How to set up a camera on a fly phone. Choosing the best camera with effects for android on a smartphone and tablet. Camera shooting modes on phones

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a smartphone in which a camera would not be installed. The shooting module has become an integral part of a mobile device, like Wi-Fi or a second SIM card slot. And of course, every user tries to take a good picture using a mobile camera.

Looking at the pictures posted on social networks or blogs, you can see that even with a high-quality camera it is not always possible to take such a high-quality photo. Sometimes the human factor is to blame - well, in principle, a person is not capable of capturing a beautiful frame - but most often the point is that the user ignores or incorrectly sets the camera settings.

There are three ways to significantly improve the quality of photos and videos:

  • Using your own camera settings;
  • Through engineering menu;
  • With a dedicated application.

In our article, we will give basic tips for improving pictures, as well as describe in detail how the camera is set up on Android.

Before you start setting up the camera, you should understand the basic rules for shooting on a smartphone. By following these recommendations, you will already be half way to high-quality photography.

  1. Keep your lens clean. Before shooting, wipe the lens with a soft cloth so that the picture is not spoiled by smudges and dust particles that inevitably fall on the lens;
  2. Consider light. It is extremely important that the subject is well lit. If you are shooting a person or object in a room, do not place it in front of a window so that the picture does not turn out to be one solid white spot. We will talk about how to adjust the camera for lighting below;
  3. Don't overuse zoom. Smartphone cameras are usually equipped with a digital magnifier, which greatly distorts the photo. If possible, it is better to get closer to the subject so that a similar picture does not turn out:
  1. Use the flash only for its intended purpose. If photography takes place at dusk, sometimes you can’t do without a flash. In this case, set it to "Auto". The smartphone itself will “figure out” when it needs to be used. In the afternoon, it is better to completely refuse the flash:

In order to achieve a good picture, the user needs to set a competent combination of camera settings that correspond to the shooting conditions.

Let's analyze the main menu items of the camera in order:

Exposure. This function determines the amount of light that will hit the camera sensor. As a rule, the exposure varies from -3 to +3. If you shoot in the evening, set the exposure to plus. On a bright sunny day, accordingly, it is better to reduce the exposure. The picture below shows examples of how the picture turns out if, under even lighting, the frame is overexposed or underexposed:

color effect. As a rule, 6 main effects are available in the color settings:

  • Monochrome;
  • Sepia;
  • Negative;
  • Under the water;
  • Chalk on a black board;
  • White board.

These effects come in handy if you want to add styling to your snapshot. For example, for a more atmospheric and dramatic photo, you can turn on monochrome, and sepia will help if you want to take a picture in retro style:

shooting mode. Here, the setting depends on the time and place of shooting. Use the appropriate modes if you are shooting on the beach, in the snow, in the city during a fireworks display, photographing a car race, or taking a night portrait.

White balance. This feature adds warm or cool tones to the picture. The white balance setting depends on the lighting. The photo below shows an example of two shots. The left one was made in the "Shadow" mode, the right one - in the "Incandescent lamp" mode:

If you are not exactly sure which mode to set, it is better to switch to auto balance.

In the image settings, you can adjust the sharpness, hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast of the image. By default, all parameters are set to "Normal".

Frequency. This parameter determines the flicker frequency of the light source in hertz. In order not to puzzle over this value, leave the parameter in the Auto mode.

The image size is set in megapixels. If the smartphone has sufficient internal or external memory, it is better not to skimp on the dimensions and set the maximum setting of this parameter as far as the camera allows.

The ISO parameter determines the light sensitivity of the camera matrix. The higher this value, the more light will hit the sensor. Therefore, lighting conditions should be taken into account when setting this parameter. In a dark room, the ISO should be set higher, and in bright sunlight, it is better to lower the ISO to a value of 100 or 200.

The photo below shows two shots that show extreme ISO values. Left snapshot - value 100, right - 1600.

Setting up the camera in the Android engineering menu

Access to the engineering menu is provided only on smartphones with a MediaTek processor and Android version not older than the second. To get into the engineering settings of the camera, you must enter a special combination on the numeric keypad. As a rule, this code is *#*#3646633#*#*. The camera settings are located in the Hardware Testing section. Here you can find a fairly extensive list of fine-tuning:

  • Camera sensor selection;
  • Capture and shutter speed;
  • shade chart;
  • Flash calibration;
  • Focus settings;
  • HDR mode options and others.

