The most powerful Chinese tablet. We choose an inexpensive, high-quality tablet made in China. The best inexpensive Chinese Windows tablets

Six months ago, I already wrote about choosing a Chinese tablet.
During this time, a lot has changed, so I brought the article about choice to today's realities.

Dozens of Chinese online stores sell hundreds of different tablet models with prices ranging from $60 to $400. How not to get confused in such abundance and choose exactly what you need? In this article I will give general recommendations that will help you make your choice.

First of all, let's figure out why you need a tablet. Here are its main uses:

Internet browsing
Watching films
Watching Internet Videos
Reading electronic documentation (pdf, djvu)
Reading e-books (fiction)
Listening to music
Use as a large navigator, work with maps
Special applications (equipment control, etc.).

In my opinion, fiction should not be read on a tablet - an e-book with an e-ink screen is more suitable for this. At the same time, documents in pdf format are inconvenient to read on such books (as a rule, pdf is laid out for a large format, so for comfortable reading you have to constantly move the picture, and on books with e-ink this is quite slow), so reading electronic documents is the prerogative tablet.

Perhaps the most important thing in any tablet is the screen, so let's start with it.

Screen size

There are four standard screen sizes - 7", 8", 9.7" and 10"-10.1". At the same time, 7" and 10" screens have an aspect ratio of 16:10, and 8" and 9.7" have an aspect ratio of 4:3 (let me remind you that The iPad screen is 9.7", the iPad mini is 7.9". The aspect ratio of both is 4:3).

A 16:10 wide screen is better for watching movies. For browsing the Internet and reading, a 4:3 format tablet is more convenient: it can be used both horizontally and vertically. It’s not very convenient to use a 16:10 format tablet vertically - it turns out to be too narrow and tall.

The big advantage of a seven-inch tablet is its light weight and size. It is easy to hold in your hands for a long time and fits into a jacket pocket or handbag.

The 7" screen size is quite sufficient for games (after all, almost all of them were created for mobile phones with much smaller screens) and watching movies on the go. For the Internet and reading, the wide 7" screen is too small. Yes, everything is visible and you can use it, but 8"-9.7" is much more convenient. Tablets with a wide screen 10"-10.1" are not very practical in my opinion.

Tablet weight

When choosing the size of your tablet, you should pay attention to its weight. A good weight for a seven-inch tablet is 300-330 grams. A 9.7" tablet weighs 586-730 grams (iPads weigh from 601 to 662 grams depending on the model). 662 grams of the New iPad 4G are quite noticeable - it’s hard to hold it for a long time.
After the release of the iPad mini, Chinese 8-inch tablets with light weight (390-430 grams) began to appear, but they are still far from the 309-gram iPad mini. All old models of 8-inch Chinese tablets are very heavy - from 490 to 620 grams.

Screen type

There are two main types of screens used in tablets - IPS and TN. IPS has maximum viewing angles and excellent picture parameters, but it is more expensive. TNs come in very different quality: on some screens the picture may darken when the angle is deviated downwards by as much as 5 degrees, on others it looks quite decent when viewed at large angles. If you buy a tablet with TN, it makes sense to look for reviews on the Internet about its screen or, if possible, look at the screen before purchasing. Another type of matrix - MVA is almost as good as IPS, but it is rarely used.

Screen resolution

Seven-inch tablets use screens with resolutions of 800×480, 1024×600 and 1280×800 pixels. If you plan to use the tablet for browsing the Internet and reading, I strongly recommend not to buy a tablet with an 800x480 pixel screen, because the text on it does not look clear enough.

Modern 8" tablets have a resolution of 1024x768 pixels, but there are also older models with a screen of 800x600 pixels. Of course, I do not recommend taking a tablet with a screen of 800x600 pixels, because 800 pixels in width is not enough even for a 7-inch screen.

For 9.7" tablets, the standard screen has a resolution of 1024x768 pixels (like the iPad 2), but tablets with retina screens of 2048x1536 pixels (like the iPad 3 and 4) have begun to appear.

Screen sensor type

All modern tablets have a capacitive sensor that responds to touch. Different tablet models support different numbers of simultaneous clicks (points) - usually from 5 to 10, but this is not very important. Capacitive sensors may vary in quality - some models may have a sensor that performs worse than others. There may be a decrease in sensitivity at the edges of the screen, and a decrease in sensitivity occurs when contact between the tablet body and hands worsens, so it is important to look at reviews for specific models.

There are still older tablet models with resistive touchscreens on sale. It requires tapping on the screen and does not allow for full multi-finger control.


Tablets differ in power consumption and battery capacity. The standard is considered to be 3 hours of operation at maximum load and 5 hours of video viewing mode with WI-FI turned off. There are models that work in video viewing mode for up to 10 hours. In addition to data on sellers’ websites, it makes sense to look for customer reviews, because sellers’ data is not always true.


The most popular processors of 2012 are dual-core Rockchip RK3066 and Amlogic 8726-M6(MX), operating at frequencies of 1600 and 1500 Mhz. These processors are built on the Cortex A9 architecture and have an integrated Mali 400 GPU. Cortex is not a processor model, but an architecture from ARM, which does not make processors itself.

Now tablets are appearing on the new quad-core Allwinner A31 and RK3188 processors. Most likely, these processors will be very popular in 2013 models.

There are also tablets with older processors on sale. Thus, at the beginning of last year, the AllWinner A10 chip was popular, including an A8 core operating at a frequency of 1000-1200 Mhz and a Mali-400 graphics core. Although this processor is outdated, the Internet, video, and toys work quite normally on it.

There are still cheap tablets on sale with VIA WM8650 800Mhz processors. These tablets work extremely slowly (so slow that you won’t even be able to fully use the Internet or play the simplest games).


The tablet has three or four types of memory:
1. RAM - random access memory necessary for running programs. Available in sizes from 256MB to 1GB. Must be at least 512 MB, but 1 GB is better.
2. System flash memory on which the operating system and programs are installed. It is desirable that this memory also be 1GB.
3. MicroSD card slot. The card can store video files, music, data, and also install some large programs and games.
4. Internal storage. Replaces or supplements a memory card. Typically it has a capacity of 8GB or 16GB, but the actual capacity will be 6 or 14GB. It is not at all necessary to strive for 16GB, because you can always use a MicroSD card.

