Visual bookmarks how to set up. How to Customize Visual Firefox Bookmarks

Visual bookmarks were invented for the convenience of users. They help you customize your browsing experience in the best possible way: you can navigate to the site you need without any extra effort. In fact, when you open a browser, you see a desktop ready to use in front of you.

Built-in visual bookmarks

Mozilla has a built-in visual bookmarks window. You can make it so that when you open Firefox, the bookmarks are immediately visible to you. To do this, do the following:

Important! Before doing all of the above, be sure to close all tabs except the bookmarks page. Otherwise, all currently open tabs will be opened.

You can also do it like this: just enter in the text field “ Homepage” the address is “about:newtab”.

Important! In the "When Firefox starts" pull-down list, do not forget to select the "Show home page" item.

How to customize the content of the tiles themselves:

Advice! In order to add a site that does not exist yet, simply enter its address in the address bar, go to it. Then open the visual bookmarks panel, so the corresponding tile will appear. Just fasten it.

Add-ons for customizing visual bookmarks in Firefox and how to use them

Here are the most popular and, accordingly, the most convenient add-ons for managing visual bookmarks:

  • Foxtab;

An example of how to use the Speed ​​Dial:

Note: Using this add-on is similar to using the standard visual bookmark page. You can set the address of each tile, swap them.

After the first opening of the browser, the official page will be loaded and the initial settings window will open in parallel.

You can specify when the Speed ​​Dial will open and insert add-on control buttons into the “Toolbar”.

In general, using visual bookmarks is not difficult. This is a very convenient tool for organizing fruitful work. I hope the information was useful to you and will help you in the future.

Visual bookmarks are a handy option that allows you to automatically log into your favorite sites with just a click of the mouse. Usually used as the initial tab search system Google or Yandex.

In order to go to the selected site, you need to enter its name in the search bar, click search, and select the desired one from the displayed results. But everyone has a list of sites that you visit every day. It can be social sites Email and many others. But knowing how to set bookmarks, you can do it much faster, having direct access to the site you need.


The main difference between Mozilla and other browsers is the lack of a built-in visual bookmarking option. But, if the browser as a whole suits you, then you should not change it just because of this flaw. A variety of additional applications can help you. They will be able to solve the problem and eliminate the defect.

The most common are Yandex.Bar and Speed ​​Dial.

Let's see how to set up such bookmarks in Mozilla using the Speed ​​Dial. To do this, just follow a simple sequence:

  1. You should go to the add-ons manager of your browser. To do this, in the "Tools" you should select the "Add-ons" column.
  2. Next, we find the column "Search for add-ons" and go there. In the search box that opens automatically, you need to enter the name of the application. In our version, enter Speed ​​Dial, and press Enter.
  3. In the section that appears, different applications. The one we need is at the very beginning. Continuing to configure, press left button mouse and "Add to Firefox".
  4. If everything is done correctly, a warning will appear. This is a standard document, which is absolutely not to be feared. We press the item "Continue", "Install now" and boldly continue to do manipulations further.
  5. After the application is installed, the browser will need to be restarted.
  6. Now let's move on to the application settings themselves. To do this, once again go to "Tools" - "Add-ons" - "Extensions". Next, you need to select the newly installed Speed ​​Dial application, and go to its settings.
  7. Next, we will study the program settings themselves. In the "Basic" item, you can select entire groups of visual bookmarks, set their number. At the same time, you can have one group of bookmarks open and several more tabbed. Thus, you can easily manipulate them and switch from one to another.
  8. It is very important after you have finished configuring the add-on to press the OK button to save all the work done.
  9. The final stage of work: click on an empty tab and select "Edit", enter the URL of the desired site and its name. Now it will be in quick access as a visual bookmark.

In the settings tab, you can also configure other settings:

  • In "Default" you can choose how often the sites that are in visual bookmarks will be updated, as well as the number of bookmarks in columns and rows.
  • In "Thumbnails" their size and parameters are configured.
  • In "Management" you can adjust the hotkeys and actions of the mouse buttons.
  • In "Advanced" you can find many more options and settings that are considered minor.

With the help of such detailed instructions you can easily figure out how to set up visual bookmarks on Mozilla, and you can adjust them to your own liking.

After spending only 15 minutes, your browser has become much more functional, and the time spent searching for the site you need has been reduced several times.

All modern browsers have the ability to add visual bookmarks for quick access to your favorite and frequently visited sites. AT Mozilla Firefox initially there are no built-in visual bookmarks, for example, as in Chrome or Opera. So what is visual bookmarks firefox how to set them up? The article will describe the instructions for setting up bookmarks. Using our tips, you will make your work with Mozilla convenient and easy.

Visual bookmarks is a service for users of all existing browsers for instant access to sites.

Setting up visual bookmarks in Firefox

As stated above, automatic function There are no visual bookmarks in Mozilla. To do this, they need to be connected using add-ons that you can easily download. The most famous add-on for Firefox is Yandex.Bar. But there are other add-ons: Fast Dial, Sugestron Speed ​​Dial, Speed ​​Dial.

So, in order to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla, consider the Speed ​​Dial add-on. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Open your browser, go to "Tools" and select "Add-ons". Next, click the search for add-ons, in the search bar enter "speed dial".
  • After the add-on is found, click the "add to Firefox" button (after clicking, a warning window will appear, do not be afraid and click "install").
  • After installing the add-on, the browser must be restarted. After the reboot, the installed add-on must be configured. The setting is done as follows: "Tools - Add-ons - Extensions". At this point, click on the add-on you installed and select the "Settings" item.
  • The Action menu appears. In this menu, you can manage the add-on (for example, you can add add-on downloads, create groups of visual bookmarks, and other functions).
  • Choose "Settings". Thanks to this menu, you can create groups of tabs, sort them by name, and also set the time for the constant updating of tabs and loading add-ons. To save everything, select the functions you have selected with checkmarks and click OK.

Now your browser has become more comfortable and faster to use.