Classification of types of computer mice. Types and device of computer mice

Kinds computer mice. What only computer mice no. From such a variety, even the head is spinning. But until recently, there was practically no choice. It would seem, what else can you think of? But it turns out it's possible. Every company that produces these small and necessary "animals" finds more and more new designs and functions for them too.

What kind types of computer mice exist?

There are just not so many types. Here they are:

  • Mechanical or ball (already practically not used);
  • Optical;
  • laser;
  • Trackball mice.
  • induction;
  • Gyroscopic.

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Mechanical or ball mice can only be found among collectors. Although some seven years ago she was the only species. It was not very comfortable to work with it, but having no other species, we considered it to be a super-mouse.

She was heavy for weight and did not want to work without a rug. And her positioning left much to be desired. This was especially noticeable in graphic programs and games. And I had to clean it very often. What just did not well up under this ball? And if animals still live at home, then this process was repeated at least once a week.

I always had tweezers near the computer, because. my furry friends always strove to sleep near the computer, and their fluff clung to the rug, making it furry. Now I don't have that problem anymore. The ball "rodent" was replaced by a more modern mouse - an optical one.

Optical LED mouse - works in a different way. It uses an LED and a sensor. It already works like a small camera that scans the surface of the table with its LED and photographs it. An optical mouse manages to take about a thousand such photos per second, and some types even more.

The data of these images is processed by a special microprocessor and sends a signal to the computer. The advantages of such a mouse are obvious. It doesn't need a mat, it's very light in weight and can easily scan almost any surface.

Optical laser mouse - very similar to optical, but its principle of operation differs in that a laser is already used instead of a camera with an LED. That's why it's called laser.

This is a more advanced model of an optical mouse. She needs much less energy. The accuracy of reading data from the working surface is much higher than that of an optical mouse. It can even work on glass and mirror surfaces.

Trackball mouse - a device that uses a convex ball (trackball). The trackball is an inverted ball mouse. The ball is on top or side. It can be rotated with the palm of your hand or fingers, and the device itself stands still. The ball drives a pair of rollers. The new trackballs use optical motion sensors.

induction mice - use a special pad that works on the principle of a graphics tablet.

Gyro mice - with the help of a gyroscope, it recognizes movement not only on the surface, but also in space. It can be taken from the table and control the movement of the brush in the air.

These types of computer mice still exist in our markets.

Now a very large variety of such devices. Some designs deserve special attention. And I will describe them. Follow the site for updates.

In this article, we will look at ball mice. A computer mouse is one of the most important parts, thanks to which a person contacts directly with the computer itself. That is why it is very important that this contact with the computer is convenient for a person.

To date, the simplest in design and already quite uncommon mice are ball mice. Their technology is very simple and very old: the ball rotates on the surface and spins two more rollers behind it - vertical and horizontal, discs with slots are installed on these rollers, due to which the LED is interrupted. Plus, this type of mouse has only one thing - not a high cost, before they were convenient because there were no various “glitches” when moving fast enough, but now any mice do not face a similar problem.

The mouse is the device that helps people to successfully, conveniently and quickly work with the computer, despite the fact that the mouse as a manipulator has already survived in recent years, the need for it still remains at a high level. It is still difficult for modern people to work without a computer manipulator. Even those who currently buy laptops and touchpads soon begin to understand that it is still not so convenient and not so pleasant to work without a mouse. She, of course, creates unnecessary fuss, but everyone has long been accustomed to it. The full creator and developer of the computer mouse is Douglas Engelbart.

At the moment, the mouse has existed as the third hand of a computer user for more than forty years. Engineer Douglas Engelbart introduced the very first mouse back in 1968 on December 9 at a demonstration of interactive computing. The name "mouse" itself appeared only three years after the appearance of this device, due to the fact that the wire emerging from the structure looked like a mouse tail. In the 1990s, a rubber-coated steel ball was the main moving element of a computer mouse. Unfortunately or fortunately, these mice have already been supplanted by optical manipulators in our time, and the ball mouse is considered an obsolete model. A rubberized steel ball in a ball mouse glided over the surface and thus created movement.

A manipulator called "Mouse" has already entered our lives so tightly that we do not even notice how often we use this device. The mouse allows you to control your computer with maximum comfort. Remove it, and the speed of working with a PC will decrease several times. But the main thing is to choose the right mouse, based on the types of tasks that will need to be solved with its help. Some situations will require special types of mice.

Types of computer mice

According to the design features, several types of computer mice are distinguished: mechanical, optical, laser, trackball, induction, gyroscopic and sensory. Each type has its own unique characteristics that allow you to successfully use the mouse in a given situation. So what mice are best for pc? Let's try to understand this issue, having examined in detail each type separately.

