Personal information space psychology. Definition of the concept of personal information space. Material boundaries of personal space

Personality is a prerequisite and a product of the existence of society and the state. Personality can be formed only in the presence of physiological inclinations and under the influence of information that is distributed in society. In the conditions of total informatization of society, the informational impact on the individual acquires a global scale.

The development of modern cybernetic systems for understanding the information space was reduced to the atmosphere, stratosphere, space, water areas of the oceans and seas. Now it also includes cybernetic and virtual systems. Considering the influence of the information space on the individual, it should be borne in mind that it extends to society and the state, and through them indirectly to each individual. This influence can be constructive (safe) and destructive (dangerous).

One of the main tasks of the modern state is to ensure the information security of the individual, which is characterized by the protection of his psyche and consciousness from dangerous informational influences: manipulation, misinformation, suicidal impulses, image, and the like.

Information and psychological security of a person (in the narrow sense) is a state of protection of the human psyche from negative influence, which is carried out by introducing destructive information into the consciousness and (or) into the subconscious of a person, leads to an inadequate perception of reality by it.

Information and psychological security of the individual (in broadly) is:

o firstly, the appropriate level of theoretical and practical training of the individual, at which the security and realization of its vital interests and harmonious development are achieved, regardless of the presence of information threats;

o secondly, the ability of the state to create conditions for the harmonious development and satisfaction of the individual's needs for information, regardless of the presence of information threats;

o thirdly, the provision, development and use of the information environment in the interests of the individual;

o fourthly, protection from various kinds of information threats.

Information and psychological security of the individual and society is an integral part of the information security of the state and occupies a special place in state policy when it is provided. This feature is determined by the specifics of threats and their sources, the special nature of the principles and objectives of state policy in this area.

The object of information and psychological protection of the individual is the state of his spiritual, mental and physical comfort. The object of protection is also the conditions and factors that ensure the development of all spheres of life of the individual and society, in particular culture, science, art, religious and interethnic relations. The objects also include: the language environment, social, ideological, political guidelines, social and social ties, psychophysical factors, manifested in the form of physical, chemical and other influences of natural, anthropogenic and technogenic origin, the gene pool of the peoples inhabiting the state, and the like.

The most important objects of information and psychological protection in modern conditions is an individual and mass consciousness. For a personality, the main system-forming qualities are integrity (tendency to stability) and development (tendency to change). When these qualities are destroyed or distorted, a person ceases to exist as a social subject. This means that any informational and psychological impact on a person should be evaluated from the standpoint of preserving or destroying it as a whole.

Mass (social) consciousness is formed primarily in the process of the historical development of a nation, nationality, a large social group, and then as a result of information and psychological impact. However, the information and psychological impact can significantly change the mass consciousness and behavior of large social groups.

A large social group is a social community that is not quantitatively limited, which has stable values, norms of behavior and socio-regulatory mechanisms (parties, ethnic groups, production and industry and public organizations). Socio-psychological regulators of the life of large groups: group consciousness, mentality, customs, traditions, etc. A large group is characterized by a certain mental make-up, has a group psychology.

In each large group, a group consciousness (ethnic, national, religious) is formed, which is a system of shared ideals, value orientations, and emotional advantages. Group consciousness can be class, national, religious, etc. Separate stereotyped elements of consciousness pass into the sphere of the group subconscious (“class instinct”, national hostility). These group factors significantly influence the formation of the corresponding type of personality - typical representatives of a class, party, nation, etc. These individuals become carriers of group principles and stereotypes, patterns of behavior, are taken into account and used in the implementation of information and psychological impact.

Information danger is created by information threats spreading in the information space. Information threats (in the narrow sense) are a set of conditions and factors that create a danger to the vital interests of the individual, society, and the state in the information sphere.

The monograph "Information Security of the State in the Context of Counteracting Information Wars" provides a broader definition of information threats. Information threats (in a broad sense):

o information impact (internal or external), which creates a potential or actual (real) danger of changing the direction or pace of the progressive development of the state, society, individuals;

o the danger of causing harm to the vital interests of the individual, society, the state through informational impact on consciousness, information resources and the infosphere of machine and technical systems;

o a set of factors hindering the development and use of the information environment in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

A unique feature of the information threat is that it acts as an independent threat and at the same time is the implementation basis for other types of threats at the information level, and often their root cause.

The information threat is formed in the information space. Most scientists consider information space as a place for the formation, distribution and consumption of information using various technical devices. Of course, technical devices are the main means of disseminating information, but it also spreads in the course of direct communication between people.

To understand the essence and content of the tasks of information-psychological protection of the individual and society from destructive influence in the conditions of modern information-psychological confrontation, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of information-psychological influence on the behavior of an individual (personality), as well as decision-making at any level of public and state structures, in any area of ​​their activity. To do this, it is necessary to introduce the concept of the mechanism of verbal information influence, while realizing that it is based on the pattern of conscious perception of information, namely its content. This mechanism is inherently general and implements the general patterns of information processes in the social environment.

Under the influence of the content of information flows that a person perceives, the emphasis on its individual fragments, and other factors, he forms a way of thinking, his worldview, a system of values ​​and interests, which, over time, enriching and developing in one direction or another, come forward when analyzing current information. in the form of a kind of moral-semantic filter. Actually, the actions and behavior of a person in a given situation essentially depend on the orientation and stability of this filter. The content and quality characteristics of the filter are influenced by historical, national and ethnic characteristics, the education system, religious and philosophical movements, ideological propaganda, and other components of the information environment. Naturally, funds play a significant role in this. mass media(periodicals, radio broadcasting and television, Internet).

The next important point in the process of verbal influence is the behavior of the individual in a particular situation, the definition of a position, the adoption of an adequate decision by it, and the like. In this case, in the presence of a "qualitative" filter, the quality of information is also of great importance, which provides for the timeliness, completeness, comprehensiveness and reliability of the information available. Ensuring these factors is the key to adequate human behavior. At the same time, if at least one of the requirements for information is not met, the adequacy of a person's assessment of the situation cannot be guaranteed. In addition, if the information contains well-thought-out and organized disinformation, which is plausible, a person, even with a "quality" filter, can make decisions that are adequate to the content of the information available, but not adequate to the real situation. With the help of specially distorted, selectively incomplete information and targeted disinformation, it is possible to influence not only the decisions made by a person and his behavior, but also the elements of the filter (value system, spiritual and material interests and needs, religious and philosophical views, etc. .), correcting them in the desired direction, that is, to form him as a person (analyst, scientist, leader, politician, etc.). This is the essence of the knowledge management mechanism of social objects (including humans) in order to influence their decision-making and their behavior.

Mechanisms of non-verbal information impact on a person are based on the use of patterns of human perception of information through the subconscious. It is known that the subconscious (and indirectly on consciousness) can be programmed by an external, uncontrolled person informational influence. For example, the thinner the mental organization of a person, the more emotionally vulnerable he is. There are also phenomena of mass psychosis or hypnosis that have not been fully investigated, a striking example of which are the strong-willed personalities Stalin and A. Hitler, who solved their problems, albeit with tragic consequences for millions of people.

From the point of view of revealing the essence of the mechanisms of non-verbal informational impact on a person, the concept of the system of field self-regulation is quite interesting. According to it, a person is a very complex information and energy system. According to this concept, the subconscious and the biofield are one and the same, which means that any impact on the biofield and structures influences the subconscious, all systems of physiological and mental self-regulation. What we call immunity, within the framework of the concept under consideration, is the integrity, the qualitative level of the biofield shells. Today, experimental practitioners are interested in the depth of penetration into the subconscious and the processes of self-regulation, and for a greater impact force, special equipment is used. In this context, bioenergetics has been turned into a science of practical influence on a person at a subconscious level. One may not agree with certain theses of this concept, but to a certain extent it explains the essence of the mechanisms of non-verbal influence on a person.

Today, there are no sufficient guarantees to protect the individual from threats associated with the violation of the informational and informational-psychological security of the individual - an unconscious informational-psychological impact, namely: artificial inoculation of an addiction syndrome; development, creation and use of special means; manipulation of public consciousness with the use of special means of influence; destructive influence on the human psyche of natural complexes, anthropogenic zones, generators of physical fields and radiation.

Today, unfortunately, no unified system knowledge, which would allow revealing the possibilities of bioenergy without harming human health. The possibilities are so great that entry into this industry must be cautious, gradual, and begin with the development of human ethics. Meanwhile, there are quite a large number of publications that testify to attempts to use the mechanisms of information and energy impact on a person in order to program her actions and behavior. A high social danger arose in the uncontrolled use of technologies, means and methods of psychophysical influence on large social groups of people through the consciousness and subconsciousness (psychosphere) of a person in order to form the necessary events and manipulate public opinion.

Along with the traditional methods of managing society, teams and individuals (administrative-organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal), the method of centralized influence on the general population - the method of information management - is becoming increasingly important. And one of the main postulates of the management theory is the position according to which evolution in the mass consciousness is much easier to achieve than revolutionary changes.

In modern conditions, there is an active development and implementation of new forms, methods and technologies of information and psychological impact on individual, group and mass consciousness. Such sources, channels and technologies for influencing the consciousness, psychology and behavior of a person could include: the mass media and special means of outreach orientation; global computer networks and software tools for the rapid dissemination of information and promotional materials in networks; means and technologies that illegally modify the information environment on the basis of which a person makes decisions; means of creating virtual reality; rumors, myths and legends; means of subthreshold semantic influence; means of generating acoustic and electromagnetic fields.

Technical devices with the help of which the information impact on the individual, society and the state is carried out in the course of information confrontation are called information weapons. Theorists attribute to this type of weapon a wide range of activities and means of informational influence on the enemy - from disinformation and propaganda to electronic warfare. Here are some definitions of the concept of "information weapon" used in publications.

