Automated earnings on your computer. Exchange of computing resources Pay for the use of computer resources

When viewing the news or devoting time to communicating on the Internet, a person uses only a small part of the capabilities of a multi-core processor. However, nowadays there is a demand for computer power, so they can be rented out for a while.


Such earnings on the processor are called passive, since they do not require any action from the user. It is quite easy to use technology to generate income. As soon as the program is installed on the computer, it starts working.

Well, a person is charged a certain “rent” for this. At the same time, the computer’s performance should not be maximally loaded. Using a processor to increase your income is one of the real ways which is not without advantages and disadvantages.

Cloud mining

Cloud mining is the extraction of BitCoin cryptocurrency using the services of various companies. This allows you to earn money remotely without using your processor power.

This is the most reliable currency that no one has yet managed to devalue or hack. Back in 2010, one bitcoin cost 50 cents; today the rate has already crossed the mark of one and a half thousand dollars and continues to grow.

This cryptocurrency is mined by creating complex mathematical blocks. For the creation of each block, one bitcoin is awarded.


Of course, passive income has its advantages. A positive point is the fact that for the user to receive extra money you don't have to put in much effort. While the equipment is working, a person has the opportunity to go about his business.

In addition, the risks of catching the virus with this type of part-time work are minimized. The income from leasing a processor is relatively stable and depends on how often the user turns on the program. A part-time job will be especially beneficial for those who have at their disposal not one, but several computers that are idle most of the time.
In this case, you can make money on each of them.

You can also increase your passive income by involving your friends in the business, whose computers are also most often not used to the maximum. Some systems charge interest on inviting friends.

As a rule, there are no problems with withdrawing money, since you can receive the earned funds immediately after they are credited to your account.


Using computing power to earn money, you may encounter some problems. Programs installed on a computer are of different types. Some of them pursue research purposes, others are funded by webmasters, others are related to the search for bitcoins, etc.

It is necessary to rent out a processor whose power the user practically does not use. Otherwise, freezing and slow operation of the machine cannot be avoided. Such programs can reduce the performance of even weaker computers. The calculations performed do not create any noise.

However, they still affect the operation of the device. For many, the problem is that there is no information about the customer or the nature of the calculations performed on your processor. Another unpleasant point is that if you want to increase your income, you will have to purchase additional streams. Don’t forget that there is a risk of stumbling upon scammers running financial pyramid schemes.

What do you need for work?

If you want to make money from a processor, you need to have a powerful machine and access to the Internet. To understand how the system functions, you can consider the principle of one of the networks – coingeneration. Before you rent out a processor, you need to make sure you have a real IP address.

Users working through a proxy server may have problems with withdrawing funds received in the future. The next step to making money on a processor is registering on the site. The user will have to enter his name, email Mailbox. Then you need to confirm the information you left.

The phone number must also go through this procedure. You can verify it by dialing the number indicated on the page. The call lasts only a few seconds and is absolutely free.
The next step is to download the order. All settings in the program have already been completed. The installation can be handled simply and instantly. After launch, the client immediately begins calculations, and the promised funds are already credited to the user’s account. This is the principle that such networks operate on.

The best processors in 2019 for making money

Below are images of the most efficient processors for desktop computers that are suitable for making money on the Internet.

The best processors to make money on your PC Core i7-6700K| Core i5-5675C | Core i7-4790K

Optimal processor AMD-Ryzen-7 1800X

How much can you earn?

The issue of size worries many people who are doing this for the first time. Free program takes up only a tenth of the processor's time and no additional conditions are required for its operation. At the same time, the profit from work is about thirty dollars per month.

Earning money on professional processors by mining cryptocurrencies

Since the daily payment is fixed and does not go beyond the established limits, it makes no sense to spend more computer resources on this matter. As already mentioned, income can only increase significantly by purchasing additional streams (known as shreds). Its cost is fifty dollars. Accordingly, you need to invest in such a flow an amount equal to one and a half months’ rent.

