How to connect a paid cell phone number. Toll numbers - ideas for making money on incoming calls How to create a paid number

A little worn out about the divorce on paid numbers. Theoretically, the topic should still live, so we will analyze it here. I wonder who will say what.

Necessary materials:
1. Domain + hosting + any engine, including website builders. It is not so important on what we will create a site.
2. Separate domain for the blog.
3. Accounts from VK + a program for spam in VK, preferably one that can spam in groups.

So, let's say we bought a domain and hosting for a blog. Now I am posting an article for your judgment on how you can make money on paid numbers, which we will post on the blog in the future. And one more thing: you will also need to fill the blog with other articles about making money on the Internet.
From this blog, we will send people to buy a paid number, it turned out, something like a gasket) And one more thing: if you decide to work on this topic with a blog, then stir up activity on the blog so that you endure thinking that everything is real and more than working.

The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived! In this article, I will tell you how you can make money on a paid number and how you can connect it. Today we will analyze the connection and earnings on a paid number in the service - deception

In general, what is a paid number? - the name speaks for itself, I’ll explain without water: you get a paid number, then they call you and a certain amount is deducted from the caller, depending on how long he spends on the phone talking to you and how long his balance will last. Usually, 1 minute of an incoming call will cost him an average of 200-250 rubles, while 90% of this amount is credited to your account, i.e. 180-225 rubles. Not bad, right?

We asked ourselves: will there be anything for me for such things? - No, there will be no questions for you! You just skim the "cream" from the caller and move on.
How much can you earn on a paid number

It all depends on how much your phone will generally be turned on. On average, if we take even 10 minutes of general chatter, then it comes out to about 2,000 rubles! In 10 minutes!

It is realistic to collect more than an hour of incoming calls per day. So, turn on the calculator and count: 1 hour - 60 minutes. 60 x 200 = 12,000 rubles per day!
Where and how to get traffic for incoming calls

We go to Avito, to the section "rent / buy" an apartment. We advertise that you are renting an apartment, deliberately set a low price, take the Moscow region so that there are many calls, put up a beautiful apartment and wait for calls. We receive calls.

Is it necessary to communicate directly with the client?

When a person calls you, you can either chat with him yourself, telling a little about the "rented apartment", or turn on the answering machine. On average, a caller will wait on the answering machine for about 20 seconds. 20 sec - 70-80 rubles. And the main feature is that the answering machine can receive several calls at once. Those. 5 or 10 people can call you at once. 5 people x 70 rubles = 350 rubles. 350 rubles in 20 seconds! Everything ingenious is simple!

How to connect a paid number

What is a toll number anyway? - This is the number that will be issued to your main phone number, but when a client calls you, it will be automatically redirected to a paid number, such as 8130, 8300, 8915. Example: 81303495920 (call, I will take your balance on myself. Heh)

You can also buy a separate SIM card so as not to be constantly bombarded with incoming calls. And in general, I think that you need your number, because there are many contacts of your relatives there, what if your friends call you? You will then put money back on their balance sheet. heh

The paid number is connected on the official website of the dealer ( deception) that provides these services. When I started working in this direction, then the number cost 1500 rubles, now it costs 700 rubles for 1 month of use. The number will pay off within the next hour. It connects with them from 1 to 3 hours.

How to withdraw balance? The balance is displayed on the application on the dealer's website, they automatically output to electronic WebMoney wallets, I.Money, Payeer and QIWI. You can also order a payout to your bank card. Withdrawal to a bank card is processed in a semi-automatic mode.

Domain "TTLE.RU" has not yet managed to register, but there will be something like this site - nonsense
At first glance, the topic should burn out, what do you think?

A mobile phone number can be made paid for absolutely different purposes. As a rule, on the basis of such a service, the owners manage to earn income. However, paid numbers are often used by scammers, counting on gullible citizens. That is why most potential consumers are distrustful of such services.

What's this?

A paid mobile phone number is called, when calling to which the interlocutor pays money that flows to the owner's account. As a rule, this opportunity is used to organize private consultations.

This is convenient for both parties. The consumer does not need to look for the possibility of transferring money to the contractor, it is enough just to replenish the balance of his own phone. Subscribers with a postpaid system will have to pay with the operator. For the contractor, such a system is also convenient, as it allows you to immediately receive funds. The convenience of both parties is that you do not need to independently calculate the duration of the consultation, since everything happens automatically.

How to make a paid number?

In practice, it is difficult to charge a landline telephone line. As a rule, such an opportunity on the part of operators is provided exclusively to legal entities, subject to the provision of a package of documents.

However, with mobile, everything is much simpler. Unfortunately, this opportunity is often used not only by conscientious citizens, but also by scammers in search of easy money.


If you are interested in how to make a paid number, all the necessary steps come down to the following fairly simple points.

  • Find an operator providing the service.
  • Enter into a contract.

However, each of the above points needs some explanation.

Find an operator

So, answering the question of how to make a paid number, one cannot ignore the search for a company providing the corresponding service. Now a considerable number of operators offer a similar service for their own customers.

As a rule, several tariff plans are available, which differ in cost. The funds that the operator receives for the service "Paid number" are transferred to the client automatically. For example, to a bank card or an electronic wallet. Cash payments are also possible. It all depends on the conditions of a particular operator.

Before contacting the operator, try to collect as much information about him as possible. Otherwise, there is a possibility of becoming a victim of scammers who are unlikely to help those who are interested in how to make a paid number. And even if you manage to conclude an agreement, there is a high probability that the funds for the service will not be transferred to you.

Enter into a contract

Some companies provide an opportunity to conclude a contract for a paid number on the site without visiting the office. However, you can prefer the standard method and personally contact the operator's office. Also, this option is acceptable for those users who do not plan to use the services of intermediaries.

To connect a paid number, you will need to have the necessary list of documents with you. Clarify its best in advance, using remote methods of communication with the operator.

Interested in how to make a paid number for incoming calls, you need to know one curious feature. It stands in the fact that Russian operators can ask a potential subscriber for a reason why he needs a separate number. It is possible that the company will need some time to consider the application, during which you will have to wait for a decision on your own request.


Before doing pay phone number, you need to decide on the service that you plan to provide to potential customers in this way. It is equally important to take care of advertising and determine your own target audience, to which the offer will be sent.

Ideally, such activities should be officially registered. Otherwise, it is possible that the operator will refuse to provide a paid number if the potential subscriber applies as an individual, and not as an entrepreneur or company representative. The reason is that paid numbers are often used by scammers to deceive some customers. That is why companies carefully monitor those who register paid numbers.

Before contacting a specific operator, collect as much information as possible about the companies that offer to connect a paid number. Find out the conditions, tariffs, service costs, etc. This is very important. For example, some companies may offer an inexpensive connection, but in the long term compensate for their own financial losses with a high monthly fee set for the subscriber. In addition, some operators claim a part of the profit that the paid number will bring to the owner.

How to make money on a paid number?

It seems that making money on incoming calls is incredibly easy. It is enough to place ads, wait for calls from subscribers and make a profit.

However, such a simple scheme is only in theory. In practice, as is often the case, things turn out to be somewhat more complicated. This way of earning is fraught with a considerable number of pitfalls.

First of all, registering a paid number is quite expensive. In addition, part of the profits has to be paid to the operator who provides the service. The payout percentage varies from forty to eighty points. I must say that such a condition significantly reduces the amount of expected profit for those who plan to use paid incoming calls.

However, this way of earning is quite real. But only those who provide the services in demand can count on receiving sufficient profit. It is unlikely that subscribers will make paid calls if they do not receive interesting or useful information in return. That is why it is so important to identify services for which there is a demand among the population.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that many companies earn with the help of a paid number in dishonest ways. To this end, they promise to pay winnings for answering simple questions or deliberately hide the fact that a rather high fee will be charged for an outgoing call from a subscriber. That is why among subscribers there is a low level of trust in such services and services. However, this does not exclude the fact that it is you who will be able to earn using a paid number.

Make your cell phone available for incoming calls. Connecting such a service costs from 3000 rubles (for a year) + a subscription fee from 600 rubles / month, depending on the chosen tariff for the cost of a minute of conversation with you. Tariff from 15 rubles to 350 rubles. in a minute. Income is tangible! You get 70%, the operator 25%, the intermediary 5%.

Make your cell number payable for incoming calls.

How sms scammers make money using paid phone numbers!

Now I will tell you how sms scammers use phone numbers. can deceive almost every mobile phone owner. In this post, you will read the story that happened to me, and then you will find out how gullible citizens are deceived by scammers using numbers with increased rates for all incoming calls.

But first, you must know and remember that scammers have always been and will always be, and in order to deceive their victims, they are always improving, coming up with new ways to deceive gullible citizens.

And with the advent mobile communications, SMS fraud also began to flourish.

How to make incoming paid

Many mobile users are interested in how to make incoming paid. Can other subscribers pay them for calling? And how legal is it?

It should be noted that it is permissible to organize incoming paid calls only when buying / renting a short call from the operator itself. Just buying a smartphone in 2014 is clearly not enough for this. Payment for such calls will be credited to the bank account.

The law does not allow the connection of this service in order to receive profit by fraudulent means.

How to make paid incoming calls?

Paid incoming calls, the cost of which will be transferred to the required bank account, can only be made by buying or renting a short call from a telecom operator. You should not do this for fraudulent purposes, because anyway, your name can be easily calculated from the database.

To get a short number, you need to contact the operators cellular communication. He will tell you about the package of documents that is needed to receive such a service, as well as inform you about the timing of obtaining the number.

How to make a paid number?

What is paid? This is a phone number, for incoming calls to which money is charged from the caller's account and, accordingly, it brings income to its owner. Most often, these numbers are used for private telephone consultations.

It is very difficult to get a number on a landline phone and, as a rule, it is provided only to legal entities after completing a significant number of documents.

The situation is quite different with mobile communications.

How to make your phone number payable

The newspaper posted a tempting offer to sell the car. You call the specified number, detailed information is recorded on the answering machine tape. specifications cars. But they do not suit you or the price is too high. And after a while the bill comes, for a call to a pay phone

There are several options for fraud with paid ones. For example, you receive a message that asks you to urgently call the specified phone number.

Paid mobile phone number

In this article I want to propose a business idea with a paid mobile phone. Many of you have probably seen a program on TV in which a beautiful girl asks you to guess a word from combinations of letters that are randomly located on a small stand.

The one who guessed the word must call the indicated mobile phone (toll number) and say the answer, after which he will receive a valuable prize or a sum of money.

Thus, after “talking” or, as a rule, listening to an answering machine, for example, within 5 seconds, yours is still charged in favor of the show organizers, the cost of a full minute of conversation, that is, 80 rubles.

Paid phone number

Paid numbers are those numbers, calls or SMS to which are charged at higher rates than to numbers belonging to ordinary telecom operators. For example, when calling some numbers with the code 090, you can spend more than 60 UAH. per minute of conversation. Conditionally paid can be divided into two main groups:

The main tool for emptying your wallets.

Your business on a paid number

With the advent of mobile communications, such a type of earnings as paid ones appeared. Something similar can be observed on the usual TV quizzes, where viewers answer for a fee. The company that provides communication receives up to 50% of the profit from this.

When a subscriber (or customer) calls a toll-free number from a landline phone, he is redirected there by some kind of intelligent platform.

New fresh theme of divorce, for those who want to make quick money. But like other similar get-rich-quick schemes, the scammers get rich.

You can see something like this attractive ad.

Earnings on receiving calls [from 5,000 rubles per day on a full machine]

The essence of the scheme without water:
We rent a paid number from MTS, MEGAFON or BEELINE. They call you -> the caller is charged from 40 rubles per minute, 20 of which goes to you.
Now point by point:
First, we need to get a paid number without announcing the cost of the connection. At the moment there is only one option. I do not advise anyone to burn these contacts, this is our gold mine.
We write an e-mail:
[email protected]– For MTS number
[email protected]– For Megafon number
[email protected]– For Beeline number
Subject of the letter: Application for a paid number.
Text of the letter: Full name, Sberbank settlement account for the payment of earned funds, Scope of use - Paid consultations, your MTS, MEGAFON or BEELINE number.
Important! A paid connection is connected to your personal MTS, Megafon or Beeline number. To do this, you need to buy a SIM card from the above operators with any of the cheapest tariffs, preferably without a subscription fee. You need a separate SIM card, as calls will go constantly 24/7. It is also better to buy a cheap phone at a flea market for ~ 300 rubles to receive calls, for the same reason.
Important! Fill out the letter according to the template above.

2. Answer within 2 working days. First, they will answer you whether it is possible to connect this service in your city or not. If the service can be connected and all the required information is available, the connection cost will be written for you (depending on the region, on average from 1,500 rubles), and payment details. These costs are repaid for the first day of active work. You need to pay on the same day when you received a letter with a response, this is mandatory.
Important! This service is connected to your number not officially, because. officially it can be connected only by a large organization and only through an agreement. That is, you will not receive documents on connecting the service, this is the only negative. The subscription fee for the service is 1,500 rubles per month. The minimum monthly income for you will be from 150,000 rubles, so this is not a lot of money at all. In addition, the first month the subscription fee is not charged. Payments every 2 weeks.
You can receive information about the funds you have earned upon request to the mailbox [email protected]
Now the most important thing is how we collect traffic.
This is the simplest in the whole scheme. We go to the same, create an advertisement for renting an apartment (take any city with a million inhabitants), set the price lower by 5-7 thousand than others according to similar parameters. For example, prices in St. Petersburg are 16 thousand for a 1-room studio apartment with European-quality renovation, within walking distance from the metro. This option is more than attractive, and not too fabulous. This proposal will not have competitors, at least.
We also adopt VKontakte. We drive in the search: rental housing [city], and we are looking for options WITHOUT intermediaries. The text of the messages (send on the walls or in discussions, where there will be a topic for posting such messages from the owners) is approximately the following content:
Rent an apartment (owner) - studio, 5 minutes walk to [metro station in the city center], renovation. 16.000 rubles + light. Phone - (our toll phone number).______________________
!Photo choose better, from the same options on Avito!| !Be sure to see that it matches the description!
Calls begin 2-3 minutes after the ad is posted.
Be sure to set your phone to auto-hook so that the caller is connected to you immediately, rather than waiting for you to manually pick up the handset. So he doesn't even hear the beeps, and you don't have to answer. A person can hang on the line for 5-10 minutes, thinking that this is a glitch of the operator, constantly calling back.
A person calls you -> auto-pickup works (all phones have auto-reception, look for information in -> he is charged from 40 to 100 rubles per minute (depending on your region) -> respectively, you receive on your bill from 20 to 100 rubles per minute.
Let's calculate:
With 2 ads placed on Avito and VKontakte, calls are received for a minimum of 5-6 hours a day.
6 hours = 360 minutes
360 minutes * 20 rubles = 7200 rubles.
Once again - at least with 2 ads placed on 2 resources, you get from 7200 rubles per day.
The theme is scalable. Those. The more ads you make, the more you earn. The minimum is taken into account.

As in the scam about "former webmoney workers" who know "magic wallets" that double money, so here - there is a kind-hearted person working at MTS / Beeline / Megafon who allegedly wants to make you happy.

And so that you suddenly do not have time to jump off, and while you are on a wave of enthusiasm and are already dreaming of what you will buy with the money you earn, you must pay on the day you receive an answer.

"This service is connected to your number not officially. "
Yes Yes Yes. And companies like MTS/Beeline/Megafon will deal with such a black scheme and then transfer you "earned"??? Substituting yourself before the regulatory authorities for the sake of your earnings? Do you seriously believe this? Do you believe that you will be provided with a paid number without a contract?

After payment of 1500 rubles. "for connecting" the number - of course they will stop communicating with you.

Message SupportIVR» Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:41

Earning examples:

2) You create several female profiles on dating sites, indicating in your personal data a mobile phone number connected to increased rates. You just have to find a talkative girl who will answer calls from men. The longer the girl keeps the caller on the phone, the higher your earnings (because the billing is per minute). This method is preferred.

- individuals: DAILY at 19:00

I) 41r. (21.5 rubles) - 5250 rubles.
II) 100.5 rubles.

How to connect a paid phone number

(50r.) — 8100r.
III) 147 rubles. (77r.) — 9450r.
IV) 180 rub. (90 rub.) — 11000 rub.
V) 220 rub. (110.5 rubles) - 13250 rubles.
VI) 250 rub. (131r.) — 15000r.

[email protected]
ICQ: 497-288

- chosen tariff plan


According to the organizers of the program (show), the task should be so simple that even a primary school student should be able to guess it (make a word). This is exactly what is needed in order for the flow of calls from viewers to come in huge numbers. This is precisely the intention of the organizers of this "representation".

How to make incoming calls chargeable for the caller? Let's say $10/min..

In order for the number of incoming calls to the specified number to be simply huge, it is necessary that almost everyone can complete the task.

  • Tens of thousands, or even hundreds.

  • Here you need to understand

Kindergarten for adults

  • I think that there are enough young families who can afford to "arrange" their elderly relatives in such an institution. In such a kindergarten for adults, it will be possible to organize several hobby groups, a health group, collective viewing of films from their youth, medical support and much more. Working mode kindergarten, the same as in the usual - for children.

Interesting video
"Handmade soap".

Along with this article read
Peat trays

We make incoming to your number - paid for the caller.

Message SupportIVR» Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:41

We connect mobile numbers of MTS, Beeline and Megafon to the IVR platform.

We bind to any of your mobile number the above operators tariffs from 41 to 250 rubles per minute of conversation (table below).

Your task is to attract calls to paid numbers that do not visually differ from the usual number of a mobile operator (for example, 8915XXXXXXX, 8903XXXXXXX, 8926XXXXXXX, etc.), it does not matter to us how you interest the "client" to call, use your imagination. ONLY E-MAIL SPAM AND SMS SPAM ARE PROHIBITED! Other types of spam (forums, bulletin boards, guest books, social networks) are not described as prohibited in our agreement with the operators, which means their use is allowed.

Earning examples:
1) You place an interesting ad for a cheap sale on the Internet cell phone, car, etc. Leave a contact number (having previously connected any of the tariffs to it). Interested buyers call, you answer and say that the phone or car has already been sold, and the caller, meanwhile, is charged the amount according to your tariff. For convenience, we recommend that you put an answering machine on all incoming messages, which will inform you that the product has already been sold. You can place a dozen of such ads by specifying the same contact phone number. For each incoming call, 41-250 rubles are charged from the account of the calling subscribers. Your earnings from this money are about 50% (about 45% is taken by the operator himself, we take 5% for support and services). The amount of your earnings, depending on the selected tariff, you can see at the bottom of the ad in the table.
According to the experience of our partners, there is a good return from placing free private ads in regional newspapers.

2) You create several female profiles on dating sites, indicating in your personal data a mobile phone number connected to increased rates. You just have to find a talkative girl who will answer calls from men. The longer the girl keeps the caller on the phone, the higher your earnings (because

Paid number.

minute billing). This method is preferred.

Attracting from 100 calls per day, at a tariff of 41 rubles, you will have a daily income of 2,150 rubles, and at a tariff of 250 rubles, 13,100 rubles come out.

Earned funds are paid:
- individuals: DAILY at 19:00 Moscow time to ruble wallets of the Webmoney system.
- legal entities and private entrepreneurs: WEEKLY transfer to a bank account.

PRICE LIST FOR CONNECTING THE IVR PLATFORM (in Russian rubles per minute of conversation):
Call cost (partner reward) - Connection cost (for 1 year)

I) 41r. (21.5 rubles) - 5250 rubles.
II) 100.5 rubles. (50r.) — 8100r.
III) 147 rubles. (77r.) — 9450r.
IV) 180 rub. (90 rub.) — 11000 rub.
V) 220 rub. (110.5 rubles) - 13250 rubles.
VI) 250 rub. (131r.) — 15000r.

For legal entities, other connection tariffs apply (ask the manager).

After connecting the number to one of the tariffs, it is possible to change the tariff only after 30 days.
When changing the tariff, the cost of a new connection is paid in full based on the tariff table.

[email protected]
ICQ: 497-288

When contacting managers in the first message, please indicate:
Are you an individual or legal entity
— the number to which you want to connect the service
- FULL NAME. the person to whom the SIM card is issued (if you do not know, you can find out by creating " Personal Area"on the operator's website)
— selected tariff plan

Applications for connection and payment are accepted around the clock without days off.
Numbers are connected on weekdays from 11 am to 5 pm

Tram dash there

| answers 5

The question is. Maybe someone will advise what.

I provide paid consultations, and I think, is it possible to connect a paid phone number?

How to get a paid phone and make a business on it

A client calls me, I give him a consultation, and money is debited from his account as payment? (of course warning about this, and voicing the cost). I ran around almost all telecom operators, but no one told me. Is it even possible? scammers take advantage of this.

Choose a major operator providing such numbers, contact and consult. For contact, use the department for working with legal entities - everything will be explained to you.

Tram tiri there the guest answers

| answers 3

I have already contacted almost all operators (beeline, mts, tele2, megaphone, rostelecom), they all refused. Everywhere they said that such rooms are not provided.

I would connect myself)) Let the collectors call me))))

FROM individuals they won't talk about it. Check with them where their office for work with LEGAL persons is located, visit it, and clarify their conditions for concluding a contract. It is useless to talk about such topics with ordinary technical support.

Tram tiri there the guest answers

So I ran around the sales offices for corp. clients. But no results

Tram tiri there meets uke

By the way, good idea!

Visit the CENTRAL office of the selected operator. DO NOT go to the parrots in the field - most of them only know three things: how to sell sim cards, tech support phone, and how to check the balance. What do you want - people from the street! If visiting the central office does not help, write to the operator’s corporate address indicated on its main website, ask questions, ask who really has such simple information, indicate that you wasted your time in such and such offices. You will be answered fairly quickly. Not? Then forget this operator, since he does not need clients, and turn to another.

Greetings. I recommend connecting with this service: . I myself am engaged in paid legal consultations in free time. It turns out a good increase in salary, when connected, there are no problems with tax and bureaucratic procedures. I advise.

Guest replies Victor

You probably read the question very inattentively: "Tram Tiri there" is not looking for the RYAZAN number of a certain operator with a numbering capacity of 3700 numbers, but a single, PREMIUM NUMBER, which this "operator" DOES NOT HAVE. In order to offer its subscriber a premium number, a mega-telecom will have to rent it from another operator, which is fraught for the subscriber with paying for the services of an unnecessary intermediary.
Additionally: the site was registered on JANUARY 17, 2016 to a PRIVATE PERSON, which CAUSES BIG DOUBT about the honesty and quality of the "service".

Guys forget about this crazy idea! Firstly, you need to have an IP, OO, etc. Secondly, you need to collect a bunch of papers. Thirdly, it is very expensive. In order to use this service, you must have your own profitable business, otherwise you simply do not need this service. If you want to start earning very good money, contact us. I will teach. My mail:

In general, you can connect 2 numbers to 1 sim. But I'm not sure about the fee.
And in general, read here.]