Please note that setting up the camera through the Android engineering menu is a rather complicated and responsible task. If you are in doubt or do not know which parameter is responsible for what, it is better not to touch the root settings of the camera and try to improve the picture through the parameters in the main menu.

Applications to expand the functionality of the camera

Some programs that are downloaded in the store Google Play, significantly expand the smartphone camera settings. Having mastered such applications, the user can improve the quality of the picture. We recommend paying attention to several paid utilities. They are inexpensive, but your shooting will not be disturbed by constantly pop-up ads.

Cost: 129 rubles.

An application that adds a huge number of settings to the photo module on a smartphone, turning it into a real professional camera. With the help of the utility, you can fine-tune camera stabilization, align exposure, focus, flash brightness, set the shooting interval, colors and scene illumination. A special scale shows the angle of the camera, so that it can be used to maintain an even horizon.

Cost: 179 rubles

A handy application designed for high-quality camera settings before shooting. It is worth noting a very thoughtful program interface, thanks to which most of the tools are available in one click on the screen.

The main functions of the application:

  • two states of the shutter button - press to focus, release to take a picture; movable reticle to set the focus area;
  • visual histogram; exposure compensation; exposure metering mode - matrix, center-weighted, spot;
  • autofocus mode - single-frame, continuous, face recognition, etc.;
  • white balance;
  • shutter mode;
  • Scene setting;
  • color effects;
  • grids: rule of thirds, golden ratio, etc.;
  • volume keys as shutter buttons.

If you seriously decide to improve the quality of photos, in addition to camera settings, pay attention to additional tools. When taking a photoset on the street or in nature, we recommend using special tripods for your smartphone.

If you're shooting small items indoors, get an inexpensive lightbox - a special box that is, in fact, a mini photo studio. Lightbox gives a soft diffused light and allows you to avoid unnecessary noise and shadows in the photo. Also, do not neglect graphic programs. With the help of simple manipulations with their help, you can significantly improve the quality of the image. For example, this photo was taken using a lightbox and underwent a little post-processing in Photoshop (color correction and sharpening):

Which smartphone to choose for high-quality photos

Many users believe that the quality of the camera is determined by the price of the smartphone. That is, according to this logic, the more expensive the gadget, the better the photo will come out. However, as practice shows, you can achieve excellent pictures using an affordable mobile device that will cost less than 10 thousand rubles.

An ideal example in this sense is the British company Fly, which since 2003 has been providing users with powerful, productive and affordable smartphones. One of the latest models with which you can safely go on a photo hunt is the novelty of spring 2017 - a smartphone. The 13-megapixel main photo module will help you create an impressive shot even in difficult lighting conditions, and the 5-megapixel front camera will provide clear video communication and will appeal to lovers of spectacular selfies.

It is worth noting that the camera contains the most basic settings that will help create the perfect photo. Here you can set ISO, white balance, color effect, tone, and more.

The smartphone is equipped with a powerful 1.5 GHz quad-core processor, which can easily handle the most voluminous photo post-processing application or camera spot adjustment utility. The size of the pictures can be easily set to the maximum - the amount of internal memory of 16 GB will allow you to save more than one thousand memorable photos. And if this volume is not enough, the smartphone’s memory can be increased up to 64 GB using an SD card.

All captured photos are realistically displayed on a bright and high-contrast 5-inch IPS screen with FullHD resolution. On such a display, it is simply impossible to miss even the smallest detail of the picture.

Now you know how to set up the camera on Android. Arm yourself with powerful quality smartphone, follow our recommendations and you will not be left without great photos.

  • To improve the quality of photographs, the White Balance function allows you to correct the color depending on the type of lighting (incandescent or fluorescent, natural light, sunny or overcast weather). Automatic adjustment of light balance is possible.
  • “Location Recording” via GPS (with and without photo).
  • Flash mode. If you don't know when to use it, set the mode to "Auto" and the device will turn it on when needed.
  • Image stabilization. This feature will prevent your photo from being ruined if your phone moves due to uneven breathing or hand shaking while taking a picture.
  • Digital zoom (zoom in from 1x to 2x).

