Calendar of nature in the senior group of fgos. Calendars of nature and weather for teaching children. Calendar - poster on self-adhesive film

Alsu Salakhova
Design of the corner "Calendar of Nature" for all age groups

Presentation about the right corner decoration« nature calendar» on all age groups

To fix the changing natural objects can be developed various types of graphic models. In pedagogical interpretation, this is calendars observation of phenomena nature. Their main content is familiarity with birds and other changing seasonal phenomena. nature, growth and development of living beings. Doing calendar gives the children the opportunity to get acquainted with wintering birds, to trace the dynamics of changes in the autumn-spring bird migration. As the practice of preschool education shows, the knowledge of the patterns of seasonal changes is associated with a number of difficulties. This applies primarily not to the assimilation of the characteristic features of the seasons, but to understanding the process of gradual growth of these features and qualitative changes during the transition from one season to another. The absence of a sharp visible boundary between the seasons gives children a deceptive idea of ​​the constancy of the environment. At the end of autumn, for example, the guys forget that at the beginning it was warm, there were many flowers and greenery. Children without the help of an adult do not grasp the logic of natural changes.

Engaging in geometry and science in this tangible way will help teachers guide their students through an experiential learning process that promotes student interests in outside world and also strengthens their confidence in their own inner abilities to understand the world. Course work will be supported and embellished by daily eurythmy and painting classes.

We will work with human vision, atmospheric and prismatic colors, afterprints, color shadows, blending colors through darkening and lightening. The workshops want to showcase the practice of Goethean phenomenology and are intended for artists and anyone interested in the subject. It is possible to attend one seminar, although all four complement each other.

I will present to you calendars for toddler, middle, senior and preparatory groups.

For second junior and middle groups- this is a set of pictures for each season, which, in accordance with the program, depicts the main weather phenomena. Kids need to learn how to highlight the sun, clouds, rain, etc. The same tree should be drawn on a number of pictures (e.g. birch) in different conditions: in calm and windy, in rainy and sunny weather, with green leaves, with yellow leaves during leaf fall, without leaves. There should also be a flat cardboard doll with a set of paper clothes for all seasons. With the help of pictures, children reinforce ideas about phenomena. nature obtained during observations. The doll also helps to determine the degree of heat or cold and introduces a playful element into the activities of the kids.

Learn about the monthly and yearly rhythms of the sun, moon and planets. Look at the stars with deepening knowledge and wonder. We will focus on high school geometry issues; in the evenings we will study astronomy. Participants will participate in hands-on research rather than listening to lectures.

Animals and humanity, the four elements and the rhythms of the planets. with Craig Holdraig and Henrique Holdrig. This session will provide a basis for observing appearance and path identification. Michael Puther and Jonathan Talbott have been leading workshops for adults and young people for many years and have introduced many of the area's residents to the wildlife wonders of the Hawthorne Valley and the surrounding area. Please prepare for cold or rainy weather conditions.

The method of working with children corresponds age characteristics. With kids, the teacher observes each phenomenon separately (for example, only rainy weather or only leaf fall). With children of average groups it is already possible to simultaneously observe two or three phenomena (windy and rainy weather or the coloring of leaves on bushes and trees and their falling off with a gust of wind).

Please call or email to reserve a spot. Learn about the monthly and annual rhythms of the sun, moon and planets. Program professional development for science teachers with Craig Holdraig, Henrique Holdraig and John McAleese.

Justin will discuss various methods for growing mushrooms at home. Participants will inoculate hardwood logs with the appearance of shiitake, which will later produce mushrooms. Talk and slide presentation by Justin West. But there are also inspiring examples of how people can mitigate ecological untangling and biodiversity loss by using the principles of ecology and diversity in food and fuel themselves. He believed that people could develop a way of thinking and be in the world, which he called "thinking like a mountain" - this would allow humanity to play a more integrated role in all of nature.

Going for a walk on Monday, the teacher shows the children a doll, tells her name, says that she came to visit the guys and wants to see how they dress. After the walk, the doll waits for the kids to undress - she can't wait to find out what they saw on the site. The teacher invites the children to name what they noticed during the observations. (sun, rain, etc.). "Now we'll show you a picture"- says the teacher, referring to the doll, and takes out a box with a set of cards depicting various phenomena nature. He shows a card that does not show what the guys saw on the walk. “Children, we looked at the sun. Is this the sun? - No, these are clouds, let's find another picture where the sun is drawn. Children find the right picture, show it to the doll and put it on a stand (type book). "Do you want to go for a walk too? - the teacher addresses the doll. - Walk here (puts it next to the card). The sun will shine on you. You just need to get dressed. It's warm today, the guys were in light blouses during the walk. You, too, put on a blouse. The teacher finds a paper blouse, puts it on the doll and says that Natasha (doll name) now he walks too.

