Problem solving. Problem to be solved: types of problems for you in solving this problem

As you understand, the topic of this article will be devoted to finding effective ways to help solve the problem. Many people simply immerse themselves in the problem, making it even bigger. It's something like a sore. Imagine that you have a sore on your arm that does not heal because you scratch it. In addition, it not only does not heal, but becomes even larger. And some people, without having problems, invent them. You can read about this in the article - It is described in detail there.

How to solve a problem?

You know what Laura Silva says: “Either solve your problems or stop whining.”. So the first step to solving a problem is to renounce the problem. That is, you don’t plunge into it headlong, asking questions: “Well, why did this happen to me?”, “How can I solve this problem?”, “Why do I always... why do I?” and so on. Instead, you begin to view the problem not as your own, but as someone else’s. You've probably noticed how skillfully we solve other people's problems. They are not ours, they don’t hurt us, they don’t evoke bad emotions, you remain cool and sober, which means problem solving comes to you very quickly and in several options.

Many people think that only they have problems, and others do not. The fact is that our whole life consists of choices, decisions and, of course,... You can't hide from them anywhere. Some people just have more of them, while others have less of them. It also depends on the person, on his view. After all, what some consider problems, others think are problems. Luck because now you can do such and such. As the saying goes: . So second step to solving problems there will be a new look at these problems.

Let's look at an example. For example, someone was fired from their job. What do most people do? At first they are indignant, swear, insist that they were treated unfairly, lash out at loved ones, and bite their nails. This is a normal reaction. In my opinion, this needs to be done. But what happens next? Time passes, and the person, instead of solving his problem with unemployment, begins to lie on the couch with a beer in front of the TV and mentally resent that he was treated poorly. This is the same sore that does not heal because he scratches it. Then the problem really becomes a problem.

What does the minority do? They analyze what happened with a cool head, then ask themselves the question: "What can I do to solve this problem", “How can I solve the problem in the best way for me?”. Then they search for options and what happens is they find new job, which is in many ways better than the one they were fired from, or they open their own business and start working for themselves. And when you work for yourself, no one can fire you. In short, in this way people find new opportunities that they had not seen before. For them, the black streak really becomes a takeoff. And all because they think about solving problems, and do not delve into what happened.

So if something happens to you, first calm down, and then, with a cool head, start asking yourself moving questions: "How to solve a problem?", “What do I need to fix the situation?”, “What can I do now to get out of this impasse?”. As I said, the answer will definitely come to you. By the way, here is an article for you - It talks about how failure becomes success.

So, we got acquainted with the first two methods, namely: detachment from the problem and asking ourselves advancing questions. They're boring as hell, so now let's move on to the heavy artillery.

How to solve a problem?

So, as you understand, to solve problems, you first need to calm down emotionally. But how to do this, because emotions simply overflow? This is where they will help us!!! I am not kidding. It is at the alpha level that all problems are solved, restrictions are lifted, and all diseases are cured. If you don’t believe me, you can read the article -. There Laura talks about how meditation effectively helps solve problems. I strongly recommend you read it. Get a lot of impressions.

So!!! The first thing you should do is sit yourself down on the sofa. This is not so easy to do, because thoughts about the problem are simply teeming in your head. So this is the most difficult step. Here I advise you two options: the first is to wait until the emotions subside (then it will be easier for you to sit on the sofa), the second is to take a warm bath and lie down there. For some reason, we always get into a warm bath willingly. It is the second method that I offer you. Just in the bath or under the shower you can relax as much as possible. And it is at this moment that non-standard ideas for solving problems may come to you. As Einstein said: “Why do all my best ideas come to me during the shower?”. Just don’t take it literally, otherwise it turns out really funny!!!

So, you managed to relax, however, to solve the problem you should stay at the alpha level for as long as possible. The solution to the problem does not come immediately (although anything can happen). Therefore, I recommend that you download a special sound that contains alpha tempo rhythms. You can download it by going to the article -. Also, I recommend that you visit the pages - and. All this will help you relax as much as possible. If you do this, then consider that you have solved your problem.

