Nature calendar middle group. nature calendar

For teaching preschool children, Interdesign has developed colorful game wall stands - nature calendars for kindergarten helping children to understand the world around them. The presence of pockets makes nature calendars even more convenient to work with - because they easily accommodate children's themed drawings, information about the current month, day of the week, weather, etc.

Calendar "Seasons" for preschool

Children's calendar "Seasons" consists of 4 parts, one part for each season. The arrow on the calendar indicates the current season. The bright themed coloring of the calendar allows children to easily match the current season and its display on the "Seasons" calendar for kindergarten.

Buy a nature calendar for kindergarten

In our catalog you will find a wide range of different stands for kindergarten subjects "Calendar of Nature". All stands are made of exclusively high-quality materials, so for a long time they will delight the kids in groups. Bright and colorful, they are perfect for decorating a kindergarten. Here you can buy a stand "Calendar of Nature" from the options presented in the catalog or order production based on your own wishes.

Natasha Meleshkina

It is a methodological game guide. Designed to systematically observe seasonal changes nature

Corresponds to GEF DOE and provides the content of the program in the field "cognitive development". Reflects one of the aspects of the educational environment, i.e., directly, the subject-spatial developing environment.

Calendar consists of a stand in the form of a platform with a multi-colored fence. The planks on the fence are painted in the colors of the rainbow and symbolize the days of the week. From 4-5 weeks (they are symbolized by cones - weeks in a row) consists of a month, which is a house with a roof made of flannelgraph. In the house they gather and live all the weeks - another month. Each day is also fixed in number and displayed on the pediment of the house. Months gather in the clearing (circle divided into conditional seasons and months). Next to the house "growing" the tree in which all the months gather in the seasons. The tree consists of 4 parts: autumn winter spring Summer. The tree is on a substrate in the form of a circle. Divided into four seasons, and seasons by months. Thus, visually, starting from the day of the week, in calendar going all year long. To get acquainted with the months, there is an application in the form of folders that contain information about the months of the year (poems, riddles, sayings, signs).

This game guide is intended for children from 5 years old. It can be used by the teacher as part of the GCD, in joint activities with children, as well as for independent play in a group.

A set of methodological aids.

Playground with a fence and a type-setting panel (for illustrations of the seasons ... 1 pc

House…. 1 PC

Wood…. 1 PC

Stand-circle with the name of the seasons ... 1 pc

A set of names of months and numbers….1pc

Cone with the name of the order of the week ... .5 pcs

Explanatory note.

Designed to systematically observe seasonal changes nature, orientation by days, weeks, months, seasons and familiarity with time.

The purpose of this manual is not only to provide knowledge about seasonal changes in nature but also to develop mental activity: perception and thinking, observation, steady cognitive interest, memory, perception and thinking. In the course of working with calendar tasks such as How: the formation of elementary ideas about phenological phenomena nature. Children learn to compare, contrast and establish the cause and temporal dependence of phenomena. Familiarity with the rules of conduct in nature. Education of love and respect for nature.

Via calendar kids visually, in an accessible game form throughout the year determine the year, season, month, day of the week and day of the month; as well as through applications (folders by months of the year) children learn how the weather changes as the seasons change; what happens in the plant and animal world; what happens in human activity. Communication with « nature calendar» develops children: visual and auditory attention and perception; observation and thinking; curiosity; vocabulary and connected speech; fine motor skills of the hands. Observing changes with children nature on walks contribute: versatile development of the child; education of love and respect for plants and animals; the emergence of positive emotions, good mood and inspiration. Benefit addressed to: teachers to work with children from 5 years of age. The manual presents a model for organizing the educational and joint activities of a teacher, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards based on practical experience in familiarizing children with natural the world and aimed at the formation of a natural-science outlook, ecological thinking and a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of the educational field "Knowledge" are solved in an integrated way in the course of mastering educational regions: "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction". The planned results of the development of integrative qualities are determined, which will ensure the full development, education and upbringing of preschoolers. In the course of implementing the goals and objectives, the following subject areas should be achieved. results:

children know:

1) the names of the days of the week, months, seasons;

2) the seasons according to their phenomena and signs;

3) symbols when working with nature's calendar

children can:

1) identify and name the days of the week,

2) determine the sequence of weeks

3) make a month out of a certain number of weeks

4) make up the season from "months"

5) make up a year from "seasons"

6) make observations and fill calendar individually and subgroup;

4) conduct long-term and short-term observations;

filling nature calendar in the preschool educational institution - an important joint Practical activities, during which the teacher teaches children to find the necessary designations for the days of the week, weeks, months, seasons, year. Teaches children how to use and understand symbols. prefabricated information calendar located right in the corner nature and fills up every day.

