X terra 705 and minelab safari reviews. Metal detector "Minelab Safari": reviews from owners, technical characteristics and features. Comparison with competitors

Today we will look at two multi-frequency metal detectors from the same manufacturer - Minelab. These models are produced by an Australian company that has earned the trust of customers for its unsurpassed quality and excellent performance. In the assortment of detectors, everyone can find their own device. So, what are the differences? Minelab Safari and X-terra 705, what similarities they have - let's try to figure it out.


Minelab Safari and X-terra 705 have the same three-bar design. The differences begin in the design of the cord - on the 705 Terra it is wrapped around the lower rod, while on the Safari it is securely hidden inside the rod. The battery compartment of the 705 grater is located to the left of the control unit, powered by 4 AA batteries (finger batteries); the safari has a battery compartment under the elbow, 8 AA batteries, which are inserted into one slot. For Minelab X-terra 705, the control unit is removable and equipped with convenient backlighting. Both devices are equipped with DD coils, only the grater has a waterproof 10.5” at 7.5 kHz coil, and the safari has an FBS 11” butterfly coil.

Technical features


51 segments - twice as many as X-Terra 705

28 segments, in increments of 2, from -8 to +48 (4 segments for ferrous metals and 24 for non-ferrous metals).

Ground balance

Automatic and manual

Automatic and manual

Digital identity

from -10 to +40

Depth indication

In the center of the screen, maximum depth 30 cm

Right, maximum depth 25 cm (five arrows)

Threshold tone

from -5 to +25

Sensitivity Setting

Automatic and manual

Noise Cancellation

Manual and automatic

Search programs

  • Coins
  • Coin & Jewelry
  • Relics
  • All metals

Own masks

  • Coin and Treasure Search Mode
  • Geological exploration mode

Own masks

Yes + determination of distance to target

Determining the type of metal by sound

Detection depth, cm

5 kopecks USSR 30

5 kopecks Catherine II 37

Soldier's helmet 80

5 kopecks USSR 34

5 kopecks Catherine II 37

Soldier's helmet 80

Each of the presented devices has its own advantages. So, Minelab x-terra 705 has advanced ground settings + ground tracking function. Safari has a setting for the degree of litter in the area - if you select the high trash mode, the metal detector will better separate targets located next to each other. The choice is yours!

And nothing can convince me, fellow treasure hunters. Of course, many can object - they say, if you haven’t tried anything else, how can you say that. However, this is where I will disappoint you, perhaps, because I managed to dig with at least four metal detectors and can already judge objectively.

So, how much does a 705 grater cost right now? Around 28,000 rubles, if you take a new one and a used one, you can grab it for an affordable 22,000 rubles, and it will be under warranty. All you have to do is surf the treasure hunting forums, now that treasure hunting has become a conditionally permitted hobby, many are selling their “guns”, and we, those who are not going to give up our positions, can seize the moment and buy an excellently preserved metal detector for less money, sometimes saving money can reach 5-6 thousand rubles. Here's a new reel for you to boot))

In general, my thoughts are somewhat different, let me tell you what I think about this metal detector and why I liked it compared to other MDs.


I dug mostly with Minelabs - graters 34, 305, 505, safari, and also drove for a very short time in an E-truck. He himself began to become a digger with the 34 grater, which was familiar back in 2007, now it has already been discontinued and was replaced by 305 - an already improved device, but also at the level of the initial MD. However, there are already two frequencies and this is a plus for those who like to play around with coils with different frequencies.

Further, while I was walking around with a 34 grater, my friends managed, thanks to their finds, to purchase a second MD (at first they had one for two), and with the saved money they bought a 305 grater. We didn’t really notice the difference between 34 and 305, or rather, they didn’t notice at all. Because we didn’t use all the options that made the 305 model cooler. And that's a fact))

I still continued to drive with the 34 grater, and my friends had already dug up coins during the season, there were a couple of impressive finds (the sales price tag was 4-5 thousand rubles - for us then these were super-finds). So during the season they got up and decided to sell the old 34-ter, add and buy a 505 Minelab. I tell them - what for, save a little more and buy a 705 Terra. But they were already eager to buy, the new season was on the way and they discarded all my lamentations and took the five hundred and fifth model.

