Samsung update via computer. How to update software on Samsung Galaxy. Firmware using a third-party Odin program

If you follow the mobile industry, you're probably familiar with the major trends in software updates: after the usual dose of rumors, Google is announcing a new version of Android. It happens every year at about the same time. Android is Google's mobile operating system, which runs smartphones from most manufacturers, including Samsung. While there are fresh rumors about the next update, wonder what will be improved in it and when it will be available for your phone (or tablet).

Samsung does not always have time to share information about when and which gadget will receive a new version of the OS. According to the company's general policy, devices receive support for 1 to 3 years after the release. The goal is to release updates as quickly as possible, but very often they are either delayed or canceled, despite the promises of representatives to update these gadgets. This mainly depends on early information on which the company's plans to update its smartphones and tablets are based. The source of this information is Google and the operators cellular communication.

As a result, the South Korean manufacturer receives a huge number of questions from users. Therefore, we decided to publish a general explanation of how the process works. android updates, and how Samsung works with providers mobile communications and, of course, Google.

1.First, you need to optimize the Android source code

When Google launches a fresh version of Android, Nexus devices are the first to get it. Initially, software not optimized for our Samsung gadgets. Consequently, source A fresh update falls into the hands of Samsung developers who are porting software to smartphones and tablets. When they are finished and the software has been tested, supported devices around the world will receive the update.

2. Testing the Android update in your country

Each update goes through a testing process in your country. The local Samsung team will verify that all features work for the respective markets. In addition, mobile operators will also test the new update and, if necessary, make their own changes.

3. The final version of the software must be reviewed by Google

Once Samsung and the mobile service providers have completed their work, Google must approve any changes that have been made. But, if during this process Google finds something that needs to be changed, then the whole approval process starts over. This is why delays happen so often, and this is also the reason why it's so difficult to predict when your phone will update.

4. Who gets the update first?

Once the final version of the software has been approved, it can be used. Unfortunately, not everyone can download the latest version of Android at once. To prevent server overload, devices are updated in stages.

Samsung updates its devices depending on the country and mobile operator. Almost always, the entire process of development, testing and quality assurance is undertaken by the South Korean manufacturer.

5. Update process

There are several ways to install new software on your device. The first and most reliable way involves using the Kies utility or Smart Switch (for new gadgets). The chances of getting an error when updating through these programs are very small, so we recommend them.

The second option is FOTA. This is getting the software “over the air”. You receive the update over Wi-Fi and then install it directly on your smartphone or tablet. Of course, you can't update using this method unless Samsung sends you a notification, so you'll have to wait.

Our advice: There is a third option, which involves flashing through Odin, a proprietary tool Samsung used in service centers. You can download latest version firmware from for your device and flash it manually.

Tips from Samsung:
- After installing the update, do full reset. This ensures the correct operation of the device.
- Before installing a fresh update, make sure that all important data on your phone or tablet is backed up in the cloud or on your computer. In some cases, during the installation process, errors occur that lead to the loss of information.
- It is best to download updates over a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection. They can weigh quite a lot.

You have a Samsung Galaxy smartphone on Android and want to update operating system? In this article we will see how to update firmware samsung galaxy , whether you need to update at all or not and how you can return to the old firmware.

When do you need to update the firmware on the phone? If you notice errors in the work of Samsung Galaxy and that this problem is observed not only for you, but also for other users. You can also update if you know that in new version there are new features or capabilities that you would like to use.

In what cases can you not update the firmware in Samsung Galaxy smartphones on Android? If the device is working properly and you are happy with it. If you know that there is an update, but do not know why you need it. Also, if the battery runs out quickly on the smartphone or it slows down, you can try to eliminate the shortcomings without updating.

If there are any other problems with the phone, then the solution can be found on the Internet. Type in the search for Yandex or Google the cause of the problem and you may find users who have already encountered a similar situation and know how to fix the problem.

Attention!!! The site administration does not bear any responsibility if there are problems with the device when updating your device. You do everything voluntarily at your own peril and risk.

