Is it possible to earn money by taking surveys? Paid surveys: reviews. What is this - real income or a scam? Rules for filling out survey forms

It offers its visitors to receive from 40,000 rubles within 10 minutes for completing surveys from major sponsors.

This is done so that entrepreneurs can attract their audience and advertise their products. We are offered to receive money, discounts for purchasing various items, or various discounts for using their services. All we need to do is get your money in 5-10 minutes. The site contains various reviews of people who have received prizes here. To take part, we entered our name in the appropriate field and clicked “participate”. We were congratulated, paid surveys from the sponsor were found, it consists of five questions for a total amount of 89,471 rubles.

They promised that after completing this survey, this amount in full will be sent to a bank card or e-wallet. To complete the proposed survey, we followed the appropriate link. At the end of the survey, we were informed that money in the amount of 89,471 rubles was successfully credited to the online account.

To receive them, we were asked to make a minimum payment of 150 rubles. This operation was required to confirm identity and secure an online account for further transfers. By clicking “make the minimum payment”, we were redirected to the payment form of the E-pay service, where we had to pay this amount. We learned that in the E-pay service catalog this payment is accepted by a friend under the RockStar login. In chapter additional prices to his website, we saw four more payments that he would later charge us: payment of a payment system commission in the amount of 330 rubles, 600 for insuring the amount issued, connection to a security communication channel 500 rubles and 700 for opening a transit account. The presence of additional prices made it clear to us that on the Poll&Money project, they are not going to pay us 89,471 rubles for completing the survey. The link from the E-pay catalog led to the site, which proved the authorship of this comrade.

Having clicked on the link after paying for identity confirmation and securing the account, we received a message that the minimum payment in the amount of 150 rubles was credited to our online account and it was assigned to us for further transfers and payments. Below it was written that the transfer of funds is carried out by payment system“PayPai”, which charges a commission of 330 rubles when transferring over 50,000 rubles. If we do not pay this commission, the funds will be returned back to the sponsor who provided the survey. By clicking “pay PayPai commission”, we were again redirected to the E-pay payment form, where we were required to pay 330 rubles. There was no point in making the current payment. If we pay it, we will then be asked to make the remaining three payments. We will make the remaining payments; we will not receive any money for completing the survey from the Poll&Money service. No one will pay you 90 thousand rubles for 5 answers that you will spend a few minutes on.

Trust only those projects that have been thoroughly tested. The “” section is updated with selected materials that will help you achieve your desired income.

Hello, dear applicants for the best questionnaires on the Internet! Yes, there are quite a lot of sites that conduct surveys for money over the Internet, and it doesn’t hurt to identify the best ones. Half are official, the other half are fake. By the way, an important note right away:

the official questionnaire is very easy to determine - it always free and never asks to transfer any money! The fake one will always demand something from you in one way or another. The best questionnaires only without investments there can be, and even worse, if they are genuine. Remember - surveyors should pay you, not you!

I hope that everything is clear with this question, otherwise there are too many people who like to write negative things. If they get a fake on the site, they lose money and everyone gets the same brush... I would like to ask such commentators: what does honest sites have to do with it?

So, from the whole variety of Internet marketing projects, I have identified only 3 sites. These are the best surveys that pay well. They pay realistically and for more than one year!

I took away best questionnaires for making money based on the following points:

  1. The most important thing is the amount of income per month.
  2. The number of questionnaires that come from the questionnaire.
  3. % of surveys that were not answered and they end on the first questions. If anyone doesn’t know, let me explain: any survey begins with questions that weed out those people who are not entirely suitable for this survey. Few people like this, but nothing can be done about it. Some dropout percentages are higher, others are lower. An important factor when choosing the best questionnaires.
  4. Possibility to fill out forms via smartphone.
  5. Simplicity and consistency of surveys. I assure you that not all marketing sites send logical and understandable questionnaires. This is also an important factor, because it affects the nervous system of the respondent.
  6. Methods for withdrawing money from the site. Not everyone is comfortable with them, there are also better and worse ones.

That's pretty much how it works. Of course, I didn’t sit and go point by point choosing the best questionnaires. When you work in this for several years, you already know what’s what. It’s already clear to me which questionnaire is the best, which is a little worse, and which is an outsider. Next, let's talk a little about the amount of earnings.

How much money can you actually earn from surveys?

