Game mechanics. Paragon Guide: Tips for a Beginner - Forest, Lines and Rules How to Play on a Double Line

In this article you will find all the main aspects of the game that will allow you to get used to it faster. Game mechanics Paragon is unique and requires prior study.


At the very beginning of the match, you have to choose a hero from the list provided. All the heroes in the Paragon game are unique and have their own unique abilities and characteristics, as well as their own playstyle.

Game mechanics Paragon offers us 6 classes of heroes:

  • Caster - Heroes with energy. damage, which can cause significant damage and concentrate on the attack.
  • Tank - Heroes who are on the front line attract the main attention of enemies and have auxiliary abilities.
  • Support - Heroes who focus on helping their allies.
  • Fighter - Heroes who balance between damage and defense.
  • Pathfinder - Heroes who rely more on their basic attack than their abilities.
  • Assassin - Heroes who are capable of killing an enemy in the shortest possible time using invisibility and attack.

Experience, card points and amber

Paragon's mechanics provide two separate forms of experience: the hero and the card. Hero experience can be gained from all killed victims - minions, camps and enemy heroes. Card experience can be obtained from the same sources, but this experience will either directly fly to you after dealing lethal damage, or it will have to be collected from the ground. It is the collection of these amber spheres that is the key to acquiring cards that strengthen your hero. Without cards, it will be very difficult or, subsequently, impossible for you to resist enemy heroes. It is believed that it is easiest to gain experience in the jungle, which is why junglers/junglers gain levels faster. This does not mean that the lane is not effective for gaining experience, but in the lane you need to definitely concentrate on finishing off minions.

By increasing the hero's level, you can improve your abilities. The Q, E and LMB abilities can be upgraded 4 times, while R can only be upgraded 3 times. Upgrading abilities directly improves their effectiveness - abilities begin to deal more damage or provide more benefit depending on the type of ability. It's best to continually improve the abilities you use most often.

Cards and decks of cards

Maps are one of the distinctive features of the Paragon game. If you have played other MOBA games, their main function is similar to items/artifacts from the store. If you haven't had that experience before, cards are things you can buy with card points that provide active or passive upgrades or abilities for your heroes. For example, a Health Potion is an active card and, when used, restores your hero’s health over a period of time. And a card like Amplifier Crystal will passively increase your energy damage and maximum mana. Upgrading this card will give you an additional +150 max mana.

You can take a total of 40 cards into a match and each of them costs a different number of card points. When you collect amber, the card experience bar is filled and if you have enough card experience, you get 3 free card points. The health potion described earlier costs 1 card point, and the Amplifier Crystal costs 3 card points. You can also use power-up cards, which are inserted into the main cards and further improve them. The amplifier crystal has 3 slots for enhancements. Some cards, such as Health Potion, cannot be upgraded at all.

Each player can build their own decks with cards that they consider necessary for each hero separately. This brings an element of strategy to the game as each player can have a completely unique deck, which is different from the classic MOBA item system where each player has access to every item in the game.

Jungle - minions, camps and main sphere

The Agora Jungle contains camps of neutral minions and bosses, as well as Harvesters. All camps give experience, but some also give buffs that can be taken away after the death of the boss. Each buff, like the boss, differs in color: red - damage and movement speed, blue - mana and skill recharge. White camps only give experience (no buff upon death), and the purple boss, upon death, activates a general buff that activates the main card in each player’s deck for the team that finishes it off. White, red and blue camps, with most heroes, can be killed on their own, but the purple one - Defender of the Main Sphere - with some exceptions, is too strong for one hero and to kill him, you need the help of allies. Unlike other buffs, which fall to the ground when the boss dies, the purple buff is activated immediately for the team that made the finishing blow.

It is in your team's best interest to always have one jungler/jungler. Their role is to clear all forest camps, take away or, if necessary, give buffs to allies. And also periodically come to the lines for ganks or

Debuffs - negative effects

The Paragon game currently features 3 negative effects that can be applied to players or buildings:

  • Combustion
  • Poisoning- Reduces healing.
  • Bleeding- Deals periodic damage.

Debuffs can be applied both by the hero’s abilities and by purchased cards.

Paragon Formulas

Vampirism returns part of the damage from your main attack in the form of health, which is why it is one of the healing multipliers.
(“Vampirism Points” / 100) * Basic Attack Damage
Vampirism points are the sum of the indicators of all cards and improvements.