Means of communication

There are quite a few Chinese tablets with a built-in 3G modem and SIM card slot. Therefore, you should hardly hope to find a tablet with 3G that is good in all respects, but there are two solutions that replace the tablet’s built-in 3G:
1. Most tablets support an external USB modem. You don’t even need to configure anything: after connecting the modem, the tablet goes online on its own. It is only important that your modem is included in the list of supported ones. The most standard modems that support everything are Huawei E1550, E1750. To connect the modem, you may need an OTG cable, which may not be included with the tablet.
2. All Android smartphones (and iPhone too) can work in access point mode. In this case, the phone becomes a wi-fi router. Setting up this mode on your phone is very simple.


All tablets have a USB port for connecting to a computer, almost all have an OTG mode (connecting USB devices to the tablet). For OTG there can be either a large USB connector, a separate MiniUSB connector, or even a single MiniUSB connector used both for connecting to a computer and for OTG through a special OTG adapter. Some tablets come with an adapter, while some need to be purchased separately.

Via OTG, you can connect USB modems, flash drives, card readers, mice, and keyboards to the tablet.


Most cheap tablets do not have a GPS module. If you plan to use the tablet as a navigator or to work with maps, look for a model with a built-in GPS receiver.

Camera, HDMI

All tablets have a front camera (some also have a rear camera). Is it necessary? In my opinion, not very much. Front only for Skype. Using a tablet as a camera seems quite funny to me. The quality of cameras in most Chinese tablets is very low - manufacturers install the cheapest camera “for show”.

Many tablets have an HDMI output (usually a MiniHDMI connector) for connecting to a TV.

Model fame

Many Chinese tablets do not have any name or model. When buying such a tablet, you need to understand that if something goes wrong, you will be left alone with it and are unlikely to find help on the forums. You can't count on new firmware either. At the same time, almost every nameless tablet is an analogue of some well-known model, but the analogy may not be complete.
I recommend choosing a tablet that has a brand name and model. Before purchasing, you should see if there is a thread dedicated to this model on thematic forums. Chinese brands Ainol, YuanDao (Window, Vido), Pipo, Onda, Ployer momo, Hyundai, Cube, Ramos have proven themselves well.

operating system

Almost all Chinese tablets run on Android. Tablets with Android versions lower than 4.0 are no longer worth buying.

Before purchasing, it makes sense to see if there are alternative and improved firmware. So for many Ainol tablets there are Cyanogenmod firmwares that completely replace Chinese builds of Android.

Google Play

It is very important that the tablet operating system supports Google Play (formerly Android Market). This will allow you to install any programs, of which there are hundreds of thousands on Google Play. If support is not available initially, installing it can be difficult and sometimes impossible.

2016-07-04 18:19:37 VIZART LLC

2013 ... ... 2015 ... 2016 ...

It's time to forget about the joke: “Chinese kids do exercises in the morning... and in the afternoon they take it to the market for sale”)))

In the beginning of 2013, Chinese tablets, as a class, are no longer those buggy, slow hardware that they were in the “starting” year of 2010, but already very high-quality, very productive gadgets, with a guarantee, with technical support and constant firmware updates. This is already a consumer-acceptable product!

For example, immediately after the release of the Apple iPad, Chinese manufacturers quickly “supported” the trend. But, which is quite natural, the first Chinese tablets were of very poor quality, and they were apparently assembled from whatever they could find. And already at the end of 2010, the Chinese industry released several more decent models. At the end of 2011, the Chinese already stopped stupidly copying the design of well-known expensive tablets and began producing their own inexpensive tablets with very decent characteristics.

And now, thanks to the use of cheap dual-core processors, many Chinese tablets outperform branded tablets from Apple and Samsung in terms of performance.

You ask - why Chinese tablets, and not the generally accepted “branded”, fashionable, or as they say “trend” Apple iPad or Samsung Galaxy Tab?

We answer:

1. Prices, prices and prices again. You can buy decent Chinese tablets from 3,000 rubles. The iPad and Galaxy Tab are expensive against this background, and not every consumer can afford to pay 15 - 30 thousand wooden ones for such a toy.

2. A Chinese tablet from a normal (factory) manufacturer has a really high performance. They almost always(!) outperform well-known expensive tablets in terms of basic technical parameters.

3. The Chinese offer tablets for every taste and color. You can choose a device with the parameters that suit you perfectly. Don't need GPS? You can take it without it and not pay for an unnecessary one functional

4. Many people don’t perceive operating system from Apple, but they prefer the axis from Google. And almost all Chinese tablets run the free and open Android operating system.

5. Speed ​​of updating the model range. Just one month after the release of Andriod 4.0, Chinese tablets on this axis began to appear. Well-known manufacturers responded with a delay of more than a quarter.

6. A whole community of consumers has already emerged around Chinese devices. Passionate users customize these tablets to improve their features. They are happy to communicate and will easily tell you how to turn a tablet that costs only $100 into a full-fledged computer.

7. Well-known manufacturers (I won’t point fingers) specifically cut down the functionality of their tablets in order to combat piracy. As a result, we have a lot of inconveniences - neither use a flash drive, nor transfer a file to another tablet, in general all the problems with the connection... Chinese tablets are fundamentally devoid of these shortcomings.

Low price combined with decent characteristics of Chinese tablets are winning the love of the Russian (and not only) people.

How to choose a Chinese tablet

Apple always has only one current product - this is its trade policy. And in China there are many tablet manufacturers, and each one releases a new tablet model at least once every few months: SmartDevices (SmartQ), Ainol, Onda, Window, Teclast, Ployer, Ramos, Bmorn, Cube, Eken, Dropad, Zenithink, etc.

It's not surprising if you haven't heard of these brands yet. They are well-known in China, many of them are OEM manufacturers for another brand, and recently they themselves have begun to produce devices under their own brands.