The following powerful problem solving method that I will give you will definitely help you solve the problem. Only a few know about it, and you are lucky that you are on this page. In combination with the above tips, there will not be a single problem that you cannot solve. This method is called -. I already wrote about it, you can read it. This method takes a lot of time, and its effectiveness cannot be overestimated. You just take an A4 sheet of paper, write a question at the top of the sheet: “How can I solve the problem associated with...” and write down all the thoughts that pop into your head. I don't care what you write there. You can write absolute nonsense. The main thing is to answer the question and write without stopping.

This method helps turn off logical thinking, increases focus many times over, and connects. The main thing here is to write and write without stopping. The solution may emerge in five hours, or even longer. The main thing is not to give up!!! Thus, you will find solutions to any problems, any difficulties.

Finally, I want to tell you that it will be better if you "problem" replace with a word "situation". Word "problem" It is very poorly perceived on a subconscious level, causing black colors and unpleasant sensations. Here's the word "situation" is perceived much more pleasantly than a word "problem". Such a replacement will also help you solve problems in the best possible way.


  1. Changing the word "problem" on word "situation".
  2. We renounce the problem (we perceive it as not ours).
  3. Relax as much as possible (go to alpha level).
  4. We take a piece of paper and ask a question "How to solve a problem?", A “How to solve the situation?” and write everything that comes to mind.

Well, good luck to you in solving problems..., situations.

how to solve a problem, problem solving


Whatever is bothering you: the choice of a new gadget, a relationship with a partner, or the excessive demands of a new boss, you have four ways to get rid of this feeling:

  • change yourself and your behavior;
  • change the situation;
  • get out of the situation;
  • change your attitude towards the situation.

Undoubtedly, there is another option to leave everything as it is, but this is definitely not about solving the problem.

That's it, the list is over. No matter how hard you try, you can’t come up with anything more. And if you want to think about what to do, then I suggest you take the following steps.

Algorithm of actions

1. State the problem in the first person

The problems “The world has not yet created the gadget that I need,” “He doesn’t care about me,” and “The boss is a beast, demands the impossible” are insoluble. But the problems “I can’t find a gadget that meets my criteria”, “I feel unhappy because my partner doesn’t care about me” and “I can’t do what my boss asks of me” are quite workable.

2. Analyze your problem

Based on the four solutions presented above:

You may find that you would like to combine several of these, such as changing your attitude towards a situation and then changing your behavior. Or maybe you will first consider several methods to choose from. This is fine.

4. Having chosen one, two or even three ways, brainstorm

Take a piece of paper and a pen. For each method, write as many possible solutions to the problem as possible. At this stage, throw away all filters (“indecent”, “impossible”, “ugly”, “shameful” and others) and write down everything that comes to mind.

For example:

Change yourself and your behavior
I can't find a gadget that matches my criteria I feel unhappy because my partner doesn't care about me I can't do what my boss wants me to do
  • Change criteria.
  • Take a time out in your search.
  • Write to the developers
  • Ask to show concern.
  • Tell me how I would like him to show care.
  • Give thanks when you care
  • Learn to do it.
  • Explain why I can't do this.
  • Ask someone to do it

For inspiration:

  • Imagine a person whom you respect and who could definitely help you. What solutions to the problem would he suggest?
  • Ask friends and acquaintances for help: brainstorming in a group is more fun.

Choose the one that is most suitable for you in this situation.

6. Answer yourself the following questions

  • What do I need to do to make this decision a reality?
  • What could be stopping me and how can I overcome it?
  • Who can help me do this?
  • What will I do in the next three days to start solving my problem?

7. Take action!

Without real action, all this thinking and analysis is a waste of time. You will definitely succeed! And remember:

A hopeless situation is a situation in which you don't like the obvious way out.

In life we ​​constantly have to solve a wide variety of problems. However, most of us solve them in one proven way - the way we are used to, which has helped us out more than once. In this article, we will try to expand the arsenal of your methods for solving certain problems, and we will offer the most effective ways to solve problems. Surely, you have already used many of them before, but it is still worth reading the alternative options once again.

