Advego Plagiatus from A to Z. Beginner's Guide. How to use Advego Plagiatus correctly: colorful instructions How to use and work with Advego Plagiatus? Instruction for beginners

Advego Plagiatus (Advego Plagiatus) is the most popular program for checking text documents for uniqueness. Sometimes it can also be called Advego Antiplagiarism. The program greatly facilitates the work of both the authors of the articles and the buyers of the content. It is easy to use for beginners and available for every user to download.

Where to download Advego Plagiatus

The Anti-plagiarism program can be found on the developer's website - the article exchange of the same name. For downloading, this is the best and safest option. What is called "From the manufacturer." It's free. File weight - 1.6 Mb, in WINZIP format - 1.2 Mb.

An alternative to Plagiarism is the ETXT Antiplagiat program.

How to install

When the file has downloaded, open it. You will see a dialog box for choosing a language: English or Russian. Select "Russian", click on "OK".

The installer will notify you about installing the program on your computer. Click: "Next >"

In the next window, you need to specify the path where the program will be installed. By default, it will be installed in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advego Plagiatus

We create shortcuts in the start menu or wherever we see fit. Click the button: "Next >".

Select the items where you want to create additional icons, and check the boxes. Click: "Next >" and "Install".

The utility is being installed. We wait a few seconds. Click: "Finish".

Advego Antiplagiat is installed.

Program settings

Settings are set by clicking on the gear icon. I do not undertake to give specific parameters. Since for each customer they must be specified and may differ.

My settings look like this:

Shingle size - 4

Search phrase - 5

You can choose your best option for working with the program.

How to use Advego Plagiatus

The program interface has several blocks:

  1. Text editor;
  2. Control Panel;
  3. Results window (log);
  4. Information window.

Key features

The size of the program window is adjustable as desired. It can be stretched across the width of the screen. This is convenient for working with large texts.

The information window can be closed altogether.

The functions of the control panel are extremely simple and clear.

Line "Address" allows you to check the uniqueness of the entered web page URL.

Line "Ignore domains" - here enter the domains of the sites that need to be ignored during the check.

In field "Text editor" the document is placed for verification. Its volume is not limited.

The higher the number of characters, the longer it will take to receive the report.

The purpose of the Advego Plagiatus program is to find partial or complete matches in the text of an article on the Internet.

After the verification, the following indicators are given:

  • The uniqueness of the text (copy-paste / rewrite)
  • Total number of characters;
  • Number of characters in words;
  • The number of characters without spaces (indicated in the lower right corner);
  • Number of words;
  • The number of documents found;
  • Sources (links) copy-paste.

The result of checking the text of the article will show its uniqueness, expressed as a percentage in the form of two numbers. For example, 86%/61%, where:

The first figure 86% shows the uniqueness of your text, i.e. not copypasta. The program underlines non-unique text fragments in yellow.

The second figure 61% shows originality, i.e. not a rewrite.

If the program finds a match, it colors the text yellow.

If it finds elements of rewriting in the text, it will highlight them in blue.

Advantages of Advego Plagiatus

  • Clear interface;
  • Large selection of settings;
  • Checking in five search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Nigma, Bing);
  • The accuracy of the result;
  • The ability to correct the text immediately in the program. Highlighting sections of text that are not unique helps a lot;
  • performance.

At the moment, Advego Plagiatus is the most popular program for checking the uniqueness of any documents. I wish you success with her!

Greetings, colleagues and friends. “Uniqueness 95% according to Advego”, is a familiar phrase? If you are faced with it for the first time, then do not scour the sites in search of explanations. Today I will tell and demonstrate clearly how to use Advego Plagiatus correctly.

I’ll start talking about a service for checking uniqueness with a life story. I once took up the description of a historical film. But he did not pay attention to what kind of uniqueness the client wanted to get in the end. Well, let me tell you, I had to sweat a lot to achieve the required 95%. Since then, I have avoided commissions on historical topics. There are a couple more secrets regarding the uniqueness of the articles, which I will reveal at the end. In the meantime, let's take the AdvegoPlagiatus service step by step and understand how to set it up and check the work.

