriate keywords into the metadata and thus increase the chance that YouTube's search and discovery engines will show films to relevant viewers.
  • Follow search trends– check various keywords and queries in Google Trends, so you will understand which topics have a good chance of arousing the interest of viewers and increasing the number of views on your YouTube channel.
  • Clarify the channel context– Using all kinds of metadata available, help viewers find a movie that suits their specific needs.

You can publish films on:

  • general topic, for example, mathematics, algebra, arithmetic;
  • specific topics, for example, polynomials, root vegetables;
  • educational materials, for example, textbook, presentation, lecture;
  • information about scientists, for example, last name, title, position.

The “Search on YouTube” item shows popular queries

If you want to know what queries your channel's audience is using, see the “YouTube Search” item in the “Traffic Sources” section of YouTube Analytics.

As you can see in this example, the three most popular search terms are “simplifying radicals,” “radicals,” and “writing a radical.”

Google Trends tells you what keywords and phrases viewers are searching for most often. The graph above shows changes in interest over time. Here you can see that the most popular query is “history” (yellow), followed by “study” (blue), and in third place is “mathematics” (red).

Experiment with formats

Try to think outside the box about the style of your educational films. Consider creating a learning environment that will engage your target audience and attract new viewers.

How to do it:

  • Live lessons– Using animation can be a great way to present complex issues in a fun and interesting way.
  • A sense of humor is your ally– it has been proven that a moderate dose of humor when doing science facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and attracts the audience.
  • Try different video lengths– playlists and channel sections will allow you to effectively present all lessons and tutorials.

There are many teaching methods

Tom McFadden raps in their teaching materials. It entertains the audience and also instills in them various scientific concepts.

Fun lessons are often watched from different devices

The graph shows the percentage of viewing time that is spent on individual devices and types of content: computer (blue), mobile devices (red) and tablets (orange), education through entertainment (A), fun lessons (B) and regular lessons (C).

The funnier the videos, the greater the variety of traffic sources that the channel can rely on, and the wider the range of devices used for viewing. Through new formats you have the opportunity to reach new viewers.

Attract and hold the student's attention

Movies that are able to hold a viewer's attention can expect to rank higher in YouTube search results and in the popular content sections.

Increase your audience's engagement, increase viewer interest and keep it until the end of the film.

How to do it:

  • Grab attention early on– many authors successfully use shots that immediately catch the eye even before the title of the film.
  • Start with a question- pose a question at the very beginning that stimulates thinking, will ensure the audience's attention and will make it so that they will have to watch the entire film to find out the answer.
  • Add a table of contents and a short summary– if the film is quite long, you can start with a short summary of its content. This way, you can help viewers make decisions regarding possible further viewing. It will also be easier for them to get to the sections that are most useful to them.

An introduction that is too long turns off viewers

Science-related films often begin with background information and brand identification elements. The audience doesn't like it. As you can see in the audience retention graph above, a two-minute oral introduction resulted in 75% of viewers abandoning further viewing (indicated by the red line and arrow on the graph).

Monitor your data in YouTube Analytics and check at what point viewers abandon further viewing of the video. If you find a pattern, you can correct the errors.

Capture the audience's attention from the very beginning

The Ted-Ed channel doesn't turn off viewers with too much brand identity. at the very beginning of the film(maximum - 12 seconds) and, as quickly as possible, gets to the point, that is, to interesting and thought-provoking material.

Paid YouTube channel

In order to provide themselves with new viewers and income, the creators paid channels often create free trial videos, distribute playlists, and advertise themselves on YouTube.

How to do it:

  • Channel trailer– some channels managed to win viewers thanks to “attention-grabbing” trailers, in which they describe the themes of the films and justify the need for access fees.
  • Let viewers see what they can expect– Successful paid YouTube channels often start their playlist with a free video, which allows potential subscribers to see what type of material they can watch after purchasing access.
  • Remember Marketing– one of the effective methods of promoting a channel is to place clips on its page that objectively reflect other materials.
  • Treat yourself to a unique experience– the creators of the best paid channels make it clear that on them you can see videos that are not available elsewhere, full versions of series episodes and lessons.

Share your best lessons for a fee

Big Think is a paid channel where you can watch high-quality educational films after purchasing a monthly subscription of $9.99.

Show viewers what they will see after paying for access

Big Think Mentor provides a free trial period and playlists that allow you to experience the channel's content for free. Thus, the channel encourages viewers to sign up for a paid subscription.

Try this

  1. Name two things you can change on your channel to make it easier for viewers to find the content they want. What do you hope to achieve with these changes?
  2. What will you change in your channel system to make it more convenient for visitors?
  3. List three ways to interact with viewers that regularly inform them about what's new in your channel's offering and encourage them to return to your channel.

Simple Science

Fascinating chemical experiments and physical experiments - for both adults and children. In general, in addition to videos, the guys also publish a series of books with experiments.

