Self-development vk. “Pavliks in contact”: Publics for self-education Self-improvement in contact

Many users of the social network VKontakte cannot find really interesting public pages and groups on the social network on their own. And this is not surprising, because among all the diversity of communities there are both those that deserve our attention and those that do not represent anything truly worthwhile. For your convenience, we have divided the Top 50 best public pages and groups on VKontakte into five categories.

Helpful information

1. First of all, we would like to recommend you a community that is dedicated to the YaVkontakte website. It is in this community that you can not only find all the latest news and secrets on social networks, but also ask your question if you don’t understand anything about the work of the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and others.

2. Interesting facts about the countries of the world. This is a community in which you will find a variety of interesting facts from all over the planet every day.

3. Ladies' club X-Emotion. A community that is dedicated to the fair half of humanity. Share secrets and receive wise advice.

4. Men's Corner - a magazine for men. If you are a real man, then you simply need to join a community that has brought together alpha males exactly like you.

5. The next public is interesting and great people. In it, every day you will learn about people who, if they did not change the world, then at least managed to become truly famous.

6. Universal Encyclopedia of Knowledge - a VKontakte group in which you can find hundreds of interesting facts and many colorful photographs. See for yourself and tell your friends about the most interesting places on our planet!

7. Encyclopedia of bodybuilding. This community is dedicated to building a beautiful and strong body. Watch motivational videos, photos of athletes and brag about your own achievements.

8. World of cars. If you feel like a real racer at heart, we invite you to join a community of people just like you. Original photos and wall posts are guaranteed!

9. Recipe book - an open group for everyone who wants to cook tasty and satisfying meals. If you have always dreamed of learning how to cook great, you are welcome. Delicious recipes every day!

10. We invite you to read best-selling books posted in the appropriate community. Remember that a person who reads books will always be smarter than someone who watches TV.
11. Let's start with a large and interesting public page of the same name, which is dedicated to computer and console games. If you consider yourself an avid gamer, you will feel very comfortable here!

12. Computer gaming news - a public page in which you will find all the news related to the gaming world. Many screenshots from various toys, art, discussions and videos are also present.

13. Do you like the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which only lazy people haven’t played? Well, then we invite you to join the fans of this RPG on the VKontakte social network.

14. Dishonored is a game that appealed to many people. Spy romance, shadows, murders, conspiracies, you will find all this in the game. And in the VKontakte group you can discuss Dishonored and ask for advice from more experienced players.

15. Assassin's Creed - a community for connoisseurs of quietly and professionally destroying people. In the game, of course.

16. Munchkin is the second most popular board game after Monopoly. If you want to play something like this, we suggest that you first join the appropriate community to learn the rules.

17. GTA 5 is a game that turned the gaming world upside down. Millions of players can't wait for its release on a personal computer. If you are one of them, or you are a lucky player playing GTA 5 on a console, join the community.

18. Do you like post-apocalyptic? Is the abandoned Chernobyl zone beckoning? Join the group and play the cult game, which is recognized as one of the most anticipated in the history of games.

19. Need for Speed ​​is a game that has been played for over ten years and never gets boring! Do you like speed and roar of the engine? Feel free to join the community dedicated to the game.

20. RPG Humor has always been distinguished by its originality. If you love this genre of games, we invite you to join a public page that will delight you with funny jokes and pictures.


21. Before watching movies, it would be nice to know where and how to download them. This is precisely why a community has been created, which is dedicated to a very convenient and useful program called MediaGet.

22. Who among us doesn’t like American action films? Probably only those who have never watched them. We invite you to visit the VKontakte community, which is dedicated specifically to this genre of films.

23. Youth comedies are exactly what we love! For their humor, ridiculous situations and youthful enthusiasm. Join us and watch all the new products in this genre!

24. Science fiction films are almost always about space, alien life forms and exciting adventures. Do you like this? There is a group on VKontakte that will help you keep up with fantastic new products.

25. Melodramas and romantic comedies, contrary to popular belief, are not only girls who like to watch. All new products of a fairly popular genre are collected in one group.

26. Do you want to know everything? Then you cannot do without documentaries, which are presented in large quantities in this open group.

27. You can enjoy films and cartoons from the times of the Soviet Union in a community that is dedicated specifically to this genre.

28. Do you like cowboy romance? Would you like to be on horseback, with two pistols, robbing some stagecoach? Well, enjoy Westerns, which are represented in decent quantities in this community.

29. If you prefer horror films, then you simply must join the VKontakte group of the same name. Follow the news, share your impressions and be afraid every night!

30. Using historical films, you can brush up on history in school and college in a very exciting way. And just watching these epic battles is pure pleasure! Enjoy films of this genre in this community on VKontakte.


31. We would like to open the list of the most convenient and useful programs and applications with a public page dedicated to the Orbitum Internet browser. This browser was created specifically for integration with the most popular social networks. Including VKontakte.

32. App Store freebies are temporarily free applications for iPhone and iPad. If you are the happy owner of these popular gadgets, be sure to join this community. You can download a huge variety of interesting applications and games for yourself.

