How to create scripts for programs. Introduction to the course writing scripts. register_globals = Off and nothing else

What is a script? A script is a program written in a web programming language for sites that solves any dynamic problems on the site, whether it creates a shopping cart for a customer or organizes correspondence on the site or voting in general, fulfills any need that standard means html or css cannot be implemented.
Scripts are almost the main component of any website; it is with the help of scripts that a website turns from an ordinary hand-drawn page into a multifunctional structure, and it is impossible to do without scripts.

Almost any script can be adapted to a specific site, configured and implemented. In this section, you are offered very interesting and useful scripts that will help you make your website more convenient and diverse. This updated version the well-known and beloved CMS Wordpress, which runs the bulk of blogs on the Internet. The version is completely Russified and correct. In this version we have improved and improved a lot, for example we have improved text editor

, created a new view for the image library, a new plugin directory, etc. You can download Wordpress 4 and have a beautiful blog today.

An excellent, powerful forum that has enormous potential and, best of all, it is also free. Version 3 is a logical continuation of the well-known phpbb2, but of course there is much more functionality, quality, and all kinds of improvements. A good cms that is in no way inferior to its paid counterparts.

Read instructions for installing and configuring the phpBB3 forum script. This is the most popular build of one of the best CMS

. Based on it, you can create projects of almost any complexity, from a personal page to a multi-level online store. The beauty of this CMS is its ease of use and fairly simple setup, which gives you great opportunities in terms of creating websites. Joomla 2.5.6 is a completely free CMS with a huge set of plugins and all kinds of templates. Joomla is a set of scripts written in the language. This is a ready-made and free engine for your website. Joomla! tries to keep things as simple as possible while still providing great features. Finally, people new to programming can have a system for fully managing their websites without spending exorbitant amounts of money on closed-source software. Usually a web server is the prerogative of hosters, but you can quite simply and quickly install D.E.N.W.E.R., which will install a ready-made package on your computer software web server and on which you can deploy and install CMS Joomla. Version of Joomla! 1.5.12 with localized demo materials and pre-installed Russian dialogue language. This distribution is no different from the standard one, except for pre-installed Russian language localization packages, demo materials in Russian, TinyMCE language files and license text displayed during installation.

In fact, it is a mini Yandex on your website. Site search script without using MySQL. Suitable for most small and medium-sized sites. Uses indexing, which significantly reduces search time. Indexes ~1Mb in 1 second (the speed depends on the nesting of folders and the structure of your pages). The search takes from a fraction of a second (depending on the complexity of the query and the weight of the index) to...

WordPress is free CMS With open source, distributed under the GNU GPL. WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms today. Using this script, you can make a website with huge functionality, from a simple page with posts, to a multifunctional site with user registration, and all kinds of services, thanks to a large number of plugins. There are also a huge number of free templates written for this CMS that will help make your blog stylish and beautiful.
Installation and configuration tutorial.

Script (scripting language - translated from English as “script language”) is a high-level programming language that was developed specifically for writing scripts - brief instructions to perform certain actions by the system. A script is a program that deals with ready-made software components. Mainly, scripts are used to create a dialogue with the reader of hypertext, as well as to supply sites with various “tricks”: for example, pop-up tips or visit counters. A script is also a program that automates a PC task, for example, setting proxy server parameters.

Where to begin?

The question of how to learn to create scripts is essentially equivalent to the question of how to learn programming. In many sources on the Internet you can find articles under the heading “How to create a script”, which begin with the words - “It’s very simple to do this and anyone can do it...”. But, in fact, this statement is very doubtful. The main problem is the need to study the mass of commands and internal features of the language. A simple script, of course, can be created using a template, of which there are simply tons on the Internet. Here, really, anyone can handle it. For example, you could open Notepad right now and type the following:

  • WScript.Echo("Hello!");
  • text = "";

Now you need to save the file with resolution.js. How to run the script? Just double-click on the created file, and voila - the classic Windows notification window appears with the text “Hello!” You can click on the “cross” or the “OK” key and close the script. For more information, read our article. So, you wrote a script and can even now create such notification windows with any inscriptions, but you have absolutely no idea what the commands mean, you just copy them. If you are faced with the task of making some kind of menu appear when you click on the “OK” button, you will find yourself completely at a loss. If you want to write scripts rather than copy them, you'll first need to learn the syntax and structure of scripting languages.