We took 505

Compared to 34 and 305, Minelab 505 was simply a breakthrough - there were many more finds, and, it seems to me, the standard DD coil also played a significant role. Cheaper graters were equipped with mono coils and they really are inferior to powerful DD coils. Throughout the third season, they rubbed my nose in the finds, I only managed to “dig up” the one who went with 305. From their finds they stole coins, crosses and other little things, but the number of their finds upset me and plunged me into despondency, because I felt that I miss a lot of coins with my old 34. But I also collected the dug up coins, cleaned them and roughly estimated how much I could sell them for. I immediately saved up for Terra 705 - it was my dream. The comrades bombed seriously, sometimes raising up to 15 royal coins for leaving. With a simple metal detector, such results could only be achieved by arriving at an unexcavated fair)) As you understand, such places can no longer be found, or rather, you can find them, but you need a serious SUV and purchased vintage maps.

Safari 28-frequency

In the meantime, the cop absorbed us so much that our friends began to travel more and more often and introduced another friend to our hobby, who, without further ado, immediately bought a used Minelab Safari for the occasion. In terms of money, it turned out to be something at the level of the new 705, I found it so successfully on the treasure hunters forum. And I was lucky with my purchase - the device is like new and under warranty. Everyone would like such lots))

At first we thought that right now he would find all our coins, but the person was a beginner and took a long time to get used to such a complex device, after all, “Safari” (a cropped version of the exp) is a 28-frequency device and it will be difficult to understand it right away. It’s another matter when you step by step move from device to device, increasing its level and class. So the guys with 505 MineLab very often “worked” on the finds of the digger from Safari. But this was only at first, as soon as he sensed and understood his MD, we all realized that our MDs were just toys compared to Safari. However, the fact that it is difficult to understand even after 5 trips is a fact.

Everyone took Minelabs 705

And the next season, my two friends sold all their metal detectors, added the money received from the sale of coins and bought themselves two Minelab 705 detectors at once - one new and one used. Well, looking at them, I also parted with my 34 grater, added money from the sale of coins, and also sold non-ferrous scrap worth 5,000 rubles (after each cop I brought from 200 grams to 2 kg of copper and brass, I put all this in a bucket, which within a couple of years the cops became full).

In general, all of our cheerful trio now became the owners of the best metal detector - Minelab 705. They got used to it quickly, apparently the habit of all Minelabs took its toll. The only thing was that the polyphony was confusing, but, as it turned out, the signals are much clearer with it than with the three tones of simple models.

In the photo, the nephew tries himself as a digger:

Be sure to use polyphony in the settings, with it the signals give off “new colors” or something, there are a lot of facets of sound, which sometimes have a decisive effect - the signal decides to dig and you get something cool and interesting. This was the discovery of a folding object, which was deep and signaled, I don’t understand how, but there was something in the sound that forced me to dig and pick up an interesting find.

Frequently asked questions from diggers:

Is there a difference between 505 and 705 Minelab?

Our answer is that there is another one, we strongly advise against taking the 505 if you are planning to continue treasure hunting. Although the devices are very similar, the 505 obviously loses in terms of findings/search characteristics, and those who say that they have the same “brains” should check their brains first. Therefore, we advise you - immediately save up for the 705 model, we checked this from our own experience, there are more finds with it.

Who is cooler - Minelab 705 or Minelab "Safari"?

