Open left menu Kalithea, Chalkidiki. Beautiful views of Kallithea Kallithea Rhodes holiday

Kallithea Beach, or Kallithea, is one of the many beaches of the Kassandra Peninsula, located on its eastern coast in the village of Kallithea in the Halkidiki region. This is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Kassandra, thanks to its natural conditions, as well as its developed service sector.

This holiday destination is perfect for both young people, for whom Kallithea has a lot of entertainment, and for a relaxing family holiday. In addition to all its advantages, Kallithea beach is also quite free, it is not too crowded. Many people come here to enjoy the silence and relax in a pleasant, calm atmosphere.

Rest conditions

Kallithea is a pebble and sand beach. The stones here are not too large, and the sand is fine, soft and sparkling in the sun. The descent into the sea on the beach is quite gentle and also does not have very large stones. Moreover, the water depth in the bay is shallow, and in order for its level to be higher than your height, you will need to cover a considerable distance. This is one of the reasons for the popularity of family holidays on Kallithea beach.

The beach itself is very clean and has no trash. The water is emerald and transparent, so that through it you can see very beautiful shells and stones covered with algae at the bottom. One of the most important confirmations of its purity is the fact that it is marked with the Blue Flag. This is an international award that recognizes the most environmentally friendly and least polluted resorts.

Kallithea beach has a well-developed infrastructure for a comfortable stay. First of all, it is worth noting that it is not too crowded here, and therefore there are enough sunbeds and umbrellas with which the beach is equipped for all vacationers. There are also changing cabins and showers here.

Weather on Kallithea beach

Thanks to the convenient location of the beach among the hills, it is always very calm and almost windless. The waves in the bay are very small, so swimming here is safe even for children, and there are almost no storms. The comfortable Mediterranean climate with long and warm summers allows tourists to relax on Kallithea beach from May to October. The air temperature at this time fluctuates around 25-35 degrees Celsius, and there is very little precipitation in the summer. The water in the bay near the beach warms up quite quickly due to its shallow depth. Please note that the sand also becomes very hot in the sun, so you should not walk on the beach without shoes.

Kallithea Beach is a great place to enjoy a quiet holiday and warm sun.

In winter, the weather on the beach is not conducive to relaxation, as it is a very rainy season. Moreover, the air temperature is not very high, on average 15 degrees. Pay attention to this fact and try to plan your holiday on Kallithea beach during the warm season.

Things to do

Fans of traditional beach holidays will be pleased with the local conditions. Adults can sunbathe on sun loungers, and children will be delighted by the snow-white sand and clear warm water. Around the beach and on its territory there are small cafes, bars and taverns where you can both drink soft drinks and have a full lunch.

For those who want to spend their holiday more active, Kallithea Beach also offers plenty of water sports opportunities. There is a whole water sports center here, which offers water skiing or banana boat rides, paragliding over the sea and diving. The local clear waters and diversity of flora and fauna are especially conducive to diving, and you don’t need to have experience to do it. You can also rent a canoe, catamaran or sailing yacht on the beach. In different parts of the beach there are sports grounds where you can play volleyball.

Be sure to just take a walk along the shore. You'll find plenty of unusual views and great photo spots. Previously, Kallithea beach was a place of pilgrimage, as the temples of Ammon Zeus and Dionysus were located here. To this day you can observe the ruins of these ancient sanctuaries.

You can also go a little further, beyond the beach area, and get to the entertainment center, where you can play bowling or ride horses and go-karts. Kallithea also has shops where you can buy shoes, clothes, jewelry and, of course, souvenirs. Famous local clubs are located outside the village so as not to disturb vacationers.

The small but cozy and comfortable village of Kallithea in Halkidiki is quite a popular holiday destination among tourists. It has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable beach holiday, comfortable sandy beaches and a good selection of hotels and apartments. The village is not large, located right on the seashore, but to get to the beach you have to cross the road and go down the hill.