Attack speed has a maximum of 2.5 hits per second for any hero.
Attack Speed ​​= ((100 / “Attack Speed ​​Rating”) * “Base Attack Speed ​​Rating”) + “Level Up Gain”
Attack Speed ​​Rating = “Attack Speed ​​Points” + 100
Attack speed points are the sum of indicators from all cards and improvements.
The “level up gain” is different for each hero.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy's core. You achieve this by destroying the towers that are located on the lines. When the core of one team is destroyed, the game is over. Everything that happens before that is the game. Strategic decisions and quick thinking will allow you to kill opponents, destroy towers and move towards the final goal - the Core.

Good game.
Before this, I had never played Dota or Lol, because these games simply weren’t attractive. But everyone really liked the paragon, excellent dynamics, interesting classes, simply excellent detail and animation of the characters, excellent graphics and of course all this on Unreal Engen 4 which was ideal for such a game implementation.

Above was a review regarding donation and cards. This is complete nonsense, here the donation will only be for customization and ESP boosters and will not have any effect on the balance. In addition, all heroes without exception will be free.

A mob with a third-person view, AAAAAA++++ graphene and dynamic, almost shooter-like gameplay. Today it has already formed a more or less complete look and does not cause the same rectal pain that it did during the alpha and beta tests. The only sad thing is an incomprehensible card system, instead of the usual standard set of items in the shop. It is also worth noting that match making is still not ideal and sometimes presents extremely unpleasant surprises during the game.

I would like to evaluate the optimization of the Paragon game. She, to my regret, is completely absent. My computer, of course, is not the most powerful, but I played games like Dota 2 and SMITE at almost maximum without a single lag, the frame rate was on average under 60. In this game, the frame rate drops to 3-4 units. I see a lot of potential in the game, but without optimization, most people won't play it.

My first MOBA. I gave my hard-earned money 3990. It was hard at the beginning due to the fact that I didn’t play similar games (Heroes of the Storm, Dota 2, League of legends).

Liked about Paragon:
+ Dynamics (this is not stupid mouse clicking)
+ Graphics
+ Sounds
+ Interesting characters (I’m glad they’re adding new ones)
+ Instead of things cards
+ Constant updates (fix problems and introduce new features)

What I didn’t like about Paragon:
- Much is not clear to a beginner (not everything is described in the official guides)

I bought the founder's set for 3990 a week ago.
Third-person MOBAs are bad, to say the least. In fact, we only have Smite.
In fact:
+ Graphics. (Unreal Engine 4 works wonders)
+ Sound and music.
And that's it...
- Dynamics. (For those who came to this game from SMITE, it will not only be boring to play, but excruciatingly painful! Moreover, it would seem that this will give you the opportunity to react to a sudden situation in the game, such as a gank... but no. You see that a ganker has run out at you , he gives a procast, you know what to expect from him and how to dodge, but instead you are trying to super slowly run away from the super slowly flying asteroids from the sky. And this is the main drawback of the game that it is impossible to come to terms with and continue to play it)
- Card size. (Large and even more addictive to the already tedious gameplay)
- Character design and their skills.
- No things. (Instead of things there are cards. It’s not interesting and not convenient and too random, I’ve added some cool cards, no... alas)

From this PAID beta it is clear that we will not see normal purchases and nothing can be done about the dynamics... and this is from the creators of perhaps the most hurricane-like online shooter, Unreal Tournament.
Technical support is adequate. The money was returned immediately.
By the way, you can play on both PS4 and PC. But the PS4 is still worse because of the mega crooked controls.

Heroes Paragon- these are the characters that are chosen by the player before the match, according to his preferred play style. All heroes have their own unique abilities - something they can bring to the match to balance out their allies' weaknesses - and vice versa.

In the Paragon game, heroes are conventionally divided into “roles”: assassins, fighters, spellcasters, rangers, “tanks” and support characters.



Role: caster.

Style: Energy Damage.

The gadget uses its bots and brain, very good for breaking through enemy ranks. Her passive ability is to deal increased damage to minions.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Speed ​​Gate (U) - allies passing through the gate receive a bonus to speed, and opponents receive damage.
  • Search and Destroy (RMB) - launches a bot in a straight line that explores the area - repeated use of the ability or a collision of the bot with an enemy causes damage.
  • Plasma Volley (LMB) - shoots a plasma clot from the glove.
  • Sticky Mine (Y) - throws a mine, which, if it hits the enemy’s trajectory radius, sticks to him and explodes.
  • Tesla Dome (K) - “envelops” a specified area and after a while is activated and deals damage to an enemy caught in the damage area.