  1. Download the service from the main page of the exchange advego

  1. Copy the finished text into the working field. We select "deep check", the process is started. After waiting a bit, we get the result:

The first digit of the fraction is uniqueness (copy-paste), the second is originality (rewrite).

Fragments highlighted in yellow completely coincide with some fragments of texts on other sites. If the data meets the requirements of the customer (as here), then you can leave everything as it is. If not, then they should be replaced with synonyms. Just be sure to check the updated text. Some topics, and I will talk about them at the end, are extremely difficult to unify.

An example of non-unique text:

Non-original phrases (rewrite) are highlighted in blue.

It remains to be sorted out with what uniqueness is considered good and how to influence the results of online verification.

What is "good", what is "bad" in Adwegian

It turns out that there is a gradation of uniqueness, which is adopted in the advegoplagiatus program:

  • 95% - 100% - excellent
  • 90% - 94% - good
  • 80% - 89% - satisfactory
  • 0% - 79% - non-unique text

Shingle size;
the length of the phrase to be checked.

A single is a piece of text that contains two to ten words. Any text is cut into such fragments, according to which search engines check all available texts, if matches are found, then the corresponding uniqueness is assigned. The length of the phrase is a semantic fragment of the text by which originality can be determined, that is, a possible rewrite.

Having carefully studied the technical specifications, you will find information about what kind of uniqueness will satisfy the customer. But note that each new run may show a different percentage. It depends on several reasons:

  • Each time a different fragment of the article is selected.
  • The availability of sites depends on the speed of the Internet. If a timeout break occurs, the results will be skewed.
  • Deep and quick checks can give different results.
  • The advegoplagiarism settings of the customer differ from yours.

How to influence results

If we talk specifically about the text, then it is necessary to increase the uniqueness of the text to the maximum. But if we talk about the program, then the most important thing that can explain the difference in the check is the settings.

Open the tab "uniqueness check" and go to "settings". And this is where the fun begins.

In the program, by default, the size of the shingle is set to 4, the length of the phrase is 4. According to the rules of the Advego exchange, in disputes between the performer and the customer, the administration focuses on such parameters of the program. In this window, you can configure them yourself. Sometimes there are orders with indications of a shingle and a phrase for which you need to check the text.

In the process of work, you will come across other services for checking uniqueness. Many content exchanges have their own verification services. Check out, Copylancer or at Etxt. You will probably have to download the program eTxt Anti-plagiarism. What do the colors mean, I told in this article.

And now about the nuances

  1. When checking a new article, we use the working field. But if you want to check the already published, then:

And we start checking.

The results obtained will show us the addresses of pages where fragments from our work can be found.

Most often this opportunity is used by seo-optimizers, but copywriters sometimes find sites that sin with plagiarism in order to prove their authorship.

  1. It also happens like this: after checking your text and getting a good result, you send it to the customer. And after a while it is returned for revision, allegedly due to low uniqueness. Dont be upset. If the TOR did not indicate in which service to check, then feel free to insist on your results. (It would be nice to save a screenshot of the verification with the date). The case may be that the customer uses the services of other exchanges, for example, Etxt or By the way, they are also very popular, and no less convenient than AdvegoPlagiatus. And there are other settings. In addition, any program needs to be updated from time to time. And if you got to check in the old version, and the customer has a new one, then discrepancies are possible.
  2. Finally, about topics for which it is extremely difficult to achieve excellent uniqueness. I gave one example with a historical film at the very beginning. It turns out that when describing the events of the Second World War, finding unique phrases is becoming increasingly difficult. Here, if you're interested, check it out:

    "the culprit in unleashing hostilities"
    "the devastating effects of enemy attacks"
    "in World War II"
    “not only life depends, but also”

As it turned out, you have to manage to write about it in such words that NOBODY has used before you! By changing the shingle to 5, I could easily overcome this barrier, but the customer specified 3 in the settings. Since then, I have not taken orders on this topic. I do not mix, so to speak, hobby and work.

