A quick way to install Windows without a disk or flash drive. Installing Windows on a computer without a disk or flash drive Reinstall Windows 7 without a disk

This article describes how to install or reinstall Windows 7.

Before installation begins, you need to complete several preparatory steps. At the beginning of the article we have placed detailed content so that you can quickly view the entire sequence of actions and move on to the necessary part of the instructions.

If you are interested in a specific question (such as installation errors, how to enter and configure the BIOS, etc.), the links in the content will take you directly to it.

If you are a beginner, then simply follow the guide from start to finish: each point is described in as much detail as possible and includes links to supporting instructions.

What should be ready before installation

Review the list below to ensure your computer and system are ready to install or reinstall Windows 7 and follow the steps required to complete the preparations.

What types of installation are there, how to save personal files and programs

There are two types of installation:
  • A complete reinstallation of the operating system (OS), which completely erases a hard drive partition (or the entire drive), including all your programs, documents and files.
  • An OS update that only updates system files.
Updating the OS has a number of disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a complete reinstallation of the system, and for this you will need to save all personal files and program settings.

If you haven't done this yet, read the article on preparing for installation, from it you will learn:

  • how to save all important personal data;
  • what programs will be needed immediately after installation and where to download them;
  • Is it possible to copy installed drivers, where can I find the drivers after installation;
  • analysis of some special cases;
Save all data and proceed to the next step.

How to legally download the original image of Windows 7 x64 or x32 for free.

Download original image can be done legally using the program "Windows ISO Downloader": the file with the Windows image will be downloaded with Microsoft official website.

Program file "Windows ISO Downloader" with version 5.21 (dated September 20, 2017) is attached to the article (to the right of this text).
How to download the image correctly is shown in the figure below:

Select the Windows 7 partition, then the desired edition of the Windows 7 image and the “Confirm” button.

We strongly we do not recommend use Windows 7 builds - use only original system images.

Microsoft has several aircraft hangars with a variety of equipment designed to test the operation of the operating system on various combinations of devices. Therefore, the official OS image works correctly for the vast majority of users.

The authors of assemblies do not have such testing capabilities, so a certain percentage of users will experience problems during the operation of the assembly, which can only be resolved by completely reinstalling Windows.

Which image version to choose: 32 bit or 64 bit

Everything is very simple: a 64-bit OS is needed in two cases: so that the computer can “see” 4GB or more of RAM and so that you can work with “heavy” programs or games. Attention!
Some new programs and games may not run on 32-bit Windows.

  • If the amount of RAM is 4GB or more, feel free to choose x64 (64 bits).
  • If the computer is old and complex programs (for example, audio and video editors, design systems, multimedia packages) are not used, choose x32 (32 bits).
More information about the difference between a 32-bit and a 64-bit operating system is provided in this article.

The easiest way to see how much RAM you have is to right-click on the icon "My computer" → select item "Properties" in the context menu.

The window that opens will indicate the amount of RAM, as well as the bit capacity of the system currently installed.

Which version of Windows 7 should I choose: Home, Professional or Ultimate?

There are different versions (editions) of Windows 7, some of which differ greatly in functionality. You can read more about Windows versions.

Most often, when installing, they choose between versions of “ Professional " And " Ultimate ».
The best choice in terms of image version would be « Windows 7 Professional » .
But don’t worry if you have a different edition of Windows - the installation process will be similar.
In the edition " Professional " Unlike "Ultimate" there are a number of services that most users will never use.
You probably haven't even heard their names: DirectAccess, Unix Application Launch Subsystem, BranchCache, BitLocker, etc. Accordingly, hard disk space version « Professional » will take less.

How to properly burn an image to a DVD or USB flash drive?

If you have already recorded the image and the installation from it went smoothly, then you can immediately move on to the next chapter. If you don’t know which programs can be used to burn an image to a disk or flash drive, then the following auxiliary articles will help you: Please note that installation from a flash drive is more reliable and also faster. If you have a flash drive with a capacity of 4GB or more, then it is better to install from it.

Windows reinstallation process.

So, preparation for installation is complete: all personal data has been saved, the media with the operating system distribution has been created, and the partition on which the image will be installed has been prepared.