Scripting languages

Scripting languages ​​can be divided into four classes:

  • command-scenario. The most famous is JCL. This group of languages ​​is used to manage tasks in operating systems. The languages ​​were created in the 1960s, but few people work with them today.
  • applied scenario. These include the most popular JavaScript. This group of languages ​​runs on the client side of the software. Good tutorials on JavaScript can be found.
  • Markup languages ​​that allow tags to be embedded in plain text for structure and specific dynamic behavior. The most famous is PostScript, let's study it.
  • universal languages ​​best suited for web programming. The most popular is Tcl, let's delve into its syntax.

You can find good script templates on the websites - and

Installing the script

How to install scripts on a website? The programs with which the user designs a website may differ in interface, but the general scheme looks like this:

  1. Upload the script file to the site in ftp resolution;
  2. Set the right to run the script in the security settings;
  3. Launch the installation form and fill in the required data;
  4. We carry out additional configuration of the script in the control panel.


Depending on where the script is executed, scripts are divided into “client” and “server”. When going to some address on the network, we send the URL of the page of interest to the server, and it runs the script located at the specified address. The script, performing the actions programmed in it on the server, assembles the page from the necessary blocks and sends it to the browser. This is a server script. Having received the page, the browser on ours renders it for us and, if the received page code contains some kind of script, then it is already executing this script. This is a client script.
In order for a server or browser to read, understand and execute a script, it must be compiled and written according to rules known to them. Such sets of rules are called scripting programming languages. Most server scripts nowadays are written in PHP language, and most client-side ones are in JavaScript. To write a script, it is enough to have a regular text editor - notepad. But for constant programming of scripts, you cannot do without a specialized editor. Such an editor takes on the lion's share of the routine work of writing scripts, leaving the programmer more time for creativity.
Let's write a simple script in server-side PHP. The first line should inform the performer that the script begins from this point. In PHP, this opening tag looks like this:Between these two tags are instructions - the language. For example, print the inscription left by O. Bender on the Caucasus rocks like this: echo (“Kisya and Osya were here”); And the instruction to show the current time in the HOUR:MINUTE format is written like this: echo date("H:i"); Complete A PHP script composed of these statements would look like this:echo date("H:i");
echo ("Kisya and Osya were here!");?>After executing this script by the server executing program (language interpreter), the page would look like this:

And the same script in client JavaScript will look like this: var now = new date();
document.write(now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes());
document.write ("Kisya and Osya were here!"); Here the line var now = new date() commands the script executor to create a new virtual object called "now", which represents the current date and time. document.write() is a command to write what is specified in parentheses on a page, and the commands now.getHours() and now.getMinutes() instruct to retrieve the current hour and minute from the “now” object.
For greater clarity, all that remains is to combine these two scripts into one file, save it on the server and type the URL in the address bar of the browser. As a result, we will see identical lines, one of which was executed according to our script on the server (by the PHP interpreter), and the other on our computer (by the JavaScript interpreter).

Any beginner System Administrator Linux sooner or later encounters such a concept as “ script”, be it one of the boot scripts like /etc/rc.d/rc or a configuration script written by the software developer configure. In this article I will try to show that writing scripts in shell is not something out of the ordinary and is quite feasible even for a beginner in the world of Linux.

Let's start by figuring out what's hidden behind in English terms shell And script. Shell, or shell, as the term is sometimes translated, is a command interpreter, an interface between the user and the operating system, its kernel. But more than that, it is also a powerful programming and scripting language. It contains its own function words and control structures and allows you to write programs on it. This scripting language program is called script, can combine system calls and commands operating system, as well as external utilities, creating a powerful tool for system administration.

