Quake Champions has added bots and many other innovations. Bots, gore and much more are already in Quake Champions! Lists of games in different modes

The shooter Quake Champions has received another major update. It introduces a number of new features that will surely appeal to all fans of the project.

One of the main innovations was the appearance of bots. They are available in Carnage, Team Deathmatch and Instant Death modes. Bots will not only allow beginners to get used to the game better, but will also speed up the process of filling the lobby, and will also replace participants who left the match.

You can learn the basics of Quake Champions not only in custom matches with bots - the shooter has also been completely redesigned training system. After the introductory explanations, the player will be asked to test his strength in the initial tests and begin to study more complex combat techniques.

The system of violence has also changed - as the developers say, they tried to emphasize the level of cruelty that awaits participants in the arena. “Whether it’s a direct hit from a rocket or a point-blank blast from a super shotgun, the game now contextually calculates every particle of the enemy’s shattering into small pieces, and the merciless bloodshed will bring you even more joy.”, they write.

With the release of the update, players began to receive more experience for matches, so their level increases much faster. And if you play with someone, you will earn additional experience and fame. To speed up the process even further, you can use speed potions - one-time items that temporarily increase the amount of experience gained by 50%. At the same time, the likelihood of duplicates appearing in backpacks, caskets and reliquaries has been significantly reduced. You can read about these and many other innovations in

Quake Champions continues to improve in Early Access, acquiring more and more new features, and in the meantime, we decided to talk to fellow Quakers about what the future holds for the game. At a recent broadcast with developers, we touched on many issues that concern you, our dear players. The talk was about adding bots to the game and introducing a new system that would increase realism, and at the same time the number of bloody scraps. Missed the broadcast? It's OK! Now we will talk in detail about what innovations are expected in Quake Champions in the near future.


You asked for it and your request has been answered - there will be bots in Quake Champions! You can customize the skill level of these computer fighters yourself, which will allow veterans of the game to hone their skills, and newcomers to learn how to play and win. Their behavior in a variety of game aspects will depend on the level of the bots: movement, shooting, combat tactics and others.

We plan to introduce bot support into the game gradually, and in the first phase they will be available in the Carnage, Team Deathmatch and Instant Death modes. Initially, bots will not be able to use champion skills, this feature will be added in subsequent phases along with new modes, champions and other features.

System of violence

Bumps and bruises - this does not apply to our weapons. Oh no, our weapons leave your enemies with pools of blood, pieces of bodies and shapeless scraps of what were once internal organs. Intent on highlighting the bloody violence that the Arena is famous for, we decided to add a full-fledged violence system to Quake Champions!

Of course, the system of violence is not just guts flying around. Each character will receive their own “dismemberment model”, taking into account their armor, organs, various cybernetic body parts, and so on. Moreover, the system adapts to the appearance and coloring of the characters!

In addition, the murder weapon is also taken into account: you hit the enemy with a rocket or unloaded a super shotgun at him at point-blank range - in each of these cases, the result of the hit will look different. Of course, it's all creepy, but what better way to celebrate victory than by setting off a bloody fireworks display from the remains of your enemies?

Daily rewards and even more loot

Quake Champions already has a daily rewards system, thanks to which players receive valuable prizes every day simply for logging into the game. And with each subsequent day the rewards get better and better. Sooner or later, you'll even be able to get the premium currency, platinum, for free. Not bad, right?

Do you want more? In the future, we plan to speed up the experience gain, so players will be able to increase levels faster and, more importantly, get even more backpacks, caskets and reliquaries!

But that is not all! To make receiving rewards even more enjoyable for you, we have decided to reduce the number of duplicates in all trophies. But don't worry - the shards you receive in daily rewards and for selling duplicates will not disappear. Everything will get even better!

Quake Store Changes

The next change coming to Quake Champions isn't as noticeable as the addition of bots and dismemberment. Players will soon be able to purchase weapon and champion skins from the Quake Store using shards. This way, players will have more opportunities to use their honestly earned funds, and at the same time, duplicates - even if there are fewer of them now - will become even more useful and will finally allow you to buy that new color scheme that you have had your eye on for a long time.

Speaking of flexibility, we decided to try something new with champion rentals as well. Initially, a champion could be tried out by paying with fame, the in-game currency, and purchasing a champion could only be paid for with platinum.

From now on, we plan to stop renting champions for glory. Instead, the game will feature a new system with a regular rotation of free champions. And, what’s even nicer, now you can pay for a full purchase of a champion not only with platinum, but also with glory. Yes, that's right, now you can get new champions like Keel or Strogg just by playing!

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Kill replays, displaying the total health of allies, changes to the balance of individual champions (yes, Anarki fans, we hear you) - these are just some of the things we are working on now. To learn more about everything, don’t forget to follow the link and watch the recording of the broadcast with the developers on the official Twitch channel. We have big plans for Quake Champions, which we are determined to turn into the best competitive shooter in the world, so be sure to stay tuned!

id Software studio announced upcoming plans for improvement Quake Champions. Bots will be added to the game, and a new dismemberment system will be introduced, which will disassemble the character into dozens of parts.

According to the developers, adding bots to Quake Champions is necessary so that players can train to improve their skills with a specific champion, or get additional practice before going against real people. Also, bots with advanced artificial intelligence are used to fill out teams, if someone is missing or someone quits or loses connection to the server.

The bots are trained to do all the things that real players can do, including trick jumping. To make the learning experience more interactive, bots will not be allowed to select powerful weapons, no matter how high the difficulty bar is set.

Due to the complexity of this work, id Software will add bots in two stages. On the first one, champion bots with weapons, but without character abilities, will appear soon. You can meet them only in a number of game modes, such as deathmatch and team deathmatch. During the second phase, bots will be taught how to use the champion's abilities and the game modes in which they will participate will be expanded.

The developers also released an impressive video in which they demonstrated the operation of the new dismemberment system:

For the model of each champion, the developers made several dozen elements that can separate in one way or another, depending on the type of damage (gunshot or explosive) and the point of its application (the head or the entire model). It looks extremely impressive.

The exact date for the appearance of this system in Quake Champions has not been specified, but the developers are not going to delay it.