Software and services for professional search. Search engines without restrictions: three little-known search engines in comparison Paid search Yandex

Hello, dear colleague! This article will focus on programs for searching tenders and auctions. This is a sore subject for most procurement participants, because... searching for procurement is a very important and at the same time labor-intensive stage of participation in tenders. The final result of your participation will depend on how effectively you search and find the tenders you need. Therefore, today we will talk about tools that will make your procurement search work more convenient and efficient. So let's get started...

Tender search software - a panacea for problems?

Many suppliers mistakenly believe that there is some kind of “miracle program” for searching for procurement that can save them from all problems. This program will provide information in batches about the best and most cost-effective purchases, and the participant will only have to click on any of them, study the conditions, prepare his application and take part in the auction. If you are still looking for such a program, then I can disappoint you; there are simply no universal programs that meet all user needs in nature. Any program (search engine) has both its pros and cons. And each procurement participant selects for himself exactly the program that best meets his needs and requirements. And in order to choose the right tool for yourself, you need to test more than one program.

Paid or free search programs

Today, the Internet offers many paid and free solutions for searching for tenders. And in order for you not to completely drown in all this variety of offers, I have posted a selection of such services in mine. If, to search for government and corporate procurement, you can get by with free services, then for a full-fledged search for commercial procurement, free services are absolutely useless. Those. If in your work you focus on commercial tenders, then you should seriously think about choosing a paid search engine. And we will talk about which of them are most preferable below.

Paid search services – which one is better to choose?

And so, if you have already read my article, then you probably noticed that I have identified only 7 preferred paid search services:

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In my opinion, these services are the most effective and convenient to work with. Of course, you can independently test other services presented in the table. But my colleague Andrey Pleshkov and I have already done this work for you, and have selected the best services to date. You can trust our opinion, or see this from your own experience. The choice is yours.

Register and test

Below I have provided short instructions with graphic explanations on how to register in these systems and get free test access to them.

Registration in the Ist-budjet system

In order to register in the ist-budjet system, you need to click on the “Registration” link on the main page of the site.

And then in the window that appears, enter the required data in the registration form and click on the “Finish” button. Or you can register using your profile on Google, VKontakte or

In order to familiarize yourself with the cost of the system’s tariff plans, you need to go to the “Services” tab on the main page of the ist-budjet website. After this, a window will open in front of you with a description of the composition of the tariff plans, as well as a description of the possible services that you can use on the site.

The “Search” tariff plan is free, but you can order free access to such tariff plans as “Search+” and “Analytics”.

In order to learn more about each of the tariff plans, as well as its cost, you need to click on the button with the name of the corresponding plan in the “Description of tariffs and prices” section.

Registration in the Seldon system

You can get free test access to the Seldon system by filling out the form below.

Instructions for filling out the form:

  1. In the “Your name” column, please indicate your full last name, first name and patronymic.
  2. In the “Your E-Mail” column, indicate your email address, to which we will send you a username and password to log into the system.
  3. In the “Subject” column, indicate “Test access”.
  4. In the “Message” field, indicate your contact phone number, at which our manager will contact you for an introductory briefing on registering in the system. And also indicate the TIN of your organization so that the system will generate a login and password for you to log into the system.
  5. Next, enter the code from the image and click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Within one day after submitting your application, our manager will contact you to provide access to the system.

Registration in the Findtenders system

Registering with findtenders is quite easy. To do this, on the main page of the site you need to click on the “Registration” button

and enter your registration information in the window that appears. After that, click on the “Done” button.

You can view the tariff plans and their costs by clicking on the “Tariffs” button on the main page of the site. After which you will be taken to a page with a detailed description of tariff plans.

Registration in the Tenderplan system

The tenderplan search engine provides its users with free two-week access to the system. In order to register in the system, you need to click on the “Registration” button or the “Get Started” button on the main page of the site.

After clicking one of these buttons, a registration form for entering data will open in front of you. Fill in the information and click on the “Start using” button.

Tariff plans of the tenderplan system can be found by clicking on the “Tariffs” link on the main page of the site. After this, a window will open with the cost of tariff plans.

Registration in the Zakupki360 system

In this system, registration is also simple and straightforward. Right in the central part of the site you will find the “Get free access” button. Click on it.

A registration form will open in front of you. Fill in the empty fields and click on the “Register” button. Here you can also register using one of your social media accounts.