33. Mint is a youth mobile social Internet magazine for iOS/Android on the VKontakte social network.

34. Do you like to install useful and interesting programs on your computer? Then we recommend that you join a community that is dedicated to just this. Regular updates!

35. Do you want your personal computer or laptop to be reliably protected? Then you should definitely install an antivirus program. And in this group you will find the keys for it.


36. Do you like to keep abreast of the news that is presented on TV screens and shapes your opinion? We suggest you do the same, but on the Internet. You can follow Russian news in all its glory in the RIA Novosti community.

37. Project LIVE is the latest news from the VKontakte social network team. And they concern, of course, exclusively the social network.

38. Euronews - news from around the world. Particularly appropriate if you understand English well.

39. TSN - television news service in Ukraine. If you are a resident of this particular country, add yourself to their community on VKontakte.

40. Tchk - what is being commented on. Original photographs with equally original captions. Everything related to world politics.


41. Most people love football! To follow the news and all matches, subscribe to the “Our Football” public page.

42. Hockey is a sport for real men! All hockey fans gathered in one place on VKontakte, in the “Big Game” group.

43. You will find everything about basketball in the VKontakte community, which we would like to present to your attention.

44. American football is a tough sport that has begun to gain increasing popularity in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. In this community you will find a lot of new and interesting things on the topic.

45. Don't forget about volleyball! A fun and active sport that both adults and children love. You will find everything about this sport in the community, which we are happy to present to your attention.

46. ​​Tennis is not a sport for weaklings. We invite you to join the relevant community to always stay up to date with the news.

47. Table tennis, as you probably know, is fun, interesting and very useful. A sport that deserves your attention.

48. Spectacular boxing is not fun for everyone. Especially not for the faint of heart. But if you are not a faint-hearted pregnant woman, then you will probably be interested in joining the best boxing group.

49. Twist - public VKontakte about cycling. If you are a fan of riding your iron horse, join us!

50. What could be more spectacular than a rally? The roar of the engine and tremendous speed await you in the Vyatka Rally community!

1. Collections of movies, films

A public page with the same “save it on your wall so you don’t forget to look.” For convenience, publications contain the videos themselves along with the lists of films. Lifehacker does not call for piracy: the collections can also be used to watch movies legally.

2. KinoPoisk

Representative office of the largest Russian cinema portal. Trailers, rumors and news from the world of cinema and, of course, live discussions - all this in the KinoPoisk community.

3. Let's take a look at home

A public website that recommends films for home viewing - films that are no longer shown in cinemas, but which are always pleasant to re-watch.

4. LostFilm.TV

A public site administrated by some of the most popular voice-over authors of modern TV series. In the convenient navigation menu you can find information about dozens, and interesting news is published on the wall.


5. movie.soundtracks

For those who love soundtracks as much as the films themselves. Other public sites also publish music from popular films, but movie.soundtracks will also delight you with selections of compositions from old or little-known films.

6. New Albums

Not a single, even more or less noticeable, worthy release will pass by this public page. For supporters of legal listening, the selections are provided with links to Apple Music.

7. Perception of music

Musical selections of different genres. There are only two unifying criteria: quality and beauty. For convenience, the community has a search by genre, as well as a schedule according to which thematic collections are published.

8. Native sound

A public page for fans eager for new discoveries. “Native Sound” publishes both selections of fairly well-known performers (Tesla Boy, Pompeya) and little-known ones, but tested by very picky administrators.

9. History of music

In this group, multi-genre selections are accompanied by generous references for interesting facts. For example, “Day in Music History” posts are published daily, reporting on events in the world of music that happened many years ago.


10. Books & Audiobooks

This community publishes both book selections and individual works. An excellent option for those who like to listen to VKontakte audio while on the go: most of the posts on the wall are accompanied by audiobooks.

11. A thousand devils, what a book!

A public page telling about worthy writers and their works. In addition to collections, audio books and reference information, TCKK has another important advantage - the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people. The works are actively discussed in the comments, and the administration publishes a daily evening entry “What book do you read at night?”

The science

12. Museum of Cosmonautics

The official public page of the Museum of Cosmonautics, founded in Moscow in 1981. Not only news from the life of the institution, but also interesting facts about the history of space exploration are published on the wall.

13. N+1

Representation of the popular science publication N+1 “VKontakte”. Articles are published on the latest technological developments, news from the world of physics, biology, astronautics and robotics.

14. Arzamas

“The history of culture in video, texts and photographs” is a description that fully corresponds to the content published by the Arzamas publication. In the community you can learn a lot of new things about interesting things that are not taught in history and literature lessons, for example about vegetarianism in pre-revolutionary Russia and secret signs in Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov.

15. History elective

Texts in which the character and individuality of the author are felt are sometimes much more interesting to read than the usual articles written in an informational style. The author of the public is Olya Andreeva, a columnist for the Diletant publication, who delights subscribers with weekly articles on history.

Business and motivation

16. Startups and business

Public publication of, which writes about startups, growing businesses and new earning models. No useless quotes or general motivational advice - just facts, news and interviews with entrepreneurs.