Setting boot device priority in BIOS

  1. Restart your computer and enter the BIOS.
    • on personal computers, buttons are most often used to enter the BIOS « DELETE» (« Del»), « F2", "F1", "Esc»
    • on laptops - keys « F8", "F9", "F12", "Esc»
  2. After going to the BIOS, you need to find the menu section responsible for installing devices to boot the OS.
    The partition may be located in different places (depending on the type of motherboard and BIOS version), so you need to find the menu « FIRST BOOT DEVICE », « BOOT » or « BOOT DEVICE ».
  1. You need to go to this section of the menu and set the drive to first place DVD or HDD(your Flash drive) depending on what media the image was recorded on.
  2. After this, you need to exit the BIOS and save the changes.
    Most often, to save changes, you need to press the key before exiting. « F 10" , and then confirm saving by pressing « Y » or by selecting « Yes » in the dialog box.
If you have difficulty entering the BIOS, saving changes, or finding boot device priority settings, then read the article about setting parameters in the BIOS.

In the article you will find instructions with examples:

  • how to enter BIOS or UEFI with examples of different BIOS screens.
  • how to find the option "BOOT DEVICA PRIORITY".
  • table with a list of keys for entering the BIOS on laptops from different manufacturers.

Autorun Windows installation from a DVD or flash drive

If you did everything correctly, then after restarting your computer you will see the following:

  • if you are using DVD media, you will see the message “Press any key to load from CD...” (press any key to boot from CD). You must immediately press any key, because after a short amount of time (about 10 seconds) the boot will begin from the next boot device installed in the BIOS.
  • if you used a flash drive, the installation will begin immediately
When installing an operating system, you should be careful and careful with functions that you do not fully understand.
The site administration is not responsible for the results of your actions.

Start installation

Your computer may have gray and blue USB connectors. If you are installing the OS from a flash drive, be sure to plug the flash drive into the connector USB2.0 (gray), otherwise the installer may not see it.
You can judge that the operating system installer has started working by the line that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 1. Installer Windows 7 copies files from the media for further installation of the OS.
When preparation for installation is complete, you will see the message "Starting Windows" .
After this, the Windows 7 installation window will appear.

Figure 2. Starting installation Windows 7: Select the language, time format and layout to be installed.
We will leave the time format, installed language and keyboard layout unchanged (as shown in Figure 2). Click on the button "Further" , after which you can start the process by clicking on the button "Install" .

Figure 3. Start of installation Windows 7
You should now read and agree to the Microsoft License Agreement and click the button again "Further" .

Figure 4. License agreement for installation and subsequent use Windows 7.

Selecting the installation type

  • A system update will allow you to reinstall Windows on top of your existing operating system.
  • A full installation will allow you to select an existing partition for installation or re-partition the hard drive. The system will be installed completely, so this option is more acceptable (we wrote more about installation types at the beginning of the article).

Figure 5. Selecting the operating system installation type.
Choose "Full installation (advanced options)", as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. Selecting a hard drive for further installation Windows 7.

Hard disk partitions for system installation

After proceeding to the full installation, we will be presented with a list of hard drives on which we can create or select partitions for installation. At this step there may be several options for the development of events.

  • You only have one hard drive in your system.
  • You have a separate hard drive (possibly an SSD) where the operating system will be installed, and separate drives for storing data.
  • The installer does not see the hard drive or other errors occur (below are links to articles that discuss these problems step by step)
If you have several hard drives, then transfer all important data to the drive where you will store personal files and disconnect it so as not to accidentally mix up the drives when creating partitions or formatting.
If you only have one hard drive (or SSD), then it is advisable to split it into parts (if the disk space allows it).

The disk must be divided into parts so that at least 50GB is allocated for the system, possibly even more, because For normal operation of Windows 7, it is desirable that there be at least 15-20% free space on the system partition.
The disk is divided into partitions to make it easier to reinstall the operating system in the future.

For example, you have only 1 hard drive in your computer with a capacity of 500GB.

You split it into 2 parts: 120GB (disk " C:") and 380GB (Disk " D)

Now on disk « D you store music, movies, photos, program installers, folders with drivers, games, etc., and on the disk « C you install programs to work.