One of the tasks of system administration is backup important information. Therefore, let's look at an example of a script that implements back-up information.

The beginning of time

So, first of all, we need to understand the structure of the script. It is not anything complicated. By and large, the simplest script is simply a list of system commands. For example:

Echo This is just an example
uname -a

These commands are combined in one file. But the shell must know that it must process this file, and not just read its contents. There is a special construction for this: #!

This design is called " sha-bang" Actually, # specifies a comment, but in this case sha-bang means that after it the path to the script handler will go. For example:


We'll stick to the Bash, Bourne-Again shell. This shell is installed by default on almost all Linux systems, and /bin/sh links to it. The end of the script is indicated by the service word exit.

Armed with this knowledge, let's write our first script:

echo Simple script # The echo command prints a message on the screen
echo You:
whoami #whoami shows the name of the registered user
echo Your system has started
uptime # uptime shows the time the machine was turned on
echo Today
date # date shows the current date and time
echo That's it for now

Let's save this file under the name Let's run the command to make the script executable.

Chmod +rx

The result of running the script will be:

Voland@superstar:~/Doc/Open Source$ ./
Simple script
Your system has started
14:38:46 up 1:48, 2 users, load average: 0.47, 0.43, 0.41
Sun Feb 26 14:38:46 MSK 2006
That's all for now

Let's move on to something more serious.

Now that we've learned how to write basic scripts, it's time to move on to the serious stuff: writing a backup script.

First of all, it is necessary to determine - backup copy what are we going to do? Therefore, our script must be able to work with the command line. Arguments command line are specified after the script name separated by a space: somescript arg1 arg2 arg3. The script perceives arguments by their sequence numbers, so we will use constructions of the form $argument_number, i.e. $1, $2, $3. $ is a wildcard character that we will also need when working with variables. Variables in the script are specified in the form variable_name=value. We will use the variables MAXPARAMS to define the maximum number of command line parameters, BACKUPFILE to set the name of the archive, BACKUPDIR for the folder we will back up and ARCHIVEDIR for the folder where we will place the archive. The most important part of the script will be the commands to search and archive all found files and folders in the specified one:

Find. -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar rvf "$archive.tar" > /dev/null
gzip $archive.tar

Let's figure out what these commands do. find searches the current directory (this is indicated by the first argument ".") for all files and returns the full path to them (print0). These paths are redirected to the tar command, which collects all the files into one. Then, using the gzip command, we archive the resulting tar file. Team > /dev/null convenient if you archive a large number of files. In this case, their names and full path to them are not displayed on the console.

The next step is to provide hints to the user on how to use the script if he makes any mistakes.

For example, this design

If [ $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" ];

exit 0

will indicate that the user has not specified enough command line arguments. If [condition] specifies a conditional construction. $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" checks the entered number of parameters and if this number is less than MAXPARAMS, the user will receive a message indicating an erroneous input. Exit 0 will cause the script to terminate without specifying an error code. The excess of the permissible number of parameters is checked in a similar way, only instead of ls (less then - less than), you must specify gt (greater then - greater than). Now that the main points of the script are explained, we can move on to its full version:

# Description:
#+ Makes a backup copy of all files in the specified directory
#+ in "tarball" (tar.gz archive).
#+ Usage:
#+ sh archive_name source folder destination folder

# Maximum amount command line options

if [ $# -lt "$MAXPARAMS" ];
echo "Usage: sh `basename $0` archive_name source folder destination folder"
exit 0

if [ $# -gt "$MAXPARAMS" ];
echo "This script only requires $MAXPARAMS command line arguments!"
exit 0

# Variables we use in the script
BACKUPFILE=$1-backup-$(date +%m-%d-%Y)

# Check if there is a source folder and a destination folder
if [! -e $BACKUPDIR ];
echo "\"$BACKUPDIR\" does not exist!"
exit 0

if [! -e $ARCHIVEDIR ];
echo "\"$ARCHIVEDIR\" does not exist, creating..."
echo "Done."