Setting up the camera for chatting in Skype

Setting up a camera for communication in Skype is not difficult. To do this, you need to enter the "Advanced Settings" section of video recording and check the box "Forced calls" for both the rear and front cameras. Then restart your device and choose which one to communicate on.

Camera problems and how to fix them

The performance of the camera may deteriorate during use. This can be caused by various reasons: contamination of the sensor; clogging the cache or mechanical damage to the module responsible for the settings; virus damage. There are several ways to improve the performance of your device.

At automatic update firmware often loses basic settings, leading to incorrect operation of applications. To fix this problem, just do the following:

  1. go to the gadget settings;
  2. go to "Backup";
  3. enable the "Reset to factory settings" function.
  • The problem with viruses will be solved by cleaning the system and installing an antivirus program.
  • To clear the cache of the module, go to "Settings", select the "Applications" section. In its menu, find the "Camera" subsection and enable the "Clear cache" option.
  • Download and set up an application alternative to the standard camera, for example, HD or DSLRCamera, ShotControl, etc.
  • By wiping the lens before each use, you will eliminate the risk of dots and subtle smudges in the pictures.
  • Try not to use Zoom. Any photo can be corrected in a graphic editor. With digital "zoom" the likelihood that it will be irretrievably damaged increases dramatically.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a mobile gadget that is deprived of the ability to take photos and record videos.

Today, any, even the most budgetary device, has a full-fledged photo and video camera with a bunch of settings for settings. The problem is that not every smartphone owner can navigate all the variety of these settings. In this article, we will try to shed light on the main camera parameters of phones (Android) and reveal their purpose.

Camera resolution

Shutter speed/aperture/aperture

This setting is for aperture control. The greater the value of the parameter, the better camera will be open to light. Do not set too long a shutter speed, as overexposure may result.

All the details about aperture and camera aperture are collected and .


The short name of this function can be decoded as (Image Sensor Optimization). Changing the characteristics of this parameter makes it possible to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the lens to light. It is recommended to increase the ISO value only when shooting in low light conditions, otherwise extraneous noise will be noticeable in the photo.


This feature allows you to adjust the brightness of the picture. By moving the slider left and right, the user changes the light level of the frame. This allows you to set the most suitable mode in terms of aperture ratio in order to improve the visibility of objects.

We talked about the most important camera settings in Android phones and smartphones. By using all the available settings wisely, you can achieve the best image quality.

Do you often shoot with a smartphone camera? Are you fond of selfies, do you like to apply various effects to your photos? This guide, first of all, will be of interest to Android users, for a number of reasons, dissatisfied with the Android system camera. By installing camera apps from Google Play (the best ones are here), you will definitely kill a few birds with one stone:

  • you can significantly improve the camera on your phone or smartphone
  • add dozens of colorful eye-catching photo effects, nice filters
  • add a number of functions useful when shooting on the phone and when manually controlling the camera
  • improve camera control by adding new gestures (by the way, monopod owners will be interested in specialized selfie cameras like Selfishop Camera)
  • if on Android - you can fix this common error on your smartphone and tablet

Review participants

How to improve the camera on your phone or smartphone?

Since a camera is installed on most android phones and smartphones, it’s a sin not to use it: actively take selfies, take pictures to capture information, take pictures of friends, family, etc. That's just often the power of a standard Android camera is not enough to fully appreciate all the possibilities: there are no effects, filters, flexible settings. Of course, you cannot improve the physical characteristics of the camera on an Android smartphone: to radically change the situation, it is better to find a phone/smartphone/tablet with good technical specifications cameras.

However, you can make the camera on a smartphone noticeably better - programmatically. The user needs to download and install free applications that replace the usual Android camera with something more interesting. It is these applications that will be discussed in the review. We will look at the top Android cameras first, according to Google statistics Play, as well as user favorites that deserve more than 4 stars in reviews.

Camera Zoom FX - spectacular camera for your smartphone

ZOOMFX is a paid camera, which, however, is worth the attention of Android users along with free apps. With high performance and exclusive customization options, Camera ZOOM FX reaches an audience of 400,000 users.

