How to run flash in Yandex. Flash player does not work in Yandex browser. Selecting a modification of Flash Player for Yandex

Despite Adobe's announced end of support for Flash in 2020, the Flash Player plug-in continues to be actively used in web browsers to deliver video content to users, and the multimedia platform is a common foundation for web applications. In the popular Yandex Browser, the plug-in is integrated, and usually pages with flash content are displayed without problems. If platform failures occur, you should understand the causes and apply one of the ways to eliminate errors.

Reasons for inoperability Flash Player there may be several in Yandex.Browser, as well as ways by which the problem is solved. Considering the instructions described below, it is advisable to go step by step, following the recommendations one by one until a situation occurs in which failures and errors are not observed.

Browser errors that occur when trying to view Flash content on web pages are not necessarily caused by the inoperability of any software or hardware components of the system being used. Quite often, multimedia content is not displayed properly due to problems with the web resource on which it is hosted. Therefore, before moving on to cardinal ways to solve problems with Flash Player in Yandex.Browser, you should make sure that the technology does not work globally when opening different web pages.

Reason 2: Flash Player is missing from the system

The first thing to check when discovering incorrect display flash content of web pages in Yandex.Browser is the presence of platform components in the system. For some reason or by accident, Flash Player could simply be deleted.

Since Yandex.Browser uses the PPAPI version of the Flash Player, and the browser itself is built on the Blink engine used in Chromium, it is important to choose the correct version of the package when downloading the component installer from the Adobe website!

Reason 3: Plugin is deactivated

The situation when the platform is installed in the system, and the Flash Player plugin does not work in Yandex.Browser, but functions normally in other browsers, may indicate that the component is disabled in the browser settings.

To fix the problem, follow the steps to activate Flash Player in Yandex.Browser.

Reason 4: An outdated version of the component and/or browser

Adobe is constantly releasing updated versions of the browser add-on in question, thus addressing the identified platform vulnerabilities and other issues. Legacy version plug-in, among other reasons, may lead to the impossibility of displaying flash-content of web pages.

Often, the upgrade of the plug-in in Yandex.Browser occurs automatically and is carried out simultaneously with the browser update, which does not require user intervention. Therefore, the easiest way to get the latest version of the add-on in question is to update the browser. The procedure is described in the article at the link below, follow the steps of the instructions listed in it.

If malfunctions in the multimedia platform do not disappear after updating Yandex.Browser, it will not be superfluous to check the version of the plug-in and, if necessary, update it manually. To check if the Flash Player version is up to date:

If the number of the platform version available for installation is higher than the number of the installed plug-in, update it. A description of the process of updating the Flash Player version in automatic and manual modes is available in the material:

Reason 5: Plugin Conflict

During the operation of Windows, frequent installation of programs and / or system components, a situation may arise when the OS will contain two types of the Flash Player plug-in - NPAPI- and a component of a more modern and safe PPAPI type, which comes with Yandex Browser. In some cases, the components conflict, which leads to the inoperability of individual elements of web pages in the browser. To check and eliminate this phenomenon, do the following:

Reason 6: Hardware incompatibility

The cause of errors when viewing multimedia content of web pages opened with Yandex.Browser and created using Flash technology may be hardware failures caused by incompatibility of individual components and software. To eliminate this factor, you need to disable the hardware acceleration used by Flash Player to reduce the load on the browser engine.

Reason 7: Incorrect software operation

If the above causes of Flash Player inoperability do not change the situation after their elimination, the most radical method should be applied - a complete reinstallation of the software components of the system involved in working with the platform. Reinstall both the browser and the Flash Feature Pack by following the steps below:

Thus, after following the recommendations outlined above, all Adobe Flash Player problems in Yandex.Browser should be a thing of the past. We hope that the use of one of the most popular Internet browsers and the most common multimedia platform will no longer cause trouble to the reader!

Software developers provide programs with a basic set of preset parameters that are not always beneficial to the user. The same applies to Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser, basic setup The plugin is not suitable for everyone, so you often have to change the settings yourself. There are a lot of options that allow you to change the behavior of Flash Player: turn it on / off, make an exclusion list, set permissions, etc.

How to change Flash Player launch settings in Yandex browser

The most important and requested setting concerns the launch of the plugin. There are 3 ways to use Flash Player in Yandex browser:

  • Runs on all sites;
  • Works on sites added to the "white list" and not in the "black list";
  • Doesn't launch anywhere.