At the first stage, this happens together with the teacher, then those who can independently arrange the necessary names and numbers are selected from the children.

Can be used in special thematic classes to get acquainted with the outside world, nature, acquaintance with lexical topics (seasons, public dates and holidays, people's clothes, wild animals, etc.) It is very important to evoke a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena in a child nature. The most effective means for this will be frequent, direct observations.

The sequence of acquaintance and filling calendar.

Master class "Calendar of nature in quilling technique"

Author: Buzilova Elena Argadievna, educator, MBDOU Kindergarten general developing species No. 79, Tomsk, Tomsk region.
Material Description: Dear colleagues! I offer you original idea for decorating a corner on ecology - a calendar of nature, made using the quilling technique. Such beautiful calendar nature will delight children, and they will be happy to determine the weather outside the window.

Working process

On English language this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby. To complete this work, you will need colored office paper, glue, ceiling tiles, multifor, velvet colored paper, color printouts of “weather for children” pictures.

To begin with, we will make blanks - multi-colored spirals of colored paper. Colored paper should be cut into strips 5 mm thick along the short side. A strip of quilling paper is twisted into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the quilling paper tape on the tip of a sharp awl or toothpick. Having formed the core of the spiral, you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the effort in time. As a result, a tight spiral should form. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. The paper spiral unfolds to right size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it.
The tip of the paper is stuck with glue.

Thus, blanks for future compositions are obtained.

For each season, I created my own sketch. For example, autumn is a bunch of mountain ash with yellow leaves, winter is a snowflake, summer is butterflies, spring is snowdrops. Glue a round backing onto the velvet paper. Then we draw the contours of the future composition and lay out the picture from the prepared spirals, sticking them on the glue.

After we have laid out and pasted the figure of a butterfly, we glue it along the contour with a long strip of paper.

Elena Zubareva

Every day, together with my preschool children, we celebrate changes in nature(season, air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind direction, etc.) nature calendar. Now there are many different nature calendars(printed, magnetic, ready-made stands, but I decided to try to make diy nature calendar. And here's what came of it.

As a basis, I took the usual plastic panels sold in any hardware store and corners. Two-piece panel held together the foundation for the future nature calendar. I designed this field with plastic corners so that the children could not injure their hands. Then I started to create my own calendar. Using a printer, I printed out suitable pictures, laminated them with adhesive tape and carefully pasted them onto the base.

Placed funny letters at the top NATURE CALENDAR with suns and clouds and a symbol of our groups - sunshine.

Then I carefully pasted 3 dials with arrows (seasons and months, weather conditions and precipitation, parts of the day).

Under them are 2 transparent pockets for cards with the name of the month and date.

And below, I decided to place a funny train with 7 wagons that will help the guys fix the names of the days of the week.

Our calendar really liked the kids. They are pleased to note the changes in nature with its help, they consolidate knowledge about the seasons, parts of the day, days of the week and the characteristic features of the seasons.

We celebrate the weather every day, day after day

We learn a lot of new things together every day.

Changes in nature we celebrate like old

We come to the rescue of our funny calendar.

Time of the year, day of the week, parts of the day without problems

We can easily identify them and tell everyone about them.

We watch with love nature every day

We are not too lazy to make many secrets, new discoveries.

I will be glad if you like our idea. Thank you for your attention!

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Every day in everyday life, children observe their surroundings. They learn the world in all its manifestations, observe the changes of nature.

Calendar of nature "Luntik". Hello, dear colleagues and guests of the site, today I want to introduce my Luntik nature calendar.

Marina Suzdaleva

The change of seasons, day and night, various atmospheric phenomena and precipitation are the subject of study for the entire preschool period. To facilitate the task of observing the changes that occur in nature, the participants "" made nature calendars for their kids with their own hands. As it turned out, there can be many options for creating such a didactic manual. I am sure you will like one of them, and very soon you will have your own center for observing the weather with children in your home.

