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  • Upgrade dieses PCs auf WindowsВ 10 mithilfe des Tools (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Diese Anweisungen gelten für folgende Fälle:

    • Sie besitzen eine Lizenz zur Installation von WindowsВ 10 В und fГјhren auf diesem PC nun ein Upgrade von WindowsВ 7 oder WindowsВ 8.1 durch.
    • Sie mГјssen WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC neu installieren, auf dem WindowsВ 10 bereits aktiviert wurde.

    Wenn Sie WindowsВ 10 auf einem PC mit WindowsВ XP oder WindowsВ Vista installieren oder wenn Sie Installationsmedien erstellen mГјssen, um WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC zu installieren, lesen Sie den folgenden Abschnitt .

    Hinweis: Überprüfen Sie vor der Installation von Windows 10, ob Ihr PC die erfüllt. Weiterführende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und Hardwarekompatibilität finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.

    1. Wählen Sie Tool herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen
    2. Wählen Sie auf der Seite mit den LizenzbedingungenZustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit diesen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun?Jetzt Upgrade für diesen PC ausführen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Nachdem Sie das Tool heruntergeladen und installiert haben, folgt eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Einrichten von Windows 10 auf Ihrem PC. Alle Versionen von Windows 10 sind verfügbar, wenn Sie Windows 10 auswählen, mit der Ausnahme von Enterprise. Weitere Informationen zu Enterprise finden Sie im .

      • Falls Sie keine Lizenz zur Installation von Windows 10 besitzen und zuvor kein Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 durchgefГјhrt haben, kГ¶nnen Sie WindowsВ 10 unter erwerben. .
      • Falls Sie auf diesem PC bereits zuvor ein Upgrade auf Windows 10 durchgefГјhrt haben und das Betriebssystem neu installieren, muss kein ProduktschlГјssel eingegeben werden. Ihr Windows 10 wird spГ¤ter mithilfe Ihrer digitalen Lizenz automatisch aktiviert.
    5. Sobald WindowsB 10 installiert werden kann, erhalten Sie eine Zusammenfassung Ihrer Auswahl sowie der Elemente, die nach dem Upgrade beibehalten werden. WГ¤hlen Sie G„ndern der zu behaltenden Elemente aus, um festzulegen, ob Sie wГ¤hrend des Upgrades Persönliche Dateien und Apps behalten, Nur persönliche Dateien behalten oder Nichts behalten mГ¶chten.
    6. Speichern und schließen Sie alle geöffneten Apps und Dateien. Wählen Sie dann Installation aus.
    7. Die Installation von WindowsIn 10 kann einige Zeit dauern. Der PC wird mehrmals neu gestartet. Schalten Sie den PC nicht aus.
  • Verwenden dieses Tools zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk, DVD oder ISO-Datei) fГјr die Installation von WindowsВ 10 auf einem anderen PC (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

    Befolgen Sie diese Schritte zum Erstellen von Installationsmedien (USB-Laufwerk oder DVD), mit denen Sie eine neue Version von Windows 10 installieren, eine Neuinstallation durchführen oder Windows 10 erneut installieren können.

    Vor dem Herunterladen des Tools muss Folgendes vorhanden sein:

    • Eine Internetverbindung. (Es fallen GebГјhren des Internetdienstanbieters an.)
    • Ein Computer mit ausreichend verfГјgbarem Speicherplatz, ein USB-Laufwerk oder eine externe Festplatte fГјr den Download.
    • Einen leerer USB-Speicherstick mit mindestens 8GB Speicherplatz oder eine leere DVD (plus DVD-Brenner) ist zum Erstellen von Medien erforderlich. Wir empfehlen, ein leeres USB-Speichermedium oder eine leere DVD zu verwenden, da sГ¤mtliche gespeicherten Inhalte gelГ¶scht werden.
    • Wenn beim Brennen einer ISO-Datei auf eine DVD gemeldet wird, dass die DatentrГ¤gerabbilddatei zu groГџ ist, mГјssen Sie eine doppelschichtige DVD (Dual Layer, DL) verwenden.