At the same time, each shred allows you to earn 365 USD. per year (both purchased and free). Basically, earnings from using the computing capabilities of the processor are based precisely on such figures. Only the user can judge how profitable such a part-time job is.
Evaluation of the method -

You turn on your computer every day to work, watch a movie, chat on Facebook, scroll through your VKontakte news feed, or read e-book. At the same time, some of the desktop resources are not used. And periodically it just stands in active mode, hums, kicks up dust and consumes electricity. And you can make the PC earn money at this time. How? You will learn about one of the methods in 3 minutes.

Processing: what is it and where did it come from?

Processing (from the English to process - to calculate) is the processing of data using the power of a computer. The prerequisite for its emergence was the problem of growing volumes of information with limited resource capabilities for its collection, analysis and systematization. Working with large volumes of information requires powerful and expensive servers. Their purchase, rent and maintenance are a significant blow to the budget. Not every company can bear such costs.

Individual private and public organizations in the United States faced such difficulties at the end of the last century. As a result, an unprecedented solution was proposed - to involve external “workforce” in the processing of corporate data.

The implementation of the idea became possible thanks to the development of the Internet and the multi-million army of its users. A voluminous task is divided into small fragments and distributed among participants computer network. This method of performing complex calculations is much cheaper and simpler from a technical point of view.

Where is processing applied?

Pioneers in the field of processing were John Schoch and John Hupp from the Xerox PARC Research Center (California). In 1973, the guys wrote a program that connected to local network PARC and made running computers perform mathematical operations. This approach gained mass popularity in 1994, and since then it has been improved and popularized.

Today, distributed computing is used in various industries:

  • Scientific research,
  • game creation,
  • rendering of architectural projects,
  • processing of the human genome,
  • space exploration,
  • physics,
  • astronomy,
  • biology, etc.

How is the processing network structured?

The computing system consists of individual PCs running a distributed operating system. Elements cooperate with each other to effective use network resources. Individual machines may run multiple or just one OS. For example, all desktops use the UNIX platform. But a more realistic option is when computers have different software systems: one part runs under NetWare, the second - under Windows NT, the third - under Linux, the rest - under Windows 10.

Operating systems operate independently of each other. That is, each of them independently makes decisions about the creation and completion of internal processes and the management of local resources. But in any case, a set of mutually agreed upon protocols is required. They serve to organize communication processes running on ordinary machines and distribute power resources between individual users.

How to earn income using PC power?

Earnings on system unit does not require additional investments, and the money “drips” automatically, without the participation of the user. All you need for this is an advanced (preferably) computer and access to the Internet.

To engage in this type of fishing, you must go through four steps:

1) register on the website of a company that specializes in processing;

2) download and install special software that will direct the computing power of your machine in the right direction;

3) open a PayPal or WebMoney web wallet (payment is carried out mainly by Western companies and in electronic currency);

4) launch the desktop and go online.

The program will do the rest on its own.

Which processing project to choose?

Let's briefly look at the work resources that offer to make money on processing. Examples of these are:

  • Gomezpeerzone,
  • LTcraft,
  • User.

Most projects are open to citizens of any country. It does not matter what method of connecting to the Internet is used (dial-up, ISDN connection, DSL, etc.).

According to the developers, the use of partner computers is carried out for the purpose of studying the bandwidth of online channels, checking for errors in the codes of browsers, sites, and other software on the World Wide Web.

When installing applications, you must enter your login and desktop name. This must be done very carefully so that the money earned is transferred for its intended purpose.

How much can you earn?

The financial side of the issue does not look very attractive. In other words, you won’t be able to make a fortune. But even a small income is a pleasant bonus, because you don’t have to do practically anything.

One day of work - 10 cents;

1 dollar for each active referral within the affiliate program;

The minimum payment at the end of the month is $5;

The maximum amount for withdrawal is 45 USD.

