What does depth of field mean. What is viewing, visit and refusal in Yandex metrics. What is Depth View

When the conversion of a one-page site is not satisfactory, the question arises “how to increase the conversion?”. You can listen to the subjective advice of everyone in a row, or you can analyze, find and fix weak spots. In this article, you will learn how the analytics of a one-page site or, as they are also called, a landing page, is done in practice.

Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica for a one-pager

The first and mandatory step is to install codes for web analytics systems from Google and Yandex.

Tip: do it through Google Tag Manager, save time in the future.

Unfortunately, not all indicators will be useful for landing page analysis. For example, the standard bounce rate will become almost useless. What you should pay attention to?

Time on page

As a rule, time on the page is considered as the difference between the moment the first page is loaded and the moment the second page of the site is loaded.

Our site is one-page, so we don't have any second page. Therefore, time in analytics will almost always be zero. How can this be fixed?

For example, in Google Analytics to calculate the time on the page, the data of the sent events are taken into account. Therefore, you can set up many different events and the time will be more accurate. You can set up an event to close the page in the browser window, then the data will be even more accurate. More details about the events will follow.

Bounce rate

In Google Analytics, the classic bounce rate is calculated as the number of visits with only one page view.

To be more precise, it is not a visit that counts, but an appeal to the counter. As a rule, only the "pageview" call works for everyone, because it is equal to pageview. As with time on the page, you get a very high bounce rate.

You can make this indicator more real using events. They generate calls to the counter, which means they reduce the bounce rate.

In Yandex.Metrica, the situation is different. The metric looks at the number of page views during a visit. If more than 1, then it is "not a failure". Additionally, there is a time limit, the default is 15 seconds. This means if the view lasts more than 15 seconds, then it is “not a rejection”.

It is important to understand that the bounce rate is an attempt to answer the question “A person solved his problem on our site or not?”, An attempt to digitize the visitor’s interest.

Tip: in different projects, in different niches, the bounce rate should be calculated differently. Find for yourself, for your company, the answer to the question “what does rejection mean to you?” and start counting from there.

Webvisor and maps

Definitely useful tools are Webvisor and Scroll and Click Maps. I will not describe their features in detail, because. for one-page sites, they are used in the same way:

  • we look only narrow segments;
  • we look at only one source of traffic;
  • compare the behavior of the two segments.

A click map will help you identify the most important sections of your landing page for your visitors.

Thanks for... Page

The main goal of a landing page is to get a contact or sell right away. In both cases, there are "thank you for subscribing" and "thank you for ordering" pages. What is the difference between the two pages?

The “thank you for order” page usually appears immediately after placing an order. Those. the visitor was on your landing page, made an order and immediately got to this page.

In Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics, you need to set the goal to visit this page. This will make it possible to evaluate the behavior of only people who have bought, and will also help in traffic analysis.

The “thank you for subscribing” page is different in that it gets to it more often after confirming the email address. The traffic source is overwritten, making analysis difficult.

Google Analytics has a special utm tag: utm_nooverride=1. This means that the current traffic source will not be recorded.

There is also a second method using the "List of Excluded Referral Sources". Just add the necessary sites there.

If you are accepting payment online, then the "thank you for your purchase" page will be shown after returning from the site of the payment system. Exclusion of such transition sources will avoid the following situation:

These traffic sources don't bring in customers, they just accept payment and bring people back to the "thank you for shopping" page.

Events with interactions

I mentioned events above. What it is?

While browsing the one-page, the user clicks on the photo, starts watching the video, scrolls through the gallery of reviews, etc. All of these are events.

Each user action can be sent to web analytics systems. The visitor watched the video and sent information about it.

Once the data is collected, you can do the following:

  1. Create two segments of people: “completed the target action (order / lead)” and “did not perform the target action”.
  2. Compare what percentage of people in each segment performed a particular action (event).

What will it give? Imagine that somewhere on the 5th screen you have product photos. 70% of people who made an order looked at these photos (we fix a click on the photo to enlarge the photo). And of those who did not buy, only 10% looked at these photos. What is the conclusion? Let's do an A/B test where we'll move the block with photos to the place of the 2nd screen!

What events to track

The hardest part is choosing which events to track. I recommend keeping track of events that you feel are showing interest. Agree, if the visitor is not interested, then he will not watch the video and photo.

Video viewing. Most video players allow you to track start, pause, and end events. This is what is needed.

To analyze the page, it is important to understand whether visitors watch the video and how this affects orders.

The conclusion “if there is a video, then it will be watched” is extremely erroneous. On one of the projects, I saw this picture:

Please note: visitors scroll through the gallery, but almost never watch the video itself. It can be concluded that only the presence of reviews is important in order to inspire trust.