The same "insidious" include culinary recipes and technical articles with a large number of terms. This does not mean that they should be avoided. Just studying the TOR on such a topic, carefully look at the uniqueness that the customer expects from you. If more than 90% is indicated, consider whether the effort to find synonyms for the phrase "one and a half kg of pork" is worth the money you get for the text.

This concludes the initial briefing. Now you know how AdvegoPlagiatus works. I am sure that with experience you will be able to immediately write 100% unique texts. But even then you should not forget about such programs. Pavel Yamb was with you.

P.S. Leave your options for phrases about the war in the comments. It's interesting what we can come up with together.

Checks the uniqueness of the text - an important component of search engine optimization.

Checking the text for uniqueness should always be carried out, even if the written material is copywriting, perhaps parts of it (quotes) are found on the Internet. Such repetitions should be avoided. To a site with non-unique content, search engines apply sanctions that negatively affect positions and presence in search results.

The uniqueness of texts can be checked by different programs, Advego Plagiatus is one of them.

You can download Plagiatus at , the current version of the program is always available there (link at the beginning of the article).

This is what its interface looks like.

Select Text Editor, copy your article, then click Deep Check.

After a while, depending on the speed of the Internet, the check will be completed. 100% means - no matches were found, Plagiarism found the same parts - the indicator will be lower.

Pay attention to the results window if there are mentions of an error - Advego Plagiatus did not use all the resources, which means that the result shown is inaccurate. This happens when the same text is checked several times in a row. Search engines may consider you a robot, not a person, due to multiple identical requests.

To unlock, you will be prompted to enter a "captcha" - a security code, after which the blocked search engine should work again.

How to set up Advego Plagiarism

By default, Plagiarism is configured optimally for the Advego exchange. To make your own adjustments, select the "Settings" menu and specify the desired parameters.

Let's look at some settings:

  1. Timeout - response time that Advego Plagiatus waits for from the server. If you have a slow Internet, and the message "waiting timed out" is often displayed, increase the timeout.
  2. Match threshold - a certain percentage of found matches, after which Plagiarism stops working. If the source of the article is known in advance, for example, you are looking for copies, specify zero - do not interrupt the check.
  3. Shingle - a part consisting of a certain sequence of words. The smaller the shingle size, the more matches. Optimal - 4, for small texts (up to 500 characters) indicate 3.
  4. Phrase size - the number of words for which duplicates are searched, phrases of this size are sent to search engines for verification. The optimal value is 5.
  5. Search engines - a list of search engines for analysis.

Hello! Before publishing on any site, it is advisable to check the article for uniqueness. If it is low, then it is advisable to work out the article again. How can I perform a quick or deep uniqueness check?

Advego plagiarism is one of the best free text uniqueness checkers. It can be downloaded from the developer's site -. It is very easy to install and does not take up much disk space. It is extremely useful for authors - and, but even the most experienced of them do not always know how to use advego plagiarism with maximum impact.

Working interface

Ease of use is a distinctive feature of Advego plagiarism. The program interface consists of four main blocks:

  1. control Panel;
  2. field for verification (it is also a text editor);
  3. results field;
  4. information block.

The last one can be closed. It contains information about the Advego exchange and may not be useful for work. But it is better to stretch the field for verification, especially if a large article is being checked. This is very convenient, since you can check a huge number of characters. By the way, this option is automatically displayed when loading text in the lower right corner.

The most frequently used functions of advego plagiatus are duplicated on the quick access panel.

You can paste text into the corresponding field in two ways: by opening the file through the menu, or by copying the text. As a rule, authors use the second method. Sometimes you need to open a page on the Internet where the necessary material is located. There is a corresponding line for this. True, it must be borne in mind that it opens with all the tags that can be removed using a special menu function. But even after that, not only the desired text can be displayed, but also all the reference information about the site (for example, menu items), which will have to be removed manually. However, this function for working with advego plagiarism is more additional.

Uniqueness check

The program provides two ways to check:

  1. fast;
  2. deep.

Even if the customer does not stipulate the use of the latter, it is still recommended to work with it. This is necessary to obtain the most reliable result.

