It's better for you to get acquainted with it in more detail. Check text punctuation online. And now the final question

In order to check text punctuation online, there are many services on the Internet. They all claim that they can analyze the entered text in Russian for the correct placement of commas. As a result of our own check of the most popular resources, only one service was identified - О, very close in results to testing in Microsoft Word.

Checking punctuation of Russian text online (comma placement)

Having studied each of the existing services in detail, it was revealed that, in addition to О other quality programs for checking Russian text for spelling simply not (this does not apply to checks based on other criteria, for example, errors in the text). This is confirmed by a large number of positive reviews. On some online text punctuation checking sites, there is no place to insert text at all.

О - the best service for free online text checking for punctuation

О checks text for punctuation, both in Russian and in other languages. The program of Informatik LLC has been developed. This organization began its activities in the development of linguistic technologies back in 1989. In 1994, Microsoft convened the best experts to determine the highest quality tools that can be used as a tool for examining the text being checked and further introducing modular packages in Microsoft Word. It was decided to allocate a license to the text checking modules of Informatic LLC. Since 1995 they were introduced into Russian Microsoft Office text packages.

Text checking on this service is limited to 4000 characters, which means that to check longer texts, you will have to enter in parts one by one.

Start checking your text for correct comma placement and spelling (free)

While checking several texts on this service, the following probable errors of missing punctuation marks were found (example in the picture).

Text checking in Microsoft Word shows the same results.

Other popular services missing commas not identified, only revealed a few grammatical and spelling errors.

Of course, if you have Microsoft Word, you won’t need to check punctuation in the text online, but it’s not always convenient to use this program.

In the Russian language there are many variants of using the same words and prepositions. Not many people know all the cases. This is especially true when trying to write simple statements used in everyday life. A wide range of little-used expressions are known only to Russian language teachers or simply well-read people with a good memory. Thanks to online text punctuation checking programs, you can now quickly and accurately analyze written text without wasting time searching in reference books.

I am writing to you - what more? What more can I say?

Have you ever thought that many commercial offers can be easily “related” to the famous phrase from Tatyana’s letter to Onegin?!

Yes, yes... Some “compilers” of the proposal sincerely believe that the very fact of writing and sending the result of their work should explain to the recipient the essence of the proposal.

But times have long changed. As, however, the attitude towards the letters themselves has changed.

Remember, if earlier letters were received with delight, they were always read, carefully stored, then the situation looks different today...

A colossal information flow, tons of letters and commercial offers, most of which are not even opened.

Recycle bins have become the most commonly used “item” during mail receiving and sorting.

Paradox! The number of letters has increased, but the desire to open them has sharply decreased. Moreover, to a truly critical norm, which already borders on the “0” mark - with isolated cases (those when a VERY hot offer arrives).

But that's not all...

It is truly surprising that even those lucky ones who managed to “break through” the thorns of reluctance to open a letter fail from the first lines of reading by the addressee.

It's a shame. Such a difficult path of passing the CP from the creator to the recipient suddenly ends at the very beginning of reading. Although, should we be surprised?! After all, the “sabotage squad” of clichés, blurry data, wateriness, mooing, ornate phrases works regularly for the benefit of regular replenishment of the trash bin.

Alas! We cannot connect our charm, facial expressions and gestures of a business person, or the confidence of vocal presentation to written speech.

So, let's take the situation into our own hands and, using real examples of proposals for cooperation with a company, we will expose the “saboteurs” who are conducting active subversive activities from the very first lines of reading the CP.

10 phrases with which you should not start a commercial proposal

1. The company presents to you...

The _____ company is proud to present to you the most long-awaited new product of this winter on the market of electronic goods and touch devices, fashionable clothing and accessories_____!

Starting a commercial enterprise with the presentation of new products is not a very good move (especially for cold commercial enterprises). Are you sure that the client is aware that the product being offered is vital for him?! What makes you think that the name of some “debutant”, which means nothing to him, could interest him at all?!

2. Proposal for cooperation for…

Cooperation proposal for interior salons, designers and architects!