View photo. Landing pages very often demonstrate a product or the results of a service in the form of images: product photos, before and after photos, screenshots, apartment layout plans, examination scans, etc.

All this should be of interest to the visitor. Acquaintance with this information should lead the visitor to make an order.

You can check how people interact with photos by tracking clicks on them. But how do you know if the photos are interesting?

There is one simple method that few people think about. Opening and closing a photo are two separate events. Using JavaScript code, you can easily measure the time difference between these events, and send the data to Google Analytics. Obviously, the time of studying photos, diagrams, screenshots directly shows interest.

Hidden content. Part of the content is usually hidden in order to save space. But you can do this in order to measure interest in this information.

It looks something like this:

Please note that the full terms of issue and the list of documents are hidden. Click to disclose information will be tracked and sent to Google Analytics.


It turns out that a one-page site is easier to analyze than the usual sites we are used to. The only difference is that we are used to analyzing ordinary sites only by the number of visitors, the depth of views and the bounce rate.

If you study the interest of users, then you will use all the same tools and approaches.

Good luck and high conversions.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Site browsing depth is the average number of pages on a site visited by a user per session. This indicator is presented in standard reports in Google Analytics and . It is used to analyze the behavior of visitors to the site.

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The depth of viewing depends on how interesting and useful information is presented on the resource. The user will go to other sections and will get acquainted with them, if available on the site:

  • convenient navigation;
  • clear interface;
  • quality information that interests him.

In the opposite case, the visitor simply will not understand how to get to the right section, where to find information, and so on.

General information: how site browsing depth is measured

Statistics for this parameter can be viewed if the resource has Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics counters.

In Yandex.Metrica, this parameter is displayed on the first page that loads when you log in to the system.

Detailed information can be read by following the following scheme: "Reports" - "Standard reports" - "Visitors" - "View depth". It displays statistics in any time period and compares the view depth indicator with other options - bounces in%, overall statistics of visits, the number of unique visitors, and so on.

In Google Analytics, depth-of-view is referred to differently - “Page / session”. You can also view the indicator in the summary or by going to the "Audience" - "Overview" section. It also allows you to compare data with each other.

Practical significance

Based on the depth of the page, you can draw conclusions about the potential of the site. For example, the average browsing depth indicates:

  • how interested users are in various sections of the resource;
  • Is the interface user friendly?
  • Is the information provided on the website useful?

For example, if the depth readings are low and the time spent per page is normal, it is possible that the navigation is placed in an awkward position.

The norm of viewing depth is from 3. good depth viewing is a value of 4.5-5.1. However, this is not yet an indicator of quality. Availability a large number pageviews does not necessarily mean that the structure is good. The decisive factor is what the site was able to achieve and whether the readers were able to find what they wanted. Therefore, all indicators must be considered together.

How to increase site browsing depth

  1. Work on the design and usability of the resource. Imagine a site with a bright green background and lots of colorful pictures. find on it necessary information quite difficult, so you shouldn't be surprised to see low scan depth values. You should change the design so that it is easy for visitors to perceive the text.
  2. Get your internal linking right. For information resources, hyperlinks in articles to other interesting sections are suitable. You can add blocks, such as "Related materials" or "Popular". If the resource is trading platform, blocks "Recommended", "Similar products", "Popular sections" and so on will perfectly help.
  3. Diversify content and improve its quality. Interesting texts, pictures and videos are the best way to enhance the viewing depth. Structure texts, break them into blocks, add lists, infographics, and then visitors will stay on your site longer.

The browsing depth, along with other characteristics, signals how interesting the resource is for users. The main thing is to design the site in such a way that the audience wants to return to it again and again, and also work on the quality of the content. Then the viewing depth will be higher, and the resource itself will be more popular.

As such there is no norm for the depth of page viewing of the site, it depends on the theme of the site and the region of promotion. For informational and commercial requests, user behavior patterns may differ significantly.

It is recommended to analyze 3 metrics: browsing depth, time on the site and bounce rate in aggregate for each of the pages and traffic sources. The web browser does the job just fine. For comparison with competitors, you can use, while not focusing on the time on the site. This service it is not accurately defined.

For example, users who enter a query “ruby stone properties” and go to the site will most likely have a viewing depth of just over 1-1.3. Because they are only interested in information about this stone. Each request has its own demand temperature.

How to improve browsing depth?

One common technique used by news sites is to using pagination. Those. we divide the article into several parts, this artificially increases the depth of views. It is important that the material is interesting to readers.

Example 1

Example 2

Using slides in articles, sidebar links inside and relinking under articles also works well. For pages with a bounce rate of more than 30%, it is recommended to review and adjust the content.

