How to delete friends in the mobile version of OK. Two ways to delete a page on the network around each other

Every day there are more and more different sites and services for communication. The Friend Around system differs from other social networks in that it requires the installation of additional software to work with it.

The main functions of this program are quite sufficient for simple chatting, adding photos and setting statuses. But many users can no longer wait to get rid of the page in “Friend Around”.

Based on the principle of operation, “Friend Around” is somewhat reminiscent of the once popular ISQ. Communication with users is carried out in the form of chat. To make new friends, just turn on Bluetooth. Using this program, you can find interesting people and continue communicating with them in real life.

Lately, this social network has looked more like a universal service for quick dating. Guys and girls use this network to find their soulmate. Once the goal of communication is achieved, there is no need for this social network. Therefore, today many are looking for a way to delete a page from “Friend Around”.

Another reason why some users dream of getting rid of their account on this social network is the rather intrusive notifications about the actions of other users. Rating on this social network is earned by publishing posts. Many users share absolutely everything that surrounds them in everyday life. And you will be notified about every update made by one of your friends.

Account deletion: pitfalls

It would seem that what could be difficult about deleting an account from a social network? The administration of the Friend Around project believes that in most cases users delete accounts in in social networks unconsciously. Most often, such acts are committed by teenagers. It's just a gesture they use to attract attention to themselves. For this reason, it is impossible to independently resolve the issue of deleting an account from the Friend Around social network. Administrators have only provided the function of blocking an account for a certain period of time. According to the creators of the social network, this is quite enough. But in reality this is not always the case.

Deleting an account through the administration

If you are sure that you never want to return to this social network, then there is only one way to delete a page. But it does not give a 100% guarantee, since in this case everything will depend on the administrator.

First of all, you need to write to customer support. In a message in the correct form, ask the social network administrators to delete your page. On the Internet, you can often come across a proposal to delete a page in “Friend Around”. Similar advertisements, as a rule, are posted by scammers.

To delete an account, it is better to contact the administrators of this project directly. Trying to solve the problem using third-party applications can lead to disastrous results. In the worst case, your data will end up with third parties who can dispose of it at their discretion.

To send a message to the administrator, enter “Friend Around” and find the list of friends. By default, your book contains a contact that has a social network name. You need to send a message to him. If there is no such user in the list, you can try sending a request by email.

Custom way

There is another option for permanently deleting a profile from Friend Around. This method has already been tested by many users. To implement it, you just need to destroy all the information posted on your page using the “Change” item in the “Questionnaire” menu. To save the changes you have made, you will need to enter new data.

In addition, you will have to clear posts, personal settings and remove all friends from the list. Instead of your full name, you can simply put periods or commas. This method, in essence, simply involves changing your profile to a state where it cannot be correlated with your person. This method is suitable only for those users who are quite satisfied with the fact that they have a profile associated with a phone number.

As a final procedure, you must uninstall the program from your personal computer and telephone. This is especially true in cases where the program is recorded in the device’s autorun. This method is proposed to be used even on the official website of the social network.

If you have lost your password for logging into your account on the Friend Around social network, try the following operations. If you are still using the phone number that you specified when you first registered the program, you need to remove the marker from the auto-login item and click on the “Password Recovery” button. A text message will be sent to your phone containing the numbers.

They must be entered into a special window in the program. For users whose account has been blocked for some time, having a valid phone number with which they registered on the social network is a prerequisite for restoring the page in “Friend Around”.

What can you do if the number you were using at the time is no longer available? First of all, try contacting the office mobile operator. There you can get a new SIM card to replace the lost one. But this method will only work if the SIM card was registered in your name. If you haven't used it for a long time this number phone or it was registered to another person, there will be no choice but to hack your own page. To do this, you can download specialized programs, which can be found on the Internet today. Since changing the phone number is not provided in the account settings of this social network, this is the only possible option.

Hello friends! Today I will discuss with you the question: how to delete a friend page forever. There are no fewer public entertainment networks; quite the contrary.

These include each other, which requires the installation of special software to activate.

Its main functions are communication, changing statuses, and exchanging files. However, cases have become frequent when users wonder about eliminating their page.

How does a social network work?

Friend Around is very similar in many ways to the famous talker ICQ. Visually, everything looks like a chat, and for dating to appear, turning on Bluetooth will be enough. You can meet people with similar interests, and then transfer communication into life.

The second most common reason is annoying messages from other users who increase their rating by frequently publishing various posts. As a result, every action of your friends or acquaintances comes to you in the form of a notification.

Features of account deletion

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated when deleting a personal page. However, an independent solution to this issue is not possible for the reason that the administration considers such desires to be impulsive. You are given the opportunity to block your account for a certain period of time, but in reality this is not enough.

How to delete a friend page forever. Involvement of the administration

And yet, how to delete a page from a friend around forever? If you have decided to permanently delete your page, you can use one method. However, it will not give you a 100 percent guarantee, since it depends on the administrator.

You will need to contact support with a request to delete the page:

  • Log in to the program and go to your friends list.
  • Find a contact who will bear the name of the social network itself.
  • Send a message.
  • If this contact is not available, use email.

It’s not uncommon to find offers on the Internet that guarantee the deletion of your page. I do not recommend that you use such services, as there is a risk of losing your personal information.

Alternative way

There is another option that many people have tested. You just need to clear your page of all information using the item "Change". You can access it through the “Questionnaire” menu. Enter any new data and save the changes.

In addition to these actions, you need to view and change personal data, delete all friends, etc. Your profile should become unrecognizable. If you are not confused by the existence of a page associated with telephone number, which means you can safely use the described method.