However, before I tell you how to solve problems, we should talk about the following. Everything in this world is interconnected. This is a fact that you cannot argue with. The same is true with problems in your life. We have already written about this in our previous articles, but it would not be out of place to repeat it.

If you live on earth, then you will have to solve problems all your life. Agree, this is true. In this regard, since humanity has not come up with anything on how to overcome the formation of problems out of the blue in people’s lives, therefore, the best way out of this situation is to know and put into practice the most effective ways to solve problems so that your fight against “ objective reality" proceeded in the most productive way.

However, why does not there exist the best way problem solution? Why should you use different methods, because sometimes it’s so exhausting that sometimes it just seems like life is playing a cruel joke on me? The thing is that in life there are a wide variety of situations that require a variety of actions (in our case, ways to solve problems). There is no “one true and effective way” to resolve life’s troubles. And, in principle, this is even a plus.

What's another plus? The thing is that when you solve a problem in one way, you seem to reach a new level of your development. Your consciousness assimilates your experience in solving a problem and “puts off” this method of solving problems in its “pantry”. Then something happens in life and you try to solve a new problem. How will you decide? Naturally, one that you already know and have already used in practice. However, not always the same method can help out in different situations. We have already said that the problem is different.

What do you do in this case? It’s clear - you try to find, willy-nilly. new approach to solving your new problem. As you know, whoever seeks will always find. In fact, more than one billion people on earth lived before you, so cases similar to the one that happened to you have probably already occurred, and, most likely, your “unique” situation or problem is nothing more than an ordinary manifestation of life’s troubles an ordinary person living on Earth.

That is why you should constantly study and learn new things. Again - everything new is well forgotten old. Look for your answers in history. Look for your answers from professionals in their field. In this way, you will make your life easier, and will certainly save a lot of your time, reinventing the wheel for the hundred-millionth time. It’s better to actually invent something new and useful for society, rather than waste your time resolving an issue that has already been resolved a long time ago on a planetary “forum.”

This concludes the introductory, or better yet, setting the right mood, part of the article, now let’s move on directly to ways to solve problems.

1. Solve problems yourself.

The method is the oldest of all known to mankind. Primitive man first always tried to provide himself with everything he needed. Although even at that time there was a certain kind of cooperation in order to increase the efficiency of actions

And this says a lot. Thus, even primitive people understood (of course, they did not understand all this scientifically, but purely from an everyday-practical point of view) that all problems could be resolved on their own, but it would be difficult and ineffective.

A person has a certain range of abilities and capabilities, but he is even more surrounded by various kinds of restrictions. No matter how good a doctor you are and a mechanic, you still won’t become an astronaut, an athlete, a logistician and a metallurgist in addition to your skills and professional qualities. You are limited in your options.

Although they are limitless in their abilities. So, take advantage of your limitlessness in abilities in order to cover your limitations in capabilities!

The conclusion from here is simple: do only the work that you can do better than 90% of the people living in your city. If you are studying to become a mechanic or are already working as one, then if your car breaks down, then you should fix it yourself, because you are an expert in this matter. At the same time, do not try to show off your “hacking” abilities by reinstalling the operating system at home.

It’s better to invite a specialist and pay him money. This is the beauty of a market economy - you get a lot of money for doing better than 90% of people, and you can spend this money on those who will do the work for you with high quality and professional savvy.

2. Entrust problem solving to professionals.

This method of solving problems is a logical continuation of the previous method. All the beauty professional work is that in most cases it is performed better than it would have been done by a “jack of all trades.” However, when choosing this method of solving problems, remember that a good professional costs money, and decent money. Question: where can I get decent money? The easiest way is to become a professional yourself and get a good salary! It's simple.

Here is your motivation for action - a magic kick for self-improvement in the field of activity that you have chosen for yourself as your life path.

The work of a professional saves your time, and most importantly, your nerves. Good nerves will still be useful to you, so try to delegate your problems to the experts in your field as much as possible. Do not be stingy. Try to spend your time on things that are useful to you, and not on “this incomprehensible crap.”

3. Remote problem solving (freelancing).

So, step by step we continue our list of ways to solve problems. Next in line is perhaps the most modern of all the presented ways of dealing with life's difficulties - this is assigning tasks to freelancers.