    ГњberprГјfen Sie einige Punkte auf dem PC, auf dem WindowsВ 10 installiert werden soll:

    • 64-Bit-oder 32-Bit-Processor (CPU). Sie erstellen entweder eine 64-Bit- oder eine 32-Bit-Version von WindowsВ 10. Welche Version Sie benГ¶tigen, kГ¶nnen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen unter PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung unter System ermitteln. Die entsprechenden Informationen finden Sie unter Systemtype.
    • Systemanforderungen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der PC die fГјr WindowsВ 10 erfГјllt. WeiterfГјhrende Informationen zu aktualisierten Treibern und HardwarekompatibilitГ¤t finden Sie auf der Website des PC-Herstellers.
    • Spracheinstellung fГјr Windows. Bei der Installation von WindowsВ 10 mГјssen Sie eine Sprache auswГ¤hlen. Um Ihre aktuelle Spracheinstellung zu ГјberprГјfen, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option Zeit und Sprache Region auf.
    • Windows-Edition. DarГјber hinaus sollten Sie die gleiche Windows-Edition auswГ¤hlen. Wenn Sie ГјberprГјfen mГ¶chten, welche Edition derzeit ausgefГјhrt wird, rufen Sie in den PC-Einstellungen die Option PC-Info oder in der Systemsteuerung die Option System auf. Suchen Sie dort nach Windows Edition. WindowsB 10 Enterprise ist im Medienerstellungstool nicht verfГјgbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im .
    • Microsoft Office-Product. Wenn Sie gerade ein neues GerГ¤t mit OfficeВ 365 erworben haben, sollten Sie den Product Key fГјr den Download und die Installation von Office vor dem Upgrade auf WindowsВ 10 einlГ¶sen (installieren). Informationen zum EinlГ¶sen Ihres Product Keys fГјr Office finden Sie unter Herunterladen und Installieren von OfficeВ 365 Home , Personal oder University auf Ihrem PC. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter DurchfГјhren eines Upgrades auf WindowsВ 10 auf neuen GerГ¤ten, die OfficeВ 365 enthalten .

    Wenn Sie Office 2010 oder eine frühere Version verwenden und eine Neuinstallation von Windows 10 durchführen möchten, benötigen Sie Ihren Product Key für Office. Hinweise zum Ermitteln Ihres Product Keys finden Sie unter So finden Sie Ihren OfficeB 2010-Product Key oder unter Suchen des Product Keys für OfficeB 2007 .

    Erstellen von Installationsmedien mithilfe des Tools:

    1. Wählen Sie Tool jetzt herunterladen und anschließend Ausführen aus. Sie müssen dieses Tool als Administrator ausführen.
    2. Wählen Sie Zustimmen aus, wenn Sie mit den Lizenzbedingungen einverstanden sind.
    3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Was möchten Sie tun? die Option Installationsmedien für einen anderen PC erstellen und anschließend Weiter aus.
    4. Wählen Sie Sprache, Edition und Architektur (64-Bit oder 32-Bit) für Windows 10 aus. Diese Tabelle hilft Ihnen, die richtige Edition von Windows 10 auszuwählen:

      Ihre aktuelle Windows-Edition Windows 10-Edition
      Windows 7 Starter
      Windows 7 Home Basic
      Windows 7 Home Premium
      Windows 7 Professional
      Windows 7 Ultimate
      Windows 8/8.1
      Windows 8.1 with Bing
      Windows 8 Pro
      Windows 8.1 Pro
      Windows 8/8.1 Professional with Media Center
      Windows 8/8.1 Single Language
      Windows 8 Single Language with Bing
      Windows 10 Home
      Windows 10 Pro
      Windows 10
      Windows 8/8.1 Chinese Language Edition
      Windows 8 Chinese Language Edition with Bing
      Windows 10 Home China
    5. Wählen Sie aus, welches Medium Sie verwenden möchten:
    6. Nachdem Erstellen wenden Sie das Installationsmedium mithilfe der folgenden Schritte an.
    7. Nachdem Sie diese Schritte zur Installation von Windows 10 durchgeführt haben, vergewissern Sie sich bitte, dass alle erforderlichen Gerätetreiber installiert sind. Um jetzt nach Updates zu suchen, wählen Sie die Schaltfläche „Start“ aus und gehen Sie dann zu „Einstellungen“ > „Update und Sicherheit“ > „Windows Update“. Wählen Sie dort „Nach Updates suchen“ aus. Bei Bedarf erhalten Sie zusätzliche erforderliche Gerätetreiber auch auf der Support-Website Ihres Geräteherstellers.

