Asus password, how to find out the router password and how to reset it if you forgot. Login to the settings of Asus routers Asus router login to the admin panel

Devices from Asus are in great demand among consumers. That is why we decided to make this article, although the process of entering the settings of the Asus router is almost identical to this process on routers from different manufacturers. You can verify this by looking at our website for instructions on how to enter the settings of routers from other manufacturers or

Access to the router settings is carried out according to the traditional scheme:

  1. We connect to the device (computer, laptop) using a network cable or via a wi-fi connection;
  2. Using any convenient browser, log in to the router control panel.

To establish a reliable connection with the router, it is best to use a computer or laptop and a network cable. Although, of course, you can use other devices (tablet, phone) to access the router settings and make changes to them. We strongly do not recommend using a Wi-Fi connection to flash the router firmware or install a software update. With a Wi-Fi connection, there is a very high probability of failures and unpleasant consequences of changing the router software.

Establishing a connection to the router.

Have you already connected the router to your device (computer, laptop)? If yes, then proceed to the next step. And if not, then let's see together how to connect to an Asus router. We will use a connection via a network cable (since it is the most reliable).

We take out the cable from the kit to the router and insert one end into the connector labeled LAN on the router, and the other end into your PC or laptop. There is also a WAN connector on the router; do not try to insert the cable into it. If a cable is already connected to the WAN connector, then you don’t have to disconnect it, it will not affect our process. Make sure that the router is powered on, pay attention to the indicator on the case.

Connecting to an Asus router via wi-fi connection is quite simple. If you have never done this before, it will be useful to first familiarize yourself with this article. When the new router is first launched, it will immediately broadcast the wireless network. By default, the name of this network is “ASUS”, but there is no password. To connect to a Wi-Fi network, just select its name and click the “Connect” button on your computer.

Go to the router web interface

In the router authorization window, by default, the login is “admin” and the password is “admin”. This information can be read on the label at the bottom of the router case. If for some reason you do not know the password (it was previously changed by someone, it may have been successfully forgotten by you), and the standard ones do not work, you need to reset the router settings. To reset the router settings, press and hold the RESET button for 10 seconds, the button is located on the router body.
Problems accessing the router control panel and ways to solve them.

When trying to connect to the router control panel, users sometimes experience problems at various stages of operation. Some people are unable to establish a connection between the router and the device, while others cannot open the page itself in the browser. There is no single recipe for solving all problems that users encounter. Let's look at the main ways to solve problems accessing the router control panel.

First, you need to figure out how to connect the router to the device. For this you need check whether you receive an IP when connected via cable or Wi-Fi connection. If automatic IP acquisition is set, check if everything is okay with the cable itself (try unplugging it from the connectors and reinserting it, replace it with another cable) or check the connection via Wi-Fi connection. Sometimes the problem lies in simply turning off the power to the router; look at the indicator on the case. If you are unable to connect via cable to the router, then try using a wi-fi connection. And if you tried to connect via a wi-fi connection, then try, on the contrary, using a cable.

This question is especially of concern to novice users, and most of all to those who recently bought a router to organize a home local network (+ Internet access for all devices in the apartment) and want to quickly set everything up...

I remember myself at that moment (4 years ago): I probably spent about 40 minutes figuring it out and setting it up. In the article I would like to dwell more not only on the question itself, but also on the errors and problems that usually arise during the process.

So, let's begin…

1. What needs to be done at the very beginning...

Buy a router... :)

The first thing you do is connect all computers to the router’s LAN ports (connect the LAN port of the router with an Ethernet cable to the LAN port of your network card).

Usually there are at least 4 LAN ports on most router models. The router comes with at least 1 Ethernet cable (regular twisted pair), which means it will be enough for you to connect one computer. If you have more: don’t forget to buy Ethernet cables at the store along with your router.

Your Ethernet cable through which you were connected to the Internet (previously it was most likely connected to the computer’s network card directly) should be plugged into the router’s socket called WAN (sometimes called Internet).

After turning on the router's power supply, the LEDs on its case should start blinking (if you have connected the cables, of course).

In principle, you can now proceed to setting up the Windows OS.