Strong against: Gideon, Sparrow. Good in a team with: Sevarog, Steel.

Role: caster.

Style: Energy Damage.

A magician who feels great both in mass battles and in “duels”. Gideon's passive ability is an additional power for penetrating energy attacks.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Space Rupture (U) is a portal that allows Gideon and allies who can jump in after him to teleport.
  • Burden (RMB) is a projectile that “ties” Gideon to the enemy - he slows down and takes damage until he “jumps out” of the Burden’s area of ​​effect.
  • Portal Detonation (LMB) - throws a clot of dark energy that causes damage.
  • Cosmic Rupture (Y) - opens a “portal” from which meteors fall on the enemy’s location.
  • Black Hole (K) - creates a “black vortex” of dark energy around itself, which draws in nearby opponents and causes damage to them.

Weak against: Dekker, Gruksa. Strong against: Feng Mao, Kallari. Good in a team with: Callari, Sparrow.

Role: fighter, tank.

Style: physical damage.

Greystone is a "classic" knight in all his manifestations, in an eternal search for a "worthy opponent."

Weapons and techniques:

  • Hardening (U) - passive; Gives additional protection and a level of maximum health.
  • Gate Strike (RMB) is a powerful jump that deals area damage upon landing.
  • Noble Strike (LMB) - strikes with a sword.
  • Clearing (Y) - an attack reminiscent of the Noble Strike, but in an area (“whirlwind”).
  • Reforging (K) - passive; when Greystone dies, it turns into stone - after some time it is reborn, causing damage to nearby opponents.

Weak against: Dekker. Strong against: Twinblast, Sparrow. Good in a team with: Gideon, Grux.



Role: Pathfinder.

Style: Energy Damage.

GRIM.exe is a remote control designed to control the battlefield and neutralize the enemy. This Paragon hero's abilities are good for maximum precision play. The passive ability is that every 8 seconds his cannon deals additional damage and generates an additional shield.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Suppression Mode (U) - modifies the firing of the Pulse Cannon so that upon impact, the projectiles slow down the enemy.
  • Reflector Shield (RMB) - lasts for several seconds and blocks any subsequent attack (if successful, then part of the expended energy is replenished).
  • Pulse Cannon (LMB) - firing from a long-range Pulse Cannon.
  • Displacement Charge (Y) - deals damage and throws enemies away from the epicenter of the explosion.
  • Atas (K) - fixates on the target, after a while shoots a sphere that pursues the enemy.

Weak against: Riggy and Scorch, Sevarog. Strong against: Gideon, Rictor.

Role: fighter, tank.

Style: physical damage.

Grux is a Paragon character of the "berserker" type - the more you hit him, the stronger he becomes. Passive ability - a constant bonus to health when killing an enemy.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Onslaught (U) - rushes into the crowd, causing damage to everyone who gets in its way.
  • Chopping (LMB) - swings his blades, causing melee damage.
  • Double Pain (RMB) is a powerful attack that deals damage and additional bleeding damage.
  • Smash and Grab (Y) - strikes the ground with both blades and pulls enemies towards you.
  • Call of the Leader (K) - whips both of his blades, which stuns nearby opponents - and increases the damage of the basic attack.

Weak against: Muriel, Twinblast. Strong against: Kallari, Rampage. Good in a team with: Dekker, Gideon.

Role: caster, support.

Style: Energy Damage.

Dekker uses his abilities to hinder the enemy's advance. Can “scatter” the enemy team so that its team gets single targets. Her passive ability allows her to share part of the Energy spent on the spell with her allies.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Slowdown Bubble (S) - “envelops” a given area in a bubble, in which everything that gets there is slowed down until the bubble bursts (which causes additional damage).
  • Rocket Boots (RMB) - lifts her into the air and gives a speed bonus to her allies.
  • Energy Sphere (LSM) - energy explosion.
  • Stasis Bomb (Y) - “freezes” enemies for a while.
  • Isolating Barrier (K) - isolates both enemies and allies with the only difference that the latter can “shoot” their way out.

Weak against: Feng Mao, Kallari. Strong against: Gadget, Howitzer. Good in a team with: Gideon, Howitzer.

Role: caster.

Style: Energy Damage.

Iggy and Scorch are the heroes of Paragon, who dote on fire and are not averse to “playing” with it. Good for area control.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Oil Clot (U) - “spits” an oil stain that can be set on fire.
  • Spilled Oil (PKM) - accelerates and rushes, leaving behind an oil trail that can be set on fire.
  • Molotov cocktail (LMB) - throw a bottle that deals damage in an area and leaves a burning fire.
  • Fire Turret (Y) - flamethrower turret.
  • Fire Belch (K) - “burps” a column of fire in front of itself, hitting enemies - explodes at the end of the action.