It is defined as the ratio of the total number of views to the number of visits for the reporting period. It can be an indicator of behavioral optimization: if the number of views has increased, then the site is attractive to users, and they are not limited to one page.

Ways to increase the depth of views

  • Usability improvement. Navigation should be simple and intuitive so that the visitor enjoys using it.
  • Internal linking. Add a tag cloud, blocks like "Related Articles" so that users can easily navigate between similar materials on the site.
  • Design improvement. The question of colors remains open: for one company, cold tones may be the most attractive in the eyes of users, for others, on the contrary, the red button will be a call to action. Experiments will help identify more effective solutions, and installing a counter will help track changes in visitor behavior.
  • Improving the quality of content and its design. Articles with pictures, with a clear structure, highlighted the main concepts attract attention better than solid text.
  • Page load optimization. The faster the page loads, the greater the chance that the user will not close it, losing patience. So, he can view a few more pages.

View count reports

Yandex.Metrica gives a complete picture. The depth of views in it is displayed as a separate column in most reports. This presentation of data clearly shows the number of pages viewed in combination with other indicators: for example, who spent more time on the site - men or women, which queries in the search engine turned out to be more effective.

2. Google Analytics

In Google Analytics, the pageview depth metric is called "Pages/Session" and is defined as the average pageview depth over the course of a single session. This counts repeat views of the same page. The indicator is also found in several reports: in general data (“Overview”) by audience, behavior, traffic sources. When you click on the "Pages\Session" block, a graph is displayed showing the average viewing depth by day.

It will save you a lot of time and money!

How to make an effective website

In this article, I will talk in detail about how to make an effective website. This process can be divided into three stages:

1. Development of program code and design
2. Domain name registration and hosting rental
3. Online promotions

If you need a site in order for it to simply “be”, then you can limit yourself to the first two points. In this case, the site will be online, but only you and your friends will actually visit it. There are situations when this is enough, but in most cases such an Internet resource will be ineffective. After all, why do we usually create websites? The answer is obvious - in order for it to attract customers to us, which means that people who are interested in our products or services should visit it.

Creation of effective sites

This, as they say, is where the dog is buried, because creating a site and making it available on the web is quite easy, compared to making it visited, and therefore effective. Most companies and private web designers are attracted by low prices for creating websites, but few of them say that this work takes an average specialist 6-8 hours in one day. But the process of website promotion, raising it in search engines such as Yandex and Google can take weeks and even months, depending on the competition of requests.

In other words creating a website and putting it on the Internet is many times easier than attracting targeted visitors to it(prospective clients). It often happens that people who already have a website come to me, but it is of no use.

View Depth

People paid money, but the effect for business is zero.

From time to time, my team and I generally have to redo all the work again, because previous developers did not do internal optimization of the site, or created it on some engine overloaded with third-party links, which greatly complicates the promotion process.

The site should initially be created with the expectation of promotion for certain requests., many details and nuances for effective website promotion are laid in the foundation. It is very important to understand that one without the other cannot be effective.

The promotion process requires constant monitoring. You need to keep track of where the site is located. Search engines periodically change the algorithm for ranking articles in search results. Our task is to track these algorithms and change the code and text of the pages in a timely manner to improve positions.

Today, there are about 50 different ranking factors.

That's why the budget for promotion should be an order of magnitude larger than the budget for creating a website. We do not charge any money for the creation of the site, if the client enters into an agreement with us for promotion and support.

Now we can say a little about design, because it is also an important part of creating an effective (from a marketing point of view) website. We constantly monitor scientific research in this area. Modern psychologists have come to the conclusion that 70% of Google visitors chose it for its simplicity and the absence of factors distracting from the main information. An ideal site from the point of view of most Internet users should be as simple as possible and at the same time contain the information they need, presented in a familiar form. What is a familiar look? Yes, this is the usual book format, decorated with relevant images. Infographics is recognized as the most effective method of presenting information today. Our team has a specialist in creating schematic images and even videos. The design and images on the site are little taken into account by search engines, which means they do not greatly affect the promotion, but they can affect the visitor's decision to use your services.

Well, now you are armed, which means you can decide what you need, and we, in turn, will be happy to offer you our services to create effective sites!

Call us at:

Or send us an email using this form:

The browsing depth in the metric is an indicator of the metrika.yandex.ru service, which reflects the number of web pages that a user views per visit, as well as the average indicator for the number of pages viewed per visit for a certain period of time.

Simply put, browsing depth reflects how many urls (URLs) a user has passed by going to the site.

If the user has gone through five pages, then it will be equal to 5 for his single visit.

If the second visitor went to only one page, then it will be equal to 3 (on average) for these two users.

Why is this factor important?

