Buttons for adding to social networks. What are social buttons and why are they needed. Facebook social buttons

Good day dear readers of my site. Today we'll talk about social buttons, why they are needed on the site and how to install them. In the past few years, social networks have become very popular. They are increasingly penetrating into our lives and very often replace us, in the usual sense, communication with each other.

Those who use multiple plugins in parallel should also ensure that meta information and scripts are not pasted multiple times. The fact that questionable bloat and crashes have occurred over and over again in the past with free-swap plugins makes the choice not always easier.

Social Sharing: Recommended Free Plugin

In addition to the plugins featured here, the market offers many other alternatives. You simply add blocks of content that make up your site by dragging and dropping them onto your pages, filling those blocks with your content, and publishing the result.

Start building a website

When you start working on your site, you don't have to write text, search for images, or customize the look of the site. Therefore, you can be sure that your website design remains unique. Once you have chosen a theme, you will be prompted to enter additional information that will be added to the pages of the site.

What are social buttons and why are they needed

Do not forget that social networks are very fond of search engines. The more links to a page on your site in Twitter accounts, G+ and Facebook, the higher it will rank in the SERPs. Because search engines take into account social signals, and sharing using buttons social networks included in the list of such signals.

Fill the site with content

For example, this could be your phone number, which will be displayed on the contact page. In the Create a website section. The menu allows you to perform the following actions. See Introduction to the Presence Builder Editor. In the Website Editing section. Once you've finished editing your website, make it available on the web. So that visitors can see your site under their domain name, publish the website by clicking the corresponding button in the main menu. Under Publishing a website to the Internet.

Social media marketing

Front page operators who have included a "Like" button on their page have already been warned.

Is this button not suitable for data protection?

In detail, the legal discussion that leads to this is very complex. But the best arguments speak against the assertion of a legal reason here. To do this, the service provider will need to store this data in order to be able to manage their service.

Yandex social network buttons- this is a whole block of buttons, which includes buttons of all popular social networks. This block allows the visitor to quickly share a page on your site. He just needs to click on the button of the social network he is interested in and the link to your material will fly away to all his subscribers and friends. At the same time, no more actions are required from the user's side, the Yandex block itself will automatically fill in all the necessary fields for sending (page url, signature, description, picture).

First warnings due to the integration of a similar button

In competitive laws, warnings must always have competitive significance, but this is not recognizable. Where such significance can be found with some justification. However, in recent months, many courts have tended to consider data protection breaches as means of payment. Since there are no court rulings in this matter yet, there cannot be a clear legal statement at the moment.

Update: Data protection breaches may also be alerted

According to the suspects, it is only a matter of time before a court decides that data protection violations are also relevant to competition law and are thus compensatory.

Today, there are a lot of services that provide the code for social network buttons. But not everyone can provide high-quality code that will not introduce a virus to your site or slow down the loading of your page. As you know, download speed is also not an unimportant ranking factor.

Yandex social network buttons is a flexible, easily customizable system. The user can customize the appearance of the buttons as he sees fit. A large palette of colors and many options for displaying buttons allows them to harmoniously fit into any website design. On the buttons of the most popular social networks, you can display the number of page shares, likes, and so on.

What can page operators do?

This is a new development in case law. A legally safe option would be to confront every user at the start of visiting a website with consent, including a checkbox. This procedure - carefully worded - is not very practical and should not be claimed by 99% of all site operators. Use of this disclaimer is at your own risk.

More interesting messages for website operators. The iconic button also adorns various websites, blogs, and web applications so that visitors can show they like the company, celebrity, or content. But what exactly is behind the social media buttons whose integration has become a must-have for website operators? Also, in this guide, we explain why the standard implementation of such similar buttons in Germany is legally problematic and what alternatives you can use instead.

Another an indisputable plus of social buttons from Yandex is that you can view statistics in Yandex.Metrica if you are registered with this service and you have a counter installed. This makes it possible to analyze the social activity of your visitors.

