How to make real money on a minecraft server. How to make money in Minecraft: creating maps, server hosting and selling resources. Creating a personal server

I have long wanted to write an article like this because I often play on different servers with donations. For those who don’t know, donation is payment for various game items in games, various kinds of bonuses, gold, game currency, admin modes. If you are reading this article, then you most likely have already played on WOW, CS, Minecraft servers and bought game items.

I am a player myself with many years of experience. For me, it’s easier to buy anything in the game that will speed up leveling in the game or good gear than to waste time farming and knocking out.

A small part of players think about how much game server administrators earn. Most players always reproach the administration of game projects for greed and the desire to earn as much money as possible.

Many players do not like servers with donations, but without them they cannot pay for the maintenance of the server and the support of the game.

You already know roughly how to make money on a game server, but you have no idea how much you can earn and whether it’s worth getting involved. To do this, I will try to talk about gaming earnings and how much money players bring to the administrators of such projects.

Your own game server and earnings on it

In order to earn at least something you need to invest a little. For our server, we will need to rent servers from a hosting company. For almost any of the games WOW, CS, Minecraft, a server for 3,500 rubles per month is suitable. You can rent cheaper from 1500 to 3000. For a beginner server, this is just right, but it’s better to immediately rent a more powerful server, so that you don’t have to transfer everything to a more powerful server when your online presence grows.

A rented server is powerful computer with a wide Internet channel. Minimum 100 m/bit sec. On such a computer, you download software remotely from your computer. That is, you download a server program for playing WOW, CS or Minecraft.

Users download the client and enter the IP address of your server, connect to it and can play. You will be given an IP address when renting a server. In other words, you rent a powerful computer with the Internet, which you can control from your computer and which is available 24 hours a day. Such servers host websites, including this one you are reading now.

Registration and payment for server rental takes place online from your home. You won't have to go anywhere. Everything is done via the Internet. This is how you start making money on your server. First, we rent a server, then download the server program for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft.

If you do not have skills in program settings, then I recommend buying a paid and customized version of the game server. Search via search engines. There are a lot of advertisements for the sale of customized game servers.

How to make money on Wow server

If you like playing World of Warcraft - WOW and you decide to create and make money on your own server, then I will tell you how and how much money you can earn from this.

For example, I’ll take the game server with the version Games World of Warcraft 3.3.5a, which is the most popular version. Of course, other versions are no less popular and you can create a server on them, but I will use this version as an example.

The server employs a whole team that receives a monthly salary. This project started with one person who created it for fun. Donations from players - donations - have helped and are helping to develop this project, pay for the rental of a dedicated server, pay salaries to the programmer and moderators and, of course, earn the owner a lot of money.

Now on the Internet there are entire projects dedicated to WOW game servers. You can download ready World server of Warcraft 3.3.5a along with the site.

In order for users to find your server, you will definitely need your own website, which will also be located on the game server. If you find it difficult to copy a finished server (program) to a rented server (computer), then you can hire a specialist. Such server programs for WOW can be downloaded completely free of charge, but if you buy them, they will help you set up everything and you will get a better product.

This is the best option when everything will be installed, copied and configured for you for a small fee. As a result, you will receive a working World of Warcraft 3.3.5a server with no one on it. You will have to attract players. To do this, you need to promote your server, order advertising, attract players with promotions and bonuses, and participate in server ratings.

At first glance, this seems difficult and such a variety of actions can be intimidating, but this is not the case. You don’t have to spend all your free time creating a game server and quit your job for it. First, practice. There are a lot of tips and descriptions on the Internet on how to set up servers and attract players.

So I created my own WOW server, how can I make money on it? This is the first question after setting up and installing your game server. Money doesn’t just appear out of thin air; it will be paid to you by players for in-game purchases. Below is a list of what can be sold in the Warcraft game.

Gold, crystals and any other game currency

Clothes, clothes, weapons and armor

Quick start, that is, level 80 right away

Fast upgrading of professions

Increase the player's characteristics by several percent 1, 3, 5 and so on

Berserker – increased damage by 800% (or any percentage)

Sale of game pets, vehicles

Selling hand-drawn items

In order for players to come to you, you need to take care of character transfer (transfer from other servers) and promotions for newcomers.

At first, you will have to regulate the entire game and set the prices yourself. As the online world grows and earnings on the game server increase, you can hire a programmer, moderators, and Game Masters.

To promote, be sure to create a group on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Keep feedback with the players and listen to their requests. The players themselves will tell you what they would like to see on the game server, and all you have to do is implement it.

Now I’ll give you the numbers, which are probably the most interesting.

The server administrator earns from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles per day, and from 300,000 to 1,500,000 per month. The minimum amount of earnings in the WOW game is three hundred thousand rubles per month, isn’t that enough?

