What stats should be in the HUD? Pop-up windows HUD (HUD Popup Configuration) Hud for a hold'em manager

HUDs for 6 max cash tables

Almost all of the above-mentioned HUDs for heads-up games are suitable for 6-max tables. You can download any of the HUD and popup. The same Kireev, SamuraiHUD, ERV123 and others are suitable for 6 max. But the list can be expanded with a couple more customized panels.

Simple HUD for 9 max.

Main (top) panel:

  • Hands, WTSD, W$SD nosmall
  • TOT VPIP, TOT PFR, Postflop Aggression Factor, Postflop Aggression
  • TOT 3Bet, TOT Fold to 3Bet, TOT ReSteal (3Bet vs Steal), TOT Fold vs Resteal

Short panels:

  • BB Fold vs SB Steal and BB 3Bet vs SB
  • TOT Fold To Steal and TOT ReSteal (3Bet vs Steal)
  • SB Fold to 3Bet from ip and SB Steal

A more extensive HUD, but with virtually no pop-ups. As stated in the name itself, this is a HUD for 9-max cash tables of no-limit hold'em.

Download free HUD HM2 for tournaments

HUD Hold'em Manager 2 for tournaments and cash games is not particularly different, so at first you can use one HUD on all tables. SamuraiHUD, ERV123, Beginners2 are suitable for you. But separately, specifically for tournament players, the following HUDs have been created:

All of the above HUDs for MTT XM2 are quite easy to use. They have no a large number of indicators and are used practically without pop-ups.

Download free HUDs for Spin&Go

On the site you can choose the ideal HUD for MTT in XM2 or for cache. Fans of Spin&Go will have to look for a good HUD, since the discipline is relatively new. Usually they use tournament or heads-up settings. You can download a convenient HUD for HM2 spins on our website:

Free HUD for spins on HM2. Originally designed for heads-up games. Has built-in tooltips with Nash equilibrium tables.

HUD of professional players

Many online professionals share their HUD online, especially those who conduct training. However, such tools are usually paid. On the Internet you can buy HUD of Anatoly Filatov, Mikhail "Inner" Shalamov, Leonid "LEBROHґKA" Logunov and other Russian-speaking regulars as well as poker coaches.

Their prices range from $9 to $55.

Foreign pros sometimes share their HUDs on streams and on social media. networks or on poker forums.

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In my coaching work, I constantly come across students who use statistical programs (Holdem manager), but do not display the most important stats in their work. Today I will talk about what stats need to be inserted into ANY HUD so that it is as informative as possible and takes up little space

You won’t believe that a well-tuned HUD will allow you to practically not use additional statistics.

Gentleman's set for poker player:

  • VPIP– shows in % how often the player participates in hands
  • PFR– how often does a player raise preflop?
  • Aggression– how aggressive is the player
  • WTSD– income before showdown after seeing the flop
  • 3bet– how often does he rearrange his opponent’s raise?
  • Fold to 3bet– how often does it throw out for rearrangement?
  • Cbet FLOP– continuation bet on the flop
  • Fold to cbet FLOP– fold to a continuation bet on the flop
  • Donk– bet out of turn

The first set of stats is simply necessary for all players. Based on them, you will be able to understand the player’s tendencies and will make very good decisions. I discussed the tendencies of players in one of my videos, I highly recommend it. General stats are gained quite quickly, and a large sample is not needed to understand which opponent is in front of us.

Expanded/clarifying stats

Very often I see that people do not add such important stats as Fold to kbet in POSITION and WITHOUT POSITION, but use a general fold to kbet. In current realities, these 2 stats are very different: in position a person can fold 40% of the time, and out of position - 60%, and the result will show you 50! We can make a mistake based on false statistics. The same applies to kbets.

The second very important clarification concerns statistics on steals (raises from late positions: CO, BTN, SB). Many people use a common stat - fold to steal, but you and I understand that, for example, BB vs SB and BTN and CO folds completely differently! The same applies to 3bet and fold to 3bet, position versus position. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, then look video, about the mathematics of fold equity.

Naturally, it is not very convenient for us to use too many statistics. A HUD that takes up half the screen does not make the game easier, so we need to clarify only those situations that most often occur in the game! And so I would add.

What stats to add to the HUD:

  • Steal
  • SB fold to BTN steal
  • BB fold to BTN steal
  • BB fold to SB steal
  • Resteal
  • BTN Fold vs 3bet Binds
  • Fold to cbet IP
  • Fold to cbet OOP
  • Fold VS Raise IP

And then you say: “Where are the turn stats, opponent’s raises, etc.?” - A reasonable remark, but on the turn, in order to make a decision, I already open POPUP, where I look at several stat combinations at once, which will simply skew the entire had. The same applies to raises - in order to cbet, we essentially only need the fold stat.