The undoubted advantage of advego plagiarism is that even a novice author can use it without special preparation. The program gives a kind of hints by which you can determine whether you need to edit the text and in what direction to work.

The result is displayed as two numbers separated by a slash. For example, the uniqueness of the text is 82% / 100%. You should focus on the first value: the second is a reference and indicates a possible rewrite. Matches are highlighted in yellow and blue, respectively. Additionally, the level of uniqueness is reported. For example, “satisfactory uniqueness of the text”, as well as “possibly rewriting”. The latest versions of the program provide for automatic termination of the check when it matches one page by 50% or more.

If the uniqueness is lower than required, then you need to refer to the advego plagiatus results field, where the values ​​for each verified site are indicated. Clicking on a metric bar only highlights matches to that particular page, allowing you to edit the text directly in the check box and then check again. By clicking on the link, you can go to the page where the borrowing was found.


This menu item is rarely used when working with advego plagiarism, because the default settings are set optimally. However, sometimes you have to change them manually. This is required in the following cases:

  • customer condition;
  • low connection speed;
  • a large number of search errors.

Sometimes the customer requires changing the shingle or the size of the search phrase. Usually in such cases, he specifies the desired values, so there should be no difficulty.

If the connection speed is insufficient, the search slows down, which leads to a significant number of errors and unreliable results. In this case, you need to set other parameters in the "Timeout" line for the response time of the checked sites. It is important not to increase them too much, otherwise the check will be unnecessarily delayed.

Errors in working with search engines usually occur with large daily check volumes. In this case, it may be useful to pay attention to the proxy settings.

This post is nearing completion. By the way, do you know how to put if we are talking about high-quality author's content? You can read about it by following the link provided.

This concludes the main topic of the article and there is great news. Tell me, how many normal ways to make money on the Internet do you know? In fact, there are a lot of them. Everywhere has its "chips" and features. You can already recognize some of them among the articles published on this blog. Publishing continues and there will be many more interesting things. Subscribe. Until new "meetings" on the pages of Workip.

Hello friends! As you may have noticed from the latest article, I review in detail and help you in mastering such a site as Advego. Today is the final article. There is a lot of information for ladies, I recommend taking a notebook and writing down important moments for yourself there.

We will talk about 3 important tools (services) on Advego:

  1. Spelling.
  2. Semantic (Seo) analysis.
  3. Uniqueness.

You can find them in the menu: "Tools" → "Tools", or using direct links that are located above the user menu.

If you haven't registered on this site yet, be sure to do so! Spend 1-2 minutes, and you will get a wagon!

How to check the spelling of text online on Advego?

The ability to correctly and competently express one's thoughts - first of all, speaks of a person's good education. With the advent of the Internet, in my opinion, literacy has declined significantly. Many people distort words, come up with some special jargon, and even do not consider it necessary to write spelling correctly.

It is clear that few people will be able to observe absolutely everything correctly, but you still need to adhere to some basics. At least such texts are pleasant to read.

The spelling of the text on Advego is checked absolutely free of charge and online. For this:

  1. We go through the menu to the section "Spell check" or follow the link:
  2. Choose a language (many languages ​​are supported).
  3. In the "Text" field, insert the article for which you want to check the spelling and click the "Check" button.

The literacy test lasts a few seconds, then the results appear. For example, I checked a piece of text from my previous article, after making mistakes there =)

What should I pay attention to after checking spelling? Words that the system believes contain errors will be underlined with a dotted line and highlighted in red. When hovering over such a word, a possible correct variant will be suggested. According to the results of the check, you can see the statistics of the text.

It's worth saying that spell checking is a stripped-down version of semantic text analysis, which we'll talk about below, where I will also explain what each parameter means in text statistics.

In fact, you can use the most ordinary Microsoft Word to check spelling. I am very used to it and work with texts mainly in it. Most importantly, no matter what spell checking tools you use, in this way you are primarily contributing to your self-education, as you will constantly find and correct your mistakes. Over time, there will be less and less of them, and you will become more and more literate.