Almost all people who want to earn something through questionnaires first look for money, they worry about money, their interest is understandable. This is true, since a review can greatly help in this matter, for example, it will protect you from a scammer. Why am I saying this? To answer the question: how much can you earn from surveys? You can listen to me, or you can look for reviews on this topic. My opinion is this:

The level of earnings depends on a huge number of nuances. Someone will sit and earn 5000 rubles a year. Another person will earn 3000-5000 rubles a month. Now I’m not talking about a few of the best questionnaires, but about all of them, they can be found here:. On the other hand, there are those who earn more than 30,000 rubles a month from questionnaires.

But I just found what people write on one of the sites about marketing:

And how, one wonders, should I answer the question about the amount of your income? I don’t know how many questionnaires you can fill out daily. I don't know how responsible you are. I don’t know how many questionnaires you will work on and so on. One thing I can say:

Using the top three surveys that I will present below, you can easily earn about 4,000 rubles. per month!

But this is only possible for those who are really ready to work and have the temporary resources for this. All freeloaders go to the other door, better not even start. However, it’s time to finally present the top three. If there was rating of the best questionnaires, then the first 3 places were located exactly like this! This is a purely subjective opinion, because the rating of the best is personal, based on many years of experience.

Three of the best questionnaires that have been paying money well and really for several years

I especially consider it necessary to note the fact that these sites have been operating for a very long time, with the exception of the last one. A very long time should be taken literally, we are talking about tens of years!

I practice all 3 sites closely, I know everything about them. If you are a beginner and are too lazy to register on a dozen surveys, then you can register only on these - the best option to start.

One more point that is very important! Failure to comply with this parting word will kill all your hopes!

After registering for any survey project be sure to fill out your profile! It usually consists of several short questionnaires. It is based on the information that you indicate there that certain surveys will be selected for you.

The best earnings from questionnaires are those who fill out everything as accurately as possible. Believe me, this is one of the most important points. If your profile is not completed, surveys may not be sent at all. Now let's move on to the very best questionnaires...

The first one is the Russian site Questionnaire - the best among all questionnaires today!

The best questionnaire of 2019-2020, and even 2021, and even 2022 (probably it will be so) is, of course, the site It has been working for more than 10 years, and therefore recently held a competition and one friend received a smartphone. Once again about the profile. On this site it looks like this:

There are only 7 such sections and for each of them the project pays you 10 rubles. Trifle? But you need to take into account the fact that this project is the only one who pays for filling out the profile. We already have one point in the treasury for the best questionnaire.

Pays for each completely completed survey about 50-100 rubles, which is also the best payment rate. Other sites pay around 50, and some no more than 40.

Register and only persons living in the following countries can take part: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Now about one more fact that outshines all other sites and pushes this one to the rank of the best!

Attention! This marketing project brings money to bank cards ! This, I must say, is a unique opportunity. Try to find at least one more similar project with output to maps! Why not the best questionnaire, huh? On the site itself it looks like this:

Verdict: Register on Profile ru if you really want to work on the best questionnaire on the Internet. Constantly holds competitions. You can receive cash, or you can save “gold” and then exchange them for various goods. Such as: laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. In general, there is a full-fledged article on this site:. Regarding withdrawal of money:

You can order on your cell phone, on a card, on Webmoney or on Yandex Money. After completing the application, funds are received within 20 working days. From personal experience– the Sberbank card arrives in 10 days.

This is the best questionnaire, friends. TOP-1, one might say, are good. Okay, let's move on, there are still two better ones in stock.

The second is the best foreign questionnaire from the USA LifePoints - this is already the best international project!

We just talked about the best questionnaire for my personal rating. It belongs to a Russian company and is generally aimed at a Russian-speaking audience. We will have second on the list of the best best foreign survey site.

LifePoints is a global marketing leader, owned by the USA. The owner company has been operating since 1946! I am sure that the majority of visitors to this page are younger than this creation of marketers.

A small note from the project itself:

What can be noted here? As for payment - each survey is paid in an average amount of 150 rubles. Simple surveys can be paid at a rate of 50 rubles. But if you are lucky and get a premium survey, you can get up to 500 rubles. in just one questionnaire. It’s great, of course, but such surveys come once a year.

The site withdraws money only to the PayPal payment system, as, indeed, almost all foreign survey sites. Plus, you can withdraw funds using and certificates and this is just a super opportunity, you can believe me!

Russian language is of course supported. So register be brave and work as much as you want. Difficulties may arise during registration, they usually arise due to Email"Russian production". To solve this problem, use Google mail, the one called Gmail.

The third is also a foreign site, greetings from Sweden from the Surveys survey project!

Rounding out the top three questionnaires is also a foreign site with Russian support. This friend “arrived” from Stockholm (Sweden).

