How to password protect VKontakte on Wi-Fi. Setting a password for wifi. Login to the router web interface

Safety wireless network- this is not something that should be neglected. Of course, your home Wi-Fi and the network between your laptop and tablet will be of little interest to professional hackers, because... there's nothing interesting there. But a greedy and cunning neighbor might still be interested - she’s such a freebie))). And in general, you lock the house, lock the car. Therefore, setting a password for Wi-Fi is the same thing. To do this, you don’t need to call a computer technician or customizer - you can do it yourself, because it’s a matter of a few minutes.
Now I’ll tell you how to look at and change the WiFi password on your router so that it doesn’t get hacked so easily.
Perhaps we should start by coming up with a key phrase. To do this, we use three golden rules:

1. Password length.

Yes, imagine, this parameter is of no small importance. A sequence of 4 characters can be hacked in a few minutes. It is believed that the optimal length of a Wi-Fi password is 8 characters. More is possible, the main thing is that it is at least 8. Indeed, if this is not a sequence like 12345678 or qwertyui, then hacking by selecting a Wi-Fi security key or searching through a dictionary will take quite a lot of time.

2. Complexity.

The password must contain both letters and numbers. In this case, the letters must be made in both lowercase and capital letters. If you live in a private house somewhere on the outskirts, this will be enough. It is unlikely that you will have a neighbor who is a hacker. In a high-rise building it’s already worth doing it more intricately. Those. We also add one or a couple of special characters to the key:
After that, we check it for complexity here - link.

3. Atypicality.

Do not use simple words and combinations that are used by millions more people. Eg:

I love you

You should not use your name or the names of loved ones, surnames, or street names for these purposes.

Compliance with these three simple rules will help you make a reliable key that is resistant to hacking attempts by young hackers.

The next step is to configure the Wi-Fi security on the router accordingly. Below I will give examples on wireless routers from the most popular manufacturers network equipment. If your device is not there, don’t despair. Do everything by analogy. The procedure is as follows: you need to go to the router’s web interface at In the case of D-Link, Tenda and NetGear, this could be In any case, you can see the IP of your device in the sticker on the bottom of the device:

The default login and password are also indicated there.
After this, you need to find the Wireless or Wi-Fi section (In the Russian version, the section may be called “Wireless Network” or “Wireless”) and go into it.
There will be a Security subsection, where you need to find the Version or Type parameter and set it to WPA-PSK/WPS2-PSK mixed or WPA2-PSK only. And then in the Password, Passphrase or Key field, enter the Wi-Fi password and save the settings. And that’s all business! And now examples:


On older models such as WL-G500vP, WL-G520GU and RT-G32, as well as the first RT-N10 and RT-N12, the web interface was made in blue tones. In the main menu select Additional settings >>> Wireless network. General Tab:

Most modern Asus routers already have new firmware with a dark-colored interface. The location of the menu items is the same:

In the “Authentication Method” list, select WPA2-Personal, enter the password in the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” field and click on the button Apply.


For D-Link routers from 2013 with a dark interface, you need to go to the advanced settings and find the section there WiFi:

Select an item Security Settings. The following window will open:

In the new web interface of 2014, in the menu on the right you need to select the menu item WiFi >>> Security Settings:

Set the “Network Authentication” parameter to “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed” or “WPA2-PSK”, and in the “PSK Encryption Key” field - the Wi-Fi password. Click on the “Apply” button.


The web configurator of most SOHO routers produced by TP-Link has not changed in appearance for a long time. The only difference is the language used in the interface. In the Russian version, you need to go to the section Wireless >>> Wireless Security:

In English - Wireless => Wireless Security:

We put a bold point in the section WPA/WPA2-Personal. Then, in the Version list we set WPA2-PSK and in the PSK (Wireless Password) field we enter the network key.


Models from the Keenetic family are now popular among Zyxel routers.
In the first version, you had to select the item in the menu on the right Wi-Fi Network >>> Security:

In the “Authentication” field we set WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, and in the “Network key (ASCII)” field enter the network password.

