What is the strongest team in Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go team selection. Joining the team

What to do with the acquired collection and how to use it? That's right, in battles against other trainers. Can you do this whenever and wherever you want? Not yet, so you need to choose a team whose interests you will have to defend.

Let us say right away that this choice is not so simple. Firstly, you can only exercise this right once. Secondly, ask your colleagues, acquaintances and friends in advance so that in the future you don’t have to fight against your own people. A kind of civil war, only virtual and much more gentle.

So, the compositions and leaders of the factions.


At the current stage, only 3 groups are represented in Pokemon GO, although in the future they promise one more, but no one has confirmed this data yet. Now you have to play for such communities as:

  1. red (Valor);
  2. blue (Mystic);
  3. yellow (Instinct).

The choice opens at character level 5. During this time, while you are taking the desired level, interview your comrades so that there are no incidents in the future.

A group that is driven only by pressure, strength and destruction. For them, the key to victory is long, grueling training with Pokemon to develop their maximum potential. The key philosophy is that pets are many times superior to humans in all respects, including combat skills, which encourages them to become stronger, more resilient and ready for anything.

Valor Team

The leader of the hall, oddly enough, is a girl named Candela. But don’t think that such a fragile creature won’t twist you into a ram’s horn in a fair duel. She is driven by the desire to be a leader always and in everything. She knows how to stand up for herself and her party members.

The blue faction uses a completely different approach to training and developing Pokémon, namely intelligence, prudence and prudence. Team members strive to understand as much as possible the intricacies of any fight in order to always predict the opponent and hit for sure even in obviously losing situations.

Team members never give up when defeated. A true Mystic always draws conclusions, analyzes the situation, and then concentrates as much as possible on the weaknesses of his fighter or fighters, making an invincible team. The leader of the faction is Blanche, an excellent trainer who will be followed anywhere and anytime.

Team Instinct

The Yellows, as is clear from the name of the group, chose a different path to becoming a coach - feelings and instincts. They have developed their intuition so much that they can discern the situation in the arena in the blink of an eye, feeling as subtly as possible any changes in the process of the fight, extracting maximum benefit.

These guys completely trust their Pokemon, and those – their trainers. As a result, a chemistry is created that will be the envy of all other factions. Party members do not try to make the fighters as strong, smart and just machines as possible. Simple mutual understanding at the level of basic instincts. The leader of the stadium is Spark, an excellent master of instantly capturing the slightest fluctuations in everyone’s consciousness. That's why it's appreciated.

How are the teams different?

Perhaps this question is the next most popular after “what color should I choose?” At this stage, the choice of faction has absolutely no consequences for the player. You do not have any increases, bonuses, additional goodies or other benefits. Yes, it’s a shame, but the developers just don’t have time to implement all their ideas, and there are simply countless of them.

In the future it is planned to implement the following: Reds will receive a small increase in strength indicators in the process of attack and defense, because their path is to be the best on the battlefield. Blue pets will evolve much more actively, receiving additional privileges for this, and the yellow ones will turn into a kind of “mother hens”, getting the most out of hatching eggs from incubators.

Yes, the information is not accurate and is still only at the level of rumors. But there are more and more leaks, and information from different sources is very similar to build an overall picture. We are waiting for further statements.

Most popular faction

According to the results of online surveys, and even when collecting gaming statistics, although not official, it is believed that the most popular ones are blue. What this is connected with is not known. Perhaps they liked the logo of Articuno itself, the legendary Pokemon that protects the air.

Some make their choice quite consciously, while others are guided by instinct, taking the side of their friends and acquaintances. In the USA, Mystic's dominance over the rest is simply colossal.

As for the Russian community of players. Here the commands are also unevenly divided:

  • Valor – 40%;
  • Mystic – 34%;
  • Instinct – 26%.

The data is only approximate, but it helps to understand the overall picture. In the future, when teams receive factional advantages, the situation may change dramatically.

Is it possible to change the group color?

Not everyone acts wisely when choosing a faction. Some just fall through the cracks. Others poke at random, others forget to ask friends. As a result, changing colors does not seem possible through in-game means. You have to re-download your character from scratch, creating a new account.

However, developers sometimes accommodate coaches halfway. If you correctly explain the situation when writing a letter to the support service, then the specialists will consider the application, and you will be “repainted” in a different color. But remember that this action is one-time only.

Choose wisely and fight as your team, bringing terror to other factions in Pokemon GO.

In the end, users become interested in which side is the best. After all, choosing a Pokemon Go team is a responsible step. The answer to this question is much simpler than you might initially think.

