YouTube translation feature. We translate the title and description of the videos. How to translate foreign speech from a video into Russian

You can link up to 200 channels. However, they cannot be used at the same time. In this article, we'll show you how to choose the right channel.

How to switch between channels

Below are detailed instructions how to do it on mobile device and on the computer.

In the new version of the YouTube site and the beta version of YouTube Studio

After you log in to your account, you will be prompted to select the desired channel. If you want to use YouTube Studio, please select one that has been approved for beta testing.

Here's how to switch to another channel afterwards:

    Click on the channel icon in the top right corner YouTube pages.

    Select "Sign in with another account". A list will appear with your Google ID and Brand Accounts you manage.

On the old YouTube site

After you log in to your account, you will be prompted to select the desired channel.

To switch to another channel later, do the following:

    Click on the channel icon in the top right corner of the YouTube page. A list will appear with your Google ID and Brand Accounts you manage. If you have more than ten channels, click "View All".

    Select the required account. If the selected brand account does not have a channel, you will be prompted to create one.

You can tell which channel you're using at any time by the name and icon in the top right corner of the page.

I have a channel associated with a brand account, but I don't see it in the list

This means that the Google account you're signed in with isn't listed as the administrator of the brand account associated with the channel.

To learn how to add a brand account administrator, see this article.

How to view channel list in google account

To view all Channels and Brand Accounts associated with your Google Account:

If you have more than ten channels
  1. Open YouTube on your computer and click on the channel icon in the top right corner of any page.
  2. Select view all.
If you have less than ten channels

To a list of Brand Accounts you own or manage in Google account, includes those that don't have associated YouTube channels. To create a channel for your brand account, simply click on its name.

How to remove a channel from this list

  • Follow the instructions on this page.
  • If the channel is associated with a brand account, first remove your account from the list of administrators.

Note. If your address is on the list Email, you can click on it and watch YouTube videos as a normal viewer. This list item cannot be deleted, but it can be used to create new channel. Its name will match your Google account name.

A marketer asks a programmer: what is the difficulty of supporting a large project?
Programmer: well, imagine that you are a writer and support the War and Peace project. You have TK - to write a chapter of how Natasha Rostova walked in the rain in the park. You write “it was raining”, you save it, an error message “Natasha Rostova has died, it’s impossible to continue” flies out. Why did she die? You start to understand. It turns out that Pierre Bezukhov has slippery shoes, he fell. His pistol hit the ground and fired at the pole, and the bullet from the pole ricocheted into Natasha. What to do? Load the gun with blanks? Change shoes? We decided to remove the pole. Next, we get the message "Lieutenant Rzhevsky died." It turns out that in the next chapter he leans on a pillar, which is no longer there ...
Just programmer jokes

You have never had the question of how to translate a foreign speech from a video into Russian. Let's say on the Internet you are interested in a video, but the video is in "bourgeois". Do not invite a professional translator on this occasion. On the channel, you can quickly use subtitles. Click on the subtitles and then on the gear.

We click where "Subtitles (2) English>".

We turn to the translator and set Russian.

Now any video will become more or less understandable, since it has Russian subtitles. But this is on Tuba they are thought out, but what about the videos on other sites. Virtual Audio Cable will help us. Download, install and in the tray click on the sound of the book. mice. Select "Playback Device". We click on any device with the right mouse button - put a checkmark "Show disabled devices". Select Line 1 and pressing the right mouse button on the device - "Enable".

Then go to the folder with the Virtual Audio Cable application and click on the audiorepeater.exe file. Where Wave out we expose (my case) Speakers and press Start.

Let's go to the site. Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the "+ Translation" button. Scroll to the bottom of the page again. Check the box "Translate synchronously into Russian". Voice input language "English". Check the box "Resume on errors". Click the "enable recording" button.

It's time to turn on the video and watch how the Voice Notebook translates it for us.

How can we not become cross-eyed now, because now we have to look at the video with one eye, and with the other at the translation 🙂 . Bye!

Help the victim of the capitalist cataclysm. Share the post on social media networks:

RollBack Rx - Time Machine for your computer... // Pyotr Petrovich, could stop a galloping horse, entered the burning huts and, in general, behaved like a woman. Just a joke-humor) ...

To do this, we will test with respect to new feature, which appeared at the end of 2015 - translation of the names and descriptions of videos into other languages. As well as the names, descriptions and playlists of the channel itself.

First, let's look at why this is needed.

