Skrill payment system. Features of the Skrill payment system and user reviews. Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Electronic payment systems that allow you to transfer money and pay for services and goods on the Internet without using bank checks and cash have become one of the symbols of the 21st century. Skrill (called Moneybookers until 2010) is one of the most popular systems.

year 2001. Registration of the domain, forty days after the domain, the company Moneybookers is officially registered in the UK.

2002. Moneybookers launches its electronic payment service, becoming the first electronic money issuer in Europe. Transactions were monitored by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom.

2005 year. The number of active users has exceeded 1,000,000.

2007. The company's assets are estimated at 105 million euros. Moneybookers was purchased by Technology Partners for this amount.

2008. There are already more than 6,000,000 active Moneybookers users in the world. Skrill has become a reputable participant in the online services market.

year 2009. Influential British weekly The Sunday Times named Moneybookers the UK's fastest-growing private firm, based on its soaring profits. The owner already values ​​the company at 365 million pounds, and such Internet whales as Facebook, Skype and eBay have integrated the Moneybookers payment service into their online business.

2010. Rebranding can be useful! Moneybookers is renamed Skrill and in the same year it has 20,000,000 users and more than one hundred thousand partner firms.

year 2012. The company meets its 25 millionth user and purchases the PaySafeCard payment system.

year 2013. The market value is estimated at 600 million euros.

2015. Optimal Payments acquires Skrill for €1.1 billion.

The company continues to develop today. Competition in the online services market does not allow players to rest on their laurels.

Registration and account creation

In order to become a Skrill user, you need to register in the system and receive a free account. The registration procedure is performed through an electronic mailbox and is standard for many modern Internet resources:

Step 1: Email address, e.g. [email protected], is the login. The user selects a password and confirms it.

Step 2. Enter personal data. First and last names are written in Latin letters. Since in the future the security service may require documentary evidence of personal data, it is better not to be cunning and enter the correct values.

Step 3. Enter your country of residence and preferred currency for your wallet. You should consider your choice, since it is impossible to change the currency in the future.

Step 4. Enter the address. Skrill guarantees the confidentiality of this information. As in step 2, it is recommended to provide true information.

Step 5. Enter your phone number.

Starting with electronic mailbox, this is where registration ends. The user logs into their mailbox, opens a message from Skrill and, after clicking on the link provided there, is automatically redirected to the login page for their newly created account.

Deposit and withdrawal methods

There are four options for replenishing your wallet account:

  • from the BitPay cryptocurrency wallet (since 2017);
  • through the NETELLER payment system;
  • by money transfer from the user’s bank account;
  • With bank card.

In order to top up your account, you need to click the button<ДЕПОЗИТ>V personal account user.

After selecting the replenishment method (replenishment from BitPay is suggested by default), click the button<Продолжить>.

In the next steps, depending on the chosen method, you enter the details of the client’s corresponding wallet or bank card from which the deposit will be made. When you select the ‘Manual Bank Transfer’ option, a page opens with the Skrill details to which the transfer will be made.

Withdrawals can be made in the following ways:

  • transfer of funds from one wallet to another indicating the recipient’s email address;
  • transferring funds from a Skrill wallet to a Neteller payment service wallet;
  • withdrawal to your bank account from your Skrill account. In this case, the bank must be a member of the global financial community SWIFT. For example, in Russia this is VTB Bank, Alfa Bank, Sberbank and many others;
  • withdrawal to a VISA or Mastercard bank card;
  • withdrawal to your own SkrillMastercard system card. This opportunity is only available to residents of European Economic Area (EEA) countries.

Payment system commission

There is no fee for using the payment system for personal non-commercial accounts if during the last 12 months the user has logged into his account or made at least one transaction during this period.

Otherwise, a monthly service fee of 3 euros (or its equivalent) will be deducted from the account balance.

If the transaction uses a currency exchange, a Skrill fee of 3.99% will apply.

Receiving funds - no commission!
Using Skrill e-wallet for online payments in online stores - no commission!

Commission for account replenishment

From Bitcoin BitPay wallet – 1.00%;
from Neteller wallet – 3.00%;
by bank transfer - no commission;
to a bank card – 1.90%.

