How to find out if ports are closed. Open ports on the computer. How to understand the results obtained about the port of your server

Many computer users have an unhindered connection to the Internet, which opens up an incredible horizon of opportunities in terms of learning, as well as the flight of fancy. But users do not always have enough of what is provided by the system initially, which is why some of them try to connect additional programs using an internet connection. This article details how to check the port using 2ip.

Basic concepts

Every person, phenomenon, substance, etc. there is a specific name that says what the named is. The same is true with computers. A computer connected to the Internet system has its own special number that tells detailed information about its owner. The name of this number is an IP address, but that's not all. Modern computer systems use special ports that are available for each operating system. They, in turn, are directly tied to the IP address, this ensures the uniqueness of each user.

The ports themselves are used by programs to connect to servers and sometimes to other programs. The well-known https uses it is thanks to him that we get access to the Internet. There are 65536 different ports in total, some of them are actively used by the system, while others remain closed. Below in the article we will talk about how to check the port using 2ip.

Port check

This service has established itself as quite reliable and proven. It exists for 12 years. It has many advantages that put it in the lead when you need to determine your IP address, look at the port, etc. The article will consider how the port is checked on the website:

  1. Turn on the browser you use the most. After entering the address, it is recommended to add the site to your favorites so as not to lose it.
  2. Go to the official website of 2ip. The port must be checked there.
  3. On home page you will see an input field and a "check" button. Enter desired port, after which the 2ip site will check the port. After a couple of seconds, there will be an inscription about whether the port you are interested in is open.

If you were unable to personally configure the ports, then below there will be a link to a VPN service that provides its services at a bargain price. A VPN is a secure connection in which a company server acts as an intermediary between you and the Internet. This method helps to open almost any port that is needed.

Other service features

The service specializes in testing your Internet connection, namely: download / upload speed, connection quality, etc. When using this site, you should not worry about your own security, because the data that this service issues is public. Below is a list of his most popular instruments:

  • Internet connection speed testing. Determining the speed of downloading and sending information from the server to you.
  • Anonymity check. Your ISP is being tested for programs that steal data, etc.
  • Highly useful feature, if you doubt the security of the file, and the antivirus is not installed.
  • Information about your IP address, as well as its history (when it changed to another, etc.).
  • Checking for 2ip of the port that needs to be opened or closed.

Not all functions are described above, because there are a lot of them, therefore this service is an indispensable tool for a novice web designer, programmer and ordinary user who is interested in their own security.


The article answered the question of how to look at 2ip ports. It must be remembered that open ports are a very serious gap in the computer through which attackers can steal your personal data.

For this purpose, you can use a port scanner, but if such an application is not at hand, you can use one of the many online services, which will be discussed below.

Port scanner. General information

Port Scanner - software, designed to find hosts that have open ports.

This type utilities are usually used system administrators(as well as attackers) to test the security of networks (as well as their vulnerabilities).

Depending on the tasks, scanning for all open ports is performed both for one (port scanning) and for many hosts (network scanning).

It is also possible to search for only one open port(or a specific group) for a set of network hosts.

Note! If your computer is connected directly to the Internet, an online port scanner will show you a list of open ports on your host. In the case of accessing the Internet through a router, the port scanner shows the ports of your router, but not your computer.

Port scanning is the first step in the hack prevention (or hacking, depending on the targets) process, the purpose of which is to help identify possible attack vectors.

In addition to actually open ports, scanners allow you to determine the operating system installed on the host and running services (Web server, FTP server, Mail server), including their version numbers.

Advice! To determine the open ports of your computer running the operating system:

  • Windows, you should go to the command line (Start, "cmd", run as administrator) and enter the command "netstat -bn", without quotes.
  • Linux, you should go to the terminal and run the command "ss -tln", also without quotes.


The first thing you notice when you visit this site is detailed description all the possibilities provided by the resource. All sections are presented exclusively in Russian.