When choosing, you need to accurately determine the technical parameters of the tablets. Everyone wants everything at once. But in any case you will have to overpay for sophisticated devices. Therefore, you need to choose a set of functions that are important to you and, based on them, choose a specific tablet.

Let's immediately decide that a tablet costing 50 - 80 dollars will be suitable for solving some tasks, but it will be a device with a resistive screen, without multi-touch support, and if you still want more than a text reader, devices at such prices are better don't even consider it.

We also do not recommend choosing NoName tablets, which sometimes don’t even have names. Such tablets are produced in underground “garage” workshops from unknown components, and sometimes at school during a labor lesson)). Choose tablets from well-known Chinese manufacturers, which are not much more expensive than those created by unknown authors.

In practice, very often after a successful tablet model appears on the market, its copies begin to appear. Exactly - exactly! Chinese fakes for a Chinese tablet. They may be presented under other names, or they may be disguised as an original product.

In addition, the same tablet computer can be sold in different online stores under different names. Or vice versa - under the same name you can get completely different gadgets. Our recommendations - choose tablets only from well-known Chinese online stores.
There are a lot of Chinese online stores that sell tablets. There is no point in listing them (Google to the rescue!). Sometimes you will have to spend more than one day on the process of choosing a tablet. Before you buy a device, it is very useful to read what they write about it. A lot of users leave reviews about Chinese tablets on specialized forums. Don't be lazy! Read reviews, watch videos.

Cheap Chinese tablets with normal characteristics

Nowadays there are many good and excellent tablets available for about $100.
Good inexpensive tablets use the AllWinner A10, All Winner A13, Rockchip RK2906, Telechips TCC8923, AMLogic 8726-M, Rockchip RK2918 processor.

Almost all devices run Android 4. If the tablet has an earlier version of Android 2.x installed, then most likely it is an outdated model.

Cheap tablets most often have a single-core processor with a frequency of 1 Hz, at least 512 MB of RAM, a 5-touch capacitive screen, a medium resolution matrix (no worse than 800x480 for 7 inches), 4 GB of memory for storing programs and files, MicroSD support cards, Wi-Fi, support for external 3G modem, G sensor, microphone, video camera (with low quality resolution).

If you are willing to spend a little more than $100, you can even choose a tablet with a high-quality high-resolution IPS matrix. On a tablet priced at 3,000 rubles, you can read texts, surf the Internet, use email and Skype, watch videos, play simple games (including 3D), work in office programs, etc. In general, Chinese tablets offer maximum functionality for minimal money.

Good Chinese tablets

The cost of good tablets starts from $150, and very good tablets start from $250 including delivery.

This tablet uses AllWinner A10, Rockchip RK3066, AMLogic AML8726-MX, TI OMAP4 processors. At least 1 GB DDR3 RAM. Built-in flash memory from 8 GB. There is support for external memory cards up to 32 GB. IPS or TFT matrices with high resolution. Capacitive touch screen with support from 5 to 10 touches. Battery capacity from 3200 mAh. Operating system Android 4.x

Frequently asked question: "What exactly is the best Chinese tablet?"

Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question. It all depends on your needs. Some people need a tablet with a large screen, while others need it to fit in their shirt pocket. And in terms of functionality - for games, or for reading. Just choose a tablet from a well-known Chinese brand, with a modern dual-core processor and a good matrix. The remaining technical parameters depend on taste and color - all markers are different.

Our contacts

Many years ago, Apple disrupted the personal computer market with the release of the first portable tablet, the iPad. Since then, production technology has come a long way. Today they are quite comparable in functionality to good laptops. They are widely used as portable devices for communicating over the Internet, watching videos and listening to music. It must be admitted that 70% of the computer market was occupied by manufacturers from Southeast Asia. Let's try to figure out how good the best models of Chinese tablets are.

Tablets are approaching the functionality of regular PCs

What is the tablet market?

In general, the tablet device market is very similar to other segments of the computer industry. It is firmly occupied by devices based on three types of software:

  • iOS (manufacturer – Apple);
  • Android (manufacturer – Google);
  • Windows (manufacturer: Microsoft).

Each of the above platforms has its own advantages over its competitors. But all of them, of course, are not without shortcomings.

The challenge for manufacturers is to skillfully balance between the “stuffing” of new tablet PCs and their rising cost. Apple is targeting the American and European markets. Every year a relatively small (2-3 pieces) number of gadgets of excellent quality are produced at very high prices. The popularity of tablets with Microsoft software is not so high. They occupy their niche, very rarely breaking into China - one or two models a year are made with Microsoft filling.

Andriod-based tablets are taking over the budget gadget market

In the tablet market produced by Chinese companies, Android software reigns supreme. In the case of tablet PCs, the ease of handling the gadget is often in the first place for users. Transformers with docking stations have become very popular - models the existence of which only yesterday users could only dream of. They have a large number of connectors, excellent screens, and in terms of performance they are comparable to quite decent laptops.

The difficulties of the Chinese choice

Those who have chosen to purchase a tablet model from one of the Chinese manufacturers are often stopped by one circumstance. Not all gadgets are equipped with Russified software. Some tablets have a hastily-made translation into Russian. Believe me, this drives the owner crazy much faster than the complete absence of his native language. Therefore, buyers are not averse to overpaying a certain amount, but purchasing a fully Russified version that will be convenient to use.

Those who bought a tablet from a Chinese manufacturer with an English translation will have to undergo Russification. You can do this yourself using root rights with a simple free program morelocale_2.3.1_rus ( or many others like it). The same can be done without rooting the tablet. In fairness, it should be noted that tablets with the Android OS 4th, and less often - 5th series suffer from the lack of the Russian language. New tablets that have Android 6 or 7 almost always have a Russian version.

Forgetfulness in the matter of Russification adds worries to the tablet buyer

Like many others, tablets from Chinese manufacturers are divided into two standard classes:

  1. Budget.

Their cost rarely exceeds 10-12 thousand rubles. They are definitely not suitable for fans of heavy games, since their hardware has average performance, and their screens rarely reach the HD level (1280x720). But they are ideal for everyday use at work or study, Internet surfing and communication.