Fee for withdrawal of funds

For a transfer to an email address or to another Skrill e-wallet - 1.45% of the transfer amount;
withdrawal to your bank account – 5.50 euros;
withdrawal to VISA card – 7.0%;
withdrawal to Mastercard – 7.50%;

Advantages and disadvantages of the system


  • Multi-currency, the user’s personal account can be linked to any of several dozen currencies;
  • All funds are under the reliable guardianship of the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which, in turn, guarantees the safety and reliability of using the service;
  • Russian speaking support service;
  • Convenient and easy to use Skrill website interface.

A distinctive feature of Skrill is that the service is available in Ukraine, while its main competitor still does not operate there.


  • One user is allowed to have only one account. If you try to open the second one, both will be blocked;
  • Skrill prohibits making exchange transactions from the Skrill payment system to any other electronic payment systems except Neteller;
  • Availability of limits on transactions. To cancel them, it is necessary to verify the user by sending a scanned copy of the passport and other certificates and documents upon request of the system.

But, as often happens, disadvantages can be considered as an option for advantages. So the need for verification reflects Special attention to the safety of its clients.

But time is running and everything is gradually changing. Last year, bookers announced the upcoming rebranding of their brand. The word Skrill was chosen as the new name of the payment system. To be honest, I don’t even know where it came from, what it means and why this rebranding was needed. But, in my opinion, of course, no one asked and therefore you will have to receive money through Skrill. To coincide with the name change, the owners of the system also organized a redesign of their website. This summer it became available for use a new version and so I decided that it makes sense to do a short review in terms of how and what for those users who are just starting to use Skrill for their needs.

So, I would like to drop a couple of general phrases about Skrill. Payment system Skrill (and previously Moneybookers) is quite popular among residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other nearby countries, primarily due to the restrictions that the PayPal system has established for residents of the mentioned countries. If anyone doesn’t know, PayPal allows you to pay for something, but receiving money through this system is very problematic. In one of my blog articles I wrote about what is possible through Pioneer cards. But Skrill allows you to work completely normally and without bothering with multi-stage schemes. You can easily send money, receive money, enter money into the system and withdraw it from it with minimal commissions. This system is very helpful for photostockers, since everyone is connected to this system and all earnings can be received through it. By the way, judging by the banners on the system’s website, all kinds of online casinos and poker sites are connected to this system. Okay, let's get back to where we started, that is, let's look at the Skrill registration process.
First of all, go to the system’s website by clicking on the banner in the header of this article. The following window appears before us:

If you need to change the interface language, click on the corresponding flag in the upper right corner. If everything is fine, then click on the REGISTRATION button. A new window that looks like this opens:

Here you will need to indicate all the data required to fill out. Please note that everything must be filled out in Latin, that is, in English letters. Check the information you provided and if everything is fine, then click on the “Go to Step 2” button. Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to carefully check what you have entered in this form, since then a verification letter will be sent to you using this data. If the data was incorrect or erroneous, then the letter will not reach you and you will not pass full verification. By the way, if you register on the Skrill website as an entrepreneur or legal entity, that is, you plan to use the system to accept payments or make payments on your website, then at the top of the form click on the link to register a business account. Let's go back to registration. In the second step, you will see a window that looks like this:

Here enter your email, date of birth and password to log into the site. In Skril, the email is subsequently used as a login when logging in. Don't forget to check the box next to the item indicating your agreement with the rules and policies of the system. If you do not want to receive the system’s newsletter with all sorts of promotions and news, then uncheck the box next to this item. If everything is done, then click the button at the bottom of the page and your Skrill account will be created. In the window that opens, you will be notified that a letter has been sent to your email. This letter will contain a link that you need to follow and then the specified email will be verified.

So, your email has been verified and you are logged into your Skrill account. The account overview tab displays transactions for the last 2 weeks, displays your account balance and immediately has buttons for depositing and withdrawing money from Skrill. By the way, do you see how many banners there are from casinos and poker sites? I mentioned earlier that the system is popular in this category of clients.