Our answer is that first of all it depends on the operator; at first we focused on Safari. But when its operator understood the device, it became clear to all of us that the 28-frequency device is in any way cooler than the flagship of the X-Terra series. we checked the signal with both MDs at once many times, and when the 705 gave up who knows what, “Safari” clearly said that there was a coin under the coil. And he was right. However, we draw your attention once again - it may well turn out that you “morally” will not live to see the moment when you fully understand Safari and give up coping. But if you go to the end and are focused on results and good finds, the 28-frequency driver will definitely be cooler than the 705 Minelab. after all, there will be a stronger discriminator and many signals that we are not sure about, Safari will clearly tell you what is under the coil. We have tested it more than once or twice. So it's a cool device, but it takes time to understand it.

What is cooler - Minelab 305 or ICQ 250?

We also dug with ICQ, and somehow in the field we met other diggers, they were all with ICQ, and we were with Minelabs. So we decided to test and compare. What can I say? We got tired of digging for iron, rusty iron generally turns into non-ferrous metal, and with graters we could figure out that it was “rusty” iron and not ferrous metal thanks to the depth gauge (iron that turns into non-ferrous metal always shows that the find is on the surface). With ICQ, we could not understand how to distinguish rusty iron beating a coin signal. Of course, when coins came across, ICQ 250 was not mistaken. our verdict - if you want to “dig”, but save on a metal detector, feel free to take the ICQ 250, it “scorches” coins well, but it is difficult to distinguish between other non-ferrous metals and rust. You will find coins, but you will dig to your heart's content. In our opinion, with Minelab 305 you have a better chance of finding coins and spend less effort; very often you don’t need to dig anything, whereas with ICQ you will have to dig. These are our conclusions after 3 hours of digging with ICQ.

Why is Minelab 705 better than others?

Price - for the money this is the most understandable device for a beginner. There are, of course, all sorts of AKA Signums, Deus, which are also powerful, but they are oh so difficult to understand and it takes time, Deus, by the way, is also 12k more expensive. And since we started with Minelabs, we decided to continue this tradition.

Detection depth - by eye it actually hits deeper than the 505, although many say that the 505 and 705 are the same devices except for additional options. However, I dare to assure you that this is not so. As soon as they started digging from 705, there were simply many more finds, the most important thing is that they began to find more small coins, this is real - USSR pennies, scales - we didn’t find them before, but now there are finds, and quite a lot of them.

Minelab 705 is better at separating coins from iron, the most important thing here is to listen carefully, so if possible, dig with headphones. It’s best when you go out in a group, otherwise when you’re in the “ears,” they might hit you in the head from behind.

This MD is better at smelling coins on the edge, at least it seemed so to us, and we’ve had experience as a cop since 2007—count it for 7 years already. Over the years, many coins and only a couple of small treasure chests were found.

We don’t use additional options like “geoprospecting”; we set the device to the ground manually and sometimes, when there is a lot of debris or iron all around, we set it to automatic. And still we don’t leave without finds. Moreover, in 3 years, cops with this MD have learned to understand it so much that 8 out of 10 you can guess what’s under the reel.

In the photo - “digging grounds”:

Which coils are best to use and how they performed in our tests

My comrades took themselves one low-frequency coil, we need to somehow use more frequencies in the search)) Now one of them runs at a frequency of 18.75, and the second at the standard 7.5 kHz. There is not much difference in depth, but it is a fact that the low-frequency coil sees small targets and coins on the edge better. We repeatedly checked the same target with two different coils - the low-frequency coil actually sees better all the coins that lie at a depth of up to 20 cm. If deeper than 25 cm, then it begins to lose to the standard 7.5 kHz. Therefore, we search with low frequency in plowed fields, and with a regular coil - when we are scouting a new place, village or tract.