Weak against: Gideon, Grux. Strong against: Greystone, Chimera.



Role: assassin.

Style: physical damage.

Kallari is a “classic” assassin, good for single “hidden” kills and very bad in one-on-one situations.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Crippling Dagger (U) - throws a dagger at a target, causing damage and bleeding.
  • Backflip (RMB) - jumps back, can be activated while performing a jump for an additional jump.
  • Sweeping Strike (LMB) - strikes with daggers, melee combat.
  • Dark Walk (Y) - becomes invisible exactly before activating a basic attack, which acquires a bonus.
  • Death Sentence (K) - allows you to see all the enemies on the map, get close to them unnoticed and attack.

Weak against: Rampage, Steele. Strong against: Dekker, Gideona. Good in a team with: Murdoc, Muriel.

Role: caster, ranger.

Style: Energy Damage.

Belika specializes in separating opponents and controlling energy.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Drone Devastator (U) - a drone that attacks in an area and draws energy from enemy targets in the affected area.
  • Vacuum Bomb (VB) is a bomb that deals area damage and restores some energy for each enemy hit.
  • Burst Fire (LMB) - basic area attack.
  • Seismic Attack (Y) - a linear attack that deals damage and stuns.
  • Neural Rupture (K) - deals energy damage over an area.


Role: Pathfinder.

Style: Energy Damage.

Murdoc is a soldier in his classic style: high output damage and no less low ability to survive.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Static Trap (U) - throws a small projectile at a selected area, which slows down enemies caught in the area of ​​effect.
  • Don't Delay! (RMB) - a powerful charge from the glove that throws back enemies and works as a shield.
  • Plasma Volley (LMB) - a shot from a blaster.
  • Buckshot (Y) - a shot from a weapon that deals damage in a “cone” and temporarily reduces the energy of affected opponents.
  • Power of Law (K) - a laser cannon shot that passes through everything that comes in its way.

Weak against: Feng Mao, Iggy and Scorch. Strong against: Gideon, Grux. Good in a team with: Dekker, Gadget.



Role: caster, support.

Style: Energy Damage.

Muriel is the most supportive character who will put a shield around everyone.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Consecrated Ground (U) - creates a large shield bubble for yourself and allies.
  • Vitality (RMB) - shoots a large ball of energy that damages enemies and slows them down, and adds energy to allies and speeds them up.
  • Sphere (LMB) - shoots a ball of energy.
  • Serenity (Y) is a ball of energy that hits all minions that pass through and deals especially heavy damage to the enemy it touches first.
  • Turn of Fate (K) - selects any ally and gives him a shield and flies up to his location, adding to the shield of other allies in the area of ​​effect of the ability.

Weak against: Grux, Feng Mao. Strong against: Dekker, Gadget. Good in a team with: Grux, Feng Mao.

Role: caster, support.

Style: physical damage.

A support character who specializes in crowd control and buffing allies when rushing into battle.

Weapons and techniques:

  • March! (Y) - gives Narbash and his allies acceleration for a while.
  • Rumble (LMB) - basic melee attack.
  • Sneak Strike (RMB) - throws a drumstick, which deals damage and stuns for a while.
  • Song of My People (U) - switchable; the entire time it is used, it restores health, but takes away energy.

Fuck-Bang! (K) - a deafening roar that knocks back enemies, slows them down and deals area damage.

Role: tank.

Style: physical damage.

A classic “difficult to carry” tank, originally from the forest. Passive ability - a bonus to health restoration, depending on the amount of health lost.

Weapons and techniques:

  • King of the Forest (U) - passive; receives a bonus to health restoration with each level.
  • Pounce (RMB) - pounce on an enemy, causing damage.
  • Swipe (LMB) - a swing with clawed hands, a basic melee attack.
  • Cobblestone Throw (Y) - pulls out a piece of soil and throws it at the enemy, causing damage and stunning.
  • In Fury (K) - increases in size, which increases health restoration and damage dealt, reactivated.

Weak against: Grux, GRIM.exe. Strong against: Feng Mao, Howitzer. Good in a team with: Grux, Dekker.

Role: support, tank.

Style: Energy Damage.