Information weapon- this is:

o a set of specific software and information tools designed to defeat the enemy's information resource;

o means of destroying, distorting or stealing information arrays, extracting the necessary information from them after overcoming protection systems, restricting or prohibiting access to them by illegal users, disorganizing work technical means, disruption of telecommunication networks, computer systems- all high-tech support for the life of society and the functioning of the state;

o means of overcoming protection systems, means of disorganizing the work of technical means and computer systems;

o technical or software tools to provide unauthorized access or, conversely, restrict access to information base data; disruption of the normal operation of hardware and software, as well as the failure of key elements of the infrastructure of a particular state or region.

In some sources, the essence of information weapons is defined through the development information technologies, providing an opportunity for systems (individuals, public or political groups, states) with a higher level of informatization to manage systems with a slightly lower level of informatization, directing their activities in their own interests under constant information control.

The most successful, in our opinion, is the following definition: information weapon- this is a kind of weapon, the main elements of which are information, information technologies (in particular, information impact technologies) and information processes used in information warfare.

The task of the information weapon is, in the vivid expression of M. A. Bulgakov, "devastation in the heads", which is more dangerous than devastation in the economy, because the loss of national, spiritual values ​​leads to the degeneration of the people and the collapse of society. The objects of information weapons are: information-technical and information-analytical systems, each of which includes a person; informational resources; systems for the formation of public consciousness and opinion, based on the media, and finally, one of the main objects of information and psychological influence of foreign states is the psyche and consciousness of young people, the future of the nation.

In modern scientific literature, the following types are distinguished information weapons: psychotronic ("psychophysical"), means of program-mathematical influence on computer functions, information materials.

Psychotronic ("psychophysical") weapon. Her the action is based primarily on the use of remote influence of a psy-gifted operator (psychic) ​​on another person in order to influence her behavior and physiological functions.

Psychotronic weapons, that is, the capabilities and knowledge of psychotronics, its means, methods, devices, designs, generators are used for military, special purposes.

In the literal sense, psychotronic weapons - use in military purposes combat potential psi-phenomena - extrasensory perception (telepathy, clairvoyance, prediction) and psycho-kinesis in natural or technical use.

Means for changing consciousness ("zombie") in a person is like a kind of psychotronic weapon. The process of zombification consists in programming behavior at a subconscious level (by influencing the brain) by such means: hypnosis, suggestion, ultrasonic microwave radiation, psychosurgery, psychopharmacology, etc. So, let's go into more detail:

1. Tools for creating holographic images in the atmosphere: voice synthesizers that make it possible to form provocative messages, transmit them in the voices of the leaders of the country and distribute them through the media (after the Gulf War, Pentagon research institutions developed tools that allow, in particular, to create in the sky, holographic images of Islamic martyrs, from heaven will call on their fellow believers to stop resistance).

2. A class of means of programmatic and mathematical influence on the functions of computers that are capable of disrupting and paralyzing information systems and networks and other automatic systems that ensure the functioning of government and military facilities, industry, transport, communications, energy, banks, etc.

3. A computer virus is a special program that is capable of self-propagation without the knowledge of the user and against his will. She infects software through its object code into the code of an infected program.

4. "Logic bomb" - a software tab that is introduced in advance into information systems and networks that provide management of military and civilian infrastructure. "Logic bomb" on a signal or in set time is activated by destroying or modifying information in the computer, disabling it.

5. "Trojan horse" (a kind of "logic bomb") - a program that allows covert, unauthorized access to enemy information resources to obtain intelligence data.

At the same time, the means of implementation computer virus and "logic bomb" into state, civil and military information systems and networks and control them at a distance (against ASK, early warning systems, missile defense, air defense) are divided into:

o test program neutralizers that ensure that accidental and intentional "flaws" of the software do not appear;

o means of suppressing information exchange in telecommunication networks, falsifying information in the channels of state and military control;

o the means of introducing the "necessary" for the other side of the "plausible" information.

There are already viruses ("virus 666") that adversely affect the psycho-physiological state of the operator - computer user.

A significant class of means of informational influence on sociotechnical and technical systems are: means based on energy radiation (electronic warfare means), electromagnetic weapons (for the manufacture of electronic-mathematical weapons with a capacity of 5-7 MW with a range of 8 kilometers, 3 weeks and 500 dollars are needed).

Acoustic weapons cause causeless fear, headache, unpredictable actions. Planned for service within 10-15 years.

Information materials- a set of sources and systems containing information intended for transmission. According to the form of presentation, they are divided into:

o text information materials: documents, books, magazines, newspapers, reference books, catalogues, manuscripts;

o graphic or pictorial: graphs, drawings, plans, diagrams, maps;

o audiovisual: sound and video recording, film, transparencies, photography.

Distribution of information materials is carried out by special units of special services and (or) based on their materials - by the mass media.

The "information weapon" poses the greatest danger because its use is of an impersonal nature and is easily disguised as protective measures. And in the case of creating software products in a large volume, it is not difficult to create zones of several commands, which during the operation of the software system will form into a defect of any type. In addition, such weapons even make it possible to conduct offensive operations anonymously, without declaring war.

It is unlikely to ban the development and use of information weapons, as has been done with respect to chemical and bacteriological weapons. It is also impossible to limit the efforts of many countries in the formation of a single global information space.

The emergence of information weapons has changed views on the methods of warfare and the possible nature of future wars. The effect of the use of such weapons is compared with the effect of the use of weapons of mass destruction, and the cost is much lower; more fully than traditional weapons, it corresponds to the growing trends in achieving their political goals by states without the direct use of numerous armies and the direct destruction of enemy manpower.

Today, as a result of awareness of the capabilities of information weapons, the term "Strategic Information Warfare" has appeared - "strategic information confrontation".

Information warfare, according to the American specialists of the Rand Corporation, is "the use by states of the global information space and infrastructure to conduct strategic military operations and reduce the impact on their own information resource."

Its distinguishing feature is the classification into the first and second generation.

The task of the information warfare of the first generation is:

o fire suppression (in wartime) of elements of the infrastructure of state and military administration;

o electronic warfare;

o obtaining intelligence information through the interception and decoding of information flows transmitted via communication channels, as well as by spurious emissions;

o Prevention of unauthorized access to information resources with their subsequent distortion or theft;

o the formation and mass dissemination of information channels of the enemy or global networks of disinformation to influence the assessments, intentions of decision makers;

o obtaining information through the interception of open sources of information.

Information confrontation of the second generation provides for a slightly different approach. We considered it in Section 1.2 (see Information Warfare Problem).

It should be noted that since the late 1990s, pp. The main trend in the development of understanding the role and place of information warfare among Rand Corporation specialists is the realization of the fact that strategic information warfare is an independent, fundamentally new type of strategic warfare capable of resolving conflicts without the use of armed force.

It is important that the directive of the President PDD-68 dated January 1999, the White House created a new structure of the International Public Information Group (IRI), among the tasks of which is the professional use of intelligence information in order to influence "the emotions, motives, behavior of foreign governments, organizations and individuals citizens."

Thus, American experts consider it quite possible to achieve a significant advantage in the information warfare in the near future, which, in their opinion, will make it possible to successfully resolve conflict situations in their favor without armed intervention.

Sources of threats to the information space are contradictions of certain interests, value systems, goals between the individual and society, the state, or the presence of one of the parties in relation to the other claims, claims or other motives for conflict. The most dangerous source of threats to these interests is considered to be a significant expansion of the possibilities of manipulating a person's consciousness through the creation of an individual virtual information space around it, as well as the possibility of using technologies to influence his mental activity.

The latest information technologies, modern information and psychological forms and methods of influencing the individual and society are increasingly being used not only during the preparation period and during military operations (operations), but also become an integral part of everyday life. Kara-Murza S. G. in the book "Manipulation of Consciousness" indicates that the use of modern technologies and means of manipulating public opinion takes place today on a daily basis when using the media, in the advertising field, in activities different kind psychics, magicians, sorcerers and the like. It is especially activated at turning points in the development of the state, which, for example, are election campaigns.

The cult of cruelty, violence, pornography, which is now being promoted in the media, especially on television and computer networks, leads to an unconscious desire of a significant part of the population, especially adolescents and young people in the post-Soviet countries, to imitate it, contributes to the consolidation of such stereotypes of behavior in their own habits. and way of life, reduces the level of limiting restrictions and legal prohibitions, contributes to the emergence of negative norms of behavior in society, at the same time opens the way to the loss of moral values, to offenses.

One of the characteristic trends that has developed in modern conditions not only in Ukraine, but also in the world, is the advanced development of forms, methods, technologies and methods of influencing the consciousness (subconscious), psychology and mental state of a person in comparison with the organization of counteracting negative, destructive psychological influences, information and psychological protection of the individual and society as a whole.

We are talking about possible deformations in the system of mass information and dissemination of disinformation, which lead to potential violations of social stability, about damage to the health and life of citizens as a result of propaganda or agitation that incite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity, about the activities of totalitarian sects, promoting violence and cruelty. These influences, conscious or unconscious, as life shows, can lead and lead to serious disorders of mental and physical health, deviations from the norms of behavior, to the growth of risky social and personal situations.

When considering the information and psychological impact as a threat, it is natural that we are talking about the negative consequences of its implementation, which can manifest itself in two aspects: 1) the attitude of the individual to the state; 2) destruction of the integrity of the personality itself.

In modern conditions of strengthening the information and psychological impact on an individual (personality) as a subject of political life, a bearer of a certain worldview, has a pronounced sense of justice and mentality, spiritual ideals and value orientations of building self-confidence, which is one of the main political tasks of power. Inadequate to public (considering the authorities) behavior of a citizen can be perceived as an acute form of political extremism, which threatens the very existence of the political system, or as a form of political indifference, no less destroys the foundations of public life.