  1. Premium

The price of high-performance gadgets on the Russian market is from 12 thousand rubles. depending on the diagonal and internal filling. The buyer who has such a powerful tablet in his hands can afford long gaming sessions, using it as a constantly working GPS navigator and other “heavy” fun.

TOP 10 tablets from Chinese manufacturers,

So, let’s move on to the description of models that, in our opinion, deserve a place in the TOP rating of Chinese tablets of the current year, regardless of whether they are new products or have already managed to occupy their segment in marketing research. This is not a ranking from 10th to 1st, but an attempt to help buyers best choose which model to buy. Therefore, the tablets are arranged in random order. But with one caveat: this list begins with a Premium class model, and it ends with the same super gadget.

Lenovo TAB4 8 Plus

One of the best models of 2018 was released by the Chinese pocket electronics giant, Lenovo. The promotional price for it in Russia fluctuates around 17 thousand rubles. The tablet has a Full HD screen with a diagonal of 8 “. Those who use Chinese smartphones will respect the information about the hardware:

  • processor – Quaicomm Snapdragon 625;
  • graphics chip – Adreno 506;
  • OS – Android 7.0.

8-inch supernew from Lenovo

The remaining characteristics also correspond to the best Chinese smartphones. Suffice it to say that the manufacturer equipped its brainchild with a 4850 mAh battery, which is enough for 36-48 hours of active surfing. 4 GB of RAM and a 64 GB hard drive adequately complete the list of top characteristics of the TAB4 8 PLUS. The set of other services (color, sound, wireless services) is traditional for Lenovo smartphones. The obvious drawback of the gadget is its very mediocre cameras (8 and 5 megapixels).

Digma Plane 1525 3G

Due to its modest price (about 7,000 rubles), a ten-inch tablet from a Hong Kong manufacturer cannot boast of an outstanding processor. The engineers equipped the tablet with a quad-core “heart” MediaTek MT8321 with a frequency of 1.3 GHz. RAM – 2 GB, built-in – 16 GB. Android 7.0 Nougat, traditional for 2018 models, allows you to reduce power consumption to a minimum. An IPS display with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels allows you to watch HD movies and play most mid-range games.

Complete stuffing for modest money

The advantages of this inexpensive tablet include:

  • presence of a built-in GPS antenna;
  • excellent screen quality;
  • low cost;

Demanding users will immediately notice that for such a solid result in the price/quality ratio, the tablet really lacks 4G support. In this case, surfing could be done much faster.

Huawei Mediapad N3 8.0 16 Gb LTE

Huawei is the undisputed champion among all Chinese companies in the premium niche. But cheap tablet models also appear on the market quite often. This year it is Mediapad N3 8.0. The only thing the engineers saved on when assembling the tablet was the poor performance of both cameras. A stylish slim metal case with an 8” screen allows you to continuously enjoy the picture for at least 10 hours using a lithium-polymer battery. Considering the price, the tablet has a good performance Snapdragon 425 processor.

Inexpensive experiment from Huawei

There are a number of other characteristics that deserve to be considered among the indisputable “advantages” of this model:

  • small, despite the body material, weight (350 g);
  • excellent selection of component materials;
  • small (about 10,000 rubles) cost;
  • high processor performance;
  • IPS display quality.

CHUWI Hi10 Plus

Another “price heavyweight” of 2018 from the leader of the Chinese tablet PC market. It belongs to the “transformer” class, and according to user reviews, it is a leader in it. It differs from its counterparts in that it uses Windows 10 OS. Coupled with a metal body, excellent capacity (RAM - 4 GB, hard drive - 64 GB) and an outstanding battery (8400 mAh), the tablet looks simply gorgeous. The “dark horse” is the Intel Z 8300 processor with a clock frequency of 1.83 GHz. The weight of the tablet is only 700 grams.

Transformable giant Hi10 Plus

Of course, 2x2 MP cameras look like a fly in the ointment. Consider that they are simply not in this model. Except that the front camera can take selfies of average quality. It was this slot that became the victim in order not to raise the already prohibitively high price of the gadget (16,500 rubles). Considering that the processor in it has overclocking capabilities, the device is suitable for long-term operation. The only thing that is completely unclear is how it will behave in game mode.

Teclast Tbook 10S

The engineers who developed the tablet’s architecture did not waste time on trifles and equipped it with two operating systems – Windows and Android. As they say, who likes what. A fairly average battery capacity (6000 mAh), and not very powerful sound speakers - this is, perhaps, the entire list of shortcomings that can be found in this tablet.

Tbook 10S - dual-processor “unique”

The rest is all positives:

  • powerful Intel Atom Z8350 processor, large amount of RAM (4 GB) and built-in (64 GB) memory;
  • 10.1” screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels;
  • Intel HD Graphic graphics chip suitable for gaming mode;

Despite the poor sound quality, in terms of price/quality ratio, this gadget left far behind almost all competitors in its class. Price - 12,000 rubles.


And again a CHUWI product, this time the premium gadget Hi13. The revolutionary Microsoft Surface Book may even envy it: after all, with similar characteristics, the “Chinese” one is asking only 27,000 rubles, while the analogue costs more than three times as much. The 13.5” IPS display with a resolution of 3000x2000 pixels is the undisputed champion in quality in the “middleweight” tablet market. The quad-core Intel Celeron T3450 processor, it would seem, does not stand out in any way. Yes, among desktop PCs. But for a tablet this is quite enough.

Widescreen unique Hi13

The biggest drawback of the tablet is the lack of communication modules - GPS, 3G, 4G. The presence of Bluetooth, in this case, is very little consolation. What finally finishes off applicants for purchasing a tablet is the battery capacity – 10,000 mAh and excellent sound quality. In general, the gadget is very specific, a typical home computer. Not everyone wants to shell out almost 30 thousand without getting access to the Internet and the ability to navigate.