Distributed operating systems unite tens of thousands of people from different parts of the Earth. The most active ones were able to save several thousand dollars. But so far the amount in the absolute leader’s account is only a four-digit number.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

Finally, let's talk about the pros and cons. The benefits are as follows:

  • The performer is not required to perform any complex actions or special skills.
  • Flexible work schedule: you turn on the program when you have time and desire.

The disadvantages are expressed in three points:

  • Some programs use up too many computer resources, causing it to freeze and slow down.
  • There is a danger of catching a virus while connecting to a remote server.
  • Modest payment.

The nuances were discussed. And the final choice is yours.

Anna Sokolova 2013-12-27

Among the many ways to make money online, another one has recently become very popular - making money on computer resources, that is, the user receives money for using the power of his hardware. Let's see how realistic this is and how much you can earn.

What is making money on computer resources?

If your computer has a powerful video card, or even two or three, you can make money with their help. Let's try to describe how to earn money in simple words.

The process of earning money from computer resources involves the production of some calculations by a video card, and is called mining. The results of the calculations subsequently create a virtual currency - Bitcoin (BTC), which can be exchanged for any currency in the world and instantly withdrawn to your credit card.

You can also use bitcoins to pay for the purchase of goods and services, mobile communications, and you can also invest in them, since the bitcoin rate on the world market is constantly growing and at the time of writing this article is $673 per 1 bitcoin. You will not earn whole bitcoins, but parts of it - centobitcoins (0.01 BTC), milbitcoins (0.001 BTC) and microbitcoins (0.000 001 BTC).

What kind of video card do you need to make money?

AMD Radeon video cards from the 5XXX series are suitable for earning money. Using NVidia today is unproductive, and working with integrated video cards is no longer supported.

How much can you earn

It all depends on the technical performance of your video card, how many blocks (tasks) it can process per unit of time, and on the current complexity of the tasks. Processing speed is measured in MHash/s (MegaHash/sec). To calculate the amount of earnings you can use a special calculator, where all current data is taken into account. You must enter the speed of your video card and select the payment currency.

For example, when running a Radeon HD 7970 - 925 MHz (230 W) video card, which processes 555 Mhash/s, you can earn up to 0.00031 BTC per day, which at the current rate is 20 cents daily.

Accordingly, if there are several video cards, then earnings increase in proportion to their number.

Many people invest money in creating so-called “farms” - that’s what they call motherboard, on which several powerful video cards are installed. Or they even buy a computer specially designed for generating bitcoins.

How to start earning bitcoins

Let's consider the main steps of actions that need to be performed in order to start generating bitcoins on your computer.

Need to download from here the Bitcoin Wallet client program for your version of the operating system and install it on your computer. Installation is very simple. When you run the program for the first time, you must wait until the blocks are downloaded, which may take a long time( approximately 24 hours), since a fairly large amount of data will be loaded.

Setting up a Bitcoin wallet. In the Bitcoin wallet, you need to select the “Receive” tab, and then click the “Create address” button in the lower left corner. You can create a label for this address, and for each service from which you want to receive funds, you can create a separate address, which is very convenient.

Joining the pool. You can generate bitcoins alone, but this will require enormous technical resources and a lot of time (from several months to a year or more).

To be guaranteed to earn money, you need to join a pool - a community resource that brings together those who want to engage in mining. There are a lot of pools, one of the largest is This pool is simple, convenient and reliable, supports payments in several popular payment systems.

In the appropriate fields, enter your e-mail and the password you created twice.

After that, open the “Payments” menu and add your address from your Bitcoin wallet in the “Your Bitcoin addresses” tab. To do this, click “+ Add” and enter a value in the “Bitcoin address” field.

Downloading the Miner program. For example, the program will do. After downloading, unpack the contents of the archive into any folder, for example, D:\miners\50miner.

Start the program. Open the 50Miner file and enter the worker’s e-mail in the field (the one we specified when registering the wallet). There is no need to specify a password. After that, click “Only mining”.

The miner will determine the video cards and OpenCL platforms that are on the computer. If the required OpenCL platform is not found, the program will provide a link to download it. The settings are performed automatically and selected by the program in optimal values.