Tell me honestly, don’t you have any unpleasant feelings with the word “cooperation”?! Facelessness, perhaps associated today with obsession. One of the most lethal phrases at the start of a CP is a frontal attack, and with the help of an empty bucket. Plus, there is a mass effect (the addressee is not the only one, but one of many).

3. Our company is…

_____ is a dynamic, constantly developing company. Individual scheme of work with the client, fast and convenient courier delivery...

Aerobatics! This is 5 points on a five-point scale of ignorance in drafting CP.

Who is interested in your company now, besides yourself?! The client cares about his benefit, not your capabilities. Who would read a list of still very dubious merits of a company unknown to him?

4. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer...

The _____ company expresses its gratitude and invites you to familiarize yourself with the commercial proposal.

An absurd expression of the opening thought. Appreciation is, of course, a good thing, and it works with a certain approach. But the offer to familiarize yourself with the proposal is confusing.

Please tell me, why not, in this case, offer to get acquainted with the specifics (with the essence of the CP itself, for example, with specific numbers that will interest the recipient)?!

5. The company provides services...

Organization _____ provides services for the supply of cedar seedlings and other planting material for landscaping adjacent areas.

Surely the recipient will be sincerely happy for your organization, but excuse me - what does his attention have to do with it?! What makes you think that the direction of your activity written in detail, and at the very beginning of the CP, should intrigue the client, forcing him to put everything aside in order to read it to the end?

6. We are interested...

We are interested in reliable partners and regional dealers.

Starting a commercial offer with the pronoun “WE”, you can no longer continue further drafting, but immediately “bury” it by clicking on the “Delete” button. C'est La Vie! The recipient of the CP certainly doesn’t care what your company is interested in.

7. The company welcomes you...

Welcome to the company _____, the official dealer and supplier of the legendary LLC _____ for the extraction of natural table water of underground origin.

Not the worst option with which to start a commercial proposal. A soft and unobtrusive greeting, sometimes it is quite acceptable. But! Why is so little attention paid to the client?

Many CPs are so selfish that from beginning to end they can only consider the “advantages” of the sending company. Try to avoid selfish opening statements.

8. Dear future partners...

Dear colleagues and future partners! We offer a new service that will undoubtedly interest you.

Isn't it too self-confident?! What did you understand from what you read?! We are absolutely NOTHING. Someone is offering us something. And for some reason this someone is sure that we need this something. You'll break your tongue while you're speaking.

About the same “brain explosion” occurs in the head of the recipient, who will read such faceless and watery surfaces. Why bother?! Put this KP in the trash!

9. Trust us...

Entrust us with preparing and holding a holiday for your company.

As they say, right off the bat. Starting with a request rather than a specific proposal is a risky and mostly disastrous move. It is not advisable to openly ask for “trust” on the part of the client. He should automatically form this feeling after studying your proposal.

10. Our company uses...

The Innovative Marketing Agency _____ applies complex marketing research and deals with complex consulting projects that ordinary companies do not undertake - specially developed methods and individual solutions require high professionalism and extensive experience.

In our opinion, comments are unnecessary here!

A reasonable question arises - what is the right way? Where then should the compr. begin?

It's simple. The beginning of a commercial offer should clearly and concisely reflect the benefit of the recipient, and not goods, services, or worse, the “format” of the work of the sending company itself.

Of course, there is no single template for creating an effective CP. But there are certain rules, following which you can get closer to achieving the desired results.

And one of these rules says:

Initially, the CP needs to be focused on the client - on his needs, interests, problems, hobbies, tasks, dreams.

P.S. We know exactly where to start. That is why the commercial offers we have developed produce results and do not replenish wastebaskets.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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It’s easy to make a choice when one of the options is obviously better / more profitable / more promising. And it is painfully difficult when equal alternatives are presented on the scales.

website will try to restore you to healthy sleep and peace of mind. We bring to your attention 7 ways to get out of the stupor and make the right decision.

From the outside, this may look like a mild form of split personality, but try to imagine another person (friend, colleague) in your place. Pretend that the problem of choice is his, not yours. Step back, step back, observe, and then give advice.

This technique helps you discard the emotions that clouded your mind in the throes of choice and take a more sober look at the essence of the issue.

