Social basket. The concept of the consumer basket and methods of its formation

20.6.2. Calculation of the consumer basket by Russian Federation generally

Determining the consumer basket for the Russian Federation as a whole includes calculations:
— a minimum set of food products;
— a minimum set of non-food products;
— a minimum set of services.
Calculation of the minimum set of food products necessary to maintain human health and ensure his life activity includes:
— meeting the needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population for nutrients based on the chemical composition and energy value of food products;
— application of the existing nutritional structure, taking into account the actual consumption of food in low-income families;
- selection of products that allow you to organize a healthy diet at minimal cost.
The minimum set of food products is based on the minimum food consumption standards proposed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation with the participation of foreign experts. It passed the examination of specialists from the World Health Organization - WHO.
The development of a set of food products is based on:
a) norms of physiological needs for nutrients and energy for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation and the 1986 FAO/WHO/USON recommendations on human needs for energy and protein;
b) information about the chemical composition and energy value, the amount of the edible part of food products and the loss of nutrients during culinary processing and cooking;
c) data on the digestibility of protein and the content of essential amino acids in it.
Food basket The consumer minimum for various population groups is formed taking into account the following requirements:
— complete satisfaction of the need for basic nutrients and energy;
— the opportunity to diversify the diet at a minimum cost of the basket;
— bringing the composition of the basket closer to the set of food products traditionally consumed by the population of the Russian Federation.
It is also assumed that in low-income families there is virtually no loss of food during consumption. All purchased products are completely used for food purposes.
Calculation of the chemical composition and energy value of the minimum set of food products is carried out taking into account their losses during culinary processing.
Minimum set of food products for working population is formed based on the physiological characteristics of the body of men and women who are not engaged in heavy physical labor. For pensioners, the age-related decrease in the need for energy value of food is taken into account. As for children, the minimum set of products should provide them with the complete nutrition necessary for the growth of a healthy body (aged 0-6 years), as well as additional nutrition for active social and physical development (aged 7-15 years).
Calculation of the minimum set of non-food products should take into account:
— meeting the needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population for non-food products based on age characteristics and the need to protect the body from environmental influences;
— the current level of provision of non-food products to low-income families;
- minimal security, minimal variety, low retail price, availability of non-food products.
The minimum set includes two groups of goods - non-food products:
— individual use;
- general family use.
The group of non-food goods for personal use includes: clothing, shoes, school and writing supplies. When forming the minimum set, the following are taken into account:
— quantitative variety of goods for women, due to the physiological characteristics of their body;
— more frequent renewal of goods for the working population, associated with their social and physical activity;
- more flexible renewal of goods for children, caused by the natural growth of their body.
The group of non-food goods for general family use consists of:
- bed sheets;
— goods for cultural, household and household purposes;
— basic necessities;
— sanitary and hygiene items;
- medicines.
Basic necessities, sanitation, hygiene and medicine are included in the set of goods for general family use as a percentage of the total expenditure on non-food products, calculated according to systematic statistical surveys.
The minimum set of non-food goods for general family use is formed based on the average family.
Calculation of the minimum set of services necessary to preserve human health and ensure his vital functions should include:
— meeting the needs of the main socio-demographic groups of the population for housing, everyday life, and movement;
— level of use of transport services;
— paid nature of the provision of services.
The minimum set of services includes housing and communal services, transport services and other types of services.
Housing and communal services include: housing, heating, cold and hot water supply and sanitation, gas and energy supply.
The provision of housing is taken into account in accordance with the standard of social norm established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for housing area per one member of a family consisting of three or more people. Heating, cold and hot water supply and sanitation, gas and energy supply are included in the minimum set of services based on industry standards for the consumption of water, electricity and gas for household needs and the energy consumption required for heating housing.
When forming the volume of transport services, the following are taken into account:
A) large quantity trips of the working-age population - in comparison with children, pensioners, women for economic and cultural purposes - in comparison with men, residents of large settlements using several modes of transport - in comparison with those living in small villages;
b) benefits for payment of transport services established for pensioners and children.
Other types of services (communication services, clothing and shoe repair, visits to hairdressers, baths, laundries, cinemas, theaters, etc.) are presented in the minimum set as a percentage of the total cost of services, determined according to statistical surveys.
Services provided by healthcare, educational, cultural, and social service organizations are not included in the minimum set of services, since in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation they are provided to the population free of charge at the expense of the corresponding budgets and state social funds.
Transport services for pensioners and children aged 0-6 years are not included in the minimum set of services in the Russian Federation as a whole.
In table 20.3 shows the current consumer basket in the Russian Federation as an example.