Selecting a withdrawal method. You can choose Yandex.Money, Webmoney, QIWI, mobile phone, as well as a VISA card.

After some time, you can see on the website that the worker is already working. The “Balance” tab in the upper right corner will show the growing result of the work - the increasing balance.

Mining prospects

How promising is it? this type earnings, it’s hard to say. As the number of participants increases, the complexity of the calculations increases; accordingly, solutions are found after a longer period of time. Thus, fewer bitcoins are generated, which means earnings will become less and less.

Alternative to video cards for mining

At the beginning of 2013, video cards for mining were replaced by special Bitcoin Asic Miner installations for generating bitcoins, the calculation speed of which is tens of MegaHash/sec. That is, the power of this machine exceeds the power of hundreds of video cards. Basically, today the computing power of the Bitcoin network lies on these units.

The cost of this machine, depending on the number of chips, ranges from 10 to 16 thousand dollars. And if previously Asic’s profitability was $400 per day, today this value barely reaches $30. As the complexity of calculations increases, profitability will inexorably fall. Thus, an investment in equipment will pay off with a stable income of $30 (and it will not be stable) only after 29 years. Therefore, today it is not advisable to spend money on buying Bitcoin Asic Miner.

In 2014, it is planned to release a new generation of mining equipment, the processing speed of which will be several times higher than current indicators. However, the fate of these devices is the same as that of previous generations - only those who bought them right away will benefit, since with increasing power the complexity of calculations increases. And sooner or later it will reach such a magnitude that even the most powerful equipment will take an extremely long time to find a solution to the problem.

Is it profitable to speculate in Bitcoins?

Today's growth in the Bitcoin rate is largely due to the high demand for Bitcoin Asic Miner. Why? The fact is that basically these machines are sold for these very bitcoins, which people buy for real money in the hope of a quick return on their investment. That is, a “soap bubble” inflated in this way cannot grow forever, and when the profitability of buying Asic falls, the demand for them will collapse, along with the demand for bitcoins.

While the system is growing, it is quite possible to engage in speculative operations - buy and sell bitcoins, making money on exchange rate differences. However, looking back at the history of changes in the value of bitcoins over the past two years, when the rate of bitcoin to world currencies rose several times and fell in price tens of times, such manipulations can be classified as operations with very high risks. And everyone is free to make the decision whether to take such risks or not.

Automatic earnings on the Internet are not a myth. Many people have already installed special programs to their computers to earn income without doing anything.

You also have this opportunity, and not only your computer, but also your mobile device can perform the necessary work.

Earning money on a processor with Coin Miner can bring in good income. Unlike most of its analogues, this program works stably and does not reduce rewards.

Everything is very simple, you installed and launched the program, and after that your processor begins to be used for various calculations, for which you are paid money.

The site has stopped working!

Earning money using a processor on Cointellect

Don’t worry about your processor breaking down, the load won’t be so high, and you can use your computer while the program is running.

In the program, you can adjust the percentage of resource use, but it is better to set it to the maximum in order to receive as much money as possible.

So, to use the Coin Miner program, you will need to register with the foreign Cointellect project. Unfortunately, there is no Russian language there, but you can easily figure it out:

When you log into your profile, immediately go to the “Download” menu item, where there are links to download the program:

As already mentioned, you can make money on computers and mobile devices, therefore several types of programs are offered:

Download the program, taking into account operating system, otherwise it won't work.

Opposite the Miner License inscription, take your unique code and paste it into the Coin Miner program settings.

After starting the program and adding license key, you will see the following interface:

The scales show speed and pool, this indicates the power consumption. There is no need to understand this, close the program and go about your business.

After some time, a decent amount will accumulate on your balance and you will be able to withdraw it to one of the wallets:

To receive a transfer on PayPal, you will have to collect 50 euros, on Cryptpay the minimum is 10, and on Dogecoin only 0.1 euros.