Mechanical mice

This is the same type with which the history of computer mice began. The design of such a mouse assumes the presence of a rubberized ball that glides over the surface. He, in turn, makes special rollers move, which transmit the result of the movement of the ball to special sensors. The sensors send the processed signal to the computer itself, as a result of which the cursor moves on the screen. This is how a mechanical mouse works. This outdated device had two or three buttons and did not differ in any features. Connection to a computer was carried out using a COM port (in earlier versions) and a PS / 2 connector (in later models).

by the most weak point mechanical mouse was exactly the same ball that "crawled" on the surface. It became very dirty very quickly, as a result of which the accuracy of the movement fell. I had to clean it often with alcohol. In addition, mechanical ball mice categorically refused to slide normally on a bare table. They always needed a special mat. At the moment, such mice are obsolete and are not used anywhere. The most popular manufacturers of mechanical mice at the time were Genius and Microsoft.

Optical mice

The next stage in the evolution of computer mice was the emergence of optical models. The principle of operation is fundamentally different from mice equipped with balls. The basis of the optical mouse is a sensor that registers the movement of the mouse by photographing at high speed (about 1000 shots per second). Then the sensor sends information to the sensors and after appropriate processing, the information enters the computer, causing the cursor to move. Optical mice can contain any number of buttons. From two in ordinary office models to 14 in serious gaming solutions. Thanks to their technology, optical mice are able to provide high precision cursor movement. In addition, they can glide perfectly on any flat surface (except for a mirror).

Now optical mice are the most popular among most users. They combine high DPI and an adequate price. Unpretentious optical models are the most cheap computer mice. In form, they can be very different. By the number of buttons too. There are also wired and wireless options. If you need high accuracy and reliability, then your choice is a wired optical mouse. The fact is that wireless technologies make the user dependent on batteries and wireless communication which is not always up to the mark.

Laser mice

These mice are evolutionary continuation of optical mice. The difference is that a laser is used instead of an LED. At the present stage of development, laser mice are the most accurate and provide the highest DPI value. That is why they are so loved by many gamers. Laser mice don't care what surface they "crawl" on. They work well even on rough surfaces.

With the highest DPI of any mouse, laser models are widely used by gamers. That is why laser manipulators have a wide the lineup aimed at game fans. A distinctive feature of this mouse is the presence a large number additional programmable buttons. A prerequisite for good gaming mouse– only wired connection via USB. Since wireless technology cannot provide the proper accuracy of work. Gaming laser mice are usually not cheap. Most expensive computer mice based on a laser element are produced by Logitech and A4Tech.


This device does not look like a standard computer mouse at all. At its core, a trackball is a mechanical mouse in reverse. The cursor is controlled by a ball on the top side of the device. But the sensors of the device are still optical. In its form, the trackball does not resemble a classic mouse at all. And it does not need to be moved anywhere in order to achieve the movement of the cursor. The trackball is connected to the computer via USB.

The advantages and disadvantages of the trackball have been arguing for quite some time. On the one hand, it reduces the load on the hand and ensures the accuracy of cursor movement. On the other hand, it is a bit inconvenient to use the trackball buttons. Such devices are still rare and unfinished.

induction mice

Induction mice are a logical continuation of wireless devices. However, they are devoid of some properties characteristic of "tailless" models. For example, induction mice can only work on a special mat connected to a computer. Carrying the mouse away from the rug will not work. However, there are also pluses. High accuracy and no need to change batteries, since there are no batteries in such mice at all. Induction mice get their energy from the mat.

Such mice are not very common, as they have a high price and are not particularly mobile. On the other hand, these are the most original computer mice. Their originality lies in the absence of batteries.

Gyro mice

These mice do not need to slide on the surface at all. The gyroscopic sensor, which is the basis of such a mouse, responds to changes in the position of the device in space. Of course it's convenient. But this method of management requires a fair amount of skill. Naturally, such mice are distinguished by the absence of wires, because with their presence it would be inconvenient to control the mouse.

Like induction models, gyroscopic devices are not widely used due to their high cost.

Touch mouse

Touch mice - the diocese of Apple. It was they who deprived their Magic Mouse of all sorts of buttons and wheels. The basis of such a mouse is a touch coating. The mouse is controlled by gestures. The reading element of the mouse position is an optical sensor.

Touch mice are mainly found in Apple products (iMac). You can also purchase a Magic Mouse separately and try connecting it to regular computer. However, it is not clear how convenient it will be to use such a mouse under Windows, given that it is "sharpened" for MacOS.


It remains only to choose the option that is right for you.

In contact with

A novice user begins his first steps in the computer space by mastering the mouse and keyboard. If everything is more or less clear with the second, then computer mouse may raise some questions. What is a mouse? How to use it? What types of computer mice are there? We will consider all these questions in our today's topic.

Although the mouse cannot be called the part that makes up the computer, it is nevertheless an integral part of any modern computer. To get started, here's the scientific definition of a computer mouse:

A computer mouse is a manipulator that converts mechanical movements into cursor movements on a monitor screen.

Simply put, you move the mouse over a rug or other flat surface, and the cursor repeats these movements on the desktop.