Semantic text analysis in Advego

This tool opens up the possibility of checking and evaluating texts for the quantitative composition of words in the text, and highlighting the phrases that make up the semantic core. Semantic analysis of texts and semantics is an integral part of SEO copywriting. I will talk about this in future articles!

Seo text verification is also free and online. In order to check you need:

  1. Go through the menu to the section "Semantic text analysis" or follow the link:
  2. Choose a language (a huge number of supported languages).
  3. In the "Text" field, add the article for which semantic verification is needed and click the "Check" button.

Semantic SEO text analysis lasts a couple of seconds, after which the results are displayed. For example, the same piece of text.

Based on the results of the check, special attention should be paid to the statistics and the semantic core of the text.

Semantic core- this is a set of words, their morphological forms and phrases, most accurately reflecting the subject of the text (article).

The results also display a detailed list of words and stop words that make up the article. And all the same spelling check of the text with highlighting errors in words.

Text statistics: what do the main parameters mean?

Number of characters, characters without spaces, words, grammatical errors- I think that everything is clear here, no need to explain anything!?

Number of unique words- words that occur at least once in the text. If a word occurs 2 or more times in the text, then it is considered non-unique.

Number of meaningful words- words that determine the significance of the text. Only nouns are taken into account.

Number of stop words- words that do not carry any semantic load (so, here, or, on, like, etc.), they help to connect words into sentences.

« Water"- this is the percentage of non-significant words to their total number, roughly speaking, the percentage of text that does not carry informational value. The percentage of “water” increases if they try to “stretch” the article, make it larger in volume, without adding valuable information to the text.

The average indicator of "water content" or "water content" =) considers 60-75%. If this indicator is higher, then it may be worth working on reducing the “water” in the text. But here a lot depends on the topic. For some "hackneyed" topics, the figure may be higher.

On a note! Just a few years ago, "water" in the text should not exceed 25-35%. However, in fact, at that time, semantic analysis showed not “water content”, but “dryness” of the text. Now the calculation algorithm calculates exactly “water”, but you can still find articles that say that the “water” indicator should be no more than 35%. This is no longer current information.

Classical and academic document nausea. Checking for text nausea: Why do it?

classic nausea- This is a parameter that shows the spamming of the text with the most repeated word. The normal value of classic nausea should be no more than 7%. When this value is greater, then such an article will not only be more difficult to promote in search engines, but there is also a risk of falling under search engine filters. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to this parameter.

academic nausea- shows the "naturalness" of the text. The more repetitive words in the text, the higher the indicator of academic nausea will be. The norm of this indicator is considered within 10%.

As you can see, in my example, as much as 13%, this happened due to the fact that a very small piece of the article was checked. If the entire article were checked, this indicator would be normal.

P.S. I decided to fully check the text for the nausea of ​​the entire article - as a result, academic nausea was 9.5%. Again, you should not go to extremes, you got, say, 11.4%, if the customer does not require a certain value, then we leave it and forget it.

How to reduce academic nausea if necessary?
Very easy: based on SEO analysis, we take 2-5 most frequently repeated words from the semantic core and reduce their number in our article:

  1. Simply deleting (if they are not needed there in principle), or completely rewriting the sentence so that the word is not used.
  2. Replacing with synonyms.

Well, and most importantly, remember that it is better to initially write an article in such a way that it is saturated with different words. In this case, with a high degree of probability, the nausea of ​​the text will be normal.

Checking the nausea of ​​the text on Advego should be a must if you are doing SEO copywriting. Moreover, you can check nausea, as you may have noticed, quickly and easily.

Who can benefit from semantic seo text analysis?

Seo text checker can help copywriters who write SEO texts. Often, customers drive them into a strict framework, in terms of text volume, occurrences of keywords and other parameters. This is where semantic analysis will help: check these parameters and adjust them to the required ones.

Checking the uniqueness of the text according to Advego,
Detailed instructions for working with the program - Advego Plagiatus

Let's first understand what is uniqueness? In our case, this is text. Unique text- This is a text that is not found anywhere else on the Internet. If you write the text yourself, without copying anything anywhere, then the probability that it will be unique is 90-100%. But this is just an assumption, in order to find out exactly you need to use a specially designed program for these purposes - Advego Plagiatus.