Source materials:

  • Whatman sheet;
  • A sheet of colored cardboard;
  • Color blanks (we have these natural phenomena, time of day, and seasons);
  • Magnetic tape;
  • Magnets holders;
  • File;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Thick thread with a needle.

Manufacturing process:

Victoria Pechieva, mother of 2 kids: Nastenka 2 years old. 5 months and Matveyka, 8 months old, Belorechensk.

Nature calendar for kids

I made a calendar of nature on a large sheet of drawing paper. First, I developed a sketch, thought out where which elements would be located. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that my daughter could understand.

The calendar has:

  • seasons;
  • days of the week;
  • weather;
  • Times of Day.

I printed out color pictures on the printer, painted some. The days of the week are arranged in colored circles made of self-adhesive paper strictly according to the colors of the rainbow, numbered and signed. The days of the week and the time of day are located in a circle that I pasted onto hard cardboard.

The most difficult thing was to make spinning arrows, dad helped with this. The arrows themselves are made from pieces of a yogurt bottle (originally cut out of cardboard, but seemed fragile). The arrow is attached with a bolt and nuts, the nuts are screwed on both sides of the poster, for strength everything was laid with cardboard. The metal elements were sealed with white self-adhesive paper.

First, you can look at the poster, study the numbers, colors, weather, and then the daughter herself will show what the weather is like now.

Olga Antonenko and daughter Olesya, 1 year 5 months, Yaroslavl

Calendar - a window on the refrigerator

We will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored beautiful paper;
  • soft magnets;
  • printed thematic pictures;
  • glue.

I immediately liked the idea of ​​creating a weather calendar. The only thing was that there was no time to do something large-scale, project-based. Yes, and I wanted something small and on magnets. Therefore, I decided that it would be a window on the refrigerator. Our refrigerator is conveniently located near the window, and as a rule, it is with it that the day begins. So I thought it would be great to start not only with food, but also with observing what is now outside the window, what day of the week, in what mood we woke up and fill our window.

The window itself was made of thick cardboard. Then I decorated it with beautiful colored paper and glued a soft magnet on the back. Then I printed pictures. Decided it would be:

  • Day of the month - will help us to study the numbers;
  • The days of the week are in the form of wagons, so that they can be either attached to the window or assembled side by side in order;
  • Weather - we will look out the window and analyze what we see now;
  • - help the son to better understand what he feels;
  • Months - I think, it is already possible to slowly master.

And the last one is the most difficult to implement, but I really want it to be the most important event of the day. It can be put down in the morning, as an expectation of what lies ahead for us today, or in the evening, so that the son himself chooses what he remembers the most.

Until this column is filled, I need to think about which pictures to choose, most likely it will be replenished gradually, because going to the theater and buying ice cream can become an important event.
In any case, I hope filling this box will become a good tradition to start the day.

Olga Danilova and son Yura, 2.6 years old, St. Petersburg.

The calendar was made in several visits. It consists of three blocks:

  • season;
  • day / night (days of the week are still difficult for us to realize).

The idea was this: to make sensory seasons.

Winter- covered the sheet with heavily diluted blue gouache, then sprinkled with salt. When it dried, it turned out very beautifully, the salt crystals shimmer like snow.

Spring- first they picked napkins, then soaked them in a solution (water + green gouache + PVA). I glued it to the sheet. After drying, the child applied flowers with his finger - yellow, blue, red.

Summer- the butterfly was painted with fingers.

Autumn- first, the child drew falling leaves with a finger, then glued the sticks in the form of trees.

Rain painted with fingers. I cut out the snowflake. The sun from clothespins (there is another modification of it on cardboard). The cloud was cut out of a sponge. Night - stars were drawn on the cream lid with a finger.

Seasons are constantly placed, the rest is inserted into transparent pockets. We will study the weather outside and the time of day.

Alla Shuvalova and daughter Lenochka, 11 months old, Samara.

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

Calendar - poster on self-adhesive film

I wanted to make a functional, useful thing for my daughter, but at the same time, so that it would be interesting to her, understandable, meet her interests and age appropriate. So it didn't load too much. Since my daughter loves to draw, it was decided to allocate a special place for this: she painted a tree (apple tree). Then we will draw color, leaves, apples. In general, what we will observe in nature.