      Hinweis: Treiber für Surface-Geräte finden Sie auf der Seite .

    • Verwenden des erstellten Installationsmediums (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Vor der Installation von WindowsB 10 sollten Sie alles speichern, woran Sie arbeiten, und ein Backup Ihres PCs erstellen. Dann können Sie loslegen. Wenn Sie mithilfe des Medienerstellungstools eine ISO-Datei für Windows 10 heruntergeladen haben, müssen Sie diese zunächst auf eine DVD brennen und anschließend die folgenden Schritte durchführen.

      1. Schließen Sie das USB-Laufwerk an den PC an, auf dem Sie Windows 10 installieren möchten, oder legen Sie die DVD in das Laufwerk dieses PCs ein.
      2. Starten Sie Ihren PC neu.

        Falls Ihr PC nicht automatisch mit den USB- oder DVD-Medien startet, mГјssen Sie mГ¶glicherweise ein StartmenГј Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge in den PC-, BIOS- oder UEFI-Einstellungen G¤ndern. Um ein StartmenГј zu Г¶ffnen oder die Startreihenfolge zu Г¤ndern, mГјssen Sie fГјr gewГ¶hnlich sofort nach dem Einschalten Ihres PCs eine Taste drГјcken – etwa F2, F12, LГ¶schen oder ESC. PrГјfen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung Ihres PCs oder besuchen Sie die Website des Herstellers, um zu erfahren, wie man auf ein StartmenГј zugreift und die Startreihenfolge Ihres PCs Г¤ndert. Sollte Ihnen das USB- oder DVD-MediengerГ¤t in Ihren Startoptionen nicht angezeigt werden, wenden Sie sich an den PC-Hersteller. Er wird Ihnen erklГ¤ren, wie Sie “Sicheres Booten" in Ihren BIOS-Einstellungen vorГјbergehend deaktivieren kГ¶nnen.

        Falls Sie das Startmenü oder die Startreihenfolge nicht verändern können und Ihr PC sofort in dem Betriebssystem hochfährt, das Sie ersetzen möchten, wurde Ihr PC möglicherweise nicht vollständig heruntergefahren. Um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr PC vollständig herunterfährt, tippen Sie auf das Netzschaltersymbol auf dem Anmeldebildschirm oder im Startmenü und wählen Sie “Herunterfahren".

      3. Wählen Sie auf der Seite Windows installer Ihre Sprach-, Zeit- und Tastatureinstellungen und anschließend Weiter aus.
      4. Wählen Sie Windows installer aus.
    • Weitere Methoden zum Installieren von WindowsВ 10 mithilfe der ISO-Datei (zum Anzeigen von mehr oder weniger Informationen hier klicken)

      Wenn Sie eine ISO-Datei fГјr WindowsВ 10 heruntergeladen haben, wurde diese Datei lokal an dem von Ihnen ausgewГ¤hlten Speicherort gespeichert. Wenn auf Ihrem PC ein DVD-Brennprogramm von Drittanbietern installiert ist, das Sie zum Erstellen der Installations-DVD verwenden mГ¶chten, kГ¶nnen Sie das Programm mГ¶glicherweise Г¶ffnen, indem Sie zum Speicherort wechseln und auf die ISO-Datei doppelklicken. Andernfalls klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei, klicken auf G–ffnen mit und wählen Ihre bevorzugte DVD-Brennsoftware aus.

      Wenn Sie zum Erstellen einer Installations-DVD den Windows Disk Image Burner verwenden mГ¶chten, wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Eigenschaften aus. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern Гњbernehmen aus. Klicken Sie anschlieГџend mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wГ¤hlen Sie DatentrГ¤gerabbild brennen aus.

      Wenn Sie Windows 10 ohne DVD oder USB-Laufwerk direkt aus der ISO-Datei installieren möchten, können Sie das tun, indem Sie die ISO-Datei bereitstellen. Dadurch wird ein Upgrade des aktuellen Betriebssystems auf Windows 10 ausgeführt.