This smartphone camera app is one of the feature rich ones. As part of ZOOM FX - photography functions, an image editor for the Android platform. All this under a simple and clear interface. Judge for yourself: through the small panel of the ZOOM FX Camera, you can quickly switch the shooting mode, activate the stabilizer, the timer, turn on the sound activation of the shutter, HDR.

Camera Zoom FX app settings

While most of the program's functions can be attributed to the basic ones, there are a lot of free extension packs for decoration and customization. Particularly interesting is the possibility of vignetting photos and adding inscriptions.

The benefits of Camera Zoom FX, which have earned it a number of high marks in the media, include:

  • excellent camera performance on Android;
  • 90 > overlay effects, decoration and photo processing;
  • hardware control of "zoom", flash, front camera of the smartphone;
  • you can bind control to the device buttons by adjusting the zoom, for example, with the volume control;
  • automatic adjustment of white balance, lighting level;
  • shooting by sound, timer, motion, at intervals;
  • image stabilization when shooting;
  • creating collages;
  • placing photos in social networks at the touch of a button;
  • many effects and filters, including the possibilities of the Photoshop graphics editor.

ZOOM FX works in editor mode - you can easily make your photos truly unique. The price of the program is low, about 5 dollars, and the possibilities are very pleasing.

Summary. In general, Camera Zoom FX is the best camera for Android with the ability to take photos, quickly process the received images. The only thing that scares off Zoom FX is some limitations free version. If you have a fairly modern smartphone, then you will have to pay a modest $ 4 for the ability to work with photos of 0.8 megapixels +. If you are not ready to give $ 4, look at other similar applications that I have already written about - Camera360 or .

Camera FV 5 is the camera app for serious photographers

The Camera FV 5 app is designed for serious photographers in the sense that you can get the most out of your android camera by manually controlling the shooting settings. At the same time, fans of "vanilla photos", Instagram filters will not be interested in the FV 5 Camera due to the lack of such add-ons (for such purposes, we recommend installing ).

Shooting process with Camera FV 5

Camera controls are located on the main panel of the fv 5 application. These are white balance, focus mode, metering mode, ISO and exposure compensation. Additional tools in Camera FV 5 include an interval timer and exposure bracketing.

Another cool feature of the Camera app is that you can set camera settings to mimic those of a regular camera. The Camera FV 5 pro user can set the aperture, sensitivity and exposure time in order to prevent photo blur when shooting with a phone (which happens often even for experienced amateur photographers).

The FV 5 Camera application supports gestures, especially zoom in (zoom) when taking photos. Not to mention the fact that the shooting modes quickly switch in a few simple touches, and, accordingly, it is easier for the user to switch the FV 5 settings - say, change the focus mode, white balance, turn on the grid, focus, change the viewfinder and so on.

Summary. The Camera FV 5 program for Android noticeably surpasses the regular tablet camera, generously sharing all the options with the user and giving freedom of customization. The main advantage of FV 5 is the extreme flexibility of the program when shooting.

Camera & Video Camera B612 (Selfie from the Heart)

Camera B612 will give new pleasant sensations to lovers of selfie photos on the phone: it is not for nothing that it is referred to as "selfie from the heart." With the B612, taking photos of yourself will not only be fast. In this mobile application, you can literally take perfect photos with your smartphone or tablet camera:

  • The B612 camera supports not only the front but also the rear camera on Android, switching is done with one swipe of the finger across the screen. This option will be useful if one of the cameras on Android does not work.
  • shooting short selfie videos in the b612 is done by simply pressing a button;
  • giving a selfie surprise: a choice of effects in random mode is available;
  • Apply special effects for the Android camera effortlessly: the b612 application has vignettes, frames, blurring the edges is possible with the help of a filter;
  • b612 shift, tilt, easy defocus modes to give softness, liveliness to photos taken on the phone;
  • interval shooting, pre-pause to choose the best angle.
V612 camera interface: take video and photo

The v612 camera is free, but adds its own logo to the received photos. This trouble is not very annoying when shooting and processing photos, since there are more than a dozen options in the set, among which there is one that will not spoil the feeling of the photo, suits the style and location.