Pokemon Go is not only about the open world and catching Pokemon, but also the fun of collecting them all. The game also contains many other interesting gameplay components that are revealed at high levels. Upon reaching the fifth level, each player has to choose a team, which brings a lot of new things into the game for beginners, changing it almost immediately! From this moment on, the Pokemon game turns into a competition between teams!

How to choose a team in Pokemon GO?

In total, there are three different teams in the game, each of which has its own color. Actually, there is a yellow, blue and red side. But how to choose a team in Pokemon GO, because initially there is no information about this! Upon reaching level 5, the player makes a choice by joining one of the teams, thanks to which, when fighting in the competition halls, he begins to bring benefits and resources not to himself, but also to his allies. The game virtually eliminates the possibility of playing alone, literally forcing all players to fight for the good of their color.

The most important thing is that the choice can be made only once, after which the team does not change, which is why some players then create new accounts. It is because of this that the choice of side must be balanced and well thought out, because you will no longer be able to change your mind, for example, at level 10 or 11.

To choose a team, it would be a good idea to look at each of them individually and draw out the overall pros and obvious cons. So, the application contains the following commands.

The team leader, named Spark, is purely instinctive, which is why Team Yellow was named that way in Pokemon GO. This side is good for those who are used to following their hearts, trusting only their feelings and sometimes forgetting about common sense simply because their instincts lead along a different path. The team's symbol is the legendary Pokémon Zapdos.

The leader of this team is Blanche, who is not so easy to outwit. A sharp mind and good intuition allow him to often outperform his opponents. In Pokemon GO, the blue team is eager to learn all the intricacies regarding evolution, and the members of this side are extremely calm. It is almost impossible to intimidate or deceive them. It is ideal for all those who are used to maintaining composure even in the most difficult and unpredictably dangerous situations. If you are one of them, then welcome! The legendary Pokemon of this team is Articuno.

The head of this team is Candela - one of the most daring and at the same time savvy Pokemon catchers in the whole world! All those who are interested in the red team in Pokemon GO should know only one thing: constant training is the key to success for every Pokemon and its trainer! Without a shadow of a doubt, join this team if you internally agree with it! The patron is the legendary and one of the most powerful Pokemon - Moltres.

Best Pokemon GO Team - Conclusion

Which side is the strongest, and joining it will lead you to victory? Today, the differences between them are only conditional and verbal, because in reality all the commands are the same. And even though the developers promise to somehow correct this balance in the coming updates, for now you should be guided only by your taste. In Pokemon GO, the best team is the one you enjoy playing with! It is quite possible that sooner or later developers will implement many differences between teams depending on their patrons, but for now it only makes sense to know the following rules

  • Ask your friends who chose which teams, because playing with friends and communicating with them is where the great interest of the gaming universe lies. So the more people who strive to conquer the halls with you, the better!
  • Assess the general situation in your area, place of study, or work. Make a choice by comparing the number of members of a particular team.

In the end, read the descriptions again and roughly figure out which one suits you best! Choosing a side is a difficult and crucial step - so do it right! Write which side you chose. Good luck in the game and thanks for your attention!

Having safely reached level 5 of Pokemon Go, you cease to be just a Pokemon collector. Because now you can join a team, take part in Pokemon battles with other players, and also capture and defend Gyms.

Coordinated and effective teamwork, of course, greatly simplifies all these activities, bringing the player more victories and, ultimately, more Pokémon.

True, Pokemon Go does not provide the ability to communicate with your teammates inside the game (at least for now), which is not good. But if necessary, alternative methods of communication are not so difficult to find. And with a good connection, as practice shows, it is somewhat easier to capture Halls and then easier to hold them, and it is also easier to exchange information about the discovery of places where some interesting or rare Pokemon gather, about new PokeStops, etc.

Now, actually, about the teams. There are only 3 of them in Pokemon Go: Yellow Team Instinct (captain - Spark, on the emblem - Zapdos), blue Team Mystic (Captain Blanchet, on the emblem - Articuno) and red Team Valor (led by Candela, the bird on the emblem is Moltres).

Does it matter which team you play for?

Some gamers are sure that this is very, very! It is important to choose the right team in Pokemon Go, since this choice determines the success of the player’s entire future career. But in fact, the gameplay of all teams is absolutely the same. None of them are any better or worse than the others.