In the new Keenetic II everything has changed radically. Now in the bottom menu you need to click on the icon in the form of a wireless network indicator. The “Wi-Fi Network” section will open:

On the “Access Point” tab in the “Network Protection” list, set WPA2-PSK and in the “Network Key” field, enter the password. Press the button Apply. Ready!

IN modern world You can't do without wireless technologies. Wireless Internet access technology and the Wi-Fi network have become firmly established in the lives of many modern Internet users. Today, almost any gadget is capable of establishing a Wi-Fi connection. This applies to smartphones, tablet computers, laptops, regular desktop computers equipped with a WiFi module, and even some modern TVs.

But what to do if you are not sure about the safety of your network connection? Do you want to know how to set a Wi-Fi password? This article was created for those of you who want to know how to set a Wi-Fi password and protect yourself from unauthorized access to your wireless network. By the way, for those of you, dear readers, who want to learn how to hack a password-protected Wi-Fi, we advise you to read on this topic.

Our current article will be about the most popular router manufacturers: TP-Link, D-Link, Asus, Trendnet, Zyxel, Huawei. If you have a different router, still read the article, since it essentially works for any router. Why are we going to talk about routers? It’s simple, it’s on the router that you need to set a Wi-Fi password.

How to password protect WiFi - four simple rules

So, to understand how to password protect a Wi-Fi router, we need to understand a few simple rules:

  1. You need to connect the router to your computer via network cable. If the laptop or computer is not yet connected via a network cable, then such a cable usually comes with the router. Or you can buy it or make it yourself using twisted pair cable and a special tool. The cord is connected to the LAN connector of the router and the network card on the computer.
  2. After physically connecting the router, you will need to open any Internet browser and enter the IP address of the router (this will be discussed in more detail below).
  3. The router itself has two passwords. The first password must be entered to get into the web interface (settings) of the router, and the second password is in the settings and is responsible for the security of the Wi-Fi network. In fact, we need a second password, but we will also have to use the first one to get into the router settings. The first password can be found in the user manual for the router, which can be downloaded from the router manufacturer's website.
  4. The Wi-Fi password must be long, at least eight characters, and contain numbers and letters, otherwise it can be hacked. Such a security key in combination with the WPA2 authentication type (we will show this below in examples when setting up routers) will protect your network from hacking.

So, let's get down to business and find out how to password protect wifi. Let's assume that our router is already connected via cable to the computer or even via Wi-Fi. Now you need to find out its IP address, which can be written both on the router itself and in the user manual. There is another simple way to see the router address.

Go to Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center

A network status window will appear, in which you need to click on the “Details” button.

Go to the details and find the line “Default gateway IPv4”. It is this address that is needed to enter the router settings.

Just in case, we are posting a table of router addresses; perhaps it will be useful to you, dear readers.

An example of how to password protect Wi-Fi on an Asus router

After we have found out the IP address of the router, which is also called the gateway, we can only enter it into the address bar of the browser. For Asus, the gateway is usually

After entering the router address, an authorization window will appear in which you will need to enter a username and password (this is the “first” password of the router). For Asus, the login and password are admin and admin.

If you enter the username and password correctly, you will be taken to the router’s web interface. And then just find the menu (Advanced settings > Wireless network) and set the wi-fi password (WPA Pre-Shared Key).

If it’s still not clear, watch the video on how to set a Wi-Fi password on an Asus router.

Router TP-Link

Everything is similar, as with Asus. You need to enter in your browser and go through admin/admin authorization. In the router’s web interface, you need to find the “Wireless” menu item and then enter “Wireless Security”. There you can select the type of authentication and encryption (we recommend setting WPA2-PSK and AES) and set a password (PSK Password) - this field is necessary if you want to secure a Wi-Fi password.

Router D-Link

To set a password, you need to go to the address or (depending on the router model, usually the address is indicated on the cover of the router), and enter the login “admin” and password “admin”. Next you need to find the “WiFi” menu item and then “Security Settings”. We recommend that you select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK authentication, and WPA encryption type is AES. In the “PSK encryption key” field, enter our password.