Investing on Cointellect

Anyone can invest money in the purchase computing power and thus achieve higher profits:

Several tariffs are offered. Their prices vary, as do their duration, expected profit, and capacity.

For example, if you buy DEMO and spend 14.95 euros, you are guaranteed receive at least 16.4 euros in the next 10 days. The amount may be higher, but it will definitely not be lower than this figure.

Refer new members to Cointellect and you will receive 10% of the money they spend on additional computing power.

The Cointellect project opened in 2011 and since then the Coin Miner program has gained enormous popularity.

Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world earn money automatically using this service. Try putting your income on the machine, and to make a decent profit, connect several devices or computers at once.

I recommend visiting the following pages:

Do you want to earn money without leaving the cozy walls of your own apartment? This is quite real. In this article we will touch on an interesting topic - how to make money at home on a computer.

Not going to work every day is the dream of many people who are tired to death of the monotonous gray everyday life of office life, the need to obey a set work schedule and periodically listen to the boss. Working at home on a computer whenever you want and getting decent money for it is a completely feasible task today.

However, is everything as simple as it seems at first glance? You can make money online, but the question is how much? Let's try to understand this issue. We will also look at ways to make money using home computer even without qualifications.

Freelancing – we write articles for money

Freelancing - this word refers to the earnings of people engaged in writing various materials, developing programs, design, etc. Let's talk specifically about copywriters. Why? Yes, simply because this is a great opportunity to start with minimal knowledge.

How to start working?

  • Look for a suitable exchange
  • Register as a copywriter
  • Sometimes it is necessary to write a test article
  • Look for a suitable order on the exchange
  • Getting started
  • You get profit

Today, housewives, young mothers whiling away their days on maternity leave, students and well-established professional journalists who prefer remote work to everyday sitting at the desk in the editorial office are joining the ranks of copywriters.

Earning money online directly depends on the skills listed above and the way the author gets orders. You can find work on numerous exchanges. Here is a list of good exchanges:

  • TurboText

The benefits of working on online exchanges are: guaranteed receipt orders and their payment, as well as the possibility of professional growth. This is not an exaggeration. Roughly speaking, they don’t cheat there and there is room for improvement)

Customers look for performers depending on the project budget and the level of material supplied, so everyone can earn money. Both a novice author and a seasoned journalist can become a copywriter.

So, how much can you earn from copywriting? It will be very difficult at first. You will have to show persistence and perseverance to achieve a stable income. At the initial stage, your work may be assessed very cheaply. The price is for the order as a whole or for every 1000 characters.

Eg. The customer needs an article of 5000 characters, while the price for each thousand is set at 50 rubles. It’s easy to calculate that the output will be 250 rubles. + the exchange will take a small amount. Five thousand characters is not as much as it seems. On average this is only 2 A4 sheets, which is pretty good right? Writing may take no more than 3 - 4 hours.

But as was said earlier, at first it will be very difficult. Many customers set the price at 15 or even 5 rubles for each kilogram! And in order to get ratings and reviews, sometimes you have to take on even such work.

Your income will depend on your hard work. On average, you can easily earn 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. This method is suitable for the lazy person or someone who combines copywriting and main work. Nothing prevents you from earning 30,000 rubles. But here you will have to work hard.

In general, this method of earning money is quite reliable and does not require initial capital. You can withdraw funds to an electronic wallet, and then to bank card. Among the disadvantages: on the initial path it will be very difficult.

Resale of goods from China

Let’s say right away that this method of earning money will require maximum perseverance from you. At the initial stage, you will have to use your wits and work hard. Therefore, if you are lazy, then skip this section; below you will find another way to make money while sitting at home.

Reselling things from China through social networks - many compatriots have appreciated the profitability of purchasing various goods in Chinese online stores. However, not all Chinese sites are Russified and many, having seen Chinese characters or English names, prefer to look for a more understandable portal.

Yes, and waiting 2-3 months is a very long time. A person wants a product here and now and is even ready to overpay for it by up to 200%

Savvy Russian mediators sitting at home , earn good money by presenting purchased Chinese goods for a large amount. This method requires some knowledge of website building or initial capital to set up an intermediary website.