Rictor is a tank that specializes in close combat and crowd control.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Electrical Strike (U) is an area attack that deals damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Shock Therapy (RMB) - when activated, the next basic attack, in addition to damage, will slow down and “close the mouth” of the enemy.
  • Scourge (LMB) - basic melee attack.
  • Harpoon (Y) - throws his chain and pulls the enemy who is “hooked” towards him, causing damage.
  • Skewers (K) - releases a whole “bouquet” of chains onto the “cone” in front of him, piercing enemies and stunning them.

Role: tank.

Style: physical damage.

Sevarog is a strong tank, good for crowd control and does well in the jungle. Passive ability - the level of maximum health and damage power increases when killing enemies using the Siphon.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Subjugate (U) - selects an area in which enemies take damage and are slowed down after the ability ends.
  • Phantom Onslaught (RMB) is a sharp dash that allows you to pass through all enemies you encounter, causing damage.
  • Hammer (LMB) - basic attack, hammer blow.
  • Puller (Y) - strikes the ground with a hammer in front of you, causing damage to opponents.
  • The Most Powerful Strike (K) is a powerful sweep “along a cone” in front of you, causing damage to enemies, throwing them back and the minions that destroy them.

Weak against: Feng Mao, Gadget. Strong against: Gideon, Grux. Good in a team with: Callari, Murdoc.

Role: Pathfinder.

Style: physical damage.

Sparrow is a classic tracker, archer, athlete, Komsomol member and simply beautiful.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Ruthless (U) - passive; gives bonuses to damage when shooting at one target.
  • Piercing Shot (RMB) - "the longer you aim, the better" - Sparrow slows down and fires a powerful shot from his bow.
  • Shot from a Bow (LMB) - a basic ranged attack.
  • Hail of Arrows (Y) - a hail of arrows in a given area.
  • Inner Fire (K) - three arrows that deal damage as from a basic attack to targets hit.

Weak against: Steel, Gadget. Strong against: Gruksa, Dekker. Good in a team with: Muyuriel, Steel.

Role: tank, fighter.

Style: physical damage.

Steele is a tank capable of taking the main damage without choking (while protecting allies) and delivering a worthy retaliatory blow. Passive ability - resistance to crowd control abilities increases when in close proximity to allies.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Power Shield (U) - creates an energy shield in a given area - slows down enemies, prevents minions from passing.
  • Blocking Shield (RMB) - a basic blocking ability, the shield absorbs a certain percentage of damage.
  • Strike (LMB) - basic melee attack.
  • Onslaught (Y) - breaking through the ranks of enemies, causing damage to all those “who fell under the attack” and throwing them back.
  • Shield Bash (K) - a powerful jump that ends with a powerful blow to the landing area.

Weak against: Feng Mao, Gadget. Strong against: Gideon, Kallari. Good in a team with: Muriel, Dekker.

Role: Pathfinder.

Style: physical damage.

TwinBlast is a tracker and a master of shooting “Macedonian style”. Passive ability - when damaging an enemy, his subsequent Double Shot attack deals increased damage.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Grenade! (U) - grenade! Damage in a given area.
  • Rocket Dash (RMB) - a quick dash in the direction TwinBlast is moving.
  • Double Shot (LMB) - basic ranged attack.
  • Nitro (Y) - passive effect: attack speeds up; when activated, the attack speeds up even more.
  • Barrage (K) - weapons turn into cannons and continuously fire rockets, causing bonus damage and destroying minions.

Weak against: Rampage, Grux. Strong against: Gideon, Murdoc. Good teamed with: Muriel.

Role: caster, support.

Style: Energy Damage.

The fairy uses the forces of nature to control crowds and oppress.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Collect Nettle (U) - an energy projectile that returns spent mana if it hits an enemy.
  • Wild Growth (RMB) - plants a flower that deals area damage while it grows, and then when it explodes.
  • Flower (LMB) - basic energy attack in an area.
  • Patch of Earth with Thorns (Y) - linear attack, area damage and slowing effect for several seconds.
  • Flytrap (K) is a huge plant that attracts enemies and deals damage after a short delay.

Feng Mao

Feng Mao

Role: fighter.

Style: physical damage.

Feng Mao is a fierce fighter who is excellent for both defense and, in fact, attack. His passive ability is the Balance between offensive and defensive abilities - using an attack he gains a bonus to using defense and vice versa.

Weapons and techniques:

Broom (LMB) - delivers a sweeping blow with its “staff”.

Conversion Shield (RMB) - generates a shield that absorbs part of the damage.