Files from the “Desktop” and “My Documents” folders are also stored on the disk « C:». When in the future you want to reinstall Windows, you just need to transfer (copy) all important files from the desktop and other disk folders « C to disk « D, then do a complete reinstallation with disk formatting « C.
If the disk is not partitioned, then you will have nowhere to transfer data from the disk « C:», and you won't be able to format it.

Creating disk partitions

At this step, you can create partitions on your hard drive if:

  • the hard drive is not partitioned (new or all partitions were previously deleted);
  • There are no important files on the hard drive, and all information can be deleted.
The new hard drive is immediately displayed as a single partition and labeled as “unpartitioned” (see Figure 6).
If you are going to repartition the disk (and all important files have already been transferred from it), then you need to:
  1. Sequentially delete all partitions of your disk using the button "delete" . Attention! All files on these partitions will be deleted!
  2. Select the unallocated partition that appears with the mouse, click the button "Create" (See Figure 6).
  3. Specify the size first for the system partition (which will be the disk « C ), then create a partition for the disk « D (and other disks if necessary).
If the disk was not allocated, the OS installer will additionally create a 100MB partition to store special system files.

Selecting a partition for installation

If disk partitions have been created previously:

  1. Select the system partition (on which the OS was previously installed).
  2. Click on the button "Format".
  3. After formatting, select the erased partition and click on the button "Further".
If the installer does not see the hard drive, requires a device driver, or other problems occur, then search for and resolve your error using these two articles:
  • Analysis of various types of errors when installing Windows 7 (including by code).
  • What to do if the installer does not see the device (drive, hard drive, keyboard or mouse, etc.).
In Figure 6 you can see an unallocated 35 GB disk.

Figure 7. Creating a partition on the hard drive
In our case, no partition has been created yet, so we need to click on the button "Create" (Figure 7), then indicate the volume of the partition to be created (Figure 8) and click on the button "Apply" .

Figure 8. Selecting the volume for a partition on the hard drive

Figure 9. Partition creation confirmation window
After this, the operating system installer will inform you that an additional partition will be created to store system files:

Figure 10. Installing Windows 7.
Click on the button "Further", after which the installation will begin (copying all system files and the process of setting up the OS).

The process of copying files will take 15-30 minutes and will not require any action from you.

Figure 11. Installation completion window
Once the files are copied and unpacked, the computer will restart.

At this point, you must remove the DVD or Flash drive from the computer, as the installation will continue from the hard drive to which the necessary files were copied.

After the reboot, you will see a window indicating that the installation is complete.

Figure 12. Entering the username and network name of the computer for the installed system.
The completion process will take a few minutes, after which the initial setup of the operating system will begin.

Completing Windows installation and initial setup

When the setup process comes to an end, you will be prompted to enter a user name to create your account, as well as a computer name for subsequent network identification (under this name your computer will be visible on Windows local networks).

Figure 13. Setting a password for the account (optional).
Next, you will be prompted to enter a password and a password hint. If you want to protect access to your account with a password, enter it. Or you can skip this step by clicking the button "Further" .

If you have reached this page, it means you have decided to reinstall Windows 7 and need help with the installation. Below I will tell you in detail all the stages, starting with loading Windows on your computer and ending with Activating Windows and a short introductory video. And so let's get started. The first thing you need to do is download the Windows 7 image itself; there are two types: 32x and 64x. How to understand what bit depth you need, very simply in the computer properties there is information about your hardware, we are interested in the RAM line (installed memory). If you have 4 GB or more installed, you need a 64-bit version, everything below is 32-bit.

When we have already decided on the bit depth, we proceed to download the Windows 7 image. Click on the green button “Download Windows 7 Ultimate” and a torrent file called ru_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86.iso.torrent will be downloaded to your computer. We launch it to proceed to downloading via torrent program. If the file asks you to open it through any program, then uTorrent is not installed. follow the link to download it.

While Windows is in the process of downloading, we will download and install the UltraISO program. Using it, we will write the image to a disk or flash drive.

After installing UltraISO and loading Windows, let's start recording to a disk or flash drive. Launch UltraISO and perform the actions as in the screenshot:

Open the image with the program and perform recording.

We wait for the process to complete and close the program window. Now your flash drive or disk is ready to start outside the system.
Well, now the most interesting thing is, we need to tell the computer to start from our media; for this we need to call the BOOT MENU. Usually these are the DEL or F8 keys, but there are exceptions, it all depends on the manufacturer of your motherboard - below are the buttons from which you can call the BUTMENU from various motherboards.