At the same time, a person with consciousness is subjected to various kinds of manipulation influences, informational in nature, the results of which can directly threaten his physical or mental health. It is precisely such influences that often for many years form the moral and psychological atmosphere in certain sections of society, feed the criminal environment and contribute to the growth of mental illness in society. Sectarian preaching, dissemination of mystical and esoteric knowledge and practices, magic, shamanism, etc. can be an example of such actions leading to social personal maladaptation, and in some cases to the destruction of the human psyche.

A serious danger to the psyche of the individual is caused by the spread through the Internet, primarily of pornography, obscene information that offends public morality, violates the moral standards that have developed in society. Servers with such information are often visited by children and teenagers. Although it is believed that with the help of the Internet greater confidentiality and anonymity is guaranteed than when visiting cinemas or shops with open or clandestine porn literature and videos.

The dangerous influence of the information space on individual consciousness can lead to two types of interrelated changes:

The first is changes in the psyche, the mental health of a person. Since in the case of informational impact it is difficult to determine the boundaries of the norm and pathology, an indicator of change may be the loss of adequacy in reflecting the world in the mind and individual attitude to the world. We can talk about the degradation of the personality, if the forms of reflection of reality are simplified, the reactions become coarser and there is a transition from higher needs (in self-actualization, social recognition) to lower ones (physiological, everyday)

the second is changes in values, life positions, guidelines, worldview of the individual. Such changes cause anti-social acts and pose a danger to the entire society and the state.

An important feature of the information-psychological impact on individual consciousness is that it, as a threat, may not be noticed and not realized by the person himself.

Human behavior is controlled by his brain, his consciousness. Everything that induces a person to activity must pass through his thinking. So, the information-psychological impact in order to change the behavior of the individual in the desired direction should achieve a corresponding change in his mind.

Attitude (orientation) plays a significant role in determining human behavior. An attitude is relatively stable knowledge, feelings and motives formed under the influence of propaganda, upbringing and experience, which cause a certain attitude of a person to the ideological, political and social phenomenon of reality.

The attitude determines the direction of actions and at the same time the way of perception and thinking. But various settings is not equal order for the determination of behavior. The orientation of the individual depends on a variety of social attitudes, correlate with certain aspects of social life. Attitudes have a certain value in terms of their meaning to the individual. In the hierarchy of attitudes, political attitudes occupy the top line. They, unlike others, are more resistant to change. Political attitudes form a common basis for all other attitudes that determine the internal stability of the orientation. It follows that human behavior in various conditions is mainly determined by its political orientation.

Personal attitudes have a somewhat higher resistance to external influences, which is also enhanced by social ties. Attitudes become more stable the more they coincide with the norms of behavior of a social group. The identification of the individual with the group serves as a stabilizer of the attitude. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that in a state of a transitional (transit) type, which is Ukraine, many moral values ​​of the old socialist system have been lost, and new moral norms and values ​​have not yet been created, and those that already exist have not become generally accepted. In this case, the information space plays a leading role in shaping the worldview of an ordinary citizen of our state, who often perceives everything new as the highest human values.

The driving force for changing attitudes is the negative mental unrest caused by the lack of balance between the individual components of political attitudes-objects of propaganda influence, the so-called cognitive dissonance (there is a cognitive discrepancy). Dissonance is a mentally unpleasant state that causes the objects of propaganda influence to strive to mitigate or eliminate it. The latter leads to changes in one of the installation components, as a result of which the entire system of installations tends to return to the lost balance. Thus, the stability of the preset is changed or a new one arises. However, it would be an illusion to count on the possibility of the complete destruction of the main attitudes and their replacement with opposite ones in a short period of time, since the stability of the main political attitudes is quite high. As the French psychologist Le Bon noted, "ideas take a long time to gain a foothold in people's minds, but they take no less time to disappear again."

To change political attitudes, firmly fixed in the mind of the individual, the method of gradual strengthening of cognitive dissonance is used, that is, information is presented in a certain order that is more and more contradictory from the point of view of the object of influence. Patience, time, and reasoning increase with each piece of information; they contribute to a gradual change in the political attitudes of the objects of influence.

Behavior change, however, is not directly related to changing core attitudes. Attitude plays a significant role in determining behavior, but is not the only component on which it depends and does not directly control behavior in a particular setting due to the lack of a direct connection between attitude and behavior. Human behavior in each case depends on the conditions, that is, internal requests: needs, motives, attitudes. Thus, behavior is always determined by the specific situation.

Attitudes and behavior do not have to coincide, there may be large differences between them, for example, the statement of the same person in a dissimilar environment may be slightly different. Therefore, a person's behavior in a certain environment for a short time may not coincide with the basic attitudes or even contradict them.

The starting point in the process of interaction between attitudes and behavior is not the difference between them, but their mutual conditionality: attitudes largely determine behavior, but it also happens vice versa: behavior creates a significant basis for the formation of attitudes. Attitudes arise as an abstraction of the content of the experienced on the basis of real behavior before they again turn into new behavior. The behavior of the changed has, finally, to influence the change of attitudes. So, if as a result of the propaganda influence on the behavior of the individual changes, then certain changes will also take place in the general structure of attitudes, including political orientation.

The main method of propaganda influence is pereko nia- a purposeful and consciously organized impact on a specific mass audience, appeals to the rational sphere of the individual's consciousness and is carried out with the aim of forming certain attitudes, consolidating or changing previously learned attitudes, and ultimately, changing the individual's behavior in accordance with certain goals.

Persuasion has the following characteristics:

first, the focus on the rational level of consciousness of the individual. When using this method, the impact on the audience is carried out in compliance with the obligatory clear logic of the presentation of the material, convincing argumentation and reliability of the facts, as it affects the worldview, has a stable, stable character. Persuasion is aimed at strengthening, shaping and changing the attitudes of the audience;

secondly, the use of verbal (speech) means of influence. Persuasion is addressed to people who have a more or less stable belief system that has developed as a result of previous experience, and is aimed at creating new points of view, changing or strengthening existing ones.

In honor of the propaganda impact, the information-psychological impact is carried out mainly on the emotional sphere of consciousness on the basis of an uncritical perception of information by a person. That is, unlike propaganda influence, it is based on a somewhat lower level of criticality and consciousness of the individual's psyche (while his attitudes do not change). A decrease in the level of awareness is one of the conditions for the effectiveness of this impact. In the process of receiving information, only perception and memorization function, the activity of thinking "falls out" or is greatly weakened.

Information and psychological impact - such influence on individual or public consciousness by information-psychological or other means causes a transformation of the psyche, a change in attitudes, opinions, attitudes, value orientations, motives, stereotypes of a person in order to influence his activities and behavior. Its ultimate goal is to achieve a certain reaction, behavior (action or inaction) of the individual, corresponding to the goals of psychological influence. So, during the military operation of the Israeli troops in the Lebanese territory "Dinve Yesevon" ("Payment on the bill"), residents of South Lebanese settlements were informed of the planned bombing (they were also recommended to urgently evacuate) in order to cause a massive outflow of the population to the interior of the country and thus block infrastructure, cause unrest among citizens and, in the end, destabilize the situation in Lebanon and persuade the country's leadership to negotiate.

The process of acceptance by an individual of information-psychological influence directed at the emotional sphere of consciousness is specific. In general, it is more curtailed than, for example, the process of accepting propaganda influence: only perception and memory function in it, the activity of thinking is expressed very weakly. A person perceives or does not perceive information, perceives it in whole or in part, but practically does not take part in the formation of certain conclusions. The process of information-psychological impact on the emotional sphere of consciousness, including arbitrary perception and memorization, is characterized by a very low level of awareness of the content of the impact. The comprehension of the information received occurs later, with a higher cognitive activity of the individual.

A typical example of such a model is an appeal to a weighty trusted source, a document, a reference to an authoritative author, etc., when listeners, without resorting to the complex "analysis-synthesis" mechanism, take any information for granted. In the course of Operation Desert Storm, US psychological operations specialists used references to recognized Islamic authorities from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries when preparing information and propaganda materials on religious topics. A selection of broadcasts was compiled stating that the war is "unfair, has nothing to do with Islamic jihad," and dissuading military personnel from participating in the war is a "charitable deed." This kind of information and psychological influence was extremely effective, since Islamic theologians, known to the entire Muslim world, had great authority in Iraqi soldiers due to their high social status in Islamic countries. When perceiving the thought of an authoritative person, there is an "automatic" * inclusion of consciousness in the process of perception as a result of a person's previous experience, he trusts this source, relying on its reliability and universal recognition.

The level of effectiveness of information and psychological impact depends on:

the content of the material: its complexity, specificity, social significance, etc. For example, under equal conditions, the simpler the information, the more the chances that the actions it prompts can be performed automatically, and especially when they do not contradict the beliefs of the object. That is, the more specific the call to action, the higher the degree of automatism of the response;

a mental state characterized by the presence of a high level of automatism of the corresponding reaction. Fear, depression, apathy contribute to an uncritical and unconscious perception of the impact. The degree of automatism in a person is related to the level of awareness and criticality of information perception. If the influence is accepted subconsciously and uncritically, then the audience's response may be automatic;

time interval between impacts and the corresponding reaction: with an increase in the time interval, the automaticity of the reaction decreases due to an increase in the criticality and mental activity of the object (explained by the inclusion of the content of the received information into the system of knowledge of the individual and his awareness).

The following types of psychological influence can be distinguished: psychogenic, neurolinguistic, psychoanalytic (psycho-correctional), psychotropic and psychotronic.

Psychogenic influence is mental or physical the impact of some phenomena or events on the brain, human consciousness (there is a violation of higher nervous activity: a feeling of fear and panic appears). This is due to the inconsistency of the functional systems of the psychophysiological organization, that is, the breaking of stereotypes when exposed to a sharply changed afferentation from various receptors. The higher in time such inconsistency and the less prepared a person is for the impact of this psychogenic factor, the more pronounced mental disorders. This state can occur under the influence of holographic patterns. Many countries have achieved rather great success in this area, for example, laser graphics projects have been created from the earth's surface and from a space platform.