It is worth subtracting from this amount:

Server rental – 3000 rubles

Programmer’s work – 20,000 rubles

Work of 2 moderators and 2 game masters – 20,000 rubles

Total 300,000 – 43,000 = 257,000 rubles for nothing.

Don't believe me? Here is a screenshot of several donations from players, one bonus costs 10 rubles. As you can see in the picture, the player paid 600*10=6000 rubles for virtual services. I specifically watched for half a day how the donation table was changing. During the estimated half day, the players transferred 18,000 rubles. And this happens all the time. People pay more often during holidays, because... 20-30% discounts apply.

I think that with the average salary in Russia being 30,000 rubles, this type of income looks very promising.

To register your game server, you only need a scan of your passport, you don’t need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and you don’t have to pay taxes.

Earning money on Cs go server

Oh, this counter strike. Many players still play Cs go all the time. Unlike WOW games, in Counter Strike you don’t need to level up and you don’t need to gain levels. I immediately picked up the weapon and started playing.

I was even surprised how you can make money on a CS server? It turns out that you can make money playing counter strike and even make good money.

To start your server, you will need to download the server program, which can be done completely free of charge. It is advisable to create a website or download a ready-made one. Upload it all to a dedicated server and run it.

You can buy money on Counter Strike servers for top weapons and best armor. You can also sell privileged accounts with the ability to choose cards and kick cheaters.

Many players pay money for this on a monthly basis. Earnings on a CS game server depend on the number of players. The more interesting you make the game, the more players there will be. People love various competitions with prizes and cash payouts and are willing to invest more money than they can get.

According to my experience and observation, the average gaming server brings in 40-60 thousand rubles monthly. We are talking about a young and unpromoted server. If you are an experienced player and want to try to make money, then go ahead

Earn money on minecraft server

So I reached my favorite game minecraft. Minecraft is played by many players from all over the world. You can download and install your own server with the game according to your own rules.

They make money in the game minecraft by selling game items and various privileges. I noticed that many such projects do not live long and do not have their own websites. Often such servers are created by schoolchildren for fun. If you approach it wisely, you can make money on a minecraft game server. The game takes up very little space and is probably the easiest option for creating your own gaming business.

Ready-made sites and servers for Minecraft can be downloaded completely free of charge. If you don’t understand anything about such words as hosting, website, dedicated server, then on the Internet you can easily find specialists who will do everything for you for little money. To attract players, create VKontakte groups and participate in ratings.

You can earn more money on your Minecraft game server than in CS and WOW. Medium projects with low traffic allow you to earn about 100,000 rubles per month.

Your own game server with donations

Let me remind you once again that a donation is a player’s purchase of in-game currency, in-game items, and various privileges. The player pays real money for virtual pleasures.

It’s not difficult to create your own game server for the games WOW, CS or Minecraft; it’s also easy to hire a specialist who will install and configure everything himself. The difficult thing is to make your project a unique virtual world that players will like. The abundance of such game servers on the Internet does not make them high quality.

I'll tell you from my own experience. For example, I was looking for a WOW server with drawings to play. Well, I wanted to wear items that are not in the original version. I went and played on one server and there is no balance on it. Mages and priests kill everyone, so it’s not interesting to play. On another game server with donation, the situation is the opposite. Inflated haste (attack speed) makes melee characters too strong. Naturally, no one likes such projects, where, for example, only magicians play.

If you want to make serious money, you need to retain players longer. To do this, hold various events, competitions, prize drawings and lotteries. The server must live, and the administration must listen to the players. Often people come up with good ideas that competitors don't have.

Let me sum it up. If you have forgotten what the article is about, since it turned out to be very long, then I will briefly remind you.

To make money on your game server, you need to rent a dedicated server, install a server program for the game on it, install a website, set it all up and start inviting players. The more you have online, the more money you will earn.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1 . I live in another country (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, USA), can I earn money in this way? Sure you can. You can live anywhere. There are many players all over the world who speak different languages.

2. Can I order all this and have everything installed for me since I don’t understand anything about it? You can find freelancers on the Internet who will set everything up for you for a small fee.

3. Is it necessary to set up an individual entrepreneur, LLC and pay taxes? I think it's your personal responsibility. If you earn 100,000 rubles a month, then I think you should formalize your earnings and pay taxes.

4. Is it worth opening a game server and quitting your main job? It's better to start small. Start a project and devote time to it. As soon as you start earning more than at work, you can leave work for the sake of the server.

5. I am a school student, can I make money on a game server? Why not?

Views: 14517
Added: 04/19/2017

TOP Online Games always attract large audiences, and where there are a lot of people, you can make money. The same Minecraft, everyone’s favorite simple game, can become a source of profit if you launch your own server.