What is Advego Plagiatus?

This is a uniqueness checking tool that allows you to quickly check and determine the uniqueness of text with high accuracy.

Checking for uniqueness in Advego Plagiarism is done only with the help of the program. There is no option to do this "online" on the site. However, the uniqueness check itself takes place when the Internet is connected with requests to search engines, that is, in fact, in the “online” mode.

The Advego Plagiatus program (you can often find the name Advego Antiplagiat) is an integral part of most copywriters and rewriters working on the Internet to check the uniqueness of articles.

Advego Anti-plagiarism program has the following features:

  • The program can not only show % uniqueness, but also highlight those fragments that are not unique, plus it will indicate the url-addresses (links) where these fragments were found.
  • The ability to determine the type of text with good accuracy: copyright or rewrite.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Works with several search engines at the same time.
  • Built-in text editor.
  • Fast and accurate results.
  • Wide range of settings.
  • Constantly updated and improved.

Where can I download
Advego Plagiatus for free?

You need to download the Advego Plagiatus program only on the official website, there is always the latest version.

It is distributed completely free of charge, go through the menu to the section: "Checking the uniqueness", or by clicking on the link:

I think you can download and install it yourself.

Remember! By downloading Advego Plagiarizer on other sites, you run the risk of catching some kind of virus.

I hope by this time you have already downloaded and installed the program, now let's start studying it:

How to use and work with Advego Plagiatus? Instructions for beginners!

Many beginners who have just downloaded and installed this program ask a lot of questions: “How does Advego Plagiatus work, what do these or those numbers mean, and how to use it in general!?”. I will try to explain this in detail so that you don't have any more questions. And if there are any, be sure to write them in the comments!

Advego Antiplagiatus interface

The appearance of Advego Plagiatus consists of several important elements:

  1. Control Panel- standard, but what you should pay attention to:
    « Address"- used to check the text on sites (read about this method below in the article).
    « Ignore domains» - domains that will be ignored when checking uniqueness are specified here.
    « Encoding"- if instead of normal letters you have "hooks" displayed, then you should play around with this parameter. If everything is displayed normally for you, do not touch it!
  2. Working field or "Text editor"- the text to be checked for uniqueness is inserted here.
  3. Results field or "Log"- the progress of the check and the final results are displayed here. The information is deleted immediately after the program is closed.
  4. Information block- contains general information. In order not to interfere with work, we close it with the help of a “cross”.

Program settings
Advego Plagiatus

How to set up Advego Plagiatus? To do this, you need to get to the settings menu by clicking "Uniqueness check" → "Settings" or the "Gear" icon:

Important! Initially, the program has optimal standard settings for work. I would not recommend changing something in the settings without the need and certain knowledge.

How to use Advego Antiplagiarism? Checking the text for uniqueness, plagiarism!

There are two ways to analyze the text for uniqueness (check for plagiarism):

  1. Freshly written articles (paste the text into the workspace of the program).
  2. Published articles (specify the link - the url of the article).

1) Freshly written articles:
How to check the uniqueness of the text?

Now we will consider the case when we need to check for uniqueness of a newly written article. To do this, insert the text of the article into the working field of the program and run the check.

Verification can be done in 2 ways:

  • Fast.
  • Deep.

The Deep Scan gives the most accurate result, but in most cases the usual Quick Scan is enough, and it takes much less time than the Deep Scan.

"Deciphering" the results of the uniqueness check:

Friends, after we have checked and along the way fought with all the pop-up captchas =) we need to understand what the results mean.

The uniqueness of the text according to Advego, what is it and what should it be? We analyze the test results.

The result of the check is given to us in the form of a percentage fraction, from the example in the picture 97% / 78%.

What do these numbers mean?

  • The first number means the uniqueness of your article. If the percentage of uniqueness is more than 90%, then this is a good indicator. Different customers have different requirements, someone may have a minimum threshold of 95%.
  • The second digit indicates the originality of the article. That is, in fact, it shows whether the given text is a rewrite or a copyright. If the value is 30-70%, then this is a rewrite, and if more than 70%, then most likely this is the original text (copyright).