Made the main natural phenomena in the form of Velcro toys:

  • the sun from the threads of floss. Crocheted a cardboard circle;
  • a synthetic winterizer served as a filler for the cloud;
  • a cloud with rain is filled with millet - "rain";
  • I wove a snowflake from beads (you can find many patterns on the Internet).

The whole poster is pasted self-adhesive film due to which it has achieved versatility.

The apple tree turned out to be of the “draw-erase” type, cards can be glued to the rest of the area with adhesive tape or on the same film: signs of spring, other natural phenomena (rainbow, fog, thunderstorm, etc.). I pasted short poems for myself about the cloud, the sun, spring, and it turned out to be little cheat sheets.

Katerina Efremova and daughter Olya 1 year 3 months

The whole family undertook to make a weather calendar: mom cut it out, daughter glued it, and dad assembled the whole structure! For our age, we decided that it would be enough to determine the weather according to the following parameters: the sun is shining, cloudy weather, it is snowing or raining. Over time, the calendar will be supplemented with other criteria. In the meantime, before going for a morning walk, Alena and I look out the window and say what kind of weather is outside our window, and then we go to the weather calendar and hide either the sun, or clouds, or snow, or rain behind its window.

We needed:

Manufacturing process:

  1. Blanks of colored paper were glued onto a large sheet of cardboard (a circle and rays for the sun, clouds, snowflakes were made using a figured hole punch, raindrops).
  2. A window was cut out of a small cardboard, on one side of which a thin cocktail tube was glued.
  3. They pulled a fishing line in the center of the calendar, inserted it into the window with a straw. Smaller pieces of the tube were glued along the edges of the wrong side of the calendar, a fishing line was inserted into them and its ends were tied in the middle of the wrong side.

Thus, the window easily moves from one end of the calendar of nature to the other and can both rise to the top row and fall to the bottom.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena, 2 years old, 2 months old, Yekaterinburg.

My daughter and I already had a calendar indicating the seasons that we made together: we cut out a cardboard circle, divided it into 4 parts, in each of which we drew a tree (covered with snow, blooming and flowering, with a bright green crown and yellow-red ).

After that, I glued our “Dial of the Seasons” onto an A3 sheet, signed and supplemented it with a sheet with the name of the season and months (the colored paper clip acts as an index here), as well as a pocket where we show the number.

Now it's the turn of the weather calendar. We made another round scoreboard with an arrow pointer. They came up with symbols, drew and attached a new scoreboard and an arrow to the already existing calendar with a button.

It turned out much easier and faster than I expected, seeing similar calendars!

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children Anya (4.4 years old) and Misha (1.2 years old), St. Petersburg.

Here is our option a simple calendar weather. Printed the days of the week, time of day and time of year. On a separate sheet, they drew a circle with months and decorated it, added the seasons to it and divided it into sectors.

They hung it on a magnetic board, and with the help of magnets, the daughter sets the desired value. And in the date and weather column writes the corresponding values. Here we have such a mobile board. The most interesting thing is that the daughter can show her imagination and draw the weather as she herself feels. This is mini art - therapy is obtained.

Trukhacheva Maria and daughter Vasilisa, 6 years old

I really liked the idea of ​​a do-it-yourself weather calendar, since my son and I have already begun to learn such concepts as seasons, weather, precipitation.

To begin with, I took a base sheet of A3 watercolor paper, pasted over it with colored paper, with the image of clouds. The main theme of the calendar, I took exactly the concept of seasons and the fact that each season has 3 months.

I found these pictures, made one corner rounded and glued it to the main sheet. Then I wrote down the names of the months. I plan to hang the calendar on the refrigerator, next to the window, so that my son and I can look in there and see what the weather is like now.

On the left, I drew a scale with types of precipitation, opposite which you can put a magnet. I signed the calendar and made an arrow to determine the month. Here is the calendar!

It is clearly visible: it is now spring, the month of March, it is snowing outside. The son has already examined it and it seems to me that he liked the calendar.

Geido Olga and son Vanya, 1 year 3 months old, Novosibirsk

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