This is not easy to do and it is better to first find start-up capital for development, but such a project can bring in a lot of money.

Earning money on a Minecraft server is interesting idea, but today it is relevant.

No matter what anyone says, similar servers are still working and it makes sense to create new ones. Owners of well-promoted servers receive over 200,000 rubles monthly, but this is not the ceiling.

Creating a Minecraft Server

You can search the Internet for instructions to start the server yourself, but it is very difficult. Without certain knowledge, I would even say that this is impossible.

Therefore, it is much easier to find developers and pay them to create a project. For this you will need.

It’s hard to develop servers without your own feature, so you’ll have to come up with something new. Alternatively, you can transfer some world from another popular game (Stalker, World Of Warcraft, etc.).

Fans of the most popular games or even films, will definitely be interested in the new Minecraft server, and this is precisely what needs to be achieved.

It makes sense to “take a walk” on the forums about this game; the opinion of ordinary players can be a great idea for launching something interesting.

For example, some complain that they lack toughness and worry that someone might destroy them. A boring game with killing mobs, building and selling quickly gets boring.

How to promote a Minecraft server?

Experienced users who have tried to develop such projects already know that buying advertising on YouTube or social networks does not bring much benefit. You need to look for the target audience, as well as people who have already gathered fans in this niche.

Popular gamers and experienced Minecraft players, that's who you need. When they record streams or tell something to their fans, they absorb the information like a sponge. Therefore, it is better to pay for someone famous to play on your servers than for regular advertising.

This is much more difficult to do, since no one now wants to promote servers for little money. As they say, “He who seeks will find,” so keep sending out applications, sooner or later someone will respond to them.

How to make money on a Minecraft server?

Everything is simple here, you need to add some VIP and Premium accounts. To get different privileges in the game, people will pay you money.

It is advisable to create 2 types of accounts to offer different prices. Based on general prices, you can offer a premium for 50-70 rubles; even a schoolchild can pay that kind of money.

As for a more expensive account, then decide for yourself. The most important thing is that its capabilities are really useful and much better than those of the premium one. There are servers where VIPs are sold for several thousand rubles and they are bought.

To accept payments you will need to create a special website. It is advisable to set up automatic receipt of VIP in the game, which a beginner definitely cannot do. This is another reason to turn to professional developers.

Don't even think about monetization until your server has a lot of fans. If there are 5-10 players online, no one will buy anything. Wait until at least 50-70 people are constantly online throughout the day.

Evgeny Smirnov


# Online business

The best solutions for making money

The amount of earnings on servers is limited only by your capital, knowledge and ability to work. But there are options that do not require investment or skills. Details in the article.

Article navigation

  • Earning money on your VPS server
  • How to make money on a server in Minecraft
  • Alternative ways to make money online

The value of traditional stationary work among the modern population is decreasing every day. Many people think about alternative sources of additional or main income. This article is about where you can additionally earn real money. We will discuss one of the options for making a profit through the Internet through servers, and how to organize this business.

Earning money on your VPS server

Becoming the owner of your own server is a very expensive undertaking, but renting space for it is a much more realistic task.

In order to get a place, you need to contact a company that allows you to place your equipment in their data centers. There are many types of hosting that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Virtual VPS servers are especially popular. You can rent on the sites:

  • ;

Hosting on VPS/VDS servers has the following technical advantages:

  • high speed;
  • the ability to set personal settings to improve work;
  • reliable backup – users can easily restore their data if information is lost;
  • trial access – users have the opportunity to test the operation of servers for free.

After organizing the work of the server, the algorithm of actions aimed at making a profit may be different.

The first option is hosting services. That is, you, as the owner, provide space on your own server for a fee to host websites. To popularize your service, you must first create a website that will provide detailed information about tariffs and services.

The second option is clicking on advertising. You can create a clickbot and offer these services to customers. The way this program works is that it imitates the behavior of real website visitors by clicking on advertisements. Target Audience of this service are website owners who make money from their monetization. To provide such a service on your server, you must have proxy servers and an address that is constantly changing.

When choosing hosting, you need to focus on companies with a high reputation and experience that provide high-quality 24-hour technical support services. The rule in this matter is that the more expensive the hosting, the wider the range of services provided and the higher their quality.

The third way is passive income on Google servers. You can make a profit on the Google server using mining. detailed instructions described in our article at this link.

How to make money on a server in Minecraft

The next popular source of profit is making money on game servers. The relevance of this method is due to the fact that computer games involve a huge number of people; avid gamers are willing to pay money for new sensations. There are many popular computer games; let’s look at the example of the Minecraft server.

Minecraft is a computer game that has remained popular for many years and is played by millions of people. But at the moment, we are not interested in it as a tool for gaming, but as a source of income.