Watch the video on how to password-protect a D-Link Wi-Fi router:

Zyxel router

We enter the IP address into the browser line, after which we go through authentication. We need the “Wi-Fi Network” tab, after which we need to go to the “Security” tab. We set up mixed authentication WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK and set a key phrase, which is the desired Wi-Fi password.

Watch the video on how to set a Wi-Fi password on a Zyxel router:

Trendnet router

On most Trendnet router models, the address is; to enter the admin panel, you need to enter the login and password admin/admin. Then you need to find the “Wireless” tab and then the “Security” sub-item. In the window that appears, select “Authentication Type” WPA2. The password is set in the “Passphrase” and “Confirm Passphrase” fields. Don't forget to apply the changes using the "Apply" button.

If you have any questions, watch the following video:

Huawei router

We log in through a browser at to the router, and log in using the username/password - root/root. In the router settings, look for the “Wlan” menu item. The “Enable Wlan” checkbox is responsible for the operation of the wireless network, in other words, it turns on the WiFi network. “SSID Name” is the name of your Wi-Fi network. It is better to set the “Authentication Mode” to WPA2 Pre-Shared Key. And the “WPA Pre-Shared Key” field is the password that needs to be set.

Watch the video on how to change the security key on a Huawei router:

This concludes our article, we hope it was useful and you have password protected Wi-Fi on your router. Don't forget about security - type of authentication and encryption. Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments.

How to password protect a Wi-Fi router in three minutes? Read! Gone are the days when the Internet was connected to a PC only through a wired connection. Now all modern gadgets support the Wi-Fi function and can work in a wireless network just as well as with a direct wired connection! In almost every apartment, a special device, a router, is used to meet Wi-Fi needs. These networks are mainly used for home or office services.


A wireless network can extend over tens of meters, depending on the power of the router. And to prevent uninvited guests from using your traffic, you need to know how to password protect your Wi-Fi router.

How to set a password on a wifi router (password)?

In this article we will look at the principle of changing the password, because regardless of the manufacturer, be it Asus, D-link, TP-link, Zyxel, it is identical. All the settings you set can be easily changed, and even easier to reset to factory settings. It is necessary to realize the importance of this action, because all devices are connected to a common local network and data can be accessed. To prevent this from happening, you must protect the network with a password!

Changing the router settings is done through the web interface. On the same label, on the back cover of the router, “site” is written, which consists only of numbers and dots (usually or something similar). It must be entered into the address bar of the browser you use to view web pages. A window will open in front of you, where you need to enter the factory login and password indicated on the same label on the back of the router. By default they are set to “admin and admin”, respectively. Once you have entered this data, press the “Log In” button.

If someone changed the factory login and password of your router, or you simply forgot it, you can click the Reset button to return all the router settings (including the login and password to access its settings) to the original (default) ones. Usually the Reset button is pressed in and to press it you need to arm yourself with a match or a toothpick.

So, a site map has opened in front of you - this is the main menu for managing the router. Your task is to find the Security tab. After this, we will be taken to a page where you will need to find fields called “Password” and “Confirm the password”. Your task is to write the password you created in each field. We’ll tell you a little later which password is best to create to protect your network.

After you have written a new password in the two corresponding fields, press the Save Setting button. Ideally, change the login value by changing the standard “admin” to “hamer17” (for example), this way the router will be more protected from hacking - now you know how to set the wifi password.

Some users, after all the steps taken, are wondering how to change the wifi password. Yes, exactly the same way as putting it on! You need to log into the site map using your password and login. And in the Security tab, write a new password value, saving it, that’s all!

Even after changing the router password, do not forget to look and use it for free!

What password should I choose for WiFi?