If a firmware update appears on the android Samsung Galaxy, then you will see an icon on the screen that will notify the user that there is an update. To update your smartphone, click on the icon, but before that you should save all important information and files on a computer or other device. When you click on the notification icon, you will see a suggestion to start the update, continue installing the firmware by following the prompts on the screen. Keep in mind that you may not like the new version, but revert to previous firmware officially without losing the warranty will not work.

You will also see such a notification in the Smart Switch program if the phone is connected to a computer. In any case, after updating the firmware on the Samsung Galaxy, perform a data reset and reboot the device, otherwise there may be errors in the android.

If you do not see a notification on the screen, then the updates for the phone may not have been released yet, there is no Internet on the device, or your device was not intended for sale in Russia.

If after the update there are problems in the operation of the Samsung Galaxy and resetting to the factory settings does not help, then you should contact the service center so that the specialists reinstall the firmware in an engineering way.

Many users want to return the previous version of the firmware on the Smartphone Galaxy smartphone and ask if this is possible. If officially and without losing the warranty on the phone, then no. Before you upgrade, you should think about whether it's worth it.

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We continue the theme of experiments on my new phone. Based on the experience of using routers and other equipment, I developed a strong habit - the first thing to do is to update their “brains”. The thing is that from the moment the device leaves the factory until the time it falls into your hands, more than one month may pass, and during this time its firmware could undergo significant changes and open up more opportunities for the user to use. And today we will clearly check how to flash a Samsung phone on Android 4.4 and how safe is it to do it yourself?

Ways to flash a Samsung phone on Android 4.4

There are several ways to flash an Android phone. The first is directly from him through the system. My Samsung had a version of Android 4.4, in which if you go to “Settings> About phone> Software update” you can configure automatic check new firmware for your model. To do this, check the box "Auto-update". I also recommend activating the item “Wi-Fi only”, in this case, the presence of a new version will be checked only when the phone is connected to wireless network, otherwise it will constantly waste your mobile traffic through mobile operator which can lead to loss of money.

The check can be started manually by clicking on “Update”.

Firmware Samsung phone on Android, like any other, you can only start with a 100% charged battery

However this option updates Samsung firmware Galaxy is not very comfortable and can break in the middle, as it happened to me. Therefore, I recommend performing this task using a special program installed on a computer and with a phone connected to it via a USB cable.

There are also variations here - you can do it using the official program Samsung Kies, you can use the popular Odin or its equivalent. In the latter case, it is possible to use official firmware for Samsung phones on Android, and from third-party developers, which are often more convenient and open up more opportunities for the phone, but it flies out of the factory warranty. Therefore, it is recommended to install third-party firmware only after the warranty period has expired.

How to flash a Samsung phone on Android officially?

So, we begin to figure out how to flash Android using the Samsung update as an example, and turn to Samsung program Kies, which can be downloaded here. By the way, it was created by analogy with Apple's iTunes and with its help you can completely synchronize your phone with your PC - contacts, files, music, etc.

Before you start updating the Samsung firmware to a new Android, it is recommended to make a backup copy using your phone or via Kies in order to avoid possible data loss.

First, install the program. At the same time, drivers for all kinds of devices from this company will be added to the computer, including yours. We launch it, connect the phone to the computer via USB and wait until it is recognized.
Further, after a window opens with all the basic data about your phone, select “Firmware update” and if it is available, this will be reported in an additional window that opens.

We press the “Update” button, we agree with the rules and confirm our desire. And we are waiting for the end .. Do not touch the phone at this time and in no case disconnect it from the cable from the computer. By the way, I don’t advise you to leave for a long time either, since your antivirus or firewall (firewall) may swear a couple of times, in which you will need to allow Kies to perform its functions. Also disable the antivirus on the mobile phone itself, otherwise it will not allow the system to update.

As a result, we get this and confirm the end of the software update.

Update Android firmware on Samsung phone via Odin

Now let's turn to the "gray" firmware. I suggest watching a step-by-step video first, and then we will continue.

First of all, you need to put the phone in downloading mode (“Downloading”), which is done by simultaneously pressing the key combination “Home”, “Power” and “Volume minus” (or “Volume plus” depending on the model). If done correctly, the Android logo and an inscription about the boot mode will appear on the screen.