Dunobil ECO QC 3G

Quite an unexpected nomination, considering that this brand is very poorly known on the Russian market. But in vain! The tablet is worthy of a separate story. The seven-inch miracle is a cross between a large smartphone and a small laptop. About the same as Xiaomi Mi Max. A tablet with a Navitel license code can be used as a GPS navigator. The parts of the plastic case fit perfectly together. 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal memory are enough for long surfing on the Internet using the MediaTec MT 8321 processor. Modest, but tasteful.

Dunobil ECO QC – small but big

ECO QC can be used as a dual-card phone, has 3G, WiFi functions. Its main disadvantage as a tablet is its very weak battery (2000 mAh), and the absence of an oleophobic coating on the matrix screen. This is very annoying when turning the brightness to maximum mode. Considering the market price (about 8,000 rubles), this tablet is quite suitable for the role of a second smartphone.

Huawei MediaPad M2

Not the best representative of the Huawei line, but this tablet in terms of the sum of its qualities is much cooler than other Chinese analogues. Main "chips":

  • proprietary Hi Silicon 930 processor from Kirin;
  • IPS display with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, comparable in quality to the best AMOLED samples;
  • excellent battery with a capacity of 6000 mAh;
  • low weight of the device (490 g);
  • great sound.

Huawei's M2 is simple and efficient

In terms of autonomy, it is inferior to both the best iPad models and more powerful brothers produced by the famous Chinese company. In addition, traditionally budget models cannot boast of outstanding camera performance. But he has quite a lot of know-how. For example, vision protection mode. It allows you to automatically change screen parameters depending on the lighting in the room. The kit comes with a stylus, for working with which proprietary software is installed on the tablet. With its help it is very convenient to control the operation of the gadget.

VOYO Q101 4G

Perhaps one of the best tablets in the price category under 10,000 rubles. A ten-inch screen and the Android 7.0 operating system are not its most important trump cards. Despite its modest cost (9,000 rubles), the gadget has a whole range of modern characteristics:

  • eight-core MediaTek MT6753 processor;
  • RAM 3 GB, built-in memory – 64 GB with the possibility of expanding twice more;
  • IPS matrix with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and a 5-touch touchscreen;
  • dual-band WiFi module;
  • ability to switch 2G/3G/4G.

VOYO Q101 – low cost, high value

The GPS module allows you to navigate the terrain using the Russian global positioning system GLONASS. The most advanced wireless interface Bluetooth 4.0 allows for fast data exchange with other electronic devices. The only visible drawback of this beautiful, and at the same time, cheap tablet is its not very long battery life. Although, 5000 mAh “for the eyes” is enough for surfing for two days.

Huawei MediaPad M5

The absolute leader of the Chinese tablet computer market also emerged from the assembly line of the Huawei concern. By tradition, like its predecessors, the gadget has not taken a leading position in the price/quality ratio: the Chinese are not reducing prices for new tablets very quickly. But it has a lot of advantages:

  • display protection using 2.5D glass;
  • application of ClariVu display parameter adaptation technology;
  • proprietary eight-core Kirin HiSilicon 930 processor;
  • very spacious hard drive with a capacity of 128 GB;
  • ACM module for hardware improvement of color saturation on the display.

M5 – the champion tablet

The memory slot allows you to increase the volume up to 256 GB. This figure is comparable to any modern laptop. The tablet has excellent battery life. The hardware allows you to run very demanding software. Of course, any heaviest game will go with a bang on the M5. Looking for flaws in this ingenious device, users scoffed and noticed that the plastic buttons on it were not of the best quality. How much does this worsen the performance of a tablet priced at 28,000 rubles? – it’s up to its new owners to decide.

This is the general outline of the Chinese tablet PC market in 2018. Of course, not all models are listed in the review. But everyone, hopefully, will find a gadget that is ideal for work and leisure.

Chinese manufacturing is very developed, and it is not surprising that there are many tablets made in this country in the world. Many experts believe that already in 2014, Chinese tablets will compete with the well-known company Apple. Let's consider best tablets of 2013 made in China.

And so let's start, first place goes to Ramos W30 HD.

The flagship Ramos W30 HD has almost no competitors among manufacturers in China, and there are not many best tablets in the world. It works thanks to a processor with a frequency of 1.4 GHz, it also has a 10.1 inch touch screen, two rear cameras of 2 MP, and a front one of 0.3 MP. RAM 2 GB, as well as 32 GB built-in, expandable via MicroSD. The downside is the battery life is only 6-7 hours, and the operating system is Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich, which cannot be updated.

In second place we have ONDA V972.

This tablet runs on a 1.5GHz processor, 2GB of RAM, a 9.7-inch display, and the ability to play high-quality videos. The phone has 16GB of memory, which can also be increased. Runs on OCAndroid 4.1.1, the battery lasts for eight hours.

Ainol Novo 9 Spark closes the top three.

The Ainol Novo 9 Spark model has almost the same equipment as the ONDA V972, but has the advantage of a larger battery charge, which lasts for 10 hours.

The fourth is FreeLander PD80 Wise.

The tablet is almost in no way inferior to the two previous tablets, since it runs on the same Allwinner A31 base. It runs on the same Android 4.1.1 OS and has the same amount of RAM and built-in memory. The downside is the materials from which it is made, as they are slightly inferior to the previous ones.

Nextway F9X closes our top five.

This tablet does not change traditions and is powered by Allwinner A31, with the same characteristics as the previous ones. It’s just that its cameras are a little worse, and the performance is also not the best, but it works for 8 hours.

On the sixth line we have Sanei N10.

This tablet has a slightly worse processor than the Freescale I.MX6Q with 1.2GHz performance. The display size is 10.1 inches, small thickness and, accordingly, weighs about half a kilogram.

Seventh place has FNF ifive 2.

FNF ifive 2 has worse specifications than Sanei N10, the display is slightly smaller than 9.7 inches. The operating time is about 6-7 hours; the advantage is that the case materials are made of metal, making it comfortable to hold.

Eighth Ainol Novo 10 Hero II.

This tablet has identical characteristics to the FNF ifive 2, but the big disadvantage is its still short battery life. But at the same time, the display size is large and is 10.1 inches.