In this talk, Craig Holdraig will develop this key idea in the context of Leopold's life and time and demonstrate its relevance to the 21st century. A one week course with Craig Holdraig and Henrique Holdrig at the Nature Institute for farmers, farmers, gardeners and others who are looking for working connection with earth. Can we learn to perceive and understand nature in more vital and truly ecological ways? As we enliven our perceptions and increase our ability to form more dynamic and holistic pictures of the beings and processes of nature, the life of nature can become increasingly embodied in what we perceive, think and do.

Daily observations using cards and dolls during the first week will help children in the second youngest groups get started with diversity natural phenomena. In rainy weather, when the children do not go for a walk, the teacher makes observations from the window. children interesting: everything around is wet, shiny, raindrops crawl on the glass. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the guys do not walk on the street, only adults go about their business - they are wearing raincoats, some have umbrellas. The doll also appears in such weather. The children find a card depicting rain and let Natasha go for a walk, putting on a raincoat or urgently making an umbrella.

To stimulate this transformation of our abilities, we will do exercises in flexible thinking and careful observation. We are engaged in phenomenological studies of the qualities of the plant, which underlies all agricultural efforts. Each day will consist of the following activities.

Morning seminars. Projective Geometry - Exercises in flexible thinking Plant-metamorphosis; plant growth patterns under different environmental conditions and in relation to climate and seasons. Afternoon Seminar. Observational exercises related to the study of plants. . Evening seminar.

In the middle group the same principle of working with calendar, but four-year-old children already observe the weather in more detail, note the signs characteristic of it (for example, the wind either arises or subsides; a cloud has come, it started to rain, then the sun shines again). In this case, two or three pictures are exhibited (a birch in a calm state, a birch in a gust of wind - leaf fall, etc.). The doll may be the same, but she should make a new set of clothes. (she grew up - they bought her new clothes).

Astronomy - finding orientation in the night sky. . Living in the country, we are blessed with darkness at night that allows us to see the stars. Weather permitting, we will observe and find orientation in the night sky. If it is cloudy, we will work inside to prepare for observations that you can make on your own on a clear night. We will study the daily and annual movements of the stars, the constellations of the zodiac and learn about the rhythms of the sun, moon and planets. No fee for; pre-registration is not required.

At a time when the human mind is becoming more flexible, dynamic, and context-sensitive to solve pressing problems, the humble plant can be a powerful teacher of living thinking. In this conversation, Craig Holdrey will show many concrete examples how can we learn to model our thinking after plants live.

Thus, working with a set of pictures and a doll in the second junior and secondary groups contributes to the formation in children of clear ideas about seasonal phenomena nature, teaches to fix observations with the power of ready-made images-pictures. In a playful way, preschoolers are brought to the ability to determine the degree of heat and cold. All this is the basis for nature calendar in senior preschool age.

The area was brought back into harmony and plant growth flourished in spring and summer. There are still some areas that need attention, so if you want to help us with this work, please go to the Institute and bring gloves, and if you have them, loppers.

Plastic is a ubiquitous element in modern world. But how aware are we of its implications? Tim is an Assistant Professor of Biology, Adirondack Community College. He studies and advocates for sustainability, teaching how we can be more mindful of the environmental impact of our daily choices and be happy in that awareness. The Hawthorne Valley Association and the Nature Institute invite you to join the hand-seeding field of rye and learn about seeds, grains, and the evolution of agriculture in the District of Columbia.

nature calendar for senior, preparatory to school groups consists of three graph: 1) time; 2) non-living nature(weather); 3) live nature(flora and animal world, labor of people. In calendar children of the sixth life the first column is represented by one week, in calendar children of the seventh year of life - four (the cells of the second week are shaded, the rest are empty). This is important for the formation in children going to school of distinct temporal representations: when discussing the completed he sees the calendar that there are four weeks in September, and observations of seasonal phenomena nature were conducted within one (second) weeks. Later, when filling calendar they will understand the time span season: three months, each of which consists of four weeks, each of which in turn consists of seven days.

In this workshop, Henrique Holdrej will lead participants through a series of observations regarding light and color that will be of particular interest to artists. At 3pm this spring, Henrique Holdreig offers an introduction to astronomy. We will study the daily and annual movements of the stars, the constellations of the zodiac that are visible, and some of the rhythms of the sun and moon. If it's cloudy, we'll be working inside to prepare for observations that you can make on your own on clear nights. Please prepare for cold weather, bring a pillow and a flashlight.

Every day after a walk, the children paint over the box corresponding to this day and put down icons indicating the weather. At the end of the week (Thursday or Friday, after observing the flora and fauna, preschoolers draw a picture of a living nature.