Summary. B612 is a good camera for Android that attracts attention with simple, casual settings, excellent opportunities for selfie shooting.

Camera MX is just a good camera for Android

Appendix Camera MX included in the top cameras for Android. It has already been installed on the phone by more than 9 million people around the world. The Camera MX program is distributed in more than 100 countries, is constantly being improved and allows you to place your photos and videos in online storages, share them with friends. Even work in editor mode is supported, if the tablet or other gadget does not have physical device to get images.

MX Camera interface on mobile smartphone

The functionality of the MX Camera program includes:

  • a rich set of effects, including displacement, tilt, texture mapping and artistic filters;
  • using the Camera MX functionality, you can process a photo or video after it has been saved to the smartphone’s memory;
  • pre-setting of effects or their set is provided, they are applied automatically when shooting;
  • posting to the Instagram application and placement in network storages;
  • automatic settings designed to create near-perfect shots in a specific genre or mode - for example, "selfie", "sunset", "landscape".

The interface of MX Camera is simple, intuitive. The developers managed not only to realize a lot of opportunities for a variety of image processing, but also to simplify the camera control as much as possible. In Camera MX, everything is done literally with one finger - choosing scenery, effects, a template for shooting, switching flash mode and others useful features. The program is in beta testing, free and available for download on a smartphone.

Snap Camera is the best HDR camera for Android with effects

Snap Camera is one of the few hdr cameras that is constantly updated with interesting shooting features.

Briefly about what HDR is. This feature makes it possible to take photos in a dark and lighted space. Two photos are taken, after which they are mixed, at the output you get a full-fledged HDR photo. The final result (image in hdr format) can be edited in the built-in Snap Camera editor.

The Snap Camera HDR is arranged as simple as possible: all control is carried out thanks to two buttons and a wheel that allows you to quickly change photography modes. Naturally, gestures are supported: zoom, photo preview, photo settings. The volume buttons can be used to focus or zoom.

Other camera features:

Summary. Thus, if you are primarily interested in a good camera with effects on Android, then the Snap Camera app is the best choice among other mobile cameras. You can download the application through Google Play or

Candy Camera - camera for selfies and "instagram" photos

Already looking at the icon of this application, you can guess that girls will like it. Why? Candy Camera pleases with a whole bunch of vanilla effects that change the picture in real time, making the color gamut warmer.

Appearance and camera settings Candy for Android

Not surprisingly, Candy Camera greets its user with a front camera mode and showcases a panel with filters. Most photographic filters are nothing more than changing the color scheme so that the photos look vanilla (like on Instagram). Some people will like it, others will be put off by the relatively small number of Candy Camera settings that you can use to control the shooting process on your phone or smartphone. On the other hand, if your Android does not have a very good camera, this can be compensated by filters, effects - and, as already mentioned, there are more than enough of them in the Candy Camera application.

Thus, we advise you to download Candy Camera if you need a selfie program with nice filters. As the developers write, “your skin will look amazing” (even if you are a pimply teenager or a brutal and battered type).

Selfishop Camera - selfie app for Android

If you have a selfie stick, a tablet with a good camera and you need a camera for your phone with support for monopods, Selfishop Camera is a great solution for Android OS. The application is optimally suited for taking photos in the selfie genre on wired and wireless (bluetooth) monopods.

Selfishop Camera is a great app for taking selfies

In the mobile application "Selfishop" there are no embellishments (effects, presets) - everything is strict. On the other hand, most selfie apps have a different focus, the main focus is shifted towards control: you can significantly improve, expand the capabilities of the android camera, using the potential of monopods to the fullest. You can set up certain actions on the remote control buttons of the selfist (taking a picture, zooming in, changing the camera of the device), etc.

In addition to its selfie orientation, the Selfishop application is valuable for its flexible shooting settings, among them: autofocus, rotation photo, white balance lock, exposure, burst shooting, selfie button action settings.

Finally, two interesting selfie shooting modes should be noted: incognito (without attracting the attention of others) and the usual shooting mode, in which it is convenient to shoot Selfishop Camera without a monopod.