The development of mouse manufacturing technology is proceeding quite quickly. The equipment has gone from a wired ball mouse to a wireless laser mouse. Consider all types of peripherals of this type, especially since they all have a place in offices and home computers.

In the 90s, when computers in our country had just begun to appear, ball mice were used. The principle of their work is quite simple. A ball protruded from the bottom of the mouse. Inside, two rollers were pressed against it. They took readings of the movement from the ball and converted them into signals understandable to the computer. Experienced computer scientists remember what was the biggest disadvantage of such a mouse. This is her purge. If the ball was too dirty, the mouse started to get stuck.

Most of us began to feel what a mouse is when we took an optical mouse in our hand. The vast majority of computers still use such manipulators. There are several types of computer mice of this type. They can be divided into optical first and second generation.

First generation optical mice

Optical mice of the first generation used special sensors in their device, which, unlike ball mice, did not read the movement of the mouse itself, but the surface on which it was located. We can say that a powerful leap was made in the development of this component. Her work has become much more reliable. However, the first optical mouse also had its shortcomings, which, in the future, predetermined its further development.

The sensors that were used in it required a special surface. I bet most people don't use rugs at all these days, but in those days it was a technical necessity. The sensor could not work if the mouse was not on a special mat, lined with special lines. Hatching could be invisible, and the rug itself could have a pattern, but it also had one more nuance: the rug was made under the mouse, that is, it was sometimes impossible to replace one rug with another. Now imagine what a mouse of this level at that time was for the wallet of an ordinary user? No doubt a very serious blow. If we add to this malfunctions in the presence of dirt on the mat or the wrong position of the manipulator on it, then you understand that the optical mouse of the first generation was not perfect. This led to the creation of new types of computer mice.

Second generation optical mice

Optical LED mice, both wireless and wired, are known to most of us. Most likely, such a device is currently in your right hand. This classic second-generation optical mouse, which appeared on the market relatively recently, has firmly won its place in the configuration of every new computer.

The equipment uses a more complex principle of operation. At the bottom of the mouse there is a special LED that illuminates the base along which the device moves. A small camera takes a huge number of pictures per second and transmits this information to a special processor. It processes the data and makes inferences about the movement of the mouse, which are converted into signals that allow the cursor to move across the screen in the correct direction. The manipulators had a lot of advantages, among which the main ones were the absence of the need for periodic cleaning and work on a regular rug without special shading and patterns.

However, there were also disadvantages. In a static position, some mice could not read information correctly and the cursor was shaking on the screen. In addition, as it turned out, some rugs, or rather the drawings on them, confused the sensor and it gave out incorrect data, which led to uncontrolled movement of the cursor on the monitor. This pushed the computer components industry even further.

Modern optical mice are no longer as prone to failures. The gradual improvement of sensors has led to the fact that some devices can even work on glass or mirror surfaces. Some modern mice are equipped with two sensors at once, which eliminates any errors in determining the coordinates of the mouse location.

Laser mice

What is a mouse installed in your home or office, we figured it out. Now let's talk about the latest developments - optical laser manipulators.

Such mice saw the light literally in recent years. Their device is different in that the sensor in them uses a semiconductor laser to illuminate. What are the advantages of this technology?

Let's start by remembering if you ever got up in the middle of the night just because the mouse shone in your eyes and prevented you from falling asleep? It would seem that such a trifle, and yet laser mice do not have such a defect. In addition to such trifles, the device has higher reliability and resolution. Recently, energy savings have played an important role. In this indicator, the laser mouse is noticeably superior to other competitors.

Wireless mice

Recently, such handy accessories in everyday life as a wireless computer mouse and keyboard have become popular. What can such a device give us? Firstly, it is very convenient to use a mouse without a wire when the approach to the system unit is difficult. For example, he stands under your table. Secondly, the absence of extra wires is the absence of excess dust.

The device itself works on the principle of a walkie-talkie. The mouse transmitter sends information to the transmitter installed on the system block. The mouse uses autonomous power supply (AA batteries, for example).

What is a mouse cannot be fully understood if we do not understand the purpose of its buttons. Different types computer mice can be equipped with a different number of buttons, but there are certain standards here. Be sure to have two buttons and a wheel on the front of the mouse. The wheel can also work as a third button, it can be pressed.

The left mouse button is for:

  • Selection of objects and their movement;
  • Selecting lines in menus and other toolbars;
  • Opening files and folders (requires two quick clicks at standard settings).

The right mouse button is mainly used to open context menu object. It contains the operations that can be carried out with this object, as well as its properties (usually, the very last line in the menu).

As for the mouse wheel, it is used to scroll through a document or website on the Internet. Each turn of the wheel moves the page down, allowing you to conveniently view its contents. Pressing the wheel will hardly lead to anything, this function is used in rare programs (for example, computer games).

This is all the information that illuminates the question of what a computer mouse is. In the end, I will only add that the most important thing in working with this device is a habit. Teach your hands to use the mouse automatically and do not forget about the rules of working at the computer - this will speed up your work many times over.