Next, download and install the Odin MultiDownloader program (it’s easy to find it on any thematic site or google it in a search engine) - this is a professional program designed for service centers, so you don’t have to be scared if everything is done correctly in it, then nothing bad will happen to the phone.

And you will also need the firmware files that you downloaded from the official website or some third-party firmware support forum. As a rule, there are four of them - PDA, the main firmware file; PHONE, which is responsible for working with the cellular operator's network; CSC - phone settings; and PIT - service information storage. Make sure they are all included in the set. However, there are also single-file versions, in which case it will need to be imported in place of the main one - PDA.

If you are working on a computer that has Windows system 7 and above, then this will be enough. If XP, then you will definitely have to also install the Kies program that we have already disassembled, which will install drivers for your android phone, or separately the firewood itself - Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones. On the same site, you can also pick up firewood specifically for your model and version of the computer OS.

Now, first of all, you need to kill all Kies processes, if you installed and launched it. To do this, press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination on your computer and look for processes that have the word “Kies” in their names. And we complete them. Then we launch Odin - we already have a smartphone in download mode - we connect it via a USB cable and press the “Volume Up” button (in relation to the Samsung Galaxy S2).

Now you can start updating the software.

In the Odin program, one (first) ID: COM section should be displayed in yellow (there are several of them for simultaneous work with several phones). In the program, check the boxes for “Re-Partition”, “Autoreboot” and “F.Reset Time”.

Now we press the “Start” button and wait for the process to complete until the process graph reaches the end, turns green and the inscription “Pass” appears.

After that, the phone will reboot and start working on the new software version. Additionally, you can use the *#1234# command to check the current version. You can also do a complete cleanup of all data using service code *2767*3855#.

On this Samsung phone firmware on Android based OS completed, thank you all for your attention!

Updating the Android operating system is not only a recommended, but also a necessary process for the stable operation of a smartphone. For the owner of the phone, this is primarily an increase in the performance of the device, the emergence of new features, and not just the correction of errors by the manufacturer. Therefore, every user should know how to update Android on a phone.

The process of changing the current android versions on the device requires the user's attention and the fulfillment of several conditions.

Before proceeding to change the operating system, you need to make sure of the following:

  • that the phone is charged (recommended battery level should be at least 50%);
  • what wifi network reliable and stable (important only when a computer is not used when downloading the software);
  • that the USB cable connecting the phone to the computer is working.

During an update to Android 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 or earlier, it is forbidden to remove the battery or turn off the smartphone.

Interrupting the update process for one of these reasons can lead to irreparable consequences (without the help of specialists service center not enough).

There are two main ways to change Android yourself:

  1. Launching the update on the smartphone itself.
  2. Changing the software modification using a computer.

How to install a new Android without connecting to a computer

The easiest option to change the OS version is to run the process on the smartphone itself.

Usually, the system notifies you about the availability of a new version (a notification appears at the top of the gadget screen):

Note: the algorithm for updating to a new versionAndroid always the same: no matter if the operating system is updated to 5.0, 7.0 or 9.0.

Depending on the phone model and the current firmware modification, the text and design of the notification on the screen may differ.

After receiving the notification, click "download", and wait until the software is downloaded to the device.

When Android is downloaded, a message will appear in the notification bar and the user will be prompted to install or postpone the process.

Important: before clicking "install now", it is recommended that you read the information provided above, where the developers warn about the possible loss of personal data, and the need to make a backup.

The system does not always notify the user about the availability of a new version of Android. The reason may be the lack of an Internet connection or refusal to receive notifications (can be set in the “Software Update” section).

In this case, you can download the new Android manually. To do this, follow these steps:

How to update Android OS using a computer

You can change the Android operating system using the application from the manufacturer.

The main purpose of such programs is to create backup data, transfer photos and videos to a computer and vice versa.

Among such applications are Samsung kies or Smart switch for Samsung smartphones and Xperia Companion for Sony phones.

Before you change android 4.4.2, you need to activate a special setting intended for developers - "USB Debugging". In later versions of the OS, this setting is hidden, and to activate it, you need to do the following:

How to download new Android using Xperia Companion

To download the firmware to your smartphone using the Xperia Companion program, you must:

Attention: it is impossible to return to the previous version of the OS, about which the user will receive a notification before installation.

