Housing and communal services reform: general characteristics, current directions, information support of the reform. Housing and communal services reform in Russia Housing and communal services reform my manager find your organization

“Reform-Housing and Communal Services” is a simple and unique opportunity to keep abreast of not only the current processes of housing and communal services in general, but also to find out any information of interest on specific real estate. The main goal of the reform is the reconstruction of housing and communal services, modernization, and improvement of the functioning of used buildings.

In simpler words, by going to the “Housing and Communal Services Reform” website in the “My Home” section you can find reliable information about your home: find out when major repairs will be carried out, see current work, check tariffs utilities and even complain about current problems.

“My House” is one of the key sections of the site, which allows you to find almost any multi-story building, as well as find out any technical information about the building: passport, reports, house register, emergency condition, etc. Just enter the address of interest in the search bar and voila - all the information is at your fingertips: from the year of construction to detailed description engineering systems and structural elements.

If earlier, in order to find out whether certain repair work had been carried out in a building, it was necessary to knock on the thresholds of various authorities, today everything is much simpler. I opened the portal www.reformagkh.ru, went to the “My Home” category and that’s it - the issue was resolved. The resource’s tasks also include providing appropriate financial assistance for the modernization of utility infrastructure.

The innovation pursues several goals:

  • improving the quality of housing and communal services;
  • increasing the level of competition;
  • quality control of major repairs in multi-apartment residential buildings;
  • increasing the level of public confidence in services in the housing and communal services sector;
  • elimination of monopolization, introduction of modern technologies;
  • attracting private investment and much more.

How to use

Only registered users can find the high-rise building of interest. All information is in open access immediately after registration. You can register in a couple of minutes. All you need to do is provide your email address.

For complete registration instructions, watch the video below.

After registration, in the “Find my home” line, enter the address of the building you are interested in and click “Search”. In the results that appear, select the correct address.

  1. go to the “My Home” section;
  2. select the desired region;
  3. then the area and address of the building;
  4. Then you will see information about the house.

The my home section consists of the following categories:

  • passport;
  • control;
  • management history;
  • home Book.

Here you can also find information about major repairs, as well as a telephone number. hotline, by calling which you can find out more detailed information. To submit an appeal regarding the implementation of the regional overhaul program, follow this link https://www.reformagkh.ru/user/handling/.

So let's take a closer look at each section category in more detail.


The “Passport” section contains general information about the structure, namely:

  • year of construction and commissioning;
  • series and type of construction;
  • method of forming a capital repair fund;
  • number of floors, entrances, elevators, residential/non-residential premises;
  • presence of landscaping elements on the territory, etc.

The passport also states:

  • design features (type of foundation, floors, material that was used for load-bearing walls, type of roof, etc.);
  • engineering systems (heat, water, gas supply);
  • elevators and metering devices.


Those who want to find out information about the management company should go to the “Management” category.

Here you can find:

  • general information about the organization (start date and basis for management, copies of contracts and documents);
  • list of completed and ongoing services with annual planned cost;
  • types and tariffs for utility services provided;
  • list of common property of the household;
  • information about major repairs, as well as the results of general meetings (if any).


As mentioned above, one of the key purposes of the Internet portal is to provide reliable information about the activities of management companies. You can view the reporting documentation in the “Management Reports” section.

  • general data (payments made, etc.);
  • completed work with annual cost;
  • data regarding the quality of work performed;
  • utility reporting;
  • data on the volume of utilities;
  • claim work.

Archive of profiles

Housing and communal services reform is an online resource where there is all the information about what is happening to your home, including archived data. If you want to know the history of the arrangement of a specific building, go to the corresponding section “Management History”.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the version of the questionnaire at the most significant stages of management, for example, when changing the management organization or closing the reporting period.

Home Book

On the Housing and Communal Services Reform website, in the “My Home” section, residents can share their opinions about the quality of management, relocation or major repairs. In addition, thanks to the thoughtfulness of the portal, owners have the right to create their own various advertisements.

This is very convenient and practical, since all residents of high-rise buildings registered on the website will be able to familiarize themselves with its information.

Important! Only those users who have managed to register on the site can add messages.


Thus, the “My Home” section on the portal is an excellent, and most importantly, effective way to control, optimize and interact between the management company and residents.

The resource allows you to study behavior, the degree of customer satisfaction, and allows people to disclose important problems of apartment buildings, thereby significantly increasing the level of quality of public services provided.