Neurolinguistic influence is a type of psychological influence that involves the use of special techniques aimed at creating positive motivation, psychological correction of the internal sources of behavior and the worldview of a person's personality.

Neurolinguistic influence is focused on identifying and changing a person's beliefs when influencing his worldview and emotional-sensory states (characteristics that allow you to improve, program the state and behavior of a person in conditions practical activities). The main object of this type of influence on a person is his brain and the activity controlled by it, and the main means of influence are socially thought-out programs of verbal and non-verbal influence that allow changing the worldview and values ​​of the individual.

Psychoanalytic (psycho-correctional) influence is the study (analysis) of a person's subconscious and influence on him in a way that excludes resistance at the level of consciousness (carried out in a state of hypnosis). However, modern technological advances make it possible to exclude resistance from the side of consciousness and in a normal state. This allows you to do computer as psychoanalysis and psychocorrection. In the first case, a mathematical analysis of the body's reactions is carried out, arising from instantaneous visual viewing or sound reading of various "stimuli": words, images, phrases. Thus, it is possible to accurately determine the presence of certain information in the subconscious of a person and measure its significance for a particular person, and find hidden motivation. After analyzing the information received, if necessary, it is possible to carry out psycho-corrections (psychoregulation), the main acting factor is what? also serve keywords, images, smells (words can be transformed using a spectral speech signal).

The most convenient is the sound regulation of the psyche, in which verbal suggestions in an encoded form are displayed on any carrier of sound information (music, language or noise). For example, a person can listen to music that contains a hidden (not perceived on a conscious level) command that constantly affects her subconscious

Psychotronic influence(parapsychological, extrasensory) - an influence that can be carried out by transferring the energy of thinking through extrasensory perception and which covers the distant interaction mediated by consciousness and perception processes between living organisms and the environment.

Television and other mass sessions of extrasensory influence show a real possibility of influencing a person. Quite often, technical means are used to enhance influence, transmission and contact with the individual. This influence on the object may be associated with the suppression of the will to resist, demoralization. There are known facts of work on the creation of a brain frequency coding generator, high-frequency and low-frequency generators, means of influencing social information, etc., which can cause the necessary processes in the human psyche, and therefore influence his consciousness and behavior.

Parapsychology is a branch of science that studies psi-communications, that is, it studies those distant connections of a living organism with the environment, which are called "extrasensory-motor" (since they act on everything except the sense organs and muscular efforts). The concept of "psy" includes psychic perception that is, extrasensory perception and psychokinesis, which refers to the impact on objects and the course of mental processes without muscular effort or the use of technical means. In general, there is no fundamental difference between the subjects of study of parapsychology and psychotronics. The difference appears only when comparing the methods, means and objectives of the study. Psychotronics is characterized by the desire mainly for technical and technological approaches and solutions, for the development of technical analogues of the studied phenomena, for example, psychotronic generators, and, consequently, the concentration of great efforts in applied works. The process of extrasensory influence is greatly facilitated when using a communication system: telephone communication, broadcasting networks and the like.

Psychotropic effect- the impact on the brain and behavior of the individual by introducing into his body various drugs (in particular, pharmaceuticals, odors), the assimilation of which is reflected in its higher nervous activity.

The effect of drugs on the human psyche is well known and has been studied for quite a long time. Taking into account the latest achievements not only in psychology, but also in "related" sciences (biology, neuro- and psychophysiology, cybernetics, psychopharmacology, etc.), methods of threshold influence, methods of psychological indoctrination and conversion, means of local mental control and psychoprogramming. Twenty-five years ago, the drug "B-Zet" was invented, a powerful psychotropic drug that disrupts social ties in the Grulu-object of use.

Now they are beginning to apply the methods of influencing odors on the human brain, developed by A. Hirsch. He claims that a certain sector of the human brain processes and remembers aromatic information. According to his findings, with the help of various smells, one can successfully influence human emotions. Clinical studies have also shown that some odors dampen brain activity faster than strong depressants.

The influence of the information space on the personality is carried out different ways, among which it is worth highlighting: disinformation, spreading rumors, intimidation, emotional suppression, initiation of aggressive emotional states, demonstration, manipulation.

The essence of disinformation lies in the deliberate provision by the subject of deliberately false information to the object in order to disorient it.

In order to misinform the individual, implausible information is deliberately used, which seems to be probable. Disinformation is characterized by: the absence of a template in forms and content; skillful implementation of measures to mislead a person according to a single plan, their careful coordination and maximum use of plausible Information; skillful concealment of true intentions, goals and objectives set.

A striking example of disinformation is the campaign of strategic disinformation of individuals and the world community as a whole, which was carried out by the United States in Iraq in 1990-1991. On such a scale, strategic disinformation was used for the first time after World War II and was carried out by special services of the US military departments together with allied countries in order to mislead not only the personnel of the armed forces of Iraq, but also the peoples of their states and the world community.

The main instrument of strategic disinformation was the mass media: newspapers and magazines, radio and television. At the same time, the United States managed to quite effectively use the high level of effectiveness of its propaganda, to impose on international agencies, and then the world community, its point of view on the course of events, relying mainly on the dominance of the American media, which supplies the world with up to 70% of international information.

To inflame anti-Iraqi sentiment in the United States, to provide support for the administration's course of confrontation with Iraq in November 1990. President George W. Bush said that Iraq was capable of producing a nuclear weapon in the coming months (although, according to American experts, Iraq's technological base could do this not earlier than in 5-10 years). Iraq's ability to use chemical and biological weapons was significantly overestimated. It has been repeatedly emphasized that the Hussein regime will focus on these types of weapons of mass destruction in order to draw Israel into a possible armed conflict.

Disinformation activities were carried out comprehensively in the political, economic and military fields with the active use of the media by organizing regular "leaks" of the contents of secret documents and disseminating "personal opinions" of high-ranking representatives of the US administration and the US military-political leadership.

Another way of psychological influence is spreading rumors. We understand a specific type of interpersonal communication that arises as a result of the formation of an information vacuum, is filled spontaneously or by the efforts of enemy propaganda. Spreading rumors is one of the most effective ways of disseminating information with information and psychological impact, based on an increase in group suggestibility during exposure.

Rumors can be classified according to three parameters: expressive (emotional state, expressed in the sense of rumors and the corresponding types of emotional reactions), informational (the degree of reliability of the plot of the rumors) and the degree of influence on the psyche of people.

According to the expressive characteristic, rumors-desires, rumors-intimidation and aggressive rumors stand out.

Rumors-desires. The disseminated information is intended to cause disappointment about unfulfilled expectations and demoralization of the target. So, during the First World War, rumors were deliberately spread in France and Germany about the imminent end of the war, which, of course, did not come true, which caused massive manifestations of discontent in these countries. Similar rumors-desires spread during the Second World War in the besieged Leningrad (the rumor about the imminent landing by the allies).

Rumors-intimidation. When they are distributed with the help of information in a person, a state of anxiety and uncertainty is initiated. These can be rumors about a deadly superweapon owned by the enemy (the side spreads rumors), about food shortages, contamination of the area, drinking water, etc.

Separating aggressive rumors. The disseminated information aims to bring discord into society, to break social ties. Thus, G. Laswell described rumors circulating among German peasants before the First World War about yellow cars transporting gold from France to Russia through Germany for warfare, that is, they spread so widely that on many roads it was impossible to pass through a chain stretched across the road. People treated each other with distrust, fearing the benefits of the Entente.

By information characteristic stand out: absolutely unreliable, unreliable, unreliable with elements of plausibility, plausible rumors.

Method of intimidation (initiation of fear) consists in the formation of states of anxiety, depression or apathy, the awakening of fear of a real or imagined threat, as well as the unknown.

Let us dwell on some types of fear in more detail. According to the degree of reality of the threat, fear of real and fictional danger is distinguished. It should be noted that the fear of a real danger (for example, the threat of death or injury) is deeper, since it is based on a certain combat or life experience. Fear of imaginary danger can also significantly reduce the moral and psychological state of the individual.

According to the degree of awareness of the threat, the fear of a conscious, uncertain danger and the fear of the unknown are distinguished. In the course of observing the behavior of individuals during the period of hostilities, it was noted that the deeper they are aware of the impending danger, the more opportunities for localizing the feeling of fear and psychological preparation to eliminate the threat. The soldier is terrified by enemy shells. He goes to a safe place, fires, does not run out of fear, but skillfully avoids danger.

The greatest fear is felt in front of an indefinite or unknown danger (anxiety), which the object of influence has not met before or has no idea about the danger. Fear of the unknown significantly reduces the combat capabilities of troops. Soldiers can be convinced that they were mentally infected if weapons of mass destruction were not used. Already through the initial shocks, signs may appear that resemble the real symptoms of the lesion (weakness, blindness, nausea), as well as the fear of taking "infected" food and water.

Thus, during the invasion of Tibet, the Chinese army effectively used the technique of "intimidation by an unknown threat."

On October 18, 1950, the forward detachments of the Chinese army reached the Chamdo fortress (garrison + 3,000 soldiers). The soldiers who were defending were expecting an assault, but there was no assault. At night, the Tibetans woke up from explosions of firecrackers and rattles and saw the tracks of rockets. This led to panic, supplemented by speculation and rumors. The head of the garrison left the fortress, the troops followed the general. Not a single shot was fired that night. To show the enemy something unknown, to surprise him is a convincing argument for intimidating him. "Surprise .., - according to M.I. Sechenov, - is the relative of fear. They often begin ... fear."

Another way of psychological influence is emotional suppression.