2. Determining the IP address and password with login to enter the router settings (examples ASUS, D-LINK, ZyXel)

The first setup of the router must be done on a desktop computer connected to it via an Ethernet cable. In principle, you can do it from a laptop, only then you still connect it via cable, configure it, and then you can switch to a wireless connection...

This is due to the fact that by default, the Wi-Fi network may be disabled altogether and you, in principle, will not be able to enter the router settings.

2.1. Windows OS setup

First, we need to configure the OS: in particular, the Ethernet network adapter through which the connection will go.

To do this, go to the control panel at the following path: " Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center". Here we are interested in the link " Change adapter settings"(located in the left column if you have Windows 7, 8).

Go to the properties of Internet Protocol version 4.

And here you can set to automatically obtain an IP and DNS address.

Now you can go directly to the settings process itself...

2.2. How to find out the address of the router settings page

And so, launch any browser installed on your computer (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox). Next, enter the IP address of your router’s settings page into the address bar. Typically this address is indicated on the documentation accompanying the device. If you don’t know, here is a small plate with popular router models. Let's look at another method below.

Table of logins and passwords (default).

If you manage to log in, you can go to the settings of your router. You may be interested in articles on setting up the following routers: , .

2.3. If you can't log in

There are two ways...

1) Go to the command line (in Windows 8, this can be done by clicking on “Win ​​+ R“, then in the “open” window that opens, enter “CMD" and press the Enter key. In other OSes, the command line can be opened through the “start” menu ").

What interests us most here is the line with the “main gateway”. It contains the address of the page with the router settings. In this case (in the picture below): (type it into the address bar of the browser, see password and login just above).

2) If all else fails, you can simply reset the router and return it to factory settings. To do this, there is a special button on the body of the device; in order to press it you need to try: you need a pen or a knitting needle...

On the D-Link DIR-330 router, the reset button is located between the outputs for connecting the Internet and the device’s power supply. Sometimes the reset button may be located on the bottom wall of the device.

3. Conclusion

Having considered the question of how to enter the router settings, I would like to emphasize once again that usually all the necessary information is in the documents that come with the router. It’s another matter if it is written in a “barbaric” (not Russian) language and you don’t understand anything about it or you bought the router secondhand (borrowed from friends/acquaintances) and there were no pieces of paper there...

Therefore, the saying here is simple: buy a router, preferably in a store and preferably with documentation in Russian. There are now a lot of such routers and different models, the price can vary significantly, from 600-700 rubles - to 3000-4000 rubles. and higher. If you don’t know and are just getting acquainted with such a device, I advise you to choose something in the mid-price category.

That's all. I'm going to settings...

From your home network, etc. In order to go into the router settings, you first need to find out the IP address of the router, which will also be discussed. Also, this instruction will help you log into the web interface of a modem, access point and other similar network equipment from such popular manufacturers as D-Link, TP-Link, Asus, ZyXEL.

Are drivers needed?

No. You do not need to install any drivers anywhere to configure or use the router. If the kit includes a disc, it will only contain documentation. Drivers may be required for modems that connect to USB ports, but we are not talking about them now.

Default IP address, username and password

Now directly about how to “log into the router” (as modern users like to say). If the router is new, then its settings are factory settings. These settings are called "default" or default settings.Most manufacturers indicate the details directly on the router itself and designate them as Default settings: IP, username and password. Look for a sticker with this information on the bottom or back of the device:

If for some reason the sticker is missing or damaged, open the instructions and it will indicate what the default IP address, login and password are for your router. Instructions are always included. It can be either on a disk, or in the form of a paper brochure, or both.

Typically, by default, modern routers have the following settings:

IP address: or

Username: In most cases admin

Password: admin or empty

To enter the router settings, you need to type http:// in the address bar of your browser.<ай-пи адрес>. For example:

Enter the IP address in the address bar to enter the router settings

If the address is entered correctly, you will see a page asking you to enter your username and password.

Login page for the D-Link DIR-300 router web interface

And this is what the authorization page for routers from TP-Link, the most popular in our latitudes, looks like:

Instead of an IP address, the sticker may indicate the host (site name) for logging into the web interface. For example, or Enter it into any of your browsers and you will be automatically redirected to the configuration page.