      So stellen Sie die ISO-Datei bereit:

      1. Wechseln Sie zum Speicherort der ISO-Datei, führen Sie einen Rechtsklick auf die Datei aus und wählen Sie Eigenschaften aus.
      2. Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte “Allgemein” auf G„ndern... und wГ¤hlen Sie Windows Explorer als das Programm aus, mit dem Sie ISO-Dateien Г¶ffnen mГ¶chten. WГ¤hlen Sie dann Гњbernehmen aus.
      3. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die ISO-Datei und wählen Sie Bereitstellen aus.
      4. Doppelklicken Sie auf die ISO-Datei, um die darin enthaltenen Dateien anzuzeigen. Doppelklicken Sie setup.exe, um das Setup von WindowsВ 10 zu starten.

In pure Windows 10, there is only the minimum list of programs necessary to fulfill the most basic requirements. Moreover, some of the applications should be replaced with more convenient ones. For example, a standard notepad is much inferior to third-party text editors, so it is very inconvenient to use.

The most useful programs for Windows 10

Once Windows 10 is installed on your computer and configured, go through the list below and install the missing applications. Each of them will most likely be useful to you, since any user sooner or later encounters their responsibility.

Some applications are completely free, others have a trial period, and others are available only after payment, but such programs often have free analogues. In any case, it is strictly recommended to download applications only from official developer sites, otherwise you run a high risk of running into viruses.


It’s worth starting with an antivirus, since without it it’s not safe to surf the Internet in search of the programs described below. There are a lot of antiviruses at the moment: Dr. Web, Kaspersky, Avast, Eset Nod32, etc. Some of them are shareware, that is, they receive money from users for the advertisements they watch and only offer to buy the full version, and do not force them.

Of course, they all have differences (quality of work, the presence of certain additional functions, for example, such as Firewall and Incognito mode), but first you should install any of them in order to secure the process of searching for the rest. At the same time, remember that the system should not have more than one antivirus, as they tend to conflict with each other, which will lead to problems with Windows and third-party applications.

There are a lot of antiviruses for Windows

Office Suite

The Office package is a set of programs for creating presentations (Power Point), working with tables (Excel), text (Word), etc. Of course, there are analogues of programs from this package, but it is the applications from the Office package that are the most convenient, simple, beautiful and multifunctional, since they are developed by the large company Microsoft (the creator of Windows 10 itself).

Word - a text editor from Office


In Windows 10, the outdated Internet Explorer is replaced by a new standard browser, Edge. It is radically different in interface and support for modern technologies. But despite this, Edge is still inferior to third-party popular browsers.

There are countless browsers, but you should pay attention only to the most convenient ones: Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser. The undisputed leader among them is the browser from Google - Chrome; it is the most productive, convenient, customizable and modern, as it is the fastest to implement support for new services and technologies. It, like all the browsers described above, is free, you can download its current version from the official Google website -

Chrome is the most popular browser

I find it more convenient to use several browsers at the same time. After going through all the options, I settled on a combination of Mozilla Firefox and Yandex.Browser. Both of them work quite stably, satisfying all my requests. I chose these browsers not because they are in any way better than others in the software department, but because of their most simplified and pleasant design and quick access to all necessary sites and functions.

Using Yandex Browser is easy

Flash Player

Flash Player is a plugin that you won't use directly, but it is necessary for many applications to run and to display games and videos in the browser. If you have already downloaded a browser, then Flash Player installed itself along with it. The only thing left to do is update it occasionally, but you can enable auto-updates and forget about it for a long time.

The Flash Player application will help you reproduce website elements

You can download the installation file and get instructions for updating or installing on the official Adobe website -


Java is a programming language in which some applications are written that run inside the browser on certain websites. Most browsers automatically download all the necessary add-ons required to run Java applications. If you want to install the Java support plugin manually, go to the official Oracle website and use detailed instructions for downloading and installing the necessary programs -

You need to install Java for the browser

Driver Update

Drivers are applications necessary for the correct operation of devices connected to the computer, such as headphones, mice, video cards, etc. Windows 10 partially takes responsibility for updating these programs, but does not always do this fully and in a timely manner. Therefore, there are two analogue ways to update drivers: do it manually through the device manager or use a third-party program.