The questionnaire is relatively new. However, from personal experience - the level of income, and this is the main thing, he has the third of all the projects on which I work. It rightfully takes its place among the best questionnaires!

At the bottom of the site there is such interesting information from which you can draw a conclusion not only about the project’s affiliation to a certain country, but also find out where the site withdraws money:

What pleases us is the presence of the Webmoney payment system. Although PayPal, in my opinion, is even better. I don’t understand – why is everyone avoiding her so much? The simplest payment system without any problems. Regarding the amount of payment for surveys:

The site itself promises to pay from 20 to 120 rubles for each profile. This information is on their website. What do we have in practice? Here's what:

I’ve been working on this survey for about a couple of years and surveys, for the most part, come for 80-120 rubles. Although, in truth, it should be noted that a lot depends on the season. Sometimes questionnaires cost 50-60 rubles.

Verdict on the site: registration on one of the simplest, although you also need to fill out a profile. The site itself is excellent and has an incredibly simple interface. There is a mobile application through which you can take surveys. He is not the best among the best for one reason - the percentage of surveys to which he “didn’t fit” is slightly higher than the other two. Otherwise the project is 5+

How to earn from 4,000 rubles per month on these three sites?

The top three surveyors may well bring in 10,000 rubles a month, but this requires experience + clear knowledge and understanding of the entire area of ​​marketing on the Internet.

It is not uncommon for the average person to earn 500-1000 rubles. But for a smart person who came to work and not just get money - 4000 rubles. per month is quite possible to get.

However, there are nuances here! Follow the following rules for the best, otherwise your lot will be no more than 500 rubles. per month, or even per year... So, parting words are as follows:

  • After registration be sure to fill out profile about yourself, otherwise you won’t earn anything at all.
  • It is best to fill out all forms you receive via a PC or laptop. Even when the questionnaire flaunts the presence mobile application– this does not guarantee that the survey will not freeze and your money will be lost. This happens rarely, but still, these are unnecessary risks. It is better to fill out via PC.
  • All surveys must be completed very carefully. Some have hidden security questions. Don’t answer this question once, twice, and that’s it! Your trust rating will be zero! You don’t have to wait for new surveys after this.
  • It is better to start filling it out immediately when a new questionnaire arrives in your email. If you postpone it until later, the survey may be closed, since the required number of respondents has already been collected without you.
  • Answer all questions honestly, as is. Marketers are not idiots. They immediately see liars who, to please them, want to worm their way into the ranks of those who come greatest number the best and most expensive surveys. What are we talking about? For example, almost any survey begins with questions about your financial situation. The higher it is, the more interesting you are in the marketing field (this is a fact). Many schoolchildren indicate that they earn millions at the age of 14-16 years. Stupid, isn't it?

That's probably all. Follow these simple rules and your income will be the best of the best! It's probably time to finish, this is a huge article again. I'll write a final review and call it a day.

The best questionnaires that conduct surveys for money - final feedback on the work

Do you know that itself is the best thing that the Internet offers to ordinary users today? Those people who don’t have their own website or anything else that could bring in money. If I were asked to write a review about this destination, I would say this:

Participation in survey sites is the most best opportunity learn to make money online. Method without investment. Doesn't require any special skills. Perfect option, but definitely not for armchair fools! Who, without understanding anything, get into this field of activity. They, of course, do not earn anything. However, they fill the Internet with negative reviews with enviable regularity!

The best surveys among others are good, but for the highest possible income, it will be better (smarter) to take part in all existing survey sites. Obviously, this will undoubtedly lead to increased financial returns from your work. , is far from a new phenomenon. Marketers have been working on the Internet for a long time. You can try it yourself. Then identify a few for yourself. best questionnaires and you will earn good money. This is how I have been doing it for several years now!

All the best and all the best!

From my Internet resource. Participating in market research and receiving a monetary reward for it is not fiction, but reality! That is why I have prepared this article for you, which describes in detail the features of filling out questionnaires for money, and also presents the main projects for work. I also wrote several recommendations that will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced freelancers.

After reading this article, you will not only find several interesting platforms for taking surveys, but you will also be able to properly organize your online activities. As a result, you can count on a good additional income by doing something that does not require any special skills or knowledge from you.

The main idea of ​​earning money by filling out questionnaires

One of the most effective and fastest methods of obtaining data is conducting sociological surveys. Recently, marketing research has become quite popular, which is aimed at collecting the opinions of a large audience of users about a particular product (this can be both consumer goods and services).