And the ninth and tenth places were shared between Ainol Novo 10 Captain and Ramos W31.

These two tablets have approximately the same characteristics, only 8 GB of built-in memory, and work without recharging for 5 hours.


Despite the subsided boom of tablet computers, this segment still remains popular among buyers. Among the advantages of these “pocket” computers are lightness, relative ease of maintenance, training and, of course, compactness.

The giants Xiaomi and Lenovo can be considered the most popular companies on the market at the moment.

Truly “Chinese” solutions differ from American and Korean models in their relative minimalism in appearance, a slightly weaker component base, but also a lower price tag.

  • Lenovo. In its current form, the company has existed since 2004, when the deal with IBM took place. Currently, Lenovo is one of the largest suppliers of laptops, portable PCs, desktops and much more. The company also has plenty of tablets: on Android and Windows, in a variety of form factors, including absolutely unique devices that cannot be found from any other company in the world. And all with good hardware at a reasonable cost.
  • Huawei. The company, founded back in 1987, began with the production of telecommunications equipment (which it still does today). In the 2000s, production of frankly mediocre smartphones began. Now we see a radically different situation: Huawei is one of the largest suppliers of excellent portable electronics. The company's tablets always look stylish and offer excellent multimedia capabilities. Currently, it is recommended to refrain from purchasing products from this company due to the cessation of supplies of components for software repair and support due to a conflict with companies from the USA.
  • Asus. This Taipei-based company is a serious competitor to Lenovo. Founded in 1989, the company can easily compete in a dispute for the most extensive range: computer peripherals, components, ready-made solutions, etc. There are, of course, tablets too. These include both budget compact models on Android and premium transformers with powerful hardware and full-fledged Windows.
  • Xiaomi. The company was created in 2010 and is a more “prestigious” version of Huawei. The tablets of this company do not differ in design and usually it consists of minimalism, where the only element of decoration is the “Mi” logo. The manufacturer compensates for this “asceticism” with very high-quality filling and low prices, which is why Xiaomi products fly off the shelves like hot cakes.

We have selected for you the 15 best tablets from China and with Chinese assembly in 2019.

The best Chinese tablets on Android: 7-8 inches diagonal

As you know, there are currently a huge number of different devices on the market with displays of all calibers. But, if, for example, in the world of smartphones the step is almost 0.1 inches, then tablets have certain fixed boundaries. In this case, let's look at tablets with a diagonal of 7-8 inches.

Why do we need models of this size? In fact, these are quite universal devices that can be used at home to watch videos from your favorite YouTube, on the road or at school/work. The diagonal is sufficient to comfortably consume content and work, but the devices themselves, as a rule, are compact enough so as not to take up much space in your bag. Which Chinese tablet of this class to choose - see our rating.

5 Runbo P12

Better protection from the external environment
Country: China
Average price: 39,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

I wouldn’t dare call this tablet cheap – 40,000 rubles is no joke. Let's face it, this gadget is not intended for the mass user, but that makes it all the more interesting for us. The product was developed in collaboration with Chinese scientific laboratories and is intended for use by extreme sports enthusiasts or those who are careless with digital technology. The gadget is equipped with all possible types of protection. The connectors are not simply attached to the device, but have additional latches, including magnetic ones. You won’t see any open niches for headphones or a charging port either, as they are hidden by retractable curtains.

To disassemble the tablet yourself, you need to spend about 2 hours if you have specialized equipment. There is a walkie-talkie that saves battery and money. There are 3 slots for SIM cards at once. Reliably catches the network even in the forest, up to 4G format. It is not afraid of water or shock at all. Speaker at the front. The system consists of a trio that includes Android 5.1, a 1.3 GHz quad-core processor and 3 GB of RAM.

4 Digma Plane 7563N 4G

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 5,380 RUR
Rating (2019): 4.5

An inexpensive tablet with support for 4G networks in the budget segment. The scope of delivery justifies the low purchase costs. Apart from the power adapter, USB cable, user manual and warranty card, you won't find anything else. The design comes in two unisex colors – black and grey. Along with the color of the cover, the color of the frame around the screen also changes. The back side of the model is made of strong metal. Plastic inserts protect the antennas and communication modules from damage at the top and bottom.

The top part is removable and has 2 slots for SIM cards and a slot for Micro SD memory cards. In the center is a lens with a chrome trim. All connectors are located at some distance from each other, so you won’t touch the cables when connecting several at once. A processor with 4 cores and low frequencies of 1.3 GHz with 1 GB of RAM is responsible for the performance. The device is not suitable for games, but is suitable for movies, Internet surfing and use as a smartphone.

3 Xiaomi MiPad 4 64Gb LTE

Reliable Chinese tablet for every day
Country: China
Average price: 19,460 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

8-inch gaming tablet from Xiaomi. It is made for gaming by an eight-core Snapdragon 660 processor with a 2.2 GHz frequency. If you use it every day for a long time, the paint from the plastic case will begin to peel off very quickly in the memory card pocket area. Interestingly, this is not observed in other parts of the case. However, it is made well and even without a cover a year later it will look like new.

It is mandatory to purchase additional protective glass, since the standard one simply does not hold up. There is no global firmware in Russian yet, there is only a localized version exclusively for our market. If you turn the screen horizontally, the wallpaper on your desktop stretches. When updating the software, programs begin to “jump” across the screen, moving to other pages. When actively watching movies, 50% charge is consumed in 6 hours. There are in fact no hidden problems.

2 Lenovo Tab 4 TB-8504X 16Gb

Great performance and quality for little money
Country: China
Average price: 10,744 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Model TB-8504X is the most affordable in the updated Tab 4 line from Lenovo. The body of the device is plastic, but at the same time tactilely pleasant and very practical - the rough back cover does not slip in your hands and is practically scratch-resistant. The only complaint I have is about the flap, under which the slots for the MicroSD card and SIM card (with 4G LTE support) are hidden - it looks flimsy, although, judging by the reviews, it has never come off from anyone. The placement of all elements indicates that this Chinese tablet is designed for vertical use. This is evidenced, in particular, by a pair of excellent quality stereo speakers.