Thanks to all this, Selfishop Camera is considered one of the best selfie cameras for Android. We recommend this program to all happy owners of selfie sticks, tablets with a good camera.


shell VSCO Cam- not the most convenient Android camera on our list. Despite the minimal user interface, finding the right menu takes some time. But it's one of the best cameras for Android, thanks to the amount of customization it offers and the quality of the adjustments and other camera options when shooting.

The VSCO Cam app combines the actual camera with editing tools. Feature sharing delivers an Instagram-like experience, only more powerful. The option "beautify the photo in one click" is present here, you can also adjust the temperature, hue, contrast, sharpness of the image.

The application provides free integration into a kind of social environment, where many photographers are already registered. You can follow profiles, view images, enjoy top picks, and post your own collections. Benefits of the VSCO Cam program include:

  • many professional-level effects;
  • fine-tuning of work with photography;
  • careful use of tools that allows you to make minimal changes to the picture;
  • the ability to compare the original and the result;
  • corporate set of effects;
  • convenient library, with navigation, the ability to operate with vsco cam filters;
  • creation of own albums and collections;
  • connection with the VSCO community, access to the work of thousands of people; the ability to post images on other social networks.

The VSCO Cam will be the best choice for those who prefer to take meaningful, high-quality and interesting photos. Clear, precise and accurate work of tools, professional level of filters, high quality image processing - all this will help to make photos on Android perfect.

A Better Camera

Better Camera- in fact, exactly what is in the name of the application: an excellent photo camera for Android as an alternative to the standard built-in application "Camera" (Camera). Better Camera brings a number of interesting features, including the Bestshot function - taking a series of photos and then choosing the best shot - the most clear, sharp and high-quality overall. It's a simple idea but works very well.

A Better Camera app interface on Android

A Better Camera also includes immediate post-processing, something that is missing from the camera apps in Sony, Samsung. You can record HDR real-time video. Unfortunately, many of the app's best features are only available with an in-app purchase. This means that most of the features of the app will only be available in trial mode.

However, if you shoot a lot of photos, have a small investment, A Better Camera will certainly live up to its name as a decent camera for Android.

Camera 360 Ultimate

Camera360- a very popular application on Google Play, which will quite serve as a replacement for the standard camera when shooting for Android. Camera 360 Ultimate has been installed on devices by more than 400 million users.

Camera 360 app offers a complete set of android camera app tools. When taking a photo, a lens filter is applied, and these filters can be applied before the picture is taken. That is, you do not have to wait for the result to appear when applying the filter - it is available in the preview mode. In addition, the Camera 360 app offers a solid set of options, presets, useful in various shooting modes, including selfies. Even if not all functions are unambiguously useful, it is curious to “play around” with them.

Camera360 app installed on Android

Camera360 is easy to use, presents the most important parameters shooting on one screen, and you can adjust multiple settings at the same time. Actually, this is something that is clearly lacking in other cameras.

What other features does Camera 360 offer to an Android user:

Additional features of the Manual Camera mobile app:

  • Adding geo-tagging
  • Photo timer
  • Composition control guides
  • Sound control
  • Adjusting the screen brightness

Also, the Manual Camera on Android will allow you to save pictures in uncompressed RAW format, which gives new perspectives for further post-processing of the image.

If you are serious about taking pictures with your phone or smartphone camera, mobile app Manual Camera will be a great camera for Android OS. Please note that the camera for the phone is stable only starting with Android 5.0 Lollipop.

ICS Camera

Mobile app Camera ICS- an extended version of the official camera for Android, which is included with Ice Cream Sandwich. This camera will appeal to owners of both smartphones and tablets, since the interface here adapts to the size of the screen, however, and to the needs of the user.

The application has 3 modes of operation:

  1. Camera
  2. Panorama
  3. Video recording

It should be noted that Camera ICS is a free and ad-free application. You can download the distribution apk from the link below.

Google Camera

Appendix Google Camera offers a simple and intuitive interface with several manual settings(no ISO, white balance or filters, for example). The camera from Google also has photosphere and panorama modes. Google Camera for Android has such a thing as Lens Blur, a filter that creates a depth effect. First, you take a photo, then slowly raise the device - the application creates a blurred background for the focus object, making it stand out in the frame.