When administering calendar attention should be paid to the following moments: it must be filled out by children in a timely manner under the guidance of a teacher; conventional icons are schematized drawings of phenomena that children observe. Neatly and beautifully fill the cells calendar special stencils made by the teacher from a dense transparent film or cardboard will help. This is especially important in the early stages of senior group when children are just getting to know this kind of calendar. Stencil drawing is interesting for preschoolers and levels out the difference in their visual skills.

There is no fee, but donations to the Institute of Nature are appreciated. In a series of three Saturday workshops, we will introduce projective geometry as a school path to expand our mental life and practice inner imagination and imagination. We will look at how projective geometry arose from an understanding of perspective and then moved on to studies of the infinitely distant. We will provide a medium morning snack.

For several years we have been asked to run a winter course for people who work intensively on the land during the summer. We are pleased to announce this new winter course. The life of nature can become more embodied in our work as we enliven our own perception and increase our ability to form dynamic and holistic pictures of nature's beings and processes. Winter is a good time to step away from everyday worries and focus on honing our inner skills. We will work with different areas of content and at the same time practice what Goethe called "precise sensory fantasy" - a way to bring nature to life, or, one might say, to bring nature into our lives.

To develop the ability to fill calendar, i.e., record the results of their observations, as well as the ability to read them (talk about observations using calendar, it is important that the conventions are simple and understandable to children. The following are the most suitable designations: days of the week - in different colors, weather - with naturalistic icons (for example, wind - a tree leaning to the side, snow - a graphic image of snowflakes, etc.) You should especially stop at graphic image degree of warmth and cold: this is a schematic figure of a child dressed differently, in shorts, a dress, in a coat (jacket, fur coat. Preschoolers understand such icons, as they correspond to their clothes during a walk. If it is difficult for children to depict birds in such a way that they differ in types, the picture can be replaced "tick" of one color or another, for example, a sparrow is brown "check mark", dove - blue, titmouse - yellow, bullfinch - red, etc.

Astronomy: finding orientation in the night sky. There is some financial support. French filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin made this candid documentary using hitherto unpublished documents, testimonies from victims and scientists. Each Saturday can be visited individually or you can subscribe to all four Saturdays, October 18th, November 15th, December 13th and January 17th.

How often do we give attention and care to the rich and varied qualities of the world in which we live? These four Saturdays at the Institute of Nature want to provide an opportunity to put aside our everyday problems and focus on some of the essential features of our lives that are easy to overlook and take for granted. Often, when considering what seems obvious, we fall into unexpected depths.

Implementation experience calendars in the practice of kindergartens, showed: usage of this type modeling has an intense impact on the development of visual-figurative thinking. Work with the calendar at all stages(filling in, summing up, revisiting, comparing similar phenomena) enriches the specific ideas of children, forms a special type of ideas that reflects the process of changing objects nature in unity with the time parameter. However, the formation of this type of representation is possible only with regular, time-ordered fixation of observations. The model thus serves as a means of developing unified space-time representations. In addition, when discussing the results of observations, children are forced to compare what is recorded on the pages event calendar, trace the nature of changes, the relationship of individual components; thus they learn to discover temporal and causal relationships, establish the simplest patterns. Thus, logical thinking develops, and with it speech is inextricably linked. This refers to a special, so-called collective form of speech - the conversation of the educator with group when statements are mutually complemented, when a single semantic line and complete in form content of the conversation is created. It should be noted that calendar- this is the subject of a logically constructed discussion, which contributes to the development of the skills to reason, analyze, compare events, and then reflect them in speech (conclusions, generalizations, that is, it serves as a visual means of teaching logical operations.

He will show how Goethe's way of doing science requires a completely different cognitive activity than that of mainstream science in order to discover deeper dimensions and a legitimate interconnection of phenomena. This course, designed for teachers, raises the issue of the science of higher education. How can we teach science in such a way that students can experience and question the world? Through workshops, concrete practice of phenomenological methodology, group project work and peer dialogue, we want to explore and explore many as yet untapped aspects of experiential learning.

Natasha Meleshkina

It is a methodological game guide. Designed to systematically observe seasonal changes nature

Corresponds to GEF DOE and provides the content of the program in the field "cognitive development". Reflects one of the aspects of the educational environment, i.e., directly, the subject-spatial developing environment.

After years of studying song about birds, culminating in his book Why Birds Sing, and many recorded improvisations with his clarinet, he turned his attention to whales. He will share his explorations of the underwater world of sonic mystery and his attempts to create cross-species music with whales in their native habitat.

In Craig's conversation, Craig Holdrei will talk about the current research project An institute that investigates how genetic engineering causes unanticipated changes in manipulated organisms. After describing many examples, he will present a picture of a mass experiment with terrestrial organisms and discuss its consequences.