Everything inside corresponds to the price. The processor is Qualcomm Snapdragon 425. Its performance is sufficient for all everyday tasks and undemanding games, but you can’t count on instant response. RAM 2 GB, built-in 16 GB. This is the required minimum for 2018. The screen is made using IPS technology, the resolution is 1280x720 – the quality is good. The battery is 4850 mAh, which is enough for the baby to last a full day at maximum load.

1 Huawei MediaPad M3 8.4 64Gb LTE

Better performance
Country: China
Average price: 24870 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A premium compact tablet is a huge rarity. MediaPad M3 is one of the very few that can boast of a chic appearance and top-end content. Let's start, unexpectedly, with the package - in addition to the tablet and charging cable, it includes excellent headphones from AKG, designed to unleash the potential of the built-in DAC, and even a cloth for wiping the device - nice. The tablet body is metal, durable, and feels great. There is a fast fingerprint scanner, which can also serve as a control key (back, menu, home, assistant). The Harman/Kardon stereo speakers sound great. The screen is the largest in its class – 8.4 inches. The IPS matrix with excellent viewing angles and brightness even has an excessive resolution of 2560x1600 pixels.

The performance situation is strange. On the one hand, the power of HiSilicon Kirin 950 and 4 GB of RAM is more than enough for everyday tasks - applications launch quickly and the interface does not slow down. On the other hand, due to the high screen resolution, gaming performance leaves much to be desired - you have to lower the resolution for more comfortable gameplay.

The best Chinese tablets on Android: 9-10 inches diagonal

This class of tablets is in most cases completely “domesticated”. Agree, using a device on the go that is almost impossible to hold with one hand, not to mention using, is quite difficult. That's why most of these fairly large tablets, as a rule, are used only at home, where it is very convenient to watch movies, read and play. In terms of size and weight, they are not yet comparable to a laptop, but they are also much larger than any smartphone, making it quite convenient to consume content from them.

5 Prestigio Wize PMT1196 3G

Ultra-budget option
Country: China
Average price: 5490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

If you don’t have any money for Xiaomi or Huawei, we recommend taking a closer look at the Prestigio Wize PMT1196 3G. It is logical that the manufacturer saved on many components, making it simpler and leaving only the essentials. A quad-core processor coupled with 1 GB of RAM is not suitable for games, but it’s just right for communicating with relatives via Skype. It’s comfortable to watch movies on it, fortunately the 9.7-inch diagonal allows you to do this.

The case materials are also pleasing, they are made of metal and can even withstand a blow. This did not have a very good effect on the weight of the gadget, but you can’t sacrifice anything for the sake of safety. The lack of 4G was disappointing, but instead the tablet will delight you with good communication via a 3G channel and the ability to install 2 SIM cards at once.

4 ASUS ZenPad 10 Z500KL 32Gb

Best amount of RAM
Country: China
Average price: 23808 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The best in terms of the amount of RAM, which is only 4 GB and, despite the outdated DDR3 format, it is difficult to call it slow. An eight-core processor with an average frequency of 1.8 GHz also helps it cope with everyday tasks. We also like the impressive appearance, combining a metal body with polished edges.

The device’s screen pleases the eye with its brightness, saturation and excellent 2K resolution. The 3:4 aspect ratio is considered ideal for watching movies. When playing, high-quality sound is produced both when using speakers and when connecting a headset. The camera is okay, but you shouldn't count on super-quality photos. Excellent communication thanks to built-in 3G and 4G LTE modules. We recommend purchasing for those users who cannot choose between a tablet and a netbook, since this model is the golden mean between them

3 Prestigio Grace PMT3101 4G

The most affordable price
Country: China
Average price: 7378 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The top is continued by a typical representative of the budget price segment. You can't expect anything extraordinary from its appearance - practical black plastic that fits well in your hands. Coupled with a fairly high edge around the screen, this provides good protection from impacts and scratches. There are no special design delights either. Screen 10.1 diagonal, IPS, resolution 1280x720 pixels. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality, for the price the picture is very nice. But you will have to watch movies with headphones - in reviews, users complain about the poor placement of the speaker on the back cover, which is why it is not recommended to place the tablet on the table.

Inside, everything is still budget-friendly: the MediaTek MT8735 processor produces about 22,000 points in AnTuTu. In practice, this means that the installed Android 7.0 works quickly, but playing games or watching online videos in high quality is not always possible due to slight slowdowns. It is surprising that there are two SIM card slots at once. You can make calls from your tablet. LTE support available. The battery is 6000 mAh, which is enough for a full day of light with active use.

2 Huawei Mediapad T3 10 16Gb LTE

Metal body
Country: China
Average price: 10990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

In the category of large Chinese tablets, there is a more affordable Huawei model – Mediapad T3. Despite the relative cheapness, this is a very nice metal device. The screen is smaller than competitors - 9.6 inches. Accordingly, the dimensions of the tablet are smaller and more convenient to use. The matrix is ​​made using TFT-IPS technology, resolution 1280x800 pixels. There are no complaints about the quality. Unfortunately, there is only one speaker, but it is conveniently located on the bottom edge. With this arrangement, it is almost never blocked by hands or the surface on which it lies.

The insides are quite modest. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 425 processor is good for everyday tasks and undemanding games, but nothing more. RAM and permanent memory are 2 and 16 GB, respectively - quite enough, considering the price tag. 4G LTE supported. There's also Wi-Fi Direct, which none of the competitors can offer. The battery was a little disappointing - only 4800 mAh. For a tablet with such a diagonal, I would like a little more.

1 Lenovo Tab 4 TB-X704L 16Gb

High power
Country: China
Average price: 17850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leading position is occupied by the most powerful and modern tablet. In design, the device resembles its assembly line brother from the previous category, but instead of practical plastic on the back there is beautiful, but easily soiled and slippery glass. One of the interesting features worth noting is the presence of a fingerprint scanner. Its location is misleading at first - you mistake it for a Home button, although in reality the element does not perform any additional functions. I was pleased with the location of the speakers - on the bevel of the top edge. They never overlap with your hands and sound great. It’s not for nothing that there is support for Dolby Atmos. Screen 10.1 inches, IPS, FullHD resolution - excellent quality.