This is what my HUD looks like:

Notes on my HUD

The Cbet stat is general, there is no need for clarification here, since in order to play postflop as a caller, I always open a pop-up and there I look at a whole complex of 6-10 stats.

Steal is also common, since in any case you have to go to POPUP to see how a person folds to 3bet, makes 4bet, in a specific position.

Fold vs raise IP - in fact, the stat is a kind of option for playing against BTN when I am out of position after injecting a raise. I don’t see the point in bringing up a situation when I’m already in position, there are much more options to beat my opponent and we just need a POPUP.

In all other respects, the HUD is very compact and takes up minimal space!

Next time I will present a complete HUD + POPUPs called Smart-HUD, and tell you what is included there. It will be available for download, note caddy is not used there.

The HUD in Holdem Manager 2 is the best assistant for reading your opponent and calling a bluff.

So, a HUD is a tool that serves to display data about your opponents in real time.

All players who are going to make a profit from playing poker need information on their opponents: what kind of player he is, how often he plays and how he can be exploited. This is especially important if you play a large number of tables.

This is what the standard HUD looks like in HM 2:

HUD in HM2

What does hud show us?

In the standard version of HUD you receive information:

1. TOT VPIP(voluntarily deposited money into the bank) - an indicator that displays how often you or your opponent enters the bank.

Bets must be voluntary, so posting blinds does not count. There are no ideal values, some play more aggressively, some less, but both can play to their advantage.

Optimal values ​​for 9-max tables are 15-25%. I advise everyone to have average indicators from the spectrum that I outlined. 19-21% VPIP will be very cool.

2. TOT PFR(preflop raise) – characterizes how often you or your opponent raises preflop.

This takes into account not only the open raise, but also the 3-bet and subsequent bet increases. Optimal values ​​are from 10 to 20%. PFR and VPIP are two fundamental indicators in Holdem Manager 2 preflop. The difference between them should not exceed 6%.

If you want to add an indicator to your HUD that determines the frequency of open raises, it is called RFI (raise first).

3. Postflop Aggression Factor(aggression factor) – determines the player’s aggressiveness and is calculated using the following formula: (%bet + %raise) / %call.

Let's say your opponent has an aggression factor of 4.1 - that's a lot (your opponent is playing aggressively postflop). Try to play more carefully against him; at showdown he may not have the strongest hands. And if your opponent has an indicator of 1.6, then he plays much more calmly, without particularly accelerating the bank.

Maxim's schedule. Before using the software:

After using the software:

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Whether you like it or not, HUDs are present in 21st century poker, and it is very important to set them up correctly and use them productively while playing.

Before we begin, let's clear something up. You're using a HUD, right? If the site you are playing on allows this software, and you don't use it - you lose money. Some players are successful without using software, but these are the exception that proves the rule, and they would play better if they learned to use the HUD properly. Now that we know all this, let's talk about how you can get the most out of the little sign next to each player's name at your table.

First of all, I would like to say that my HUD is Holdem Manager 2. Some people have problems with HM2, but for me it works without bugs and does all the work I need. PokerTracker4 is a product of the same quality, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews from those who use it. I assume that there may be some inconsistencies - some things used by Holdem Manager 2 users may not exist in PokerTracker (and vice versa), so please bear with me and note that I am not encouraging you to use some specific program.

I just want to tell you what features of HM2 I know that will be useful for MTT players, and I hope that all these options are also available to those who use PT4. Some readers of this article may add what features of their program are available to them that do not exist in HM2 - there are comments for this. Anyway, I'm not telling you to use any specific software, just use some kind of HUD - if possible.

Understanding the purpose of using HUD in MTT

The biggest mistake in thinking - regarding HUDs in MTT - is that some believe that they cannot be used effectively due to the lack of a large sample of hands. This is not true, for a large number of reasons - firstly, the sample can be large by who you play regularly I have over 1,000 hands with some opponents Secondly, you very rarely use specific numbers as a basis for decisions.

In a cash game, you might have a fairly large sample of hands on someone that you can definitely say, “he's opening with this percentage of hands, so I should three-bet with that percentage.” This rarely happens in tournaments, and since the situations in tournaments are very different from each other, you won’t know your opponents as well as in a cash game. It's more important to instead look at HUD numbers about your opponent's performance compared to the average player.