Calendar consists of a stand in the form of a platform with a multi-colored fence. The planks on the fence are painted in the colors of the rainbow and symbolize the days of the week. From 4-5 weeks (they are symbolized by cones - weeks in a row) consists of a month, which is a house with a roof made of flannelgraph. In the house they gather and live all the weeks - another month. Each day is also fixed in number and displayed on the pediment of the house. Months gather in the clearing (circle divided into conditional seasons and months). Next to the house "growing" the tree in which all the months gather in the seasons. The tree consists of 4 parts: autumn winter spring Summer. The tree is on a substrate in the form of a circle. Divided into four seasons, and seasons by months. Thus, visually, starting from the day of the week, in calendar going all year round. To get acquainted with the months, there is an application in the form of folders that contain information about the months of the year (poems, riddles, sayings, signs).

In six sessions, we will explore the topic "Center and Periphery" through exercises in geometry, plant observation, and optics. Lecture and musical presentation by David Rothenberg. David Rothenberg is an assistant professor of humanities at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is a composer and musician who tries to combine the indigenous energy of the world's primitive music with the exploratory spirit of improvisation.

He has performed and spoken throughout the world and has numerous recordings, articles, books and interviews reflecting his passion for sounds that bridge the human and natural worlds. A series of four talks by Craig Holdraig. Public discussion of evolution has become highly polarized. Material and spiritual views of nature and humanity are presented as irreconcilable opposites. Instead of subtle arguments, we are offered simplifications that obscure deeper issues. One way to go beyond simplification is to return to a careful consideration of the phenomena themselves, which are always more complex than any simple circuit can cover.

This game guide is intended for children from 5 years old. It can be used by the teacher as part of the GCD, in joint activities with children, as well as for independent play in a group.

A set of methodological aids.

Playground with a fence and a type-setting panel (for illustrations of the seasons ... 1 pc

House…. 1 PC

Wood…. 1 PC

Stand-circle with the name of the seasons ... 1 pc

A set of names of months and numbers….1pc

Cone with the name of the order of the week ... .5 pcs

Explanatory note.

Designed to systematically observe seasonal changes nature, orientation by days, weeks, months, seasons and familiarity with time.

The purpose of this manual is not only to provide knowledge about seasonal changes in nature but also to develop mental activity: perception and thinking, observation, steady cognitive interest, memory, perception and thinking. In the course of working with calendar tasks such as How: the formation of elementary ideas about phenological phenomena nature. Children learn to compare, contrast and establish the cause and temporal dependence of phenomena. Familiarity with the rules of conduct in nature. Education of love and respect for nature.

Via calendar kids visually, in an accessible game form throughout the year determine the year, season, month, day of the week and day of the month; as well as through applications (folders by months of the year) children learn how the weather changes as the seasons change; what happens in the plant and animal world; what happens in human activity. Communication with « nature calendar» develops children: visual and auditory attention and perception; observation and thinking; curiosity; vocabulary and connected speech; fine motor skills of the hands. Observing changes with children nature on walks contribute: versatile development of the child; education of love and respect for plants and animals; the emergence of positive emotions, good mood and inspiration. Benefit addressed to: teachers to work with children from 5 years of age. The manual presents a model for organizing the educational and joint activities of a teacher, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards based on practical experience in familiarizing children with natural the world and aimed at the formation of a natural-science outlook, ecological thinking and a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of the educational field "Knowledge" are solved in an integrated way in the course of mastering educational regions: "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction". The planned results of the development of integrative qualities are determined, which will ensure the full development, education and upbringing of preschoolers. In the course of implementing the goals and objectives, the following subject areas should be achieved. results:

children know:

1) the names of the days of the week, months, seasons;

2) the seasons according to their phenomena and signs;

3) symbols when working with nature's calendar

children can:

1) identify and name the days of the week,

2) determine the sequence of weeks

3) make a month out of a certain number of weeks

4) make up the season from "months"

5) make up a year from "seasons"

6) make observations and fill calendar individually and subgroup;

4) conduct long-term and short-term observations;

filling nature calendar in the preschool educational institution - an important joint Practical activities, during which the teacher teaches children to find the necessary designations for the days of the week, weeks, months, seasons, year. Teaches children how to use and understand symbols. prefabricated information calendar located right in the corner nature and fills up every day.

At the first stage, this happens together with the teacher, then those who can independently arrange the necessary names and numbers are selected from the children.

Can be used in special thematic classes to get acquainted with the outside world, nature, acquaintance with lexical topics (seasons, public dates and holidays, people's clothes, wild animals, etc.) It is very important to evoke a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena in a child nature. The most effective means for this will be frequent, direct observations.

The sequence of acquaintance and filling calendar.