Mowing Throw (Y) - Dao sends out his hologram and when it collides with an enemy, he teleports to his “picture”, causing damage to everyone through whom his hologram “passed” and to the one near whom he appeared.

Trip (U) - swings his “staff” around himself, causing damage to nearby enemies.

Earthquake (K) - Feng jumps up and lands hard, slamming his "staff" into the ground and damaging everyone in a straight line in front of him (he gains a protective shield while using this ability).

Weak against: Dekker, Muriel. Strong against: Kallari, Gruksa. Good in a team with: Dekker, Howitzer.

Role: fighter.

Style: physical damage.

The Chimera is a creature enslaved by a wild spirit, which is great for one-on-one combat and surprise attacks.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Spiritual Regeneration (U) - passive; Restores some health when using a basic attack successfully.
  • Chopping Strike (LMB) - swings an ax, physical damage.
  • Ambush (RMB) - jumps towards the enemy, deals area damage to him, and also stuns him.
  • Release (Y) - gains maximum attack speed for a while.
  • Knockback (K) - the selected enemy is subjected to a violent physical attack after a while, while others are stunned and slowed down.

Weak against: Decker, Gadget. Strong against: Sparrow, GRIM.exe. Good in a Team with: Dekker, Gadget.

Role: caster.

Style: Energy Damage.

Howitzer is a Demoman, which is useful for area of ​​effect attacks. Passive ability - when killing an enemy, the cooldown is accelerated.

Weapons and techniques:

  • Mine (U) - throws a grenade, which explodes if the enemy approaches it or if the ability is used again (Howitzer himself will receive damage if he finds himself in the middle of the action).
  • Slowdown Grenades (RMB) - shoots three grenades in a line, which explode as soon as someone gets within range, causing damage and slowing down.
  • Cannon (LMB) - fires an explosive charge.
  • Rocket R2000 (Y) - fires a rocket that deals area damage.
  • Stormy Flow (K) - shoots a group of missiles into the air that land at a given location, causing damage.

Weak against: Kallari. Strong against: Gideon, Grux. Good in a team with: Dekker, Muriel.

The essence of the fight in Paragon comes down to the confrontation between characters controlled by players. Each hero has a set of fixed skills that can be improved as they level up, as well as equipment slots into which you can put equipment cards from a pre-built deck.

All heroes have a global level of development, which grows with each game played in proportion to your effectiveness in it. The ceiling for such growth will be limited to level 10, to achieve which you will have to spend a decent amount of time in the game. For each milestone you complete, you will receive certain rewards, and challenges to your hero's skill will also be unlocked. Not only do they change the appearance of the character, but they will also provide your team with experience bonuses in the final scoring.

Reward table for character development milestones
Level 1 Challenger image
Level 2
Level 3 Set of cards
Level 4 Random reward of normal quality or better
Level 5 Set of cards
Level 6
Level 7 Random reward of uncommon quality or better
Level 8 Hero's emotion
Level 9 Random reward of uncommon quality or better
Level 10 Image of the master

I would like to note a pleasant fact - all skills are unique and their significance may change as the game develops. Most skills (regular and ultimate) are combined with the abilities of other classes, which will perfectly allow you to unleash the full potential of well-coordinated team play.

Class Descriptions


The most durable and tenacious characters. The main goal of this class is to distract enemy attacks or neutralize them using control skills. The outgoing damage of tanks is weak, so when playing it for this class, focus on basic abilities.


A versatile hero, perfect for anyone who loves a melee style. They have less health than tanks, but are significantly superior to any other class. They do an excellent job as junglers and can be a source of good constant damage in a group. The weak point of the fighters is their vulnerability to ranged classes, so try to approach them from the rear or using your abilities.


Helps his team using unique abilities. Even though the damage of support heroes is weak, they have priority importance and bring maximum utility to the entire team. The characteristics of support heroes match their damage, so these characters are very vulnerable.


Has the highest attack and mobility indicator. They are the main tool of the team with the help of which they effectively eliminate enemy heroes. Despite their damage, assassins are not designed for direct and open confrontation, so try to start the fight without being noticed.


Due to its attack power, this class is the main source of ranged damage. The remaining abilities do not stand out in terms of damage and are similar in their specificity to support skills on a reduced scale, which does not prevent you from emerging victorious in many confrontations with other classes.

Spellcaster– the opposite of a pathfinder, because this class relies on the damage of its abilities rather than basic attacks. They have the highest AoE damage against enemy creeps and heroes. Like all ranged attack heroes, they are inferior to opponents