As for me, I am completely satisfied with 705 Minelabych, with it I have many times more finds, and if it used to happen that I left the mine without any finds at all, now this does not happen, just a couple of coins even on the stamped manages to find the place. The device is very simple and understandable; it doesn’t take much time to study or understand. I arrived at the place, set up the MD and started swinging the “stick”. Everything is clear and understandable, if a coin gets under the reel, you will dig it out one hundred percent. For my money, for me it’s best metal detector, I strongly recommend skipping all the initial models and immediately taking 705 - thanks to this tactic, there will be a lot of finds at once, and there will be no passes at all. And during the search season, you can repeatedly recoup the cost of the metal detector. Believe me))

The popular Australian metal detector X Terra 705, known in Russia as “Tyorka”, belongs to the class of professional equipment for searching almost any metal objects. It is often used to search for coins and treasures, but the device is capable of detecting metal ores and individual nuggets. Moreover, the model operates at three different frequencies and quite effectively separates search objects from the ground, regardless of their size and the saturation of the soil with metal particles.

Operating principle

The operating principle of the Minelab X Terra 705 device is based on the selective division of all possible search options into 28 segments, each of which can be included in its own program. The metal detector supports working with 6 such sets simultaneously. If there is an object under the detector coil for which the device is currently configured, the corresponding segment on the display is highlighted and at the same time a sound signal is issued.

After responding to the target, information about the type of find and the distance to the object appears on the Terra 705 screen. And the rest of the time, here you can learn about the equipment settings and the charge of its batteries. It is worth noting that the battery capacity of the device is enough for 15-20 hours of operation, or 2-3 search “shifts”.

Metal detector equipment

The X Terra 705 comes with the following parts:

  • device control unit;
  • three elements of a composite rod;
  • universal dual-band DD 10.5-inch coil with an operating frequency of 7.5 kHz (sometimes replaced by a single-band nine-inch modification);
  • protection of the corresponding coil for X Terra 705 (9"" or 10.5"");
  • collapsible armrest consisting of 2 parts (upper and lower);
  • bolts and washers with which the control unit, coil and armrest are secured;
  • Velcro fasteners;
  • instructions for the device and warranty card.

DD coil capabilities

The DoubleD 10.5" (26 cm) coil, which comes standard with the X Terra 705 metal detector, is designed for efficient work on soils with a high degree of mineralization. Thanks to the special DoubleD technology (two frequency ranges) and the optimal dimensions of this part, the territory can be surveyed much faster than with other equipment.

The high sensitivity of the coil allows it to find even the smallest objects. At the same time, it is completely sealed and can even be submerged under water - although the manufacturer does not recommend doing this often or for a long time. And the low weight (only 0.38 kg) practically does not weigh down the device itself, ensuring operation with it for several hours in a row.

Advantages of the device

Among the advantages that distinguish the X Terra 705 from other models, it is worth noting the main ones:

  • The presence of a ground tracking mode, complementing the already existing three settings options (manual, automatic and “beach”).
  • Added function for determining the approximate dimensions of the found object.
  • Screen backlighting, allowing you to work with the device in any conditions - both in the dark and in bright sunshine.
  • Adjusting the signal volume is a function that is especially important when working without headphones.
  • Multi-tone, allowing you to use either 4 tones for searching (for the main types of objects), or all 28 at once (according to the number of segments).
  • Possibility of using several search methods. For a nine-inch coil, the crossover technique is most convenient. For the universal DoubleD model, the amount of overlapping stroke is minimal, and you have to move it much less often.

  • the presence of a geological exploration mode, for which you will have to connect a special coil with a frequency of 18.75 kHz to the device.

Features of work

An important factor influencing the effectiveness of detecting metal objects is the interference present in the soil - metal debris, minerals, clay soils and even bricks. An inexpensive, high-quality metal detector such as the X Terra 705 can be adjusted manually or automatically to isolate such interference and increase the likelihood of finding a truly valuable item.

It is recommended for inexperienced users who have just started working with this model to enable automatic adjustment of the device. Professionals can avoid missing the target by using their experience. This manual balancing sometimes allows for more effective results, although it is time-consuming.

When working with the device, it is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations:

  • Use the Minelab X Terra 705 metal detector while wearing headphones, which allows you to better focus on the tone. If this search method is not possible for some reason, you should adjust the signal volume to a value convenient for the user.