How to find out the router's IP address if the standard one does not fit

1. View the IP address in the network connection properties

Open Network and Sharing Center

Find your connection and click on the appropriate link

Click the Details button

In the window that opens you will see the line:

Default Gateway IPv4:

Router IP address

The address specified in this line is the IP address of the router through which your computer accesses the Internet. Now you can write in the address bar of your browser, then enter your username and password and get into the router settings.

If you cannot connect to the router (it does not give you an IP address via cable or you do not know the wireless network security key), then all you have to do is reset the router and configure it again: i.e. set your passwords and settings.

Read about how to reset your router.

2. View the IP address of the router in the network environment

Go to the section Net.
In chapter Network infrastructure find your router. Select Properties:

On the tab Network device The IP address of the device will be displayed, through which you can access its settings:

3. How to find out the IP address of a router using the command line

Enter the command ipconfig and press Enter:

In the column Main gate The IP address of the router will be indicated, which is what you need. Now copy it, paste it into your browser's address bar and press Enter. You should then see your router's settings web interface.

The most common default router IP addresses and passwords

So, in this article we have described in detail all the setup steps and now you can correctly connect the equipment, find the address of its web interface and go to the router settings. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Don't know how to log into your Asus router via the web interface? I’m afraid that if I say that logging into your personal account occurs at or and authorization occurs through the login and password admin-admin, then many may not understand exactly how to do this. So let's talk about everything in order. First, let's figure out how to connect it to a computer via wifi, then log into the administrator system and configure WireLess. And at the end you will find a visual video that shows in detail the entire process of entering the settings of the Asus router through its web interface of your personal account.

These instructions are relevant for Asus router models RT-N12, RT-N11P, RT-G32, RT-N10, RT-N10P, RT-N10U, RT-AC51U and others with a black-blue admin panel.

Web interface for logging into the Asus router

So, before we can log into the ASUS router through its web interface, we need to perform a number of steps and set a couple of configurations on the computer from which the setup will be done. Namely:

  1. Connect the power adapter to the router and plug it into a power outlet
  2. Enable "Power" button
  3. in “default” using the “Reset” button - it is small, located next to the antenna and recessed deep into the case. To press it, use a pin or pencil.
  4. Remove the Internet cable from the computer and insert it into the blue WAN connector on the router body
  5. Take the twisted pair cable that came with the router and connect it to the PC in place of the Internet cable. Insert it with the other end into the yellow LAN port on the router - any of the 4.

After that, go to the computer settings and find “Network and Sharing Center” in the Windows “Control Panel”:

(Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings)

Here we find “Local Area Connection”, right-click on it and go to the “Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4” section.

We check the boxes to receive all data “automatically” and save the settings with the “OK” button. - how to log into your personal account Asus

After this, you can already log into the router. Any device has a sticker, which Asus places on the bottom of the case. You can, of course, check me and look at its contents, but I can say with my eyes closed what it says:

  • Connection address - or
  • Login – admin
  • Password - admin

Did you guess right? Otherwise! More than a dozen copies of such equipment had to be installed. If you did everything correctly in the previous step on your PC, then when you enter “" or ""You should be taken to the web interface of your Asus personal account. Now you can go directly to, which is the subject of a separate detailed article - read!

I can't log into the router at Router.Asus.Com

Now let's talk about what to do if you do everything according to the instructions, huh. To begin with, I advise you to immediately look at how your Internet adapter is configured on your computer or laptop. This is either a network card into which the cable is inserted, or a wireless module. Depending on what you are connecting through.

Nowadays, mostly everyone uses the Windows 10 operating system. Therefore, I will show you how to check these parameters in it.

  • Go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

  • Open the link “Change adapter settings”

  • You will see two adapters - “Ethernet” and “Wireless Network”. If the one we need is gray, then we activate this device - right-click the mouse and click “Enable”

  • Now we also call up the menu window and open “Properties”

  • Here in the list we select “Internet Protocol Version 4”. And check the boxes for “Obtain an IP address” and “DNS server in automatic mode.”
  • The IP address of your ASUS personal account does not open

    The error in logging into the Asus router via IP may also be due to the fact that it was once changed. That is, you are simply typing the wrong value. Finally, there is another reason why the login page to the WavLink configuration interface may not be accessible. If this is the case, then in the “Status” section you can find the same IP address that is currently listed in the router settings.