There is no embankment as such in Kallithea, and to get to the sea you need to go down a small path across this road. It’s convenient to go down, but you’ll have to climb back 300 meters, which is difficult in the heat, especially for the elderly. The road is not congested, the traffic on it is calm, you can cross along the zebra crossing.

There are many taverns and various shops in Kallithea, both grocery and souvenir shops. In the evenings it’s nice to take a walk here, sit in some stylish tavern with a cup of coffee and get acquainted with the national Greek cuisine. In some taverns, the owners organize Greek evenings with national music and dancing, which pleasantly brightens up the evening for any company. There are such creative taverns that offer stunning views of the sea. For the sake of such beauty and views, Greeks from neighboring villages often come to Kallithea for dinner. At the same time, the village itself is quiet and not a party place; there are no discos or noisy events in it. All noisy bars and youth restaurants are located on the outskirts and do not cause any inconvenience. or you can safely take a hotel anywhere in the village, not necessarily on the first line, because from the farthest point to the sea is no more than a kilometer.

Kallithea on Kassandra has an excellent sea; there are almost never waves here, because... all beaches are protected from the winds by mountains. Moreover, the entry into the sea is gentle, which is very convenient for families with children. The sea here is very beautiful, the water is clean and transparent, and the beaches are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay: sun loungers, umbrellas, changing rooms and fresh showers. If sunbeds and umbrellas are not included in your hotel price, then you will have to pay about 6-8 euros for them per set. You can also sit on the beach with your umbrella on your blanket or towel. During the high season, there are many tourists with children on the beaches of Kallithea, which may not please everyone.

To travel around the area, it is best to rent a car or book an excursion, because... There are not many attractions in Halkidiki, and those that exist are not close, and public transport will not always please with its schedule.

Umbrellas on the beach

The water on the beaches of Kallithea is very clear and clean

Sea in Kallithea

Sandy beach of Kallithea. Halkidiki

Kallithea is located in Halkidiki on the Kassandra peninsula on its eastern shore at a distance of 70 kilometers from Macedonia Airport in Thessaloniki. Getting to Kallithea by public transport is not easy because, firstly, it is long and inconvenient, and secondly, public transport in Kassandra does not run very regularly, to put it mildly. First you will need to get from the airport to the city bus station, and then take a bus to Kallithea. Travel time from the station to the village is approximately two hours. Therefore, it is best to either book a transfer or take a taxi in advance. The cost of a taxi from the airport in Thessaloniki will cost you approximately 100-120 euros. You can also rent a car.

In Halkidiki, Kallithea is known as the busiest resort town and also with the most beautiful views.

Kallithea is one of the most famous and visited resorts of Kassandra. Such fame is fully justified: the city has hotels of all categories, large supermarkets, many souvenir shops, a clean sandy beach and some of the best taverns in Halkidiki. And also - magnificent views of the sea, which have become the hallmark of Kallithea.

The town of Kallithea has a name that speaks for itself. It is translated as “beautiful view”, and it really is: from the observation deck and the coast of Kallithea, amazingly beautiful panoramas open up. You can see the outlines of Sithonia, and in clear weather, Mount Athos. The territory where Kallithea is located has a centuries-old history. You can easily verify this by visiting the ancient ruins near the beach.

The modern village appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century and was founded by Greek settlers from Asia Minor. Until this time, the territory of the village was the patrimony of the monks. Today Kallithea is a developed resort town where you can have a fun holiday, relax on clean beaches, shop and enjoy Greek cuisine.

Sights: what to see in Kallithea and nearby

The main attraction that attracts tourists to Kallithea is the ruins of the ancient temple of Ammon Zeus. Archaeologists have found that back in the Bronze Age, people used this place to worship the gods. Later, during Roman times, baths and an amphitheater were built near the temple. The ancient ruins were found by accident - in the late 60s they began to build a hotel here and during the work they made an important discovery. Next to the ruins there is a cave, which was discovered a little later. It functioned as a sanctuary of Dionysus. The place was chosen by ancient people because of the springs - they took water from them for rituals.