Suppose you have Russian language channel, and you decide to enter a new market (for example, English-speaking). Previously, channels had 2 main ways to reach this additional audience:

  • Create a new channel on English language. Maintaining two channels - Russian and English.
  • Maintaining one channel, but using two languages ​​in the title and description. First comes the Russian name, then the English one.

The first option works well even now, but only if there is a full localization of the video. But if you are going to translate only with subtitles, you will not be able to achieve a good result. Let's say your video hit the top. The viewer will turn it on, hear Russian speech, and turn it off immediately for a certain percentage. Because of this, video retention will drop, and over time it will fall off the top. You can move 2 (or more) channels only with full localization.

The second option also remains working, but you can chase two hares and not reach the top in any language. In addition, it is only suitable for two languages. And if you want to cover 3, 4, 10 or even all languages...

To localize videos into all languages ​​YouTube has introduced this new feature. Now you can optimize one video for all regions.

And how does it work?

It works in the following way: as before, you upload a video, optimize it, and then additionally add translations of descriptions and titles of this video (and the channel as a whole) into other languages.

  • Suppose you have uploaded and optimized a video in Russian. Now let's go to the video settings.
  • Next, select the second item - Translation.
  • We see our title and description in Russian and an offer to select languages.

  • We select languages ​​and insert a pre-translated description and name for them.

  • Checking the work is quite simple. In the footer, we change the language of YouTube to the newly translated one and either find the video in the search, or simply go to your video directly (for example, by simply entering its URL in the browser).

What is the benefit of the channel from translation into many languages?

Everything is simple here: additional views for your video and channel. And, consequently, additional income. And these incomes can be very substantial. As we wrote in the article about, in some countries the price per 1000 views may differ several times for the better.

Also, in case of success in a certain region, you can think about creating a separate channel for this region.

What are the nuances and disadvantages?

Of course, there are points to talk about. Not always additional languages ​​can give a plus to the channel. Sometimes, on the contrary, they can only make things worse. Let's analyze a few cases:

  • You have too much voice acting. Or the main feature of the channel is built on the voice acting. Translation into other languages ​​can cause a wave of dislikes, worse retention and therefore a drop in views.
  • There is no way to translate tags yet. And without translating tags, it is often problematic to break out somewhere. I advise to use the most basic tag in several languages, this will partially solve the problem.
  • There is no way for each language to upload its own header. Therefore, try not to use many words in the same language in the header. And if you use it, then make it so that it does not carry any strong semantic load.
  • All comments in all languages ​​will be in one heap. Ask a question in each language to try to systematize future answers a little in advance.

Ask questions in the comments, share your experience of using this feature. While the sample of results is small, any experience is very interesting :)

Not everyone knows how change youtube language, although it is quite simple. In this article, we will tell you how you can do it in a few seconds.

First of all, let's look at why people want to switch the language on Youtube? We see 2 main reasons:

  1. the default is "incomprehensible" language. For example, you came to Thailand, went to an Internet cafe and opened Youtube. If Thai is set by default, then you can simply “get lost” in navigating the site.
  2. studying of foreign language. When you are learning a foreign language, it is useful to use the effect of "immersion" - to surround yourself and regularly use the language being studied;

How to change the language of Youtube on the site in 2 clicks

Changing settings in Youtube is a very simple task consisting of just 2 clicks.

Step 1. Go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the language button.

To select a language, click on the language button on the Youtube website

Step 2 Select the desired language from the list that appears

Select the desired language on the Youtube website

That's it - you just changed Youtube settings and now all navigation and tooltips will be in your chosen language. Agree very simply and quickly.

In the same way, you can change the country - just by selecting a new one in the adjacent menu item. The choice of the country is carried out according to the same principle as the choice of the language.

How to change Youtube language in mobile app

Now let's talk about how fast the regional settings in mobile application. All actions are about the same.

The main feature of changing language settings in mobile Youtube app for iOS and Android, the fact that the regional settings change only on the selected device. That is, changing the settings in the application does not entail changing the settings on the Youtube website.

So, a simple algorithm for changing regional settings in the application:

As you can see, everything is quite simple. In the same menu item, you can select the country's regional settings.

How to change the language of email notifications

All notifications from Youtube are sent in the language selected in the regional settings. If you want to change the notification language, you need to select the desired country in the settings.

Change Youtube language It is quite simple both on the website and in the mobile application. Now you can always make the settings that suit you very quickly.