How to open gif on windows 10 computer. GIF file extension

The most common cause of GIF file opening problems is simply the lack of proper applications installed on your computer. In this case, it is enough to find, download and install an application that serves GIF files - such programs are available below.

Search system

Enter file extension



Please note that some encoded data from files that our computer does not read can sometimes be viewed in Notepad. In this way we will read fragments of text or numbers - It is worth checking if this method also works in the case of GIF files.

What to do if the application from the list has already been installed?

Often, an installed application should automatically link to a GIF file. If it didn't happen, the GIF file can be manually linked with the newly installed application manually. Just click right click click on the GIF file, and then from the available options select the "Choose default program" option. Then you need to select the "Browse" option and find your favorite application. Changes made must be approved with the "OK" option.

Programs that open a GIF file


Why can't I open a GIF file?

Problems with GIF files can also have other grounds. Sometimes even installing on a computer software serving GIF files will not solve the problem. The reason for the impossibility of opening, as well as working with the GIF file, may also be:

Inappropriate GIF file links in registry entries
- damage to the GIF file that we open
- GIF file infection (viruses)
- too small computer resource
- outdated drivers
- elimination GIF extensions from the Windows system registry
- incomplete installation of a program that supports GIF extension

Fixing these issues should lead to free opening and working with GIF files. In case the computer still has file problems, you need to take the help of an expert who will determine the exact cause.

My computer does not show file extensions, what should I do?

In standard system settings Windows user The computer does not recognize the GIF file extension. This can be successfully changed in the settings. Just go to the "Control Panel" and select "View and Personalization". Then you need to enter the "Folder Options", and open the "View". In the "View" tab there is an option "Hide extensions of known file types" - you must select this option and confirm the operation by pressing the "OK" button. At this point, all file extensions, including GIFs, should appear sorted by file name.

Chief Technology Writer

Someone sent you e-mail GIF file and you don't know how to open it? Maybe you've found a GIF file on your computer and wondering what it's for? Windows may tell you that you cannot open it, or in the worst case scenario, you may encounter a related error message associated with the GIF file.

Before you can open a GIF file, you need to figure out what kind of file the GIF file extension is.

Advice: Incorrect GIF file associations may be a sign of other underlying problems in your operating system Windows. These invalid entries can also cause other associated problems such as slow Windows startup, computer freezes and other PC performance problems. Therefore, we highly recommend that you scan your Windows registry for bad file associations and other registry fragmentation related issues.


GIF files are Bitmap Files, which is predominantly associated with the Graphic Interchange Format.

GIF files are also associated with Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom) and FileViewPro.

Other types of files may also use the GIF file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats that use the GIF file extension, please contact us so we can update our information accordingly.

How to open your GIF file:

The fastest and easiest way to open your GIF file is to double-click it. In this case Windows system will choose necessary program to open your GIF file.

In case your GIF file won't open, it's highly likely that you don't have the necessary software installed on your PC. application program to view or edit GIF files.

If your PC opens the GIF file but in the wrong program, you will need to change the file association settings in your Windows registry. In other words, Windows associates GIF file extensions with the wrong program.

GIF file extension related software downloads:

  • FileViewPro*()
  • Graphic Interchange Format

* Some GIF file extension formats can only be opened in binary format.

GIF Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME):

  • mime image/gif

GIF File Analysis Tool™

Are you not sure what type the GIF file is? Want to get accurate information about a file, its creator, and how it can be opened?

Now you can instantly get all the information you need about a GIF file!

Revolutionary GIF File Analysis Tool™ scans, analyzes and reports detailed information about the GIF file. Our algorithm (patent pending) will quickly parse the file and in a few seconds provide detailed information in a visual and easy to read format.†

Within seconds, you'll know exactly what type your GIF file is, the application associated with the file, the name of the user who created the file, the file's protection status, and other useful information.

To start free file analysis, simply drag and drop your GIF file inside the dotted line below, or click Browse My Computer and select the file. The GIF file analysis report will be shown at the bottom, right in the browser window.

Drag and drop GIF file here to start analysis

View my computer »

Please also check my file for viruses

If you still don’t know what a GIF is and how to open a GIF file, then today we will take a closer look at this file and find out how and with what you can open given format file.

To begin with, let's figure out what kind of file it is and what it essentially is. So, GIF is a file that serves to exchange images. This format also supports various kinds of animation, including a transparent view.

This format is currently often used for any kind of advertising on websites. For example, if you take several photos and process them in the program, you can make successive images that will change. You can also make photos cyclic - when the pictures are shown constantly in their sequence, starting from the first picture.

We figured out the format itself, now let's move on to the topic of the article, how GIFs open.

Opening a gif file through browsers

GIFs always open either through web browsers or through graphic editor. There are a lot of browsers and editors, so don't worry, you will open the file anyway.

Let's see step by step how to open a GIF animation. First, we will try to open it through the browser that you have on your computer. For example, I have installed Google browser Chrome, launch it.

Now left-click on the GIF and without releasing the button, drag it into the window open browser, then release the button.

This file will now be displayed in the browser. If you have a different browser, then try the same steps in it.

XnView Program

You can install the program XnView , as the default photo viewer, that is, when you double-click on any image, all files will automatically open in XnView.

When you already have it on your computer, open the program and select "Tools" and "Options" from the menu.

In the options on the left, click "Associations".

Here you need to specify the type of files that will be associated with this program. We are looking for "CompuServe GIF", put a tick on the left. If you will use this program all the time, then specify other formats that you are going to open with this program.

After making all the changes, click "OK" to save your actions.

Now double click on the GIF. If everything is done correctly, then given file will open in this program.

I think from this article you understood how to open a GIF and that this procedure does not require any technical nuances.

P.S.: GIF example:

For those who want to experiment a little: