Gift baskets are a universal present

Gift baskets with fruits not only look stylish and beautiful, they also evoke a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are increasingly presented as a gift. There are no problems with this: you can either make the composition yourself or order it from an online store. And with home delivery (more details).

But in principle, you can assemble a fruit basket yourself, fortunately there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to watch the master class or read the instructions below (everything is described step by step and in as much detail as possible).

How can you design a fruit basket?

So, if you want to give such a composition as a gift, you need to know how to decorate a fruit basket. Firstly, it is filled with fruits, as well as flowers, toys or something else - depending on who this gift is intended for. Moreover There can be a lot of design options: ranging from children's or romantic to “serious” baskets for business partners.

You can give such a gift:

  • for an anniversary;
  • March 8;
  • birthday, etc.

Or you can even just surprise your family and friends with an unexpected gift.

It’s easy to purchase a basket in which to collect fruits.. Fortunately, in any store you can always choose the appropriate option. You can also order them from private craftsmen who make such products themselves.

When choosing the design of a gift basket with fruit, you need to take into account the holiday, as well as the preferences of the hero of the occasion. For example, for a friend or girlfriend you can choose a small basket made of wicker, for an anniversary - a solid (roomy) wicker product, and for March 8 - a beautiful basket.

You can use many different decorations for decoration.: ribbon, artificial flowers, colored paper, etc. For example, a basket wrapped in ribbons is a romantic option. This is best given to the fair sex. And for men, a basket of fruit as a gift in its natural form is suitable - you just need to add elite alcohol or what the recipient likes best. You can also create a basket for a wedding, having previously decorated it with various laces, ribbons, and satin fabric.

What to put besides fruit?

To understand what to fill the basket with, you can look at photos in online stores. Naturally, there must be fruit there, but what else can you put in? Everything is very simple - it depends on who is receiving the gift and for what reason.

For example, compositions intended for men, usually accompanied by good coffee, expensive cigars, etc.

For women, fruit is given flowers, sweets or a soft toy. You can also add a bottle of wine or champagne. The hero of the occasion will be especially pleased to see jewelry in the basket. But such gifts are usually given for a personal occasion.

The easiest way to pack a basket for children: pick up more fruits, berries, sweets, maybe even toys - and the child is happy. It’s very easy to please children, the main thing is to show a little imagination.

Well, now you know how to decorate a fruit basket with your own hands. If you can’t come up with an original design style, look at a few photos of finished compositions - they will serve as inspiration.

Choosing a gift is almost always a rather difficult task. And while close people can choose something related to their hobbies, choosing surprises for strangers becomes a real headache.

An excellent solution in this situation would be gift baskets - universal gifts for any occasion! Their versatility is manifested in the fact that you can pack anything in them - from, to, and hygiene products.

Therefore, today we will tell you about the secrets of decorating gifts in a basket, as well as the baskets themselves. And of course, a small master class on weaving baskets with your own hands awaits you!

For the beloved

This surprise is worth choosing if you haven’t yet studied your beloved’s tastes well enough, or if you just want to please her.

You can fill the basket with flowers, sweets, etc. - a win-win combination that any woman will like. The bottom can be covered with rose petals or other flowers.

Colored ribbon for gift wrapping will help you decorate a basket with sweets. Tie the basket crosswise and tie at the top.

For management and partners

Such a present already falls into the official category, so it needs to be made as neutral as possible - elite alcohol, delicacies and possibly a package of good cigars (). You can also decorate it beautifully. Here are good options:

It’s better to put it all in a regular straw basket.

For children

It is best to give children a basket of sweets as a gift - line the bottom and fill the basket with other confectionery products. You can complement the surprise with a small toy or paper figures.

As a present for the little ones, you can put in the basket what the child’s parents most need now - diapers, baby food, etc.

For Easter

Speaking about gift baskets, one cannot fail to mention the Easter basket with food, which is usually given to friends and family.

According to tradition, Easter cake (paska) or several Easter eggs are placed in a wicker basket. The presentation is complemented by fresh vegetables, cheeses, sausages, and sometimes a bottle of wine.

For a wedding

Another popular tradition is the wedding basket. You can choose wicker for wedding gifts, either simple or variegated, with interesting prints and designs.

The edges and handle can be beautiful or bows. Line the bottom with red or blue cloth, and then place fruits and flowers on top - the traditional “filling” for wedding baskets.

Making a basket with your own hands

You can buy regular wicker for your gifts on the Internet - the cheapest purchase will cost you about 100-200 rubles. However, you can make your present more economical and more sincere by making a basket with your own hands.