# Check if there are archives in the source and destination.
if [ -e $archive.tar.gz ];
then rm $archive.tar.gz

if [ -e $archive.tar.gz ];
then rm $archive.tar.gz

# The main part of the script...
echo "Making a backup copy of \"$BACKUPDIR\" to the file \"$archive.tar.gz\"..."
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar rvf "$archive.tar" > /dev/null
gzip $archive.tar
echo "\"$BACKUPDIR\" was successfully archived to the file \"$archive.tar.gz\"."

# Move the archive to the ARCHIVEDIR folder
echo "Moving the archive \"$archive.tar.gz\" to the folder \"$ARCHIVEDIR\"."
mv $archive.tar.gz $ARCHIVEDIR/$archive.tar.gz
echo "Done."

I hope I have commented on the main points in sufficient detail. If you have any questions, you can contact me at [email protected] I also recommend the wonderful book Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide by Mendel Cooper, which helped me a lot when I was just getting acquainted with scripts. Happy programming.

P.S. Thank you very much mar for her comments and advice.

(they are userscript, userJS, userscripts).

In this article I want to talk about what user scripts are, what they are used for and, most importantly, how they are prepared!

What are userscripts?

Briefly: a user script is a program written in JavaScript, stored on the user’s computer and connected by the browser on certain pages. A userscript is a file with the extension .user.js(it is by the extension that browsers understand that the file is a user script), containing metadata and javascript code itself.

When connecting to a page, the user script is executed in the same way as regular javascript scripts.
The user script has access to the DOM tree of the page in the context of which it is executed.
In modern browsers, the userscript has access to localStorage and other HTML5 APIs.

Userscripts are supported all major modern browsers(and even somehow supported IE7 and higher).

The most famous userscript portal is Here you can find a script repository, tools for managing your scripts on the portal and, last but not least, responsive forum(everything is in English).

A little general theory

The most common are scripts under GreaseMonkey extension for Firefox browser.
Detailed information on GreaseMonkey and writing user scripts for GreaseMonkey can be found at
It so happened historically that this browser was (and remains to this day) the first in which support for user scripts was performed at a high level.

Not all scripts written for GreaseMonkey can run in other browsers. The reason for the curvature is that many scripts use GM API- a set of javascript functions specific to GreaseMonkey.

However, the easiest way is to write user scripts for the browser Google Chrome.
There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Simple scripts do not need GM API support (library available in GreaseMonkey)
  2. Google Chrome, unlike Firefox+GreaseMonkey, has an excellent debugger.
  3. Userscript error messages in Firefox terrible! Unless you have the gift of telepathy and a solid knowledge of GreaseMonkey and javascript, writing user script can be a pain!
  4. Google Chrome does not require extensions to support user scripts. The interface for deleting/disabling user scripts is available out of the box.
Obvious disadvantages of Google Chrome:
  1. No access to the “native” window.
  2. The @include metadata directive is not supported. The @match directive is buggy, one might say that it is also not supported.

Features of user scripts

Anyone armed with a notepad can view the user script code.
Basic knowledge of javascript allows you to cut off the threat of installing spyware and malicious scripts by simply analyzing the script code (you will have to use your brain).

All user scripts are launched after all the main elements of the page have loaded, but the images have not yet loaded. We can say that user scripts are loaded by event DOMContentLoaded.
Anyway, checks for window.onload are not needed.

Each browser imposes its own restrictions on the execution of user scripts, but in general User scripts can do almost everything that scripts on a page can do.
Most often, user scripts are used to change the page interface or to add bonuses, blackjack and whores (user scripts for social networks).
There are also advanced user scripts, which are independent programs (auction and gaming bots, assistant plugins, etc.).

Anatomy of user scripts

Userscript is text file with the user.js extension. At the beginning of the file is located metadata block- description of the script itself. After the metadata block comes javascript code, which will be executed by the browser.