The buttons, which have undergone numerous optical adjustments over the years, are drivers of user networking and content distribution. Junior social networks have long taken over the concept and created similar buttons. Social media is the ideal channel for sharing your own content while maintaining direct contact with customers, readers or fans. Such user feedback, also known as social signals, plays an important role in success. modern network for several reasons.

In this way, you get valuable, relevant backlinks that positively influence your rankings. search engine. Backlinks, mentions and likes increase your accessibility and authority on relevant keywords. On the one hand, this is an advantage when creating new customers, readers or fans. On the other hand, it is also likely to have a positive overall effect on your web presence. Ultimately, positive social signals also translate into traffic growth, another point that will help you better rank search results. In the third section you will find the required configurator, which can also be called from the top menu bar.

Going to the tab " Counters» You can customize the appearance of the block so that the number of shares of your page is displayed opposite the icons of social networks. But there are limitations, which I mentioned above.

What do the two versions of the code do and what are the differences?

Before creating the code, you must complete the following checkboxes of this web tool. Then generate the code for the corresponding button by clicking Generate Code. An invitation to sign in or register. In this case, you will also integrate the social network login request with a powerful developer kit. If he is registered with a social network or has previously registered and calls up a page with an embedded social plug-in, he may even be clearly identified.

The American company reserves the right to store and use this collected data to improve its products and services and optimize advertisements. The District Court of Düsseldorf has given the government a consumer association and has focused its decision-making mainly on a clear personal reference that goes hand in hand with the transferred data.

The number of displayed icons can be configured in the block code, namely here:

The number "3" is responsible for the number of icons that will be displayed in the Yandex block, the rest of the icons will be hidden in the POP-UP menu.

Although the move to a two-click solution occurred during the ongoing litigation, the court was not the subject of this case. Thus, there is no way to include promotions and similar buttons in it, so far and any judicial positioning.

The prerequisite is that a suitable informational text is presented, which is clearly visible and sufficiently informed about the data transfer. But even a two-click solution does not promise absolute legal certainty. Section 13 of the Telemedia Law, which has already been taken into account, also provides in section 2 that the user's consent is also recorded.

Having customized the appearance of the block, you just need to copy the finished code and add it to the code of your page in the place you need. And it does not matter where and what part of the code you need to insert. The first two lines of code for inserting buttons are responsible for connecting the button script from the Yandex. Therefore, you can place them at the beginning of the HTML test of the page between tags …. The third line of code is directly displaying the button block. But, if you don't want to bother with searching for tags , then just copy the button code and add it in its entirety in the right place on your site, and it will work.

In addition, the need for an extra click has been shown to have a negative impact on the overall click through rate of social buttons. As you can see, the buttons look different in both versions. There are several options that you can choose from and there are almost all tastes and needs. Let's look at some of the benefits, limitations and other important aspects.

Third Party Services Offering Buttons

Get official buttons on different social networks

Adding them individually is more labor intensive than using a third party service that already provides all the buttons. Create some buttons, use some of the designers, or get social media buttons and set up the necessary code to make them work. It's a good idea to try to follow the brand's guidelines and guidelines if we decide to use design ideas or create them ourselves so as not to violate brand usage guidelines.

How to add official social media buttons

Having considered the universal block of social buttons from Yandex, let's look at what social networks themselves offer us to install on the site as their buttons. I would like to point out right away that the functionality of the official buttons is slightly higher. For example, Vkontakte offers not just a button of different sizes and with a counter, but also without a counter, a link, a link without a social network icon, just an icon, and so on. That is, the visualization of such buttons will be higher. Let's figure it out how to add official buttons social networks to your website.

But okay, we're learning. First of all, it is important to understand the impact of social networks on our content and how users relate to them. With the growth of both leisure and work networks increasing exponentially during this time, it is said that our presence is extremely important.

Height is one image. The height of the images is 53 pixels. We already have the container container and the rest is to upload the images to our server and add links with links where the link to the image will be our social network corresponding to the button.