2. Turn off information noise

It seems to us that the more information we have, the more objectively we can assess the situation. However, the endless flow of information only increases stress and confuses our brain. We begin to attach undue importance to insignificant facts and lose sight of the essential.

Temporarily turn off the information noise, relax and allow your mind to find the right answer on its own, because it is not without reason that many scientists made their great discoveries in their sleep.

3. Deny the obvious

By a certain age, each of us acquires our own style of behavior in general and decision-making in particular. Break the pattern and argue with yourself, questioning the obvious facts about each scenario.

Take a pen, a piece of paper and write them down, then turn the sheet over and figure out what you will do in such circumstances. Very often the answer lies beyond the boundaries of habitual thoughts.

4. Interview yourself

Before you finalize your decision, ask yourself 3 questions and answer each within 10 minutes. So, if you follow the chosen path, then:

  • How will you feel in 10 days?
  • How will you feel in 10 months?
  • How will you feel in 10 years?

Listen to your feelings. Feeling the prospects is no less important than thinking about them. Pleasure or discomfort when visualizing your choice often speaks louder than reason.

5. Play epithets

Select several adjectives for each solution option, and then apply them to yourself. Let's say you are choosing between 2 proposed positions: one is dynamic, requiring communication skills and constant movement, the other is stable, implying a thoughtful approach and attention to detail.

Now try to use these descriptions in relation to yourself. Which one suits you best? This is extremely important: when making any choice, you always, to one degree or another, determine yours future.

6. Draw a Descartes square

Do you read commercial offers that come to your email? How many of the sentences that you started reading did you find interesting? Do you think your business proposal will not suffer the same fate?

It is rare to come across a truly good and interesting commercial proposal... An offer that is pleasant to read, consider and, of course, agree to cooperate with the company making this offer. For the most part, commercial offers are replete with template phrases that are found in every 2-3 options.

Check your commercial proposal for template phrases!

Template phrases

  1. Individual approach

    This phrase comes up too often, but no one can say for sure what it means. What is this individual approach? Talk about this in your business proposal.

  2. Flexible terms of cooperation

    What are these conditions? Be more specific: “Discounts up to 30% for regular customers” or “New customers: first delivery free.”

  3. Wide range of products (wide range of services)

    Give specific numbers: “Our assortment includes up to 3,000 items of goods.”

  4. Turnkey installation

    It would be better if you add a block with a list of services to your commercial offer or tell us how you work (the process from order to delivery).

  5. Prices are below market prices (the prices will pleasantly surprise you)

    Add price for comparison:
    “The average factory price is 6,000. Our price is 5,100!”
    “The average price on the market is 10,000. Our price is 9,200!”

  6. Flexible discount system

    Give examples of discounts: “When ordering over 10,000 rubles, you receive a 15% discount.”

  7. Guaranteed quality (European quality)

    Tell us what can confirm the quality of your product: research data, statistics, long-term warranty, etc.

  8. Team of professionals (highly qualified specialists)

    Provide evidence of the qualifications of your employees: “There are no employees on our team with less than 5 years of experience.”

  9. Market leader

    Show your awards, certificates, numbers that show your position in the market.

  10. Years of experience (rich experience)

    And again, convincing figures: “In 15 years, we have served more than 8,000 clients.”

  11. High level of service

    “Each of our clients is assigned a personal manager.”

  12. Reliable company (reliable supplier)

    Show evidence of your company's reliability: logos of famous customers, a return guarantee if goods are damaged, a money-back guarantee, etc.

  13. We offer (we are ready to offer...)

    Replace the words “we offer”, “are ready to offer” with calls for “consider”, “order”, “download”, “go to the site”, etc.

  14. From the best Russian manufacturers

    Why not indicate the names of these same manufacturers? It sounds much more convincing!

And now the final question!

How many times does the word “we” appear in your business proposal, and how many times does “you” appear? If “we” appears more often, then the proposal does not disclose the benefits that the client receives by working with you, and without this there is no good commercial proposal.

When writing letters to colleagues, clients and partners, the question often arises of how to formulate this or that idea in a business style. How can we say that we don’t like something - or, conversely, that we like it? How do I report an issue or opportunity? How to invite the recipient to meet or call? How to mention possible sanctions?