There are always a lot of tourists gathering at the Kallithea observation deck. This is a place to watch sunsets and enjoy those very “beautiful views”. Near the observation deck there is a square and a church in honor of St. Nicholas. In half an hour or even less you can reach ancient Afitos from Kallithea. It is known as the most beautiful city of Kassandra with views no less picturesque than in Kallithea. In Afitos, many historical houses and a church have been preserved, and there is an ethnographic museum.

Kallithea Beach

The coast of Kallithea, surrounded by green hills, delights with clean soft sand and a fairly long coastline. The beach has sun loungers and several bars, water activities are available - this is one of the most organized beaches in Halkidiki. During the high season, the coast of Kallithea is crowded, but on its outskirts you can find quiet and uncrowded corners. And the best part of the coast is its right side, where there is the gentlest entrance to the sea, there are no waves and the cleanest sand.

Kallithea beach has a drawback that will seem significant to some tourists. The path to it lies along a steep road and takes about 7 minutes. You can stay in a hotel on the coast, but in this case you will have to go up to the center of Kallithea - to taverns and shops.

Entertainment and infrastructure in Kallithea

Kallithea rightfully received the title of the most party place on Kassandra. At the height of the season, clubs and bars operate here, concerts of famous musicians are held - in a word, life is in full swing. That is why Kallithea attracts young people from Northern Greece and European countries. August is the height of the parties. But for other categories of tourists, Kallithea has become a favorite destination. Families with children will appreciate the abundance of entertainment for the younger generation; they will be pleasantly surprised by the number of cozy taverns for a relaxing pastime. The nightlife of the resort will not disturb the guests of Kallithea: almost all the clubs are remote from the center of the village and are located outside of it.

Kallithea has everything a modern resort should have. Here you can rent a car and play bowling, buy an excursion at a travel agency and visit fur salons. The city has large supermarkets, souvenir shops and specialized stores selling Greek honey, cosmetics and olive oil. In addition to taverns and restaurants, Kallithea has pizzerias, Greek fast food cafes and bakeries, where you can taste a wide variety of traditional pastries.

How to get there

From Thessaloniki: take bus number 45 to the K.T.E.L. stop. Halkidikis, after which - on a regular bus to Kallithea.

From Thessaloniki Airport: take bus number 79 to the IKEA stop, then change to bus number 36 to K.T.E.L. Halkidikis. Buses depart from the station to Kallithea. The journey from the airport to the resort will take at least 2 hours.

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"? Why is Kallithea popular? What is the city's main archaeological site? What does the cave sanctuary contain? The beaches of Kallithea are a paradise for relaxation, and the shops are a delight for shopaholics. What can nightlife, clubs and taverns captivate sophisticated travelers?

When we say Kallithea, we are essentially saying “rest”. The same can be said about Cassandra, the most famous Chalcidian finger. It is here that numerous visitors and tourists flock.

In the town of Silonas, near Kallithea, early Christian basilicas were discovered, built at the beginning of the sixth century. The church was built on the site of an old building believed to have been the home of Christian martyrs.

Kallithea is located in a wild place, which is completely overgrown with wild trees that have not been cultivated. From the very edge of this finger we can observe the next process of Cassandra - Sithonia. If you manage to climb to the outskirts of Kallithea in good and clear weather, then you can easily see the famous Athos.

Of course, the wealth of Kallithea is not its geographical location or forests growing in disarray, but archaeological values, which, however, are sufficient throughout Greece. Here is an ancient temple that was dedicated to Amun, who later became known as Zeus. Also, next to the temple, a cave was found, in which, according to archaeologists, rituals dedicated to the god Dionysus were probably carried out.

To build the temple of Zeus Ammon, limestone was used, which was then covered with a layer of white marble, so over time, part of the temple had to be redone, replacing the limestone with marble. The Temple of Zeus measured 6 by 11 columns.

The Temple of Amun was most likely built around the 5th century BC, and was completed until modern look it already in the 4th century. Initially, it most likely consisted simply of an altar, and only then the temple itself was completed.

The name Kallithea itself is usually translated as “beautiful view”, and this is true. It is difficult to find species such as in this part of Kassandra anywhere else. Kassandra is the center of the peninsula, and Kallithea, located very close, is its decoration. If Kassandra is an economic and financial center, then Kallithea is a holiday for the eyes and hearts of the Greeks living there. In the summer it is impossible to find a single free hotel room there. And this situation with tourists occurs throughout the entire vacation period.

Viewers visiting the Cave of the Nymphs can see a wall about a meter high standing on a level platform above the entrance, which belonged to a Byzantine church dating back to 1000 AD.

The central streets are full of shops for tourists - souvenirs, summer clothes, accessories for water activities, sweets and much more can be seen in beautiful shop windows and on street stands. Nearby are shady outdoor cafeterias and taverns, from which the soothing melodies of national Greek songs flow. Kallithea beach is long, sandy and well equipped. It should be noted that the cleanliness of the beaches in Greek resorts is monitored very carefully. At the end of April, they must be cleaned and put in order for the upcoming season, and then maintained in this condition until the end of summer.

Kallithea has quite a large selection of real estate for sale and rent - from small apartments to spacious cottages near the coast, both in the town itself and at the entrance to it, for those who prefer some privacy. Kallithea is an international resort, like all other resorts in Halkidiki, and throughout Greece. Here you will meet English, French, Russians, Greeks and others in equal proportions. From Macedonia Airport to the town of Kallithea it is less than an hour's drive by car.

When the Romans captured the peninsula, they kept the sanctuary of Zeus, but built two more buildings next to the temple, located like an amphitheater. Of the Christian buildings, only one church, built in 1865, has survived to this day.

In the village itself, the beach is sandy and clean (awarded the “blue flag”), but it has one significant drawback - the descent and ascent from it to the center of the village takes place along a rather steep long staircase. The beaches adjacent to the village are located on the territory of hotels, one of the best is another blue flag holder, Kriopygy 2 beach, located 2.5 km south of the village and belongs to the Alexander The Great hotel. A well-maintained beautiful beach with white sand is surrounded by coniferous forests, palm trees and eucalyptus trees. The territory is free from sea traffic and water activities.

A large assortment and low prices are presented in the Masutis supermarket chain. There are also souvenir shops and a couple of fur coat shops. The village has many inexpensive, tasty taverns, so choosing a place for lunch or dinner will not be difficult. But you won’t be able to have breakfast or drink morning coffee - cafes and restaurants open no earlier than 12.00. Tavern Diaz, just outside Kallithea, has good food, large portions and impressive views of the bay.

A sports competition is timed to coincide with the feast of St. Panteleimon, celebrated on July 27: on the last Sunday of July, a swim takes place in the Toronean Gulf from Kallithea to Nikiti (24 km). In the evening, a folk festival with national dances is held on Nikiti beach.

Kallithea has the status of the most party place in Halkidiki. The entertainment complex consists of several discos, the largest of which is Ahoy, and is located two kilometers from the village. Therefore, in Kallithea itself there is peace and quiet at night, but in hotels located nearby, music can be heard (especially in rooms facing the clubs). The most active and eventful month of nightlife is August.

An alternative to dancing until the morning can be bowling, karting, an equestrian club, as well as all types of water activities on the beach. History and archeology buffs can explore the ruins of the temples of Ammon Zeus and Dionysus. At 4 km is the town of Afitos, notable for its rich history, which can be found in the local ethnographic museum, and great beach. On July 27, local residents celebrate a holiday dedicated to the patron saint of the village - St. Panteleimon. Since 1971, an international swimming marathon across the Toroneos Gulf has been held in July, starting in Kallithea and ending in Sithonia, in the village of Nikiti.