Given that you will only have small statistical samples at all times, it is very rare that you will be able to determine in detail the range or frequency of a player's bluffs in MTT, especially early in the hand. There are a huge number of unique situations in which a player might decide to 3-bet a bluff with a garbage hand based on how the game is going, or he might decide to check-raise a bluff on a particular flop in an unusual situation because there's a bubble going on. final table.

When situations like this occur, you probably won't be able to do much better than some guess at your opponent's range, but if you find a player whose 3-bet stats are 3% above average or whose check-raise stats are 5% below average, that can make a significant difference. change the way you make decisions. If someone is playing a little outside the box in some metric, it becomes easier to work with, preventing them from exploiting your game and exploiting them in return. Your knowledge of what a "standard" game will be in a given case forms the working environment for determining how you will extrapolate the potential actions of non-standard types of players.

Take the time to customize your HUD

Perhaps the biggest mistake most players make is that they configure their HUD once when they first install the program and never change the settings again. If this is the case, you are missing out on a lot of information. When you're just starting to use a HUD, it seems logical to start with a simpler setting. The most common and simple HUD setting is something like Number of hands - VPIP - PRF - 3-bet. And this is enough for many. But why stop there?

If you've been using these settings for a long time and they work for you, why not add something else? Then another indicator, another, a third? If I were you, I would add as much information as possible. It can't do any harm until it distracts you from the information that was already in your HUD before. Add information to your HUD the same way you move up the stakes or learn to play. large quantity tables.

Do maximum amount color markers

Most HUD programs allow you to color stats based on their significance. This is a very good idea because it allows your brain to focus on the right things and also trains you to make appropriate decisions. For example, if you color any VPIP less than 10 in red %, orange 10-20%, yellow 20-30% and green anything over 30%, you can easily quickly evaluate your table by simply identifying the dominant colors by looking at the screen with the HUD turned on.

A lot of red - and you know that your table is tight. A lot of green means very loose, and so on. For statistics that do not clearly delineate "tight" or "loose", you can assign a neutral, separate color, such as grey, blue or crimson, to separate these individual statistics.

Use as much information as you feel comfortable with

This point goes hand in hand with the first point about gradually setting the parameters of your HUD. Ideally, you want to ensure that all the necessary statistics are in front of your eyes. For some, this means never using the HUD pop-up window. which shows more detailed statistics, since additional mouse clicks can complicate things significantly. For others, this means a minimum number of indicators in the HUD and a very carefully configured pop-up screen, so that at the slightest need for details, important information can be obtained as quickly as possible.

Often the ideal balance is just average - you don't need a huge number of statistics in your HUD, so large that you can't make out the size of the players' stacks, but if you can add some indicator and it will not affect the comfort of the arrangement, you should You can also experiment with fonts to make sure that the numbers in a particular font aren't taking up space where other useful indicators could be.

Choose widely used statistical measures

Having a lot of stats in your HUD is great and great, but it will often be useless if you don't get a good stat sample of them. You want to use stats that give you a general idea of ​​your opponent's play, not a tiny summary because the number of total hands with table neighbors will be limited

This means that statistics such as "turn check-raise percentage" will be less useful than "overall check-raise percentage" - not only because it takes a long time to get a solid sample of turn check-raises, but and because it is likely that someone who has a high overall check-raise percentage will also check-raise the turn more often, so if you only focus on the turn, you are reducing the amount of information available to you. The same goes for other statistics - don't use "bet on the flop after your opponent checks", use "percentage of aggression on the flop". There is no need to use “defending in the big blind against a raise from the button”, it’s better to use “total percentage of folds to steal” and so on...

Finally - be careful and use the information

This is probably the most obvious, but in fact, you'd be surprised how easily some people ignore the fact that their HUD is screaming that a certain move is not the right move in that situation. Those who suffer from a rigid autopilot, for example, I am often one of these poor souls, often encounter this. If you want to play MTT optimally, you need to pay attention to your HUD. Ignoring it and treating it as background is the same as not putting it in at all.

If you feel uncomfortable or as if the HUD is interfering with your view of the table, try swapping everything, or use the "active table only" setting in HM2 to have stats only appear on your current table and disappear from others. No matter what your problem is, you need to find a solution and use the HUD every day when playing poker until you simply refuse to play without it. Each hand played without a HUD will be slightly worse in EV than a hand with a HUD, and over time the EV accumulates more and more. Like it or not, HUDs are present in 21st century poker, and it is very important to set them up correctly and use it productively during the game.