In order to scan all the most common ports, go to the Port Scanner section. To start, use the "Launch Port Scanner" button.

The list of ports that will be scanned and their correspondence to services are indicated on the same page in the corresponding section.

If you think that the developers have not indicated all the ports, you can make a request using a specially designed feedback form.

In addition to port scanning, the service allows you to measure ping, find out WHOIS information about a domain, and get information based on an HTTP request from a remote web server.

Resource provides 2 free utilities « Open ports' and 'PortCheker' for use on a PC and as a browser extension Google Chrome respectively.

Among the shortcomings of the resource, we note the impossibility of scanning all ports (but only those specified by the developers), as well as remote resources.


The online open port scanner HideMe.Ru is more versatile than PortScan.Ru, allowing you to scan not only your computer, but also any other host on the Internet.

It can also select the type of ports to be scanned: popular ports, individual (i.e., user-defined) and ports encountered by proxy servers.

Interface HideMe.Ru online scanner ports has Russian, English and Spanish localization, is quite simple, and its use does not raise any questions.

In the input field, the user enters an IP address or Domain name scanned host, selects the type of scan and waits for the results of the scan.

Scanning is quite long, in case you want to check the most popular ports, the waiting time will be about 3 minutes (on PortScan.Ru it took about 30 seconds).

Apparently, the service scans the first 1000 ports, unlike PortScan.Ru, where in the general case only 5-6 dozen are scanned.

The HideMe.Ru resource, judging by the name, is still more focused on providing services to bypass the restrictions of local or global network segments by using anonymizers, proxy or VPN servers.

Of the additional options, there is a function for measuring the speed of an Internet connection and determining the IP address.

Just like PortScan.Ru, there is a catalog of articles on safe work on the Internet.

In order to find out the address of your port, there are a lot of programs, both online and pre-installed on your computer, as well as certain functions built into the operating system. Let's take a closer look at them.

Scanning server ports online

Effective and popular online resources for checking ports on your PC are mostly free and work in real time.

  • - writes your IP on the screen and offers to “ring out” one of the ports, including the 80th, 8080th, 27015, 443, 25565.
  • 2IP is an alternative resource that provides all the same functions in full.
  • WhatsMyIp is an English-language, but completely understandable service.

How to understand the results obtained about the port of your server?

Ports in this case do not mean a physical, but a logical unit created by the operating system tools for connecting a particular program to the network. To determine what the data is addressed to on the PC, a specific port number is reserved. Ports can be designated with numbers from zero to 65535, but not beyond. Usually the browser occupies the eightieth port. It is worth noting that if you are using a router, the verification program will “ring out” exactly its ports. To close a particular port, you need to stop the program that assigned it to itself. Sometimes ports open up for themselves malware. A simple and lightweight Windows Worms Doors Cleaner utility will allow you to check your PC for vulnerabilities and close them. If Windows Firewall is enabled, it will mitigate this vulnerability if possible.

Opening ports on the computer

It happens that the required port is blocked and it should be opened in order to gain access to all network features. To do this, we select the familiar "Start" and in the Control Panel we find the "Firewall" tab and click "Advanced options inside the subsection" Windows Firewall". Next, we need the string "Enhanced Security Mode". We click on "Rules for incoming" and create a new rule, following the recommendations of the connection wizard.

Server port forwarding

This function will allow requests from the Internet to go directly to the PC, bypassing the router. This is useful if your computer is a server and users from the World Wide Web are accessing it. Forwarding is done through the web interface of the router, in the section " Virtual servers". For equipment from DLink, then select the "Firewall" path and set the parameters for the server, including specifying IP addresses. We save the changes by additionally going to the "System" menu and confirming the saving again. You can also run manual setting by clicking "Advanced Settings" in the main menu of the web interface and following the path described above.

If you still haven't found the answer to your question, take a look detailed video how to interact with ports on your PC (or create a discussion in the comments).