As you can see, your data is displayed here and there are links for verification. If you have not received an email from Skrill, then click on the “Verify” link under the email. A window like this will open, where you click on the “Go through the verification procedure” button and check your mailbox:

In the window with personal settings, you can also immediately order email verification. For what? Skrill has certain limits on the turnover of money when entering and withdrawing money from the system. Basic limits are very low, and increasing limits is dependent on passing various types of verifications, including your residential address. When activated this process A letter with a code will be sent to your home address, which you will need to enter on the system website.
Now let's look at the limits section that I mentioned in the previous paragraph:

As you can see from this screenshot, the basic limits are very small and amount to just over sixty dollars for 3 months. How to increase limits on Skrill? Click on the “Increase limit” link and you will see in what ways you can increase the basic limits on Skrill.

I have already mentioned one of them - mailing address verification. The other two are card verification and bank account verification. In fact, the last 2 methods involve linking an account and a card to a Skrill account and can be done through the “Cards and Bank Accounts” section, to which I turn:

Again, everything is quite simple. In this window, select what you want to add a card or account and click on the appropriate button. For example, adding a payment card looks like this:

In the window that opens, enter all the necessary data from your bank card. Click on the “Add card and continue” button. After adding a card, you will need to verify it. Card verification on Skrill involves topping up your Skrill account with an amount ranging from $1 to $3. The bottom line is that you will need to find out from the bank what amount was transferred and enter it in the appropriate field in your Skrill account. If the amount is specified correctly, then this money will appear on the account balance, and the card status will change to verified. After this, the limits will be raised to the amount specified in the account, and money can be withdrawn from the system to the card.
Adding and verifying a bank account is done as follows:

Indicate your country, bank SWIFT code and bank account number and click on the add button. After adding an account, you will need to verify it. With an account, the verification procedure is slightly different from card verification, since it is not a deposit, but a test withdrawal of money to the account. When the money arrives at your bank, a verification code will be indicated in the payment purpose, which you will need to enter in your Skrill account and the account will be verified, and Skrill limits will be increased by the corresponding amount. In principle, these points have not changed since the publication of this information in the corresponding article about Moneybookers, so I will not dwell on this much.

Transfers, deposits and withdrawals from Skrill

So, what else do we have left unexplained? Yeah! Deposit, withdraw and transfer money through Skrill. Let's see how to do this. In the account overview section on the right side of the window there is information with the balance of your account and 3 buttons for depositing money, transferring and withdrawing.
So, to replenish your account in the system, click on the enter button and see a window that looks like this:

Here you will need to indicate the input method, amount and click OK. The replenishment, if made using a payment card, will be processed literally within one minute. If you top up your account from a bank account, then you will need to wait a few days (up to 5 business days).
To transfer money to another Skrill account or to pay for purchases, you need to click on the Transfer button and the following window will open:

Here you need to indicate the user’s email or ID, the amount of the transfer and the purpose of the transfer. Please note that you can transfer money even to users who do not have an account in the system. Just indicate the email of such a user. When a transfer is sent to the user's mailbox, a notification will be received about the arrival of money and the need to open an account in the system to credit the transfer amount. The transfer itself is carried out instantly.
To withdraw money from Skrill, click on the withdrawal button:

After this, a window will appear asking you to select a withdrawal method, that is, to a card or to an account.

Also in this window you need to indicate the amount and, if the withdrawal from Skrill goes to the card, then you will need to indicate the three-digit code that is located on the back of your card. In the next window you will need to indicate your date of birth for additional confirmation and that’s it. Now wait for the money. If the withdrawal was made to a bank account, you will have to wait up to 5 business days. If the withdrawal is made to a bank card, then it is about 4 working days, although the system warns about 7 days. They probably take weekends into account as well.
This is how work in the Skrill payment system is carried out, as for me, it’s nothing complicated. Yes, regarding the tariffs of the system. An internal transfer will cost 1% (but not more than 10 euros) commission for the sender, the recipient does not lose anything. Replenishing your account in the system via a payment card will cost 1.9% commission; replenishing your Skrill account from a bank account is not subject to commission. Withdrawing money from Skrill is subject to a fee of 2.95 euros for each withdrawal transaction. Please note that these are system commissions, and perhaps there are additional commissions at your servicing bank, but you should ask about them yourself.
That's probably all the information you need. If anything, ask questions through the comment form, I will answer as much as possible.