Emotional suppression - a method of psychological influence used to form asthenic conditions in a person: anxiety, depression, apathy. The ultimate goal of the emotional suppression of the individual is the paralysis of his will and inaction.

In the implementation of information and psychological impact, intimidation and emotional suppression are often used in combination. Intimidation is aimed primarily at initiating a reaction of fear, panic among people in order to cause a certain behavior of the individual. Emotional suppression is aimed at causing asthenic states of anxiety, depression, apathy and, finally, the inaction of the individual and his inability to adequately perceive reality.

Anxiety is an emotional state that occurs in situations with an unknown outcome and is associated with the expectation of an unfavorable development of events. Anxiety manifests itself as helplessness, self-doubt, powerlessness in front of external factors with an exaggeration of their power and danger.

Depression is an affective emotional state characterized by a negative background. A person in a state of depression experiences severe, unbearable experiences of depression, longing, despair. her trains, motives, volitional activity, self-esteem are very low. The feeling of time ending unbearably long is also changed. The behavior of people in a state of depression is characterized by slowness, lack of initiative, and rapid fatigue, which together leads to a sudden drop in vital activity.

Apathy is an emotional state resulting from loss of perspective, emotional suppression, loss of faith in the ultimate goal, leadership, campaign success, etc. Apathy causes emotional passivity, indifference to the environment, reduces physical and mental activity.

Emotional suppression is often used by troops against civilians. So, in 1982 during the operation of the Israeli troops

"Peace for Galilee" on the territory of Lebanon, the emotional suppression of the inhabitants was carried out with the help of "disturbing actions": the continuous roar of engines, jet fighters, breaking the sound barrier within a short distance above the city, kept people in constant tension. At the same time, direct bombardment of cities was not carried out.

Manipulation is a method of psychological influence used to achieve a one-sided gain through the hidden motivation of someone to perform certain actions. It is also possible to define the concept of "manipulation" as a kind of application of power, in which the one who owns it influences the behavior of others without revealing the nature of the expected behavior.

For manipulation, it is important to create the illusion of the independence of the object from outside influence, the independence of the decisions and actions taken. Therefore, the art of manipulation, the level of skills and techniques is of particular importance. One of the most important features of manipulation is the mystery of the impact. An attempt at manipulation only then has a chance of success when the fact of influence is not recognized by the object and the ultimate goal is not known to him. You can manipulate, playing on certain human flaws, but she should not know about it.

This method of psychological influence stands a little apart from those listed above. It is designed not so much for a group object, but for individual work with a specific person. The use of manipulation is not limited to wartime, periods of aggravation of interstate relations, etc.

Thus, the psychological impact includes a set of methods, types and methods, the skillful use of which allows you to effectively influence the behavior of the audience. The impact on the emotional sphere of the object's consciousness is important component information and psychological impact.

To implement the information and psychological impact on individual, group and mass consciousness, the following sources, distribution channels and technologies (means) are used:

o mass media and specialized outreach tools;

o global computer networks and software tools for the rapid dissemination of propaganda information materials on the network;

o means that imperceptibly modify the information environment on the basis of which a person makes decisions;

o means of creating virtual reality;

o means of subthreshold psychosemantic impact;

o means of generating acoustic and electromagnetic fields. Mass media and special means of information and propaganda orientation. Media

the most effective for the implementation of information and psychological impact on large masses of people. This allows us to consider them as an integral part of the strategic forces of the information war. The use of various technologies of hidden influence with the help of sound and video images on the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person makes it possible to assert that such means are consistent with the consequences of their use.

A dangerous feature of the media, according to experts, is their ability to present information in such a way that a virtual picture of reality is formed behind the apparent objectivity of a large mass of people. However, as soon as a person begins to doubt the virtual picture of the world, the effectiveness of the Information and psychological impact suddenly drops. These doubts can be supported by counter-propaganda technologies, also implemented with the help of the media.

The effectiveness of the media as a source of information and psychological impact is primarily due to the creation global systems broadcasting, which can easily convey the signal to anywhere in the world. For many regions, it may be that only this source of Information is available. It is the state's ownership of systems satellite radio and television broadcasting, perhaps a deterrent or, conversely, an intensifying factor in solving information wars.

The strength and effectiveness of the information and psychological impact, carried out with the help of the media and, above all, television, are enhanced by the psychological effect in direct participation in events when a person is immersed in them "here and now". This peculiar effect, called the "CNN effect", is estimated by many as the main condition for the effectiveness of information and psychological impact with the help of the media.

Specialized outreach tools include mobile broadcasting and television centers, propaganda mobile loudspeakers, posters, postcards. The technology of their application has been worked out and their further development is primarily associated with methods of hidden influence on the human subconscious.

Global computer networks and software tools for the rapid dissemination of propaganda information materials on the network. The development of information and communication technologies has led to the creation of a unique means of disseminating information - the global computer network Internet. The low cost of access, freedom of dissemination and receipt of information makes the Internet an effective tool for using information mechanisms to influence individual and mass consciousness.

Now groups of various political orientations and non-governmental organizations can use the Internet to mobilize political forces against their own and other states in crisis situations that can cause unpredictable results. The lack of regulation of legal relations in the dissemination of information on the Internet contributes to the freedom of dissemination of slanderous and unreliable information. All this leads to the fact that the actual basis of an event can be seriously distorted by manipulating text, sound and video image. Such methods can allow a wide range of interested individuals, groups to implement a complex process to control public opinion, organize large propaganda campaigns to undermine the confidence of citizens in a particular course that is pursued by the government of the country.

A completely legal way of information and psychological impact on Internet users is the distribution of propaganda information materials using various technologies to attract attention, organize virtual interest groups, and collect e-mail addresses for organizing mass mailings.

The creation of various virtual interest groups on the Internet is also a legal way to push certain ideas. A permanent virtual group that has formed indicates the presence of people capable of perceiving ideas that are spreading, and the growth in the size of the group shows the effectiveness of information and psychological impact. The existing virtual community can become the basis for the formation of real terrorist or criminal organizations with a structure that is difficult to find and a communication system.

The collection of e-mail addresses on the network also creates the basis for targeted impact on large groups of people, since it allows you to create large databases with information of a personal nature, makes it possible to single out groups of influence. In the future, if necessary, propaganda materials can be sent to these groups.

Technologies for the rapid dissemination of information through computer networks are becoming increasingly important, as they allow quite legally to carry out targeted information and propaganda activities outside the control of the state on the population or certain groups of citizens.

Means imperceptibly modify the information environment on the basis of which a person makes a decision. Human activity is largely based on the capabilities of information management systems. To solve practical problems, a person tries to concentrate as much information as possible in one place to make more informed decisions. With all the advantages of modern computerized systems in decision support, they are quite an obvious drawback: a person makes a decision based on the information that the system provides to him and the probability of which, basically, he is not able to quickly check. The official who makes the decision fully relies on the information that is presented to him on the monitor, so the introduction of deliberate changes in information texts and messages causes wrong decisions. With numerous decisions made and a large flow of initial data, trust in information means trust in the correct functioning of the information system as a whole, that is, in the processes of collecting, processing, storing and displaying information taking place in it. But trust is a psychological factor, so some methods of reflexive management aimed at the formation, strengthening or destruction of trust can be interpreted as an informational and psychological impact.

Now many countries are developing specialized means of influencing information in information management systems. According to the results that are achieved, these tools are equivalent to powerful technologies of information and psychological impact.

Means of creating virtual reality. The power of networking technology is increasing too much thanks to new multimedia and virtual reality technologies. Virtual reality as an imitation of truthfulness can be considered as a psychological tool for influencing the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person, draws it into new forms of existence and can significantly shape a personality. New forms of mediated social control may arise, based on the disguised manipulation of consciousness, mild suppression of the psyche, and changes in the ideals of the individual.

The socio-psychological consequences of the development of virtual reality technologies, as in general modern symbolic visual systems, in the context of the security of the individual and society can be negative. Such technologies make it possible to make information and psychological impact with maximum efficiency, they are often used to increase the visibility of information presentation, for example, in news programs. Such technologies can be used to create any real situation by combining elements of a real video image and elements created by computer graphics.

There is information about the development of tools to imitate the voice and video images of political and public leaders. The appearance of the country's leader in an inappropriate form, which proclaims unpopular measures, can, according to experts, have the strongest psychological impact on the country's population. Knowledge of such technical capabilities can be seen as a factor in information warfare.

A few words about the internal aspect of the information-psychological confrontation. It is no secret that there is an active struggle for power of various parties and trends in the country, often without legal or other restrictions. Every day we are faced with lies that are spread by some official and unofficial media. At the same time, history is deliberately distorted, the traditions of the country and the Armed Forces are being destroyed. The initiators of this action are well aware that a field plowed up and sown with lies can bring only one "harvest" - the degradation of the country, the depletion of the spiritual and mental potential, the weakening of the will to resist and even to survive. It can be argued that the state in the domestic media has acquired the character of a national problem.

According to Oleksandr Kachura, the last 2-3 years have passed under the sign of a "roll-up" on our Informational and spiritual space of the most diverse cultural, religious and political symbols: Numerous television programs, publications, commercials carry a charge of a different spirituality, a different way of life.I am not at all sick with xenophobia, but the foundations of the Ukrainian national mentality, which have been formed over hundreds and thousands of years, have been threatened.The eternal values ​​of the native land, agriculture, hearth, tolerance and natural kindness are replaced by other ethics - a bright parrot, baseball caps and leggings, club jackets (on which you will no longer find the inscription "Dynamo Kyiv"), unnatural pseudo-zahid promiscuity and rudeness in everyday behavior. In fact, we get no better whether in Western culture, but the subculture of the dregs of Western civilization, as well as purely material life guidelines, from which the West itself has already begun to move away... After seven decades, holding theism has a chance to return Christian Orthodox values ​​to Ukraine. Unfortunately, it was not used - instead of a religious renaissance, we got a religious schism, which develops into quarrels. It is already difficult to list all the patriarchs and metropolitans, they consider their church to be the only canonical one. People began to lose faith in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. Confessions, sects, occult and mystical currents poured into the resulting vacuum, many of which pose a threat to mental health and even people's lives. Not to mention well-established technologies for influencing the spiritual world."


may be of an economic or industrial nature.