Tariffs can be viewed by clicking on the “Tariffs” tab on the main page of the site in the upper right corner. After clicking on this tab, the following page will open in front of you:

Registration in the Meltor system

To register in the meltor system, you need to find the “Registration” button at the top of the main page of the site and click on it.

After that, fill in the empty fields in the window that appears and click on the “Registration” button.

The tariffs tab is also located at the top of the site on the main page. After clicking on this tab, the following window with tariffs will open:

Registration in the Kontur system

To register in the kontur system, you need to follow the link // and click on the “Try 7 days free” button.

In the registration form that appears, you need to fill in all the empty fields and click on the “Register” button.

Tariffs can be found on the page //

And so, in this article I gave you links to 7 paid services for searching for tenders, which, in my opinion, are the most preferable for work. In order for you to choose the right service for yourself, I strongly recommend registering with each of them, and during the free test access, experience all the available functionality to the maximum. This is the only way you can understand which one will best cope with your tasks.

That's all for today. See you in the next articles. If the article was useful to you, then like it at the end and share this material with your friends and colleagues on social networks. Good luck with your search!

How to find a person? Instructions for finding people.

We offer you instructions for searching for people via the Internet. There is a lot of useful information on the Internet, but you need to understand that you will not find an answer to every request. Searching for information requires time and some effort to sift through many databases. An official and unified database of all people using the Internet - No. Moreover, if a person does not appear on the Internet, then the chances of a search are even reduced.

Despite these disadvantages, the Internet allows you to access various data; you choose whether to search for free on your own or submit an application for a paid search.

Paid and free search for data about a person

Paid search allows you to find more accurate and complete information about a person. In this case, you most likely will not search and analyze information yourself, but will make your request online, and you will be informed of the search results.

The free search is carried out independently. For this purpose, existing databases provided on the Internet are used. Typically, this type of search is used to quickly find information about a person.

    Search for missing relatives, classmates, friends.

    In this case, you can get access to the necessary information for free. You can also place your request to find a person by filling out a simple form. Search region - worldwide.

    Goon people search - Add a request
    Website of the program "WAIT FOR ME" - Add a request
    Search for classmates, classmates, former graduates and old friends - Add a request
    My Circle is the first social network on the Russian-language Internet, based on the assertion that all people know each other through no more than six handshakes.

    Paid search for data about a person.

    You can submit a request to search for information about a person, but you will have to pay for the results of this search. Consider these sites as a request to a private detective agency.


    City telephone directories.

    You can get information about a person by phone number or find his address. Often telephone directories contain outdated information, for example, from 2000. But even such information can be useful, and new directories are not published so often.

    Russia: Moscow, Voronezh, Izhevsk, Samara
    Ukraine: Kyiv, Donetsk, Makeevka

    "Who seeks will always find!"


    There are sites that not only provide us with information, but also allow us to supplement and edit it. Such projects are developing at tremendous speed and very quickly turn into huge Knowledge Bases, which are accessed daily by people looking for information on the Internet.

    Wikipedia, based on Web 2.0 technology and having many language localizations, is rightfully considered one of the most ambitious projects. It has its own search mechanism, allowing you to easily and quickly find the necessary articles for future abstracts or scientific works.

    Based on the Wikipedia program code, the so-called wiki engine was created, which allows other Internet projects to create their own Knowledge Bases, which allows you to replenish the World Wide Web with necessary and important information, filling the remaining niches of the information layer of the Internet.

    How to quickly find what you need. Search engines.

    Yandex, Rambler and Google

    Even if you could not find the content you are interested in on numerous directory sites, do not despair. Numerous search engines are already rushing to help, fortunately there are a sufficient number of them. The main “Timurovites” of the Russian-language market are Yandex, Rambler And Google. Also, you can turn to such search engines as Aport, Western Yahoo! and so on. However, we will look specifically at the giants of the RuNet.

    The main advantage of any search engine lies in the mechanism of its operation. Unlike directories, search engines, to add sites to their database, use a special spider robot, which quite successfully scans and indexes all publicly accessible sites on its Global Web.

    Accuracy and simplicity of the request

    Do not try to fully describe the topic of your essay or thesis to the search engine. Try to be concise and precise. Try to learn more about the text you are looking for, think about the search query, and, if necessary, find synonyms for keywords! The most important factor and key to our success is the correctness of the search query.