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You are most likely interested in:

How good is the Skrill payment system?

What features does the wallet have?

Is not it?

After reading the review below, you will learn about:

    Deposit and withdrawal of money,


    Login and much more.

What is Skrill

Skrill( formerly Moneybookers) is a global payment system that allows individuals and businesses to quickly and securely make transactions via email.

The start took place at 2002 year.

Owner GatcombeParkVentures(London, Great Britain).

Skrill is available in more than 190 countries, and today the number of users is approximately 25 million

The functionality of an e-wallet is similar to PayPal, but it is more democratic and loyal.

The company was originally known as Moneybookers.

It was not a PayPal challenger - it was an easy way for people to transfer money when gambling or betting online.

More 120 000 merchants use their solutions for payments.

Main features:

  • No setup or monthly subscription costs,
  • Direct processing more 60 local payment options,

    One contract and one interface for all payment methods and banking services,

    A wide selection of payment methods similar to Payer, SolidTrustPay, Bitcoin and Perfect Money,

    Multiple integration points ( Hosted payment or XML page),

    Fast checkout, wallet, regular billing, virtual terminal and other vital services through one account,

    Free digital wallet.

Skrill e-wallet provides a simple and secure payment solution with very competitive rates.

With an e-wallet you will have access to the highest conversion payment gateway with a high degree of data protection and high competitiveness.


  • There is no fee for receiving money,
  • The fee for sending funds is 1% from the amount sent ( maximum 10 euros),
  • Transferring money to a personal account is usually free, but in some cases a small fee is included,
  • Payment in store or transfer of funds is free,
  • Deposits to a personal account by credit card have a commission of 1,9% from the transaction,
  • Withdrawal from the account: credit cards ( VISA only): 2,28 US dollar; Bank transfer: 2,28 USD; Examination: 4.43 USD.

Deposits and withdrawals:


    Bank transfer,

    Credit/debit card,

    Instant banking (eg. giropay, eNETS, Netpay, Inteligo, P24, Nordea, POLi).


    Bank account,

    Visa credit card, checks.


  • Instant deposits and withdrawals,
  • The highest level of security,
  • High competitiveness,
  • Exclusive bonuses for Skrill users,
  • More 36 millions of trusted persons,
  • IOS and Android applications.


  • Many projects do not accept Skrill,
  • Rather a limited number of withdrawal methods,
  • Not very fast customer support.

Complaints and services

Currently, you can find more than one on various sites. 200 public complaints against Skrill, many of which accuse the company of fraud or poor performance of services.

Most claims refer to:

  • Frozen money
  • Funds withheld
  • Unauthorized and fraudulent payments,
  • Poor or unavailable customer service,
  • Suspicions of deceptive sales methods.

Many of these complaints were submitted by users, but most of them were written by sellers.

In general, merchants are leery of holding money in the system for long periods of time, especially due to the excessive authentication process required by the company.

The most interesting:

Many customers reported that they were unable to contact anyone on Skrill for days on end.

In many cases, people's complaints have received rebuttals from Skrill, where it is confirmed that users violated the terms of use, but the way the support communicates with their customers and terminates their service seems to be the main source of frustration.

We cannot assign a favorable rating to the payment system, given a large number of complaints citing long-term stock delays and zero communication with the company.

Positive reviews:

You won't find many amazing Skrill reviews.

This is a common problem:

Many people who have bad experiences are happy to comment, but those for whom the service works don't always brag about it.

However, I'm happy to say that I at least found a couple of positive reviews about this payment system.

Mostly people write about how easy it is to use Skrill or how convenient it is.


You will see that the company has business relationships with big names like Skype, BigStock Photo, GoDaddy and freelancing platform Upwork, all of which confirm my belief that Skrill is legit... just not the best choice.