Button integration for sharing via plugins that bring shortcode

Styles will be defined in the style sheet of the theme our site uses. In online stores, everything is more important. Only then can its exact location be determined on the page. Individual social buttons are loaded only after the user clicks once. One click to download and one to share, that's why it's called "two click solution".

Social network VKontakte

Let's move on to this section. This section provides a service for setting up the functionality and appearance of a button, generating a code for a Vkontakte button. Let's take a closer look.

It also hasn't been updated since last year, bad things. It also includes a shortcode to enable buttons you like and update. And finally, we will see the one that I like the most. This is the short code you have to put in the place where you need to include the buttons. Design example of those that appear by default.

Get the latest blog posts and exclusive content every Sunday. You can unsubscribe at any time. We will see how to add new social media icons with the plugin and add the code. Possible options. Show social media icons in the header of the web page.

  1. Style option. Offers you to choose the style of your button. Namely, how the button should look (with or without a counter, as a link or as an icon, etc.)
  2. In the "Text" field, write the text that will be displayed in the button itself
  3. "Link" - is responsible for which page the button will share. That is, by clicking on the button, the page with the button or another page where this button is not set will be shared. If another page, then you need to specify the URL of this page in the "Link" field
  4. Below is a ready-made code for adding a Vkontakte social network button to your site
  5. Below code shows an example of your button. Thanks to it, you can visually see how your button changes when you change certain settings.

In this form, you can read the documentation for the advanced settings of the Vkontakte button by clicking on the link "Go to the detailed documentation of the widget".

Social media icons will appear in what is known as the secondary menu bar. This menu bar will appear above the main menu bar. Here we check the box with the text: "Show social icons". Here we have an option: "Social icon color" to choose the color of the icons.

As you can see, there is a pattern between different codes. Third line: On the third line, you must enter the name of the social network in upper case. We have already seen the code that we must add depending on the social network we want to add to the Internet.

Now let's see where we should enter this code. Once the file is located, we must edit it with a code editor and add the social network code to the end of the file. Eye, at the end but before the label. After making changes, don't forget to save them.

The button code consists of two parts. Therefore, it must be inserted separately.

The first part of the code must be inserted between the tags …. We add the second part of the code in the place of the site where you would like to see the buttons of the social network Vkontakte themselves.

Facebook social buttons

To add Facebook buttons you need to log in to this social network and on home page look in the lower right corner. At the very bottom we find "More" and select "Developers" in the drop-down window.

Going to the page for developers, click on the link " Products»

On the next page, you will have access to all the products that Facebook has to offer. But we are interested social plugins.

The following page gives a brief overview of the social plugins offered by Facebook. We are interested in the buttons "Like", "Send", "Share". So click on the link at the top of the page

And so we got to the page for selecting and setting up social buttons that Facebook offers us. As you can see in the screenshot below, this social network offers a wide range of social plugins to install on the site. All of them are presented in the left column. Consider setting up and getting the button code " Like».

Fill in the fields in the configurator:

  1. Url address is the address of your page where you want to place the "Like" button
  2. Composition - Customize Appearance
  3. Button size - small button or large
  4. Width - the width of the button. This is necessary if the standard sizes of the buttons do not suit you or they do not fit in the place you need on the site
  5. Action Type – Like or Recommend, you choose what the button should do

Below the settings form, the appearance of the button is shown, that is, during the settings, you visually see how the appearance changes - this is very convenient.

It is worth noting that if you do not specify the URL in the Page Address field, then the page on which the button code is located will be shared.

After setting up the main elements, click "Get Code". The code, as well as in the case of Vkontakte, consists of two parts. The first part needs to be set at the beginning of the HTML code of your page after the tag , and install the second part where you need.

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Everyone knows that social networks have long been an effective tool to increase website traffic. We can say that they have become something like the media, often supplying new information.