Table 20.3. Consumer basket for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the Russian Federation as a whole *


Volume of consumption per person



Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, legumes)

kg per year


kg per year

Vegetables and melons

kg per year

Fresh fruits

kg per year

Sugar and confectionery products calculated as sugar

kg per year

Meat products

kg per year

Fish products

kg per year

Milk and dairy products expressed as milk

kg per year

pieces per year

Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats

kg per year

Other products (salt, tea, spices)

kg per year

* The consumer basket may be changed by federal law.

End of table. 20.3

Non-food products Upper coat group

Upper suit and dress group


Hats and haberdashery

School writing supplies

Bed sheets

Basic necessities, sanitation and medicine

Goods for cultural, household and household purposes


mg total area

Central heating

gKa per year

Cold and hot water supply and sanitation

l per day

Gas supply

m3 per month

Energy supply

kW/h per month

Transport services

trips per year

Other types of services

% of total costs for services

In systems of indicators of living standards, social standards are important, such as the minimum consumer budget, living wage, consumer basket, minimum wage.

An important tool for state regulation and social forecasting of population income is the determination of the cost of living, since it is this that the state focuses on when determining the minimum wage.

The subsistence minimum is a cost estimate of the consumer basket, which includes minimum sets of food products, non-food products and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure his life, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The subsistence minimum is a natural set of food products that takes into account dietary restrictions and provides the minimum required amount of calories, as well as expenses for non-food goods and services, taxes and mandatory payments, corresponding in the structure of costs for these purposes to the budgets of low-income families.

Measuring the cost of living is a combined calculation carried out by a number of ministries. The development of nutrition standards is carried out by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation; calculations of the cost of the consumer basket are carried out by the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, and the determination of the living wage is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for measuring the cost of living includes: 1.

development of a consumer basket, which is a list of goods and services necessary to meet minimum needs; 2.

determination of weighting coefficients for each product or service in the consumer basket; 3.

calculation of the cost of the consumer basket based on monthly registration of prices for goods and tariffs for services; 4.

formation of the structure of the subsistence level, i.e. the ratio of consumption of food, non-food goods and services, mandatory fees and payments; 5.

finding the cost of living.

A consumer basket is a minimum set of food products that takes into account dietary restrictions and provides the minimum required amount of calories. The consumer basket also includes the necessary set of non-food goods and services. The consumer basket is being developed for three main socio-demographic groups of the population: the working population, pensioners, children; both in Russia as a whole and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The composition of the consumer basket is determined taking into account: *

actual volume of consumption in low-income families; *

population composition, family size and structure, and income levels; *

objective differences in consumption in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, determined by natural and climatic conditions, national traditions and characteristics.

Thus, the consumer basket for calculating the subsistence level is developed by specialists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Russia and is based on the ideas accepted in world practice about the minimum boundaries of adequate nutrition and at the same time takes into account the traditional characteristics of food consumption in Russia.

A consumer basket is a calculated set, an assortment of goods that characterizes the typical level and structure of monthly (annual) consumption of a person or family. The consumer basket in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is established by the legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The consumer basket for calculating the cost of living is established by the law of the Vologda region dated December 6, 2001. No. 731-OZ "O" consumer basket in the Vologda region".