  • In order to isolate yourself from third-party electromagnetic interference (other metal detectors or high-voltage wires), you should enable the Noise Cancel function, available for both manual and automatic modes.
  • The equipment response threshold tone setting (ranging from -5 to +25) should be set to the limit of human audibility. You should not make the signal too loud because of false responses. And choosing quiet settings may result in missing detected small objects. To search on the beach, the parameter is set to negative.

Comparison with analogue metal detectors

When comparing Terra 705 with devices of similar functionality and efficiency, the following features of this device can be noted:

  • Lightweight, thanks to which it can be carried with one hand for a long time. The metal detector is more than 100 g lighter than the Garrett AT PRO and Tesoro Tejon models, and 200 g lighter than the Bounty Hunter Time Ranger.
  • DoubleD technology allows you to perform fewer strokes during the search, as a result of which energy consumption per unit of time is reduced, and the metal detector can cover a greater distance.
  • Terra 705 is assembled faster than its analogues and has a removable control unit, which increases the convenience of transporting the device.
  • Unlike most other models, the screen is not overloaded with unnecessary data. All information can be viewed with a few extra clicks. This characteristic can be called either a plus or a minus, depending on the user’s requirements.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the Tesoro Tejon metal detector allows you to get no less effective results. However, the model requires a lot of experience in order to adapt to the presence of only one tone and the absence of a display. After all, instead of a screen, Tesoro has several toggle switches, characteristic of devices of previous generations. However, many treasure hunters with extensive experience are attracted by this very familiar feature.

At the same time, learning to work with Garrett AT PRO is the easiest compared to other devices in the review. And the Bounty Hunter and Minelab models are approximately in the middle in terms of the level of user adaptability to them.

At the same time, user reviews left on the X Terra 705 report a small disadvantage that is absent in a number of similar devices. When finding an object, many treasure hunters try to turn off the device in order to save battery power. But while the Garrett, Tesoro and Bounty Hunter models can be easily turned off in such a situation, the X Terra will have to be rested on the ground or use the second hand (which usually carries other equipment).

Updating metal detectors is a common thing, but compared, for example, with car restyling, it often hides many surprises. The saddest thing is that they are revealed already during operation and do not make themselves felt at first acquaintance. The exception to this rule was the Minelab Safari modification. Reviews from owners who used the previous version indicate the preservation of external attributes and a radical change in the filling. Moreover, the internal changes exclusively benefited the detector, which, however, cannot be said about the price.

Model features

The model continues the concept of the Quattro metal detector, demonstrating an example of successfully unlocking the potential of its platform. Externally new version The only difference is the color scheme, which is quite justified, since the developers decided to leave the usual completely ergonomic control scheme. As for the operating properties, the functionality of the device, the processor, and the ability to search in problematic conditions among garbage were improved.

The fundamental difference between this device and the previous model, which even an inexperienced seeker will feel, is the processing speed. Both the new processor and updated software ultimately reduced the response time to the signal, and also increased the clarity of target object detection. The expansion of the frequency range also affected more effective differentiation, which made it possible to distinguish between unwanted objects and the desired metal. The type of soil cover does not matter - in this regard, the device is universal. More detailed review The Minelab Safari metal detector will help identify other differences from the previous generation, and will also demonstrate the new capabilities of the device.


There are two configuration packages available. The standard set is rather intended for experienced amateurs who do not plan to solve problems increased complexity. The expanded package gives the model more robust search capabilities, which sophisticated professionals cannot do without. So, in the “standard”, in addition to the structural parts of the device, the owner receives a box for batteries, an 11-inch coil, a protective coating, fasteners with washers for fixing the coil, instructions and a warranty. In addition to all of the above, the Minelab Safari metal detector in the professional configuration is also provided with a 1600 mAh nickel-magnesium battery, charger and RPG headphones for 6.35 mm jack.

As for the actual performance qualities, the package does not change them - both packages offer identical devices. That is, if desired, the user of the standard kit can improve his device to a professional level only by purchasing additional equipment. Another thing is that the initial purchase of the extended package will cost less.