Attention: The obligation to disclose information in the State Information System of Housing and Public Utilities began with 1.01.2019 dFor all Managing Organizations (including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol). Responsibility for non-disclosure of information under Resolution 731 arose with 07/01/2019

All HOAs/TSNs, housing cooperatives and management companies are still required to disclose information about their activitieson the websites reformagkh.ru.

Specialists specialize in disclosing information in accordance with legal regulations. We help to correctly format the disclosure of information about housing cooperatives, homeowners associations and Management Companies, and also monitor the timeliness of disclosure of information about the activities of management companies:

Information disclosure

For HOA/TSN, housing cooperatives and management companies

Standard information placement

Urgent posting of information

GIS housing and communal services

Integration of GIS housing and communal services with program b Accounting

Direct upload, error tracking and completeness of information disclosure.

RUB 4,950/ month

Execution time - 5-10 working days

RUB 7,900

Execution time – 3 working days

Audit of posted information

A complete audit of the management information posted on the GIS Housing and Communal Services and Housing and Communal Services Reform portals.
Based on the results, an expert opinion is provided.

990 rub.

Execution time - no more than 3 working days

Disclosure on Housing and Communal Services Reform for free -when concluding an agreement for disclosure in the GIS housing and communal services or for comprehensive servicing of the management authority.

Housing and communal services reform

Disclosure of information in accordance with Government Regulation 731.

Placement of payment documents for CU, PU indications, placement of a management agreement, information about MKD and other information.
Integration with accounting software.
Direct upload, error tracking and completeness of information disclosure.

5,000 rub.- 1 year

6,000 rub.- 2 years

7,000 rub.- 3 years
Execution time – 30 working days

8,000 rub.- 1 year

9,000 rub.- 2 years

10,000 rub.- 3 years
Execution time – 7 working days

Information is disclosed based on the data provided by the Customer and the availability of a completed Questionnaire.

RESPONSIBILITY OF HOAs, housing cooperatives and management companies FOR LACK OF DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION

From July 1, 2019, the management authority becomes liable for the lack of disclosure of information under 731 RF PP. We remind you that the obligation to disclose information under 731 Government Resolution (on the portals of GIS Housing and Communal Services and reformagkh.ru) for HOAs and housing cooperatives began on January 1, 2019. A For Management Companies, the obligation began only on January 1, 2018.

The fine for non-disclosure of information can be for both the Managing Organization (HOA/TSN, housing cooperative or management company) and for a full-time employee.

Fine for an official - up to 50,000 rub..; in this case, the official, if guilty, is subject to removal and deprivation of the right to such activities for a period of up to 3 years.

Fine for the organization may be from 250,000 to 300,000 rubles.
We strongly encourage you to review your disclosures and correct any gaps by July 1, 2019.

WITH Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 731 as amended on March 27, 2018 (current edition) can be found

We will additionally help Managing Organizations:

  • - 3000 rub.
    *(courier services for obtaining digital signature are paid separately)
  • Audit of information posted on portals- 1000 rub.
    (for 1 resource, includes analysis of disclosed information, reporting on errors and non-compliance with legislation).
  • We will eliminate errors in the information posted on the portals: we will check the completeness of the information and help eliminate shortcomings in accordance with Resolution 731 of the Government of the Russian Federation (GIS Housing and Communal Services, Housing and Communal Services Reform).
  • Service “Disclosure at MA address” - 5000 rub. , is paid in addition to the cost of the information disclosure service. The service is available for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. The execution time is 1 working day, subject to the availability of all necessary documents.

How to post information?

From January 1, 2019, all management companies are required to disclose information to the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services. But responsibilityfor the Managing Organizations of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol will begin on July 1, 2019. Until this date, HOAs, TSNs, housing cooperatives and management companies are required to disclose information about their activitiesrequired on sitesexecutive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, determined by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
You can register and post information yourself if you have time and have certain knowledge.
If you don't have the time or ability to research these resources yourself, or scan and prepare documents, you can delegate this task to specialized professionals.
In case of difficulties, you can get advice by phone at GIS Housing and Communal Services and Housing and Communal Services Reform and by email for free. You can contact technical support yourself and get answers to all your questions.
Or you can freely transfer all information disclosure functions and seek help from specialists .
Call +7 812 327-09-10 or leave a request by email info@site

Where exactly should information be disclosed?

According to Government Decree 731, information is disclosed:

  • on the Internet on the sites dom.gosuslugi.ru, www.reformagkh.ru;
  • It is imperative that all the necessary data be placed on information boards in the premises of the MA.