On Minecraft servers You can actually make good money. To do this, you need to create your own server, which will at the same time be a continuation of the Minecraft concept, but at the same time have interesting interpretations. The bottom line is that entry into the game should be free, but the right to have special, useful features and privileges for the game is already a paid service.

In order for gamers to be interested in buying gaming items, the offers must be original and the gameplay must be exciting. It is better to develop several options for admin panels with different packages of offers, and, accordingly, price levels. This way, you will be able to reach a larger segment of players. Gamers will pay money for the right to have useful features that will really help them reach new levels and win.

As a result, you can make great money by renting out a server. Minecraft is one of the gaming projects that support the withdrawal of earnings to Qiwi, Webmoney and other payment systems. Next, money can be transferred from the electronic wallet to bank card or cash them in the exchanger

So, in order to create a competitive server, you need to choose a suitable platform. To create it, you need special knowledge and skills; if you do not have them, then be prepared to pay a professional developer.

Alternative ways to make money online

Earning money by selling the services of your own server is far from the only option for making a profit on the Internet.

A catalog of proven sites for making money is in our section

The modern video game industry provides many opportunities to people. Thanks to them, you can even receive real currency. Almost every player has wondered how to make money in Minecraft. This is quite possible if you follow certain algorithms and know what is possible to sell in this game.

If a person has a creative approach to this game, then this option is suitable for him. To do this, you need a special Minecraft server where you can earn real money. It can be found on thematic forums. On it, the administration is constantly looking for people who can beautifully build structures: houses, hospitals, offices, and so on. The most important thing for a player is to be able to beautifully design all buildings. It will also require a lot of time from a person, because the customer needs to hand over a completely finished city or structure within seven days.

The BlockWorks team is the most successful in this niche. She even has a contract with the London Museum. They became famous for their creative approach to construction. Now they inspire people who are interested in how to make money in Minecraft. After all, BlockWorks earns from 2,000 rubles for one construction.

Creating a personal server

All projects that exist on the Internet are created to make money real money. They bring high income to the administration at the expense of the players. After all, there are improved equipment, weapons, and tools on the servers. Players need them to improve the comfort of their game. With a pickaxe for real money, a person will be able to mine more diamonds, iron, coal, and so on. The player can also purchase various buildings.

On some servers it is very difficult to claim territory for free. To gain access, you must pay with real currency. Therefore, those interested in how to make money on a Minecraft server can get a good source of passive income. Creation details:

  • A person must have programming experience.
  • Allocate from $50 per month for hosting.
  • You can keep from 2 to 4 servers.
  • If a person does not understand programming, then he needs to separately order services for creating server code.

Almost anyone can get into this niche. This is relevant if a person is sincerely interested in how to make money in Minecraft. After all, he will need to spend money on advertising, think about the server’s features, constantly get in touch with the team, and so on. This method is very profitable, but has many nuances to think about.

Sales of licensed copies

Minecraft originally sold for $20. This is the price in the Microsoft store. However, gamers find options for $10, because there are discounts on it. It could be New Year, spring sale and so on. Sometimes the discount amount reaches 80%. At these prices, you need to buy multiple licenses. In the future they can be sold at a higher price. Therefore, resales are relevant for people who are interested in how to make money in Minecraft. Such players find sellers in thematic communities. They sell wholesale a large number of accounts.

A person can purchase 100 accounts for $100 and sell them for $150. You can do this using social networks. The seller can order advertising and directly offer accounts. It should be remembered that there are a lot of such sellers, so there will be enough competitors. Successful sales require a creative approach to your work.

Special servers with earnings

This method is one of the most enjoyable of all. Almost every player wants the gaming process to give him pleasure and money. This can be done if the player has been on the server for a long time. After all, during this time he accumulates a lot of resources. They can be sold to other users. Any Minecraft server where you can earn money is suitable for this. After all, not every player wants to spend a long time in the mines and look for diamonds. It is to these people that you can sell the accumulated materials. To start doing this, you need to consider some nuances:

* There should be no wipes on the servers.

* Before registering, study reviews from other players.

* Pay attention to the number of users online.

* Assess the prestige of the server.

After a person has chosen a project for himself, he needs to get down to business. From the very beginning you need to build basic buildings. After this, the player needs to spend a lot of time in the mines to find useful resources. Among them may be diamonds, gold, iron. A person should not be wasteful with them.

Most players won't mind paying 100 rubles for diamond armor. If a person learns the mechanics of the server, he can earn 1000 rubles. in a day. Also, for development it is necessary to study the demand of players. A person who is interested in how to make money on a Minecraft server needs to delve into the peculiarities of the market for a long time. Books on advertising can even be useful for this.