If you had a positive experience with the wallet, don't forget to leave us a comment!


Skrill is rated as a poor payment service provider according to our criteria.

Customers report sudden account freezes and funds being withheld, but more importantly, they also state that it is very difficult to resolve these issues in a timely manner through the customer service department.

These statements are confirmed by the fact that the company does not respond in a timely manner to a significant part of the complaints against it.

Alexey Naumov

Updated: 2019.09.18

Font A A

The Skrill payment system is already a fairly old and proven service. The company was founded back in 2001, calling EPS Moneybookers. It existed under this name until 2011, after which, as a result of rebranding, it changed its modern name. Now the system is used by millions of people in dozens of countries around the world, it has gained particular popularity among freelancers, online gambling enthusiasts and Forex traders.

The main advantage of this payment card can be safely called its popularity. A huge number of both domestic and foreign services and websites, online stores and exchanges work with Skrill, allowing you to withdraw funds and accept payments. Many popular exchangers allow you to convert the designated currency at a favorable rate, and payments occur almost instantly.

There is its own Skrill Mastercard, which works similarly to bank cards and allows you to pay at any point of sale, both online and offline, or withdraw money from any of the ATMs around the world that support the MC standard. Owners of Silver, Gold and Diamond cards (VIP clients) can withdraw money without commission. The card does not have a separate account and is linked to the funds in the payment system account.

Customer safety has become one of the company's priorities. The site’s security mechanisms minimize the possibility of account hacking by attackers. In addition, all interested users can connect additional protection in the form of SMS messages sent to your phone with codes, without which authorization will become impossible. If you followed all security rules, but still lost funds, the system undertakes to compensate 100% of the stolen amount.

You can make money with Skrill. The system has its own affiliate program. Clients who invite other users using their referral link receive 10% of the system commission from all transactions carried out by the referral. Affiliate payments stop either after reaching the amount of 100 euros, or after a year has passed from the date of registration of the invited participant.

Getting started with Skrill

Using this payment system does not require installing a special software. Any secure browser that is convenient for you to use for surfing the Internet will work. You just need to go to and go through the registration procedure.

Account registration and verification

The process consists of five steps, each of which requires the user to enter a piece of personal data: email, full name and date of birth, residential address and number mobile phone. He will also immediately be asked to select the currency in which his account will be opened. Please note that this parameter cannot be changed later. That's it, now all that remains is to agree with the points set out in the license agreement and you can use the wallet.

If you plan to use deposits and withdrawals of funds from/to a bank account and want to increase the limit on the turnover of funds on your account, you will have to undergo additional verification. There are three methods to choose from:

  1. Verification by bank card. A small amount of money will be debited from your card account to verify the compliance of the card information specified during registration.
  2. Bank account verification. A penny amount is transferred to the client’s account, and the payment comment contains a code that will need to be entered into the appropriate form on the Skrill website.
  3. Verification by mail. An envelope with a letter is sent to the mailing address that the user specified at the stage of creating his account, where the required combination for entry is marked. The procedure is similar to the previous one.

For those who do not use banking products and do not want to wait for the envelope to arrive in the mailbox, it is possible to undergo minimal verification by uploading scanned copies of the citizen’s passport and any document that will determine the user’s residential address (for example, a payment receipt utilities).


People often wonder how to top up Skrill, because official ways The system does not provide much output. Firstly, it is depositing money from a bank account, which must first be linked to the account. The transaction usually takes 2-5 days (weekends and holidays are not included). Secondly, this is replenishment using plastic cards. They must also be linked to the account. Prepaid cards and virtual cards cannot be used.

Fortunately, you can do just fine without banks. A huge number of services allow you to make an indirect exchange of this currency for Webmoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi or other electronic monetary units popular in the CIS. The commissions are more than acceptable, because in Skrill itself the transfer of funds from wallet to wallet occurs with a deduction of 1% of the amount and is limited to 10 euros. That is, if you make a transfer of 2000 euros, the commission will still be 10 euros.

