How to change the font in Word to uppercase. How to make all letters capitalize in Word: methods

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Let's continue. Typically, the font size is set by selecting from a list. In this case, everything is the same. Type your letter, select it with the mouse and set the desired size. But the creators of Word and other programs never thought that to someone it comes to mind to put such font size in which one letter occupies as much as the entire A4 sheet. For this reason, in the font size selection list, the maximum size is not that large - “only” 72 points.

Since no the right size, then you can simply write it in the selection list, as shown in the figure, since the font size selection list is editable (what-what???). Unclear? Then you urgently need to learn Windows.

Again. Select your letter, then erase what is written there in the font selection list and write what you need. What number should I write? This generally depends on what type of font is chosen. Select until your letter is exactly the size of an A4 sheet. In my example, this is 800 points (to be more precise, I was too lazy to select).

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Other ways to enlarge a letter to A4 sheet size

As you may have noticed, the method shown above of stretching a letter across the entire A4 sheet has an obvious drawback - no matter how you increase the font size, the letter stubbornly does not want to become in the center of the A4. In the example below, this drawback is completely eliminated and the letter is located exactly in the center of the A4 sheet.


In this example, the problem was solved in a different way, but again in Word. It is worth remembering that almost any task has more than one way of implementation. You just need to be good at what you are doing. However, method number one is much more popular - few people want to think about it!

How to print numbers on the entire A4 sheet in Word

A very similar task - in my opinion, completely similar to the one discussed above. To create huge numbers for A4 size, you can use all the same methods that I showed in. So if you need to make sure that one number fits on a sheet (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or the number 0), then consider that you can already do this. Well, this is, of course, if you carefully read what was written above.

And in addition to this, I’ll probably show you another way to enlarge the inscriptions to fill the entire sheet. Namely, contour symbols in A4 size. An example is shown in the figure. True, there is already a fill there, but you can figure out for yourself how to remove it... (hint: shape properties).


Why is this necessary? Well, for example, in order to color it all later. :) And indeed, color printers are not that common. By the way, you can read about printing color images on a black and white printer.

To make a figure that fits the entire A4 sheet, first remove the margins or make them as narrow as possible (about changing margins). After that, from the Ribbon menu in the “Insert” section, select WordArt and add it to the sheet. Then just increase the font, everything is clear. It’s just worth considering one feature.

Use the text frame markers along the edges to expand the box so that your number fits. Otherwise, it will go beyond the frame and part of the number will not be visible. You also need to center the text so that it is in the middle of the sheet. To do this, drag it outside the frame border (usually down).

Features of printing letters in A4 sheet size

There are some features of text printing such sizes that I didn’t show above (lazy). You can watch this in the demo video where I show the process of creating giant letters in Word.

Video: How to make letters on the entire A4 sheet in Word

Which has very wide capabilities for processing various text documents, is a Microsoft Word program included in the Microsoft Office package. It is very important that Word has all the necessary tools for formatting any text. For different fragments of the same text, you can set almost any setting: color, font size and type, visual effect, and also apply a large set of styles in order to design what you have written. This article will discuss the capabilities of this program, as well as how to make all letters capitalize in Word and vice versa.

Key features in Microsoft Word

In Word you can set the alignment of lines and paragraph indents relative to the sides of the page. You can display any selected text as a bulleted or numbered list. In addition, in Word it is possible to divide what is written into columns, the parameters and number of which can be set additionally.

Using Word, you can insert various pictures, inscriptions, formulas, diagrams and other objects into text. You can also use the built-in tools in Word and create your own diagrams and drawings. For more convenient use, the program has the following service features: hyphenation, a mode for checking the correct spelling of document text, a process for automatically replacing various combinations of characters with the desired phrases or words. Decor title page When preparing a document for printing, you can do this using standard templates, as well as create header and footer contents, margins, orientation, and page format. In addition, before printing, you can preview several pages of the desired document at once.

How to make all letters capitalize in Word

Here's a little instruction. In order to make all letters capitalize in Word, you should follow a number of steps:

  • First you need to select the printed text.
  • Then you should go to the toolbar, and on the tab called “Home” click the “Register” button.
  • In this list, select the entry “All capitals”.

This way you can change capital letters to lowercase, and also give a command to change the first letter in a word to capital and vice versa.

How to make capital letters small in Word

A similar problem often worries those people who do not know how to touch-type, looking at the computer or laptop screen rather than at the keyboard. If you press the Caps Lock key once, you may not notice that all the text will be written in capital letters. Therefore, in order to make capital letters lowercase, you will need to take the following steps:

  1. First, you need to select the part of the text in which the letters need to be made small.
  2. After this, you should open the tab called “Home” and find the “Font” section there.
  3. Then you need to left-click on the “Aa” icon. This icon, depending on which version of Word is installed on the computer, can be located in different places, including in the “Home” tab.
  4. Then you need to press the key combination Shift + F3 or select the “All lowercase” tab in the menu. Immediately after the action is completed, all highlighted words and letters will become small.