This is one of the most important behavioral factors, which can be taken into account when ranking the page by thematic keys. Accordingly, the depth of transitions can directly affect the results of site promotion in search engines, namely, organic traffic from search engines.

In addition, it can affect the monetization of the site. If you receive money from advertising YAN (Yandex advertising network), Google Adsense or teasers, your earnings directly depend on how deeply the user browses the pages.

What depth of viewing can be considered a good indicator?

For a factor such as site browsing depth, a good indicator is a relative concept. The theme of the site matters a lot.

Agree that in different topics, users will behave in completely different ways. If, for example, we are talking about a taxi service or urgent medical services, here the viewing depth will be minimal. After all, you also do not go through a dozen pages if you urgently need to move from point A to point B?

Site viewing depth in Yandex Metrica

You see a phone number on the site and just call it. That is why the number of views in the taxi theme barely exceeds one page.

You can see a typical situation with a taxi service website in the picture (service from Moscow):

If we take one of the entertainment topics, then here the depth will, as a rule, be greater.

Therefore, to evaluate this criterion on your site, you need to take indicators not “average for the hospital”, but exclusively your topic. And ideally - data on specific keywords.

How to find out approximate indicators in your subject?

You can ask this question on the thematic forums of webmasters.

I'm sure there will be good people who will share this (and not only) information. No one will give statistics on individual keywords, but on the subject - easily.

It is possible to use more precise and tricky way- there is a special software that is looking for open Yandex Metrics and other analytics systems 😉

Therefore, to argue that a small number of views is bad in any case is not worth it.

Let's also imagine that the content on your page satisfies the user's need to the maximum. He comes from the search to your page and solves his question, while not returning back to the search. After all, this is just an ideal situation. This is what should be encouraged search engines, is not it? And in this case, the norm in terms of viewing depth will be a small indicator.

Of course, a one-page landing will also have a shallow viewing depth. At the same time, it can have a high conversion and be very effective. Where are the views going to come from if there's nowhere to go?

How to increase site browsing depth?

Of course, the greater the viewing depth, the better, as a general rule. Therefore, you need to work on increasing the depth of views.

Here are just some of the activities that improve this metric:

  • competent internal linking (links from the page text to other pages)
  • clear site navigation
  • website design is conducive to working with it
  • adding blocks of information with links to materials that reveal additional details (for example, blocks in the sidebar or at the bottom of the article)
  • the “classic” style of links is desirable - blue and underlined (do not mask links!).

There are also some artificial ways to increase this indicator, for which, nevertheless, they do not yet give pessimization.

So, if you have a section on your site where you can download some documents, you can not give a direct link to the document. Guide the user through one or two slippages before they can download the file. The main thing is to correctly evaluate the user's motivation to receive the file. And don't make him feel like he's being manipulated. A similar strategy is used by many file hosting services.

How to see the viewing depth in Yandex Metrica?

First, it occurs in the summary (on " home page» service Yandex Metrika).

I fire here my test project with traffic, which is not particularly a pity.

Here you can see the depth indicator by views not only for the day, but also for any period of time, for example, for a month.

The view rate of individual visitors can be seen on the menu tab "Webvisor". Here, for each visit, the number of views is indicated.

The Metrics menu section is very important:

Reports - Standard reports - Visitors - Viewing depth.

Here you can see the number of visitors, including in %, who view a certain number of pages.

In addition, in this report, you can apply segmentation, and, for example, evaluate the depth of views for women in cities with a population of one million. This can be quite helpful in assessing the behavior of your target audience.

Similarly, you can see the indicator of the number of views in general by gender.

And by age:

It is very important to track the view depth metric in reports for display resolutions and other technologies.

For example, a report on the presence or absence of JavaScript in the user's browser is very indicative.

Thus, significantly different than average views on views should give you the idea that users are experiencing certain inconveniences (for example, too small links or buttons on the screen of a mobile phone).

To find the cause, you need to test the site on different devices, monitor the behavior of the web browser, and track the dynamics of indicators.

Of course, it is impossible to cover all the subtleties in one article. Ask questions in the comments and write to me.

The question seems to be trivial. The bigger, the better. But, if you look closely at the problem, everything is not so simple.

  • The site has very little traffic (in fact, only existing customers come there to get acquainted with some new option at the invitation of their manager);
  • The site has too much traffic (but all visitors come there solely to see some trick in the design or some good content that has been sold around social network; however, if we are talking, for example, about corporate sales, the “exhaust” from these visits is zero).

It is clear that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

What is site browsing depth and how to increase it

What do you think, what such attendance should be in theory? What proportion of visitors must turn into customers for the site to be called “working”? Every tenth? Or maybe every thousandth?