17. IQ Blog - Business secrets

For those who need motivation and support with advice on , this public page will help. Various entries are published on the wall: quotes and facts from the lives of historical figures, useful articles and thematic book selections.

Sports and fitness

18. Sports Articles | Body-building

In this public, the purpose of motivating is not catchy quotes, but detailed, useful texts, recommendations from which can be applied in practice. Articles from this community will help you not only give your body the desired shape, but also do it competently, without harming your health.

19. Personal trainer

Another public page for those for whom improving the body is not just another hobby, but one of the prevailing goals in life. Many posts are supported by videos.

20. Body fitness, fitness bikini, fitness

In this community you can find all the information you need to keep your body in shape: motivational quotes, funny pictures, exercise instructions, nutrition tips and even diet recipes.


21. PP. Healthy lifestyle Recipes

Continuing the previous category: a public page with recipes for dishes that will not harm your figure. The administrators assure that all recipes are original, and the photographs of the dishes are real.

22. Cook it! - delicious recipes

A public page with regular recipes, not just for those losing weight. Its audience is more than two million people, and the number of entries is approaching 60 thousand, which allows us to talk about Cook it! as one of the most popular and complete recipe books on VKontakte. For convenience, the “Information” block contains a special “Search for recipes” item.


23. Freakbook

Every day Freakbook collects interesting articles from the Russian-language Internet and offers them to the reader with a note about the time it will take to read.

24. New about

Another public broadcasting the best materials on the Internet, this time from abroad. Administrators invite subscribers to vote in a poll for the article in English that they would like to read. After some time, a translation of the article is published.

25. Life hacker

And finally, we couldn’t help but mention our public page. The community broadcasts articles from the site on various topics, united by a common goal - to make the reader’s life better.

Self-development proceeds on the basis of the formation of certain knowledge. To gain knowledge, you need to read books and articles, that is, obtain valuable information that can later be used to achieve your goals. The process of self-development can only begin if you have already been able to choose the right direction for your actions. We recommend that you join a group in contacts, for example -, or Or you can turn your attention to the official group of Alexander Sviyasha, who is considered a true master of spiritual balance. That is, in fact, unlimited possibilities open up before you. All you need to do is use these opportunities in your own development.

Self-development from “A” to “Z”

Many people who decide on personal self-development understand that this process has multifaceted aspects, and is not always successful solely for the reason that we simply do not have the strength to complete the work we have started. To get prospects for active action, you definitely need to properly motivate and stimulate yourself. In this case, the most reasonable option would be to search for information that can guide us on the true path. There are quite a few groups in Contacts that gather visitors based on their interests. In this case, you have a great opportunity:
  1. obtain valuable information;
  2. read interesting articles on self-development and psychology;
  3. get answers to your questions;
  4. communicate with those people who, like you, are interested in self-development.
It is for this reason that such groups have now become incredibly relevant and in demand, because they actually allow one to obtain maximum prospects and opportunities for the formation of new knowledge necessary for the subsequent process of self-development, education, and the formation of true determination.

Features of self-development in the company

Of course, it is very difficult for a person to start something new. It is for this reason that such a negative aspect is formed as the lack of desire to continue one’s own self-development. However, if you correctly approach the aspect of studying full-fledged methods of self-development and self-education, then you will receive a ready-made action plan, the use of which will become an indisputable basis for the formation of the true success of your life. In a company, performing certain steps using one or another method is much more interesting. Firstly, there is a kind of competition. Secondly, you can always communicate on this or that topic, look at certain mistakes together, and again rush into battle for your own well-being.

The process of self-development includes the following stages:...

Alexander Sviyash is a master of positive thinking, a psychologist who has written more than 13 books. Moreover, it should be noted that the circulation of these books is very, very significant. Books translated...

We continue to tell you how to spend time on social networks usefully. This issue contains several interesting groups on the VKontakte social network that will make you more erudite.


The creators of the public “Why?” they try to explain to readers how the world works by answering their questions. So, subscribers of the group can learn about why a person falls into a lethargic sleep or why Phineas Gage is a man without a brain. Each answer belongs to a specific category. For example, science, health, psychology, history, animals, other, nature. We recommend that everyone who is curious and wants to learn as much as possible subscribe.

Number of subscribers: 1,631,213

Increasing sorrow

The main topics are philosophy, history and literature. In the group you can see a short film about mathematics, quotes from books on philosophy, “intellectual” comics, memes, photographs and much more. The creators of the public manage to talk about serious things in a non-boring and often witty way.

Number of subscribers: 1921


Group H Λ T E T H E F R E N C H is dedicated to French theorists and philosophers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In it you can find interesting texts, rare photographs of outstanding philosophers, audio lectures and films. In addition, the creators, avoiding excessive seriousness, publish ironic memes in the group.

Number of subscribers: 4,445

Curious facts from different fields: biology, literature, political science, philosophy, psychology, geography. The group will be of interest to all curious people; for those who do not have enough formal information from textbooks.