How to start working?

  • Visit Aliexpress or
  • Looking for a product and supplier you are interested in
  • Purchase the product you are interested in
  • In the meantime, you begin to prepare the site for sale. This could be a website or a simple page on social network. For example VKontakte
  • Generate traffic with advertising. There are quite a lot of ways. We recommend using contextual advertising from search engine Yandex and VKontakte advertising.
  • You get profit

In words it is very simple, but in reality everything is much sadder and more complicated. Firstly, the competition is fierce now, BUT if you approach the matter wisely and choose your niche, then this will not be a problem for you. Secondly, you will either have to figure things out on your own, or (which we recommend) purchase a course on resale of things from China.

Useful video:

We have figured out a brief scheme of work. Now it’s worth paying attention to trading activities. (what we will sell). It all depends on your budget.

What can you sell?

Clothing is one of the most affordable goods. An excellent start for a beginner. Swimsuits are in summer, and umbrellas sell well in autumn. Gadgets and phones will already require large investments, but their accessories are a completely different matter.

Their cost is low. Often the price of sold accessories can be 300% higher than the purchase price.

Always buy items individually first before purchasing in bulk. In this way, you can check the quality of the product and the adequacy of the supplier. Read reviews about the seller and his products.

About delivery of goods from China

We should also talk about the cost of delivery of goods, or rather the lack thereof. It's true, most sellers generally made delivery free. The timing is also good, somewhere from 15 to 60 days.

The Chinese always try to cooperate as closely as possible and for large purchase volumes they can give discounts as a regular customer.

The parcel arrives at the Russian Post Office, where we pick it up and pay nothing. In this regard, everything is very simple.

Click and earn

Earning money from clicks is also called Internet surfing. It's a simple, hassle-free way to quickly earn a little income by surfing the web by clicking on advertising links.

This is interesting:

It requires absolutely no investment of funds. You will need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to this work, and you don’t need to do anything special. For each mouse click, the user is rewarded. This is a sure-fire way to earn your first money without leaving home. Here are examples of tasks with approximate prices:

  • Surfing sites– viewing links, the timer for which is set from 5 to 60 seconds, and payment is up to 35 kopecks.
  • Autosurfing– view links automatically. Payment for such surfing is up to 10 kopecks per click.
  • Reading letters– payment for reading notes, subsequent answers to questions, and going to the advertiser’s website. Payment for this work is from 10 to 30 kopecks per click.
  • Tasks– you need to complete tasks according to the advertiser’s instructions, and then send a report. Their greatest number on sites. Prices for tasks range from 10 kopecks to 500 rubles.
  • Paid downloads– for files up to 1 GB you will be offered a payment of approximately 40 kopecks.

Now a few addresses where you can try your hand:


Earning money on Youtube channel

Create your own channel on YouTube or a blog - a well-promoted Internet resource attracts advertisers and brings tangible profits to the owner.

A short video:

Selling unnecessary items through bulletin boards

Sell ​​household items you don’t need through online marketplaces like Avito or Molotok. Experience shows that mountains of things accumulate on mezzanines, the sale of which will bring you not only relief, but also some income.

The types of earnings we have listed on the computer are suitable as the first steps in mastering the Internet, as a source of income and an excellent alternative to hired work. We did not include earnings on Forex or in online casinos in the list, because the first method requires the user to be able to trade currencies and navigate stock quotes, and the second is too risky for the budget due to the unpredictability of the result, although both methods allow you to earn money at home.

What to do with earnings

Important addition. You need to learn not only how to quickly make money on the Internet, but also how to turn your virtual income into real money. To do this, you will need to create an electronic wallet, for example, in the Webmoney system, and learn how to convert electronic money into cash.

In the WM system, for this you will need to obtain a formal or initial certificate. This process is described in detail on the websites of payment systems; we recommend that you start working online by studying such instructions.