Who are freelancers? A freelancer is a person or group of people who are behind the next wall or on the other side of the planet and solve your problems for a certain fee. At the same time, all your communication takes place using a computer via the Internet, or rather, through thematic freelance sites.

A freelancer is, in essence, the same professional (or at least a person who understands your problem much better than you) who works on your task and receives compensation for it.

Moreover, due to the fact that now everything is becoming extremely computerized, there are also problems with computer technologies now there’s more than enough. At the same time, technologies are developing so rapidly that no one is able to keep up with them. Moreover, working with each computer program like a real ace.

Example: you wanted to draw in the program Adobe Photoshop a postcard, but you don’t know how to do it at all. What to do? Ask one of your friends? However, it is unlikely that you will quickly find a person who: a) will have the necessary skills and b) will find time for you to do “some kind of postcard”.

Therefore, always remember that if you are faced with problems, such as working with graphics, with office applications or other computer red tape, then know that people from all over the world are always ready to help you. Not free, of course, but their services are really worth paying for. Again, save your precious time.

The conclusion from the above is the following: if you are faced with a computer-related problem, feel free to contact freelancers - they will help you without any questions. Eh, market economy...

4. Ask for help from relatives and friends.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. Well - friends and relatives are needed not only to celebrate birthdays and weddings. The method is quite reliable, because It will not be a person from the street who will help you.

However, it will be problematic to use this method often because no one likes to be bored too often. Therefore, you should contact as soon as possible more people, so as not to become an annoying person for one person.

You also need to understand that relatives and friends solve your problems, mostly for free. Consequently, they spend their free (and possibly non-free) time on your difficulties. In connection with this, always remember that you are stealing someone else’s energy without replacing it with anything.

In general, be more reasonable in terms of asking your friends, relatives and acquaintances for help. Contact them only as a last resort. Don’t ruin your relationship with them - they will be very useful to you in the future.

5. Engage in networking.

In our last article What is networking, we told you about the basic principles and essence of networking. If you are faced with a problem that can only be solved by a friend of a relative you know, then it is time to make full use of your network. In the article about networking, we mentioned that networking is where people work best. long-distance communications, i.e. just what you need to solve your problem.

It is clear that such a problem can only be solved when someone from your immediate circle knows the right person. The conclusion from this is simple: communicate with a variety of people, and you will be happy. The larger your network of acquaintances, the more likely it is that your problem will be solved as quickly as possible. Just don’t forget that networking should not be overused - networking should be positive.

Conclusion: In this article we examined 5 ways to solve your problems. Try to use them all, because... Every situation needs its own method. It would also be nice if you learned to combine these methods to increase efficiency in solving your life problems.

Now you know 5 ways to solve problems.

The black streak can become a takeoff

We all face problems from time to time. Sometimes some situations and circumstances seem hopeless to us. I want to run away, close myself, forget everything that happened. But is it worth it?

After all, then the lesson will repeat itself again. There is another way to go into the problem, think about it day and night, shed tears, pour it over, drink it or eat it, in general, disguise it with something. And find the culprits!

Complaining about a problem and finding someone to blame will also only take away our strength and energy and lead us away from solving the problem.

It is also important to remember that the more we resist, the more the situation will escalate and become more complicated.

We need to find a way out! And better not alone. As the saying goes, from any hopeless situation there are at least three favorable ways out.

What methods of solving problems exist, and how to choose the most suitable one, or perhaps combine them?

1. A look from the outside.

This method involves searching for information on your own. Throughout history, man has found solutions to a great many problems. And he recorded the results of his decisions on material media: papyrus, paper, stone, computer.

When solving a problem, it is advisable, first of all, to independently turn to sources of endless information.

2. Contact a specialist.

We live in a society, we are surrounded by thousands of people, each of whom is an expert in some field. Psychologist, tarot reader, astrologer, coach, psychic, there are even problem solvers.

A specialist in solving “problems in general” differs from them only in that he works with problems that do not require extensive knowledge and extensive experience in a narrow field, but only intelligence, accuracy, common sense, some basic ideas, and general skill in working with problems and, of course, inspiration.