3.1. Differences of an economic nature are expressed in the fact that for such a specialist, knowledge is a product of intellectual labor that can be evaluated and commercialized. The consequence of this understanding is the readiness to include professional activity in market relations and commodity exchange processes.

3.2. Differences of a production nature lie in the fact that such a specialist is free from "knowledge restrictions", which consist in the psychological restraint of scientific research due to belief in knowledge denounced in known forms. Ontogenetic thinking, which puts not knowledge, but concepts as the basis of the worldview, perceives all scientific knowledge, both known and proven, and not yet obtained, in the status of transient ideas, the relevance of which is changeable.

As for "competence" and "competence" grown in the culture of ontogenetic thinking, then

the possession of such qualities will provide their bearers with the advantage not to catch up, but to outstrip scientific and technological progress and always be in the zone of conjugation of the latest achievements of science with the unknown.

1. Dvoretsky, I. X. Latin-Russian Dictionary / I. X. Dvoretsky. - Moscow: Russian language, 1976. - 1096 p.

2. Karyakin, Yu. V. Innovative model of the organization of the educational process in the systemic paradigm / Yu. V. Karyakin // Engineering education and science in the global space: Sat. tr. intl. Conf., June 1-2, 2006 - Tomsk, 2006. - S. 279-283.

3. Karyakin, Yu. V. Object and subject of science / Yu. V. Karyakin // Philosophy of education. - 2008. - Special issue. No. 1.

4. Karyakin, Yu. V. Educational process at the university / Yu. V. Karyakin. - Tomsk: Hang-glider, 2006. - 131 p.

5. Kondakov, N. I. Logical dictionary /

N. I. Kondakov. - Moscow: Nauka, 1971. - 655 p.

6. Leontiev, A. N. Psychology of the image / A. N. Leontiev // Vestn. Moscow university Ser. 14. Psychology. - 1979. - No. 2. - S. 5-6.

Received 04/10/12.


G. R. Vodyanenko (Perm State Pedagogical


The author made an attempt to identify the essence of the concepts of "information", "information environment", "information space" and on this basis to propose an interpretation of the human information space. Its component composition, key characteristics and possibilities of establishing its presence are considered.

Keywords: information; information environment; information space; informational approach; interaction; human information space.

regulation of the resulting social relations.

Awareness of the fundamental role of information in social development today causes an increased interest in the definition of concepts in the expression of which one way or another the word "information" is present, such as "information-

The current stage of development of society is characterized by the increasing role of the information sphere, which is a set of information, information infrastructure, entities that collect, form, disseminate and use information, as well as a system of

© Vodyanenko G.R., 2012

natural environment”, “information space”, “information resources”, “information culture”, “information worldview”, etc., multiplying the variety of their interpretations. The purpose of our study is to clarify the essence of the concepts of "information", "information environment", "information space", their correlation with each other and, on the basis of an analytical approach, to find the most adequate interpretation of the concept of "human information space".

The key position in the course of our further reasoning and conclusions is to identify the essence of the concept of "information", which, already unusually broad, continues to open up wider and deeper, standing on a par with such fundamental categories as "matter" and "energy" . In the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, the term "information" (from the Latin tyugshayo - explanation, presentation, awareness) is interpreted as one of the most general concepts science, denoting some information, a set of any data, knowledge, etc. . Depending on the area of ​​research, information has many definitions: the designation of the content received from outside world in the process of adapting to it (N. Wiener); communication and communication, in the process of which uncertainty is eliminated (K. Shannon); the transfer of diversity (W. R. Ashby); negation of entropy (L. Brillouin); measure of complexity of structures (X. Mol); probability of choice (A. M. Yaglom and I. M. Yaglom).

Each of the above interpretations reveals one or another facet of the multidimensional concept of information. We will focus on the most general understanding of information as information about objects, phenomena and events of the environment (the real world), their parameters, properties and states that are perceived information systems(including a person) in the process of life activity (life and activity). This information (information) is a product of the interaction of data (signals from objects of the environment)

environment) and their corresponding methods (methods for recognizing and processing signals).

The objects of the real world are in a state of continuous movement and change, which is accompanied by the exchange of energy and its transition from one form to another. All types of energy exchange are associated with the appearance of signals about the state of objects. By observing, measuring or otherwise capturing such signals, a person receives data. Consequently, data is nothing more than signals registered (perceived) by a person that carry information (information) about events that occurred in the real world, since they are the registration of signals resulting from these events. However, data is not the same as information. Observing phenomena or events of the surrounding information reality, a person receives a certain data stream, but whether this data becomes information (information) depends, in particular, on the methods that are used to work with them. In other words, methods act as intermediaries for turning data into information. The adequacy (compliance) of the application of methods determines not only the quantity (volume) and quality (value) of the information received, but also the very presence of information that is not a static object - it changes dynamically and exists only at the moment of interaction between data and methods, i.e. during the course of information processes. The same data can supply different information depending on the degree of adequacy of the methods interacting with them as methods of practical and theoretical human action aimed at mastering the object.

Thus, information (information), being a product of the interaction of data and their corresponding methods, arises and exists at the time of the flow of information processes, the nature and effectiveness of which are predetermined by the methods used.

Further, focusing on the above interpretation of the concept of "information", it is necessary to identify the essence of the concepts of "information environment" and "information space", briefly explaining the features of the method used (information approach).

The information approach is a modern fundamental method of scientific knowledge, the cause of which was the awareness of the dominant role of information in nature and social phenomena (practically all relations and interconnections existing in nature are informational in nature). The essence of this method lies in the fact that when studying any object, process or phenomenon in nature and society, first of all, the most characteristic information aspects for them are identified and analyzed, which significantly determine their state and development. Scientific practice shows that the use of the information approach method allows us to see in a completely new light many seemingly already well-studied objects, processes and phenomena, which is extremely important for understanding their deep essence and determining possible trends in their further development based on the use of common properties and patterns of manifestation of information processes .

The existence in modern science of the concepts of "information environment" and "information space", their meaningful proximity not only makes it necessary to correlate them with each other and with the above approach to understanding "information", but also make us turn to the origins - the categories "environment" and "space ".

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, the term "environment" is defined as the conditions surrounding a person, the situation, as well as the totality of people connected by the commonality of these conditions. The environment, on the one hand, has a decisive influence on the development of a person (the formation of his personality), and on the other hand, it itself changes under the influence of human activity, others in the process of

people also become formations. In any case, the "environment" is interpreted as some objectively given circumstances (conditions) that can be more or less successfully managed if there is a specific goal.

The category "space" is considered, firstly, as one of the main objective forms of the existence of matter, characterized by extension and volume; secondly, as a place capable of containing something; thirdly, as a set of objects between which relations are established. Note that a person begins to build his attitude to the environment as, acting on the objects of the real world and experiencing, in turn, their responses, he begins to perceive the multiplicity and diversity of these objects (processes and phenomena), to discover their essential properties to comprehend and understand the presence of connections and interrelations between them. Relationships and real connections (as a special kind of stable, strong relationship) between a person and the world around him (environment) are established through activity, which "is the real attitude of the individual to the world, to other people" . As a result of a complex process of human interaction with the real world (objects and events of the environment), a special space of human life activity (life and activity) begins to appear and take shape, the change in the boundaries of which is associated with his intellectual personal and activity development.

Based on the above reasoning, we conclude that the central point in the general scientific understanding of the environment is the fulfillment of its contextual function in relation to any object existing in it and the process developing in it, and the space determines the existential characteristics, constitutes the object (establishes the composition, content).

Now, to determine the essence of the information environment and information space, it seems important

nym to pay attention to the concept of "interaction".

Any "interaction" from the point of view of philosophy is a fundamental category that reflects the processes of the impact of various objects on each other, their mutual conditioning, change of state, mutual transition. At the same time, the concept of "interaction" is inseparable from the concept of "reflection". On the one hand, interaction occurs on the basis of reflection, and on the other hand, reflection as a property of a material system to capture and preserve in its structure traces of the impact of another system occurs in the process of interaction. Reflection, in turn, is inseparable from the concept of "information". So, in modern philosophy there is a definition of information as “the transmitted part of the reflection” (W. R. Ashby, A. D. Ursul). In this regard, with a sufficient degree of confidence, we can assume that the interaction is not only a function of reflection, but also a function of information. In other words, interaction is always informational. Interaction is also in deep connection with the concept of "structure" and acts as an integrating factor, through which parts are combined into a certain type of integrity, which can be called a system. Individual elements of the system are determined by interactions, and, therefore, it (the system) itself is also an information formation. It should be noted that one of the basic principles of the formation of the system space is interaction with the environment, therefore, logically assuming the informational nature of the space, we will call it the information space, and the environment with objects and under which interactions are carried out, respectively, the information environment.

Based on the foregoing, to achieve the goal of our study, we will accept the following definitions.

Information is information about objects, phenomena and events of the environment (the real world), their para-

meters, properties and state that are perceived by information systems (including humans) in the process of life (life and activity).

The information environment is a systemic set of objects, events and phenomena of the environment that potentially contain information and represent the conditions in which a person carries out his life activity (life and activity).

The information space is a space of relationships and connections, which is formed as a result of the process of interaction between people with each other in the course of their active development of the potential of the information environment (objects, events and phenomena of the real world).

Now we will consider the interpretation of the concept of “information space of a person”, trying to find out: how objective is the existence of this space, what its component composition can be, how it is possible to establish its presence and how likely it is to form this space from the outside.