In fact, if you write texts on your own, then I would not really focus on the second digit. In most cases, its value will be within the normal range.

What do text highlight colors mean in Advego Plagiatus?

Yellow- they are allocated non-unique text. Learn how to make such text unique below.

Blue (turquoise) color - they are allocated text, which is possibly a rewrite.

Not unique text: Why and how to fight?

If you see that the text being checked is mostly or completely highlighted in yellow, and the percentage of uniqueness is very low, then you can either have a full copy or a partial rewrite. The program will also include a link to the site where the original source of this text was found. There is only one conclusion, such a text is of poor quality.

Why is this happening? All elementary such text was copied from another site and is presented as unique.

What to do if you wrote the text yourself, but it is not unique? In most cases, when you write the text yourself, its uniqueness will be high and no manipulations need to be done with it. However, it happens that you have a text uniqueness of 90%, and the customer requires 95% or more. In this case, you need to correct the phrases and sentences marked by the program as non-unique (in yellow), and bring the text to the desired uniqueness. This is done by paraphrasing the sentence and using synonyms.

Does it make sense to achieve 100% uniqueness? If you want your text to be 100% unique just for the sake of a beautiful number, you should not do this. Firstly, it is very difficult to achieve such uniqueness, and secondly, it makes absolutely no sense, focus better on customer requirements.

2) Published articles:
Information for site owners and webmasters,
Checking the uniqueness of the text on the site

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to check the articles already published on your site. Perhaps someone copies them to their site and issues them as their own. There are 2 options to check this:

  1. Checking through a link (url-address).
  2. Checking the text copied from the html page.

The essence of these two options is the same, but I prefer the second. We go to the page that needs to be checked, copy the entire article and act in exactly the same way as in the first method (the usual check of a freshly written article).

To analyze the uniqueness of the text through the link, we act as follows:

  1. Loading page content. To do this, specify the url-address and click the blue arrow.
  2. Exclude domain from check. In the "Ignore domains" field, specify the domain of the site where the article being checked is located, otherwise the program will recognize it as non-unique on our site, but we need to look for copies on other sites!
  3. Removing html tags. When loaded along with the page text, the html markup is loaded. It must be removed, otherwise the results of the check for uniqueness will be, to put it mildly, false. To remove html tags, click the corresponding icon in the program menu.
  4. Now we run the check in the same way as we did before.

Answers to some frequently asked questions:

Does Advego Plagiatus exist for Mac OS, Linux, Unix? Developers have been trying to make a program for these systems for a long time, but at the time of this writing, such a program does not exist.

Is there a portable version of Advego Plagiatus Portable? There is no official portable version. But there is an easy way to do it yourself. It is enough to install Advego Plagiarizer on a flash drive and use it from a flash drive anywhere.

  • It is best to check the texts completely, since when search engines index articles, they analyze and evaluate the entire text at once. However, if the text is 15000-20000 characters, then it may take a very long time to check it, especially if you select "Deep check".

    Here you can give only one recommendation: break too long texts into several parts, say 2-5 thousand characters. In fact, this meaning is not taken from the head. Search engines and many SEO optimizers recommend writing texts of no more than 3000-5000 characters. Why? Find out in one of the upcoming articles!

  • Also, do not waste time checking small pieces of 150-200 characters. In most cases, they will not be unique, and it is almost impossible to achieve their uniqueness. Therefore, we check only the finished, fully written article.
  • Before checking your text for uniqueness, make sure that there are no spelling errors in it.
  • To get rid of annoying captchas, you need to: in the settings, find the "Decaptcha" section and in the "Use service" column, select one of the presented ones. This tool is not free, in my opinion, the Rucaptcha service has more affordable prices.
  • Try to write your own articles. Nobody forbids you to draw information from different sources, but when you are already writing an article, do it with some kind of your own zest, based on the information received. In most cases, when you put your “special I” into the text, you don’t even need to check it, it is very likely to be unique.