What is needed for registration:
1. Purchase a qualified electronic signature (CES) from one of the certification centers;
2. Register on the ESIA portal as individual, and then with the help of the CEP as a legal one;
3. Registration on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal based on Unified Automated Identification of Information;

What awaits the management organization in case of violation of Resolution 731?

For concealment of information and other violations, management companies face fines of up to 200 thousand rubles, which can be imposed both on a specific employee and on the entire company.
From January 1, 2019, management companies, housing cooperatives and owner’s associations post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS. From July 1, 2019, measures will be taken for failure to place information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Housing and communal services reform in Russia is not a new concept and most Russians are already familiar with the process of its implementation. Do all citizens know what is behind the concept of “Housing and Communal Services Reform”, how long will it last and what is the final goal of the entire program? We will answer these and many other important questions within the framework of the topic “All about housing and communal services reform.”

The concept of housing and communal services

It is a complex of enterprises and services serving the population of cities, villages, etc.

Housing and communal services (Housing and communal services) are services provided to consumers living in housing stock in order to ensure comfortable living conditions.

The public utilities include:

  1. Electricity supply.
  2. Water supply (hot and cold).
  3. Drainage.
  4. Elevator facilities.
  5. Collection, removal and disposal of waste.
  6. Heat supply (heating).
  7. Gas supply.
  8. Cleaning common areas.
  9. House repairs (major and current).
  10. Repair of utilities.
  11. Maintenance, improvement and cleaning of surrounding areas.

The composition of utility services provided to the consumer depends on the degree of improvement of the home.

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Comprehensive program for modernization and reform of housing and communal services for 2010-2020

The main goals and directions of this program:

  1. By 2020, provide residents of apartment buildings with both high-quality and affordable utility services.
  2. To improve competitive relations in the field of management and maintenance of the housing stock, namely, to create partnerships of homeowners (HOA) and management organizations.
  3. Transfer subsidies and benefits for paying for housing and utilities into cash.
  4. Actively implement a resource and energy conservation system. Install metering devices.

Housing and communal services reform. general information

Housing and communal services reform is carried out by the government of the Russian Federation and implies the modernization of the entire housing and communal services of the country.

During the period of economic reforms, the physical deterioration of housing and communal services property has reached quite large proportions. The approximate numbers are:

  • Public water supply networks - 65%.
  • Boiler houses - 55%.
  • Heating networks - 63%.
  • Water pumping stations - 65%.
  • Electrical networks - 58%.
  • Sewerage - 56%.
  • Water treatment facilities - 54%.

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of August 13, 2006, an apartment building is the collective property of all owners of the premises. It turns out that apartment residents own the house as a whole, and not just their living space. And, therefore, they must be responsible for its condition and carry out major repairs in a timely manner.

The main problem here was that the houses were handed over to the owners in extremely poor condition. To carry out major repairs, huge sums were required, which the owners did not have. Also, the residents did not have management skills.

The main agent of the reform was the state corporation - the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Sector Reform. It was created by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007. 2007. We will post more detailed information regarding the work of the Fund in the second half of the article.

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Directions for implementing the reform

The main directions for implementing the housing and communal services reform have been identified:

  1. Transferring the public utilities industry to the framework of market relations.
  2. Attracting private business.
  3. Ridding the industry from monopolies.
  4. Stimulating competition.
  5. Improving the quality of commercial services.
  6. Modernization of the housing and communal services complex.
  7. Formation of the institution of an effective owner.
  8. Relocation of residents from emergency housing.
  9. Carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings.
  10. Introduction of energy efficient technologies.
  11. Support for advantaged segments of the population, implementation of social protection.

Fund for Assistance to Reform of Housing and Communal Services

The State Corporation “Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Sector Reform” is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, as well as stimulating housing and communal services reform, forming effective mechanisms for managing the housing stock and introducing resource-saving technologies by providing financial support from the Fund.

The initial contribution to the fund's budget in December 2007 amounted to 240 billion rubles. It was carried out at the expense of additional state revenues. 15 billion rubles were also allocated in 2010.

In addition, the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Communal Services Reform uses income from the placement of temporarily available funds to finance regional programs for capital repairs and resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing stock. More than 11 billion rubles have already been sent to the regions.

Initially, the Reform Assistance Fund was supposed to operate until January 1, 2013, after which it was threatened with liquidation. However, it was decided to extend its activities until 2015. On July 24, 2013, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a law extending the work of the Fund until January 1, 2018.