The second option is more convenient, so you should download the Driver Booster program (, open it and launch a scanning procedure, at the end of which you will receive a list of outdated drivers. By clicking the start button, you will allow the program to automatically download and install the latest drivers.

Driver Booster app will help you update your drivers

An analogue is the DriverPack application (

Photo editor

By default, Windows 10 comes with Paint or Paint 3D when the Windows 10 Creators Update is released. It allows you to crop photos and draw on them, create some effects and change properties, but its functions are not enough to fully process the image. If you want to do something more or less professional with a picture, you will have to download additional photo editors.

The most famous, convenient and versatile editor is Photoshop CS. It is used by everyone - from complete beginners to high-level professionals. The possibilities of Photoshop are endless, as it contains tools that allow you to change all the properties of a photograph beyond recognition. It is being developed by Adobe (the creator of Flash Player), you can download a trial version of the editor for free on the official website -

Photoshop CS is suitable for both beginners and professionals

Viewing video files

Windows 10 has a program that is responsible for viewing video files of different formats. But the range of formats it supports and the number of different settings is small, so in some cases you will have to resort to a third-party player. For example, you can use the well-known analogue of VLC Media Player - It supports most existing formats, is customizable and expandable by installing add-ons, and is free and easy to use.

VLC Media Player supports a large number of formats

An analogue is the Light Alloy player (

Video editor

There are many editors that allow you to edit (trim, add effects and transitions) videos. One of the most convenient is Sony Vegas Pro ( It, like Photoshop CS, is suitable for both beginners and professionals. It contains the entire set of tools necessary to create both simple editing and full-fledged cinema.

Sony Vegas Pro allows you to edit videos at a high level

An analogue is the VSDC video editor (


If you are going to work with a variety of files, then sooner or later you will encounter the fact that your computer does not know how to open some format. The fact is that each file is encrypted using a certain algorithm, which is why it is assigned a format. If the computer does not know how to decrypt this format, it offers to find a program in the Microsoft store that can do it for it.

In order not to waste time searching for applications in the future, you can install a set of codecs that teach the system to decrypt unpopular formats. For example, you can use the free K-Lite Codec Pack Full application ( It will help you find and install the necessary codecs automatically.

K-Lite Codec Pack Full will help you install codecs


Many files are downloaded from the Internet in zip, rar and other compressed formats. To open them, you will first have to unzip them. To do this, you will need an archiver application that can work with compressed files. Also, using this program, you can independently reduce the size of files by creating archives.

7-zip is a simple, a little heavy, but at the same time a full-fledged program for archiving and unzipping almost all known compression formats. You can download it for free from the official website - After it is installed, the “Add to archive” or “Extract from archive” function will appear in the context menu called by right-clicking on the file.

The 7-ZIP archiver will help you work with archives

An analogue is the WinRAR application (

Data recovery

Accidentally deleted files can be rescued using third-party programs. Let's say you accidentally erase a photo or format a flash drive - important files will be lost, but in some cases they can be recovered. For example, you can launch the free program Recuva ( and let it scan your memory. If there is any chance of saving the files, it will prompt you to do so.

Recuva will help you recover deleted files

Of course, it is not always possible to gain access to erased elements; sometimes they actually disappear forever. But it is necessary to have a program at hand that can give a chance for recovery, since the sooner you turn to it, the greater the chances of a positive outcome.

An analogue is the R-studio program (

Cleaning your computer

Over time, files that are unnecessary to the system will begin to accumulate in the computer’s memory. It is not necessary that you create them manually; often temporary files are not cleaned up by various applications. The appearance of garbage will lead to a decrease in system performance and a decrease in the amount of free memory. It is almost impossible to clean the system of such elements manually; at least, the process will take a lot of time.

CCleaner will help remove excess junk

But the procedure can be speeded up by installing a special application, for example, CCleaner ( Using it, you can clear the system memory of everything unnecessary in just two clicks: just click the “Analysis” button, then the “Clear” button.