    Search for a quote or exact title

    What to do with searching for quotes or exact names of companies, musical groups, etc., if the search engine does not take into account very common words? Very simple. All you have to do is put the entire request in quotes, and the system will immediately perceive it as a single whole, without daring to change words or omit any words or symbols.

    Exclusion from search

    The search engine can not only be “forced” to search for the desired text, but also exclude some words from the query. If you do not want to be offered documents with its Culture when searching for an essay on the topic History of Ancient Egypt, simply enter in the Google search field: history of ancient Egypt - culture. In Yandex, instead of the “-” sign, a combination of “~~” signs is used. With this request, the word “culture” was completely excluded from the search criteria.

    Case sensitive search

    Search engines are case-insensitive; all uppercase characters are treated as lowercase by machines, except when using a special operand. This is the exclamation mark “!” before a word. This function is very useful for searching for villages or towns with common names, for example “village!Cats”. In this case, the search engine will not search for sites that talk about the village where cats live, but will search based on the capital letter.

    Resource Directories

    Directory of Internet sites or a directory of Internet resources or simply an Internet directory (English web directory) - a structured set of links to sites with a brief description of them. Sites within the directory are divided by topic, and within topics they can be ranked either by citation index (as in Yandex or Google directories), or by date added, or alphabetically, or by another parameter. This is one of the oldest Internet services.

Making money online by searching for information is another easy way to earn money while sitting at home, without any investment. Literally anyone who has access to the Internet and some free time to work can make money by searching for information. All that is required to earn money this way is to look for information on the Internet and publish it on a special service.

The amount of earnings will depend on the relevance of the information you publish and its relevance to other people. The service will pay you for each view of your publications. Therefore, the more interesting and relevant information you find and publish, the higher your earnings will be.

To start earning money, you need to register on a special service. It's called . This site allows absolutely anyone to make money by searching for information on the Internet. All you need to do is register as an author and ask questions, as well as publish detailed answers to questions from other users.

In this way, the service will receive new interesting publications and be promoted in search engines. Authors who publish articles on the site will receive a portion of the advertising income of the Internet portal. In this way, the author can earn much more from publishing 1 article than, for example, by selling it 1 time on the article exchange. And there are no strict limits on the content of publications on the site. You can write on absolutely any topic. The main thing to remember is that the article should be interesting all year round and collect as many views as possible.

How to register

  1. To register, go to the main page;
  2. In the upper corner, click on the Join button;
  3. after which a small registration form will open in front of you, in which you need to enter all your data;
  4. Enter your login email and password;
  5. Select a question to check and write an answer to it;
  6. Then click on the Register button;
  7. Now you need to go to your mailbox, find a letter from the service there, open it and follow the special link;
  8. This way you will activate your account and gain access to all sections of the service.

What to do to earn money

In order to earn money by searching for information, you need to register as an author. You will select questions in your personal account that users have not yet found an answer to. Next, look for information on the Internet that answers the user’s request, structure it and write it as an answer. After your article has been checked by the editor, it will be published by the service and available for viewing by other users on the Internet.

Consider this example: a person types a question that interests him through a search engine. If you have written a good article on a given topic, the search engine will show it your article as an answer. The user lands on the page with your article and reads it. In this case, you count one view. The number of people who can reach your article in this way depends on the frequency of the request. The frequency of any request on the Internet can be assessed using the service.

To find out what users are interested in and what they search for, write any phrase and click Select. Yandex will give you statistics on a specific phrase or word. This number indicates how many times this phrase was entered into the search bar over the last month. Accordingly, for publications you need to search and select queries with a frequency of 200 queries per month. Then you can earn more.

How to search for unanswered questions

In order to find such questions, you need to go to the Questions tab.

The rules of the service allow you to ask questions yourself and write detailed answers to them yourself. Such publications will also be counted and you will be able to earn money by viewing them. So let's take a closer look.

How to post an answer

After you have selected a question, you need to click on it, and then click on the Answer button.

A special form will open in which you can write your answer. For beginners, special rules have been published on the site, which you must familiarize yourself with before writing and starting work.

How to write answers and questions correctly

The answer should contain information that reveals the topic of the question in more detail. Questions must be formulated in the form of an interrogative sentence. Only relevant information is allowed to be published on the site. The article must be formatted clearly and accurately. It is advisable to structure the text for the best perception of information. If references are used in the answer, they must be indicated without abbreviation. The text must be free of grammatical and punctuation errors.