The insides are strange - a powerful Snapdragon 625 is installed and only 3 GB of RAM/16 GB of ROM. The PLUS version with 4/64 GB seems more balanced. But its cost is noticeably higher. The performance of the model in question is quite enough for all everyday tasks and demanding games. 7000 mAh battery – enough for a couple of days of use. The device is charged via a USB Type-C port.

The best inexpensive Chinese Windows tablets

Finally, we got to some of the most interesting devices - Windows tablets. Unlike Android devices, these models are suitable not only for content consumption, but also for light office work. This is also facilitated by the docking stations that come with all the heroes in our rating. Of course, when purchasing, you should take into account that these are just transformers, and not full-fledged tablets. 2 GB of RAM, frankly speaking, is not enough for Windows 10, and the processors are only enough for stable work in the browser. Nevertheless, such devices also have a right to life. And, I must say, they are in certain demand. Let's look at the ranking of the best of them.

5 HP x2 10 Z8350 4Gb 64Gb

Loud speakers
Country: China
Average price: 25,732 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

If you are looking for a tablet with powerful speakers, then the HP x2 10 Z8350 is the perfect choice for you. Unfortunately, they don’t have bass, but you don’t need to buy additional external peripherals to listen to audio recordings. The display, despite the resolution of 1280x800, is quite bright and clear. The available hardware is enough to comfortably surf the Internet and view up to 10 tabs without freezing.

The connection ports include USB 3.0, which is great for fast data exchange in an office environment. The included keyboard is comfortable, but the touchpad leaves much to be desired, since the right button does not always work correctly. The tablet can be rotated at any angle thanks to the flexible mount. After purchase, it is recommended to clean the Windows system of unnecessary software pre-installed by the factory.

4 Lenovo IdeaPad D330 N5000 4Gb 128Gb LTE

Buyers' choice
Country: China
Average price: 39,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The most popular transformable tablet among buyers. A 10-inch Full HD screen has become the golden mean, maintaining a balance in performance and autonomy. The built-in memory is a lot for a tablet and not enough for a laptop and its volume is 128 GB. Such a modest size can be doubled using Micro SD cards. But we are pleased with the amount of RAM and its DDR4 format, which is optimized for mobile devices and the Windows operating system.

The 4-core processor does not differ in performance due to the low frequency of 1.1 GHz. The keyboard is magnetized to the tablet using special guides. Video in Full HD is easily pulled out. In both modes (laptop and tablet), the sensor works great. The buttons recognize even light presses. The case is moderately rigid and does not come off your knees or fall out of your hands. It is not heavy to carry due to its weight of 1.5 kg.

3 Digma EVE 1801 3G

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 17,580 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Traditionally, we start with a budget device. But the model from Digma is not the most typical budget product. In terms of hardware (more on that a little later), the device practically does not lag behind its competitors, but the appearance and materials are much simpler. The case is plastic. Practical but boring. All available ports are concentrated on the left side. And there are quite a few of them - a proprietary charging connector (a minus for this), mini HDMI, a headphone jack and even a full-size USB. The tablet is firmly held in the docking station, so you won’t be able to accidentally unfasten it. The keyboard is mediocre and can be pressed, but its inclusion in the kit is already pleasing.

The Intel Atom x5 Z8300 processor includes 4 cores operating at a frequency of 1.4 GHz. RAM 2 GB. Only enough for undemanding office work. Screen 10.1-inch, resolution 1280x800 pixels, quality is satisfactory. Unfortunately, the built-in memory is only 32 GB. Be sure to take advantage of the ability to install memory cards up to 128 GB. Among the communication modules, we note the presence of DLNA and 3G. The latter is a unique feature of this model that more expensive competitors cannot provide.

2 Lenovo Miix 320 10 2Gb 32Gb WiFi

Best display
Country: China
Average price: RUB 15,699.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Silver rating is much nicer than the previous participant. The body materials, although not premium, feel great in the hands and look good. On the sides, like the Digma, there are various ports, but a couple of full-size USBs become available only when you connect a keyboard dock. The latter, judging by user reviews, is of excellent quality and convenient to use. The screen also deserves praise - fullHD resolution at 10.1 inches looks great. Some buyers note that the brightness is only insufficient for working in the sun.

Things are not so rosy inside. It uses a slightly more powerful Intel Atom x5 Z8350 processor than in the previous case, but the RAM is still 2 GB, which is terribly small for Windows 10. Built-in memory is 32 GB. Again, we’ll buy a flash drive. The situation with communication modules is controversial. The advantages include support for Bluetooth 4.2 and WiFi 802.11ac. The disadvantages are the lack of a SIM card slot and, accordingly, mobile Internet. The cameras are surprisingly good. The main one is 5 megapixels, there is autofocus, the front one is 2 megapixels.

1 ASUS Transformer Book T101HA 4Gb 64Gb dock

The most powerful Chinese Windows tablet
Country: China
Average price: 27568 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The first place is occupied by the most powerful model in this price segment. The T101HA's predecessors gained considerable popularity for their excellent value for money, and the newcomer upholds the bar. The appearance is quite modest, but stylish. The case has all the necessary ports. On the rear surface there is a pair of stereo speakers with an interesting grille design. The sound is not bad. The screen is not standard, with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels by 10.1 inches. The docking station is convenient and of fairly high quality, but, judging by the reviews, there are models with poor assembly quality, which can cause something to rattle inside - check before purchasing.

The processor is similar to that of Lenovo, but the volumes of RAM and permanent memory are twice as high - 4 and 64 GB, respectively. This allows the device to work much faster and does not immediately require a “flash drive” for files. The communication modules are similar to the miix 320, which means you will have to do without mobile Internet. The autonomy is pleasing - in video viewing mode the device lasts about 7-8 hours.