But only if you play haphazardly. It's a completely different matter when packs of experienced Pokémon players play, they play well and act as a single unit. Their game is certainly different from others. Productivity, first of all. But, of course, outside “teammates” are not invited to such groups. Therefore, you must either look for an opportunity to join a strong flock (maybe you’ll be lucky), or put together and develop your own (the right method, but labor-intensive), or play with just anyone, and see how it turns out (as many do, and, by the way, many good flocks are created this way).

When a coach reaches level 5, the player has the opportunity to choose one of three teams. In this situation, many people have a reasonable question about which team to choose in Pokemon GO. Haste in choosing a team can play a cruel joke on the player in the future, since due to the nature of the game, switching to another one will simply not be possible. First of all, the teams are divided into three directions and correspond to different colors: Yellow (Instinct), Blue (Mystic) and Red (Vailor). By the way, in the future the developers plan to add a fourth one called Harmony to the game.

Often, players, when faced with a choice, simply do not understand why they need to join one of the teams, what opportunities they open up, what their essence is and what bonuses the player receives by choosing one of them. In this article we will try to orient you and together figure out which team is better to choose in Pokemon Go.

The mechanism for selecting a team is quite simple, you just need to tap on the image of your coach, and then select one of three teams. In order to accurately make a choice, we will try to briefly describe each of them so that you have an idea in which direction your further development in the game will take place.

  • Yellow Team - mostly specializes in raising eggs. Therefore, by becoming a member in the future, you will be able to receive good bonuses when raising Pokemon.
  • Blue Team - concentrated their efforts on gaining additional experience and points given while pumping up Pokemon.
  • Red Team - concentrated its efforts on improving the characteristics of Pokemon, thanks to this the Pokemon of this team are the strongest.

We hope that now the question of which team to choose in Pokemon GO is closed for you and you definitely know which team to give preference to. To summarize, I would like to advise that if you want to have the most powerful Pokemon in the game, then you need the Red Team. If you have a craving for rare Pokemon that you can always trade, then your choice is Blue Team. Well, for those who love to create and are ready to work in an incubator, for the subsequent cultivation of new fighters for the Pokemon army, you need to take a closer look at the Yellow Team.

Pokémon trainers, sending the next Pokémon to the professor for research, noticed a new button - Appraise, behind which, of course, a new function was hidden. Let's figure out what Appraise is in Pokemon Go and how to use it in the game.

  1. IV in Pokemon Go what is it
  2. Analysis of Individual Values ​​of Pokemon by Team Valor Leader
  3. Candela's phrases about the size of Pokemon
  4. Analysis of Individual Values ​​of Pokemon by Team Leader Instinct
  5. Spark's phrases about the size of Pokemon
  6. Analysis of Individual Values ​​of Pokemon by Team Mystic Leader
  7. Blanche's phrases about the size of Pokemon
  8. Conclusion

The actual translation of the word Appraise is assessment and the new feature is that team leaders help trainers evaluate the characteristics of caught Pokemon. The question arises: what needs to be assessed there, if we Pokemon trainers see all the parameters this way: CP, HP and height with weight, but as it turned out, not everything is so simple.

IV in Pokemon Go what is it

It turns out that all Pokemon in the game have individual hidden characteristics. The CP Combat Power parameter, which we see in the description of a Pokemon, is a derivative of 3 hidden characteristics:

  1. Attack
  2. Defense
  3. Health (HP)

These characteristics are the so-called IV (Individual Values) of each Pokemon. And it is precisely these characteristics, though not in numerical values, but in phrases corresponding to a certain range, that the team leaders evaluate each Pokemon to us. Apparently, the developers have set themselves the task of making life a little more difficult for Pokemon trainers, so we will get not just streamlined phrases about characteristics, but they will also be different for each team. But brave Pokémon catchers are no strangers to difficulties, especially in countries where the game has not yet been released; if they have learned how to do so, then we can deal with Individual Values ​​even more so.

Appraise in Pokemon Go - Pokemon assessment

To get an assessment from your team leader, just go to the Pokemon menu and click the Appraise button in the lower right corner:

After this, your team leader in Pokemon Go will bless you with revelations about your Pokemon, which in a very veiled form convey data about your Pokemon's IV. But so that you don’t misunderstand the leaders’ messages as revelations of ancient oracles, we have prepared a table with translations of their statements, as well as numerical ranges for the attack, defense or health characteristics of Pokemon, depending on the specific phrase of the leader of each team.

We have presented the phrases of each leader in the form of a table, not graphically, as is usually customary, but textual, this is done so that the phrase can be found using a search on the page. This is done like this:

  1. Click CTRL+F.
  2. Enter the beginning of the phrase, the meaning of which must be found in the search box that appears at the top right.
  3. We get to the desired phrase.