How much can you earn

You can earn significant money from searching for information if you take this work seriously. One person can write 2 articles and be disappointed when he receives 10 rubles, while another will write every day and look for information on the most popular queries. Therefore, the number of publications and the amount of earnings will completely depend on you.

The service pays 30 rubles for every thousand views. That is, when a user on the Internet wants to find information on a question posed and lands on a page with your publication, this is counted as 1 view of the article. For every 1000 such views you will receive 30 rubles.

The final amount of earnings will depend on two factors:

  • on the popularity of the question to which you sign the answer;
  • on the number of articles you have published.

How to earn more

  1. When choosing a publication topic, check its frequency through the service
  2. work only on topics with more than 100 requests per month (about 3 views per day)
  3. write more articles. You can count on a good income from 500-100 publications

The advantage of this method of earning money is the fact that over time your earnings will grow exponentially. Since you will earn money not only on those articles that you have written recently, but also on all your publications. Accordingly, the more publications you make on, the more articles you will receive compensation for.

Thanks to the site, anyone can make money by searching for information on the Internet: schoolchildren, students, mothers on maternity leave, and even pensioners. All you need to make money searching for information is the ability to use a computer and the Internet, ask interesting questions and write clear, detailed answers.

As expected, Google took first place in the world rankings. His share is more than 70% of search queries from residents from all over the world. Moreover, a third of all traffic comes from US citizens. In addition, Google is the most visited website in the world. The average daily duration of use of the Google search engine is 9 minutes.

The advantage of the Google search engine is the absence of unnecessary elements on the page. Just a search bar and the company logo. Chip are animated pictures and browser games dedicated to popular and local holidays.

2. Bing

Bing - search engine from Microsoft, dating back to 2009. From that moment on, it became a mandatory attribute of smartphones running Windows OS. Bing is also distinguished by minimalism - in addition to the header with a list of all Microsoft products, the page contains only a search bar and the name of the system. Bing is most popular in the USA (31%), China (18%) and Germany (6%).

3. Yahoo!

Third place went to one of the oldest search engines - Yahoo. The bulk of users also live in the USA (24%). It seems that the rest of the world is deliberately avoiding the help of search robots... The search engine is also popular in India, Indonesia, Taiwan and the UK. In addition to the search bar, on the Yahoo! offers a weather forecast in your region, as well as global trends in the form of a news feed.

4. Baidu

A Chinese search engine that has gained notoriety in Russia. Due to its aggressive policy and lack of translation into Russian or English, extensions of this search engine are perceived as viruses. It is very difficult to completely remove them and get rid of pop-up windows with hieroglyphs. However, this site is fourth in the world by attendance. 92% of its audience are Chinese citizens.

5. AOL

AOL is an American search engine whose name stands for America Online. Its popularity is significantly lower than that of previous systems. Its heyday was in the 90s and 00s. Almost 70% of AOL's audience are residents of the United States.

This search engine, dating back to 1995, has quite unusual interface. She perceives all requests as questions and offers answer options in accordance with the search results. This is somewhat reminiscent of the Answers.Mail service. However, it is not amateur answers that are included in the search results, but full-fledged articles. Over the past year, the site has lost about 50 positions in the world ranking of the most popular Internet resources and today ranks only 104th.


This search engine is unremarkable and similar to a lot of other sites. It offers users a lot of services (such as News, Mail, Weather, Travel, etc.) The site's interface also evokes memories of the web of the 90s and, one might assume, has changed little since then.


The developers immediately warn that this search engine does not track your actions online. Nowadays, this is a significant argument when choosing a search engine. The site design is made in a modern manner, using bright colors and funny pictures. Unlike other search engines, the “duck search engine” has been translated into Russian. Over the past year, the site has gained about 400 positions and in March 2017. is ranked 504th in the Alexa popularity rankings.

9. Wolfram Alpha

A distinctive feature of this search is the variety of auxiliary services designed for queries related to certain knowledge. That is, in the search results you will not see links to posts on social networks or articles from the yellow press. You will be offered specific numbers and verified facts in the form of a single document. This browser is ideal for schoolchildren and students.

10. Yandex

Search engine, the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition, about 3% of the site's audience are residents of Germany. The site is notable for its large number of services for all occasions (music, radio, public transport schedules, real estate, translator, etc.) The resource also offers a large selection of individual website design, as well as customizing widgets for yourself. Yandex ranks 31st in the world in popularity, having lost 11 positions over the past year.