As shown above, objects, phenomena and events of the real world serve as sources of information for a person, creating an image of reality in his mind, and the totality of these objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality is the environment in which a person lives and acts, perceiving, realizing and comprehending what comes to him. him information. Therefore, from the standpoint of the information approach, the world existing around a person is called the information environment, any object of which potentially contains information. In turn, the space of life and activity, formed by a person around him, we call it the information space. A person creates this space by interacting with real objects of the information environment (including other people), building relationships with them based on an assessment of the vital significance for oneself of emerging

objective circumstances and their actions in these circumstances (i.e., giving personal meaning to the real conditions of their existence).

Thus, the information space of a person is a polysystemic formation, which is formed in the process of active development of the potential of the information environment and building one's attitude to the environment and with others based on the emergence of understanding and personal meanings that are built in the course of interaction.

It would be logical to define the following as components of the human information space:

1) information environment - the basis for the formation of the information space;

2) communicative space - the sphere of interaction of people with each other and with the information environment;

3) conceptual and semantic space - the sphere of personal meanings;

4) the space of activities - the sphere of appropriation of methods of action, the acquisition of experience and the development of abilities.

The fact that the real world is perceived by a person subjectively and represents a certain set of “separate worlds” (family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.) suggests that the information environment of a particular person combines various information environments, differentiation (isolation) or integration of which it independently regulates. In turn, each of the information environments includes sources of information (objects, phenomena, events) and the information flows produced by them, under the influence of which the information space of a person is formed as the subjective space of his objective information interactions with the environment based on the development of his mental processes (perception, attention, etc.) and the degree of formation of the conceptual and semantic sphere of the personality.

The information space of a person is built in the process of complex, primarily intellectual, activity, during which he begins to adequately perceive the phenomena of reality and respond to them accordingly; to realize and comprehend reality, penetrating into the essence of ongoing events and giving them an assessment; acquire meanings and give them personal meanings.

The structure of the information space of a person is created by him under the influence of various information environments that differ from each other in the quantity and quality of not only information sources, but also the information itself. Each element of such a structure is also an information space, which we will call a subspace. The multiplicity of information subspaces found in the course of various human interactions with objects of the surrounding information environment allows us to speak of the multidimensionality of its information space. The thinking person constantly “views” the information circulating in each subspace, comprehends, evaluates, updates, structures and rebuilds in the process of active intellectual activity. Accordingly, the sources of information (objects and phenomena of reality) that are part of a particular subspace are also subject to consideration and evaluation. And since all subspaces exist in a single information space of a person controlled by his mental system, they cannot be completely isolated from each other. By processing the perceived information flows, the human intellectual system forces various information subspaces to enter into a kind of “dialogue” with each other. Such a process, initiating a change in one information subspace, entails modifications in others, which causes the transformation of the entire structure of the human information space.

It should be emphasized that the structural organization of the information space is an important condition for the stability of interaction processes, during which a person’s relationship to reality gradually develops, stable connections and relationships arise, indicating that structuring is a creative process. Following the philosophical laws of structurality, we can talk about a qualitative change in space when building a structure, since "structural changes, accumulating in an object to a certain measure and its boundaries, inevitably ... lead the object of change to a radical transformation of the quality of this object" . Stabilization, expansion, narrowing of the information space of a person are associated with the dynamics of his intellectual-personal-activity development, since the world acquires a spatial dimension as the personality develops.

Therefore, for the formation of a person’s personality, the realization of the potential inherent in nature, the information space designed by him should be not just a place of being, but a kind of field of tension (as a total relationship of needs and motives, desires and interests, goals, meanings and values), which initiates the development of personality and the same developing personality, in turn, is structured. Such a space is formed by a person, on the one hand, as a space of inclusion in a wide, actually existing information world, and on the other hand, as a space that limits the negative influences of the outside world. The basis for the formation of the information space of a person is the wide information environment of the surrounding world, and its composition and content are determined in the process of the activity development of objects, events and phenomena of this environment by a person and is regulated by the level of development of his personality.

The conviction that the active development of the corresponding information environment by a person is the key

The basic condition for the creation of his own information space allows us to assume that the information space of a person is represented by his activity, i.e., it begins to manifest itself, take shape, build and develop in the process and through activity. Therefore, to "see" this space - to determine its structure, to identify connections and relationships of components, to establish the degree of branching of communicative processes - is possible only through the prism of activity, evaluating both the level of possession of various skills that make up the operational sphere of activity, and the degree of independence, awareness and motivation for the implementation of its purposeful process.

The main “markers” of finding the boundaries of the human information space are the methods of activity (as ways of performing activities and as ways of organizing it), tracking (selecting, fixing, classifying) which can reveal the dynamics of its development. It is practically impossible to fix the presence and degree of change of such a space in any other way, since the information space of a person is his subjective attitude to information reality, the way and form of his own existence and action in the real information world based on a special information perception and understanding of reality and the prevailing information worldview.

Based on the research of K. Levin, who considered the degree of its structuredness and integration, the breadth of the time perspective, as well as the degree of permeability of its boundaries, as the main characteristics of the personality's living space, and taking into account all of the above, we will name a number of basic characteristics of the human information space, bearing in mind, that they can change under the influence of environmental and intrapersonal factors (in particular, intellectual

but-personal-activity development of a person):

Extent (determined by the number of those areas of the information environment that are reflected in the information picture of the human world, served as the basis for the formation of his information worldview);

Structurality (associated with the perception of relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the information environment and their categorization according to the degree of significance for the subject);

Differentiation and integration (separation and integration of individual components of space, regulated by the subject himself);

Multidimensionality (set by the subjective vision and perception of information reality by a person);

Permeability of borders (openness to the information flow from the outside and the response flow from the side of the subject of space; it can be two-sided, good or bad, or one-sided, in which information flows in one direction worse than in the other).

All of the above allows us to conclude about the objectivity of the existence of the human information space, the main characteristics of which are the length, structure, differentiation and integration, multidimensionality, permeability of boundaries. Such a space is formed directly by the person himself: his independent activity, building his relationship to the environment and with others, his understanding and personal meanings acquired in the process of personal interaction with the world. From the outside, it is only possible to help a person in constructing this space, involving him in the process of active knowledge of the world, supporting his aspirations to explore and transform reality by actively mastering the potential of the information environment.

Obviously, a person is able to independently comprehend the complexity of the real information world, building his attitude towards it, mastering

vaya various activities, gradually moving forward in its development. At the same time, it is possible not only to speed up the process of cognition, but also to significantly change its quality, using the possibilities of educational conditions specially created for this purpose - such education that educates a person in the ability to think, evaluate and understand the surrounding reality, navigate in it without losing independence. of his thinking, "observing the possible impartiality in his assessment and striving to penetrate thought not only into the form of phenomena and even not only into the forms of life in general, but into its depths, its foundations" .


1. Avdeev, R. F. Philosophy information civilization/ R. F. Abdeev. - Moscow: Vlados, 1994. - 336 p.

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4. Kolin, K. K. Information approach as a fundamental method of scientific knowledge [Electronic resource] / K. K. Kolin // Intersectoral information service / VIMI. - 1998. - Issue. 1 (102). - S. 3-17. - Access mode:

5. Levin, K. Field theory in the social sciences / K. Levin. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000. - 368 p.

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7. Razumovsky, O. S. Structure [Electronic resource] / O. S. Razumovsky. - Access mode:

8. Ruvakin, N. A. Letters to readers about self-education / N. A. Rubakin // Wisdom of education. - Moscow, 1988. - 288 p.

9. Dictionary of terms. Philosophy [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://

10. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov - Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1984. - 1600 p.

11. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Electronic resource] / ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - Access mode:


History teacher MBOUSOSH No. 57, Tula - Pimenov Alexander Nikolaevich

The file will be here: /data/edu/files/x1459107667.pptx (Create Teacher Information Space / Presentation)

One of the main competencies of the modern educational process is the ability to work with information. Informatization of the educational process makes it possible to effectively provide educational and methodological assistance to students. The use of a computer in teaching makes it possible to control the cognitive activity of schoolchildren; in this case, training is built within the framework of a student-oriented model. In connection with the growth of information volumes, there is a direct need to form an information culture. The very appearance of the concept - personal learning space - reflects a change in attitudes towards what the student and teacher are doing.

The main goal of using information technologies in the educational process, as an innovative approach in education, is to develop the abilities of students on the basis of self-regulation and self-education; the formation of a scientific foundation for the successful forecasting of one's own professional activity, the creative development of the individual and the right choice of an individual program of a person.

Psychologists distinguish the following personal spaces of a person: bodily, subject space , information space , emotional space, time. Personal information space is a mandatory attribute of a person of the 21st century, and skills for its formation can be considered as important information competencies. The creation of the information space is aimed at information interaction between the subjects, satisfaction of their information needs.

Computer literacy has become a component of the professional level of a teacher. Thus, the informatization of the educational process makes it possible to effectively provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material. The development of the creative and intellectual potential of students through the use of ICT is one of the main tasks of the teacher.

The network has ceased to be an information transmission medium and a transport channel for the delivery of knowledge. It has become a place where students are constantly, where they take action with the help of social services that help them think and act together.

The use of a computer in teaching makes it possible to control the cognitive activity of schoolchildren; in this case, training is built within the framework of a student-oriented model.

The Internet is primarily an important source of information. In connection with the growth of information volumes, it is necessary to form an information culture. It is understood as knowledge of sources of information, techniques and methods of rational work with them, their application in practical activities.

The use of digital educational resources (DER) in the learning process has become commonplace and necessary, as it allows the teacher to more clearly demonstrate phenomena and processes, helps students to better understand the material, prepare for the lesson on their own or complete project work.