Account usage and tariffs

The system charges for services in two options - either a fixed amount or a certain percentage. Since fees are pegged to Euros, if the user has created an account in another currency, they may change based on differences in rates. The table with tariffs is given below.

Please note that transactions between your Skrill account and your bank accounts/cards in different currencies will be subject to conversion fees: 2.99-3.99% between USD, EUR, GBP, CAD and PLN; 4.99% in case of other currencies. This is quite a lot, so already during registration you should think about opening an account in a currency identical to your bank details.

The system also has a penalty for inactivity. If the user does not have money in his account, but has not logged into it or made any transactions, a fixed amount of 1 euro will be debited every month. This will continue until the client uses the account or the balance becomes zero.

Similar commissions are specified in the terms of use of the system for entrepreneurs - in clauses 9.1 and 9.2.

Recent problems with Roskomnadzor

In mid-July 2016, Skrill was blocked in Russia. Many users were unable to access the payment system website due to the fact that it was included in the register of prohibited resources. Qiwi wallet clients encountered a similar problem. The basis for the blocking was the systems’ cooperation with offshore bookmakers, which, bypassing the current legislation of the Russian Federation, accepted payments from Russian clients. A requirement was put forward that prohibited information must be removed from the site within two days.

Despite the fact that Skrill representatives were in no hurry to comply with Roskomnadzor’s requirements, the situation quickly returned to normal, and the site was removed from the register of prohibited resources. Currently, there are no problems with access to wallets, various pages of the service or its functionality.

Skrill users' opinions on the service

Low commissions, affiliate program, the opportunity to order a card - all this looks extremely tempting. But what is the real state of affairs? You can find out about this only by reading the independent reviews of payment system clients that they leave on the Internet. And in the case of Skrill, they make you wary.

The Skrill administration brazenly steals users' money. I withdrew $75 to a bank account, of which only $55 was received. At first I thought that part of the amount was lost due to the fault of the bank and began to sort it out, to which the specialists sent me all the necessary documentation and screenshots of the transaction, where the amount of $55 was clearly indicated. Hence the conclusion - the money was stolen from Skrill. The support service ignored my several requests for evidence.

Azamat, 25 years old, Isyangulovo.

They've gone overboard with security. If you haven’t changed your password for a long time, you have to request a recovery procedure, which includes an email, an SMS message to your mobile phone number and downloading a copy of the first page of your passport. In my case, due to a poor Internet connection, the procedure took two days. In general, it is not recommended for impatient and faint-hearted people.

Alexey, 22 years old, Minsk.

Beginners should take note: if problems arise, do not expect help from the support service. Reach operators either by phone or through a form feedback- almost impossible. But they do not miss the opportunity to temporarily block funds in the user’s account during the next check. And for some reason this is always done at the moment when there is an urgent need to make a withdrawal or pay a bill.

Vladimir, 31 years old, Magnitogorsk.

Most of the Russian-language reviews are written in a similar vein. People express dissatisfaction with the system and technical support. There are also a lot of accusations against the administration regarding the loss of funds at the time of withdrawal to a bank account or plastic card, and unfair blocking. The few positive reviews are justified by the speed of online payments and low tariffs.

Who is Skrill EPS intended for?

Very often this payment is the only way withdraw money from any foreign site or service without paying huge commissions. It is actively used by clients of so-called “photo stocks” and “photo banks” - sites that allow amateur photographers to earn money by selling their photographs, as well as players of poker clubs, online casinos and bookmakers.

As for working with Skrill in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as other post-Soviet countries, there are much more worthy alternatives. Not many sites accept payment in this currency, and servicing the ordered card and converting funds into one of the national currencies of the CIS will cost the user a pretty penny.

The Skrill payment system (formerly Moneybookers) came to the Russian Federation quite a long time ago. And although it has not yet become a convincing alternative to the well-known PayPal, everyone who deals with virtual money can appreciate the many undoubted advantages of creating their own electronic wallet in it. Of course, subject to careful reading of the rules for using the system and their strict adherence.