Regular calculations of the consumer basket in Russia have been carried out since 1992.

The minimum consumer basket contains:

33 types of food products, combined into 11 aggregate groups: bakery products, potatoes, vegetables and melons, fresh fruits, meat products, dairy products, fish products, eggs, sugar and confectionery, vegetable oil and margarine, other food products (salt, pepper, etc.) d.);

9 groups of non-food products, including coat group, costume and dress group, linen, hosiery, hats and haberdashery, footwear, school and writing supplies, bed linen, cultural and household goods, basic necessities, sanitation , medications.

When the contents of the consumer basket are known, its value is determined taking into account the level of consumer prices and tariffs for food, non-food goods and services.

It is taken into account that in the working-age population, men make up 52%, and women – 48%. Among pensioners, 28 and 72% are men and women, respectively. The share of children under 6 years of age is 24%, from 7 to 15 years of age – 66%. The qualitative and quantitative filling of the consumer basket is not something frozen. For the main socio-demographic groups in Russia as a whole, it is revised at least once every five years.

The structure of the subsistence level budget includes, in addition to the consumer basket, taxes and other mandatory payments. Mandatory payments and fees when calculating the living wage are determined only for the working population. They are income taxes individuals, i.e. it is determined how much money must be given to the treasury in the form of taxes in order to earn money to purchase the contents of the minimum consumer basket.

It should be noted that the cost of living in general quite objectively reflects the dynamics of prices and the level of well-being of the population. In 2001 39.9 million Russians (27.6% of the total population) had incomes below the subsistence level. Of these, 12.7 million people (8.8%) had incomes below the cost of the minimum food package. It is worth noting that a normal life by Russian standards begins with an income 2.5 times higher than the subsistence level.

Based on the consumer basket and the subsistence level, the minimum wage (minimum wage) and social transfers are established. Minimum wage is a legally fixed lower limit of wages established for the least qualified simple labor. Its value is the reference point for wage scales. Theoretically, the minimum wage should be linked to the cost of living. As of January 1, 2010, the minimum wage in the Vologda region was 4,300 rubles without the regional coefficient.

The minimum pension amount (benefits, scholarships) is a legally fixed lower limit of this kind of social transfers in cash paid to the population.

Calculations of the cost of living in the region as a whole are made by the Department of Health and Social Development of the region based on state statistics on the level of consumer prices for goods and services that determine the consumer basket, as well as on the costs of mandatory payments and fees in accordance with the Methodology for calculating the cost of living in the Vologda region.

The cost of living is determined quarterly and established by decree of the Regional Government. The publication of the cost of living on average for the year represents its assessment based on data established by the Regional Government for the 1st – 4th quarters of the corresponding year.

table 2

Dynamics of the cost of living and the minimum wage in the Vologda region Indicators Years 2001 2008 2009 1st quarter. 2 sq. 3Q 4Q Living wage:

Per capita

5270 - working-age population 1406 5301 5633 5760 5782 5722 - pensioners 828 3844 4134 4243 4264 4224 - children 1258 4388 4740 4851 4878 4849 Population with incomes below the subsistence level (% of total number) 24 16.5 24 24.3 24, 5 24.7

During the period from 2002 to January-September 2009, the number of people with incomes below the subsistence level increased by 2.8% (in 2002, 290.2 thousand people had incomes below the subsistence level, in January-September 2009 - 298.4 thousand people). The poverty rate for the period from 2002 to January–September 2009 increased by 1.7 percentage points and amounted to 24.5 percent (in 2002 – 22.8 percent). The average per capita income in the Vologda region during this period increased 3.1 times and amounted to 10,889 rubles in January–September 2009.