This is the most important point regarding the protection of the entire wireless network system. There are often cases of hacking a Wi-Fi password by simply guessing it. Those. You need to use a password that no one will guess and that is difficult to guess. By the way, there are many programs for cracking (bringing) passwords, but even they will not be able to guess a complex password; it will take them several decades to find a complex password. So, consider the basic principles of creating a password:

  • Do not use a primitive password, discard the options qwerty or 12345 and the like!
  • The password must contain both numbers, letters, and special characters (*, %, #, etc.), then it is much more difficult to crack.
  • Use information that is not related to you. Those. year of birth or address of the house where you live is not suitable for a password.
  • When creating a password, consider the case of letters. In other words, the password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.

Attention! Your password must not be less than eight characters!

If you use the data, you can protect your wireless network 100%. That's all, the question turned out to be: “How to set a password for wifi?” not so difficult! Good luck in this difficult task!

Today the article will be devoted to TP-Link routers. I'll tell you how to set a password for the Wi-Fi network of a TP-Link router. If you just need to change your password, then you can do it using these instructions. Let's consider the process of installing or changing a password specifically for protection Wi-Fi networks. There’s just another password on the router that protects the settings. You can change it. I wrote in an article about how to further protect the settings of a TP-Link router.

It is imperative to protect your Wi-Fi network. Moreover, this must be done while setting up the router. I always write about this in instructions for setting up routers specific models. If you don’t set a password for Wi-Fi and leave your network open, then anyone can connect to it.

Some of the neighbors will definitely not miss this opportunity :) Yes, now providers offer normal speed and complete unlimited, and it doesn’t even seem a pity, let them use the Internet. But, if everything were so simple, there are several nuances here: all devices that will connect to your router (besides yours) will load the router itself, and it may simply not withstand the load, the speed of the Internet connection itself will drop, and even and there is a risk that someone will be able to access your local network, and to your files on your computer. I think that this is enough to reliably protect your Wi-Fi and set a good password, which is what we will do now on the TP-Link router.

This article is useful for all Tp-Link router models: TL-WR740N, TL-WR940N, TL-WA701ND, TL-WR743ND, TL-WR842ND, TL-MR3220 and other models. I recently updated the article and added information on setting up protection in the new web interface.

How to set a Wi-Fi password on a TP-Link router

You should be prompted for your username and password. Default - admin And admin. You may have already changed them, so please indicate yours. If you changed it and forgot (standard ones do not fit), then you have to.

  1. Open the tab Wireless(Wireless mode) - Wireless Security(Wireless Security).
  2. Select an item WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended).
  3. In points Version(Version) and Encryption(encryption) I advise you to leave it Automatic, so that later there will be no problems connecting to Wi-Fi.
  4. And in the field Password(PSK Password) Enter the password you will use when connecting to your Wi-Fi. The password must be at least 8 characters long, and preferably complex. Try not to forget your password, or better yet, write it down. If you forget, you can try.
  5. Click the button Save(Save) to save the settings.
  6. That's it, we've set a password for Wi-Fi! Now ours TP-Link router protected.

If you just wanted to change the password on Tp-Link, then we do everything exactly the same, just delete Old Password, set a new one and save the settings. After the reboot, you need to connect to your network using the new password that we just set.

How to change the password on a TP-Link router (new control panel)

If you have a new TP-Link router with an updated web-interest, which is in blue tones, then enter the settings and change Wi-Fi password networks will be slightly different. Go to settings at the address, or .

You can change your password on the " tab Basic settings" (Basic) – "Wireless mode".

Please note that if you have a dual-band router that distributes two Wi-Fi networks at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, then a password must be set for both networks. It may be the same or different. It doesn't matter whichever is more convenient for you.

Devices do not connect via Wi-Fi to TP-Link after changing the password

A very popular problem. After you have changed or set a new wireless network password, your devices (computers, laptops, phones, tablets, TVs, etc.) They may simply not connect to Wi-Fi. A very popular error usually appears on your computer: “The network settings saved on this computer do not meet the requirements of this network.”

As a rule, this small problem is solved simple removal Wi-Fi network and reconnect with a new password. Removing a network is not difficult. On mobile device Just click on the network itself and just hold it, and then select “delete network”. I wrote about how to do this on a computer in the article:, and. There this function is called “forget network”.

After these simple steps, everything should work. If anything, ask in the comments.