It is for such a case that we have compiled a small dictionary of business phrases. Use it and your style will be quite formal and your wording will be varied.

Useful wording for correspondence

Let's start with our goal

We start with the recipient's interest

"Why did you come"





I am turning to you with a request for...

Inform you….

I would like to inform you that...

I ask (you) to allocate funds...

I ask (you) to consider the possibility of allocating funds (authorize the allocation of funds, (give instructions on the allocation of funds)…

Due to the emergence of new circumstances affecting the implementation of the project, I would like to agree with you on changes to the schedule (budget)….

Please provide assistance...

I ask for your assistance in...

I remind you (we remind you) about...

Please eliminate the backlog (debt)

I consider it necessary to discuss with you...

I want (want) to agree with you….

We invite you to discuss and agree on future plans...

I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assisting in the implementation of the project...

I provide (you) information (information) about...

I inform (you) about...

Let me inform you about...

I am contacting you in connection with...

I would like to draw your attention to the difficult situation with...

We are forced to inform...

We would like to inform you about...

We hereby notify (you) of...

Authorized to inform...

I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to...)...

We are contacting you due to difficulties...

We offer assistance in solving the problem...

Knowing about your concern about the problem..., we are ready to offer a solution... As you know (the following is a description of the problem)...

Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I draw your attention to...

I am turning to you with an offer...

I ask you to consider a proposal that will allow...

We offer you a unique opportunity to increase your sales...

We are glad (we have the honor) to offer (you)…

We are pleased to announce the opportunity...

We would like to draw your attention...

We inform you about an extremely favorable situation with... and invite you to take advantage of this situation to...

Specific actions

I propose to approve 10/12/2013 as the planned date for completion of construction and make the necessary adjustments to the list of activities...

Please instruct the company's finance department to allocate... and pay all previously received invoices for...

I propose to entrust the ABC department with preparing proposals for organizing...

I ask (request) your consent to….(Your assistance in…, Your instructions….)

I earnestly (urgently, as an exception) request...

We ask you to take (energetic, decisive, effective) measures to….

We demand that... take immediate action...

Please clear the backlog (debt)…

Please send your representative...


I assure (we assure) you of the effectiveness of this proposal and I count (we count...)

Waiting for your decision …

We are waiting for your decision so that we can quickly prepare the documents...

We hope for a speedy consideration (full satisfaction) of our request (claim)…

We hope that the issue will be resolved and we will not have the need to apply sanctions...

We hope that the above arguments will convince you of... and we are waiting (we are counting on)...

We count on your interest (indifference, active position on the issue, willingness to eliminate shortcomings...) and look forward to your suggestions...

We are confident that your participation will significantly improve the situation with... and achieve...

We thank you for your assistance and look forward to further fruitful cooperation...

C ãîòîâíîñòüþ îòâåòèì íà Âàøè âîïðîñû…

We will be glad to see you among our clients...

Additional wording


Farewell, the final formula of politeness

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

Dear Mr. Minister!

Dear friends! Dear colleagues (partners)!


With (deep, abiding, extreme) respect (honor)…

With gratitude (appreciation) and respect...

With wishes for success (all the best)….

Looking forward to fruitful cooperation...

Opening phrase – for responses to requests

Thank you for your interest in (you showed in ....)

In response to the request we received about... we inform...

We confirm receipt of your order from... (on...) and inform....

In accordance with your request (instructions), we inform (provide an opinion)…

In continuation of our correspondence about... we are sending you an offer...


Sincerely (on behalf of..., on behalf of...) thank you...

We express our gratitude (appreciation)…

With sincere gratitude we inform...

Thank you...We would like to thank...

Download our “dictionary” and use ready-made wording!

Mention of sanctions

We will have to:

apply to the judicial authorities (court)

initiate legal proceedings

refuse further cooperation

review plans (conditions) of cooperation

raise the issue of penalties (termination of cooperation and search for a new supplier)

raise the question of the feasibility of further cooperation

resort to the sanctions provided for in the treaty

declare our intention to seek (demand) ...

declare disagreement with the facts...