Such research is often carried out on the Internet on special resources with which many well-known manufacturers cooperate. Thus, the company can easily obtain the opinions of potential or actual customers about certain products. This will allow them to improve the quality of their products, taking into account all the wishes of real users.

Your task here will be to:

  1. Finding a suitable resource for the job. It is important that the site is reliable and solvent (in this article I will present you with a list of questionnaires that have already won the trust of users).
  2. Registration on the selected site. This process takes literally a few minutes. This is a prerequisite to start receiving payment for filling out surveys. You will need to provide basic information about yourself (full name, age, country and city of residence), enter your email address and create a password to log in to the system.
  1. Filling personal profile. This is also a mandatory condition that will allow the system to send you only suitable surveys (for example, you will not receive questionnaires about cars if you do not have your own car, etc.). You will indicate more in your profile detailed information about yourself, education and work, lifestyle, etc. It is also recommended to regularly recheck this data and update it if necessary.
  2. Wait for an invitation to complete the survey to be sent to your email address. Follow the link provided in the letter and start going through it.
  3. Follow, which are not so difficult: you need to take the test to the end, do not skip questions and answer extremely honestly.
  4. Receive payment for high-quality and conscientious completion of the questionnaire. Some projects award money, and some offer rewards in the form of points, which can later be converted into real currency. You can withdraw all earned funds to electronic wallets in the most common payment systems (WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex Money, Paypal, etc.).

As you can see, the working conditions are not difficult. If you treat such activities responsibly, you can receive a very good additional income, which will be enough to pay utilities, communications and the Internet.

Best survey projects

As you can see, the variety of services is quite wide. Therefore, in any case, you can choose the best option for yourself. To do this, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of each resource in more detail.

Benefits of making money by taking surveys

If you still doubt that paid questionnaires can bring you real additional income, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with The main advantages of this part-time job:

  1. There is absolutely no investment required from you. This is a good enough reason to start participating in market research, because you have nothing to lose!
  2. This type of work is suitable even for students, and sometimes for schoolchildren. Many projects allow 14-year-old users to work. By providing permission from their parents, every teenager will be able to earn money on their own.
  3. To fill out forms for money, you do not need any knowledge, higher education or special skills. You just need to know how to use a computer and the Internet.
  4. You can work from any convenient location. You don’t have to be at home all the time; it’s enough to have a device with Internet access. Even a smartphone is suitable for work, so you can fill out surveys in transport, in public institutions and other places.
  5. One survey will take you about 20 minutes. Therefore, such activity will not bring you any inconvenience. In addition, completing the survey does not require urgency. However, there is no point in delaying this. The best option is to complete the test within a few hours of receiving the invitation.
  6. You will be able not only to receive additional profit, but also to influence with your opinion the production of various goods that you yourself use. This is an excellent opportunity to improve product quality.

As you can see, this online part-time job has many advantages. Therefore, there is no need to doubt it! Study as much information as possible about each project, choose one, or better yet, several profitable projects and start earning money right now! I am confident that with the right approach you will succeed.

Paid survey– a very interesting survey site with a rather attractive interface. The average survey price is 40-50 rubles. However, this site has very strict rules. Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to register. If you are under 18, your parents will have to fill out and send a special application electronically (or do not provide truthful information when registering;)). Also, members of the same family do not have the right to earn money here using the same computer. is a paid survey site that has already turned ten years old since the start of providing its services, which cannot but be a guarantee of its stability. Also, this paid survey site has a number of advantages over its competitors. This is the ability to choose the currency in which money will be credited, in addition to a huge number of options for withdrawing money. The cost of the survey is from 15 to 500 rubles. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 100 rubles. You will receive 12-20 surveys per year. However, the bonus system should be mentioned. The fact is that if you invite new people, you will receive 10 percent of the income of each of them.