An analogue is the Advanced SystemCare Free application (

Setting apps as default

As mentioned above, many third-party applications do not complement the system, but replace its applications. Naturally, by default, Windows will open files in its own program, not in a third-party program. At best, it will ask you every time to choose which application to open a particular file through. To avoid this, you need to select default applications for all file types:

  1. Expand PC settings. Open the “System” block
  2. Select the “Default Applications” sub-item (can be found through the search bar). You will see a list of file types, each of which has its own application. To select your application for a particular type, click on the plus icon or on the icon of an already specified program and from the expanded list, select the utility that you want to use by default.
    Choosing which programs will open files

Using the method described above, you can select the browser, text editor, video player, photo editor and other applications that will be used by default.

Video: Selecting Default Apps Windows 10

Having a clean Windows 10, first of all, supplement it with an antivirus. After that, proceed to download everything you need, including what may be useful in the future. What useful applications do you use?

Downloading system programs for Windows 10 is as important as downloading the OS itself. Without additions, you will of course be able to work, but this work will definitely be incomplete. We recommend downloading programs both to optimize the operation of the OS and to monitor activity.

What system programs for Windows 10 are worth downloading?

The section with system programs is very large, it’s easy to get lost in it. Therefore, let’s clarify which system programs for Windows 10 are worth downloading. You need to select one program each that is responsible for the following areas of work on a PC:

  • System optimization;

  • Data monitoring;

  • Working with HDD;

  • Analysis;

System programs complement Windows 10. For example, it allows you to work with the OS registry, cleaning it and correcting errors. You can also download special system programs that can defragment the disk much faster, or delete unnecessary duplicate files.

System improvement

We can say that Windows 10 is a framework, and you are free to modify it yourself as you want. We are not talking about decorating the interface or changing the sounds in the system. We are talking about OS functionality. You can supplement it in such a way that Windows 10 will work much faster, even on an old device.

Windows 10 64 bit supports the same system programs as the 32-bit version of the OS. The only difference is that the distributions (installation files) are different. As is the case with others, system programs are not only paid, but also free. Most of the programs that we have posted in this section are completely free.

Programs for Windows 10 have become a popular object of search, study, and components of all kinds of ratings and reviews.

If we talk about which computer applications are the most necessary and useful, we should immediately make a reservation: a lot here depends on taste, preferences, who needs what programs for work, etc.

There is a certain set of applications necessary for each user, without which no computer or laptop will be provided with a basic set of important functions, such as:

  • drafting, reading and storing documents;
  • viewing images and video files;
  • playback of sound files;
  • working with the camera;
  • Internet navigation;
  • IP telephony, voice and video communications;
  • downloading files from the Internet;
  • search and update drivers;
  • safety.

There are other types of programs that are not included in the mandatory list, but each of them can also have a multimillion-dollar circle of users. This includes all kinds of graphic editors, game programs, applications for setting up, optimizing and cleaning your computer, editing audio and video files, for burning discs and a number of other tasks.

This is the most necessary software with which any user begins equipping his operating system.

Some of the applications are pre-installed. The tenth Windows is no exception, as Windows 10 is often called in computer slang.

A quick overview of the programs pre-installed in Windows 10

The set of applications supplied with the operating system can hardly be called rich, but it still contains useful software.

It's worth starting with a new product that appeared in this version of Windows - the Microsoft Edge browser. This new development from the operating system manufacturer leaves a good impression: quick start, good speed, responsive interface, viewing comfort, convenient menus and settings. True, for full competition and leadership among browsers there is still not enough support for extensions. However, it seems that if Microsoft continues to develop its browser, and does not treat it like the infamous Internet Explorer, the future of Microsoft Edge could promise excellent prospects.

Internet Explorer is also included in the operating system, but it is hidden quite far away.

You can find it through the search bar on the taskbar, or in the folder C:\ Program Files\ Internet Explorer\ (the file needed to run is called “iexplore.exe”). The latest versions of this browser were surprisingly good and functional, but by that time its reputation was so badly damaged that few people wanted to return to it and use it again.

Another promising development that appeared in Windows 10 is the voice assistant Cortana (Cortana), which, by voice command, performs actions on the computer and on the Internet. Unfortunately, the program does not yet work in all languages ​​and in a limited number of regions; in particular, it is not available for speakers of Russian and languages ​​of the CIS countries. Those who know English well can use it by changing the main language and region in the system settings (for example, to the USA or the UK). Support for the Russian language is expected in the coming years. Similar applications have previously been developed for mobile phones, but are new to computer operating systems.