The result of the photosphere ranges from interesting to very impressive. In fact, on the camera of an inexpensive tablet, you get a panoramic 360-degree interactive photo that can be freely rotated.

The Google camera on Android has some issues on various devices. However, we recommend that you set the Google Camera to mobile device- if this works out, then everything will be OK and you can safely take interesting photographs with excellent quality.

Paper Camera - "cartoon" camera for android

If you have never heard of “paper camera”, there is a chance to download the application paper camera from our site. This camera gives you the opportunity to see hand-drawn effects live. For example. you can place your subject in a piece of cardboard or a line drawn with a pencil. Even though Paper Camera can eat up some of the resources, the results justify the cost. In addition, this camera takes both photos and videos.

Paper Camera - paper camera for android Paper Camera app settings

Answers on questions

1. I press “take a photo”, and the phone not only does not save the photo, but also goes to the main menu. Telephone samsung galaxy A3. Please help, I'm nowhere without a camera on Android.

2. The camera on the phone is gone. It's not in the app. Can the camera be restored? When I turn on the application - only shows front camera in the settings (there is no “go to main” option). I tried to reboot - again it was the same as before. And the camera shows an inverted image.

Answer. It is likely that this is a software conflict. The easiest solution to the problem is to download an alternative camera for Android on Google Play: Google Camera, Manual Camera, Candy Camera and others. There are many options, choose according to your taste and color. Many applications give odds to the standard camera. What is not a way to improve the camera on the phone?

The second way to fix the camera (if you really need a standard one) is to change the Android firmware.

When I turn on the camera on my phone (Android OS), the system tells me that the “Camera” application is not available. What to do?

Answer. There are several options for fixing the error: radical and softer. The problem may be related to the firmware of your phone - it may be problematic. In such a case, it is best to flash the mobile device if you know how to do it.

A milder option to fix the Android camera (in the event that the Camera application does not start) is to install one of the alternative cameras from the list. In addition to fixing the bug, you get an app with more interesting settings, effects, and photo modes.

Such a problem. From the phone, or rather to be from the memory card, the photos of the camera application for android disappeared from the Camera section. The size of the remaining memory on the flash drive has not changed, but the photo is not visible, the phone itself does not take pictures either, the sound of the camera and so on is heard, but there is no gallery. If you turn off the flash drive, internal memory everything goes.

Answer. In the settings of any software camera, you can specify the location where photos are saved. If this method does not work, instead of the standard one, try downloading the camera for Android from the list.

Check if there are problems with saving data to the memory card in other applications. If they are observed, format the sd card.

Articles and Lifehacks

It would seem that everything has already been studied in modern phones, but, nevertheless, someone does not understand well how to set up the camera on android.

When you first buy a phone, the camera is already set up automatically on it, so you can take a photo or shoot a video right away, without setting anything up.

But in order for the pictures or video clips to be obtained not standard, but according to your taste, then the camera needs to be configured independently. The setting options may differ depending on the brand of your phone.

How to change camera settings

You need to start by turning on the camera, while finding the image of the settings wheel. When pressed, a window will open with different categories, and by selecting them one by one, it will be possible to change each.

To exit this menu, press the back button. The settings themselves can be seen on the screen.

How to set the photo mode

  1. Depending on the intended shooting, select the focus mode from the proposed options: "Auto" (automatic), "Infinity" (for distant objects) or "Macro" (for close-up shooting).
  2. Choose the desired exposure. When choosing a shooting mode, check the user manual for which modes are available for your phone (on the beach, fireworks, etc.), and tap the appropriate ones.
  3. If you do not understand what size to choose for shooting - specify 640 by 480, this is in pixels.
  4. Next comes the image quality and color effects you want to use in your shoot. The location of an object can be recorded using GPS.
  5. White balance - an item that allows you to adjust the amount of white in photos to obtain a natural hue of the image.
  6. Then turn on or off the flash mode, select the magnification if necessary (1x-2x) and the camera you will shoot with (if there are several on your phone).

How to set the camcorder mode

The camcorder is configured in the same way as the camera, up to the “video quality” item.

Here you need to select the shooting duration that is suitable for watching a video file without losing its quality on a computer, on YouTube, or when transferring to another device via MMS. It remains to choose a camera, and shoot a video.