If you did everything correctly, you will see a type of menu with a boot selection, control using the arrows and the ENTER key.

After selecting the BOOTMENU, it will begin copying the “loading in Windows file” files to start installing Windows 7. In the first installation window, you must select a language and click Next.

In the next window, click Install.

Selecting the installation type, click “Full installation (advanced options)

And here is the most important window, selecting the partition on which the installation will be performed. For proper installation, you must format the system drive C where your old Windows is located. Ideally, it is better to delete it and also the partition where the MBR is stored; it usually weighs 100 MB. To do this, select the section and click Delete. “Unallocated disk space” will appear. Click “Create”, specify the disk size or leave it unchanged and click “Apply”

Now it’s a matter of time, as soon as you click Next, copying files to install Windows 7 will begin. You can remove the flash drive or disk after the first reboot and watch the installation process until the Select user name window appears. Enter any desired name and click Next.

In the Windows product key entry window, uncheck the “Automatically activate Windows when you connect to the Internet” checkbox and click Next.

That’s the whole simple installation process, a familiar desktop will appear in front of you - which means that Windows 7 Ultimate is installed.
Another important and mandatory process is Windows activation. On the desktop, find a shortcut called “Activator”, launch it and do everything as shown below in the screenshots.

Hello, site administrator remontcompa.ru, I have a question for you - how to install Windows 7 on a new computer, that is, on a blank hard drive without partitions? Surely there are some rules and if you don’t follow them, problems will definitely arise that you want to avoid. Georgy.

Installing Windows 7

Hello friends! Installing Windows 7 on your desktop computer or laptop from a disk, as well as from a flash drive, should not be accompanied by any difficulties after reading our article. We have prepared for you a detailed description of each step and included many illustrations. Having gone through all the installation steps with us, next time you will install Windows 7 without any outside help.

  • Firstly, the official Windows 7 64-bit distribution can be downloaded from the official.
  • Secondly, if you have UEFI BIOS and you want to install Windows 7 on a GPT disk, but don’t know how to do it, read our article.
  • Thirdly, if you bought a new laptop with Windows 8.1 and want to install Windows 7 instead, then all the manipulations with the UEFI BIOS and the process of further system installation.
  • Fourthly, if you have problems installing Windows 7, refer to our article -.
  • Fifthly, if you don't have a disk drive, you can use our instructions and.
  • Sixth, if you are installing Windows 7 from a flash drive, then be aware that Windows 7 does not support USB 3.0 (ports are usually colored blue), if your flash drive is USB 3.0, insert it into a USB 2.0 port.

So, final preparations before installing the operating system. What should you do first?

If you are installing Windows 7 on a hard drive with existing partitions, then you need to copy all your data from the partition on which you will install Windows 7. During the installation process, this partition will be formatted and information from it will be deleted.

If you are installing Windows 7 on a blank hard drive, then you don’t need to do anything, just read the article further.

In general, there is nothing complicated in all this, at the very beginning of the boot we press on the keyboard, in most cases these are the F2 or Delete keys, we entered the BIOS, here we need the “Boot Sequence” or “Boot” section. There are basically two types of BIOS, this window is Ami BIOS, we will look at setting it up in our article, if the window has a different interface, then you have Award BIOS, how to work in it is written in our article “BIOS booting from disk ".

As we can see, the first boot device is the hard drive - HDD: PM-MAXTOR STM3, use the arrows to highlight the first item 1st Boot Devise and press Enter.

In this menu, we will set the CD-ROM as the first boot device (First Boot Device), select it using the arrows on the keyboard, then Enter.

So the first disk drive, and the second one turned out to be a hard drive, that’s what you need.

Save the settings (press F10) and reboot.

If you have correctly set the BIOS to boot from the drive and you have an installation disk with Windows 7 in it, then the next time you boot the computer you will see a prompt on the monitor to boot from the Windows 7 installation disk - Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. We press any key on the keyboard, keep in mind that if you do not have time to press within a few seconds, the system will reboot and everything will start from the beginning.

The installation process of the operating system begins, wait patiently

Here you need to select the system language.