Physics on GetAClass

The Getaclass service, which is an educational platform combined with a classroom management system, hosts their educational videos on physics and mathematics on it. They are all very short, very clip-like, very engaging.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Science for children

The site contains homemade products, entertaining articles, and manuals for teachers, but the channel contains simple physical and chemical experiments.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Recordings of Children's University classes from Polytechnic

The Polytechnic Museum recently opened its Children's University - a place of additional education for future scientists aged 8 to 11 years. Classes at the University are purchased immediately with a subscription (for 3,000 rubles per semester), and are available only to Moscow and St. Petersburg children, but some recordings are posted on YouTube.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..


A legendary scientific and entertainment program from the times when few people could afford to watch videos on the Internet. One of the few high-quality educational products of the STS channel, which became popular thanks to the charismatic Alexander Pushnoy.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

TV series “Once upon a time there were discoverers”

This is not a channel, this is a playlist. About ten years ago, the “Culture” TV channel broadcast a magnificent French animated series “Once upon a time there were discoverers” - in 26 episodes, children are told in the form of a journey about the formation of scientists and the scientific view of the world.

SUBSCRIBE to OUR YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download free videos from YouTube about human health and rejuvenation..

Golden fund of the library of the publishing house "Fizmatlit"

The website of the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education has collected a wonderful online library of books that many of us grew up with - this is the “Quantum Library”, and the “Library of the Physics and Mathematics School”, and, of course, the entertaining science of Yakov Isidorovich Perelman.

Electronic library "Science and Technology"

The oldest project on the Runet, simply a treasury of scientific, technical and popular science literature and journalism. One of the most interesting sections is “Rare Editions”. It was there that we discovered, for example, the “Popular Library of Chemical Elements” - nothing better has been written about it since 1977.

We have covered only a few resources, but in RuNet alone there are a huge number of them - and even the small amount that we mentioned is enough to spend weeks and months on them. But we will definitely bring you more. Love science! published

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Dasha Tatarkova

Scientists and inventors today becoming the new rock stars. It turned out that understanding how the world around us works is not only useful, but much more interesting than it might have seemed from the school curriculum. YouTube in this sense is simply a treasure trove where you can find interesting information about everything from modern philosophy to astrophysics. We've found the most fascinating channels dedicated to popular explanations of the world inside and out.


"PostNauka" is the first major popular science portal in Russian. Despite the fact that since 2012 the project of the year has grown into a huge website, the main backbone is a large collection of videos. Compared to many channels, PostNauka boasts an incredibly wide range of topics on which both single lectures and an entire course are filmed. All video lectures are uploaded on the official YouTube channel, and their text versions are available on the website. Leading Russian scientists talk about science and technology in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, physics, as well as the Russian language and much more - a full list of subjects can be found on the website. Perhaps the only drawback is the extreme academic nature of the approach: after all, it was not for nothing that we fell asleep at the university.


“Physics in a Minute” was invented by the American mathematician and physicist Henry Reich. The title is a little disingenuous regarding the length of the video, but this is completely unimportant - even the longest explainers of the channel are watched in one go. He already has almost 3 million subscribers, and all because Reich very clearly answers various questions regarding physics that can puzzle anyone: “Why is pink not a color?”, “What is the Higgs boson?” and finally, the most popular video “An object that cannot be moved, against a non-stop force - who will win”? Now the channel has a version in Spanish, as well as a sister project, MinuteEarth, which, obviously, talks about entertaining earthly phenomena.


"Kurz gesagt" literally means "in short" in German. A hint of a short video format is a win-win. Thus, even those not interested in science will not be intimidated by the complex or controversial topic in the title. The name of the channel directly indicates that the discussion will not last long. In general, Kurzgesagt is a design bureau run by Philipp Dettmer and Stefan Rether, specializing in educational animation. It's no surprise that their videos are not just educational, but also the most beautiful of all. Be prepared: after the video about what life is, existential stupor is guaranteed for at least half an hour.

Arzamas Academy

A young but important Russian project: Arzamas.Academy was launched at the beginning of the year - but it is no longer possible to imagine an intelligent Russian information space without it. However, the team, which includes Philip Dzyadko, Alexey Munipov, and, for example, prefers to call it not educational, but educational. The spirit of the old "rggush" school reigns here, but this does not mean that it will be boring. Essentially, this is an online university for those who don’t have much time, attention deficit, but a lot of interest. A new course is published once a week: from “Architecture as a Means of Communication” to “Crime and Punishment in the Middle Ages,” and for the really lazy, each cycle has a digest. Of course, “Arzamas” is, first of all, a very convenient and beautiful website, but the project also has its own channel on YouTube, where for now there is a series of videos about the classics of Russian literature.