Paid mobile phone number.

How to make money on a paid number

In this article I want to offer a business idea with a paid mobile phone number. Many of you have probably seen a program on TV in which a beautiful girl asks you to guess a word from combinations of letters that are randomly located on a small stand.

And along with this article, learn about how to make money in a crisis.

The one who guessed the word must call the specified mobile phone number (toll number) and say the answer, after which he will receive a valuable prize or a sum of money.

  • “What do the organizers earn on,” you ask.
  • Everything is very simple - the number you are calling is paid, that is, all incoming calls are paid at a special high rate and can cost from 80 rubles per minute, and the billing starts from 2 seconds of the call.
  • Thus, having “talked” or, as a rule, listened to the answering machine, for example, within 5 seconds, your number is still debited in favor of the show organizers, the cost of a full minute of conversation, that is, 80 rubles.
  • Organizers from this amount receive from 40 to 50% of the profit.

Many of you have probably watched such a program (show) on TV
According to the organizers of the program (show), the task should be so simple that even a primary school student should be able to guess it (make a word). This is exactly what is needed in order for the flow of calls from viewers to come in huge numbers. This is precisely the intention of the organizers of this "representation". In order for the number of incoming calls to the specified number to be simply huge, it is necessary that almost everyone can complete the task.

  • Now imagine how many people can call during the broadcast of the program?
  • Tens of thousands, or even hundreds.
  • And, most importantly, by calling the specified number, the person hears the voice of the answering machine and this can last quite a long time, and the time has gone, as I said, from 2 seconds of connection.
  • Thus, after listening to the voice of the answering machine for several minutes, you can lose several hundred rubles from your mobile phone account in favor of the show organizers.

In my free e-book How to Get Rich (which you received when you signed up to receive the newsletter), I have already talked about this business idea.

  1. So, almost everyone can start such a business and the threshold for entering it is from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles.
  2. This amount includes connecting your number to such a tariff plus advertising costs.
  3. After that, all incoming calls (you indicate the mobile phone number in the contract with the company) to this number for subscribers will be paid.
  4. The cost of a one-time payment for connecting to such a tariff ranges from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles, in some cases 4,000 rubles.
  5. Having concluded an agreement with a company providing such a service and paying the specified amount, you will only have to figure out how to attract customers to make calls to your number.

At the beginning of the article, I talked about how a company, I don’t remember the name, was able to solve the problem of incoming calls.

  • I don't know what you think, I can only give you one piece of advice
    - In one of the newspapers of our city, I saw an advertisement in which, in order to find out telephone number(contact) of the employer who has posted a vacancy for a job, a person needs to make a call to a mobile phone number (you guessed it - all incoming calls to this number are paid), where he can get what he needs, in this case the employer's phone, and the N-th amount of money will be debited from his number.

    — Several dozens of vacancies were posted in the advertising block, indicating the amount of wages, but in order to find out the phone numbers of employers, you need to call the specified number. I am sure that the number of incoming calls from this ad is quite large, especially for a city with a population of 300,000 or more.

  • Here is a simple example for you on how to motivate (“force”) people to make calls to a premium number. The key to success in this business is original idea and low-cost and effective ways to advertise this service, with which you can start a fairly profitable business with the smallest start-up capital. You understand that 90% of success in this business will depend on the number of customers who learn about any of your services. And the more of them, the higher your income will be accordingly.

To find a company providing this species services (enables the service - a paid mobile phone number), type in Yandex in the search bar the query "Paid voice numbers" or something similar to this query.