Lost login password

  • Using mobile number involved in creating the page, uncheck the auto-login box and click on "Password recovery."
  • Enter the numbers received via SMS in the field provided. For a blocked account, a binding number is required.

If there is none, you will have to contact the official representative of your operator.

An extreme case is a page being hacked. It is applicable when the number has been out of use for too long.


Now you know how to delete a friend page forever. I will be glad if the information I presented was useful to you. Write your questions, share your experience. And by the way, don’t forget about likes, and also share the article with your friends by clicking on the symbol of any social network.

If you are an active user of the website, then most likely you have many friends. It often happens that among them there appears a person with whom you no longer want to be friends. What to do in this case? This is exactly what we will talk about today. The article will tell you how to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki from your computer and mobile version on the phone.

How to unfriend a user

From computer

First of all, let's consider removing an unwanted friend via a PC or laptop. This is done like this:

  1. First, open your page and go to the menu.

  1. Then we simply point the mouse cursor at the person we want to delete and select the item from the pop-up menu "Stop friendship".

  1. Confirm the deletion by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.

Ready. The person with whom we do not want to communicate is removed from our friends list and will no longer bother us.

How to remove a friend from your phone

We will consider deleting a friend using the example of the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki website and application.

mobile version

So, let's start with the mobile version.

  1. In order to remove a friend here, open the site in your gadget’s browser and tap on the main menu button.

  1. Select an item

  1. And we tap on the photo of the person we no longer need.

  1. When we get to the user’s page, click the three dots in its right half and select the section "Remove from friends".

  1. The site will require confirmation of the action, we agree by tapping on the button marked in the screenshot.

That's all. The user will be removed from our friend list.


Now let's figure out how to remove a friend from friends in the Odnoklassniki application. This is done like this:

  1. As in the mobile version, open the main menu. We need its functionality.

  1. Next, go to point

  1. And we choose a person with whom we no longer want to be friends.

  1. We tap on the ellipsis, which we circled.

  1. And select the item marked in the screenshot from the pop-up menu.

  1. All that remains is to confirm our intention. Click “Yes”.

Ready. The girl, and in your case maybe the man, will be removed from our friends list. But that's what we wanted. Is not it?


Now you know how to remove a friend in Odnoklassniki from the mobile version and application without visiting. I would like to note that if a user annoys you too much, he can be blacklisted. We wrote about how this is done.


For greater clarity and understanding of what you read, we suggest you watch a video recorded on an Android smartphone and dedicated to this topic.

In this article we will talk about how to remove a friend on Odnoklassniki from your phone, and first we will look at all the possible options.

In what ways can you remove friends in OK?

You can get rid of unnecessary people on your list with mobile device using the following methods:

  • mobile version of the OK website;
  • OK mobile application for smartphones.

Let's look at both options in more detail.

How to remove a friend from Odnoklassniki via phone: the first method

Let's consider step by step instructions for deletion via the mobile version of the site:

  • open your browser, then go to the website using the address bar or through a search engine;
  • Now log in from your page in the mobile version of the site;
  • Your profile will appear in front of you. There is an OK button at the top. Click on it, then click on the friend list item;

  • The entire friend list will open in front of you. Select the desired user and click on it;

  • Having entered the page, click on the “…” button in the upper corner and click on the “End friendship” option.

This way you will get rid of unnecessary users in your feed. And if you set up your privacy so that people can communicate with you only when you add them, then no stranger will write to you and interfere with your use of the social network for your own pleasure.

How to remove friends on Odnoklassniki from your phone: iPhone and Android

On these two platforms you can download a unique social network application through the stores App Store(for iPhone) and Play Market(for Android). Let's look at the removal instructions on one of the platforms:

  • open the application, log in with your account;
  • go to the “Friends” tab from the side menu;

  • find a friend

  • Next, click on his avatar, and then in the upper right corner “…”:

  • The “Remove from friends” option will appear, you can also use the first instructions - it is suitable for both the mobile version and the application.

This is how you can remove a friend from your Android phone in Odnoklassniki. The procedure is completely identical for Apple devices. Also on our website you will find detailed instructions about how on all kinds of platforms.

How to remove friends from your phone?

Contents of the article

Perhaps in the near future, every inhabitant of the Earth will have his own account on one or another social network. As a rule, deleting an account on social networks is impossible or quite difficult; it still remains in the system, no matter what you do.

If you have not changed your mind, click the " DELETE"and after that your profile will be blocked and will wait for deletion within a month.

Remember, within a month - you can return your profile back, if within a month you do not return your profile back - it will be deleted forever!

2nd option: Administration

The first and perhaps the fastest method is to write a message to the administration of DrugVokrug with a request to delete your account, after which accounts are most often deleted from . To do this, find the “Friend Around” contact in your friends and write him a corresponding letter, in which you preferably indicate the reason for deleting the account.

You must write without errors and correctly, otherwise the administration may refuse you.

If you did everything correctly - The administration of Friend Around will delete your account. In some cases this doesn't work, so let's move on to the second option.

Option 3: Cover your tracks

There may not be an option to delete an account in FriendVokrug, but it is possible to change the name, avatar and much more. The second method involves changing your name to any “Abracadabra”, changing your avatar and completely clearing your friends list. In this way, you will ruin your account, delete all your friends, and make yourself an inactive user. We can say that you will actually remove yourself from Social Media. Networks FriendAround.

Delete all your friends, open your profile (click on your nickname) and replace information about yourself and nickname with a dot or space, upload a picture instead of a photo. Remove the application from your computer.