The Skrill payment tool was created in 2001 in the UK. Its first owners were replaced by Investcorp Technology Parthers (USA) in 2007, but two years later the system again passed into the hands of the British and became owned by Gatcombe Park Ventures. Now Skrill is fully controlled by UK law, and all its activities are regulated by the Financial Services Authority - the British Financial Services Authority.

The main important qualities of Skrill: work in more than 180 countries of the world, support for more than 30 different currencies, no possibility of chargeback (payment cancellation), increased requirements for payment security - the amount of transfers has restrictions, in case of any suspicion of using the account for any fraud it is immediately blocked.

Where is Skrill accepted?

A catalog of online stores and services from around the world that accept payments through the Skrill payment system can also be found on the company’s website. Please note that you can sort them by interface language.

How to use

To use Skrill, you do not need to install special software on your computer - any Internet browser that you are used to using to surf the Internet is sufficient. The entire system interface is located on the website, which you can open from any computer connected to " world wide web" The site is Russified, the registration procedure is quite simple, and the identifier in the system is your email address. By registering, you can send a money transfer to any recipient directly by email, even if your recipient is not yet a Moneybookers user. True, in order to gain access to this money, he will have to open an account in the system, indicating during registration that email address, to which the transfer was sent. There is only one limiting condition for registration: all Moneybookers users must be over 18 years of age. When entering your data into the system, keep in mind that they must correspond to real information - this is necessary for the possibility of further use of the service. The reliability of information at all stages is carefully checked by the security service. When using the system, you can contact the technical support service with any questions - discussions of problems and their solutions will be held in Russian.

Registration and opening an account only makes it possible to carry out operations within the system - transfer funds between Moneybookers accounts. In this case, there will be a restriction that applies for a period of 90 days - during this time you have the right to make transactions for a total amount of no more than 1000 euros.

Residents Russian Federation, Ukraine and most other post-Soviet countries can easily send and receive payments through Skrill, and withdraw funds to a bank account in their (or another) country.

How to top up your account

To send funds to Skrill, you first need to add them to your account balance. There are only two main replenishment options: a transfer from a bank card (VISA, MasterCard, etc.) and a transfer directly from a bank account. Both of these methods are paid and can only be used after data verification. However, other users can top up your account by transferring from their Moneybookers wallet.

How to withdraw money

You can withdraw funds from Skrill to your bank account or bank card. Several bank accounts can be linked to an electronic wallet, but one of them is considered primary, and withdrawing money to it will cost you about half as much as to other accounts. The main account must be in a bank located in your country of residence, while other linked accounts can be opened anywhere. It should be kept in mind that you can use the service of withdrawing money from your Skrill wallet only if you go through the verification procedure. Account verification will increase your limit and allow you to use the system's capabilities more widely.

Account verification

Verification consists of providing evidence of the reality of your personal data. The procedure may be more or less deep. The minimum verification consists of providing scanned copies of your civil passport and a document confirming your address: for example, a receipt for payment of utility bills. If desired, you can conduct a more in-depth address verification. To do this, Skrill representatives will send a letter to your email address containing a verification code, which, after receiving it, should be entered on the website in the appropriate field. After completing these actions, your transaction limit will increase to the amount of 2,500 euros, but this will not yet give you the opportunity to withdraw money to a debit card or bank account. To withdraw funds, you need to verify both the card and the account.

Verifying a bank card not only allows you to deposit and withdraw money using it, but also increases your transaction limit by 3,000 euros. To carry out the procedure, you need to enter your card details on the Moneybookers website, after which a certain amount will be transferred to it, which must also be entered in a field on the website - only then will the verification be considered completed.

Verification of your bank account allows you to freely deposit and withdraw funds using it in the future. To carry out verification, you must make a bank transfer from your account to an electronic wallet, and then enter the transaction code in the field on the website. This will increase your limit by 2500 euros. There is another way: write off money from an electronic wallet to a bank account, and then within 45 days find out from the bank the code specified in the comments to the transfer and enter it on the website. This will increase the transaction limit by 15,000 euros. However, this method is carried out only in the absence of other, earlier verifications.


Skrill's tariffs can be called "quite competitive". Like the range of services provided, they vary depending on the user’s country of residence. You can view them on the system website.