Other useful programs installed in the operating system are actually repetitions of software available in previous versions of Windows and do not contain significant changes. This does not diminish their merits and significance. These include:

  1. Graphic editor Paint.
  2. Text editor Notepad.
  3. Screenshot Scissors app.
  4. Windows Media Player.
  5. Applications Photos, Camera, Calendar, Calculator.
  6. Windows Defender.

Most software has to be installed on a computer separately from the operating system according to your needs and preferences. Fortunately, there is no shortage of applications and developments for any version of Windows, including the top ten. There is probably no need to analyze even a small part of all the software that is designed for Windows 10, but it is worth mentioning the best and most necessary programs, without which it is difficult to imagine working on a computer.

For example, archivers. There are many good options here, but the leader is rightfully the WinRar program. It copes well with all the necessary tasks, works with any archives, has a clear interface and is well known to most users. Other popular archivers include 7-Zip and Universal Extractor, which are also distinguished by their simplicity, functionality and ability to work with all types of archives.

Office programs

The most common program for working with PDF files is Adobe Reader. It has a pleasant, accessible and familiar interface to many and does an excellent job of its functions. Its disadvantage can be considered quite frequent and large-volume updates, which is not the best option for users with limited traffic. In this case, as a good alternative, we can recommend Foxit Reader or Sumatra PDF, which are excellent for working with this format.

For operations with documents in doc or docx formats, tables and presentations, the famous Microsoft Office, an office suite from the developer of the Windows operating system, comes first. It is paid, although it is no secret that in reality not all users honestly pay for its use. The latest three versions are Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 and 2016, and any of them can be installed on Windows 10.

The most popular and best programs included in this package are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, and most of the others are not familiar to everyone.

Graphic editor

Of course, the leader here is the famous Adobe Photoshop, which allows you to do whatever you can think of with photographs. There is another well-known application - CorelDraw Graphic Suite, which has expanded support for Windows 10 with multi-display viewing mode and support for 4K monitors. However, these programs are mainly good for advanced users with serious photo editing skills. For most ordinary users, a good option would be the Paint.Net program, which has slightly greater capabilities than the Paint graphic editor installed in the operating system itself.

As for disk burning programs, Nero has firmly held the leadership in this area for many years, despite the presence of many other well-known applications. If someone is confused by the fact that the program is quite cumbersome and paid, then it has free Micro versions, equipped with everything necessary for recording without many other functions. The latest full versions of Nero, as well as all versions of Nero Micro, are perfectly compatible with Windows 10.

Driver Applications

There are many programs for searching and updating the driver database via the Internet, however, to be honest, there is little need for them, since the operating system itself can search for drivers online (or you can do this through the Device Manager). It’s a completely different matter - a program that contains in ready-made form all the necessary base, which you just need to run, and it will configure and install everything itself. Today there is only one such program - DriverPack Solution, developed by young programmer Arthur Kuzyakov.

The latest offline version weighs as much as 12 gigabytes, which is not surprising, because it contains millions of drivers, many other useful programs and utilities.

It works without the Internet, which can be useful in a number of cases, for example: if there are no networks to connect to, network traffic is very limited, or network drivers are not detected after formatting the computer, etc.

Programs for working with the camera

The standard application for working with a webcam, built into the operating system, may appeal to fans of “native” Microsoft software, but it has limited functionality, and therefore the need for third-party programs arises quite often. For video communication via a webcam, we can recommend the good free program Webcamoid, which is fully compatible with the top ten. To organize video surveillance and broadcasts via the Internet, another free application is Xeoma. There are many other very good webcam programs, such as Cyberlink YouCam or WebCamMax, but most of them are either paid or shareware with time limits.

Programs for downloading files from the Internet

There are various programs for downloading from regular sites and torrents. For standard downloads, Internet Download Manager is very popular due to its many useful features, intelligence and high download speed. It is paid, although it should be noted that not every user prefers to pay honestly for the software. There are also free analogues, but not all of them are compatible with the tenth version of Windows. The best option here is the well-known Download Master program, which has good functionality and speed.