It is easy to configure turning Flash Player on and off in Yandex browser:

For more demanding users of Adobe Flash Player, Yandex browser provides an exception function. Here we can configure on which sites the plugin will not work, and where it will run.

Adding and removing sites from the lists:

Local setting of Flash Player in Yandex browser

In addition to changing the launch parameters of the module, we can make changes to the very way Flash Player works in Yandex browser. All settings are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Local. They operate on one site and we can reconfigure them here;
  2. Global. Allows you to change the behavior on all resources using the player.

Replace local settings the easiest way is just to press right click click on any flash element on the site and select "Options". This way you can set up:

  • "Display" is a tab that allows you to enable hardware acceleration. It helps to process large amounts of data without freezing. We recommend keeping it enabled. Sometimes you have to turn off acceleration (if the player does not work well and slows down);
  • "Confidentiality". The tab contains important setting Flash Player for Yandex browser - access to external devices sound perception and video capture. We may block or allow camera and microphone access to this site;
  • Local storage. For most flash data to work, the information must be stored on a computer. We are able to block the saving of information, but this will lead to incorrect operation of a number of sites. How applications use local storage:
    • To store the movie cache. The browser downloads the video a few minutes ahead, saving it to the computer. Mostly data is stored in the cache, but some parameters are added to the player;
    • For calculating and saving user data in flash games. Certain achievements get into the storage, constant values ​​that do not make sense to load regularly, numbers for calculating positions, damage, etc.;
    • For user authentication. The session identifier is recorded in the local storage, which allows us to be identified even after switching to another page of the site or after a short absence from the resource.
  • Microphone. On the tab, we can choose which microphone is used as the main sound source, and also configure echo cancellation and sound volume directly in the Yandex browser through Adobe Flash Player. By default, the volume is set to 50%;
  • Camera. Here we can set which camera the module will use.

Global setting Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser

On the official website "Macromedia"There is a page for setting general settings. If you add a change here, it will apply to all sites. The page will help us to establish the correct work. We can also go to the right place by right-clicking on the flash banner and selecting "Global Settings".

Some settings overlap with the previous paragraph, but there are additional options.

What can be configured here:

  • « Global privacy settings". This implies permission to access the user's camera and microphone. There are 2 work options: "Always ask ..." and "Always forbid";
  • « Global Storage Options". Here we can set the amount of memory allocated for storing information by applications. By moving the slider, we can easily disable the feature or make the storage unlimited. Additionally, there is a setting to allow or block the addition of flash content to the PC. In the column "Save common Flash components ..." it is better to check the box, this will help reduce the time to load data;
  • « Global security settings". Sometimes, for the player to work on the site, you need to download data from another resource. Mostly the action does not lead to a security breach, but certain vulnerabilities are present. In order to ensure maximum security, it is better to disable the function;
  • « Playing protected content". Some materials are protected from distribution by copyright. By default, Adobe players save licenses to your computer and use them when processing protected data. If there was a failure with the processing of licenses, we can “Reset” the storage data, their collection will start again;
  • « Website privacy settings". We can prohibit or allow individual sites to work with a microphone or camera. On the tab, select the site and set the permissions;
  • « Website storage options". The setting is similar to global, but allows you to configure access to local storage for each resource individually. Additionally, on the page we can study the amount of space used by each site;
  • « Peer-to-peer network settings". A number of sites for downloading content use the P2P protocol, that is, data is downloaded from computers of other participants in the system. The protocol helps reduce the load on the resource server. We can prohibit or allow the possibility of individual sites.

Important! If the settings panel is not displayed instead of the flash content, you need to run the plugin. We should make RMB on the problem area and select "Run this module".

In general, there are a lot of settings, everyone can personalize the module and make it as effective as possible. For example, in addition to the above parameters, we can configure Flash Player in Yandex browser to work on old, low-power computers by setting the image quality. Having made RMB on the flash player, hover over "Quality" and select "Low", "Medium" or "High".

The Flash Player plugin is already built into the Yandex web browser, which means that you do not need to download it separately - you can immediately proceed to setting it up.

  • Allow Flash to run on all sites. This item means that on all sites that have Flash content, this content will be automatically launched. Today, web browser developers do not recommend checking this item, as this makes the program vulnerable.
  • Find and run only important Flash content. This item is set by default in Yandex.Browser. This means that the web browser itself decides whether to launch the player and display content on the site. This is fraught with the fact that the browser may not display the content that you want to see.
  • Block Flash on all sites. A complete ban on the work of the Flash Player plug-in. This step will significantly secure your browser, but you will also have to sacrifice that some audio or video content will not be displayed on the Internet.