Opinion– the best Ukrainian survey site, entirely in Russian. New surveys will be sent to you by email, but as a rule, you will need to check your spam folder. Over the course of a month, you will receive from four to eight surveys on average, I even received 3-5 per week. The average cost of one survey varies from 1 to 20 hryvnia. The minimum amount for withdrawal is reached very quickly and is 50 hryvnia, which is very convenient, because in this way you can immediately “get a taste of money”. For one attracted referral you will receive 3 UAH. Withdraw money to WebMoney, mobile phone or exchange it for certificates, subscriptions, even purchases household appliances and electronics (the choice, the price-quality ratio of which is off the charts). is another proven paid survey site that has been operating for over ten years. The site does not stop developing, so the number of surveys sent is growing every year. Currently this is about 60 surveys per year. The average cost of completing one questionnaire is from 15 to 1000 rubles. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 500 rubles. The only way withdrawal of money is an account mobile phone, but at the same time the funds arrive very quickly, almost the next day. a site that has, well, simply, a huge number of positive reviews and this is not in vain. You can’t just register on the Internet site. After filling out the required fields, you will have to wait for a special invitation. For one completed questionnaire you will be credited from 20 to 90 rubles. The minimum amount you can withdraw (via Yandex money or to a mobile account) is 500 rubles. It is also worth noting the presence of a passive income system. After registration, you will be offered to install the program, for the installation of which you will pay 50 rubles and in the future - 10 rubles per day.– a foreign questionnaire site with support for the Russian language. This is a site with a rather non-standard, but nevertheless very interesting system for making money. For each completed survey you will be awarded points (from 500 to 10,000). The minimum amount for withdrawal is 20,000 points. Surveys are not frequent, but well paid. Another undeniable advantage of this site is that it pays for almost any of your actions, for example, inviting a new participant (0.5 euros after the new person completes his first survey for money). In general, an interesting toy that allows you to make good money on surveys.– not a bad paid survey site for additional income. Its main feature is the presence of a rating; after registration it will be equal to 100 percent, however, the site administration reserves the right to lower it in cases where within six months you do not pass a single question, if you answer inconsistently and (or) not you will respond to the system’s suggestions. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles. You will receive 2–3 surveys per week, costing 20–60 rubles. Plus a bonus - 15 rubles and 50 kopecks for each invited friend.– a simple and convenient site for surveys for money. The main feature of the portal is surveys, which are divided into two types: simple and VIP. Simple ones are created by ordinary users for personal purposes and, as a rule, are not paid. While completing VIP surveys is rewarded with special coins, which are converted into rubles in a 1:1 ratio. The minimum amount you can withdraw is 150 rubles. Another pleasant surprise is the promotions that Onlineporos holds quite often.

And remember! Paid survey sites are not a bad additional income that does not require any special skills or knowledge!

Free and no scam, just read!
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Paid surveys for money

Paid surveys

Surveys for money- one of the most popular ways to work online. This is due to the fact that this type earning money is very fast. Unlike real surveys for money - internet surveys They take little time, you will spend about 5-15 minutes on one survey, and you can earn about fifty rubles. Agree - 50 rubles for 10 minutes is not so bad!

In general, about 2000 rubles per month through paid surveys on the Internet It’s quite possible to make money, and given the fact that it won’t take you much time, I advise you to master this type of income.

Paid surveys for money

Why paid surveys on the Internet very comfortable?

Yes, because to participate in them you just need to register with all companies that provide earnings on surveys for money - and be sure to indicate the correct email address. After this invitation to paid surveys will be sent to you by email regularly.

I repeat - you need to register in all projects with paid surveys, because your income directly depends on this. The more companies you register, the more invitations to paid surveys you will receive - and the more money you will earn from it!

Here is a list of companies that offer participating in paid surveys for money- registration in all projects is free:

Myiyo- here for surveys you will receive points, which can later be exchanged for rubles and received in different ways. We recommend that you complete your profile completely and confirm your email address. This way you will earn your first points and will be able to receive more invitations by email.

Bigpoll- after passing quick registration you get 80 rubles. to the account as a gift. A good company that pays money for online research.

Workle- a popular site for working on the Internet without investment. Sometimes you can earn money here through paid online surveys, but in general this resource specializes in obtaining real Internet professions.

Rublklub- For completing registration you receive 150 rubles to your account. A good survey site where, in addition to money, you can purchase discount coupons for online stores. He often conducts daily surveys, so the minimum withdrawal amount is reached very quickly. You can withdraw your earnings to a Qiwi wallet, PayPal or phone. Be sure to fill out your profile in detail, then invitations to surveys will come regularly! I advise you to work more actively with this project.

I advise everyone to try this method of making money on the Internet. These are, of course, not paid surveys, but this earning and surveys for money have one very important similarity: In both cases you spend very little time. Moreover, to earn money in in social networks you spend even less. Here you can work for a minute and earn 2 - 4 rubles. Accordingly, in 10 - 15 minutes, you will receive from 20 to 60 rubles. As you can see, the income figures are almost the same as for paid surveys. Be sure to try it - making money is even easier!

Surveyharbor- a good survey company with payments on webmoney and PayPal. Register and start earning money.

Paid questionnaire - another very good company paid surveys. Sends 3-5 invitations per month.

Here are all the survey sites where you can actually make money now. If you want to promptly learn about the emergence of new companies offering surveys for money, then I advise you to join our VKontakte group -