We accept the terms of the agreement

Selecting the full installation

In this window we see the space of my 500 GB hard drive ( Disk 0) divided into two sections (Section 1 and Section 2). The Windows 7 operating system is already installed on the hard drive; I personally don’t need it and I want to reinstall it. Before installation, I will delete all existing partitions on the hard drive and create them again. In general, there is a rule that if you want to avoid errors when installing Windows 7, it is better to delete all existing partitions before installation and create them again or install the operating system directly into unallocated space.

Select with the left mouse Disk 0 Partition 2 and press the button Delete.

Select with the left mouse Disk 0 Partition 1 and press the button Delete .

Old sections have been deleted, we are creating new ones.

Select with the left mouse Unallocated disk space 0 and press Create.

In this window, you need to select the size of our future disk (C:), Windows 7 will be installed on it. Let’s choose a size of 200 GB, I think this will be quite enough. Click Apply.

For Windows 7 to work correctly, you need to create a hidden partition of 100 MB with download files.

Therefore, when asked “To ensure that all of its features work correctly, Windows may create additional partitions for system files,” click OK.

On Disk 0 we now have a hidden partition Section 1: System Reserved(volume 100 megabytes) with Win 7 download files.

A second Partition 2 has also appeared, it will be the system drive (C:), its volume is 196.1 GB.

We convert the unoccupied space into a partition. Select it with the left mouse and click Create, this will be our drive (D:).


We will install Windows 7 on Disk 0 Partition 2: (future drive C:), select it with the left mouse and click Next.

The Windows 7 installation process begins.

How to reinstall Windows 7. A detailed description of reinstalling Windows 7 from start to finish.

To reinstall Windows 7 for dummies we will need:

  1. Download Windows 7
  2. Burn Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive with Windows 7
  3. Set to bios First Boot Device - Cd-Rom or USB
  4. Install Windows 7

Step No. 1 Reinstalling Windows 7. Burning a Windows 7 disc

So, let's say you bought a laptop with Windows 7 or just want to try it out and then buy it. First, you need to download the Windows 7 image. Look carefully at which Windows 7 you need to download so that the key located on the laptop will fit. Usually the key is located either on the laptop or under it. For example, like this: Windows 7 basic OEM 32-bit(x86). Search the Internet for Windows 7 basic OEM 32-bit so that your key will fit! Since the distribution of Windows is illegal, we do not have the right to post original iso images with Windows 7 here. (Or - (Google search for MD5))

After downloading the Windows 7 ISO image, you need to burn it to disk.

To do this, download the program for burning our image to disk Portable ImgBurn

After the Windows 7 ISO image and our ImgBurn program are successfully downloaded:

  • Take a blank DVD +-R | RW and insert into DVD rom
  • ImgBurn -> click Browse-> choose our Windows ISO image, press Open
  • Set the minimum speed and start recording
  • After the disc is burned, a window will pop up indicating that the disc was successfully burned, click OK. And your DVD rom will automatically open with Windows 7 written on it

Step No. 2 Reinstall Windows 7. Set First boot device CD-Rom in BIOS

So, after Step No. 1, we have a disk with Windows 7. At this stage, our task is to get into the BIOS and set the disk with Windows 7 installed to initially boot. To do this: Reboot or turn on the computer and press the delete key (there are others options, e.g. F1, F2, F8, Ins.)

The initial splash screen should usually show you which key to press to enter the BIOS

As a result, we should get to the BIOS blue screen, in our case it looks like this

We set the first download from Disk, for this we go (with the usual arrows) to Advanced Bios Features -> First Boot Device select CD-Rom, press Enter, then Esc, go to Save&Exit Setup Press Enter, then Y and Enter again.

Note: if you have a different BIOS, the essence does not change. The main thing is to find First Boot Device and select CD-Rom

After step 2, the computer reboots itself and if you did everything correctly, then when you reboot, the message Boot from Cd/Dvd will appear on a black background:

And after a while Press any key to boot from Cd..