  • Whichever item you choose, you have the option of creating a personal list of exceptions, where you can independently set the Flash Player action for a specific site.

    For example, for security reasons, you want to disable Flash Player, but, for example, you prefer to listen to music in social network VKontakte, for the playback of which the notorious player is required. In this case, you need to click on the button "Managing Exceptions".

  • A ready-made list of exclusions compiled by the developers of Yandex.Browser will be displayed on the screen. To add your own site and assign an action to it, select any existing web resource with one click, and then enter the URL of the site you are interested in (in our example, this is
  • Once you have specified the site, all you have to do is assign an action to it - to do this, click on the button on the right to display a pop-up list. Three actions are also available to you: allow, find content, and block. In our example, we mark the parameter "Allow", then save the changes by clicking on the button "Ready" and close the window.
  • Today, these are all options for setting up the Flash Player plugin in the browser from Yandex. It is possible that soon this feature will also disappear, since all the developers of popular web browsers have long planned to abandon support for this technology in favor of strengthening the browser's security.

    How to update the Adobe Flash Player plugin in Yandex browser so that there are no problems with displaying visual content on sites? Consider a few simple ways install flash player in Yandex.

    In fact, the specified plugin is integrated into the web browser, and updates are installed automatically every time the browser is updated. But sometimes it happens that this procedure is disabled manually or using a third-party optimizer application.

    What should be done?

    • Launch Yandex, click on the main menu button in the upper right corner;
    • Go to the "Advanced" item, then a new list is displayed, where you should click on the item called "About the browser";
    • A window is loaded with information - whether your version is up-to-date or not. If you need an update, you can download it right here.
    • After the done manipulations, you will need to restart the program.

    How to update the flash player in Yandex Browser through the official website

    Just in case, let's talk about one more scenario. It will take a few minutes to implement the instruction:

    • Let's move on link and we find ourselves on a page where you can download Adobe Flash Player for Yandex browser for free;
    • There are two options available for selection: in the first one, we specify your operating system (Windows 7, Windows 10, etc.), in the second - “for Opera & Chromium”. Do not forget to uncheck the boxes to refuse to install McAfee antivirus:

    • When the file is downloaded to the PC, you should open it, wait about a minute until the installer receives the necessary files;
    • Close all running browsers (Google Chrome, Yandex) so as not to interfere with the update:

    • At the end, click "Finish".


    This video from our Youtube channel will help you figure out how to install Flash Player in different applications– Opera, Chrome, Firefox:

    How to turn on automatic updates in Windows

    You can go a little different way - more confusing, but allowing the operating system to download and install the required updates on its own.

    • We open the "Control Panel" by any method known to you - through the search, the "Start" menu, etc.;
    • In the window on the right, change the view mode so that the value is "Small Icons" (see the screenshot below);
    • Now we see the “Flash Player” element in the first place, click on it to call up the parameters;
    • Go to the "Updates" tab, where you should click on the "Change settings ..." button, and then set the switch opposite the line "Allow Adobe to install ...". (recommended):

    How to check Flash Player version in Yamdex Browser

    It is possible that nothing needs to be updated. After spending just a minute of your time, you can check the relevance of the installed Adobe Flash Player.

    • In a web browser, open the page with the address:


    • We see a list of plugins, among which there is AFP, and the build number is indicated next to it:

    • We compare the two obtained values ​​and draw the appropriate conclusions.

    Congratulations! Now you know how to update the Adobe Flash Player plugin in Yandex browser different ways. Do you have any questions? You are welcome in the comments!

    - This is a special plug-in or extension that allows you to post special content on web pages: video, music, animation, games, flash applications. For it to work, the user must integrate this plugin into the browser. However, there are reviewers such as Google Chrome and Yandex, in which the flash plugin is already built-in. In other browsers, it must be installed manually and activated.

    Currently the most popular plugin is . This program is installed on more than 95% of PCs with Windows XP and above. She needs an update. However, until 2020, the company that developed this application is going to stop supporting it. Although, as long as support and updating of this product is carried out, you need to know which Flash Player for Yandex Browser is better to download? We also suggest considering topics on how to update this product and configure its operation.

    Selecting a modification of Flash Player for Yandex

    Yandex Browser has a flash player enabled by default. Therefore, it is not necessary to download this component additionally. However, there are times when the player stops working, for some reason does not receive the necessary updates, and because of this, the content on the site does not play correctly. Therefore there is official way how to check the installed version of the program and select (if necessary) a new one compatible with Yandex.