How to update using Smart Switch

For installation new Android on tablets and Samsung smartphones Smart Switch and Samsung Kies apps are used.

To update to 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0 using Smart Switch, you need to:

Note: If you don't see a notification on the screen that you can download the new versionAndroid- this means that the latest updates are installed on the device.

How to Update Android with Samsung Kies

To update, for example, android 4.2.2, using Samsung Kies, you need to do the following:

The new firmware may not meet the user's expectations (changing appearance menus, new ones appear and old applications are deleted, etc.). Therefore, it is important to read during installation what changes will occur and whether it is worth updating.

TV software developers often delight users with the opportunity, or rather, the need to update their Smart TV. If this is not done, then the device will begin to behave inappropriately, cause failures in the system, and access to the Internet will deteriorate. In general, all the advantages that distinguished Samsung Smart TV from a device without any additional functionality will practically disappear.

From all this, only one conclusion can be drawn - Smart needs to be updated. But many ordinary users do not quite understand how exactly this is done. All it takes is a little free time, a USB flash drive that will work on a Samsung TV, or Internet access from the TV to download programs directly to the device, without help. additional accessories. But in any case, updates are good, because they allow you to fix the mistakes that were made in previous versions, thereby making the device more reliable.

Standby Refresh function

Every experienced user knows what to update software for Samsung TV can be done automatically using certain functions. What comes out of this is hard to say. Good news that the owner does not have to think about when the TV firmware will be updated, because everything happens automatically.

But this function has many disadvantages, because professionals do not recommend using it too often. For example, this applies to setting incorrect parameters in the temporary search for updates on Samsung TV servers or on the official website. If they are not found, you can use manual search, which is much more convenient, since it is used only when there is a real need for it.

So, what are the features of this function for Samsung Smart TV:

    Due to the fact that the user does not have the ability to control every step of installing updates, they may not be installed correctly, which causes various problems, incorrect operation of sites and other troubles. To correct such consequences, sometimes it comes to replacing the motherboard;

    Since the software update occurs periodically, the TV may find a program in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Naturally, a spontaneously turned on TV will not please the household;

    The Samsung TV does not always have a stable Internet connection, so if an update starts, or the file, for example, turns out to be too large, the Samsung TV will not be able to download it and will freeze. This is not the most pleasant situation, as there is a high probability that the device will need to be repaired;

    The TV may lose its Wi-Fi connection during an update, or the TV may have a timer set to turn off the unit at a certain hour. If this happens, even if the firmware is almost installed, then most likely it will not turn on.

If the TV does not turn on after the update, then the installation of the program was unsuccessful. Trying to do something on your own is strongly discouraged, as the situation can only be aggravated.

Firmware update via USB

The latest firmware versions first appear on the Samsung servers, and only after that they are posted on the site. That is why, in order to stay up to date, before updating the software, take it on the site, look at the servers - perhaps the firmware that is already out of date.

You can even log in from your phone, the main thing is to be good internet. But it is better to download to a computer, where you can connect a USB flash drive, which will connect to the TV via usb. So, searching for firmware is very simple:

    To do this, go to the site and in a special search box, which is indicated at the top of the page, enter the name of the model. These symbols are usually found on the back of the TV;

    Next, a special page will open with the manual and the current software version. To find out, you should click on the line "Firmware", and you will immediately see the technical description of the model, including what software is on the TV;

    It is necessary to find and download the new software, but at the same time select the USB type of download. In addition, it is important to make sure that the software version is really new, and not download and install the old or the same firmware;

    It is important to pay attention to the presence of the Russian language in the new software, because not everyone will be comfortable working in English or in a multilingual version;

    The file must be uploaded to a blank USB drive that must be formatted before material can be loaded onto it. If you format after, all information on the flash drive will be destroyed, and when you turn on the TV, it will not find materials to start the update process.

    When the unpacking is completed, you need to move the USB flash drive from the computer to the TV and start the update. This is done as follows: “Menu”, “Support”, “Software Update”, item “USB Software”, “Ok” or “Update Now”.