It is worth paying tribute to the creators of the model, who did not chase the consumer, attracting him with bright, but not always useful options and special design solutions. The updated Minelab Safari metal detector, the characteristics of which are presented below, is primarily valued for its practical technical and operational qualities:

  1. The type of coil operating algorithm is FBS.
  2. The supported frequency spectrum is from 1.5 kHz to 100 kHz.
  3. Number of frequencies - 28.
  4. The number of discrimination masks is 4 with the possibility of correction.
  5. Type of sound identification - multi-tone.
  6. Display type - monochrome liquid crystal.
  7. The main power supply elements are 8 AA batteries.
  8. The operating time of the battery pack is on average 7 hours.
  9. The permissible temperature range for operation is from 0 to 50 °C.
  10. The rod adjustment range is from 110 to 140 cm.
  11. The weight of the complete device is 1.7 kg.

Functionality and search depth

To search for different types of metal, four discrimination modes are provided. They allow you to focus your search directly on coins, jewelry, lead alloys and relics, as well as the detection of any and all metal objects. There are buttons directly accessible on the control panel that allow you to include finds in the “black” list, switch between discrimination modes, and tune out the device from electromagnetic noise. By the way, the pinpointer mode is also provided in the Minelab Safari device. Reviews from owners indicate the accuracy of its operation and the low coefficient of surface fixation of inappropriate objects. This mode is designed for in-depth search in a specific area, allowing you to determine the value of a recorded object even before excavation.

As for the detection depth, it depends on the size and location of the object. For example, as treasure hunters themselves note, small silver coins can be found at a burial level of 15-30 cm. Metal helmets and objects of similar size are located at 80-100 cm. The maximum detection depth is approximately 200 cm, but this will most likely not object, but a dimensional structure.

Setting up the device for operation

You should start adjusting with sensitivity. For large areas, you can use close to the maximum level to ensure wide coverage. In specific areas with point search, a minimum sensitivity level is justified, but it is important to maintain a balance with respect to noise. Practice shows that the optimal solution for universal search will be values ​​of 15-20. Next, a threshold tone is set - a sound indication that allows you to acoustically distinguish between types of metals. In this part, we should start from the 9-11 indicator, at the level of which even materials cut off by discrimination will be perceptible. Further, depending on the success of the search, this value can be increased. Then you can move on to interference rejection, which will depend on the conditions in which the Minelab Safari metal detector is used. Reviews in which owners recommend activating this function when the device is raised 30 cm from the surface are very common. After 20 seconds, the device will reconfigure and work stably with minimal noise intrusion.

Positive reviews

The device turned out to be successful in terms of functionality and basic performance, as noted by users. Let's start with detection depth and modes. Almost all reviews of the Minelab Safari metal detector indicate stable and high-precision operation at a level of up to 30 cm. Moreover, unlike analogues, this model has a small mass, correctly distributed throughout the structure.

With regard to modes, the possibility of their detailed correction is emphasized, as well as the reflection of the features of each search format in auxiliary options. For example, setting the search mode for all metals or individual coins automatically adjusts the Minelab Safari to the corresponding characteristics and sound indication. Owner reviews also indicate a solid package. Not every device of this class already receives protective covers for the reel as part of the standard package.

Negative reviews

Criticism of the device concerns the high cost (on average 45-50 thousand rubles), certain ergonomic nuances and the ability to search at great depths. The fact is that the device made a big technological and functional leap, standing out noticeably against the background of the same Quattro device. This has led to increased interest in Minelab Safari. Reviews point out that the capabilities of this version should be compared with full-fledged professional models, since the cost of 50 thousand raises the requirements to this level. And the criterion for the quality of detection at great depths below 30-50 cm will be far from being in favor of Safari.