Undoubtedly, someone has already encountered the problem you have encountered. Most likely, they have already been solved by someone, and many times.

The work of a professional saves your time and nerves, but a good professional is expensive, and you can develop a dependence on a psychologist when a person has not solved his problems and still does not solve them.

3. Ask people close to you for help.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. The method is quite reliable, since these are people with whom communication gives you pleasure. Often such communication can reassure and provide support.

Tell your family, friends, people you really trust. They will always be ready to help - with advice, with deeds. This is much better than drowning in negative thoughts and experiences.

This good opportunity get an “outside view.” The main thing is not to be intrusive and always be ready to provide such help.

4. Change focus.

Often we are too close and too emotionally involved in a problem to see and evaluate it from a good perspective. Try to look at the problem as an outside observer. With a broader view, you'll see more options.

Often we think about a problem, savor it in our brains, focus on it, but it is not solved. We try to decide with our minds, drowning out our intuition. In order for it to be solved, attention must be removed from the problem, the importance must be removed.

The content of automatic writing very often consists of drawings, incomprehensible signs, circles and, of course, texts.

All you have to do is write down everything that comes to mind. This must be done for 20 minutes to an hour. The main meaning and purpose of the process of automatic writing is to surrender to the flow of sensations you perceive.

Understanding the problem and a way out of it will come in the letter itself.

6. Ho'oponopono.

Ho'oponopono is the ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Translated from Hawaiian, the word “ho’oponopono” means “to correct a mistake” or “to put everything in its place.” There are four affirmations that you should repeat over and over again, non-stop:

"I'm really sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"I love you".

"Thank you".

If you don't like something about another person, it means it's in you too. Your job is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also change.

When you use Ho'oponopono, you are not purifying a person, place or event, but rather neutralizing the energy associated with that person, place or event. The advantage of this method is that everything happens within you, there is no need for an intermediary.

7. Arrangements.

This method was developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger. Arrangement is an effective method that allows you to easily and clearly identify the problem.

Using this method, you can discover the reasons that tie a person to a certain system of relationships, limit freedom of action and complicate personal development, preventing him from building his own life.

With the help of constellation, you can analyze what is happening to you, find an effective solution in your situation and

8. Reincarnation.

« If a problem arises, you need to dive deep into it. Then you will either find the treasure, if there is one there at all, or you will find only emptiness there. In both cases you will be enriched.

When you discover a treasure, you will naturally become rich. Finding emptiness will end it all“- Osho seems to be talking about reincarnationism.

It is immersion into oneself, into one’s memories, that this method presupposes. There can be no other people's answers here, ready-made solutions. Reincarnation seeks the root of the problem, and through time and space. And then it’s just a matter of small things – a decision.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev:

If we had the strength to create a problem or illness in our lives, then we have the strength to solve this problem.

Remembering past lives , you will realize that you have coped with similar problem more than once, and if not, then you will realize what result the approach you have already used led to. Perhaps a repeating situation lasts more than one life.

Often a problem, a block stores a resource, creative potential, that very treasure, upon discovering which you will no longer be the same. And no matter where or when you left it, it is yours, and you can use it at any time.

All you need to use this problem-solving method is trust in yourself, a good guide and the Internet.

Reincarnationism also involves self-help, self-absorption, which means you yourself can become a problem solver and help others.

There is always a way out. And the most amazing thing is that you know him. You know how to solve the most difficult problem, how to find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

You can and should learn from problems, create and discover opportunities that otherwise would not have been discovered.

Fragment from the book by Richard Newton. From words to action! 9 steps to making your dreams come true. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.

With this book, you will draw up an action plan, create a visual diagram of achieving your goal, breaking the difficult path into clear, short and achievable stages, and begin to systematically move towards your dream, be it your own business, a new profession or professional skills in playing a musical instrument.

Problem solving is part of everyday life. And you have to be prepared for them, especially when you're working towards achieving a big dream. The more ambitious and complex it is, the more often you will encounter difficulties, and serious ones at that. As your ambitions grow, you will become increasingly dependent on your ability to confront circumstances and learn from your mistakes.