(press any key on the keyboard to boot from the disk), press the key. If a black screen appears with a Windows 7 installation bar, then at this stage you have done everything correctly

Step No. 3 Reinstall Windows 7. Formatting the partition. Installing Windows 7

After the window popped up. We wait 5-7 minutes until the language selection window appears. Select the language settings as you wish, then click Further

Click “Install”

We wait 5-7 minutes, after which a window will pop up, check the box with “License Terms”, click Further

Select “Full installation”

Select our disk, then click “Disk Setup”

Select an item "Format"

Attention! (warning about deleting data from drive C. Everything will remain on D):
This action will delete all your files from this partition, disk C:/

After “Copying Windows files” appears, we can safely go have a coffee, since no action will be required from us for 10-20 minutes

We wait until a window appears where we will be asked to enter a username. Then enter the name

Password (we don’t have to enter it, just click next)

Enter the product key (if you want to enter it later, you can click “Next”)

We choose one of three update points if desired! We recommend the first one!

All that remains is to select the time zone, which is what we do.

We wait 2 minutes, then a magic window with Windows 7 appears. Congratulations, Windows 7 has been successfully installed!

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk? This topic is relevant today. Moreover, it concerns the new OS developments that appeared not so long ago. And now in more detail! Windows 7, or simply “seven,” is one of the latest operating systems from Microsoft, and at the same time the most successful of them. At least that's what many experts think.

What does installing from a boot drive mean?

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk? The standard model for installing any operating system is from a hard drive. And in addition to a disk, a drive can be used as it. The installation option from a flash drive is quite reliable. As with a disk, the host system is installed at a lower level in the computer's software hierarchy. In other words, “from under the old system.” In addition, this method of loading a new “OS” allows you to format the hard drive on which the previous system was located. This will protect the OS from old programs that may be malicious, as well as from “under-deleted” parts of files that are invisible at first glance, but remain in the system and interfere with its normal operation. Such “scraps” of unnecessary documents hinder the speed of the system. Malfunctions may occur. You should consider how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk and without a flash drive.

If there is neither a flash drive nor a disk

The standard installation method is not always possible. For example, if there is no disk, but there is an OS file on the computer or laptop itself. What to do in such a situation? How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer? The system file can be presented in the form of an image, an archive, or simply an installer. To install the system from an image, you must run a special program. It is necessary for reading/writing exactly this kind of formats. For example, Daemon Tools. Having launched the image in the program and mounted it, you should select the installation file. If the OS is available as an archive, then there is no need to unpack it. How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer in such a situation? Click on the archive and select the installer file from the drop-down list. It has ".exe" permission. This file is located mainly towards the end of the list of archive contents. There will be no difference in launching the installer even if the operating system is simply located in some folder.

What do you need to remember?

If you are installing a production system for the first time, there are some rules to keep in mind. You need to know them if you need to answer the question of how to reinstall Windows 7. Whether this will be done without a disk or with it does not play an important role.

Firstly, the installation of a new OS may occur due to the computer being infected with viruses. This is a useless process if it is not accompanied by formatting. The fact is that infected files do not disappear anywhere with this type of installation of the main working environment. They are saved in the previously installed system. Subsequently, they will simply switch to a new shell.

Secondly, the best, and most importantly, the safest installation method is still to use a hard drive. Reinstalling Windows 7 without a disk in such a situation is not difficult. It is enough to have a bootable USB flash drive. If it does not exist, then it is created using simple actions. There is a program specifically for this that writes images to media. For example, Ultra ISO. Accordingly, if the files are not in disk image format, you should create one. Usually the same Daemon Tools is used for this.

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? It should be remembered that when installing a new system, you should always use only verified files. The fact is that with modern progress, handicraft assemblies are found everywhere. When downloading Windows 7 from the Internet, no one can say with confidence that it is not “hard-wired” with malicious software.

First actions

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? Let's look at how to do this in the simplest way. Find the folder with the operating system and run the installation file. After this, the installation window will open. It will display the ability to configure the following settings:

For our country, naturally, you should choose the Russian language option everywhere.
After clicking the “Next” button, a window with the “Install” button opens. By clicking on installation, we go to the license agreement. We accept it by checking the box next to the appropriate inscription.

The most popular types of systems

The installer may contain several system options. The most commonly used:

If you are wondering how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, then you should understand that this is an incomplete list of possible systems.

Don't forget about the bit depth

All programs of this type differ in their bit depth, that is, 32-bit (X86) and 64-bit (X64). This parameter is indicated after the system name. For example, Windows 7 Ultimate X86.