As a rule, social media content is displayed in the form of links and they provide a constant flow of people to your site! Such links appear thanks to social network buttons, by clicking on which a person shares information with his friends or subscribers ... For example, as I have at the end of the article

Let's see what the social network buttons give? By clicking on such a button, you leave a link to the page you like in your feed. The link becomes available to friends, guests and possibly future subscribers. That is, whoever is attracted by this publication will go to your resource.
It turns out that by clicking the buttons social services, visitors contribute to the promotion of your site, of course, if the content on the page is interesting and useful enough. Social buttons make publishing your content as easy as possible. A person does not have to log into his social account to copy links - everything happens automatically.

Therefore, every webmaster needs beautiful, easy-to-use and noticeable social network buttons, they will help to significantly increase traffic (attendance), move up in the PS and speed up page indexing.

How to install social media buttons on the site?

It should be noted that two methods can be used for this procedure.

  • Inserting code manually through special services is a kind of online generator that allows you to customize the appearance of buttons, their size and other parameters. All that will need to be done is to paste the received code into the place where the social network buttons will be located on your site.
  • Plugins for WordPress - In cases where you can not install the code on your site, a miracle plugins will come to the rescue that will do everything for you as usual! I'll talk about them below...

Online services generators of social buttons

Let's first talk about cool services that make it easy to create and place social buttons on the site. In the course of my work, I used many of these services, but I would like to tell you about those that I really liked!

What is very important for me, the code from this service passes HTML5 validation!

In second place, I would put the x.pluso service! This is an experimental version of the main service share.pluso.ru ...

Chic 15 options for the appearance of the buttons, their easy customization and integration are the main advantages this service! But unfortunately HTML5 code validation fails, so I had to abandon it in favor of uptolike!

I give the third place to the service share42

Enough good service displaying beautiful buttons that you just want to click on, that's really a lot of pluses that you can read about on the official website!

In fourth place I put the buttons of social networks from api.yandex.ru

In fact, Yandex needs to pay more attention appearance buttons, as well as the speed of their loading. Although it's a matter of taste, maybe someone likes it But here's the download speed, sometimes it's tin ...

Other services that are not included in this review:

  • witget.com/
  • goodshare.com/
  • addthis.com
  • sharethis.com
  • odnaknopka.ru

Cool social button plugins for WordPress

As I wrote above, this way of implementing buttons is suitable for beginners. If you can’t figure out the services and put the code in the right place, then try these plugins.

Easy Social Share Buttons- A great plugin for wordpress, which provides the ability to add buttons for 20 famous social networks.

Socialize It!- One of the most convenient applications that allows you to integrate social buttons on a wordpress site. The plugin installs non-disappearing floating buttons, unobtrusively located on the side of the published materials. The user can choose from 42 social services, independently deciding which buttons to display.

We pay attention to the presence of all social networks used by the Russian-speaking audience. Using this module, you can add horizontal or vertical button blocks to the resource. You can adjust the size of the buttons and the indents between them, as well as visual dragging.

UpToLike- Thanks to this module, you can not only install wordpress social buttons anywhere on the page, but also set their style, size, shape, color and special effects. Currently, the application supports 25 social services, the ability to send links to email address and bookmarking.

The main highlight of the plugin is that it collects statistics on button clicks. The module provides the following information: the amount of traffic for each page and for the entire resource; data on traffic attracted by links, traffic sources, etc.

The site owner can analyze information for any period of time and really track which publications in social networks “lit up” the audience and how the traffic has changed.

Let's briefly consider the three main features of UpToLike:

Following is a feature for unobtrusively inviting users. If a visitor shares or likes content, they are invited to become a member of the social network group. By setting up a really original and attractive invitation, you can increase the number of subscribers.

Picshare is a picture sharing widget. It integrates into resource images and, by actively sharing visual content, perfectly attracts a new audience from social networks.

Quoting is a feature that makes sharing as easy as possible. The user can distribute content by using a cool quote from the text.

P.S. I really hope that everything will work out for you and the social network buttons are already installed on your site! And that's all for me, see you soon!

Sincerely, Vladimir Saveliev

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