Appraise in Pokemon Go phrases from Valor team leader - Candela

What does Candela think about your Pokemon?

What Candela said

Range of characteristics

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!


In general, your Pokemon was able to amaze me, he is capable of achieving a lot!

(37/45 — 45/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!


In general, your Pokemon is strong, you can be proud of it!

(30/45 — 36/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a decent Pokemon


In general, your Pokemon is not the worst

(23/45 — 29/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!


In general, your Pokemon is unlikely to be a battle hero, but I still like it

(30/45 — 36/45)

Analysis of Individual Values ​​of Pokemon by Team Valor Leader

It's Attack or HP or Defense is its strongest feature


Attack or HP or Protection its best parameter

If Pokemon has 2 strong properties, then Candela will name them too

I'm just as impressed with it Attack or HP or Defense


I'm just amazed by him Attack or HP or Protection

What Candella said What does it mean

I'm blown away by its stats. WOW!


Wow! Its characteristics are simply brutal!

It's got excellent stats! How exciting!


It has wonderful characteristics! How impressive!

Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done.


His characteristics indicate that in battle he is capable of completing the task

Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle.


Its parameters are clearly not for combat

Candela's phrases about the size of Pokemon

What Candella said What size is a pokemon

Your (Pokemon Name) is gigantic-the largest I’ve ever seen!


Your (Pokémon name) is a real giant, he's bigger than anyone I've ever seen


Your (Pokemon Name) is rather sizable, that’s for sure!


Your (Pokémon's name) is big enough, I'm sure!


Aww, what a small (Pokemon Name)! It's rather cute, I'd say


Oh, how small (Pokémon name) is, he's pretty cute I'd say!


Your (Pokemon Name) is so tiny, I almost didn’t notice it!


Your (Pokémon name) is so small that it was a miracle that I saw it!


With this, Candela leaves us with one last word:

Hope I was able to help. Take care!


I hope I was able to help. Be careful!

This is where the communication with the leader of the red cromande Valor ends and the player, filled with the wisdom of Candella and our table, admires his Pokemon.

Appraise phrases from team leader Instinct - Spark

What does Spark think about your Pokemon?

What Spark said

Range of characteristics

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!


All in all, your (Pokémon name) can fight with the best of them

(37/45 — 45/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is really strong!


In general, your (Pokémon name) is really strong!

(30/45 — 36/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is pretty decent!


Overall, your (Pokémon name) is pretty good.

(23/45 — 29/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has room for improvement as far as fighting goes.


In general, it's best for your (Pokémon name) to stay away from fights.

(30/45 — 36/45)

Analysis of Individual Values ​​of Pokemon by Team Leader Instinct

Its best quality is its Attack or HP or Defense


His best quality is Attack or HP or Protection

If Pokemon has 2 strong properties, then Spark will name them too

It's Attack or HP or Defense is great, too!


His Attack or HP or Protection also excellent!

What Spark said What does it mean

Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!


Its characteristics are the best I have ever seen! Don't doubt him!

At least one of the Pokemon's stats has a maximum of 15

Its stats are really strong! Impressive.


Its characteristics are really strong! Impressive!

At least one of the Pokemon's stats is 13 or 14

It's definitely got some good stats. Definitely!


It definitely has some good features. Definitely!

The Pokemon has at least one stat between 8 and 12

Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see


Its stats aren't bad, but they're pretty much basic as far as I can see.

At least one of the Pokemon's stats is from 0 to 7

Spark's phrases about the size of Pokemon

What Candella said What size is a pokemon

Your (Pokemon Name) is just HUGE!


Your (Pokémon's name) is absolutely huge!


Your (Pokemon Name) is a BIG one!


Your (Pokémon's name) is such a big guy!


Your (Pokemon Name) is a little small for its kind, don’t you think?


Your (Pokémon name) is a little small for its type, don't you think?


Wh-whoa. That’s the tiniest (Pokemon Name) I’ve ever seen!


Wow. This (Pokémon name) is the smallest Pokemon I've ever seen!


At this point, Spark leaves us, saying goodbye

That's what I think! See ya!


That's what I think! See you!

Appraise phrases from Mystic team leader - Blanche

What does Blanche think about your Pokemon?

What Blanche said

Range of characteristics

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!


Overall, your (Pokémon name) is wonderful! Its appearance is breathtaking!

(37/45 — 45/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has certainly caught my attention.


Anyway, your (Pokémon name) managed to get my attention

(30/45 — 36/45)

Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is above average.


Overall, your (Pokémon name) is above average.