Functions of the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform:

  1. Consideration of applications submitted by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the provision of financial support from the Fund,
  2. Making decisions on compliance with the requirements of applications and documents attached to them in accordance with Federal Law No. 185-FZ.
  3. Making decisions on providing financial support from the Fund based on applications.
  4. Implementation of methodological support for the preparation of applications and accompanying documents from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  5. Monitoring the implementation of regional targeted programs for capital repairs of apartment buildings.
  6. Monitoring the implementation of regional targeted programs for the relocation of citizens from emergency housing stock.
  7. Monitoring the implementation of the provisions provided for herein Federal law conditions for providing financial support from the Fund.
  8. Carrying out other functions provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services.”

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Providing financial support

The Housing and Communal Sector Reform Assistance Fund provides financial support for the implementation of regional targeted programs, namely it allocates funds:

  1. For major renovations of apartment buildings.
  2. To resettle citizens from dilapidated housing, taking into account the need to stimulate the development of the housing market (period: from December 1, 2008 to the end of 2009).
  3. To resettle citizens from emergency housing.
  4. To resettle citizens from dilapidated housing, taking into account the need to stimulate the development of low-rise construction (period: from March 10, 2010 in accordance with Federal Law 25-FZ).
  5. To provide financial support from the Fund for the implementation of measures to support single-industry municipalities considered by the Fund's board.

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Organization of a homeowners' association

A homeowners' association (HOA) is one of the forms of management of an apartment building. In essence, an HOA is an organization to ensure harmonious maintenance of a home. The partnership can include either one house or several blocks.

When joining an HOA, the owner undertakes obligations to participate in the life of his home. He must attend meetings.

To create a homeowners' association, you need 50% of the votes + at least one vote from above. Residents who do not join the HOA are automatically deprived of their voting rights. However, this fact does not relieve them of their obligations to implement decisions made at general meetings of the HOA.

To create an HOA you must:

  1. Create an initiative group. As a rule, it includes 5-6 people and a chairman.
  2. Contact the district administration with an application, which must indicate points about providing them with a list of apartments, indicating the area of ​​each of them and information about the property, as well as about approving the candidacy of the City Representative in the future HOA to participate in the organizational meeting and further work of the partnership. The remaining points can reflect the wishes of the residents.
  3. Prepare for the meeting. Prepare and study the HOA charter and sample Minutes of the general meeting. Prepare voting sheets to determine the “Agenda”. The agenda should include no more than five issues.
  4. Inform all owners about the meeting.
  5. Hold a general meeting, during which you should choose a management method (on your own or with the involvement of professionals) and adopt the charter.
  6. Register the HOA. To do this, you must contact the Office of the Federal Registration Service and present an application for state registration, an original or a certified copy of the minutes of the general meeting, the charter of the partnership in two copies and a receipt for payment of the state fee for registration.
  7. Transfer the house to the management of the HOA. The house is transferred according to the acceptance certificate with the attachment of technical documentation for the building, in accordance with the standards of technical operation of the housing stock.

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Housing and communal services reform is a kind of Internet portal, thanks to which every resident of any Russian city can find information about their apartment, as well as obtain information about how housing and communal services live and breathe within the Russian Federation. For these noble purposes, the Housing and Communal Services Reform official website www.reformagkh.ru is provided.

Housing and communal services reform official website in the header home page contains an entrance for registered users, provides a procedure quick registration, and also helps each user determine their location. Housing and communal services reform official website in the center of the main page shows a large-scale menu consisting of active tabs, when immediately after the “Home” tab there is “My Home”.
When opening this section, each user is shown its contents in the form of a catalog, when they need to select a suitable house from the listed list of regions, cities and streets of the Russian Federation. Thanks to a special search bar or the necessary filters, all this is done much easier and faster.
Managing organizations are also found in a similar way, when everything can be sorted by alphabet, footage and other parameters. Housing and communal services reform official website in the “Resettlement of Citizens” tab shows a list of emergency houses, as well as information about apartments under construction or completed. It is also interesting to get acquainted with the major overhaul, news feed and background information of the site.

In the center of the main page there is a list of the most popular housing and communal services, under which there is a news block, and also various offers for leisure of citizens. Among the particularly notable options are a forum, an online game, video materials, a list of exemplary houses, and appeals that anyone can easily submit.
The housing and communal services reform official website just below contains numerous links to sites of national importance, next to which there is a hotline telephone number. At the bottom of the main page you can read information about the project, find out the necessary addresses and telephone numbers.
When you are interested in housing and communal services for a specific home, the Housing and Communal Services Reform official website will provide access to the requested information. If a trip to an exotic part of the world is at stake, it will help you choose a cozy place for your upcoming vacation.