  • As another example of how to create a similar business, I suggest the following:
  • Suppose you have entered into an agreement with one of the companies that offers to get numbers mobile phones with paid billing for all incoming calls and now you have such a "magic" number.
  • Next, you create a website on which you post a few questions. The answers to the questions will be the words that will be located, for example, in the center of the crossword puzzle. In order to answer each of the many questions, the visitor will need to solve a crossword puzzle that will be tied to each question (crosswords and questions should change, for example, every 2-3 days). And only after the client solves the crossword puzzle, he will see (receive) this cherished word.
  • Crossword puzzles should be different in complexity and should be composed in such a way that, after its complete compilation, a certain word appears in any part of it, for example, in the center, which will be the answer to the question and which you need to send an SMS message to your phone number or call and say this word.
  • The prize in this game will be a certain amount of money for the correctly named word. But you understand that all callers will first hear only the answering machine, since you will simply not be able to answer everyone at the same time (but, even listening to the answering machine, money will be debited from their numbers according to your tariff). And it’s not a fact that the first callers will say the correct answer.
  • I think that from several hundred people who tried to call to answer the question (or gave the wrong answer), you will receive a tidy sum of money, a small part of which can be paid out in the form of a prize.

In conclusion, I want to say that here, as elsewhere, advertising is needed, since the more a person learns about this site, the correspondingly more potential customers will be. And to get a flow of potential customers, you need to know how to conduct advertising company, which will be with a fairly democratic budget and so effective that one or two times will be enough to not only return all the funds spent, but also to carry out repeated promotions, but without spending money on advertising.

  • Here you need to understand that the more visitors come to your site, the greater will be the number of participants. That's exactly how to do it, you can find out right now on the pages e-book"Successful technologies for increasing sales", and by purchasing and installing the "Tell a Friend" script on the site, you will forever forget about what it means to have no visitors on the site and where to get them.

    Detailed information about these books (having read a brief annotation to each) you can find on our website in the Electronic Books section.

Kindergarten for adults
With retirement, people lose the most important thing - communication, on which in most cases our health depends. As a solution to this problem, in order to make up for the lack of communication, we propose to organize an unusual business - "Kindergarten for adults".

  • I think that there are enough young families who can afford to "arrange" their elderly relatives in such an institution.

    How to connect a paid number for paid consultations?

    In such a kindergarten for adults, it will be possible to organize several hobby groups, a health group, collective viewing of films from their youth, medical support and much more. The working hours of the kindergarten are the same as those of a regular kindergarten.

In addition, for additional profit, you can organize various paid training courses.

Similar "kindergartens for adults" can be organized in different parts of the city, thus creating a whole network of such centers. I think that many grown-up children will find funds to arrange their elderly parents in such centers.

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"Handmade soap".

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Peat trays

Now more and more often, paid services are paid for via SMS, which contains an identification code (prefix) on each short SMS number. Various entertainment, SMS voting and SMS quizzes also use paid SMS numbers. Moreover, the sites social networks payment is applied by sending SMS to a paid number. That is, this payment method is widespread and in demand, as it is a very convenient option. Regarding the connection of a paid SMS number: today the connection of a short SMS number takes several weeks.

The question arises, how to get sms number ? Normally, the procedure for obtaining a paid SMS number implies the conclusion of an agreement. At the same time, as with the execution of any contract, it is necessary to provide constituent documents and sign a contract for renting a short SMS number. The execution of the contract assumes your consent to pay monthly the cost of the subscription service, as well as the category of the paid number.

Earnings on receiving calls.

Each SMS number for each operator has its own price, which the subscriber pays by sending SMS to the number. This price is rigidly assigned to the number and cannot be changed depending on the text that the user writes in the SMS message. In addition, it is possible to choose new number or use an existing number.

Connecting SMS numbers: how to get paid SMS numbers?

The new SMS number is a dedicated or unique number. As for the second case, the same number is used simultaneously by several providers. This is a shared number. SMS number connection guarantees earnings, which can be approximately more than fifty percent of the cost of SMS sent by the user. Naturally, under such conditions paid SMS numbers does not register for free. Therefore, it makes sense to connect the SMS number when a certain amount of SMS is expected to be sent. How to make it so that you receive as many SMS as possible to your paid number is a question, the solution of which depends only on you. Our company is ready to provide you with a shared and allocated short number.