A consumer basket is an approximate calculation set, an assortment of goods that characterizes the typical level and structure of monthly (annual) consumption of a person or family. This set is used to calculate the minimum consumer budget (living wage), based on the cost of the consumer basket in current prices. The consumer basket also serves as a basis for comparing estimated and real consumption levels, as well as a basis for determining the purchasing power of currencies.

The consumer basket is a minimum set of food products, non-food products and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure his life.

In Russia, the consumer basket is calculated in accordance with the law “On the consumer basket as a whole for the Russian Federation” adopted on January 1, 2013. The Russian consumer basket includes three main parts:

1) Food products such as flour products, cereals, vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products, etc.

2) Non-food items, which include things for full clothing, medicines, and equipment.

3) Services for paying for housing, heat, water, electricity, in addition to costs for transport, cultural events, etc.

The calculation of the consumer basket is carried out using a combined method - the volume of food consumption is established in physical terms, and the volume of non-food goods and services is set in a relative indicator - 50% of the cost of the consumer basket. According to the previously used methodology, the consumption of non-food products was established in the same way as the consumption of food products in physical terms. Consumption standards for food products included in the food basket (11 groups) are differentiated for the main socio-demographic groups by natural and climatic zones.

On January 1, 2013, a new consumer basket came into force and will be in effect until 2018.

The consumer basket primarily includes food products, which make up about 50% of its cost (for comparison, in Western European countries, this figure does not exceed 20%). It is worth mentioning that most Russian families also spend more than half of their family budget on food.

Appendices A, B, C present food products, non-food products and services included in the consumer basket for 2015. According to government calculations, an able-bodied citizen consumes 100.4 kg per year. potatoes, 114.6 kg. vegetables, 60 kg. fresh fruit, 126.5 kg. bread and bakery products, 58.6 kg. meat and 18.5 kg of fish products, respectively. Cultural services make up 5% of total monthly expenses.

What does this mean per person per day? This means that an ordinary average citizen of the Russian Federation for a normal existence must consume 300 g of bread per day, potatoes - 280 g, vegetables - 300 g, fresh fruits - 160 g, sweets - 60 g, milk and dairy products. products - 800 g, vegetable oil and fats - 40 g. And also eat one egg every 2 days, be content with 160 g of meat per day, and eat 350 g of fish per week. As for cultural development, here an able-bodied Russian citizen has the chance to go to the cinema or theater once a month for his subsistence minimum; there is no money provided for more for these purposes.

Almost every fifth year in Russia, a tripartite council regulating social relations creates an updated consumer basket, which includes the cost of goods, services that provide comfort for a whole year of life for every citizen, as well as the satisfaction of basic human needs. This course of action is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation.

In Russia in 2015, an increasing number of new goods and services are appearing in everyday life, which is of irreplaceable value in everyday life. It follows from this that the consumer basket should be more voluminous and rich. For example, other countries have already made significant changes in 2015, where the consumer basket was replenished by another nine items. Also included before this list were:

– help from a nanny;

– paid medicine;

- insurance;

– renting a home, as well as buying a laptop, etc.

According to Russian legislation for 2015, no significant amendments will be made to the list of products required for the population. The calculation was determined to indicate a discrepancy in the numerical ratio. The new requirements for 2015 should include healthier diets. The Russian government has decided to significantly reduce bakery products to 127 kg and potatoes to 101 kg per year for each resident. On the other hand, there was an increase in meat production to 59 kg, fish to 19 kg, milk, kefir, sour cream to 293 liters per year per inhabitant. Significant amendments affected most of the food sector. Regarding the other two parts of the basket, no significant changes were made here.

The cost of a given basket in 2015 is entirely determined by its product share. According to average estimates, its size increased by approximately 5%, which, when translated into categories regarding residents, is provided as:

– for children approximately 4.9%;

– for workers receiving a pension 9%;

– for the working population 4%.

After converting these percentages into a financial equivalent, the price increases:

– for children 330 rubles;

– workers on pension up to 490 rubles;

– for the working population about 280 rubles.