There is no shortage of free applications for downloading from torrent networks: uTorrent, MediaGet, BitComet and many others. Separately, it is worth highlighting the BitComet program because of its ability to work with both torrents and conventional protocols.

Messengers and IP telephony programs

The world's most popular messenger Whatsapp has finally found an official version for Windows. However, it is not independent and is tied to the phone version, and therefore requires keeping the mobile device turned on. In contrast, Viber in its Windows version only requires number confirmation, after which it can work independently of an Android smartphone. You can't ignore Skype. The emergence of numerous competitors could not but affect the popularity of the program, but it did not lose its significance. Anything can happen to a phone or a number: it can get lost or fail, but Skype is Skype - anywhere in the world, in any Internet cafe, you can log into your account and communicate with family and friends.

It is also worth mentioning where in the system properties you can find the default Windows 10 programs so that you can change and customize them at your discretion.

This function in the top ten is somewhat complicated. In previous versions of the OS, this could be done in the settings of the programs themselves or through the properties of any file. Now you can do this through the section Start-Computer Settings-System-Default Applications.

While the Windows operating system lives and improves, all kinds of software for all occasions are developed, updated and improved along with it. This is natural: software gives “life” to a computer and ensures its productivity, without which it cannot perform its basic functions and be useful to a wide range of users.

Those users who have been working with a computer for the first time know that when purchasing a new computer or laptop, it is necessary to install a package of additional programs that are very useful for further operation. This is especially true for the Windows 10 operating system. No matter how sophisticated it is, some functions of this operating system not only have not become better, but are simply not even convenient. For example, the built-in Microsoft Edge browser is not familiar to us, and not everyone likes the application for viewing pictures and photos, and the built-in defender against all kinds of threats, although not bad, I prefer more reliable protection.

For some reason, many people think that a laptop requires a special set of programs. It's a delusion. All programs that are suitable for a computer can be installed on a laptop. Another question is that the hard drive on a laptop is not as large and the memory size may be smaller. Then it is necessary to select programs that are not large in volume and not as resource-intensive as for a computer. But everything else is the same.

I will try to give you a list of programs that are completely free, or that have the opportunity to use their most necessary functions for free. And then you can decide for yourself whether you need these programs, and if so, then you can upgrade to more advanced functionality, but for a small fee.

The following programs are required for Windows 10:

  • Antivirus(Necessarily). You can take free Avast ( He does his job well and has proven himself quite well.
  • Browser to access the Internet. You can install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The one that is installed by default in the top ten is not convenient, and almost no one uses it.
  • Plastic bag office programs m (Excel, Word, Power Point and others if necessary) can be taken on the Internet, but this package is paid. There is an option no worse, but free - Open Office. This office software package is even better and perfectly opens and edits files of the well-known package from Microsoft Office.
  • Free programs to view graphics ACDSee, IrfanView, XnView, Picasa or i-FunViewer. The program that is installed by default in Windows 10 is again not convenient.
  • Video player for watching videos You can leave the one installed in Windows 10, or you can install any other one. The best free ones are VLC Media Player and KMPlayer. They already have all the necessary codecs.
  • Codec set called K-LiteCodecPack. It has a huge number of codecs for almost any video and audio files. Without this package, you will not be able to play videos and music.
  • Program for archiving and unarchiving WinRAR (paid) or 7Zip (free).
  • Program for readingPDF-files – Adobe Reader (paid), PDF-Xchange Viewer (free), Hamster PDF Reader (paid), Foxit Reader (free), Free PDF Reader (free), STDU Viewer (free). Some free versions may be superior to their paid counterparts.
  • Program to convert PDF documents to Word- PDF to Word Converter. The program is free.
  • Program to properly remove unnecessary programs— Iobit-uninstaller (
  • Registry cleaner – CCleaner (free).

These are the most necessary programs.

Choose programs that are suitable for Windows 10 and match the bit size of your system.

For information on where you can quickly download most of these programs, read the article

When installing all programs, be careful, uncheck the boxes next to installing additional programs that come with it. As a last resort, remove them later using the iobit uninstaller program, which I wrote about above.