Comparison with competitors

First of all, many compare the capabilities of the device with the Garrett AT PRO. They have roughly similar search capabilities, but differ in design. “Garrett” is for the most part a monoblock device, and is equipped with an ellipsoidal coil. As practice shows, there is no difference in comparing these two coils - the round shape of the Minelab sensitive organ gives the same effect. Although it is believed that the ellipse performs better in conditions of separation of closely spaced objects. Many are faced with a choice within the line - “Minelab Safari” or “Terra 705”. Reviews from owners often point to the fact that the first model is a professional one and therefore placing the detectors in one row is inappropriate. But if we compare the actual capabilities, then experienced seekers give preference to the Terra model, which, although it does not have a multi-frequency spectrum, guarantees high accuracy in the basic ranges.


The model is more likely to suit users who are already familiar with previous versions of this family - the same Quattro. The concept of the series is quite original and will not disappoint those who are ready to put up with the individual operational nuances of Minelab Safari. Owner reviews, in addition to performance qualities, also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the configuration of the control unit in more detail. It has some features that make it different from most other models. And don’t forget that they are compensated weak spots The device has wide functionality and an optimized lightweight design, which is also important.

In a comment on Minelab Safari (which is in the box with the new metal detector), Alexey put it like this - A stupid model for the money. Better than Explorer SE or E-Trac... I don't think so. And my impression is based on its predecessor, Minelab Quattro MP. But judging by the number of Safaris that I see around (there’s already one this season, this one), search engines don’t really like this detector.

Comparison, photo report of Minelab Safari and Garrett AT PRO metal detectors in the field. Safari was recently bought by our fellow cop, my second device. What's good and what's not so good. I would buy a metal detector like this instead of my Gareth AT PRO.


Based on search practice, both metal detectors are in the same category - ground metal detectors, collapsible S-shaped rod, top location of the control unit.

But the Garrett AT PRO has a clean candy bar that houses everything: screen, controls, power (4 AA batteries), headphone jack. In Minelab Safari, the power supply (8 AA batteries or rechargeable batteries) and the headphone jack are located separately from the unit, at the top of the rod.

I think that the Garrett AT PRO metal detector does not have the best armrest (for example, now in the fall, it’s uncomfortable in a thick jacket). But even with Minelab Safari, after an hour of searching with it, I didn’t like the armrest, it was uncomfortable.

I liked the armrest most of all; it is soft and “fits” the arm. It holds perfectly without any straps (it holds your hand securely and you don’t have to unfasten anything when putting the detector aside).


It so happened that I started with Garrett metal detectors, and now my main one is from the same manufacturer. And this “kinship” developed some habits. For example, to have access to all control buttons with the same hand in which I have a metal detector.

Minelab Safari is a little more convenient than the same ones (although thermal guides claim that this is a matter of habit). And yet, there were some “inconveniences”... In almost all metal detectors, the central button is the Pinpoint mode. In Safari, this is the entrance to the menu. And the pint point is on the side)) At first I was confused.

I reach with my finger to turn off the power. As the Young Seeker commented (comparison) - there is no need to constantly turn it off... I’ll get tired faster than the power will run out in Terra. This is true, but when you turn off the device while digging a hole and crossing through thickets, it still saves batteries.

And with such a habit, my kit is enough for more than one exit.


Would you buy it?

Would I buy myself a Minelab Safari metal detector? Given what I know about mine and the Minelab X-Terra 705 (which would be the third option in this selection).

I have two big complaints... The pinpoint button on the left is overpriced (in my opinion), the VDI output is much poorer than that Minelab Explorer SE PRO (the family of which Safari belongs to).

On the plus side, it has a convenient design (and reliability), an excellent reel, and compared to the Explorer SE, it’s quite easy to figure out. It might also be multi-frequency, but Safari didn’t get much of an advantage in the field. At least the number of finds was comparable to the nearby X-Terra 705 and AT PRO.

At this price, I would quickly write off Safari and then only hesitate between .

P.S. Please note ➨ ➨ ➨ Bomb theme - . Take a look, you won't regret it.

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