    Login and password admin are not suitable

    Finally, if the authorization page still opens for you, but the standard ADMIN login and password indicated on the label does not work. What to do? This tells us that they were also replaced during the previous network setup. Unfortunately, only factory settings will help here.

    Video on how to log into an Asus router

    Hello! I have already written universal instructions here, but the people demand bread and specific circuses. So today on the agenda will be how to enter the settings of the ASUS router. Yes! For any ASUS router. Another universal instruction, but specifically for this vendor.

    If you can’t enter the settings, write about it in the comments, we’ll figure it out together. Another option is to search our website for your specific model (for example, ASUS RT-N12). The article you need will contain a lot of useful information!

    Hot instruction
    Login – admin. Password – admin

    If something doesn’t work out, read the detailed description below.

    Full instructions

    Entering the settings of any router, including ASUS, can be divided into the following steps:

    1. Connecting to a router.
    2. Go to the web configurator authorization page.
    3. Entering your login and password.


    You can connect to the router in two ways - via wire and Wi-Fi.

    If you are already connected to the router in any way, proceed to the next step.

    With the wire, the biggest difficulty is choosing the right ports:

    Pay attention to the picture. It is important for us to connect a computer or laptop to LAN ports - there are usually several of them. If the provider's cable is connected to the WAN port, you can leave it in place, this will not bother us. Total - one end of the cable into the router, the other into the network card connector of the computer or laptop:

    If you are going to connect via Wi-Fi, there may be another difficulty. Either the network is not distributed right away, and you still have to look for the wire, or the passwords do not work. General tips for connecting:

    1. Do a network search. Usually the one we need has the best signal and contains ASUS in the name (if nothing has been changed before). As a rule, it allows you to connect for the first time without a password. Otherwise, look at the bottom of the router - sometimes on a sticker they write the name of the Wi-Fi network and the login and password we need, if any:

    1. If you don’t know the password and can’t find it, or simply forgot, reset the settings to factory settings. Typically, there is a Reset button on the back panel of any ASUS router (it can be recessed so that you can only reach it with a needle clip) - hold it down with the router turned on for 10 seconds. The router will reboot and the settings will return to factory settings.

    That's all the science for this section. As a result, you should connect using any of these methods to your router. If any difficulty arises, comments are available below, write!

    Login page

    All configuration of the router is carried out through the so-called web configurator - there is a “site” on the router, which you open through a browser and do everything you need. Some people also call this process “entering the menu” or “entering the admin area”. Default address for ASUS routers:

    Another alternative if the address has suddenly changed:

    The addresses are identical, the second one is simply converted to the first one, but it is useful for possible other addresses. The symbolic address is not available on all routers! Digital IP address always works!

    Have you moved on? Is there an input form? Or maybe the page opened immediately? If yes, read the next section. If not, go to the possible errors section or do the reset described above.

    Absolutely any browser is suitable - Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc. And also for any operating system - Windows 7, Windows 10, Mac OS, Linux, Android and iOS.

    Login and password

    Usually, in my memory, on Asus, when you first enter the settings, you are taken to a panel without entering your login and password, and there you install them later. If it still asks for a login and password, the standard account values ​​are:

    Login – admin
    Password – admin

    Alternatively, they can again be clarified on the sticker on the bottom of your router:

    Do not confuse the router password with the Wi-Fi password - these are two different things!

    Possible problems

    If the steps above did not help, we begin an in-depth analysis. There can be a lot of options for events, so I recommend that you run your eyes over each of the points, and if you fail completely, write your situation in the comments with all the details.

    In any unclear situation, reboot your computer and router. Statistically, this helps very often!

    Other points to pay attention to if you encounter connection difficulties:

    • Check the cable - is there a connection? Does this work from another computer?
    • If you can't connect via cable, try Wi-Fi! And vice versa. Works? Also changing the methods often solves the problem with the settings.
    • The main reason for the connection problem is either changed router settings (solved by resetting via the RESET button), or changed settings of the network card on the computer (solved by rebooting or setting Automatic acquisition of IP addresses).
    • Very rare - try opening the settings from another browser.

    That's all. I hope everything worked out for you thanks to these clear-as-a-stool instructions. If not, comment below. See you all soon!