The choice of the level of the system to be installed should be made based on the power of the computer's resources. If the laptop or PC is relatively weak, it is recommended to install X86 OS (32-bit version). It is best to install Windows 7 X64 if the RAM size exceeds 4GB. The thing is that the 32-bit version is simply unable to “see” such a volume.

What to do when formatting is needed?

Let's get back to how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk. The next OS installer window will offer the option of completely installing the system on your computer and updating. You must opt ​​for a full installation. Otherwise, only an update to the pre-existing operating system will occur.

After selecting the preliminary parameters, a window appears with the ability to select a hard drive. This method will not allow you to format it. This is due to the fact that the installer was launched from a running system. If it is necessary to format the disk, which is desirable when installing the OS, then this point can be bypassed. This happens as follows. Until the new “seven” is installed, take any other partition of the disk and clear it of files (move them if you need them, and just don’t touch them if you don’t need them). After that, format the partition. You should not change the drive letter in this situation. When answering the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, you should keep in mind that when you boot the new system, the drive letters will change automatically. The formatted partition should be selected for system installation.

If cleaning is not needed

If formatting is not necessary, you can simply select the drive to install the new system and continue. In such a situation, the old system will remain in the “Windows old” folder. It will be located on the “C” drive. It will also be possible to start and work from it. But it is not recommended to do this, since two identical operating systems on the same disk may “conflict”. This, in turn, will lead to a malfunction. The old OS can be removed or moved to another medium. There is another very significant point that you should remember when answering the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a laptop from Asus, Lenovo, HP, etc.

If the partition on which the new OS is installed does not have enough space for two operating systems, the installation process will not be able to start. This occurs due to the fact that the old shell is not removed and continues to occupy space. It is important to remember that frequent reinstallation of the operating system leads to disk destruction. This can be avoided by using different types of defragmenters. For example, the Victoria program.

This problem is not so bad for computers. There is nothing easier than buying a new hard drive and installing it. This is easy to do yourself. However, if the hard drive breaks on a laptop, then, in addition to the cost of the disk itself, you will have to pay for repair services. You should know about this if you are interested in the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk from a flash drive.

What do you need to enter after installation?

Having selected the disk (partition) for installation, click “Next”, which will lead to unpacking and subsequent installation of the new Windows 7. This process is fully automated. It will last for 25-30 minutes, depending on the power of the computer (laptop). After completing the installation, you need to enter the following parameters:

If the input is incorrect, the system will tell you about it and ask you to correct the symbols, indicating the error.

Entering the password and key

During installation, you will be asked to assign a password and a hint in case you lose it. After this, a window appears in which you must enter the key to activate the operating system. If it is missing, simply click “Next” after unchecking the box next to “Activation while connected to the Internet.” Then you will be able to activate the system in any convenient way. This is done as follows:

You need to protect your computer from external threats

Let's return to the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a computer or laptop. The next step is the protection settings. You can use the recommended service, or you can postpone the decision and configure it later. Protecting your computer is one of the most important aspects of installing an operating system. The fact is that the security of the equipment will depend on how well you limit access parameters from other people’s devices. This menu is nothing more than offering an option to select a data protection set created by Microsoft specialists. It should be understood that they already provide and set the recommended parameters. By skipping this point, many people forget to perform the configuration manually in the future, putting their files at risk.

So, having decided on security, click “Next” and configure the time and date (time zone, etc.) in the new window.

Next, the installer displays the network parameters window. It can be either home or public. Due to this, the settings in the Internet properties are changed. As for the general understanding, the home network looks more conservative regarding the configuration. A public network, on the contrary, provides greater access to the resources of a laptop or computer.

What can be changed after installation?

This was the last step, after which you will get a practically empty desktop of the newly installed Windows 7 operating system. Basic settings (for example, adding the My Computer folder or user files to the desktop) can be done by left-clicking on the desktop space and selecting the "Personalization" tab.

There you can also set a different background image, change the default theme (usually Windows 7 Aero), change the screen resolution, and much more.

Standard licensed Windows 7 comes without additional programs. However, among the numerous assemblies you can find options that include many additional elements, software, and so on.


This article described how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive. You will install it on a netbook, laptop, computer - it does not play a big role. The principle of the installation process for a new system is the same.