Mitchell Moffitt and Gregory Brown are responsible for fast-as-can-be science. Before the damn dress of an unknown color appeared, sent from above to punish the Internet, the most popular video on AsapSCIENCE was “What came first - the chicken or the egg?” The channel is full of answers to similar, often paradoxical, questions. Their videos are edited touching pictures drawn with a marker on a white board. This approach well reflects the whole essence of the project: to answer, perhaps naive, but actually interesting questions that inevitably arise in thinking people, with the help of science. AsapSCIENCE has a sister project, AsapTHOUGHT, created by the same authors, who are also partners not just in work, but also in life. Openly gay scientists even made a touching video, in which they discuss both in the scientific field and on YouTube.


Over time, many successful YouTube projects grow into a whole conglomerate. This is the case with Vsauce, one of the most (if not the most) popular science channels on YouTube. It started out as a hodgepodge of formats and presenters, but it quickly became clear what was the most popular. In addition to the very first channel, created by Michael Stevens, who dedicated his life to educating people around the world, there are now two more that are run by other people. Stevens earned his popularity not only thanks to classic popular science and philosophical questions, the answers to which we are too lazy to look for and read in other open sources, but also thanks to his charisma and manner of presentation, which made watching his videos a real pleasure. We also recommend watching his TED talk, where he talks more about his mission and educational YouTube.

Mental Floss

Mental Floss is everything at once: a YouTube channel, a popular blog, books, T-shirts and, of course, the magazine where it all started. What they do best is compile various facts into fun lists, which are especially easy to digest in video format. The creators' area of ​​interest is the widest; here you can find the most interesting facts about alcohol, English words that are most often pronounced incorrectly, popular quotes, and what not. Essentially, it's the internet's favorite format for random encyclopedic knowledge told in an entertaining way. One of the successes of the channel is the popular author of youth literature John Green, who is its face. After a couple of weeks of regular viewing, you're easily at the party.

PBS Idea Channel

PBS Digital Studios is an entire network of YouTube channels that connects various content creators to help them make professional online videos. Idea Channel is obviously the best of them. It was invented by Mike Ragnetta, who has repeatedly received the Webby Award for his services to the Internet. This result looks well deserved, since Ragnetta promotes a critical approach to modern pop-cultural phenomena and always tries to find an unusual angle to examine the topic. Each video begins with the phrase “I have this idea,” then the main topic of the video is announced. The creator of the PBS Idea Channel doesn't just talk out loud about the philosophical and cultural issues that concern him - his videos are especially valuable because he explores the subject in detail, citing many authoritative researchers in the philosophy of culture from antiquity to the present day.

Stuff Mom Never Told You

Another channel that is part of a large creative network. Stuff Mom Never Told You is a sister program of HowStuffWorks, designed to educate while entertaining. In the vast field of interests of its creators, Stuff Mom Never Told You occupies a specific niche. The creator of the blog and YouTube channel of the same name, Kristen Conger, talks about cultural and scientific social phenomena that concern her as a woman. Kristen's pro-feminist videos touch on a variety of issues relevant in modern society, from heels to abortion. Conger actively communicates with readers and viewers and always does detailed research on facts before using them in his work. She and her partner also produce a podcast, which can be found on their website.


Derek Mueller's YouTube channel brings together the best that can be said about modern science and engineering. He chose an obvious name for it: veritas in Latin means “truth.” Thus, masquerading as an item on the periodic table, Veritasium becomes the “element of truth.” Muller not only answers obvious and not so pseudo-scientific questions, but also often inserts interesting practical experiments into his videos. It's the combination of an engineering approach, interviews with experts like Nobel laureate physicist Brian Schmidt or astronaut Chris Hadfield, and popular science that makes his videos so interesting. The most beloved segments on Veritasium are social polls that show exactly what beliefs about science exist among the general audience.

Crash Course

Channel created by the Green brothers: John and Hank. Crash Course was launched as part of the YouTube Original Channel Initiative, which was sponsored by Google to attract professional content creators. This is still the same John Green who helps make videos for Mental Floss, but here it goes beyond compilations of random facts. The Green brothers set out to create an educational space where they could cover big, complex topics while covering only the essentials. Main areas: world history, literature, ecology, chemistry and physics. Videos on a short history course, by the way, are almost the most fascinating. A heap of facts and complex logical connections is easily built into a clear picture, thanks to the excellent combination of sequential presentation and video sequence, which is often interrupted by useful and beautiful animation. Hank, by the way, is creating another popular science channel SciShow.

Khan Academy

It may be hard to believe, but even if you hate math, after a couple of videos on this channel, you'll likely love it. Khan Academy is an entire non-profit organization created by Salman Khan, an MIT graduate and Harvard MBA, to make education accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or location. In his home studio, Khan has already made about 5,000 educational videos, talking about algebra and other branches of the exact sciences. Thanks to his mission, Khan became an Internet celebrity and is known far beyond the scientific YouTube community. If it’s difficult to believe that a video made from a black background and mysterious numbers can be fascinating, we recommend that you just watch at least one to the end. After this, algebraic problems will seem like the best way to stretch your brain and will certainly be more interesting than a crossword puzzle. Among its many affiliated sites, Khan Academy also has a YouTube channel. in Russian.