The Creative Teachers Network portal was created for educators who are interested in improving the quality of education through the use of information and communication technologies. On the portal, you can register and take part in the discussion of problems, exchange experiences with colleagues. Portal address:

DERs (Digital Educational Resources) are widely used both for preparing for the lesson and in its conduct, they greatly facilitate the work of the teacher, from this we can conclude that they occupy a central place in the information space of the teacher.

Digital educational resources are digitally presented photographs, video clips, static and dynamic models, virtual reality and interactive modeling objects, cartographic materials, sound recordings, symbolic objects and business graphics, text documents and other educational materials necessary for organizing the educational process.

By creating their own DERs and using those already created by someone, the teacher joins the information culture, which is currently developing very rapidly, to lag behind which means getting lost in the information society.

DERs do not require cabinets or libraries to store; they are compactly stored in computer memory or on external media. They are not so difficult to structure and systematize than materials that are in printed form. This is one of the many advantages, because by accumulating DERs over the years, structuring them and “sorting them out”, the teacher creates his own system, on which he relies in the learning process.

This will make it possible to form a database of stored resources, and with a sufficient set of them and reasonable systematization and cataloging, organize a quick and accessible search and selection of the most appropriate DER topic of interest for both the teacher and students.

Internet technologies refer to personality-oriented technologies, since they are aimed at active cognitive activity and relate to the humanistic approach in psychology and education.

Email(e-mail) - an important information resource of the Internet, the most massive means of electronic communications, through which you can receive or send messages.

I use EP as a means of communication with students. On ep, the guys send me completed tasks, presentations.

For example, there is a site where you can take tests in various subjects and get a certificate of passing it. Multifunctional online designer of tests, surveys, crossword puzzles. It is better to register there, so that not an Anonymous Guest is written on the certificate, but the surname and name of the student. The guys send me these certificates by mail.

The teacher needs a personal information and educational space:

The last decade has put the school in a situation where it is necessary to introduce significant changes in the system of teaching and educating students. These changes should be ensured by the reform of the school, which is dictated by the modernization of education, the computerization of schools. All this will allow to form a positive motivation for learning activities, to implement a differentiated, individual approach to learning at the student level, to individualize the learning process, to create a reliable system for monitoring the assimilation of knowledge, to carry out the learning process in the mode of cooperation between a teacher and a student, to improve the pedagogical qualifications of a teacher.


  1. Syromyatnikova L.M. Master class of the deputy director for educational work in a general education institution / L.M. Syromyatnikov. - M.: Globus, 2009.
  2. Patarakin E.D., Yarmakhov B.B. Everyday network culture as a solution to classification problems // Educational technologies and society. - 2007.

Information space

Around us are people, cars, natural phenomena, animals, and much more. Every thing or phenomenon has its own meaning. Each person is a source of mental and emotional energy. And there is also a space penetrated by waves of various nature. The opinion that this space influences us is absolutely correct. Not empty expressions - "waves of hatred", "radiance of happiness." We are permeated by the space of human thoughts and feelings. We can't get away from this. This is our habitat. Voluntarily or involuntarily, during the day we meet thousands of glances, exchange hundreds of remarks, experience many feelings, which, in turn, are transmitted to other people. Perhaps this is partly the cause of chronic fatigue, which is characteristic of residents of large cities. Only our own inner independence and rejection of evil within ourselves can protect us. Do not remove the evil eye - this will not help if you yourself do not keep clean in your sphere of thoughts and feelings.

A deafening cascade of other people's views, remarks and burning passions pours on us every day, and there is no such "umbrella" that would reliably protect us from emotional oversaturation.

More or less reliable protection can be the inner strength of a person, self-confidence and the correctness of his choice. Only such a set of personal qualities helps a person to prevent evil from inside himself and stay on the side of good. But this inner purity of feelings and thoughts can only be preserved by the person himself, external influences are practically powerless.

The methods for this are varied and described. Depending on how it is more convenient for a person, he or mentally “isolates himself” from the surrounding information space, but then good will not reach him either.

Some experts suggest mentally creating a protective shell around yourself - a filter, something like a two-way mirror, when negative thoughts and information are reflected on the object from which they come. It is not that difficult, and requires only the usual imagination and practice. It is paradoxical from the point of view of a rational person, but it has been repeatedly tested - and it works! But it requires one condition - not to radiate aggression yourself. And this is already more difficult, but also possible.

Now it has become very fashionable to “remove the evil eye”, and some go to this procedure almost as regularly as to a hairdresser. Of course, the opinion that half of us have been and are being subjected to the evil eye or corruption is often justified. And this is a direct consequence of the fact that secret practices are now publicly available. People live in a huge communal apartment and sometimes do not hesitate to solve their life problems with the help of magic. Not everyone is aware of the consequences of such actions, committed for the sake of momentary gain. And the vicious circle of evil closes, drawing in more and more victims of addiction to unsafe secrets.

If there were an artist capable of capturing the emotional interaction of people on paper, many would be horrified. After all, many of us move through life in a tight interlacing of "harnesses" of radiation from various people. That is why our psyche does not know rest, trying to defend our individuality. This theory is also confirmed by the enormous power possessed by collective thought. And this force can be both destructive and creative. A person who finds himself in a crowd is forced to adapt to those around him and gradually loses his independence.

In addition, the number of people who subtly perceive the effects of the psyche of others has increased markedly in our days. This means that the qualities that were previously characteristic of individual representatives of the human race become the property of a wide range of people.

Therefore, today the issue of preserving self-consciousness remains very topical. How to remain yourself and learn to resist other people's influences? There are several ways to do this, which we will discuss. The one who created this world made sure that there were diseases and cures for them, poisons and antidotes, a shadow and light that dissipates it.

Walking in the crowd, the people of a big city are in a complex intertwining field of radiation of a mass of very different people. Of course, not all of them are favorable, and our psyche is constantly in tension, trying to maintain its independence and individuality. That is why thought, when it possesses a large number of people, has such crushing power. Some researchers believe that a thought that simultaneously owns a large number of people has tremendous power, which can be both destructive and creative. Once in such a crowd, a person, against his will, begins to think and act in the same way as everyone else.

In the previous chapter, we have already talked about the impact of the media on consciousness and subconsciousness.

Today, the question of how to remain yourself and not succumb to negative influences is becoming very relevant.

As we have said, there are several ways. But they can only help to understand the feeling when we are free and decide for ourselves whether to let extraneous thoughts in or not.

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"Who was sitting in my chair? Who ate from my plate? The girl Masha invaded personal space three bears, and everything almost ended in failure. Not for bears, of course, but for Masha. And all because everyone tries to protect the boundaries of their personal space as best they can.

Surely everyone has acquaintances who, during a conversation, like to grab hands in order to better convey their thoughts; colleagues sitting at your computer at lunchtime; after all, flatmates making their own tea in your cup. In most cases, this behavior is annoying because people invade your personal space. And it is inviolable, except for the closest people.

Personal space is the area that is completely under our control. In it we feel protected from any intrusion from the outside. In fact, we often perceive personal space as part of our own personality. Therefore, we perceive any violation of the boundaries of this space as a potential threat from the outside, from which we need to defend ourselves.

Most often, personal space means a communication distance - the distance at which we are ready to “let” one or another person approach us when communicating. Anthropologist Edward Hall identified four so-called intersubjective zones:

  • intimate area - up to 50 cm;
  • personal zone - up to 1.5 m;
  • social zone - up to 4 m;
  • public area - up to 7 m.

AT intimate area we let only the closest people in, it is she who personifies our personal space. AT personal zone we allow people for personal confidential conversations. We can say that this is a zone for good friends and acquaintances. social zone- This is an area for communication with strangers. public area- this is, say, the zone between the speaker and the audience. What is outside the public area, a person usually does not perceive as something related to him.

That is why, by the way, many do not like queues and clogged public transport. The point is not only in purely physical discomfort when we have to stand for a long time and even hang in an uncomfortable position, but in the fact that our personal zone in such a situation is filled with people who, in other circumstances, we would only allow into the social one.

It is clear that these figures are highly arbitrary. Much depends on the specific culture of a certain region.. For example, the southern peoples have a smaller personal zone than the northern ones, so what they consider a manifestation of friendliness may seem aggression to the restrained northern peoples. Western peoples have a larger personal zone than Eastern peoples, so a European who keeps a comfortable distance for himself may seem unfriendly to an Eastern person. Much, of course, also depends on the individual. For example, introverts tend to be more jealous of their personal space than extroverts.

But personal space is not only the distance for communication that we choose when in contact with various people. This is also certain things we think are ours. In fact, these things may not officially belong to us. Let's say a workplace (table, chair, computer) belongs to the employer, but while we are working on it, it is our personal zone. Personal space includes your housing - an apartment, a room, or at least a bed in a hostel.

There is also emotional and informational personal space. This is the information, those emotions and experiences that we prefer not to share with others. Often this personal space is violated by teenagers whose parents find their personal diary. Personal space also includes the right to conduct free time just as you want, do not report to anyone about your hobbies and hobbies.

Very important be able to properly assess the personal space of other people and keep the right distance. What seems completely normal to us can cause them discomfort. Let's say you are used to kissing everyone on the cheek, even "hatted" acquaintances, and for some, such a greeting seems, to put it mildly, too emotional.

Often couple who started living together experience personal problems. They have everything in common - territory, hobbies, friends, even cupboards and dishes. It seems cute at first, but then it gets annoying. Therefore, everyone should have their own personal corner in the apartment - a workplace or a recreation area - their friends, their hobbies, time that they can devote only to themselves - even if it is half an hour spent in a foam bath or on the couch with a book. No one says that there shouldn't be mutual friends or common hobbies. But personal space still can not be taken away.

Personal space gives us a sense of security and relieves many stresses.. Therefore, protect it and do not violate the boundaries of the personal space of other people.