Fortunately, insurmountable problems are extremely rare. And many of them can be considered far-fetched, since we create them ourselves when we start to panic and lose control of ourselves. When faced with a problem, we sometimes don't give ourselves enough time to think about why it's happening and possible ways changes in the situation. And most importantly, we don’t draw conclusions and don’t learn.

Not giving up and working hard to achieve your dreams requires both courage and a willingness to put in serious effort. In this chapter we will try to help you understand that problems are nothing special, they can be solved in one way or another. We'd like you to treat them as normal, so we'll show you how to draw conclusions and learn. By following our advice, you will significantly increase your chances of success and learn to take into account your own experience.

Sources of problems

Challenges are obstacles and difficulties that must be overcome in order to achieve a goal. As a rule, they arise for various reasons and are often the result of our own mistakes and failures. There are several factors that usually lead to problems. To identify them as early as possible, we advise you to regularly ask yourself the questions listed below.

  • Am I really doing what I need to do and getting results? There is no point in deceiving yourself by evaluating your work unreasonably positively. Do you see real, measurable results from the work you undertake? Very often we do not achieve our goals and encounter problems because we are not fully immersed in our work. But if you allow yourself to be lazy and indulge your weaknesses, you are unlikely to make serious progress towards your dream, and problems cannot be avoided either.
  • Do I understand what resources will be needed to take the next step?

When we start working on our dreams, we don’t have a complete idea of ​​what exactly we will need along the way. Therefore, you should constantly ask yourself what resources will be needed in the next step. Most often we miss some details at the very beginning - and it is important that everything you need is at hand at the right time, and not sometime later.

  • Do the people who help me and work with me understand well what needs to be done, what we have already achieved and how the situation has changed? Almost always, the weakest link in a project is communication between participants. For some reason, we think that those around us fully understand us, although often we do not even give them complete information about what we expect from them. In our opinion, they know the same thing as we do, therefore, in general, everything is known and understandable. We believe that colleagues and partners know how the situation is changing and what needs to be done in the new conditions. It is very, very important to check and double-check that everyone knows and understands everything, especially if you feel that communication between participants is poor. This way you can avoid at least some problems. The fewer assumptions you make, the better the information will be conveyed about what is truly important and relevant.
  • Am I developing paranoia? Some people think too much about what might happen. Sometimes we want to avoid failure or mistakes so badly that the thought of it completely paralyzes us. And in general, if you think a lot about potential troubles, you can provoke problems that would not have arisen with a more calm attitude to what is happening. Fear of failure often prevents you from giving your best to your dream. So don’t allow yourself to worry too much and think about possible difficulties, better work harder!

How to avoid problems

One simple and effective problem-solving technique can help you avoid many of them. From time to time, be sure to ask yourself two questions that we have already discussed earlier in this book.

  1. What is most likely to go wrong, and what can you do to avoid it?
  2. What can improve your chances of success?

Whenever you achieve significant results and add new data to the map, ask yourself these questions, remembering to take into account the real situation, changes that have occurred in your project since work on it began, as well as potential changes. The further you move along the path to your dream, the more detailed you will be able to answer these questions, because you will begin to better understand what else is needed in order to make your dream come true, what techniques work more effectively and where failure may lie in wait.

In addition, the experience you gain will help you spot new opportunities and increase your chances of success. Use them to avoid some problems. You will become more confident as you gain new experiences.

How to solve a problem

The main thing in solving a problem is to understand what it is and not give in to fears and anxiety. There's nothing worse than panicking and trying to change something you don't fully understand. This way you can ruin everything without finding any solution. We offer you some tips that will help you overcome many difficulties that arise during your work.