Let's consider a test script that displays an alert with text on a specific page.
// ==UserScript== // @name myUserJS // @description My very first userscript // @author Vasya Pupkin // @license MIT // @version 1.0 // @include* / / ==/UserScript== // Wrap the script in a closure for cross-browser compatibility (opera, ie) (function (window, undefined) ( // normalize window var w; if (typeof unsafeWindow != undefined) ( w = unsafeWindow ) else ( w = window; ) // Almost any javascript libraries can be inserted into user scripts. // The library code is copied directly into the user script. // When connecting the library, you need to pass w as the window parameter // Example: connecting jquery.min.js // (function(a,b)(function ci(a) ... a.jQuery=a.$=d))(w); // do not run the script in frames // without this condition the script will be run several times on the frames page if (w.self != ( return; ) // additional check along with @include if (/http:\/\/ ( // Below is the script code itself alert("Userscripts greets you with an intrusive window.");

) ))(window); Important: This script is a wrapper for cross-browser user scripts. The same script, but with English comments, can be downloaded from

and use it with impunity.
At the very beginning there is a metadata block (in the form of a comment).
// ==UserScript== // ... // ==/UserScript== This block consists of description directives

) ))(window);userscript. The table below shows the main directives and their purpose.

All directives, like the metadata block itself, may be missing. Directive
Purpose @name
Name of the userscript.
This name will be displayed in the management interface
userscripts. If there is no directive, then the name
The user script will be the same as the file name. @description
Description of the userscript.
This description will be displayed in the management interface
userscripts. @namespace
Determines the uniqueness of a set of scripts.
Here you can enter the name of the domain that belongs to you. Or any other line. Consider this the second name of the script.
Mandatory Directive for Trixie! @author
Author's name. @license
The name of the license under which the user script is distributed. @version
Userscript version number.
Unfortunately, there is no auto-update mechanism in any browser,
so the version number is just numbers that are displayed in the interface.
on which you need to run the userscript. Supports wildcard *
For each separate url you need to use a separate @include directive.
@exclude Page url description directive,
on which Not you need to run the userscript.
on which you need to run the userscript. Supports(applicable in GreaseMonkey, Opera, IE).
For each separate url you need to use a separate @exclude directive.
@match Similar to @include, but with stricter restrictions
(applicable in GreaseMonkey older than 0.9.8, Google Chrome).
More information about the restrictions and format of the directive can be found here.
read on this page.
For each separate url you need to use a separate @match directive.

) ))(window); As practice has shown, you should not rely on the @match directive in user scripts.
Google Chrome periodically refuses to honor @match
and runs user scripts on all pages.
To prevent such a situation in user scripts,
which will run not only in Firefox,
you need to add page address verification code (see link in userscript code).

) ))(window); In the absence of @ include or @ match directives, user scripts will be executed on all pages.

Our user script uses a number of tricks:

  1. To ensure that user scripts have the same behavior and do not pollute the global scope, the code turns into a closure (see in the script code).
  2. To correctly connect libraries inside a user script and to bypass some of the tricky features of GreaseMonkey, it is necessary to “normalize” the reference to the global window scope (see in the script code).
  3. To ensure that the user script does not run several times on the same page, it is necessary stop work when running a userscript in frames (see in the script code).
  4. In order for the user script to run only on the pages we need, we need to explicitly check the page url (see in the script code).
  5. Thanks to this structure, a userscript can be relatively easily converted into a bookmarklet.


Our userscript is ready to use!
No, seriously, you can copy the userscript code into a file, call it my.user.js, and drop the resulting file into your browser (use Chrome or Firefox with GreaseMonkey installed).

Of course, our user script does not have serious functions; the code looks scary and unattractive (for the uninitiated person). But in the end we got a blank for cross-browser user scripts.
This means that the user script can be run in almost any modern browser!
And that is great!

The question remains: how to “distribute” our script to users (after all, we wrote the script not only for ourselves)?

  • Register on the portal