How to make text in capital letters in Word? You should remember that the “Aa” icon is responsible for the case, and if you click on it, you can format the text as needed: change large letters to small ones and vice versa. If you know this, then there should be no questions left about how to make all letters capitalize in Word.


So, the Microsoft Word program has truly extensive functionality. With its help you can very quickly convert small letters into large ones and vice versa. It is very important and useful for all users to study in more detail and thoroughly all the possible functions of this text editor.

Hot combinations and WORD keys

To select a vertical block of text in Word, you must first press the key combination “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “F8”. In addition, you can select a vertical block using the mouse while holding down the “Alt” key.
In Word, working in Cyrillic mode, sometimes you need characters that are only available in Latin mode, for example. @, $, & to avoid switching modes just press Alt key+ Ctrl + desired (or Shft+Alt+Ctrl + desired).
Bold text - press Ctrl+B (or in Russian mode - Ctrl+I). It turns off in the same way.

Italic text - Ctrl+I or Сtrl+Y (in Russian - Ctrl+Ш or Ctrl+Н).
Underlined text - Ctrl+U (in Russian - Ctrl+Г)
Text with double underline - Ctrl+Shift+D (Ctrl+Shift+in)
Text typed in capitals (reduced capital letters) - Ctrl+Shift+K (Ctrl+Shift+Л) (to change these attributes of an entire word, it is not necessary to select it entirely. It is only enough that the cursor is inside the word).
Paragraph alignment: left - Ctrl+q (Ctrl+th);
right - Ctrl+r (Ctrl+k);
in the center - Ctrl+e (Ctrl+у)
by format - Ctrl+j (Ctrl+o)
bulleted list - Ctrl+Shift+L (Ctrl+Shift+d)
Shift a paragraph to the right Ctrl+M (Ctrl+ь)
Increasing left indentation (except for the first line) - Ctrl+T (Ctrl+e)
Printing a document (in Word and almost all other programs) - Ctrl+P (ctrl+З).
Some useful notes for those who touch type and hate using the mouse:
Change the font in the text - press Ctrl+Shift+F (Ctrl+Shift+A), this will activate the font change window in the formatting panel. We type the name of the desired font in this panel (usually the first few characters are enough - then Windows completes the name automatically) and press “Enter”.
Change the font or paragraph style - similarly, press Ctrl+Shift+S (Ctrl+Shift+І), and enter the font name, for example, “Heading 1”. After pressing "Enter", the entered style is applied to the paragraph, and if the style does not exist, then it is created based on the formatting of the paragraph where the cursor is located.
Entering an endnote. You can, of course, go to the menu to do this, but this again means using the mouse! It is much easier to press Ctrl+Alt+F (Ctrl+Alt+A), and a footnote will immediately appear in the specified place in the text, and the cursor will move to the bottom of the page, where you can enter its description.
It is very easy to remove unused buttons from the panel by simply dragging them out of the panel with the mouse while holding down Alt; in the same way, when holding down Alt, you can change the location of the buttons without going into the options and settings windows (with pressed Alt+Ctrl - you can make a copy of the button). Using the same manipulations, you can place buttons in the menu and menu sections in the toolbar with buttons.
Sometimes a problem arises and you need to change the case of letters, to do this, stand on the word in which you need to change the case (or select several words) and press Shift+F3 several times, depending on how you want: All Capital Letters At the Beginning of Words, CAPITAL or Lowercase.

Word keyboard shortcuts
Hotkey table for MS Word:
(this table of Word hotkeys will help you make your work with the program more efficient; using even a few basic Word hotkey combinations when working with the program can significantly speed up the process of creating and editing documents).

Word hotkeys:
F1 - Call help or assistant
F2 - Move text or pictures
F3 - Insert AutoText Element
F4 - Repeat last action
F5 - Go (Edit menu)
F6 - Move to next area
F7 - Spelling (Tools menu)
F8 - Expand Selection
F9 - Update selected fields
F10 - Go to menu bar
F11 - move to next field
F12 - Execute the Save As command (File menu)

F1 - Call context help
F2 - Copy text
F3 - Change letter case
F4 - Find or Go Next
F5 - Go to previous fix
F6 - Go to previous window area
F7 - Thesaurus (Tools menu)
F8 - Decrease Selection
F9 - Display codes or field values
F10 - Show context menu
F11 - go to previous field
F12 - Execute the Save command (File menu)

F1 - Go to next field
F3 - Create AutoText Item
F4 - Exit Word
F5 - Previous program window sizes
F7 - Next error
F8 - Run macro
F9 - display codes or values ​​of all fields
F10 - maximize the program window
F11 - Display VISUAL BASIC code

F1 - System Information
F2 - Open (File menu)

F2 - Preview
F3 - Delete the selected fragment to the piggy bank
F4 - Close window
F5 - Previous dimensions of the document window
F6 - Go to next window
F7 - Move (window menu)
F8 - Size (window menu)
F9 - insert an empty field
F10 - Maximize or restore the document window
F11 - field lock
F12 - Execute the Open command (File menu)