  • If you feel like you are overreacting to an incident, try to calm down. What can help here? Go somewhere where you can relax, treat yourself to something nice, take a walk or something similar.
  • Try to explain to someone you trust what happened. After discussing the problem, you will not only calm down, but you will also immediately discover some mistakes that you would not notice if you began to dialogue with yourself. Describe the chronology of events as accurately as possible. Do not miss any details, even minor ones, and most importantly, listen to the questions and comments of your interlocutor.
  • If you are working on a team, be sure to discuss what happened with everyone on the team. Listen carefully to their point of view in order to compare with your considerations, pay attention to discrepancies in assessments. During such conversations, the cause of the problem is easily identified.
  • When starting work, you probably made various assumptions and assumptions. Be sure to check that they are correct, especially for those parts of the plan where you experienced failure. We all tend to make assumptions without checking their truth. Troubles most often arise because we start from the wrong premises at the very beginning of our work.
  • Having dealt with what is happening, do not rush to blame yourself or someone else for the failure. Finding someone to blame is unlikely to help find a constructive way out of a difficult situation. Direct all your efforts to get the most positive result possible in the current situation. Think about the best way to move forward and solve the problem quickly.
  • Take the time to discuss everything with your team, internalize the lessons learned, and draw conclusions from them. What can I do to avoid this in the future? Don't assume that everyone, including you, will come to the right conclusion if you don't at least discuss what happened. The more concerned you are about a problem, the more important it is to draw conclusions and discuss them with your team.

Give up everything that doesn't work

Successful people know how to quickly figure out what doesn’t work and give up on an unsuccessful idea in time. Teachers and parents probably warned you how important it is to be able to quit a hopeless business - as long as you don't give up on your dream. Change the wrong tactics, give up the wrong path, but don’t give up on your dreams. Every day we make mistakes, as a result of which we understand what is effective and what is not. Mistakes, to a much greater extent than successes, help humanity develop.

As you work to achieve your dreams, prepare for the fact that everyone involved in the project will make mistakes. If you learn quickly, adjust your tactics and begin to move forward more successfully, mistakes will turn out to be positive for you. To be defeated once does not mean to fail completely. But the inability to take into account negative experiences and change behavior certainly leads to failure.

It is also important to pay attention to what problems you usually encounter. Suppose that from time to time you use the wrong tactics, but have not yet realized this and, accordingly, have not drawn any conclusions. If you feel like the same problem is happening over and over again, or if you see a pattern in a series of troubles, then you haven't noticed or realized the repeating mistakes. If so, try to apply the problem-solving techniques we recommend and reflect on how you approach things in general. Talk to other people and, as soon as you understand what you are doing wrong, stop doing it. As Albert Einstein said, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a new result is insanity.”

Don't be afraid to change your approach to work and see what happens. Most often, no radical changes are required: small improvements lead to great results and increase the chances of success.

Don't give up on your dream

Don't give up on your dream just because you're faced with a problem and don't know what to do now. Be patient, both with yourself and with others. Give yourself time to understand what is happening. Jonas Salk* said: “There is no such thing as failure, only a lack of perseverance.”

*Jonas Salk (1914–1995) - American researcher, virologist; known as the developer of the first polio vaccine. Note ed.

As you work towards your dream and learn more, you will begin to have a better idea of ​​the outcome and a clearer vision of how to achieve your goal. We strongly advise you to adjust your map whenever you learn something new and important. Refining your map and defining your dream more clearly is great practice. But giving up a dream halfway is no good. By doing this, you will only increase your own fears, undermine your self-confidence, and then it will become more difficult to develop. The more often you give up on your goals, the less likely it is that you will be able to achieve any of what you dream of.

How do I know if I'm doing everything right?

You can understand that everything is going as it should, that you are persistent enough and are successfully coping with problems:

  • You talk calmly about the problems you face. When you are calm, you work through a problem from a rational rather than an emotional perspective and are more likely to find the optimal solution.
  • You don't lose your sense of humor. If you are still able to laugh at own mistakes, this means that you accepted them, drew conclusions and moved on.
  • You are well aware of what you need to do differently now to avoid problems like the one you just encountered. You can't wait to continue working on making your dreams come true.
  • As problems arise, you feel more confident and you no longer doubt that you will cope with them.
  • The same problem doesn't happen over and over again. Even if difficulties appear, they can be considered new.
See also: What is your problem? © R. Newton. From words to action! 9 steps to making your dreams come true. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.
© Published with permission from the publisher