To make a homemade braid, we will need:

  1. Thick cardboard
  2. Decorations to taste (flowers, bows, ribbons, etc.)

First you need to cut out the bottom - cut a cardboard square measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. Then cut out long strips from the remaining cardboard: 15 strips 30 centimeters long and 4 strips 40 centimeters long.

Lay 30-centimeter strips on a square in a checkerboard pattern, retreating 10 centimeters on each side. You must use up all the 30 cm strips except one - we will make a handle from it.

Connect them with glue and bend them upward. Now weave 40 cm sections between the “rods” of the braid and attach the handle with glue. That's all - our braid is ready. All that remains is to decorate it and it will be ready to delight your friends and family!

Gift Basket Packaging

Gift baskets - a universal present

Our lives are filled with holidays, and choosing a gift often puts us in a difficult position. Choosing a present can be very difficult: we don’t know what exactly the celebrants might like. I want the gift to be remembered for a long time, so that it is original and useful at the same time. There is no need to be tormented by doubts - give! A universal present that will be very useful as a corporate gift, will bring joy to children or will delight your friend. The tradition of giving gift compositions in baskets, which arose in the New World, has successfully taken root in our country, and today you can increasingly see colorfully decorated baskets filled with sweets, fruits, bottles of wine, cognac or champagne, and exquisite varieties of tea and coffee. Gift Baskets They can be classic, for example, gifts for employees from the company in honor of an anniversary, New Year or Christmas baskets, or they can be extremely original, for example, a movie basket with popcorn, nuts and discs with your favorite videos.

There are many options! Wicker gift baskets are the best backdrop for any gift.

Decorating gift baskets

I always want to please the person dear to my heart only with the best. And it’s no secret that in addition to the present itself, an important component is also gift wrapping. Baskets every day they are becoming increasingly widespread and popular as a gift decor option. Agree, even the most exquisite and expensive gift needs to be decorated so that the recipient is delighted with one type of gift. Even without sufficient experience, you can decorate a gift with great dignity. Making baskets with gifts has its own little secrets, which, of course, are known to experienced decorators. But each of you can also be creative in preparing a gift and then be proud of the results. First of all, you need to decide what size your gift basket, and what will be in it: flowers, cosmetics, wine or, for example, a dish set. Create background and fill free space You can use colored paper shavings around small items, and wicker chests can be used for larger gifts. Even an ordinary wicker flower basket will take on a romantic look if you tie a bright satin ribbon to the handle.

Professional designers of our company are ready to offer their services for creating compositions of any complexity. Their work is more reminiscent of the process of creating works of art, and the results can amaze the imagination of even sophisticated customers.

Gift Basket Packaging

Of course, wicker products themselves are original packaging, but additional design will not hurt. Gift Basket Packaging- a real art, the working material for which is most often decorative filler, packaging film and paper, decorative tapes and other materials. There are absolutely no restrictions when decorating gift packaging - give freedom to your imagination! And if you want to receive a truly bright and professionally designed gift, trust our professionals. In their hands, even an ordinary flowerpot woven from wicker will turn into an exquisite masterpiece.

Wondering how many gift basket packaging options there are? Not a single master will tell you this - there are countless of them! For flowers, a special mesh or special crumpled paper is used; for sweets or alcohol, decorative film is suitable. Organza, sisal, satin, felt and many other accessories for gifts, along with variations in the form of artificial bows and flowers will add unusualness and attractiveness. An indispensable accessory for cart design is raffia. It is suitable both for decorating gifts and for New Year's baskets, decorating flower arrangements. As you can see, there are more than enough funds to decorate gifts. To decorate a gift in an original and stylish way, all you have to do is throw aside the cliches and use your imagination.

New Year's baskets for a spiritual atmosphere

Gifts for New Year and Christmas have always been unusual and even fabulous. All children, and adults too, look forward to the mid-winter holidays. Every gift for loved ones and friends is prepared with the utmost care. It is especially pleasant to find colorful gifts under the Christmas tree if they are packaged with a unique winter design. Our store presents one of the most extensive collections of wicker baskets in Moscow for the New Year holidays. Our designers are ready, at your request, to create real masterpieces that will make the winter holidays memorable for children, friends, parents, loved ones, colleagues and business partners. New Year's baskets- this is a stylish and worthy gift! And with our help, your New Year's gift will smell like a pine scent, shimmer with all the colors and create a soulful atmosphere in the room for a long time.