    IMPORTANT! Not all versions of Flash Player are compatible with Yandex.Browser. Downloading a new plugin should always be done from the browser for which you are downloading it.

    To check which version of the flash is installed on your Windows, you should follow a few simple steps:

    • You need to launch the browser and click on the Menu button. Next, select "Advanced", "About the browser" in the list.
    • Start checking all installed plugins on the relevance of the browser itself as a whole. We look at the version of the browser.

    IMPORTANT! If you are in Ukraine, then the update may not download due to regional blocking. To do this, you will need to install a VPN. If your browser receives updates, then the installation of the flash player will be automatic.

    • Now in the search bar enter browser://plugins. We look at the version of the installed plugin.

    • This will be the necessary modification, since the browser does not support all versions of the plugin and loads only the one that is needed.

    If it is impossible to get an update for Flesh Player due to regional peculiarities, then you can download the flash player the classic way- from the official website of Adobe, took into account the version and bit depth operating system(32 and 64 bit systems). Only this should be done in cases where you have opened the site, want to watch some video or start the game, and the browser notifies you of the need to update the component.

    Is it worth downloading the newest version of the plugin all the time

    Since Flash Player is integrated into the Yandex browser, its latest builds should be installed automatically. Even if this did not happen, this does not mean that Adobe Flash Player is not suitable for Yandex Browser. Each version of the browser supports different versions of the plugin, and therefore the program itself determines which assembly to download. Therefore, if the player is working normally and has not started to slow down, then you do not need to update it!

    Why do I need to update Adobe Flash Player for Yandex browser

    You do not need to update the flash player in the Yandex browser. However, if you notice that some online games do not start, some players on the sites do not work, then you need to download free client player from the official resource.

    It should also be noted that the relevance of this component is important in its own way, since:

    • The quality of playback of the displayed multimedia content depends on the installed flash player.
    • Flash games are constantly updated, new technologies are being introduced, which the player must also support, and this is only possible if its current version is installed.
    • Support for all operating systems. Windows and Android are being updated, so Adobe should also be compatible with the platform.

    Therefore, you need to periodically check the relevance of the flash player and update it manually if this process was not performed automatically.

    Features of installing and configuring Adobe Flash Player in the Yandex browser

    If for some reason your player stopped starting or the browser itself (and the component along with it) stopped updating, then decide this problem possible as follows.

    First, you need to look in the settings, maybe the player is simply disabled and needs to be enabled. To do this, do the following:

    • We insert this address into the Yandex.Browser search bar - browser://plugins.
    • The desired section will open. On the right side there will be a button "Details". We click on it.
    • The entire branch of installed plugins and other components will be expanded.
    • Under Adobe Flash Player, check the "Always run" box.

    • Restart the browser for the changes to take effect.

    If the program still does not work correctly after enabling the component, then you need to remove all installed versions of the player. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and select "Programs and Features". A list will be built installed programs and games. We find the flash, select it and click on the "Delete" button at the top.

    After removing this component, it is worth restarting the operating system.

    Now let's go to the official website of Adobe. Select the version of the operating system. Next, select the product for which the player is being loaded. Since Yandex is built on Chromium, we select it.

    Offers to additionally download an antivirus, etc. appear on the side. We remove the marks and click "Download".

    Now we start the installation by clicking on the "Run" button.

    Let the program make changes.

    And now the most important thing! If you want the player to be updated automatically, then you need to put the first mark. For manual updating, select the second item. If you put a mark on the third position, then the flash will not be updated at all and even notifications will not be displayed.

    We are waiting for the component to be installed. All browsers should be closed at this time.

    Launch the browser and check if everything works.

    What to do if you can't enable Flash Player

    If Flash Player does not want to turn on or work on your computer, then you can try the following troubleshooting options:

    • Clear plugin cache. To do this, press "Win + R" so that the "Run" line appears. Enter "%appdata%\Adobe" in the field.

    • The program folder will open. We open it. Inside there will be another directory - Native Cache. It must be deleted, and then the entire Flash Player folder.

    • Now run Run again and type in %appdata%\Macromedia. This command will restore the player folder.

    If the problem with the player occurs only on a specific site, then you can try to free up disk space. To do this, do the following:

    • Go to the Flash Player Settings Manager page.
    • From the list, select the site with which you are having problems.
    • Drag the slider to 10 MB.

    • We restart the browser.

    IMPORTANT! If these methods did not help fix the problem, then perhaps it lies in the browser itself, since flash is integrated into Yandex. It is worth uninstalling and installing a clean version of the browser